#He also thinks humans are gross
wearecrowley · 9 months
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bonestrewncrest · 1 year
nakyalag, demiprince and scion of namira, and a character thats been in my head for a REALLY long time
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he is the fly in your soup, the absurdly long strand of hair that breaks halfway through pulling it out of your mouth. he is primarially associated with food-based misfortune and bad harvest; when meat rots and milk curdles, he is to blame
he enjoys meddling in the affairs of mortals and revels in the few summonings and prayers he actually receives (i imagine most of his time is spent on nirn making his own chaos and starting people-drama). of the summonings he receives most of them are requests of misfortune upon others or pleas for bountiful harvest. there are probably better gods to pray to for the latter and he never truly fulfils them anyways, the monkey's finger curls, you know how it is
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pepsicoughdrops · 2 months
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hey girl. you are full of centipede venom. (infodumping in taaaags heart emoji 🫶)
(click for better quality)
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Tuvok-Chakotay dynamic should have gone from two people who are always poking at one another to two people who are always joking with one another - in both cases this is an unspoken thing. They’re playing a game of chicken that gets steadily less hostile. From “I’m not trying to be difficult here.” (lie) to “I’m not trying to be funny here.” (lie)
#let Tuvok have relationships outside of being a mentor to others#let him be so annoying and accidentally have fun#also I believe in this platonically like the show could have really done this canonically if they cared to#but also lets step into my smooth and brilliant mind for a second and consider them kissing about this#A trait of Tuvok's that I like is that he likes teasing people and giving them a hard time...being difficult for the sake of it#(when it doesn't matter of course) and I think if Chakotay discovered that he'd love it bc he is also shown to like that sort of thing#Tuvok and Chakotay having a conversation that they're pretending is serious but is 90% joking around ... yeah -nodnodnod-#The two of them just trying to be barely civil to one another ... Chakotay especially bc that's the woman he likes' bff ... but then#becoming actual friends (or more - both options please me equally) with one another outside of Janeway.... yeah!! -nodnodnod-#[VERY OFF TOPIC] Wouldn't it be funny if Chakotay finally kissed Tuvok and when he opened his eyes slightly to see what Tuvok looked like#Tuvok was just staring at him with his eyes fully open and Chakotay first was startled but then just couldn't stop laughing....#w HY are your eyes open.....(Why did you close yours?)#Tuvok and T'Pel stare at one another while kissing he doesn't know why humans close their eyes when doing their spitty gross version#<- that isn't part of this post I just didn't want to make a whole other post about it (embarrassed)#st voyager#Tuvok#Chakotay
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14 tbh
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jujutsutrash · 9 months
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Happy the anime onlys getting introduced to Kenjaku just in time for October. He is a funky little brain villain with a wild personality piloting a body like an EVA.
Oh, me? Wanting to write something with a body snatchers theme for October? Well...
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bitchfitch · 1 year
I'm trying to design the grinning thing and
For some reason. every single time I make a character whose like, explicitly fucked up and absolutely eats people, i make that character blond and twig thin. And now I'm struggling with that bc i don't need a third blond twink who craves man meat. But I also can not picture the grinning thing as being anything Besides bottle blonde. Which I guess makes them unique bc Bagri/Echo and Chase are both natural blonds. but still it Feels too similar and samey.
I know this blog literally has spooky twinks in the title, but dammit i want the twinks to be more aesthetically varried.
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raeso · 1 year
sometimes i still think about the eel oil skin care routine.
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running-in-the-dark · 6 months
I'm just sitting here mentally telling myself 'I don't have to like him just because I find him attractive, I don't have to like him just because he's hot, I don't have to like him just because I like the character' over and over until I start to believe it
#every single time I love a character I also start to love the actor. sometimes that sucks. I don't want to. I want to pretend he doesn't#exist#but he's got the same face and the same body and the same voice and I just. how do I not do this.#I don't like him. I don't want to like him. he's at the very least kinda gross about women. which I'm not okay with. so. just. ugggh#it's just that I look at him and my mind shuts off and it's like 😍🥰😍#rationally I know that's also fine. I'm allowed to like people who aren't perfect (and no one is perfect anyway)#buuut. it makes me feel disgusting.#idk. I guess I just. i dealt with this for so long when I was younger because like. most of the men I thought were hot were also#misogynistic. because the culture at the time was so much worse. and it was just accepted.#and I fucking hated it and I don't want to deal with that anymore#it's just. idk. it feels gross and bad and I don't like it#but. I do find him extremely attractive and I want him so so bad and I don't know what to do with that#ugh I need to just. not be attracted to people. it happens so rarely but when it does it only causes trouble.#or maybe I need to get over these weird morality standards that I have but I don't think that's possible? like how would that work? I don't#get it.#anyway. yes this is about Eliot/CK no I won't elaborate on that and also I hope he's actually a great guy and everything I've seen#that made me think otherwise is just wrong#I will still stare at his face and think about him and listen to his stupid gross music all day. and I will enjoy it. but I will also#feel conflicted about it 😔#(but damn it he is hot and his arms are big and I am just a human being and I am very very weak 😫 big arms make me fucking stupid)
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im-smart-i-swear · 1 year
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self-indulgent fnin doodles cause existance is Not Fun right now:/
#my art#felix and nika bonding over having the worst organ in the human body(uterus)(i HATE that bitch)#sorry this is kinda dumb but. yeah..#REALISTICALLY i feel like net would be grossed out by a situation like this but i can draw what i want!!! heheheh#so hes cool and supportive. cause i think that would be neat#uhhhhh actually ive been thinkin about net recently..#okay so hear me out- transfem net.#like........ the casual misoginy and shit being a product of net's weird love-hate relationship with feminity???#they want and crave it but always saw being a girl as 'playing w/ barbie dolls' and 'not understanding technology' and they dont want THAT#but they want to be called pretty and wear a dress sometimes?#so he just kinda represses all those weird complicated feelings and tries his best to be manly and strong and#Not Like Those Stupid Girls who are beyond his comprehension#and then maybe felix comes out as a trans guy and net decides to do some research on trans ppl and#actually starts to realise they relate to these people??#and it takes a LOT of time and introspection but she figures it out. eventually.#and shes still Net! she still scoffs at romantic musicals and is terminally online and a teenage genius and a snarky bitch-#but she also doesnt have to prove her masculinity to anyone. she doesnt have to put girls down for being girls and she#starts to appriciate them as people and not prizes to be won by boys#i dont know if this makes any sense whatsoever but...... i like this idea! i like net realising casual sexism Is Not Funny Actually#i like nika helping her figure things out and try diffrent things and see feminity as something fun and exciting#like i dont think net would suddenly start wearing all pink or something! shes just. herself.#and that means watching horror movies and saving the world from an evil a.i. and movie nights at felixs and hating to admit when shes wrong#yeah. something to think about i guess.#fnin#felix net i nika#sorry this propably makes no sense lol
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termagax · 10 months
⭐ AND 👁 :3
⭐ Who's more likely to seek out attention from their partner?
FISH. deepsea is a little attention-craving monster they WILL find a way to get his attention if it kills them. generally hes pretty good at ignoring them if he wants to but a lot of the time its more about doing a Bit than it is actually ignoring hir.
👁 What's your favorite physical trait of your F/O? What's their favorite physical trait of yours?
MY FAVOURITE? god i dont know hes so hot. if i had to pick something i guess id go with his hands? theyre so fucking HUGE and hes got nice arms and i think. a lot. about his hands. because im normla. for his favourite uh. i dont actually know ive never really thought about it before. maybe how short they are? or how expressive their face is, i think hed find it cute and endearing...
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sick-as-a-dog · 1 year
#just the thought of him not loving me the same way and amount i love him makes me want to slice myself up#ill only stop cutting when i cant feel anything anymore not pain not love just emptiness#just want to be with master but dont want to make him stressed out because im too dependent and reliant on him#why cant i just feel my emotions the right way or a normal amount or at least less strong? why am i like this?#why cant i love like a human and why must that shit be so complicated? why am i so feralminded?#and why cant i feel my loves separately? should i even? or am i not understanding it right? why do i feel everything wrong?#why must i love him like a wild animal loves its lifelong mate? but also like how that animal loves the taste of prey and hungers for it?#like a dog loves its master and feels the unending loyalty and unconditional love overtake remaining wolflike instinct#like a best friend i also wish to do stereotypical romantic and domestic things with and so much more#i want to be bound to him in any way possible marriage and collars and microchips and blood pacts and marking and such#but im so scared he wont want that anymore i want to stop feeling i need to completely stop feeling and worrying but i cant#even when im emotionally numb i still feel that canine love for him even if just a glimmer#i wish i knew what he thinks love is and what hes comfortable with and how he felt and experienced love and if he still loves me like#he did before he came out as aro....im scared to bring up how calling himself aro and me his exception actually hurts and idk if i should#tbh him saying hes aro yet says he loves me feels like when a close friend keeps saying they dont have any friends while youre right there#like my existence makes his identity a lie or a betrayal to him i cant shake the gross feeling that hes forcing himself to stay for my sake#....hell am i even his exception anymore? what did he mean by same amount but not the same? what changed? did anything actually change?#wish i could figure out what love is and how to feel it right..esp dont understand romantic or queerplatonic or anything its all confusing#i want to take on the world with him and stop being an emotional wreck so we can fuck anyone together like we swore to#i just want to live the rest of my life by his side and i want to experience all we can together#picnics and movies and living together and sharing a nest and....idk i just want to be with him forever and hope he still feels the same#it would literally kill me if he ever left or fell out of love i think i would lose whats left of my mind and end up bleeding myself dry#i want us to be together forever and never ever stop being mates but i cant help but be terrified and confused and hurt
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Marcus is scared of programming the way humans are scared of blood
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nomaishuttle · 6 months
not 2 like. detract from how deplorable the rest of congress is but. i am glad to see that somebody from a red state esp a republican did the right thing
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emeraldspiral · 11 months
So, Zim never expresses any confusion about what “parents” are and mentions passing his probing day inspection “like a slor-beast passes her young” so I have to assume that he knows what sex is even if his species doesn’t fuck. But like, it’s a universal constant that if something exists, it’s someone’s fetish. Which means there’s a non-zero chance of there being other alien races that find Irkens attractive, and Zim has probably at least heard of Irkens being hit on, if not experienced it himself. So would he even be shocked to find Earth porn of humans banging fictional aliens?
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Radiance by Grace Draven
I finished this book in like 20 hours and that was with a full day of work involved and a reasonable night of sleep.
Not only because it was compelling, but also because it’s relatively short - my Kindle estimated about 6 hours to read it, and I probably read it in around 5.
The real treat to be savored here is the relationship between our leads. This one had been on my TBR for a long time, but because it looked a little darker, and a little more “enemies to lovers”, I was waiting until I was in the mood. I picked it up now though because it was an active book in the buddy read discord I’m in, and I was so pleasantly surprised.
Ildiko is a human woman, forsaken niece of an uncaring king and queen, who has been offered as a “good faith” bride to the Kai, a sort of demonic, vaguely magical race with whom this human kingdom requires an alliance.
Brishen is the second and youngest son of a cruel, vicious royal power couple. His elder brother has secured the family bloodline six times over, so Brishen is similarly unnecessary, and thus becomes the perfect groom for this human bride.
Ildiko is terrified by Brishen’s gray skin, wolf-like set of teeth, and long, sharp claws, and Brishen is disgusted and unsettled by Ildiko’s pale skin, “parasitic” eyes (fabulous descriptions and jokes here about the eyes by the way), and her square, horsey teeth.
And yet, from their very first meeting, they are instantly friends. They share a similar sense of humor, as well as a respectful approach to one another, and a reasonably happy acceptance that this is their lot in life. Both are happy to be ignored, forgotten, and left alone. They’re physically affectionate with one another from the get-go - lots of hugs and forehead kisses and hand-holding, and they immediately begin leaning on each other for strength and courage as they navigate increasingly fraught court politics and skirmishes hinting at a brewing war.
I could go into the politics and the impending war I guess but blah blah blah, the REALLY INTERESTING PART is the couple themselves, who are goals from the very beginning. Their immediate respect and like of each other naturally grows to a genuine trust, and they become best friends and confidantes, and then, all of a sudden, they can’t keep their eyes (or hands) off each other. It feels so natural and cute - their first sexual encounter doesn’t take place until over 50% of the way through the book, but it’s well worth the wait.
Will absolutely read book 2 to get more Ildiko and Brishen in my life. If you’re a fan of ACOTAR, The Bargainer series, or any kind of fantasy romance that highlights the relationship over the rest of the plot, you’ll probably enjoy this one.
There is a fair amount of violence in this book, and one part in particular I wanted to call out because this is the kind of thing I personally like to know about. There is eye trauma in this book. A character loses an eye while being tortured. We do not see this happen, but there is a reasonably graphic description of the aftermath, as well as some discussion about the character learning to adjust with only one eye. In an especially hideous and cruel scene later, the eye in question makes a startling reappearance. JUST WARNING YOU because I hate eye trauma more than almost anything else and I wish I had known so I could be prepared.
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