#Hazbin hotel
notherpuppet · 2 days
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Radioapple doodles whilst listening to arctic monkeys
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wattemeer · 3 days
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thethoriumreactor · 3 days
The colorblind Alastor headcanon is so fun to think about I made an entire comic page about it pls be proud of me guys
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He chose the more vibrant one lol (if image quality is bad pls click on it)
Bonus doods (Alastor admitted the truth):
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drunkenmantis · 2 days
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The sin and the sinner
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barblaz-arts · 1 day
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That feeling when you find out you're finally out of the dog house and your girlfriend still loves you
(just wanted to redraw my favorite Chaggie moment)
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az-roser · 2 days
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Words cannot describe the need I have for RadioApple… even when it’s angst 😭📻🍎
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alloplush · 3 days
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Lucifer Morningstar you are my muse,,,
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kibbles-bits · 2 days
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goldsnek · 2 days
Idk I made this at 4AM
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alymccart · 2 days
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So, a server I'm on kind of went off the rails when someone asked how Charlie gets her hooves trimmed.... I was inspired. *cough*
Thank you @texanredrose for Charlie's delightful outfit suggestion, and @kambiteydragon for the grade A brainworms, and also to everyone else on the server who participated in this hilarity.
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barsicool · 3 days
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notherpuppet · 1 day
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Chitchat 🎭
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cyanbloodart · 2 days
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Esta es una comisión que me pidieron en IG pero obviamente fui muy feliz de realizarla 💖
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fullychaotichell · 14 hours
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Can't believe I haven't read the new chapter of OSAS because I was focused on finishing these silly joke doodles pfff
Okay, so, the premise of this joke is that Lucifer and Alastor's relationship has grown so much without anyone else knowing anything about it, but they're also both sillies who have funny ways of showing their friendship and now romance, so I just wanted to doodle that for fun pfff
Also, even tho they promised to keep their romance a secret, I BET these fuckers would get themselves caught, like, they've been caught looking romantic a dozen other times just by Vox alone, not to even mention other characters ppfpfpfp
Anyways, @morningstarwrites I had a peek at the new chapter and saw we're back to team HARD, I'm so happy pfpfpfpf
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6esiree · 3 days
Sleazy Thoughts With Human Alastor
I can’t stop thinking about Alastor hastily pushing your front against the wall in the back of Mimzy’s club, bunching your dress up and pulling your panties aside. One hand is clamped over your mouth, the other holding your leg apart as he pushes past your folds with his cock, biting down on your shoulder to stifle his pleasured groan. It’s the dead of night but thankfully, the dim flickering streetlights do not illuminate the back of the building, your bodies obscured by the shadows.
Plus, the music and the distant sound of people laughing and chattering drown out the pats emanating from Alastor’s feverish thrusts, including the rude jingling of his belt. For a long time, you were a friend and nothing more, your advances always declined in the most gentle of ways. But tonight? He took somebody’s life, unable to shake off the adrenaline despite the amount of whiskey churning in his bloodstream.
“Now, now, you must hold in those pretty little sounds of yours,” Alastor lets go of your shoulder, his teeth etched onto your skin, the sight making his cock throb inside of you.
“I’m trying, Al,” You mewl from his palm, tossing your head back onto his heaving chest, your gaze riddled with pure, raw lust. “But your cock is just so big and—“
Alastor quickly replaces his hand with his mouth, his lips gliding against yours and swallowing whatever filthy words you had to offer him. You reach up and thread your fingers into his hair, your orgasm creeping up on you. You never thought he’d ever take you behind Mimzy’s club, the tall, handsome man always so proper and gentlemanly. But, Hell, you weren’t going to complain, glad to have his cock spoiling your cunt.
“Such filthy, whorish words coming out from a young lady such as yourself,” Alastor tsks as he pulls back from the kiss, his lips smeared with your lipstick and glasses fogged up from your labored breaths.
“But you like it, old man,” You move your hand to his jaw, thumb generously wiping away at the lipstick on his brown skin. “I can feel it deep inside of me,” You add sultrily, making him chuckle.
“I won’t argue against that,” Alastor thrusts up into your particularly hard, a rather loud moan escaping your throat at the unexpected act. “Now, be a good girl and keep that mouth of yours shut, do you hear me?”
You eagerly nod, teasingly fluttering your lashes at him before sinking your teeth into the inside of your cheek. That only earns you a smack on your ass, however, your cunt clenching around his cock in response. Rest assured that that won’t be the last time Alastor spontaneously takes you behind Mimzy’s club, filling your hole up till it’s squelching and his cum is trickling down your thighs, glad to have you to satiate him after a successful hunting.
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sunlit-mess · 3 days
how would you draw a female version of your michelin star alastor?
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