#Hatta Thread
bestworstcase · 1 year
clearly the wonderland stuff has hit critical mass because it’s 6 AM and i’m lying here wide awake trying to line up thoughts in order of which ones i want to write out most except i keep bumping into more SO LIKE. send help i am losing my grip
- kernel of a thought i’ve been gnawing on for a while now that there’s a pattern to the wonderland allusion that i can’t quite put my finger on yet. but it’s like—there’s a sort of temporal wobbliness to what and when that feels like it might be something but also just continual swirling it all around D4, D6 and D7, looping in the aaiw stuff and the red queen by constructing new associations (the queen of hearts was the red king, the duchess’s baby becomes the jabberwalker, the cat leads to hatter leads to hatta, the caterpillar lives in the forest where ruby loses her ‘name’, the beach is the garden is the pool of tears is the island for hunting the snark (<- are the mice the bellman’s crew lol. what are they hunting) and like the connecting thread here is mirrored pairs, the tweedles and hatter/hatta and the immanent reflection of the self in mirror-written jabberwocky, with the cat emerging as both the cheshire cat and humpty dumpty to the jabberwalker’s poetry (<- which draws another circle around neo and the jabberwalker in that the cat belongs to the duchess and the duchess is fanatically concerned with meaning in a way that sits kitty-corner to humpty dumpty’s determination not to let denotative meaning get in his way) and then there’s this undergirding idea of ascension and like—never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them otherwise. the you you wanted to be when you were still you. it’s a matter of perspective, i’m afraid. & they want to get to the tree but can’t but the intertextual layer of the narrative has them oscillating back and forth between primarily D6 and D7; they are so close to winning the game but they can’t see the forest for the tree—and the tree functions like looking glass gardens and perhaps more saliently like the red queen, in that alice wants to meet the red queen but cannot find her until she turns about-face and walks away. (“her tree” huh.) (the blacksmith is the tree is the queen; all the ways about here belong to her and, of course, a cat can look at a king. or a queen.)
- the speaker, the subject, the jabberwock; the knight, jaune, the jabberwalker? (<- also occurring to me suddenly that the reason the only critters from the first stanza not present in the marketplace are the raths is, the duchess’s baby turns into a pig—and a rath is a sort of green pig—and neo is both lost and driven by wrath—and her constructs have recently gained the ability to outgribe.)
- in light of the jabberwalker being the story’s [unwritten, unfinished] ending i am feeling SOME TYPE OF WAY about specifically houston!worst day of my life bc like. man. “once upon a time/i knew who i was/some of it was true.” “i feel as if i’m caught between/what i say and what i mean” “could there be someone else to blame/for why it always feels the same/inside this woman i became” MAN.
- actually yeah no no more equivocating someone on the writing team saw this musical during the houston run. i don’t care who i don’t care to confirm i just know in my heart where all the brainworms live. what’s your title/what’s your purpose :)
- c o r n w i n k l e
- laughing hysterically forever about what this implies about ozlem OH YOU MEANT DIVORCED DIVORCED. LOL. LMAO
- ahem.
- wonderland—more precisely hunting of the snark—has a particular invocation of the rule of three (anything said thrice is true) and given the obvious fun rwby could have with an idea like that i’m wondering if we’ll see it repeated in the ever after in some capacity, whether as a literal narrative rule within the ever after or thematically. it occurs to me that it might have done already; “i am a huntress” is repeated thrice before crashing into ruby’s existential dread and uncertainty (<- the beaver loses count and mathematical panic ensues, which incidentally is also the part of the poem where the jubjub bird appears and, further incidentally for the bees people in the audience, is also the bonding moment in which the friendship between the butcher and the beaver becomes so homoerotic that there’s academic discourse about whether the beaver might actually be female, so make of that what you will.)
- the lively carpenter is not the blacksmith so Question Mark. the thing is the walrus and the carpenter is the tweedles’ poem so its inclusion fits the 4/6/7 focus and it connects to both the forest without names and the red king directly, and perhaps to the jabberwalker in the more roundabout sense that where jabberwocky is a poem about slaying a creature the walrus and the carpenter is about people behaving monstrously. who’s the carpenter and what are the oysters
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penuntutilmudotnet · 2 days
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🤔10.09.2020 Dr Maza. Istighosah, menyeru Tuhan memohon pertolongan. La haula wala quwwata illa billah🤔#2021 #S_DR._MAZA "Teks ini mengandungi beberapa idea penting tentang kalimat "la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah." Berikut adalah versi yang diperbaiki dengan penambahan perenggan, noktah, dan koma tanpa mengubah maksud asal: --- Ini adalah kalimat yang bukan istighfar, tetapi sebahagian daripada "la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah." Walaupun kita tidak rela, ia seperti mengganti tempat "Inna ilahi wa inna ilaihi roji'un." Sebagaimana kata Syekhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah rahimahullah, kalimat ini bukan sekadar istighfar; ia adalah kalimat yang menyeru Tuhan memohon pertolongan. Maksudnya, kita dengan "la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah" adalah mengakui bahawa tidak ada daya dan tidak ada upaya melainkan dengan Allah. Kita minta Allah tolong kita; kita minta Allah mengupayakan kita. Kita minta Allah memberikan kekuatan kepada kita, kerana kita tidak ada daya dan kita tidak ada upaya melainkan dengan kekuatan Allah azzawajalla. Hatta untuk melangkah menuju ke tempat solat, kita tidak berupaya melakukannya melainkan dengan pertolongan Allah. Sebab itulah "la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah" merupakan kalimat yang hebat. Kata Abuzar Al-Hifari, dalam riwayat Ibnu Hibban, dia menceritakan bahawa Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam berpesan kepadanya agar memperbanyakkan ucapan ini. Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda, "Anuq sirabni kawali lahaula wa la quwwata illa billah." Di antara Khawlah bin Kunuzil Jannah, Nabi menyuruh agar kita banyakkan lafaz ini kerana ia merupakan khazanah daripada khazanah syurga. Dalam riwayat Abu Musa Al-Sha'ari yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari, Nabi bersabda, "Ya Abdullah bin Qais, alaa adun luka ala kalimatin hiya kanzul min kunuzil Jannah." Wahai Abdullah bin Qais, mahu tak aku tunjukkan kepada kamu satu kalimah yang merupakan simpanan daripada simpanan berharga syurga? Kalimat itu adalah "la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah." Walaupun ada riwayat yang sedikit perbincangan tentang kedudukan kekuatan riwayat itu, kita harus melihat bahawa "la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah" adalah keajaiban ucapan yang diucapkan oleh hamba. Jika dia membanyakkan kalimat ini, Allah akan menolongnya dan memberikan keajaiban pertolongan yang tidak disangka-sangka. Sebab itu, marilah kita memperbanyakkan ucapan "la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah." --- Semoga penambahbaikan ini membantu menyampaikan maksud dengan lebih jelas!..." https://penuntutilmu.net/soal-jawab-pt/10-09-2020-dr-maza-istighosah-menyeru-tuhan-memohon-pertolongan-la-haula-wala-quwwata-illa-billah/?feed_id=1447&_unique_id=66ea42aa87f96 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/penuntutilmu.net/ Telegram Channel: https://t.me/PenuntutIlmuDotNet Thread: https://www.threads.net/@penuntutilmudotnet
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lfmcn · 9 months
Medikal Estetik Yaptırırken Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler
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Güzellik trendleri çok hızlı değişiyor. Bu yüzden takip etmek oldukça zor… Üstelik sadece kozmetik alanında ya da kıyafet alanında da değil, estetik alanında da bir moda var. Bir dönem aşırı kalkık burunlar moda olurken artık doğal burunlar moda. Hatta az biraz kusuru olan burunlar daha bir öne çıkıyor. Bu yüzden de kadınların herhangi bir medikal estetik operasyonu için bıçak altına yatmadan önce çok iyi düşünmesi gerekiyor. Tam da bu noktada medikal estetik uygulamalar, ameliyatsız estetik yöntemler karşımıza çıkıyor. Peki bunlar neler?
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Ameliyatsız Güzellik Uygulamaları
Ameliyatsız güzellik uygulamaları aslında oldukça fazla… Bu yüzden istediklerinizin hemen hepsini ameliyata gerek kalmadan sahip olabiliyorsunuz. Yeter ki doğru seçimi yapın ve uzmanını bulun. Tercih edebileceğiniz bazı güzellik uygulamaları ise şunlar: - PDO-Thread Lifting Yöntemi: Ameliyatsız iple yüz germe uygulaması olarak tarif edebileceğimiz bu yöntem sayesinde dudaklarda, kollarda, memede ve diğer sarkan ya da kırışıklık etkisi görülen bölgelerde kullanılabiliyor. İple germe sayesinde kırışıklıklar giderilerek daha genç, daha canlı ve sağlıklı bir görünüm ortaya çıkarılıyor. - Hollywood yanağı: Tıpta bichectomy olarak geçen bu uygulama sayesinde yanaklara estetik dokunuşlar gerçekleştiriliyor. - PRP: Bu uygulama sayesinde ciltte oluşan yaşlılık izleri ve kırışıklıklar giderilebiliyor. Bu sayede daha genç görünmek isteyenler hayallerine kavuşuyor. - Dolgu uygulamaları: Burun ucu düşüklüğüne karşı yapılan dolgu uygulamaları ile daha toplu, daha şık bir buruna sahip olabiliyorsunuz. Yine dolgu uygulamaları sayesinde meme büyütme işlemi de yaptırabilirsiniz. Daha dolgun memelere sahip olmak, sarkmaların önüne geçmek isteyenler için fazlaca tercih edilen bir seçenektir. - Lipofilling işlemleri: El yüzeyinde yaşlılığa bağlı olarak doku kaybı olabiliyor. Bu durumda hazır dolgu maddesi uygulamasıyla sorunun üstesinden gelinebiliyor. - Botoks işlemleri: Dudak kenarlarını yukarı doğru kaldırmak için botoks işlemleri fazlaca tercih edilmekte ve etkili sonuçlar alınmaktadır. Ameliyatsız burun estetiği yöntemleri ameliyatsız güzellik uygulamaları arasında en fazla rağbet görenlerden oluyor. Bu yöntemlerde hyalüronik asit dolguları, botoks gibi birçok tanıdık estetik yöntemi bir arada kullanılabiliyor. Tabi ki bütün bu yöntemler, burun estetiği konusunda deneyimli olan, pek çok vaka görmüş uzmanlar tarafından gerçekleştirilmelidir. Aksi taktirde başarılı bir operasyondan ziyade kötü sonuçlar ortaya çıkabilir. Estetik uygulamalar doğrudan dışa dönük alanlarda olacağından da hem güzelliğinize hem sağlığınıza zarar verebilir.
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Ameliyatsız Estetik Uygulamalar Yaptırırken Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler Yüzün her bölümü, burun da buna dahil olmak üzere, kişiye özeldir. Bu yüzden ameliyatsız estetik yöntemleri uygulatırken bazı hususlara maksimum düzeyde dikkat edilmelidir. Bunları da şöyle sıralayabiliriz: - Her bireyin estetik kodları farklıdır. Bu yüzden tedavi detayları kişiye özel belirlenmelidir. - Odaklanılması gereken kırışıklıklar değil, düzeltilmek istenen duygu durumudur. Dokunuşlar buna göre yapılmalıdır. - İlk olarak temel bölgeleri iyileştirmek, daha sonra kalan bölgelere tedaviyi belirlemek gerekmektedir. - Ekseriyetle yukardan aşağıya ve dıştan içe yapılan uygulamalar daha doğal sonuçlar doğurmaktadır. - Yüzde yapılacak medikal estetik uygulamaları başlangıç noktası yüzün ortasından değil, diğer bölgelerden başlanırsa daha sağlıklı sonuçlar elde edilebilir. - Yüz bir bütündür. Bu yüzden lokal bir işlem yapılacaksa dahi bütünü görmek önemli bir püf noktasıdır. Read the full article
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middleeastvalve01 · 1 year
Forged steel globe valve in UAE
Middleeast valve is one of the best  Forged steel globe valve in UAE. We supply to cities like Ajman, Kalba,  and Hatta.
Body Material: [F3, F304, F316, F31L, F51, F55, F91, SS304, SS316, SS316L, SS904L]
Class: 150 to 2500; PN10 to PN 450
Size: DN 10 to DN 1200
Ends: Buttweld, Flanged, Socketweld, Threaded
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Operations: Hand-wheel operated globe valve, Pneumatic actuated globe valve, Electric actuated globe valve, Gear operated globe valve.
A forged steel globe valve is called so because it is constructed using forged steel materials, which provide it with durability, strength, and resistance to high pressures and temperatures. The "globe" in its name comes from the shape of its body, which resembles a globe or a ball.
The primary function of a forged steel globe valve is to regulate the flow of fluid in a pipeline. By using a movable disc or plug that can be raised or lowered, the valve can either allow or restrict the flow of the fluid.
The working of a forged steel globe valve involves the movement of a disc or plug inside the valve body. This disc is connected to a stem that extends outside the valve body, allowing it to be operated from the outside. When the valve is in the fully open position, the disc is lifted off the valve seat, allowing fluid to flow through the valve with minimal resistance. When the valve is closed, the disc is pressed against the valve seat, blocking the flow of fluid completely.
To operate the valve, a handwheel, lever, or actuator is used to turn the stem, raising or lowering the disc to control the flow rate. The degree to which the disc is raised or lowered determines the amount of flow allowed through the valve.
Middleeast valve is the greatest Forged steel globe valve in UAE and used for regulating fluid flow in various industries. Its ability to provide precise flow control makes it a valuable component in systems where flow rates need to be carefully managed.
Advantages of forged steel globe valve:
Strength and durability
Corrosion resistance
Wear resistance
Tight sealing
Industries of forged steel globe valve:
2.Oil and gas
3.Power generation
4.Water and wastewater
Applications of forged steel globe valve:
●Piping in small sizes.
●Plumbing sector.
●Provide flow control.
●Provide leak tightness.
●Pumps and compressors.
●Used as an emergency shutdown valve
Visit us:- https://www.middleeastvalve.com/product-category/forged-steel-globe-valve/
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teknodiot · 1 year
Kaspersky, Threads’i Hedef Alan Dolandırıcılık Faaliyetlerine Karşı Uyarıyor!
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avantajix · 1 year
Bowling Topunu Neden Karpuz Gibi İki Elle Fırlatmalıyız?
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Sevgili Dostlar,
Jason Belmonte çok değişik bir sporcu. Bowlingde dünyanın bir numarası. Özelliği şu: Topu klasik şekilde atmıyor. Herkes bowling topunu Taş Devri filmindeki Fred Çakmaktaş gibi tek elle atarken, o karpuz fırlatır gibi 2 elle atıyor ve devamlı kazanıyor.
Hatta seyircilerin ve rakiplerinin görmediği bir detay daha var: Bowling topunun üzerinde 3 delik olmasına rağmen 2 delik ona yetiyor ve başparmağını sokmuyor. Yani rakiplerinin anlamadığı çok değişik bir teknikle herkesi yeniyor.
-Fred Çakmaktaş’ın ve diğer herkesin atış şekli ŞÖYLE. -Jason Belmonte’nin atış şekli ŞÖYLE. -Jason Belmonte’nin antrenman çalışması ŞÖYLE.
Jason Belmonte, ya da taraftarlarının ona verdiği isimle Belmo, “Kitaplarda yazan gibi yaparsam rekabete girerim, ama bu şekilde yapınca rekabet/üstü oluyorum” diyor. “Rekabet/üstü” kelimesi Edward de Bono tarafından icat edilmiş İngilizce “Sur/petition” kelimesinden geliyor.
Alışverişin kitaplarda yazmayan tekniği ise Avantajix. Rekabet/üstü olmak için bir-iki Avantajix tıkı, sene sonunda binlerce lira kazandırabiliyor.
Günün İlham Veren Fikirleri:
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Bugün Başka Ne Kazanabiliriz?
1) Sağlıklı Yaşam İçin Bonaliva Hediye Çeki Kazanalım: Avantajix, Instagram üzerinden düzenlediği çekilişle bir şanslı kullanıcısına Bonaliva’dan 3000TL değerinde hediye çeki kazandıracak. Bu fırsatı yakalamak isterseniz @avantajix ve @bonaliva hesaplarını takip edin, yarışma postunu beğenin ve yoruma arkadaş etiketleyin. Son katılım tarihi: 24.07.2023, 10:00. Detaylar için: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuYzELZICJt/
2) 2 Kişi Dijital Çizim Tableti Kazanıyor: Ebebek, 2 kişiye çocuğunuzun hayal gücünü geliştirecek “Let’s Be Child Dijital Panda Çizim Tableti” ürününü hediye ediyor. Çekilişe katılmak için; @ebebek’i takip edin, gönderiyi beğenin ve yoruma 3 arkadaş etiketleyin. Kazananlar 14 Temmuz’da açıklanacak. Detay: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuZRnPfIOV8/
3) Keyifli Anlara Eşlik Edecek Salıncak Kazanıyoruz: Kelebek Mobilya, 1 takipçisine Sally salıncak hediye edecek. Çekilişe katılmak için; @kelebekmobilya Threads sayfasını takip edin, yoruma 3 arkadaş etiketleyin, bu ve son 3 görseli beğenin. Çekilişe son katılım tarihi: 31.07.2023. Daha fazla detay isterseniz: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuZyClNIdeW/
4) Bu Çekilişten Yemek Takımı Kazanabiliriz: English Home, en yeni yemek takımlarından hediye edecek. İlgilenirseniz @englishhome sayfasını takip edin ve yoruma #englishhome yazıp son 3 görseli beğenin. Sonuç 17 Temmuz’da açıklanacak. Detaylar şurada: https://www.instagram.com/p/CueDI6BNbUX/
5) Bedava Gecelik Kazanmak İster misiniz? Suwen, 1 takipçisine Romance gecelik hediye edecek. Bu çekilişe katılmak için; @suwen_lingerie hesabını takip edin ve yoruma 3 arkadaş etiketleyin. Kazanan talihli 19 Temmuz tarihinde açıklanacak. Daha fazla detay isterseniz link şöyle: https://www.instagram.com/p/CumIYVmM4Rl/
Sağlıkla, Barışla ve Sevgiyle Kalın.
(Not: Yukarıdaki yazı Avantajix kullanıcılarına 13.07.2023 tarihinde gönderilmiş olan e-bültenin bir kopyasıdır. Siz bu yazıyı okuduğunuzda kampanyalar güncelliğini yitirmiş olabilir. En güncel detaylara şuan www.avantajix.com adresinden ulaşılabilir. Keyifli okumalar dileriz.)
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piyasahaberleri · 1 year
Meta CEO'su Mark Zuckerberg, Ekim 2022'de bir UFC Dövüş Gecesi etkinliğini izliyor. | Jeff Bottari/Zuffa LLC Mark Zuckerberg'in Twitter alternatifi çevrimiçi oluyor. Instagram'ın beğeni toplayan yeni Twitter katil uygulaması Threads burada. Ve Twitter'a oldukca benziyor. Ve sorun tam olarak bu. Pek oldukca toplumsal medya kullanıcısı, Twitter'ın sağlam bir halde değiştirilmesi için hazır - hatta çaresiz - bu sebeple uygulama, Elon Musk'ın liderliğinde pek oldukca kişinin kademeli bir ürün düşüşü olarak tanımladığı bilhassa sıkıntılı bir yamaya katlandı. Geçtiğimiz hafta sonu şirket, kullananların okuyabileceği tweet sayısını sınırlamaya başladı; bu, kullanıcılar içinde büyük seviyede popüler olmayan şüpheli bir ticari kararmış oldu. Mastodon ve Bluesky benzer biçimde bazı alternatifler olsa da, hiçbiri siyasal ve kültürel olarak etkili figürlerden oluşan tehlikeli sonuç bir kitle ile Twitter'ın popülaritesini geçemedi. Böylece Meta'nın bir parçası olan Instagram, demir hala sıcakken saldırmaya karar verdi. Threads uygulamasının başlangıçta bu ayın sonunda piyasaya sürülmesi planlanıyordu, sadece hemen sonra bu Perşembe gününe ve şimdi de bugüne ertelendi. Uygulama, 100 ülkedeki kullanıcılara sunulacak, sadece bildirildiğine bakılırsa Avrupa Birliği'nde mevcut olmayacak (bundan sonrasında daha çok bahsedeceğiz). Instagram'ın ana şirketi Meta Çarşamba günü bir şirket blog yazısında "Threads ile vizyonumuz, Instagram'ın en iyi yapmış olduğu şeyi metne genişletmek, fikirlerinizi ifade etmek için pozitif ve yaratıcı bir alan yaratmaktır." İşlevsel olarak Threads, birkaç minik fark haricinde Twitter'a benzer. En fazla beş dakika uzunluğunda bağlantılar, fotoğraflar ve kısa videolar içeren en fazla 500 karakterlik (Twitter'daki 250 karakterle karşılaştırıldığında) kısa yazılar yazabilirsiniz. Mevzu özet akışınız algoritmik olacak, doğrusu takip ettiğiniz kişiler ve tavsiye edilen içerikle doldurulacak: Instagram'ın şimdi yapmış olduğu benzer biçimde. Twitter, yalnızca takip ettiğiniz kişilerin algoritmik akışı ile kronolojik akışı içinde geçiş yapmanızı sağlar. Sadece genel olarak, Vox ile paylaşılan ilk uygulama ekran görüntülerine bakılırsa, uygulamalar oldukça benzer görünüyor ve hissettiriyor. Threads'i Twitter'dan ayıran temel özellik, merkezi olmayan hırslara haiz olmasıdır. Bu, gelecekte Mevzular gönderilerinizi Mastodon benzer biçimde öteki toplumsal medya platformlarına yerleştirebilmeniz gerektiği anlamına gelir - bu, üçüncü taraf geliştiricilere parasız API erişimini kısıtlayan Twitter'dan oldukca değişik bir yaklaşımdır. Sadece Meta'ya bakılırsa beraber çalışabilirlik hemen hemen tamamlanmadı. Pek oldukca günlük kullanıcının en oldukca umursadığı şey, doğrusu kimin paylaşmış olduğu ve kullanımının ne kadar kolay olduğu da değil. Bu yeni uygulama gerçekte iyi mi çalışacak ve iyi mi bir şey? Ve Twitter'ı geçmek için gerçek bir talih var mı? Iyi mi kullanılır ve nasıldır Threads'i kullanmak için Apple yada Android mağazasından bağımsız bir uygulama olarak indirmeniz gerekir. Uygulamaya haiz olduğunuzda, Instagram hesabınızla giriş yapabilir ve aslına bakarsan takip ettiğiniz kişileri bu platformda da takip edebilirsiniz. Bu, Threads'in öteki Twitter ikame uygulamalarına bakılırsa en büyük avantajlarından biridir: 2 milyardan fazla insanoğlunun Instagram'da aslına bakarsan yerleşik bir toplumsal ağı vardır, bu yüzden, mesela Mastodon'un aksine, takipçi tabanınızı tamamen tekrardan oluşturmanız gerekmez. Instagram ve Threads dünyaları yakından bağlantılıdır. Instagram'da doğrulandıysanız (artık bunun için ödeme yapabilirsiniz), bu doğrulama Mevzular'a aktarılır. Ve konularınızı Instagram'da öykü olarak yada başka bir platforma bağlantı olarak gönderebilirsiniz. Oraya vardığınızda, Twitter benzer biçimde çalışır, sadece aynı Instagram yazı tipini ve simgelerini içeren Instagram temalı bir kabiliyetle çalışır. Bir ileti dizisini beğenebilir, yanıtlayabilir yada tekrardan gönderebilirsiniz. Meta'ya bakılırsa besleme, takip ettiğiniz kişilerle takip etmediğiniz kişilerin önerilmiş olduğu içeriklerin bir kombinasyonu olacaktır. Doğru iş parçacığı besleme algoritması Instagram için oldukca mühim olacaktır. Pek oldukca kullanıcı, Twitter'ın "Sizin İçin" beslemesinin kendilerine görmek istemedikleri rastgele kullanıcılardan oldukca fazla içerik gösterdiğinden ve standart, eski okul Twitter kronolojik beslemesini kaçırdıklarından yakınma etti. Kullananların, görmek istediklerini düşündükleri ileti dizilerine karşı görmek için gönüllü oldukları gönderilere iyi mi davrandıklarını göreceğiz. Konuların merkezi olmayan yaklaşımı ne anlama geliyor? Threads, Meta'nın "merkeziyetten uzaklaşmayı" benimseyen ilk uygulamasıdır - kullananların toplumsal medya içeriklerini taşıyabilmeleri ve değişik uygulamalarda kullanıcılarla etkileşim kurabilmeleri gerektiği fikri, hepsi aynı temel standartlar üstüne inşa edilmiştir. Mastodon, savunucularının artık tek bir toplumsal medya şirketinin hakim olmadığı daha iyi bir web yaratabileceğini söylediği, merkezi olmayan bir model üstünde çalışan en popüler toplumsal ağdır. Threads ek olarak merkezi olmayan bir yaklaşım planlıyor. Fakat hemen hemen orada değil. Şirket bir blog gönderisinde "yakında" bir noktada ileti dizilerinin ActivityPub protokolüyle uyumlu olacağını yazdı. Bu, çağdaş İnternet için standartları belirleyen ve toplumsal ağların bağımsız olarak iyi mi çalışabileceğini yöneten internasyonal bir müessese olan World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) tarafınca geliştirilen bir sistemdir. Buradaki düşünce, bigün Mevzular gönderilerinizi Mastodon yada Wordpress benzer biçimde öteki uygulamalarda yada tam tersi şekilde görünür hale getirebilmeniz ve kullananların uygulamalardaki gönderiler hakkında yorum yapmasına izin verebilmenizdir. Ve ileti dizilerini kullanmayı tamamen bırakmaya karar verirseniz, kuramsal olarak tüm içeriğinizi yeni bir uygulamaya taşıyabilirsiniz. Meta, bir blog gönderisinde "E-posta ve web protokollerine benzeyen bu merkezi olmayan yaklaşımın, çevrimiçi platformların geleceğinde mühim bir rol oynayacağına inanıyoruz" dedi. Ademi merkeziyetçilik bir canlı konsept şu anda teknoloji dünyasında ve Threads'i dijitalden anlayan seyirciler için çekici hale getirebilir. Sadece bir çok kullanıcı ademi merkeziyetçiliğe aşina değil ve muhtemelen pek umursamıyor. Aslolan mühim olan, kaç kişinin uygulamayı indirip hakkaten beğendiğidir, bu da bizi bir sonraki noktaya getirir. Düzenleyici kaygılar ve öteki engeller Meta, bu uygulamayı küresel olarak kullanıma sunarken bazı mühim düzenleyici ve saygınlık engelleriyle karşı karşıyadır. Mesela, Bloomberg'e bakılırsa Meta, yeni Dijital Piyasalar Yasası ile AB'deki düzenleyici belirsizlikler sebebiyle şu an için AB'de ileti dizileri sunmuyor. Yasa, "bekçiler" olarak malum büyük şirketlerin kabiliyetlerini kısıtlıyor. “Avrupa, Meta için inanılmaz derecede mühim bir pazar olmaya devam ediyor. Bir meta sözcüsü Vox'a yapmış olduğu açıklamada, Mevzuları daha çok ülkede kullanıma sunmak için çalışıyoruz ve Avrupa'da kullanıma sunmayı değerlendirmeye devam edeceğiz, sadece yaklaşan düzenleyici belirsizlik, şimdi sunmama kararımıza katkıda bulunmuş oldu." Meta, gizlilik sebebiyle blog gönderisinde 16 yaşın (yada bazı ülkelerde 18) altındaki her insanın ileti dizilerine katılırken varsayılan olarak hususi bir profil kullandığını söylemiş oldu. Güvenlik nedenleriyle Instagram, sizden kimlerin bahsedebileceğini yada size cevap verebileceğini kısıtlamak, yanıtlarda bazı rahatsız edici kelimeleri gizlemek ve hesapları takip etmekten caymak, engellemek yada kısıtlamak için Instagram ile aynı araçları sağlar. Sadece AB'deki zorlukların gösterdiği benzer biçimde Instagram, bir avuç gizlilik ve güvenlik hususi durumunun bile tek başına değiştiremeyeceği bir şeyin üstesinden gelmek zorundadır: Cambridge Analytica skandalından bu yana iyi mi olduğu mevzusunda tartışmalarla karşı karşıya olan ana şirketine duyulan temel itimat Kullanıcı verileri baypas edilir. 2018. Ek olarak, Threads'in tehlikeli sonuç bir kullanıcı kitlesini yalnızca güvenilir değil bununla birlikte ilgili olduğuna ikna etmesi gerekiyor. Twitter'ın büyüsü, çok büyük güce haiz dünya liderlerinin, huysuz yazarların, birinci sınıfların ve bayağı çevrimiçi kullananların birbirleriyle günün haberleri hakkında konuşabilecekleri bir yer olmasıydı. Konuların aynı etkiyi yaratması için, 500 karakterlik ilgi çekici kısa gönderiler yapabilen kültür başlatıcıları gerekir. Instagram'dan değişik olarak, Twitter'ın toplumsal para birimi resimler değil, kelimelerdir. Meta, büyük ünlüleri uygulamanın ilk sürümüne katılmaya çağrı etti. Meta, Malala Yousafzai, Shakira ve Gordon Ramsay benzer biçimde büyük adların aslına bakarsan kullandığını doğruladı. Threads, kim bilir herhangi bir Twitter rakibi içinde en iyi şansa haiz olanıdır ve sözleri mühim olan daha ağır sikletlere ve onları takip eden kullanıcılara ihtiyacı vardır.
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sprocketblog · 1 year
Check out the Hatta Vesta threaded Headset for 5 USD for sale on Sprocket
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himani83 · 2 years
Jacketed plug valve supplier in Dubai
Middleeast Valve is the biggest Jacketed plug valve supplier in Dubai .Middleeast Valve supplies good quality of valves to Hatta , AI Dhaid. Jacketed plug valves provide minimal flow resistance, are simple to open and close, are simple to maintain, and function effectively when they are sealed. Chemical, petroleum, and other sectors employ these valves.
Reduced leakage point
These valves can coherently handle gas, liquid fluid and extreme temperatures.
Reduced leakage point
The item may keep you both warm and cool at the same time.
Industrial piping system control.
Plug valve
A plug valve can be rotated inside the valve body to control the flow of fluids and has a cylinder or cone shape. When a plug valve is open, one or more hollow channels are frequently positioned horizontally to facilitate easy flow through the valve.
The two port form with an open and closed state is the most popular kind of plug valve. The stem and handle are typically on top of the valve, and the two ports are often on opposite sides, with one tunnel connecting the inbound and outbound ports
Applications of a Plug Valve:
Oil piping system
High pressure & Extreme temperature flow systems
Chemical servicing
Corrosive substances processing
Advantages of a Plug Valve:
Provide dependable leak-free service.
Coated bushing provides the characteristics of face sealing.
Simple to open and close (except for large dimensions).
The use of many ports reduces the required valves and allows flow direction changes.
There are fewer rotating components.
Tight shut-off
Disadvantages of a Plug Valve:
Experiences pressure drop due to reduced port pressure.
Have the potential to be irritating.
Incompatible with throttling applications.
Larger valves require an actuator.
More space is required.
Industries that use Plug Valves:
Plug valves are used in a variety of industries, including
Oil and gas
Power generation
Wastewater treatment
Middleeast Valve is the biggest Jacketed plug valve supplier in Dubai  offering an extensive range of valves in numerous sizes, styles and designs.
Body material: Wcb, Carbon steel, cast iron, ductile iron, SS304, SS316, alloy steel, stainless steel.
class: 150-2500, PN10 – PN450
size: ½” to 24”.
Operation: gear operated, electric actuated, pneumatic actuated, lever.
Ends: Socket weld, buttweld, flanged, threaded.
Visit us:- https://www.middleeastvalve.com/product-category/jacketed-plug-valve/
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openensos · 5 years
“Are you /trying/ to get yourself killed?!” (The Hatter to Kobal LOL)
“You’re acting like it was my idea to have detention facilities put illegal contraband in easily accessible, sealed up little baggies.”
Curled around his hoard like a dragon, Kobal’s stretched himself in her living room with his less than legal cache. Charcie needed up top product (synthetic this time) and he’d offered his services - little did his brother know he was paying him fifty percent for his time and skills once the consumers started consuming. Fifty-five for this first grab, a one-time cushion bonus.
Kobal pats at the baggies underneath hjs arm. “They’re like little party favors. Hey. You can stop crossing your arms at me, missy, I didn’t take any with drugs in ‘em.” He taps sooty fingers to his chin and clicks his tongue. It’s like he’s been conditioned not to lie to her at this point. “Okay, I did but I didn’t bring them back here.”
Lei has that ‘swallowed a lemon’ expression that makes his core cool down in... guilt? Something gross like that. “Your face’ll freeze that way if you keep it up. Come on. Make a contraband angel with me. I gotta move this shit soon so we may as well enjoy it. Like... here.” Selecting a bag, he finds an eyelash curler. “Yeah, I have one of these. Pilfered it twelve years ago. A bug guillotine. But I’ll use it to snip your big toe if you don’t stop pouting.”
( @forsakenmyths )
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hitogatarock · 3 years
モノノ怪恋慕 . mononoke renbo
LYRICS TRANSLATION of the theme song of Yuugen Romantica series.
Translated name : A Spectre Falling in Love
Singer : 佐々木恵梨 ( Sasaki Eri )
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All translations are belongs to me, make sure to credit properly if you plans on sharing this! Enjoy reading!
Listen along • google doc • twitter post
hanabira no maiochiru manima ni
As the flower petals falls and dances around,
futari no koi, hanafubuki
the love of us two is a blizzard of flowers,
acchi kocchi samayotte
makes us wander to here and there
anata, sonna kao wa yamete
My dear, you don't have to look like that
watashi doko demo tsuiteku wa
because I'll follow you everywhere
何故にその横顔 霧の如く煙(けぶ)らすの
naze ni sono yokogao kiri no gotoku keburasu no
Why are your face looks hazy, as if mist covers them
sorya watashi datte sa, nurasu sode tarinai
That would have been me since shedding tears wasn't enough
一夜(ひとよ)、あの一夜に 胸を這った指先が
hitoyo, ano hitoyo ni mune wo hatta yubisaki ga
That night, on that one night, my fingertips who trailed your chest
dare yori yokatta no hoka no donna "hito" yori mo
You were better than anyone, from any other "human"
"nee, anata no makoto ga nan datte kamawanai sa
"Hey, it doesn't matter what your truth is,
issho ni narenai to shitte nao horeta nante
I fell in love, knowing that I couldn't be together with you,
watashi ga, ahou mono"
Such a fool, I am."
horeta hareta wa ukiyo no tsune demo konna
It's always love and hate in this world, but not this one
kikkai kettai na kanashiki go en ga arimashou ka
Would there be a mysterious yet sorrowful fate between us?
hanabira ga midarezaku aima ni
In between the flower petals who blooms profusely,
秘密の戀(こい)、影日向 そっとそっと紛れて
himitsu no koi, kage hinata sotto sotto magirete
a secret love gently blending in with the shadowy sun
anata, kono mama nigeyou yo
My dear, let's run away just like this
futari no ai mo sakasou yo
Let's make our love bloom too.
haru no, yoru no, yume no ukihashi to daeta, akashi da
As the floating bridge of dreams ceases by the spring night, it was a proof
demo mezamete mireba, anata wa soba ni iru
That when I'll wake up, you'll be by my side
fukaku, motto fukaku, tokeru hodo ni karamiai
Deeper, and deeper, entwined enough to melt
mou hodoke yashinai, kono mi koso ga akai ito
This self is the red thread that won't be untied anymore
"nee, sore ga karisome no ai demo kamawanai sa,
"Hey, it doesn't matter if it's a transient love,
horeta yowami ni hitasarete,
immersed in the weaknesses I fell in love with,
sore de mou shiawase dakara"
because of that, I'm already happy."
yume shibai nara kokoro hazu no kassai no
If this were only a dream play, a heartfelt ovation shall be given
issai gassai ga nakute mo anata ga ireba ii
I don't need everything, you're the only one I need
ano sora ga kageri yuku katatoki
At a moment where the sky fades into dark,
tsumetai ame harushigure
This cold rain, spring shower,
jitto, jitto nureta tte
fixedly, intently, soaking everything wet
sore ja, kono hi wa kienai yo
That's not going to put out this fire
futari no ai wa moete iru
as our love burst into flames
naite, naite, nakasare ayakashi renbo
It makes me cry more and more, about our wondrous love
demo, zutto soba ni itai yo
But I want to stay by your side forever
sou iu to anata wa, kuchi wo fusagu no de
as I said that, you then covers my lips
sono tsumetaku, yasashii, kuchizuke de
with that cold, yet gentle kiss
hanabira no maiochiru manima ni
As the flower petals falls and dances around,
futari no koi, hanafubuki
the love of us two is a blizzard of flowers,
acchi kocchi samayotte
makes us wander to here and there
anata, douka hanasanaide
My dear, please don't leave me be
kono yo no hate demo tsuiteku wa
I'd follow you to the ends of this world
tokoshie no sakura nado nakute mo
Even without the cherry blossoms of permanence,
futari no koi mankai ni douka douka kanaete
whether or not our love is in full bloom, please, please make it come true
anata, te wo totte choudai na
My dear, why don't you take my hand?
hanamichi wo, saa, yukimashou
Come, let us go towards the flowery path
hanabira ga mata maiochiru
The flower petals falls and dances once more
— translator's note : 濡らす袖 is an interesting term that I manages to find its meaning while refining the translation. It has the meaning of "crying and/or shedding tears", because like the literal translation "wet sleeves", they used this term when they wipe their tears with their kimono sleeves, thus making it wet.
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kagrenacs · 4 years
Explaining the Iceberg #8
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In which the theories get worse as you delve deeper. (some content is cut because it’s not appropriate/something I would want to discuss)
Coldharbour/Clockwork Tamriel: Coldharbour has many locations that resemble Tamriel, and often are outright taken from it. C0Da seems to indicate Sotha Sil’s final goals for the clockwork city is to recreate and ‘perfect’ Tamriel.
The Crimson Ship: During the Knahaten Flu, the Kothringi were hit particularly hard, and the Crimson Ship was full of refugees trying to find a new home. They were turned away at every port, until reaching Hammerfell. After being turned away once again, they sailed out to sea. Some years later, pirates found the ship full of corpses.
Storming of the citadel: Unsure of this, the wording is too general. It could possibly refer to the Morrowind Mainquest, when you take back the profane tools, A Covenant quest in Elder Scrolls Cnline, or the Main quest in Elder Scrolls Online
Altmeri formwars: Mentioned in an MK short story. Possibly a war from a previous Kalpa that involved the Dreugh
Yagrum Bagarn made the Numidium: He states he was a Tonal Architect under Kagrenac, there’s a possibility he may have worked on the Numidium as well.
Sons of Hora: Mentioned in the Nu-hatta, related to mantling. ‘this is the death children bring as son’s of Hora’. My guess is that it’s the ability of mortals (sons of Lorkhan, Hora?) to actually mantle deities and understand their limits.
Kaleidocules: ‘Leaky Creatia’  the power of creation, magical possibility 
Ayleids=Bird people: A race of unnamed bird people Topal the Pilot was said to have met on his journey across Tamriel. Since they occupy the same region as Ayleids did (although they seem to have been present before the Ayleids and subsequently died out), and since Ayleids have recurring bird motifs within their armor and art, it’s thought that these two groups may be one in the same.
Dragon Tusk: The name of the oversoul (cumulation of all aspects) of Akatosh/Auri-el ect. Is Aka or Aka-Tusk.
Lorkhan’s heart the egg of time: In Morrowind, the egg of time is a rebuttal paper to Kagrenac’s theories on the use of the tools on the heart of lorkhan.
Khajiit ??? Genetic memory: I can’t make out if that says lactable as in the infant formula for babies, or something else. 
The Prisoner: A name for all playable characters in tes, revolves around the concept of seeing past barriers formed previously (the prison) and overcoming these obstacles to change things.
82nd Crodo: Mentioned in the redguard forums, a community in Alinor.
City of Rockcreek: In Arena, there is a city called Rockpark. A glitch in town generation happened, and the palace to Rockpark was blocked off, rendering it inaccessible. In Daggerfall, the developers referenced this glitch in ‘Ius the Animal God’ But misspelled Rockpark as ‘Rockcreek’
Atmora-Aldmeris Invasion: Not quite sure what this references, my best guess is the invasion of the Atmorans and Aldmer from their respective continents to Tamriel.
1008 weapons of rapture: 1008 or 108 is usually in reference to Cyrodill (8+1 gods), in Et’Ada, Eight Aedra, Eat the Dreamer, there is mention of 1008 weapons of rapture. This could possibly refer to the Divines, the Middle Dawn that lasted 1008 years, or perhaps 1008 literal weapons.
Thalmor UFOs: Seems to have originated on the iceberg
King Harald and Talos die at 108: There goes that numerology again
Adamantia Scroll rocket: While this seems to have originated on the iceberg once again, there is a group of tes LARPers with the shared name Adamantia
Ghartoki: Mentioned in what my beloved taught me after Vivec reads a symbol on Nerevar’s palms (possibly some sigil, scars or just reading palms). Ghartok in Ehlnofey means hand, and in the sermons it’s often associated with the word Padhome, or change.
Thalmor and Jyggalag: The Altmer are orderly so they worship Jyggalag.
Motheaters: A little song mentioned in this thread https://www.imperial-library.info/content/forum-archives-unknown-posts
Klecksographic Lyg: Another iceberg original, Klecksography is the art of making art from inkblots, essentially this is just saying how lyg was created in a fancy way
Ha-Note is Mehrunes Dagon: https://www.reddit.com/r/teslore/comments/3o0uwk/nanote_dagon/ the original theory is here, TL;DR Ha-Note, a monster born from Vivec, renamed itself ‘City-Face’ and fled to Lyg. The ‘grabbers’ grabbed it, because they can’t create things of their own and said they’d build a Hope-Tower upon it’s face. In the Commentaries of Mankar Cameron, he states Mehrunes Dagon was built from hope.
Zurin Arctus=Versidue Shae: An apparently deleted theory, mentioned only in this post debunking it https://www.reddit.com/r/teslore/comments/9rs2ad/what_were_the_motives_of_versidue_shaie/
The King’s Cough: Mentioned in Sermon 29, another name for the Thu’um
The Catalyst: The driving force that starts an Enantiomorph 
Tsaescence: A tsaesci word from We ate it to become it, MK states it means it’s the Tsaesci word of “High Perception” In context, seems to mean something similar to CHIM.
Hero of Kvatch=Pelinal Whitestrake: See the Knights of the Nine DLC. (To expand further, there are many similarities between the two, force of change, knight to the emperor/empress)
Amiel Arctus: An old screen name for Michael Kirkbride
The Space Gods: Found in the last song of Pelinal and Eight Aedra Eat the Dreamer, like many things in tes, it’s Lorkhan.
Uriel V: The father of Uriel VI, tried his best to invade Akavir.
Otherkin: You are reading this on tumblr. You know what this is. MK made a lengthy forum post about how Tosh Raka hates the Otherkin for some reason.
Falmer are Hermaified: Horrible word, but there are resemblances between Hermaeus Mora’s shrines, and Falmer shrines.
Invisible Dragons: In morrowind, if you ask M’aiq about dragons, he’ll state they’re too high up to see. Or invisible
Alien Ayleids: A relic from the since deleted bethesda forums. MK wanted to have a plot twist where Ayleids were Aliens.
The insect god: Mentioned in the Adabal-a, or Morhaius’s memoirs. May be a since-retconned god, could possibly be Lorkhan due to his frequent connection with Scarabs.
Suicide Trolls: An easter egg in Oblivion, a poorly scrawled note and a troll found dead under a bridge across the bridge from Bravil.  
Arkay=Arnand the Fox=Zurin Arctus: Zurin Arctus is sometimes called Arnand the Fox (Seen in where were you when the dragon broke) Shor is also represented as the fox, which makes sense since Zurin is a Shezzarine. This connects to Arkay by Malacath/Orkey/Arkay, who is a trickster god (fox like) in Nordic pantheons. Malacath also got compared to a fox once. I never said these theories were well backed up.
Dwarf-Orc theory: referring to Dumac, who is sometimes called Dumalacath, or Dumac Dwarf-Orc, suggesting he has an orcish and dwemer parents. This also may imply there are cross cultural connections between the two groups (especially when you consider the Rourken clan having Volenfell, Malacath’s hammer.), meaning Dwemer blood could still be present within Orcish clans.
Tosh Raka: The Dragon-God of the Ka’Po’Tun. Became a dragon through unknown means (possibly through Dracocrysalis?) Hates the otherkin I guess.
A worn and weathered note: A curious note from Morrowind. https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:A_worn_and_weathered_note
TalOS: Talos is called a virus by Jubal in C0da. If you think of the Aurbis as a computer, Talos could be considered analogous to a Trojan Virus when you look at his place in the pantheon of Divines. He used the mantella to cheat-code the universe into accepting it as Lorkhan’s new heart to power the Numidium. An error occurred, and now the universe considers TalOS the new Lorkhan.
King of Worms = The Underking: Both are liches, both are undead, that’s about it. May stem from initial confusion of MK saying there were ‘multiple underkings’ when he meant there were multiple copies of the same person in the dragon break.
500 companions were dragons: the 500 mighty companions, an obscure text calls at least one of the companions a dragon, and some of the names were draconic sounding.
Dreamer can’t wake up: Straight from the mouth of MK, this might mean ‘the Godhead isn’t literal’ or it might literally mean, the universe can’t cease to be because the Godhead just stops.
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penuntutilmudotnet · 2 days
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🤔INGATAN BAGI YANG MENUNTUT SISTEM KHILAFAH - Dr. MAZA.🤔#2019 #S_DR._MAZA "saya nak bagi tahu bahawasanya sebahagian termasuk orang orang yang menyeru pada sistem khalifah sistem khilafah kita tak nafikan ada 1 sistem yang disebut dalam hadis namun realiti politik selepas daripada kewafatan nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam daripada khulafa Ar rashidin khulafa Ar rashidin yang 4 kita tak pertikaikan mereka namun selepas daripada khulafa selepas daripada al Hassan bin Ali politik itu bercampur campur walaupun namanya khulafak Bani Umaiyah khalifah Bani Umaiyah tapi pelantikan khalifah berdasarkan kepada keturunan Bani Umaiyah bukan kepada surau yang terbuka kemudian Abbasiyah pelantikan khalifah di kalangan Bani Abbas hatta ayubiah dan semua hatta utsmaniah yang dibanggakan kerajaan Turki adalah pelantikannya juga adalah di kalangan Banu Uthman ha di kalangan bangsa Turki itu dia bukan 1 sistem khalifah yang seperti yang disangka oleh sebahagian orang lalu dia nak bertengkar dengan kita nak kembali dia sistem yang ada kelemahannya tapi yang penting dalam sistem pemerintahan ialah dapat ditegakkan keadilan itu dan dilaksanakan kebaikan untuk rakyat tidak ada pemerintah yang maksud semua pemerintah jika dihisab ada kesalahan mereka faham kemudian mari orang nak cerita nak tegakkan pemerintahan yang langsung tak salah ini semua bohong punya cerita dia mesti salah tapi yang penting seorang pemerintah itu kebaikannya keadilannya mengatasi kezaliman nak cari pemerintah macam nabi tak dak dah er er nak cari pemerintah yang malam malamnya solat siang siangnya menjaga rakyat payahlah nak ada kalau tidak habislah sejarah Umar bin Abdul Aziz hatta Umar bin Abdul Aziz dengan menghormati dia 2 tahun masa zaman pemerintahan dia dia sangat soleh sebelum tu bukan kata tak soleh soleh juga tetapi semasa dia jadi Gubernur Madinah pakaiannya sangat cantik dia terkenal dengan mewah dalam pakaian dia bertukar wataknya pada hari dia menjadi khalifah maka semua orang nak cari bapa yang perfect macam kitalah bukan ada tapi apabila banyak menunaikan tanggungjawab adalah kelemahan dia nak cari suami yang perfect kita nak cari suami yang perfect isteri perempuan nak cari mana ada aa suami pun nak cari isteri yang perfect mana ada pakai ukurlah pakar mikrofon menyanyi kita serupa tapi saya bukan nak cerita saya nak cerita ini ini politik untuk kita memahami realiti supaya kita tak berteori kerajaan yang sempurna yang ingin ditegakkan yang menegakkan Islam sepenuhnya ini semua khayalan saya harta negara yang menegakkan yang dikatakan konsep negara Islam seperti yang disebut oleh sebahagian daripada kumpulan penyeru kepada negara Islam ia adalah negara khayalan yang tidak pernah wujud sebenarnya aa negara itu wujud pada zaman ini dia wujud pada zaman nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam di tangan khurafah selepas daripada itu semua contoh contoh itu bercampur campur ..." https://penuntutilmu.net/soal-jawab-pt/ingatan-bagi-yang-menuntut-sistem-khilafah-dr-maza/?feed_id=1225&_unique_id=66e9cc3c3b4c8 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/penuntutilmu.net/ Telegram Channel: https://t.me/PenuntutIlmuDotNet Thread: https://www.threads.net/@penuntutilmudotnet
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yukipri · 5 years
Ways to help KyoAni
Just because I haven’t seen nearly as much on Tumblr as I have on Twitter, here’s a lil post. Likely repeats the same info as many other posts.
This is a long post. To skip on your dash, hit the “J” key.
But today (started during the day July 18, 2019 Japan time), the Kyoto Animation studio was the victim of arson. This isn’t just a tremendously heart-breaking situation for the anime community; it’s also the largest domestic terrorism incident in post-war Japanese history. 33 people died.
UPDATE: 34 people have passed away.
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There’s plenty of more detailed articles and it’s a story still being covered, but here’s one short article on NHK world.
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Another article on the Guardian.
As of making this post, this was still all very recent, and there will likely be more updates in the future.
>> UPDATE: KyoAni has announced that survivors from the fire returned to work on July 24, 2019. 34 people total passed away (source).
>>>>> Ways to Help
Fans around the world want to help, and as of making this post, there have been several suggestions going around. PLEASE NOTE, that until KyoAni makes a statement themselves, none of these are confirmed to be the best ways to send them support, especially financially, and you should take this into consideration.
1. Donate to the GoFundMe
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Organized by Sentai Filmworks, an American licensing company that has worked with KyoAni. They’ve already collected considerable donations.
Things to be aware of:
*** UPDATE REGARDING THE GO FUND ME: KyoAni’s lawyer is in contact with Sentai Filmworks, and has confirmed that they will be working together to make sure the funds go to the right places. THIS IS NOW A CONFIRMED SAFE PLACE TO DONATE (source).
>> If you’d like to donate to the GoFundMe, LINK HERE <<
2. Buy digital merchandise from the KyoAni online store
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KyoAni has an online store that sells digital images for 216 yen (approx $2 USD) each. Because the files are digital and the download is automated, it shouldn’t burden employees directly, and the money should go directly to the company.
The website is in Japanese, but here are some handy tutorials made by English-speaking twitter users that walk you through it:
By twitter user mimiko_kupo
By twitter user zetsubouzhainu
* While this currently seems like a really good way to financially support the company directly without going through third parties (and hey you get pretty high res anime images too), there hasn’t been an official PR stating that this will guarantee your money will go to those affected.
* Update: A heads up that only original creations completely owned by KyoAni will have all the profits go to them. Other works that are collaborations or based off of pre-existing works will likely split profits. Recommended works are Free!, Violet Evergarden, and Tsurune (credit).
>> If you’d like to purchase digital files, LINK HERE <<
3. Share Your Message of Support With Kyoto Animation through Crunchyroll
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Especially great for those who don’t have money to send or want to wait before supporting financially, Crunchyroll recently opened up a form for fans to send messages of support. You can even send in fanart/photos etc.
Because it’s Crunchyroll, I feel it’s highly likely that they WILL send these to KyoAni when they’re in a situation where they can accept them, and there’s no risk to doing this since money isn’t involved. In situations like these, thoughts really do count.
>> Link to the form HERE <<
UPDATE: 4. Donate at Animate (within Japan only)
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Animate, a major anime merch chain company in Japan, just announced that donation boxes to support KyoAni will be placed in stores nationwide starting July 19th, 2019 (currently no end date).
If you happen to be in Japan, adding a donation while shopping for your anime merch might be an option! This should be an incredibly reliable place to donate to.
* I’m aware Animate has several international stores as well, but currently there’s no information whether donation boxes will be available there or not. They do not appear to currently be taking donations online.
UPDATE: 5. Kyoto Animation Officially Starts Accepting Direct Donations
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Kyoto Animation has formally opened a bank account for supporters to send their donations directly. Donations are accepted through bank transfer. Their bank information:
* Please read the Crunchyroll article for full details
* Also PLEASE NOTE, while this is the most direct way to send KyoAni your support, if you have an international (non-Japanese) bank, you will be charged a significant transfer fee. It’s generally not recommended to send small amounts of money via direct bank transfer, as the charge will likely cost more than your donation (in which case, one of the above methods may be better, or alternatively, you can pool with friends to make one transfer, OR send the money to a friend with a Japanese bank, etc).
* Here’s an excellent twitter thread walking you through the process by twitter user @ crazynabe.
UPDATE: 6. Official KyoAni Yahoo! Net Fund + Other officially confirmed Japanese donation methods
From Crunchyroll’s article:
"Yahoo! Japan and JAniCA (Japanese Animation Creators Association) have worked together to set up a "Kyoto Animation Support Fund" through the Yahoo! Net Fund website. The page states that the money raised will be directly deposited into the account Kyoto Animation set up on July 24 and the money will be used for the victims' families and reconstruction efforts for the studio. 
Yahoo! Net Fund accepts donations from overseas credit cards as well as T-Point cards, used in Japan to collect points on purchases at multiple locations throughout the country, including Yahoo! Auctions, Family Mart and entertainment chain Tsutaya. As of 6:30PM JST (Japan Standard Time), 648 people have donated through the website raising 684,745 yen ($6,300 USD). The website started collecting donations at 6:00PM JST.” (source)
Other currently officially endorsed donation methods, including Animate mentioned in method 4:
アニメイト「京都アニメーション様支援募金」 https://www.animate.co.jp/info/279024
Tポイント・ジャパン「【緊急募金】京都アニメーションへの義援金」 https://tsite.jp/donation/index.pl?xpg=PCTC0202&bokin_id=527
��本アニメーター・演出協会「Yahoo!ネット募金 京都アニメーション応援募金」 https://donation.yahoo.co.jp/detail/5234001
日本動画協会 https://aja.gr.jp/info/1436
(SOURCE: KyoAni’s official website)
* Will be updated as more information is added.
Other ways to support KyoAni is by watching their content through official means, and purchasing their merch and media. I highly recommend this, and a spike in viewership of their works can send its own message of support.
HOWEVER, please be aware that media licensed to view internationally often has even more split interests than within domestic Japan, and your viewership may not lead to too much direct financial support (although it’s better than not, and no harm in doing so). Also be careful/understanding of delays when purchasing anything physical directly from KyoAni, as their staff currently likely have other priorities.
And PLEASE, be respectful and keep KyoAni’s staff and their families in your thoughts first and foremost. There will likely be delays or possibly even cancellations to their anime, but please be understanding, and keep supporting them. Content can be made again at a later time. People have just lost their lives, and those living have experienced something unimaginable. They should be our priority.
Post made evening July 18, 2019, EST.
Post updated morning July 26, 2019, EST.
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middleeastvalve01 · 2 years
Ball Valve supplier UAE
Middleeast Valve is the foremost Ball valve supplier UAE. We supply to cities like Dhadna, Hatta, and Zubara. A ball valve is a type of valve that uses a spherical ball to control the flow of fluid or gas through a pipe or system. The ball has a hole through the center that allows fluid or gas to flow through when the ball is rotated to an open position. When the ball is rotated to a closed position, the hole is perpendicular to the flow, and no fluid or gas can pass through.
Ball valves have a simple working mechanism that uses a hollow, perforated ball to control the flow of fluid or gas through a pipeline. The ball inside the valve has a hole in the center that allows the fluid or gas to flow through the valve when the valve is open. When the valve is closed, the hole in the ball is perpendicular to the flow, and the fluid or gas cannot pass through.
The ball valve consists of several parts, including the valve body, the ball, the stem, the seat, and the handle or actuator. When the handle or actuator is turned, the stem rotates the ball inside the valve body. When the ball is rotated 90 degrees, the hole in the ball aligns with the flow path, and the valve is open. When the ball is rotated 90 degrees in the opposite direction, the hole in the ball is perpendicular to the flow path, and the valve is closed.
The benefits of using ball valves in industrial processes include:
Fast and easy operation: Ball valves can be quickly and easily opened or closed with a quarter-turn of the handle.
Durable and reliable: Ball valves are made from durable materials such as stainless steel, brass, and PVC, making them reliable and long-lasting.
Minimal maintenance: Ball valves require minimal maintenance and are designed to operate for extended periods without failure.
Versatility: Ball valves can be used with a wide range of fluids and gases, including corrosive and abrasive materials.
Tight shutoff: Ball valves provide tight shutoff, which is essential in applications where leakages could cause damage or pose a safety hazard.
Reduced pressure drop: Ball valves have a low-pressure drop, which helps to maintain system efficiency and reduce energy costs.
Middleeast Valve is the prime  Ball valve supplier UAE. Our valves are manufactured from the highest quality materials. Our ball valves are easy to maintain and very easy to use.
Parts of ball valve:
Body and cover.
Body Seals.
Stem Packing or Seal.
Types of ball valves:
Double block and bleed ball valve
Forged steel ball valve
Floating ball valve
Fully welded ball valve
Top entry ball valve
Trunnion ball valve
Jacketed ball valve
Industries which use them:
Oil Industry.
Natural gas industries.
Chemical storage.
Mining Industry.
Marine Industry.
Available materials: Cast iron, WCB, WCC, WC6, LCC, LCB, Titanium, SS304, SS316, CF8, CF8M, F55, F51, F53, Monel, Ductile Iron.
PN- PN10 to PN450
Class: 150-2500
Size: 1/2”- 48”.
Operations: Lever operated ball valve, electric actuated ball valve, pneumatic actuated ball valve, gear operated ball valve
Ends: Flanged, Butt weld, Socket weld, Threaded
Visit our website: https://www.middleeastvalve.com/product-category/ball-valve/ for our complete product range.
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bowcrazy · 5 years
Kyoani News Thread
We wanted to make this post to help spread the news/awareness of the horrible situation in Japan and make an effort to combat some distasteful misinformation and theories going around about the event. We’ll be updating and editing this post as more information comes to light. If you wish to support Kyoani in this time of need, go donate to either the GoFundMe by Sentai Filmworks or order products directly from them. As a note, after the current round of orders, they won’t be taking anymore, and future items will be postponed for the time being. However, downloading digitally is still an available option if you still want to support them directly. If you or someone you know happens to live in Japan, here are a list of sites that are accepting donations for Kyoani. On a more recent note, a direct deposit account has been set up by Kyoani on July 24, and it is the most straightforward way to aid them financially. Said donations will go to the victims’ families, the remaining staff, and towards rebuilding the company.
More Details (will be updated as much as possible):
On July 18, 2019, Kyoani Studio 1 was set on fire at 10:30 A.M. and was put out by 1 P.M.
The perpetrator in question is a male in his forties according to his ID (out of respect for the victims and their loved ones, we will not be adding any other details in regards to the perpetrator)
The attack left 34 people dead, 35 people in the hospital, 7 uninjured, and 5 missing. Ten of the people who were reported to be injured were in critical condition.
The Kyoani arson attack has been reported to be one of the deadliest massacres in Japanese history post-World War II and the deadliest building fire in eighteen years. (Sources 1, 2)
By the next day, it was reported that all the rescue efforts were finished and no one was left in the building.
Kyoani President Hatta made a statement commenting on some of the victims and mentioned that he has plans to demolish the building, replacing it with a park and a monument: "Thinking about staff and locals, there's people who don't want to see such a ghastly sight. I want to take care of it quickly."
Hatta has also stated that he and the remaining staff wish to continue to press on for those who passed and so as to not waste their carefully crafted work. (Sources: 1, 2)
Hatta also mentioned that they’re taking measures to help the workers and families who are showing signs of PTSD. (Source)
Kyoani’s attorney, Daisuke Okeda, also made a statement where he expressed his condolences to friends and relatives of the victims, as well as the fact that he will be the spokesman for Kyoani from now on.
Voice actor Mamoru Miyano has also showed his support for Kyoani in a moment of grief at his recent concert. Even during his performance, he seemed to be in pain, as his role as Rin (Free!) was very dear to him. (Source)
Kyoto Prefectural Police have established a 100-person team of officers trained in victim care who will work with and support the victims and their families. (Source)
The CEO of Takasu Clinic has announced that any and all of the reconstructive surgery treatments the victims need will be free.
President Hatta has also made another statement about the incident that was aired on TV. The translation can be read here.
The town of Toyosato, where the school model for K-On is located, has given a statement on the incident. Other similar locations have also shown support for Kyoani as well, such as Demachiyanagi Shopping Street, the inspiration for the Usagiyama Shopping Street in Tamako Market, which has produced calligraphy expressing condolences to Kyoani. Ogaki, the model city for A Silent Voice, and Iwami, the city that the setting of Free! is modeled after, have both set up donation boxes.
Despite rather popular belief and speculation, the Kyoani Studio 1 building had sufficient fire safety measures. However, fire safety regulations for offices is not meant to deal with fire bombing, hence the devastating result. (Source)
One of the survivors of the incident recalled his experience during the event and how he had to jump out of the building in order to escape. (Source)
The Fire Department Chief at the Kyoto City Council confirmed that the Studio 1 building had substantial fire safety measures prior to the incident. In fact, they even received an award for said measures in 2014. (Source 1, 2)
Family members of the victims have requested for the public to not further share lists of the deceased, misinformation, or speculation of any kind. Please respect them and their wishes.
An autopsy report on the 34 deceased was released, but no names were given. (Source)
Kyoani has officially announced that they have submitted a request to both the police and media to refrain from releasing names/a list of the victims until funerals have been held out of consideration for grieving loved ones. (Sources: 1, 2)
General Sources Used:
Kastel’s Twitter Thread
Ultimatemegax’s Twitter Thread
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