#He did not think about the implications of Sam only having the hots for Phantom seemingly exclusively
ghoulishautism · 6 months
Do not wanna get on another Sam Manson soap box but like....really wish the show explored her obsession with Danny Phantom and how that could have impacted her friendship/romantic relationship with Danny Fenton.
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phandomphightclub · 5 years
Phinal Round Match 2 (First Place): @auroraphantasma vs. @ecto-american
Writer: @dannyphandump
“You can do this, Nick,” Vic said with a (hopefully) comforting pat on the next phighter’s shoulder.
“Yeah.  I’m tough.  I’m cool.  I’m the best dang hot pocket-warmer there ever was!”
“...Not sure why that’s relevant, but okay!”  Vic flashed him a thumbs up.  “Now go out there and kick Aurora’s butt so my security team doesn’t get Vibe Checked halfway across the Zone again!”
The security team had lost G3, Cecilia, and Lori to the cursed Vibe Check.  Tali was going to have to reopen Denny’s job applications again at this rate.  Which would be kind of a let down, since the Denny’s was about to close after this match anyway.
From their place in the VIP box, Tali watched Vic nudge Nick out into the ring.  From the opposite side, Aurora was escorted in by Nero and Rin.
“Man, you guys sure are scared, huh?”  Aurora grinned.  “What do you think I’m going to do, waste my energy Vibe Checking you when Nick is right there?”
Nick gulped.
Tali started to wonder about the ethical implications of sending Nick into the ring against his constant tormenter, where the only rules were “phight until your opponent is incapacitated.”  But it wasn’t like they were going to cancel the Phinal over something as little as fear of permanent trauma.
“Alright frootloops and gentlehoes, phools of all genders, it’s the phight you’ve been waiting for!! Nick aka Ecto-American will face down the terror of the ring, the pillowcase-weilder from Nightmare Valley herself, Auroraphantasma!”
The crowd was split in its cheers, some chanting Nick’s name (and screaming about Hot Pocket Rights), while some chanted “VIBE! CHECK! VIBE! CHECK!” presumably in honor of Aurora.
“No running this time, Nick.”  Aurora grinned, holding her oddly-stabbed pillowcase like a sword.  It was only now that Danny saw it held still that he realized it had a picture of Denny Phantom on the front, the unofficial mascot of the Ghost Denny’s.
“What did they do to you, my poor restaurant-themed kin,” Danny whispered.
“...You’re gonna accept that Denny’s kinned you?”  Tucker asked.
“You know this isn’t the weirdest thing that’s happened.”
“Fair enough.”
“And at risk of causing Nick nightmares for the foreseeable future…” Tali began, “PHIGHT!”
And Phight they did.
Aurora flew in swinging— or rather, teleported in swinging.  Her Denny’s application had warned that she could and would teleport behind you, and she intended to use that power to its fullest.
Nick, however, had experience in dodging the now-predictable attack.  He cartwheeled out of the way, stuffing his own secret weapon into his mouth:  the perfectly-cooked Magic Star Hot Pocket.
“No way,” Tali breathed.  “I thought that hot pocket was only found in legends.”
“...It’s literally just a hot pocket?”  Bug said behind them.  “What’s so special about it?”
“Nick’s been working on the recipe all month,” Tali confided.  “You know his vendetta against Mario Kart?  It’s partially because Mario Kart apparently ruins friendships, but it’s also because he had to play it for weeks straight in order to collect all of the Power Stars he needed to fuel his Hot Pocket.”
“...That’s some serious backstory you just made up there.  Mad props.”  Bug nodded.
“Thanks, I try.”
Regardless of the Magic Star Hot Pocket’s origins, it did its job: making Nick completely invulnerable to all attacks.  Including the dreaded Vibe Check.
“You have no power over me, Aurora!”  Nick called, grinning with the rainbow remnants of the hot pocket smeared across his mouth.  “I sacrificed my sanity to Mario Kart for this!”
“Yeah, well, we’ll see how invincible you really are!”  Aurora challenged back.  She geared up to swing her pillow case, holding it back like charging up Ness’s Baseball Bat attack in Super Smash Bros.  She began to glow as the power collected in her crucified pillow case. **
She just had to wait for Nick’s star power to wear off… but she did have less stamina than the fattest cat in the world.
“This is… oddly anticlimactic.”  Bug said, resting their chin in their palm.
“Shh, they’re having a stare down,” Tucker said.
“Which would be a lot more intimidating if the Mario star music wasn’t playing in the background,” Sam countered.
Tali didn’t care; they were on the edge of their seat, staring just as intently to see which phighter would break first.  Nick began to sweat, not daring to try to strike Aurora while her pillowcase was charged.  Even star power could only take him so far.  He needed to wait for the right moment…
“Agh, enough of this!”  Aurora shouted, throwing her speared pillowcase like a javalin.
The fabric image of Denny Phantom flew through the air.  Came into contact with Nick’s chest— 
And was flung back just as forcefully, effectively Vibe Checking Aurora straight out of the ring.
“VIBE CHEEEEEEEECCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!”  She called as she flew out of the stadium, past the Denny’s, into the ghost zone version of the moon.  A tiny explosion could be seen on it.
“That… where did that moon come from?”  Danny asked.
Tali shrugged.  “Aurora’s desire to be dramatic.”
“And dramatic it was,” Bug admitted.  “Probably not as much flair as my win last year, but A for effort.”
Tali grinned before raising their kazoo to play the Mortal Kombat theme, while Lexx beatboxed in the Danny Phantom theme over it from across the stadium.
“And there you have it, pholks!  Auroraphantasma is unable to battle and is our second place winner!  Ecto-american wins the first prize!!”
Vic stepped into the ring to hand the shell-shocked Nick the trophy (which someone should design, because Tali had no idea how to describe it).
“I… I won?”
“You won.”  Vic said, offering her hand for a fist bump.  “Any words you’d like to give the crowd on your victory?
Nick bumped knuckles with enthusiasm.  
“I’ve never played a game of Mario Kart in my life.”
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ectowaves · 5 years
Scrapbook Memories
Prompter: @feministhotline
Prompt: Jazz Phantom from an alternate universe in Clockwork’s tower
Words: 1885
Warning: Unedited, implications
“I’ve been expecting you.” Clockwork’s quiet voice droned.
The figure in the door shifted, before stepping forward into the light. The shadowy figure was revealed to be a teenage girl. She had long blue hair, green eyes, extremely pale skin, and wore an orange hazmat suit. In her arms she was holding a single book.
“Clockwork,” Jazz Phantom whispered, “why?”
The time ghost said not another word. Instead he motioned towards an old sofa. The girl nodded and sat down, knees up against her chest. Her shoulders shook as she began to softly cry.
Clockwork didn’t comfort the girl. Instead he continued to stare into one of his viewing screens. He could never understand what the girl had recently gone through.
Jazz’s weeping may have lasted for hours, or perhaps a few minutes, but soon she had cried all that she could cry. She gently opened the book and smiled.
“He made this for me you know,” Jazz murmured, “He said that it took him hours to get right. I think it is the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. I wished I could have thanked him for it.”
She turned a page in the book and stared. Suddenly, she started laughing like a maniac.
“At the time I hated this picture, but he seemed to love it. I couldn’t understand why.”
Jazz frowned as her brother poked her. She had just spent the last three hours trying to catch all the ghosts that Dash had accidentally released. Why did she need to sit still while her brother painted her? He usually only painted the night sky!
“Quit moving or I’ll have to start all over again!” He ordered, before going back to sit at his painting stool. He corrected his wonky beret that he had borrowed, then picked up his brush.
“Can’t you just take a picture?” Jazz whined shifting on her chair. She debated playing with her hair just to mess with the ‘apprentice’ painter.
Daniel shook his head, a patronizing smile on his face, “Oh Jazzy, you know that I paint best when my subject is right in front of me. Be a bit more patient, and I’ll pay you.”
Even the offer of money couldn’t calm the half ghost girl. She stuck out her tongue and frowned. She stood up randomly, started singing her father’s song about the joys of ham, she even started to mock Daniel’s idol, Michelangelo.
“If it wasn’t for the ninja turtles, Michawhatsit would be forgotten to time.” Jazz grinned. Her brother sighed and stood up from behind his easel. He walked over towards her, paint brush in hand.
“Fine, you win.” He told her. Before Jazz had a chance to celebrate, Daniel painted a red smile on her face. Fast as lightning he got beside her and took a picture.
“Now I have forever captured your beauty, my dear sister!” He laughed as his sister screamed in embarrassment.
Jazz laughed again. She would do anything to recapture that moment. She had ended up chasing Daniel around the house until he promised to never post the photo online. Her older brother had kept his promise.
Jazz felt her eyes starting to water. Daniel only ever lied and broke a promise once. She started to shake, thinking about that promise. She turned the next page.
The page was filled with baby pictures of her and Daniel together. When they were younger, Daniel was super protective of her. He would take the blame for her when she did something bad, and he would stick up for her when someone bullied her. They were the best of friends when they were little kids and had remained so up until their teen years.
The next page showed pictures of Jazz, Daniel and his girlfriend Ember hanging out. That summer had been one of the best Jazz knew. Their parents were gone for most of it, and Daniel had basically no rules. The summer was only ruined when Jazz discovered that her brother’s newest romance happened to be a ghost bent on world domination. Daniel had been heartbroken for weeks.
Not wanting to remember the days when Daniel was mopey, Jazz turned the page again. She was greeted with dozens of pictures of her saving the day. She blushed when she remembered how she had thought that her brother had a crush on her ghost side.
Jazz Phantom stood heroically as she answered various questions from reporters and fans. She had just rescued a group of people from becoming kitty food. Everyone seemed to be congratulating ‘Ghost-Girl’ for her victory. Jazz basked in the praise.
Out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted her brother and his friends. They seemed proud of her victory. Then Daniel’s pervert friend asked her brother if he thought the ghost girl was hot. Jazz didn’t wait for the answer. Ignoring any other questions, she flew into the air and fled home. She refused to talk to Daniel for a week after the incident. It was only later when she realized that Tucker was being a jerk and that Daniel had known the whole time.
Jazz sighed, looking at all her big accomplishments. One picture was of her saving the world from Technus’ VCR attack. The next was of Jazz Phantom and the Fenton parents forming an alliance. Beside it was a photo of Jazz and Paulina, while she was dressed in her ghost hunting equipment, saving a random ghost child that could make herself look a lot like Daniel. The last photo was a picture of her standing tall in the face of the disasteroid, with Dash, Kwan Starr and even Paulina at her side.  Jazz didn’t even know how Daniel got those pictures. Maybe his friend Sam took some of them?
Thinking about Daniel’s girlfriend made Jazz want to cry again. It wasn’t fair to her either, he had just bought the ring to propose. Sam would never know that; Jazz couldn’t bear to tell her.
She wondered what Sam and Tucker were doing now. Were they comforting each other? Did they blame her for what had happened? What was going to happen to...?
Her own friends were probably looking for her. She couldn’t bring herself to care. She needed to be alone, at least that’s what her psychology books had said. She couldn’t face the crowds of people that would be asking her questions. They had chased her through the city and into the ghost zone. Here was her only solace.
Jazz Phantom turned the page and her eyes immediately blurred. She remembered this moment all too well.
“Happy birthday dear Jazz. Happy birthday to you!” Her friends and family sang. Some of tem , mainly Tucker and Kwan, had sung off key. It clashed with Danny’s and Sam’s beautiful harmonies. Jazz loved the sound anyways.
“Make a wish Honey!” Her mother cheered. It was Jazz’s sixteenth birthday after all. Jazz looked at all her friends and family, then blew out the candles on her cake.
“What did you wish for?” Starr asked as Maddie removed the cake from the table in order to cut it. Jazz only smiled and put a finger to her lips.
Daniel had chosen to pick her up and swing her around at that moment. Sam had taken a picture of Jazz’s shock, and Daniel laughing his full head off. When he put her down, Jazz could barely stand straight!
“Happy birthday little sis!” He grinned as their parents started handing out slices of birthday cake, “Hope your day was spinning!”
The picture was one of Daniel’s favourites. He had hung it on his wall until he had graduated. As she stared at it, Jazz wished she could go back. She wished that she could go back in time and warn him of the future.
Jazz looked through more and more pages of photos that her brother had collected. Some them brought tears, and others made her howl with laughter. Finally, she reached the last page. There weren’t any pictures on it. Instead there was a note.
Dear Jazz,
These are some memories I found that show you are truly awesome! I know that sometimes you are in the dumps about how ‘weird’ you are. You should know that you have done some really cool things.
Have you made some mistakes, well duh! You are human, not just a ghost. People mess up. Those psychology books that you are obsessed with should have taught you that. Stop beating yourself over the mistakes you have made and move forward. Trust me, you’ll be happier that way.
Keep saving the world and making it a better place. We need someone like you! If you fall get back up again! Don’t listen to Vlad. Ignore any thoughts on your ‘Evil future Self’. Vlad’s an idiot, and that future isn’t happening.
Hoping to make another one of these books,
P.S Sam helped a bit with this book. She wanted me to tell you that.
Danny had been so excited to give the book to her; he gave it to her three days ago instead of waiting the two weeks until her birthday. Jazz had laughed and put it aside. She didn’t appreciate the gift as much as she did now.
Jazz placed the book beside her, Daniel’s words ringing in her ears. She could almost hear him talking. It wasn’t fair! This was the last message she would ever get from him, the last thing to remember him by. It was almost like he knew, but that wasn’t possible, was it?
“Clockwork, why did he have to die?” Jazz sobbed.
Jazz transformed back into her human form. Her red hair was tied back in a bun, mascara was dripping down her face. She wore a plain black funeral dress.
Her brother had been found dead in his room. It wasn’t a pretty sight. Jazz knew she would have nightmares about it for the rest of her life. She had screamed and screamed until her parents came running.
The police said Daniel had put up a fight. They told her the attack was completely unexpected. Jazz noticed that her brother was lying close to a ghost weapon and close to the ecto shield button their parents had installed in his room. It was a ghost attack. Their parents tried to comfort her that it wasn’t her fault. The ghost girl knew differently. She should have known! Jazz overheard the police saying that there were no possible suspects.
Jazz continued to sob, “Why? Who would have done this to him? Please, tell me! I need to find them, and… and…”
The time ghost didn’t say a word. How could he tell her that an alternate evil version of her brother (from a completely different dimension) had murder a version of himself in order to trap her in despair? How could he explain that Daniel Fenton had died in that same manner in Sam Spectre’s, Tucker Ghoul’s, and Valerie Haunter’s dimensions? How could he tell the mourning girl that Danny rarely lived in the dimensions where he wasn’t Phantom? It would not help her grief. He had seen all possible timelines where he told her, and none of them ended well. She would have to discover that truth on her own.
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