#He could be afraid of fire of critters on 4 legs of birds of strangers but also of people he knows
i-can-even-burn-salad · 5 months
🤎 [brown heart] and 🧡 [orange heart] for the ask game (any characters you want!)
Thank you for the ask. From this ask game.
How about Finnian and Caldyn :)
🧡- what's your character's worst irrational fear?
That's eas— oh irrational. You know, most of them are quite rational when you look at what I've done to them, but let's try.
Caldyn's biggest fear is that people will leave him; because he's too much of a burden, because they find they find something/someone better, because he's just not worth it. Again — it's no wonder, but it will also never happen.
Finnian's biggest fear is ... ok, I'm not sure anything he could be afraid of would be unwarranted, given his past 😅
There always is the fear that something happens to someone he loves (i.e. Eilis) and he is unable to heal her, despite all the magic within him. Which, for some reason, I can understand, but if we go the irrational route, it's that Eilis would hate him for it.
🤎- How much physical pain can your character withstand? How much mental pain?
He, that question makes it sound like they have a choice :)
Caldyn, quite a lot physical pain. He used to even before certain events, as being a healer he kind of knew it wasn't "that bad" and he could fix it and really now that pain is just annoying (but please someone hold his hand 🥺)
Then certain things happened, and he now has chronic pain (he mostly just ignores, until he can't anymore). He has fought half-dead before, and he would again. I think his body would give up before his stubborn self would.
The one thing he cannot deal with is fire. His eyes burning were the worst pain he has (and probably will) ever felt.
Finnian also has some chronic pain, but he is less lucky with shutting it out. It can easily ruin his day, but what can he do about it. I guess his breaking point, however short, was the idea of broken knees on top of it all (and Clayton so would have done it.)
Mentally... uh I plead the, actually, no idea of american laws 😂
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