#Have some very kissable tiddies to keep you going!!
satans-knitwear · 7 months
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Satans Nipwear of the day: little hearts that say ❤️ Kiss ❤️ Me ❤️
Treat me ~ Tip Me ~ More of me
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himbofan · 9 months
genshin characters' bodies headcanons
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ok so we all know that genshin impact's in-game models leave much to be desired, soooo I wanted to explain some of the headcanons I have about characters’ physical features that don’t really get explored in game :) aka genshin but with actual body diversity lets goooooo (no this does not include genitalia) 
I’m using Fenty Beauty Pro Filt’r foundation shades to describe skin tone (you can go to their website here for references!)
cw: description of body parts, mentions of scars/past injuries, sfw
characters: diluc, kaeya, childe, beidou
word count: ~1k
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Diluc Ragavindr 
this man is BUILT! 
thick muscular tree trunk arms and legs to support that giant ass claymore he swings around; and a wide, muscular back spread
He has a lot of muscle but he’s not super cut, there’s a slight layer of fat over it all so he has that soft but bulky build (and big tiddies)
big, strong veiny hands with thick fingers that aren’t stubby but not slender, he simply keeps his nails short but doesn’t do any fancy upkeep
I imagine him to be around 5’10” because I like to think he’s a little shorter than Kaeya (who totally makes fun of him for it)
he probably has some old scars on his arms and legs, which he pays little to no mind to
he has a tall nose bridge and a strong brow so it looks like he’s always scowling even if he’s not (no more alien bug eyes lmfao)
He has naturally pouty lips, but when he smiles (which he rarely does) he looks absolutely angelic
Fair skinned but with a warm undertone (fenty beauty shade 105), it’s hard to get him embarrassed but if you do, he blushes easily
The fluffiest hair you can imagine, its so soft and so pretty but he doesn’t really take special care of it so it’s usually just thrown back in a ponytail
He has a fair bit of body hair on his arms and legs, and if he doesn’t shave for a couple days he gets stubble on his face
Kaeya Alberich
Long, lanky and slender, but still muscular
He’s got toned arms and legs from being a Knight of Favonius but he’s not as stocky as Diluc, it’s more like a lean fit situation
His hands are big but his fingers are more slender and elongated
He takes care of his nails and lets Klee paint them sometimes :)
He has a slightly crooked smile that’s oh so charming, but it never quite reaches his eyes
He has the most beautiful long fluttering eyelashes and kissable lips
I imagine Kaeya to be about 6’2” or so, most of that height is from his long ass legs
He also has miscellaneous battle scars but he prefers to keep them hidden so people don’t ask too many questions about his past
Wide shoulders but a narrow waist (for other men to grab)
Much darker skin than the in-game model, and I think his undertones are cool (fenty beauty shade 340 or 450 I can’t decide)
His hair is also fluffy but the strands are longer and coarser than Diluc’s so it falls more evenly; also his hair is wavy when brushed out, but when he wakes up it forms into curls naturally! I also imagine him to take better care of his hair than his brother
Has less body hair than Diluc and cannot grow even facial hair to save his life (he prefers a clean look anyways)
he’s very muscular and cut from years of nonstop fighting, literally a greek god
He could crush your head between his thick thighs like a watermelon
He’s pretty damn tall, standing at around 6’4” or so, pretty even proportions
This man is pasty af!!! His undertones are cool and his skin has a pink, rosy glow (fenty beauty shade 100)
He cannot get a tan to save his life, instead he gets a shit ton of freckles all over his face and body, the freckles fade in the winter but they’re always slightly visible
His body is absolutely covered in battle scars because he’s so reckless, but he wears them with pride as proof of his training and skills
He has a scar on his forehead that cuts through his eyebrow, giving him a permanent eyebrow slit
His hair is the exact consistency and color of Ed Sheeran’s
His nose has a bump in the middle and it’s a little crooked because he broke it and it never healed properly (he doesn’t care to get it fixed)
His neck is thick and he has a prominent adam’s apple
Slightly thinner lips that are a pale pink, they naturally rest in an easy smile to juxtapose his dead eyes
He has small dimples on both cheeks when he smiles
MUSCLE MOMMY, I’d like to think shes in her late 30’s or early 40’s
She has an overwhelmingly large presence, immediately taking over the aura of any room she enters
She has a wide, muscular back rife with scars that she flexes when she’s drunk
She’s pretty tanned from being out on the sea all the time and has a warm undertone (fenty beauty shade 255)
Could also crush your head with her thick thighs or biceps (her lat spread is insane)
Definitely has washboard abs, a perfect 6-pack
She’s pretty tall, around 5’11”
Blunt and thick fingers, she doesn’t bother with fancy nail care but keeps them tidy
Her hair is very coarse, straight and thick, the kids in Liyue Harbor try to play with it using clips and braids but they always fall out because her hair is so resilient
She has deep set smile lines and crow’s feet from many years of hearty laughter
Her eyes are monolid; technically speaking it’s just one eye since the other was lost in a vicious battle a long time ago
She has a long scar running over her lost eye from her forehead to the middle of her cheek, and another smaller scar on the corner of her lips
Her nose is rounded at the end and also used to be crooked from a fight, but Ningguang made her fix it because a deviated septum is bad for breathing
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a/n: this was soooo much fun i have so many more ideas for other characters but lmk who you wanna see next :3
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myrainydayloves · 5 years
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Zed feels a little jelly because people know Annaka and he thinks maybe she might be better off. But it’s big brother to the rescue with a drunk recording and a sappy Annaka.
Annaka had put a curse on him, he was sure of it. It started this morning while he entered the Libra office and saw her leaning over the couch, pointing something out on Stephan’s pad. Her breasts practically front and center thanks to the couch’s side and the way Stephan smiled at her caused that icky churning feeling to return in his gut. Like he should snap her up right there and run out of the office for good. 
But before he could move, Annaka noticed him and smiled. “Hey, baby. Have you had breakfast yet?”
“Yes, thank you.” Even he noticed the short clipped tone he took and touched his throat in shock. Annaka simply shrugged it off, returning to pointing out things on the pad. 
As she listed several spots in the city where various women had been attacked recently and had a bit of their blood sucked, Zed helped himself to coffee. He leaned against the table and got a fine view of her butt barely peeking out from under her dress. 
Pink panties. 
Not that Annaka was the type of girl to choose based on color but it was cute none the less. As if she felt his stare, Annaka jumped a bit to lean further over the couch and revealed more of her ass for split second. 
He turned and set down the coffee cup, berating himself for staring so unabashedly. He was not some peeping Tom or sex-crazed manic and Annaka was a person worth of his respect: girlfriend or not. White hot shame pricked up his neck at the thought of her finding out and pulling her dress down embarrassed. 
“I’d pay to find out what’s going through that pretty head of yours, My Prince,” Annaka said, now leaning against the couch’s back watching him. 
Zapp shoved him out of the way for want of coffee, mumbled about him thinking of the ocean of some bullshit. 
“That would be cute! Baby, can I ask if your mind’s in the sea instead of head in the clouds?” Annaka asked. 
Sipping his coffee, Zapp glared at her. “I didn’t say it so you could add it to your dumb relationship!”
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed! Girl kick you out at light again?”
“Stuff it, you literally sleep with the fishes every night!”
“And what restful sleep I get, dear brother! I can’t imagine all those lumpy mattress do your temperament any good!”
“Don’t you have some cat to save out of a tree?!” Zapp snapped at her. 
Annaka held her hands out in peace. “I probably do, honestly. Good luck today, Zapp.” 
Her brother gave some non-committal response, speaking into his coffee cup. Annaka turned to Zed and so sweetly wished him a good day. With a kiss pressed to his cheek, she left to go make the city a better place. Even Stephan gave her a light send off which made Zed pause. 
Since when were Annaka and Stephan friends? Lovers? 
No no. 
He commanded himself to stop thinking and start paperworking, stealing glances at Stephan sho sat on the couch humming. Zed decided to play it casually. 
“So how do you and Annaka know each other?” He asked. 
“Same way everyone around here knows Annaka. Either through Zapp or through her work.”
“Have you known her for long?”
Stephan set down his pad and glanced at Zed. He smiled. “Yes, we’ve been lovers for years now.”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Get that weapon out of my face. Relax, nothing’s going on. Annaka just stopped by to report some stuff and see you for a bit.”
Zed cooled down, not thanks to any ice magic, and let his thoughts return to paperwork. But they wandered as soon as he thought he had a hold on them. 
Would Annaka be happier with a man like Stephan? Older, experienced, decently rich? They both enjoyed the finer things in life and Annaka did love to be pampered. 
He could just imagine Stephan having the younger Annaka barely wrapped up in his sheet, naked and sucking chocolate from his fingertips. Stephan would practically be robbing the cradle as it were and he would probably love the innocent touch of the younger Annaka. And her pleasure in being worked by an older, firmer hand than his. 
And human, his brain added. 
So engrossed in this terror, Zed didn’t notice Leo waving a hand in front of his face. “Earth to Zed,” the young boy called. 
“Ah, sorry, Leo.”
“It’s no prob. You seem lost though, everything okay?”
“Yes, thank you for asking.”
Leo obviously didn’t believe him, perhaps the All Seeing Eyes were good for lie detecting as well? But he mercifully let the idea drop in favor of telling him about a new party game he’d just bought and how they should come over to play. 
“Oh? Sounds sweet, hope you don’t mind getting your ass handed to ya,” Zapp threatened, cracking his knuckles. “Playin’ against Annaka’s givin’ me mad skills.”
“She’s pretty intense,” Leo relented. “Last time we played together, I really thought she was going to cry.”
“Huh? You makin’ my baby sister cry?”
“No no! It was a horror game and the jumpscares freaked her out! I should have turned the vibration off though. That might have helped.”
Before Zed could even begin to rein in his thoughts, they were a vision of Annaka sitting next to Leo on his bed. They could play games and be lazy all day together. No need for a deep conversation when Annaka could be noshing on potato chips and laughing at the horror with Leo. 
But then she would be so scared, basically sitting in his lap for comfort. Vision Leo stroked her sides and whispered comforting words to her. 
He was touching her and soon enough her legs were spread. Annaka leaned back against Leo as he played. She was giggling, kissing his lips, his soft human-
Snapping back to reality, he saw both Leo and Zapp looking at him. 
“You okay, buddy?” Zapp asked, seemingly genuine as Leo echoed his concerns. 
“Fine,” he replied. 
But his heart hurt. Was he keeping her from a happier life with either of them? Could she secretly be longing for them and feel trapped with him?
As often as they talked honestly, Annaka’s feeling remained an enigma to him. She loved him. He knew that but whenever he brought up others, she dismissed him as being paranoid and silly. 
What if she was going behind his back and-
“Helping me pick out cute bras,” Chain interrupted his thoughts. 
“Ewww, don’t bring up my sister helping you pick out that crap!” Zapp cried before smirking. “Unless that’s your way of getting me to think about you nake-Ow! Ow! I was-Ow! Joking!”
“You can make a lot of jokes in hell,” Chain replied coolly. 
But now a whole new swarm of thoughts hit Zed. Of Annaka and Chain comparing breasts, feeling. He didn’t have breasts! Was that something-
“Dude, chill out. What’s wrong with you today?” Zapp asked. 
Zed sighed and rested his head on the table. “What if Annaka doesn’t like me?”
The room was silent. 
And then it was filled with laughter at his expense. Everyone was laughing at the doubt in his mind and the ache in his stomach. 
Zapp slapped him on the back. “What bullshit! She totally likes you, Dude! Here, here, I was saving this as blackmail material but I think now is the time to play this trap card.”
From his phone, Annaka’s voice floated out of the speakers. 
“Art, philosophy, poetry?” He heard her hiccup. “Where do they make em and where can I get twenty more?”
Annaka was so drunk, Zed could smell the wine breath from the recording. 
“Ah ha! And all the gentlemanly crap? Ugh, does he-does he know how kissable he is? He’s so dumb...with his...pretty face and smooth voice...what’s a girl to do but fall in love?”
“You’re in love with Fishcake?” Zapp asked incredulously. 
There was a pause before Annaka answered, “Yeah...is that lame?”
“Super lame.”
“Fuck you!” She slurred. “Zed is so cool and nice! Everyone should be in love with him! All those butterflies...poetry...and he’s handsome too! God! That bod?”
“I don’t wanna hear this-“
“Wait! Wait, just wait! Abs? Tiddies? His skin’s a little cold and sometimes is a little slimy but hey! That’s kinda cute! I like em slimy I guess! He’s so….” She let out a flurry of stomach butterfly making giggles. “I wanna have his half fish babies, just wanna keep him with me forever.”
“Zapp?” Asked a high pitched voice. 
They all looked over to see a bright pink Annaka staring at them in horror. Zed didn’t even know darker skin could get that level of red but she was blushing hard enough to stain her face permanently. 
“Yesssss?” Zapp asked. 
Annaka blinked. “I...hate you.”
“Mhm, save it for the judge. Your fish fry was getting all jelly that you might wanna fuck Leo.”
“I didn’t say that!” Zed cried, jumping to his feet. 
“There’s more, you wanna hear?” Zapp asked, wiggling the phone.
“No!” Annaka cried, leaping for the phone. In true big brother fashion, Zapp held it above his head and out of her reach. 
Her drunken self continued, “Zaaaapp, what if he wants a girl like Chain! She’s so pretty and with-“ Another hiccup. “Those huge perky boobs! And KK looks like a sexy supermodel! No! I want him all to myself! He’s my boyfriend!”
“Relax, I don’t think those two will be going out for fish sticks anytime soon.”
“Well they should. He’s so wonderful...oh...oh my Prince. My wonderful sweet prince. I just wanna snuggle buggle wuggle him and,” Annaka yawned on the recording. “Mmm wanna cuddle my mer-prince. My sweet-”
“And that goes on for like another minute and a half,” Zapp said, shutting off the recording. His sister looked down at the ground, waiting for it to swallow her whole. Instead, she was held very snuggly by her boyfriend.
Zed cuddled his princess and smiled. So maybe he wasn’t human. He was still Annaka’s first pick.
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