#Hazbin hotel carmilla carmine
reverseexorcist · 7 months
★ 𝐅𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐝 ★
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"If it's alright could I request Carmilla Carmine x a fem reader who's a fallen angel? Like maybe they met during extermination and got their wings ripped off for not wanting to kill Carmilla's kids or they were already in hell with Carmilla for some time before the extermination? If you don't want to do this that's totally fine, and sorry if this isn't how to request stuff :)."
Honestly, with how this ended, I'm really tempted to write a much fluffier part 2 to this
Part 2 ↫ Right here
➲ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 Carmine + !Fallen Angel!Reader
➲ Romantic ☐, Platonic ☒
➲ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 Count; 3,462 Words
➲ Warnings/notes; Female reader, descriptions of gore/blood, canonical Lute slander (sorry Lute), romantic or platonic wasn't requested so I went with platonic to fit the story more (if the requester wants romantic just feel free to ask me), mother mode Carmilla (she might be a bit ooc because of this),
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Oh wow.
Oh wow were you shaking.
You couldn't tell if it was from the excitement or the nerves - Probably both if you were being honest with yourself, but you couldn't shake off the vibrating feeling tingling beneath your skin that made you want to fly laps around heaven. Your stomach was doing flips, but you led mask only reflected your nearly psychopathic grin and twitching eye.
Even after your lieutenant Lute shot you a stern look, no doubt pissed off because you couldn't sit still for five goddamn seconds, you still couldn't resist fidgeting with your spear. It was sparkly, and somewhat heavy, and a murderous weapon that was entirely yours! It was also cold, freezing almost. Even against your gloves it made your palms feel numb and seemed to shine in sync with your own valiant excitement.
Baby's first extermination, basically. While the name certainly sounded scary, you'd been waiting for this day for six months (you and the other forty-five cadets in your platoon) and you were ready to do your best! Sure, you were still technically a rookie, hanging around the flock and bringing up the rear of the exorcists, but this was how you proved yourself to rise the ranks, right?
Your heart stopped beating in your chest when you finally reached the front. Holy shit, that was the high seraphim! Sera, right? Oh wow, she really was much much taller in person, towering above the clustering sea of black and white murderous intent. Her outward vibe was motherly and caring, but you could see the glint of distain, guilt and regret sparking in the deepest depths of her eyes. Which was confusing, because you were doing a good thing, right? Ridding the divine planes of sinners irredeemable souls.
The thoughts crowded your mind - Evil, twisted monsters crawling around like bugs in the brimstone crowded crevices of hell. You could only imagine the satisfaction of killing your first hell spawn.
It would have to be cool no doubt. Something big with lots of teeth and claws and that could breathe fire! You had to come home with a cool story to brag about. You'd heard the tales from all your superiors. From everyone including the first man Adam himself, your respectably awesome (if a little terrifying) lieutenant Lute, to the other lieutenants like Michael and Gabriel. You'd have to off a demon built like a mountain to get their attention.
And by the big man himself, you were going to do it. Even if it took you a hundred years, you could already see yourself commanding a group just like yours, bearing a helmet with horns big and curved and bold, black stripes stippled along your ivory wings.
With a very particular pep in your step, you saluted the high seraphim Sera respectively, head cocked up just so you could regard her kindly warmth in fullness. Her smile didn't reach her eyes, and although she swiftly sent you on your way with the rest of your platoon, you couldn't help but let your nerves sway your resolve ever so slightly.
It didn't matter though! You unfurled your wings with perhaps a bit too much of a dramatic flair, but with your spear in hand and helm polished so it shined with malevolent glory, you kicked off without a second thought, tailing right behind where you were supposed to be.
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Your first impression of hell was the heat.
With the extermination already well under way, raging fires were already burning up half of the city sending whorls of smog up into the air. You easily battered it away with a few strong flaps of your wings. With your head on the swivel, your eagle-eyes peered around the desolate land for the forms of the sinners struggling to thrive below, silhouettes hidden by the thick layer of smoke and ash blanketing the landscape.
Lieutenant Lute furled out her wings below you, a screeching war cry echoing throughout the battlefield as she all but left your rookie platoon in the metaphorical dust. The sound itself only spurred you on, itching for the blood of a demon on the blade of your angelic spear. Without a second thought, you tucked your wings to you sides and dived below, headfirst into the fray.
Billowing flames licked past you harmlessly, though they burned like hell (which seemed rather apt, considering where you). You didn't falter, flying through the embers like a goddamn phoenix ready to cleanse the realm sprawled out beneath you. The solid wingbeats of two of your fellow cadets only strengthened your resolution, a holy fire burning in your soul - An itch to clear the filth of devil scum away. This was the chaotic strength that your captain had sought to build in you, and now you were finally able to act on it.
But everywhere you looked, you only found simple, humanoid souls running and screaming in terror. Eyes wide, half-dead or bloodied beyond belief as they scrambled to find shelter from the onslaught of exorcists like yourself. Nowhere could you see the mangled forms of the demons you'd been taught to slaughter. Descriptions from your seniors before you passed through your mind - 'gleaming eyes with with wrath and lust', 'gangly limbs twisted to an unholy form', 'mouths filled with rows of sharp teeth, and claws like knives'.
You faltered, confused. The words of Lute rang out in your mind.
"Of course, it's not like they can actually hurt you. You're all warriors, the toughest, just use your spears to stab the shit out of them!"
You were alone now. You couldn't hear the comforting sounds of your fellow rookies behind you anymore. They were well in front of you now, peering around with a similar confusion to yours. But to your absolute horror, they simply shrugged their shoulders and dived forward with bloodlust evident in their glowing white masks. Silver points of spears were jammed through the heads of the terrified demons below. But were they demons? They didn't look like them at all. Every single book you'd seen depicting demons drew them as eldritch monsters with too many eyes to count, tentacles and claws and fangs with nary but bloodlust and vile thoughts hidden within their slitted eyes.
But the demons in front of you looked just like people. You could see the way their faces contorted in terror. You could see them scrambling to help what you could only assume were friends and family, pulling them along and carrying the ones who couldn't run for themselves. You could only feel your heart fall as you watched one of your best friends land on top of a sinner already crushed by rubble, turquoise skin stained red. The begged and pleaded and cried, but their voice was silenced as the spearhead sunk into their skull.
You flinched. The world around you ignored you completely, and for once, you were completely happy to go unnoticed.
Shakily, you touched-down in a nearby street. It was littered with already oozing corpses, but other than that it was peacefully empty. At least here the sounds of violence and pain and terror was muffled, far away enough that you could at least try to distance yourself and get your breathing under control.
You barely reeled in a gag as the smell of blood invaded your senses.
Was this really what you wanted to do for the rest of your life? You could still see yourself in your mind's eye, a model exorcist like your lieutenant now leading her own platoon into another extermination. Maybe this would be a one off, just a shock to the system that would get your mind reworked into killing mode. But, the more you thought about it, the more your heart clenched in pain and terror that seemingly matched the suffering souls around you. You were an agent of heaven, you thought you were killing mindless monsters, not those with human souls! Sure, there were probably shitty people fucking around down here, but what about all those who had to sin in self defence?
A chorus of startled gasps startled you out of your panic ridden stupor. Your wings flared up, trying to make yourself look bigger, more threatening as you wheeled around. The spear in your hands looked more like a prop at this point, and it was clear that you had minimal idea how to use it inside a proper battle. But still, you fumbled with it and pointed it threateningly in the direction of the two demons that had appeared right behind you.
They clutched each other, stumbling backwards and further away from the danger of your angelic weapon. One of them placed an arm in front of the other, her eyes narrowing behind her red-tinted glasses as if she was both terrified by you, but was daring you to do something about it.
But still, you could see them shaking from where you stood. They both seemed rooted to the ground, the one with platinum blonde hair refused to take her eyes off of you, but the demon behind her (maybe her sister? A friend?) was looking around nervously.
You could see yourself reflected in those crimson specs, and for once it made you freeze. You'd seen yourself in uniform plenty of times before, the steel boots and guard gloves and the led, horned helmet, but it always seemed almost comforting before. When you were surrounded by your cohorts, it made you fit in. Out here, you realised, you were the monster.
The ever-present smile on your mask shrunk, falling into a grimace as your grip on your weapon tightened. Your wings drew in, you shrunk backwards, almost stumbling over your own feet in the process of trying your hardest to get away. You never wanted to scare people.
So drowned by your own confusion and fear and reckless thoughts of worry about the future that you didn't notice the confusion growing the faces of the demons in front of you turn into abject horror as a far more ominous silhouette grew behind you.
"I thought I taught you not to hesitate," Lute growled in your ear, placing her free hand on your shoulder and digging her fingers in till your were sure a bruise was marred into your skin. You didn't respond, couldn't even if you wanted to. The trembling that rattled you only grew stronger, and you fumbled as your hands cramped painfully. With a resounding clatter, your spear dropped from your grasp an on to the brazen brimstone floor.
Lute growled.
She didn't say anything, but she knew. The both of you knew by now. You couldn't kill a sinner.
Lute didn't even hesitate before shoving you to the ground. Your head collided with solid stone painfully even with your helmet on, stars shining behind your eyes as her words blurred together as she pressed her foot firmly between your shoulder blades. Your wings shivered and spread involuntarily, and you feared the moments that would come next. Lute was unpredictable, but this could only end with bloodshed.
The two girls still hadn't moved, transfixed in horror as they watched the scene in front of them play out.
Asphalt stung your hands and you tried to claw your way to freedom, fingertips digging into the scorched Earth as you started crying. Lute, however, was stronger than you. Of course she was, she'd been doing this for centuries, and you were still a fledging on her first trip out of heaven.
You never thought it would end like this.
Lute dug her fingers into your wings, tangling into your still downy feathers before she yanked with all her might. The scream she tore from your lips was hellish, agonising, yet the blended with the sounds of violence all around you. You were sure you blacked out several times throughout the process, but by the time your old lieutenant was done with you, barely anything but feathery stumps and golden blood remained of your wings.
You could only curl up, cry and watch as Lute tossed clumps of feathers aside as she stalked toward the two demons that still hadn't had the thought to run. And for the first time in your life, you felt sorry for the sinners that populated hell's ring of wrath.
She would make them suffer, that was for sure. If she was happy enough to tear of another angel's wings, you could only imagine what she would do to a sinner. You didn't want to imagine, and your mind was fuzzy enough that you thankfully didn't have to.
The sound of something sharp rang throughout the air. It made you groan in pain, the sound piercing your ears and making your brain rattle in your skull. Sharp - 'Tink tink tink tink tink.' If you could see the look of relief coming across the demons faces, a part of you might've urged Lute to run. Only, she had just torn your wings off with little qualm, and now you had no shits left to give if she lived or not.
The exorcist never got the chance to strike, her weapon torn from her hands and thrown across the street till it collided with a bloody body. Lute herself barely had time to react before she was struck over the head once, then twice in rapid succession. A whirlwind of white and angelic steel and pure fury launched herself in the path between the two demons and the exorcist. It was almost exhilarating to watch, seeing Lute strike out with her fists in a pathetic attempt of hand to hand combat against her new foe. Whoever they were, they were really fucking fast, almost too fast for you to keep up with.
The fight was over before it started. Without her weapon, Lute couldn't do much against the sinner she was pitted against, and as ruthless as she was, she knew when a battle was lost. In a flurry of black and white feathers, she fled. And then the newcomer's attention was shifted to you.
At this point, you would've welcomed death. The pain alone was making you drift slightly, and you didn't even have the energy left to groan when whoever nudged you slightly with something hard and cold.
"Mother.." The words were so soft, floating away from your ears.
"We need to leave." It was undoubtably her. That voice was the one who beat Lute into the ground.
"What about..?" That was the one who called out for mother.
"Won't she tattle?" So that had to be her sister.
Those words sent a dose of adrenaline through you. With as much strength as you could muster, you clawed yourself into an upwards position. You could feel the clotting blood running down your back, but if you were going to die, you at least wanted to do so with some dignity.
Shakily, with much more effort than was really desired, you reached up and peeled your helmet off.
It clattered noisily like glass against the floor, and suddenly the world was much brighter, much more red and the air was laced with more sulphur and death than you could imagine. But what really surprised you was the look of shock written across the sinner's face.
She was tall. Really tall. The only person who could really compete was Seraphim Sera or maybe Adam, but you really couldn't tell with how delirious you were.
"Una niña?" They all looked surprised.
The one called mother took a few steps forward, confusion and anger clearly present in her eyes. But, as she kneeled down in front of your comparatively tiny form, you realised the anger wasn't directed at you.
"Did she try to hurt you?" She turned back to face her daughters. They both shared a look, but ultimately shook their heads no. That right there, was your saving grace.
She looked back at you, hair pinned into high horns, and took your helmet in her large hands. She passed it off to one of her daughters, before gently scooping you into her hold.
You whined, writhing minutely in her hold as the searing phantom pain of your wings being torn off returned. Fat tears rolled down your cheeks, and yet the demoness tutted softly, shushing you like you were a baby.
Her daughters followed without a word, and you and the family unit moved swiftly through the desolate roads. So many questions were running through your mind, and yet you couldn't find the answer to any of them, your thoughts to lost to the fog of blood loss to ever truly return.
"You better not betray me," Were the last words you heard before promptly passing out.
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The plushness of a soft blanket was the first thing you felt waking up. For a moment, you felt nothing but relief realising the entire thing had been a horrid nightmare, but when you tried to rustle the numbness out of your wings, the relief was replaced with horror when you realised that your wings were just straight up missing, only two feathery stumps remaining in their place.
That made you shoot up in horror. You didn't even care about the sharp sting that ran down your spine and into your very being, you were a bit too concerned about your current predicament.
"You're awake."
That made you promptly scream before ducking under the covers like you were a nestling again. A soft sigh reached your ears, but you dared not to venture out from the warmth of the thick covers.
Not like you had a choice, though, as you were soon pried away from their safety. It was her, the demoness with the high-pinned buns. She looked down on you, red eyes glowing in the low light, and yet, you couldn't sense a smidge of hatred towards you. Only distrust and sadness laced her expression.
"How old are you?" She asked after the silence had gone on long enough.
"I'm a fledgling," Is all you said. You didn't really fancy giving too much information. Although, the look of horror the crossed her face maybe suggested that you'd already given away plenty.
"Obligan a los niños a hacer esto?" She raised a hand and carded it through her snowy tresses, locks of white hair threaded loose as she paced back and forth. You only watched her, slowly sinking back into the comfort of the warm blankets.
"You're still a child." It was a statement.
You hated being a child. You didn't want to be a child, at least, you hadn't wanted to be a child in the past. You wanted to join the ranks of the exorcists, and to do that you at least needed to be juvenile. Hell, you were lucky enough to make it into the cadets while you still had baby feathers decorating your wings. But now, the fact that yes, you were still technically a kid made your saviour look upon you with more than just disdain and hatred like any other exorcist, but rather she looked upon you with an emotion that you'd never seen before, and not one you could really name.
"You are a child, and now you have fallen," She eyed your mostly healed wing stumps, and you couldn't help but reflexively flex them anxiously. The literal weight off your back made you want to cry.
"Was this your first extermination?" She gazed upon you with a guarded look. You nodded.
"And you didn't hurt my daughters?" Another nod from you. That seemed to make her relax just a tad.
"Could you ever hurt someone?" That made you pause, the memories of the extermination rushing back to you full force. Tears grew at the corners of your eyes, and still, you answered with a simple 'no'.
She exhaled a sigh of relief before closing the distance and kneeling down to your eye level.
"Carmilla Carmine." She reached a hand out toward you. So that was her name.
You clutched your hands close to your chest, fearing her touch, but gave her your name anyway.
"What are you gonna do with me?" You asked, voice cracking. Her gaze softened, finally letting her guard slip for just a moment.
"Well, you weren't going to make it out there by yourself. You'll be staying with me," The words took a moment to sink into your mind. Well, at least it was better than death.
Gently, like she was working with a scared animal, Carmilla coaxed you out from the comfort of the bed, slowly ushering you to her side. With your wings missing and their remains bandaged, head bare and missing your exorcist helmet, it felt like the safest place in the world.
"Welcome to Hell."
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Rules + Info,
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astrid-sama · 8 months
Carmilla Carmine x fem reader Headcanon
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I have literally fallen in love with this woman and I want her to do very raunchy things to me ( all get it)
•During the extermination Camilla will be with you the whole time to make sure you are safe.
•Carmilla would do anything for you even die.
•Carmilla doesn't say she loves you often but when she does she says it with so much conviction it makes your heart skip a beat.
•Carmilla shows her love for you with small gestures, such as calling you adorable nicknames.
•Sometimes he gives you bouquets of black roses.
•Carmilla is almost never jealous, the only person who can make her jealous is Velvette, in fact she continues to flirt with you despite knowing that you are having a relationship with Carmilla.
•For your birthday she takes you on a very romantic date.
•He holds your opinion in high regard and always asks for your opinion before making any important decisions.
•Makes you attend every overlord meeting (despite not being an overlord)
•Even though she may seem cold and aloof when it comes to you, Carmilla becomes a little bunny.
•When your relationship became stable and official Carmilla immediately introduced you to her daughters.
•Carmilla loves that you and her daughters get along.
•She likes to sleep with her head resting on top of your chest so she can hear your heart beating.
•Obviously she's the top(that's fine with me, have I already said that I love this woman?).
•Carmilla doesn't show physical affection very often but that doesn't mean she's capable of kissing you so passionately that it leaves you breathless (I want you to leave me breathless).
•She is ready to tear apart anyone who even thinks of harming you.
•She loves to caress your head and run his fingers through your hair.
•She was very happy when her daughters started calling you mom.
•Carmilla is never afraid that you might be in danger because she knows that no one in hell would ever think of harming an overlord's lover.
(I want to write more fanfiction about Carmilla carmine x fem reader, if you have ideas write to me.)
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alexgrin · 2 months
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I was finally able to finish her design! Carmilla Carmine Swap Version (Velvette)
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amphibiahawks321 · 6 months
[Zestial and Y/N walking on the roadside chatting]
Zestial : My I don't remember the last time we had a good chatting
M!Reader : and yet you still chat with that cold soothing grandpa voice
Zestial : Charmed
Zestial : But enough about me, how are you and carmilla doing?
M!Reader : We're doing really well! Carmilla is such a charmer and so romantic ^v^
Zestial : I would've figured, how's so?
M!Reader : Well three days ago-
Knock Knock
M!Reader : Hm?
Opens door'
M!Reader : look kid I already bought almost all of your girl scout Coo-......Kies?
[Reveal to be carmilla offering Y/N a bouquet of flowers]
[Y/N look behind Camilla to see Clara and Odette holding up hearts with Clara's saying "Go out" and Odette's saying "Tonight?♥️"]
M!Reader blushing : Umm...
Camilla : my apologies sorry for the sudden visit Y/N
M!Reader blushing : N-no that's okay... What's going on here?
Camilla : I was wondering if you are free tonight, if you are busy tonight I'll gladly see myself out-
M!Reader blushing : No! Ahem i mean sure! I'm free tonight!
[Camilla's face turned into a happy expression as she offers the bouquet further to Y/N's which he gladly takes]
Camilla : I'll pick you up later tonight🤍
[Y/N nods with a smile]
[As Camilla, Odette and Clara leave Clara immediately got excited for Camilla with Odette forming a smile]
[M!Reader thought 💭]
At least now I know what to eat tonight ╹////v////╹
M!Reader : she's just so romantic! ^v^
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camilaxmartin · 6 months
I love Carmilla too
Carmilla in a secret relationship and shes planning on an official introduction but when she does they already know the person she's with (didn't know they were in a relationship) and know them pretty well so they ease up on the 'you hurt her and your dead' talk. They have a good laugh about Carmilla being nervous
Not sure if I explained it well but hopefully you got the idea but you can take it anywhere you like
sweet little secret
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navigation // rules // masterlist
summary: telling the ‘world’ about your relationship with carmilla:) fem!overlord!reader
warnings: some cursing probably maybe suggestive themes?, straight up fluff tho
note: i made it like a relationship but they haven’t established it? sorry for that but it just happened😭 also i had my fun with the “hurt her and you’re dead” i hope you don’t mind it:) i made rosie and velvette our besties here cause,,, duh (it came out much more sweet than i imagined? help??)
requests: open!!
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it was supposedly another one of those mornings when carmilla would wake up first, realise you’ve spent the night at her place and immediately freak out, waking you up and telling you to sneak out of hers, and her daughters home. it was a tradition at this point, happening about three times a week.
yet, this morning carmilla wasn’t the one to wake up first.
your eyes flutter slightly at the light of the sun coming through the window making sure not to let you go back to sleep. you, unwillingly, opened your eyes and groaned not wanting to wake up. just as you’ve come more to your senses you felt something fluffy stroke your face. you moved your head to the side and noticed carmilla peacefully sleeping next to you, small smile on her face, as her hair was the thing touching your face. a smile crawled up onto your face as you kept looking down at her. you moved one of your hands to her face and gently stroked it, pushing any of her hair out of the way. carmilla immediately opened her eyes at the first touch like a trained assassin. she looked a bit scared at first but when her eyes allowed her to finally notice it was you, her expression softened and she yawned sitting up.
“you slept well, cariño?” she asked yawning again, her eyes softly closing along. you chuckled looking at her as you sat up as well.
“yeah, i assume you did too?” you asked with a small smile as carmilla playfully rolled her eyes at you.
“i did” she nodded her head and one of her hands found yours, twirling her fingers with yours.
“i’m surprised you’re still not yelling at me to get out” you laughed, squeezing her hand as you mention the normal morning you two share when you sleep at her place. she rolled her eyes again but less playful this time as she squeezed your hand and kept on her grip.
“i’ve been thinking about it, actually” she said as she kept looking at your face. “maybe… we could stop that kind of mornings?” she asked as she softly looked away, not in a sheepish way but in a more relaxed one. you tilted your head slightly not being prepared for a question like that as your smile widened.
“what do you mean?” you asked wanting to understand her properly. she chuckled at your words and her eyes came back to you.
“i mean-“ she started and moved closer to you, the covers still on top of you both. “we could tell odette and clara about our… thing?” she explained as she got onto your lap, the amount of affection rare from her, as she put her other hand, the one that wasn’t holding yours, onto one of your cheeks cupping it softly as she stared into your eyes excitedly.
“ye- of course. if that’s what you want” you said surprised she actually wanted to do that. you two hadn’t really established anything that was happening between you two before. of course, you liked her and she definitely felt something for you as well but it never seemed that you needed to talk about it. it wasn’t a secrets as well i mean- when you think about it, it kinda was but only when it came to it! carmilla never really spoke with anyone about you and if one of your friends asked if you had something going on you just answered with a simple “yes” not getting into more heavy details. your smile widened even more seeing her excited look.
“it is what i want” she said stroking your cheek with her fingers, the weight of her slowly making itself present as she kept sitting on your lap.
“is there any particular reason for it?” you asked as you cuddled up more into her hand, closing your eyes and waiting for her response. she chuckled at your question and shook her head slightly.
“not really” she said and sighed, something more definitely hiding behind her words. you opened your eyes to look at her and smiled still feeling her hand.
“then we’ll do it” you shrugged and squeezed her hand still linked with yours. she smiled even more at you and got off of your lap, getting off of the bed as well. your eyes followed her as she walked towards her huge wardrobe and opened it looking for something to wear while she was only in her underwear from spending the night with you. your eyes roamed her body uncontrollably as you just laid there with a smile of your own.
“i’ll give you one of my shirts” she said bending over in the wardrobe looking through some of her clothes. you looked away from her with a grin as you closed your eyes laying in her bed.
you didn’t have a bad relationship with odette or clara, it was more of a… professional thing if you could say. they knew you, of course, by being an overlord and buying a lot of stuff from their company and you, of course, knew them as kids of your loved one. but still telling them you’re practically dating their mother and fucking her a few times a week (which they definitely had heard by now) was something that was unconsciously making your anxiety rise up. you let out a deep breath just laying there deep in your thoughts. you heard carmilla shuffling around the clothes and just the sound of her in the room with you, calmed your nerves a bit. you opened your eyes and saw your ‘girlfriend’ walking over to you with an old shirt and shorts in her hands and a huge smile on her face, her eyes glowing more than usually.
“here you go, mi corazón” she said handing you the clothes. you sat up again taking them from her and yawning as she chuckled looking at you lovingly.
“i’m going to make breakfast for the girls and you so come down anytime you want” she said while walking to the door and smiling one last time at you. “can’t wait to see you actually be there with us” she huffed with a laugh and then closed the door behind her, leaving you all alone with your thoughts, giving you some privacy to change. it’s not like she has already seen you naked a hundred times before, no.
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as you changed into your picked out outfit and finally got out of bed you walked beside a mirror carmilla had in her room and fixed your hair a little to look more… presentable. it was literally nothing just a breakfast with them but it still made you anxious. you took a deep breath and finally got out of the room closing the door behind you. the whole house was quiet due to its size and the small amount of people living in it. you tried calming your mind a bit as you started humming a tune while walking down the long corridor moving towards the stairs. you jumped a few times in excitement as well, finally going down the stairs and admiring everything you saw while walking. you heard the sound of oil sizzling on the pan and moved towards it to finally find the kitchen.
as you walked in you saw carmilla cooking something and a set up table ready for four people. you smiled seeing that and swiftly moved to walk behind carmilla and wrap your hands around her waist. she chuckled obviously noticing your presence a lot earlier as she moved from left to right preparing the food.
“mi amor, we want to tell them not demonstrate it” she chuckled but made no effort in pushing you off. you smiled putting your head on her shoulder and closing your eyes, smelling the delicious smell of whatever she was making.
“i know but they’re not here yet, are they?” you asked with a chuckle of your own as she rolled her eyes at you. she moved her hand up to take out the plates and added another ingredient to her cooking.
“right” she said finally after a moment of silence as she started stirring that something in her pan.
suddenly the two of you heard a quiet gasp from the entering of the kitchen. you immediately took your hands away from carmilla and awkwardly moved away from her, looking sheepishly at the person who was standing at the door. odette started at the two of you more confused than shocked as she fixed her glasses so they wouldn’t fall off of her face. you waved to her slightly as carmilla suddenly started focusing so hard on her cooking. odette tilted her head looking at you and not waving back as she was definitely studying you.
“really mom?” she asked as she walked over the table and sat down in one of the chairs still looking at you but now also at her mother’s back. carmilla chuckled not answering her and you sighed then walked over to the table as well, choosing a spot across the girl. she moved her eyes to you and then to carmilla almost immediately.
before anything else could happened clara walked into the kitchen with her phone in her hand groaning and not even establishing your presence. she sat next to odette and shoved her phone into her face showing her something.
“how dared he?! they were a perfect fit!” she whined rolling her eyes and taking her phone away from her sister. she looked at something on it as her eyes slowly moved to you and they widened. she put the phone down at the table and smiled at you excitement floating from her face. you smiled at her awkwardly as well, as your eyebrows went a bit up at her excitement. “is this what i think it is?” she asked giving her sister a side eye. odette just nodded slightly and went back to staring at their mother’s back. “finally!” clara squeaked and put both of her elbows on the table, putting her head in her hands, starring at you.
“finally?” you asked surprised, starring at her back as she just chuckled at your question.
she definitely wanted to respond but carmilla walked over to the table with prepared food and put it down exactly at the middle of the table, sitting down in a chair next to you. she let out a deep sigh looking at her two daughters and then glancing for a second at you.
“girls” she started and her hand immediately grabbed yours under the table. you gave it a gentle squeeze, something inside telling you that this was gonna go a lot better than you expected. “as you know y/n…” she continued and cleared her throat, was she getting nervous? “her and i are…” she added and looked away from them just straight up starring at the food she brought there a second ago.
“together?” asked odette looking at carmilla with a stoic expression. satan, this girl was impossible to read.
“sneaking around every wednesday?” clara brought up suddenly and all of you looked at her. “what! it’s true!” she laughed and rolled her eyes playfully as odette shook her head at her.
“we know” odette continued looking at her mother now giving her a small smile. carmilla looked at the both of them a bit surprised but also relieved that, if they actually knew, it didn’t bother them. “but we’re confused on why you didn’t tell us sooner” she added and clara nodded her head at that. you chuckled softly, squeezing carmilla’s hand again.
“i…” carmilla started but closed her mouth not knowing what to say as she just chuckled and shook her head. “i guess i assumed it would be more of a problem” she added and let go of your hand, reaching out to take some food for herself. clara and odette shared a look after which they both started laughing. you reached out to grab the food as well, looking at them.
“it’s not” clara said with a smile and reached out for the food after you. “we actually hoped it’d be y/n and not some random ass demon” she said putting some food for her sister as well.
“i’m glad you like me then” you said with a smile, eating up your food and melting at the taste of it in your mouth. odette smiled and looked at you more relaxed now.
“of course we do” she said and started eating her food also. “we see how happy you make our mom and what’s more there to wish for?” she asked and grabbed the tea pot to pour herself a glass of tea. clara nodded along to her words.
carmilla looked at them with literal love pouring out of her eyes as she ate her food. “i’m so glad, girls” she said and they both smiled seeing her face. clara then chuckled and looked at you playfully again.
“but” said odette and all three of you looked at her, clara knowing exactly what she was going to say next. “don’t hurt her, y/n. i know you probably have no intention of doing so but…” she shrugged and took a sip from her glass. “know it’s gonna be us two after you as well if you hurt her” she finished her sentence and you chuckled nervously, starting to actually wonder what the two of them would do if you managed to somehow hurt carmilla. the silence took over for a moment as all of you concentrated on eating the breakfast.
“so…” clara started and began playing with her fork. odette looked at her with wide eyes.
“clara, don’t-“ odette started as well but it was too late and she couldn’t stop clara’s next words.
“do you like… love her?” she asked looking at you acting like a typical teenager in a movie. odette rolled her eyes and continued eating as carmilla chuckled rolling her eyes and giving you a glance as she awaited for you response as well. clara smirked looking at you intensely.
“yeah” you said after a moment with a deep sigh. “i think i do” you added and took a sip from your glass as the three of them started at you suddenly.
“i told you!” clara squeaked to her sister, hitting her arm a bit. “you owe me twenty bucks!” she added and laughed going back to her food. carmilla raised an eyebrow at them but didn’t say a thing as odette rolled her eyes still eating.
“you two made a bet or something?” you asked, curiosity getting the best of you. odette rolled her eyes again as clara giggled nodding her head.
“you can say that” she continued on giggling as carmilla shook her head knowing it’s better not to go down that road, knowing damn well her daughters were never up for good.
“in any case…” carmilla started and grabbed your hand that was laying on the table now, fully exposed. “i hope you will love her as much as i do” she said and chuckled seeing the excited look on clara’s face as odette just smiled at her words. only after a while you realised she admitted to loving you back.
“maybe not as much” clara laughed and carmilla rolled her eyes playfully, as odette kicked her sister’s leg under the table. “what! i’m just stating the truth! again!”
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after a few weeks of you living at the carmine’s house and literally becoming another mom to odette and clara, carmilla decided she wanted to make your relationship fully official. at first she was sceptical to the idea of other overlords knowing about you two but at the same time it made her blood boil that she couldn’t grab your hand whenever she wanted without brining any suspicion to herself. so, she decided to make it official. did she tell you about this? of course not!
today was the day of another one of those boring and long ass meetings with other overlords. nothing special was happening actually, just a monthly catch up on what they’re doing and what they should be doing.
you groaned looking at your calendar and noticing that it is today. you stumbled out of yours and carmilla’s bed, walking over to your shared wardrobe to pick out a fitting outfit for today. carmilla was nowhere to be found as she was probably already in her office or in the meeting room preparing for it all. same goes for her daughters.
you picked a casual yet presentable outfit and decided to go to her office and wait for other overlords there, not wanting to be alone in this huge mansion.
as you walked into her office, she smiled at you from her desk and stopped doing whatever she was doing at that moment.
“mi vida, you’re here early” she said standing up from her chair and walking over to you, capturing you in her arms. you hugged her back and nodded your head.
“yeah, i didn’t have much to do so i decided to come here” you smiled as she let you go and went back to her desk signing some papers. you walked over to the chairs before her desk and sat in one of them. she hummed at your words.
“they should be here in not so long any way” she said staring blankly at the papers she was signing like it was her second nature at this point. you sighed and started playing with your fingers not having much to do here either.
everyone was there already and they’ve taken they places in the room waiting for the meeting to start. carmilla was fixing her lipstick in a mirror, in her office after sharing a rather passionate kiss with you just a while ago. you sat there smiling dumbly as always after she kissed you. carmilla looked at you and chuckled seeing your state.
“i’m still taking away your breath after all this time?” she asked chuckling as she stopped applying her makeup. you just nodded your head and her smile widened at that.
carmilla sighed as she closed the mirror and walked over to you, grabbing you by the hand and making you stand up. you looked at her a bit confused and this time she laughed.
“let’s go, they’re all here probably” she said dragging you by the hand to the door.
“you’re probably right” you mumbled and let her drag you, preparing for her to drop your hand as you reached the door, but to your surprise, she didn’t.
your eyebrows squinted together as you watched carmilla opening the door to the meeting room while still holding your hand. you wanted to wiggle away from her, but her grasp was too strong for you to do so, so you just watched the whole situation not understanding a single thing happening.
as she finally opened the door and slowly walked into the room, still holding your hand, you felt your face softly blushing noticing all the stares from all of the overlords. carmilla walked up to the middle of the table, her usual standing spot, and cleared her throat getting all of the attention from the rest as if they haven’t already been staring at you two. you stood there as shocked as all the other overlords looking at her confused.
“overlords-” she started and her thumb began slowly stroking your hand as she continued. “-i wanted to share with you all, that me and y/n are together” she said and your jaw literally dropped as you noticed a few giggles from rosie and carmilla’s daughters. “we don’t expect to make a big deal out of this, so with this information let’s just continue our usual meeting” she said and let go of your hand walking over to the chair you were normally sitting in and pulling it out for you. you, still fully confused and surprised, walked over to the chair and sat down, trying to stop your face from blushing. carmilla looked at you and softly chuckled, getting on with the actual reason of that meeting.
after about an hour or so, the meeting was over and all the overlords started to leave the room except for rosie and velvette who came up to you immediately.
“you’re together?!” asked excitedly rosie, grabbing both of your hands and squeezing them a whole lot. you laughed at her reaction and nodded your head.
“it seems so” you said and rosie giggled at your response.
“can’t believe you didn’t tell me! i always thought you two belonged together” she said and it was true, even before the relationship with carmilla she was always nudging you about how the two of you are literally made up for each other.
“yeah, well-“ you started but velvette interrupted you with a smirk on her face.
“you’re into milfs huh?” she asked scrolling on her phone and you rolled your eyes at her as rosie let go of your hands and looked at velvette as well with disappointment in her eyes.
“apparently” you laughed and gave velvette a soft nudge at the arm. she chuckled and put her phone into her pocket.
“no but really-“ she started and walked over to you even closer. “how is she in bed? those hands must be amazing due to the size eh?” she asked and you blushed at her question but tired to maintain your normal expression.
“she is- well… i suppose it is something for me and me only to know” you chuckled and velvette rolled her eyes taking out her phone again.
“you’re no fun” she said shaking her head obviously not being satisfied with your answer. you laughed and rosie smiled at you.
“i’m so glad you’re happy” said rosie as she put her hand on your shoulder. you smiled to her putting your own hand onto hers.
“i really am, she makes me happy” rosie giggled at your words and squeezed your shoulder.
after a moment all of the overlords actually left the room and it was only you and carmilla left. her daughters got back to their work as well. carmilla walked up to you and wrapped her hands around your waist hugging you softly.
“did i surprise you today, mi cariño?” she asked, whispering into your ear. you smiled at her and turned around in her arms.
“you did” you chuckled wrapping your hands around her neck. she smiled and closed her eyes.
“i decided i want to make them know about us” she said and sighed opening her eyes and looking down at you, giving you a look full of admiration. “that you’re mine and none of them can do anything about it” she chuckled and moved her head closer to yours, touching your nose with hers. you chuckled at that and tightened the grip around her neck just a bit.
“i don’t think they’d even try it. i mean…” you laughed and carmilla rolled her eyes playfully, yet fully agreeing with you.
“i needed to let them know that if anything ever happens to you, they’ll have to deal with me” she said and moved her head so her lips connected with yours not leaving you a chance to answer.
carmilla gripped your waist tighter as she kissed you, closing her eyes, definitely wanting to do that for a while now. you smiled softly into the kiss, closing your eyes as well and letting her fully embrace it. she moved you even closer to her body by your waist and swiftly slipped her tongue inside your mouth, playing with your own, making you moan and grip her neck with your fingers. she groaned softly at the feeling and leaned away, your foreheads now touching. she smiled at you opening her eyes, as you did too, and just sighed looking you deep in the eyes, love literally pouring out of hers.
“i love you like nothing else in this world mi vida, you are my heaven in hell”
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onetaho · 8 months
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zestilla? zestine?? i love them anyways so here’s doodles (>_<)
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iamderp07 · 8 months
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Pretty Knife Lady 💃🔪 (I love her character design so much! She's so cool! 😭✨)
No background Version
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a-hazbin-soul · 5 months
carmilla with a reader who has a sort of ability to go into a shell like a turtle but they only do it when they are really mad, sad or sick
Your Shell
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You were with your wife and daughters waiting for the overlord meeting to start. You and Carmilla were really hoping none of the vees were going to show up this time.
You must have done something odd because Clara shook your shoulder and asked. "Mama, you look a bit pale today. Are you feeling alright?" You smiled at her. "Yes, dear, just overthinking the meeting. Honestly, I hope none of those wretched vees show up to ruin everything again." You gave her a hug, making her smile before she joined Odette and Uncle Zestial.
You hated not being completely honest, but you didn't want to worry your family and/or ruin the meeting. You did feel a bit under the weather, just not enough for your shell to come out.
A little time passed, and of course, Velvette was here. She was only a little annoying until she insulted your best friend and went after your wife.
"Listen, you like bitch. You don't come here just to start fights. Especially with my wife. You clearly don't want to contribute to the actual topics at hand, so why don't you ju-"
You couldn't finish what you were saying. Your shell practically consumed you in one second. Velvette was going to kick you across the room before Zestial picked you up. The meeting ended shortly after because Velvette kept antagonizing your wife. You didn't hear the rest before your family went upstairs.
Unfortunately, because you were sick, your shell practically forced you to fail asleep.
Your shell disappeared by the time you were home, but you still took a few hours to wake up. You were in your bed with Carmilla right by your side. "Darling, why didn't you tell us you were sick?" You looked down in embarrassment. "I knew the meeting was important to you, and I knew it was fairly urgent. I didn't want to ruin things."
Carmilla kissed the top of your head. "Y/N, no meeting is more important than your health. You and our daughters are my top priority, and nothing will ever change that. I love you." A bright smile appeared on your face. "I love you too."
Clara and Odette walked into the room moments later, holding medicine, soup, and "Uncle Zesty's" sickness tea on a rolling tray. "Are you feeling any better, Mama?" Odette asked. "I am now that my beautiful daughters are here too." You said, making them both smile.
You were the luckiest woman in hell because of your beautiful family.
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sweetsinssss · 28 days
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yourmomwhitediamond · 6 months
hi hi!
i was thinking maybe you could write something carmilla x reader? hear me out on this one, she seems to me like that kind of person to just wrap her hands around their partner wherever they are? like: a meeting? hand on leg. calm evening in the kitchen? hands around our waist. maybe it’s just me but carmilla in my head loves to just touch us showing who we belong to😭 and most of the time it’s not even in a sexual way just… because
anyway! have a good day/night darling!:)
Yes! Those big hands of hers would be the best for cuddling. Just one would cover half of someone's body! A super clingy overlord who's gotta make sure her gf is in her sight and safe at all times 🙏 (not in the unhealthy relationship way)
I write so many different versions of the requests I get, hence why it takes me so long. This is the one out of three I liked the most, so enjoy my dear!
Warnings: Slight mention of nsfw if you squint and just pure fluff!
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Normally Carmilla would find you fast asleep or half awake in the warm comfort of her embrace. Yet sometimes you would slip out from her loving arms and get yourself ready for the day ahead before even she could wake. And it was one of those mornings today. With her eyes still shut tight she blindly reached out in search of your smaller figure. All her hands found was the cold empty side of your bed which made her huff.
"Morning sleepy head" You greeted, glancing at Carmilla through the mirror in front of you.
"Mi amor?" She propped herself up on her elbows groggily. After giving her tired eyes a rub she spotted you sitting at the vanity, styling your hair,"You left me"
You stifled a laugh, you wouldn't be surprised if she was pouting. Whilst you continued to comb through your hair and ignore her childish whine you heard the shuffling of bed sheets followed by footsteps. A moment later you looked up in the mirror, finding Carmilla standing over you. Her arms draped over your shoulders and her chin rested on the crown of your head.
"Carmilla" You sighed, lowering your comb. There was no way you could finish your hair with her head on yours.
"Yes?" She hummed and closed her eyes. Your body was pulled back flush up against her chest. Her entire body weight was being pressed onto you. No offence to her, but she was heavy, you could barely sit upright and by the looks of things she had no plans to get off of you. You were trapped, her hands had you imprisoned, covering your entire torso. Any other time you'd allow her to hold you like this, but unfortunately there wasn't much time for it. A meeting with the other overlords was due in an hour.
"We have a meeting" You remind her and she huffed. She was reluctant to let go, but after thinking things over she kissed you on the head and released you to go on about her morning routine. She made sure to display her displeasure with sighs, groans and slothful movements. Rather than feeling guilty, which was the whole point of this behaviour, it was rather comical. The scowl on her face was just so cute!
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She made sure to hold you close as you went from your bedroom to the boardroom despite her grumpiness. You settled down in your dedicated seat and so did Carmilla, choosing the more comfortable alternative to walking back and forth. She was discreet with the way she touched you, wanting to maintain her professionalism as she presented. Her hand was on your knee at first, rubbing soft circles on it. Then she moved onto your thigh, ever so gently kneading it.
At this point, it was a subconscious action. You never went long without her touch. She always found excuses. Sometimes she didn't even need them.
You listened intently to her and savoured the physical affection you were receiving. Soon your hand crept down under the table and took Carmilla's hand, intertwining your fingers. You caught her lips twitching up from the corner of your eye, a sign you were doing something right. With her hand held you ran your thumb across her palm like you'd usually do when you were alone. You traced the patterns and dips of her skin, making sure to cover the large surface.
Her hands were one of your favourite features. They were large, soothing, warm and...very skilled. You gave every part of it the same amount of attention, not leaving a single bit untouched by the end of the meeting.
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When she finally wrapped the meeting up and watched the door close behind the last attendee she swooped you from your seat. You squeaked in surprise, grasping onto Carmilla as she placed you on the desk.
"We have time to ourselves now, mi amor" She smiled, watching her hands roam your body.
They drifted up and down, from your shoulders to your thighs. You smiled in return and leaned into her neck to kiss it. Carmilla crooned at the sensation of your lips against her skin and titled her head, urging you to continue. It was difficult to believe she was an overlord when she was like this. Such a cuddly sinner beneath that tough facade of hers.
After being with her for some time you realised what the reason behind her being so touchy was. Turns out it brought her a great deal of comfort, knowing you were there and not too far out of reach, that you were safe and sound by her side. It was also a stress reliever if you will. It kept her mind clear of all negative thoughts and was a way to help her concentrate. She also found out you struggled with your words and that you replaced them with featherlight kisses as well as the odd few gifts here and there which she had no complaints about.
"You have such a beautiful body" She uttered, unable to remove her hands from you. She reminded you of this whenever she got the chance, especially if you were having self-doubts. She would cling to you, complimenting every part of you verbally and physically until you admitted it.
"Thank you" Your voice matched her level and hummed when you felt her hands in your hair. You let her touch you freely and melted into her arms, knowing you were in safe hands. There were no lewd intents. If there were she would've acted already, with your permission of course. But no. This spare time was used for fond, loving touches only.
The dividers I used are from @saradika
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spookyghostbunny · 6 months
I like to think the other Overlords have a bet for how long it'll take Zestial and Carmilla to get together
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reverseexorcist · 7 months
♡ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ♡
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You couldn't not give me Carmilla fucking Carmine and expect me not to go feral over her-
➲ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 Carmine + !F!Reader
➲ Romantic ☒, Platonic ☐
➲ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 Count; 1,479 Words
➲ Warnings/notes; Female reader, these are kind've all over the place, Carmilla might be a tad OOC since this is my first time writing her
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➲ There are so many different ways this relationship could possibly start. The mind boggles trying to think of all of them. Just think of all the potential shenanigans that could occur and have fun with that
➲ But lemme just say before anything - This woman is fiercely protective over you. Not in the cutesy, clingy kind've obsessive way, but the silently scary scary-dog privilege kind've partner. The epitome of 'excuse me sir, they asked for no pickles', and, because I love this trope, you are the only person (besides her daughters) that she will ever fully be soft for.
➲ Insert 🥺 right here
➲ Just, get you a woman who looks at you the way Carmilla looks at her wife. That's all I can say
➲ The soft moments in the morning when you can just lay in bed and watch her get ready. Pulling her hair up into her signature, gravity defying buns(?) and delicately slip on and twine her angelic steel shoes. The minutes of her fingers expertly working away in a comfortable silence as you just lay under the comfort of your warm blankets? Those are the moments right there 👌
➲ Probably not one for physical affection, at least not in public. Definitely not in public. Her reputation alone would probably put you in danger, which is, y'know, not good, so no hand-holding in public
➲ (Honestly, one part of her probably prefers not to be seen with you in public for that exact reason. The other part wants to keep you in her line of sight at all times because at least then she can personally keep you safe)
➲ All of that being said, can't deny she'd probably give top tier hugs. Proper bear hugs because this woman is tall and strong and would undeniably make you feel safe whenever you're in her arms. Depending on how tall or short you are, she could also probably pick you up if you really wanted 👉👈
➲ (She could 100% pick you up, and probably with one hand as well)
➲ Gives the most tender of little kisses. Small pecks on the cheeks and forehead whenever she's tired from work, her larger fingers gently grazing the sides of your head as her fluffy hair tickles your face
➲ And the adorable little pet names she whispers to you! Maybe you're just passing by each other in an almost empty street or just relaxing at home together, but she'll always try and take the chance to whisper something like 'mi Vida', 'mi Corazón' or 'mi Reina' just loud enough for the two of you to hear
➲ Let's be real, this woman is really goddamn tall, so you're probably shorter than her and she absolutely loves it and would absolutely tell this to your face just to fluster you. What she loves even more is the way you'd have to reach up on your tippy toes with her leaning down to meet you halfway just to have you playfully kiss her on the tip of her nose or her chin
➲ Maybe, very rarely, if she's feeling extra sentimental, she'd love it if you sat on her lap while she works in her home office, just so she can have your comfort and warmth nearby. More often than not this scenario would end up with you falling asleep in her lap and her carrying you back to bed with the smallest of smiles on her face
➲ If she could really help it, she'd prefer to keep you as far away from her work as possible. As much as she would love to have you in the office, maybe helping her with paperwork or something similar so she could have you at within her reach at all times of the day, arms dealing is a dangerous job. At least her daughter's have each other's backs' when they're out doing business, but you'd probably have to make it on your own or with one of her other employees and that's a big no no in her eyes
➲ Also, speaking of her daughters, your relationship with them would vary wildly depending on when you met them
➲ If you started dating Carmilla when Clara and Odette were rather young, they'd probably cling on to you like a second mother figure. In some cases, they might've even preferred you over Carmilla for the sole fact that their toddler puppy eyes work on you better than their biological mother
➲ Your dynamic would probably just be the three of you racing to see who could give Carmilla a hug first after she gets home from work
➲ (Though, this only works if Carmilla is hell-born seeing as sinner's can't have children)
➲ If you started dating Carmilla when they were older though, there might be a bit of a tense air when you first meet. Carmilla's protectiveness isn't just one way - Her daughters absolutely adore her, and although they definitely couldn't protect her physically, they'd do their damn best to protect her emotionally
➲ They'd warm up to you after some time though, seeing you do truly love their mother with your whole heart. You'd never be a parent to them, barely even a step-parent, but they'd respect you and care for you like family nonetheless because you make their mother happy
➲ Either way, her heart melts seeing the three of you getting alone, and she 100% has a family picture she keeps on her desk for her eyes only
➲ Sometimes she just waits until you fall asleep so she can cradle your head in her heads oh so carefully. She just sort've stares at you, her eyes glowing in the dark with her wild mane of hair spilling out behind her, and she just traces all the intricate details of your face with her eyes
➲ And then she just sort've hugs you closer to her, tugging the blankets a little tighter around the two of you as she presses the littlest of kisses to your forehead before relaxing into the pillows
➲ But just imagine Carmilla with a wife who died so much later after her. Just this tall, scary and proper woman that strikes fear into the hearts of millions with her little gremlin wife who keep talking about shit like reddit that the other sinners just don't understand (not even Carmilla herself, but she finds your antics somewhat entertaining, at least when she doesn't have to act as your self preservation instincts and keep you safe)
➲ Extermination is your least favourite day for multiple reasons
➲ The first being, well, the exorcists descending form heaven to brutally murder sinners left and right, but also because Carmilla changes around this time
➲ It's understandable, especially with what happened in one of the previous exterminations when she and her daughters got caught, but it still scares you to see you usually cool, calm and loving wife turn into a robot who's only goal is to get you and her daughters to a safehouse to wait out the terror outside
➲ Doesn't mean you're not grateful, though. You can look past all of that because you know she's just doing it to keep you safe, and in the end you'd rather be safe and living with your family rather than dead on the end of an exorcist's spear
➲ You probably also have a good relationship with the other overlords, despite never having gone to a meeting
➲ (It's because of this you've never met Velvette or the other Vee's, and if Carmilla has a say, you never will)
➲ Rosie, being the social butterfly she is, loves to talk gossip with you every chance she gets. Zestial likes to join in on your little sessions, not saying anything but bringing tea for everyone to drink and enjoy. Clara also likes to join in sometimes, but her sister would much rather sit with her mother and just watch the chaos unfold in front of them
➲ Almost certainly has caught you trying on her shoes when she's not looking. A part of her is annoyed because she'd rather not have you involved in anything to do with her work, but the innocent look you give her makes her rethink her annoyance in the moment
➲ She'd later found out Clara helped you because you also wanted to try and walk around on pointe like the rest of the family. No idea why you skipped straight to trying the angelic weapon shoes, but Carmilla does offer to help you later
➲ Overall, great wife and I'd give her a 9/10. One point deducted probably because she'd be a tad too overprotective, but everything else about her is great; From her bear hugs to those little moments the two of you share
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Rules + Info,
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astrid-sama · 8 months
Hi can you make carmilla carmine x female reader smut about their honeymoon plz and thank you
Thanks for the request, I hope you like it. (I will write the other requests soon too)
Carmilla Carmine x fem reader.
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The feeling of the warm water flowing on your skin combined with the thoughts of the beautiful day spent with your wife made you sigh with pleasure.
Carmilla had managed to get permission to temporarily leave the pride circle and had organized your honeymoon in the most beautiful cities of hell.
Today was the first day of your honeymoon and you spent it on the beautiful beaches of the circle of avarice, bathing in the sea and pampering yourself under the green sky that overlooked the circle controlled by Mammon.
Your thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the arms circling your hips, the lips gently brushing your neck, and the warmth of her breath against your skin.
-What are you doing?-
-I missed you so much and I decided to join you mi amor-
A light laugh escaped my mouth.
-You were only without me for twenty minutes-
-Twenty minutes without you is too much, I want to spend every second of our honeymoon with you-
Carmilla gave a tender kiss under your ear and then moved lower until she kissed your neck; she broke the kisses to suck the delicate skin on your neck until she left a hickey.
The attention your beloved wife was giving to the sensitive skin of your neck made you moan softly.
You turned until you were facing Carmilla, tangled your hands in her hair and pulled her towards you to join your lips in a passionate kiss.
As you kissed Carmilla she began to push you back until your back met the cold tiles of the wall.
Carmilla's lips left yours and she began kissing your collarbones and leaving hickeys; when she was satisfied with the amount of marks she had left on you she slid further down to your chest, took one of your breasts between her lips while her hand caressed the other; your grip in her hair tightened as Carmilla teased your nipples with her teeth.
After leaving your breast Carmilla knelt in front of you and moved her attention to your abdomen; she traced your ribs one by one with your tongue, bit and sucked at the soft skin of your stomach and ran her claws down your back making you shiver.
Loud moans left your lips as Carmilla dug her fingers into you; when the pleasure reached its peak you pulled Carmilla's hair hard making her moan from the harsh treatment.
-Did you like it mi amor?-
Carmilla asked you as she stood up. Instead of answering her, you gave Carmilla a deep kiss that contained all your passion and desire for her.
-I'll take that as a yes, let's go somewhere more comfortable-
Carmilla took you in her arms and you, taking advantage of the position, began to cover the skin of her neck with hickeys.
Carmilla walked across your bedroom with you in her arms and laid you gently on the bed. Carmilla crawled on top of you and looked at you with a hungry look that made you shiver with anticipation.
-Do you want to be mine all night mi amor?-
-You already know the answer-
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camilaxmartin · 6 months
Good morning (technically, it's like 1am for me rn) but could I request Carmilla and Rosie (separately) with a reader that's like one of those friends that are shy for a bit but then open up after a bit when they're singing with friends or something (I'm not great at explaining stuff so sorry about that). You don't have to right this if you don't want to, but thanks if you decide too. :)
not so shy after all
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summary: *request*
warnings: none i think! NOT PROOF READ THO!
notes: just a quick drabble cause that’s what came to my mind!:) hope you’ll like it!
requests: closed!!
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୨ৎ | okay so for me personally carmilla would adore your shy personality. i mean? a partner of hers who is calm and doesn’t disturb her in any way? perfection.
୨ৎ | i think she would also adore how you’d just listen to her and not interrupt her or just calmly sit through all the overlords meetings like she doesn’t have to shush you or get mad at you? could you be any more perfect?
୨ৎ | she would also tease you a lot and enjoy how flustered you get while not being able to respond to her. her ego would get massive. and it’d be a nice change to her daughters cause i can’t believe odette and clara are calm little kittens around her
୨ৎ | in conclusion, i think she would adore having a calm and shy partner
୨ৎ | let’s get into the more brave side now
୨ৎ | she would be so shocked the first time you show your more open side and don’t get me wrong, it’s awake something in her
୨ৎ | at first, she would just watch you from distance and enjoy how relaxed you seem chuckling to herself that she haven’t had an idea you had it in you
୨ৎ | and when you’d start singing and be even more yourself (i just went with this form the request) she would chuckle more openly and wait for you to notice her starring
୨ৎ | when you do, she would come over to you and hug you letting you go rather quickly not to stop your relaxing and singing
୨ৎ | i can see her even joining you after some time when she feels more comfortable as well cause for me personally, she’s just like that as well
୨ৎ | give her some time and then the two of you will be singing and dancing to taylor swift (or whatever you like to listen!) at 2am in her kitchen making your own eras tour
୨ৎ | clara and odette would accidentally walk on on you two having fun as they were woken up by you just having fun and as much as clara would giggle and join you almost instantly, odette would just roll her eyes and sit somewhere watching you all having fun together, humming the songs herself, she’s not that strong-
୨ৎ | carmilla would enjoy your brave side but i wouldn’t say she would prefer it more than the shy one just… she’s be happy with whatever you give her to be fair
୨ৎ | when that side would come out on the meetings and actually interrupt her somehow she would send you a warning glance but you’d just roll your eyes at her and that would have her IN SHOOCK
୨ৎ | she would try to compose herself and just get on with the meeting trying to keep calm as much as she possibly could
୨ৎ | after it she would somehow scold you for your ‘outrageous’ behaviour but in reality she would be chuckling to herself all the time while doing so and then tell you to keep that side of you for later when the two of you are alone
୨ৎ | and then, depending on what you’d do, depends the next situation
୨ৎ | if you’d just get flustered and all shy again she’d chuckle once again and wink at you leaving the room and going to her office
୨ৎ | but if your brave side would take over you, probably the two of you would end up aggressively making out in her office as she tries her best to scold you more and doing whatever she has in her power to make it sound like she’s actually scolding you and not just teasing you (no matter how much it turns her on)
୨ৎ | after all, carmilla would be amazing with a partner who’s shy at first cause she isn’t her full self at first as well, and she knows better than anyone what’s it like to let you be yourself and enjoy that side of you:) giving her a solid 10/10 what can i do
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❀ | okay so i feel like rosie would be SO interested in you just because you’re all shy
❀ | like i imagine her meeting you for the first time at the overlords meeting and her interest would just flow straight out of the roof
❀ | she’d be like “oh who’s that? and why are they so silent and not doing anything?” she would have her eyes on you ALL THE TIME and i mean REALLY all the time
❀ | after a few times you’d notice her gaze and stare at her too but in a more subtle way just looking at her when she’s not looking or so you think
❀ | many meetings later she would straight up come over to you and ask you out and as you’d get all flustered she’d smile to herself and wait patiently for your response
❀ | you’d nod your head agreeing and she would literally clap her hands in happiness telling you to come over to her place whenever you feel like it
❀ | after a lot of doubting yourself you’d find yourself walking around the cannibal town looking for her house and gently knocking on her door
❀ | she would be all bubbly letting you in and already pouring you tea she’s made earlier
❀ | at first your dates would look exactly like that and exactly the same, just gossiping over tea and her trying to dig deeper and deeper into your personality
❀ | don’t get me wrong, she adores your shyness but there has to be something more there, right?
❀ | and finally when you’d stay the night at her place and feel comfortable enough to be yourself more, rosie would catch you singing in her bedroom when she was supposed to be showering
❀ | she would just watch you from the door adoring how relaxed and comfortable you look just having fun when you think no one’s watching you or just that you can actually act like that in her house
❀ | after a quick moment she would clap her hands when the song ends and you’d turn your head towards her immediately and feel your cheeks blush slightly
❀ | but what she didn’t expect was you coming over to her with your hands out asking her to dance and sing with you
❀ | rosie would be stunned at first but quickly shake it off, grabbing your hands and letting you swing her however you want
❀ | the two of you would have so much fun together that you forget she was supposed to be showering and that’s it’s night already and you should rather calm down than getting it on
❀ | but rosie wouldn’t mind that, she would love that side of you and do anything she can to bring it out more often and even in public
❀ | at the same time she would understand that you just let it come out when you’re comfortable and then she would stop pressuring you to be like that among other people
❀ | but still it’s in her nature to try and bring your authentic side whenever she can however she can
❀ | after the whole dance play in her bedroom she would fall onto her bed while laughing and breathing deeply being tired from all of it
❀ | you’d giggle and lay down next to her as she cups your cheek with her hand stroking it softly and giving your forehead a soft peck, smiling to you and doing it even wider than usual
❀ | after all i don’t think she would mind a shy partner but also would adore your more open side as she is very open and confident herself
❀ | i’d give her a solid 9/10 for the bit of her trying to bring it out rather more than she should
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hey, can you do rosie, carmilla and sera x platonic! adopted son! male! reader with depresion and androphobia like in my last request
"Momma's Boy" ; Carmilla Carmine, Rosie, Sera
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She's one of the fiercest defenders of anyone who needs it, honestly, and she's very glad you're comfortable with women.
It doesn't take long at all for her to take you in, integrating you into her family and getting you acquainted with Odette and Clara, who eagerly accept you as another Carmine.
If you're comfortable with it, she'll also make you part of Carmine Arms Dealing, but if not, no pressure. She won't force you.
If your father is already in Hell... well, don't expect him to be for long. :)
Odette and Clara help hide the body.
The same fate to whoever intentionally disrespects or makes you uncomfortable, actually.
"And what do you think you're doing, violating my children's security in their own space?"
- Carmilla, after stiletto-ing someone's hand off for making you uncomfortable and refusing to back off.
Doesn't really understand mental health much, since she's more focused on physical safety.
Fortunately for you, your new sisters can help you with that, instead. :)
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Rosie is just the sweetest! It doesn't take long to open up to her about your past at all, and she immediately takes you in as her own!
She'll probably over-baby you, asking if you "want Mama to do that for you?", "need help with that?", etc. It's a little annoying, but her heart is in the right place.
"C'mon, baby doll! Tell Mama Rosie all about it!"
She's honestly really hard to say no to because she's so sweet.
Understands mental health a little better than Carmilla, but not enough to help you, herself, so she takes you to see a therapist.
A female therapist, of course.
And she'll go with whatever treatment she recommends and you're comfortable with, whether that be CBT, hypnosis, medication, or anything else along that line.
She's also not above threatening people who frighten you on purpose, either.
"Hmm... Y'know, sweetheart, you remind me of my first husband! I'd say he could tell ya himself, but sadly, my steak can't talk anymore."
That tends to shut people up, quickly and easily.
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She'll take you in, but... unconventionally. You won't become a Seraphim or anything, but she'll keep you close by at all times, not trusting anyone in case something happens to you.
Fortunately, there are places in Heaven for people with phobias like yours.
She'll keep any men she possibly can away from you, and won't hesitate to reprimand anyone she spots making you uncomfortable. After all, who would defy their benevolent queen?
"Excuse me, but I have to ask you to stop what you're doing. My dear son isn't comfortable with this kind of attention."
And like the protective mama bear she is, she'll shield you with her wings and let you play with them if you want while she handles the situation, if it keeps you calm.
Like Rosie, she gets you a therapist, and does whatever technique suggested, just wanting to see you get better and be okay again.
If your father ever somehow did make it to Heaven, she'd have a bone to pick with God, himself over it, wondering how he could let someone so cruel into paradise.
"What kind of joke is this? You represent purity, yet you let this filth into our midst?"
She also uses her angelic powers to soothe your mind at times if it ever gets to be too much for you. She knows all too well what painful memories can do to a person.
And best of all? You get to be like a brother to Emily! It's a win-win all around, really!
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