#He is Billie Eilish' biggest fan btw
ineffablydelighted · 1 year
[Cute Omens #5]
[FYI: Aziraphale can be jealous too, he's just more subtle about it. Well, "subtle"... ]
Aziraphale: *gets out of the Bookshop to take his morning coffee even though he does not sleep*
[Noises of an old, noisy heavy-duty motorcycle happening]
Aziraphale: *looks at the Sky and starts praying**to himself* Please, do not be him...
Frankster: *stops his motorcycle abruptly next to Aziraphale* Az Fell! Oy! How are you doing, my mate?
[How to even describe Frankster who does not exist in the GO universe at all? Well, people have called him that since he was a teenager because he loves pranks and his name is Frank (I KNOW, what a shock?!), he's fifty-something, he's always riding his dear motorcycle he calls Bow (as an hommage to David Bowie, of course), pretty handsome, very tall, gay AF black man who always wears the brightest indigo blue leather jacket you've ever seen. Can make any guy his bro until... some drinks happen. To summarize.]
Aziraphale: *closes his eyes in disappointed**discreetly sighs before turning to him* Ummm, hi, Frank! I'm doing pretty well, thank you, how... how about you?
Frankster: *swiftly gets out of Bow**grunts for show* Heartbroken, but, y'know... life happens. So. Now is the time to shoot my shot... Have you seen dear old Anthony, recently?
Aziraphale: *turning red**reminds himself that Crowley is inside the Bookshop as they speak* Huh... I am... not... sure...?
Frankster: Come on! You, of all people, surely have an idea where I can find him!
Aziraphale: I-I...
Frankster: Don't be like that, mate! I have a bottle of the Talisker Expedition Oak. The 43-year-old one. We've sworn to each other we would drink it together if one of us ever laid a hand on this beauty! Time for me to invite him over and claim my prize.
Aziraphale: Your... prize...?
Frankster: *open laughter* Az, come on, those delicate ears of yours are not suited to hear whatever unholy thoughts I have kept in my mind for the past six years, so don't make me!
Aziraphale: Y-you... you mean that- I mean that- *gathers his thoughts* Is Crowley... aware of your... *clears his throat* intentions?
Frankster: *reassuring* Mahhh, He has to be! You know me, I'm not the subtle type, Angel! *aims for Aziraphale's hair to scrub them*
Aziraphale: *dodges skillfully in the-man-has-tried-to-do-that-for-years-and-occasionally-succeeded*[well, "skillfully", hum... he actually tripped in the process, but...] *also holds himself from sighing as he hates whenever Frank calls him that* D-Don't! *rearranges his clothes* do that, Frank, please! *unconsciously taps his feet onto the ground like a 5yo*
Frankster: *laughs* Too bad I'm more into the thin dark duke ones instead of the fluffy beige librarians, right, Az?
Aziraphale: *barely understands even though he knows every language there is, as or ever been**confused noise and eye contact*
Frankster: *super amused by his mannerisms, as always**leans in*
Aziraphale: *recoils a bit*
Frankster: *takes him by the arm to draw him closer*
Aziraphale: *uncomfortable AF**cannot yell for help because he knows that Crowley will appear out of nowhere in 0.1 millisecond**gasps instead* F-Frank!
Frankster: *whispers while releasing him* Az, you're not on my menu tonight... Anthony is. Are you sure you have no idea where I can find our favorite Gothic king?
Aziraphale: *cannot possibly restore the truth now**has started to worry Crowley might get outside because he is taking too long to come back compared to the last few days**embarassed laugh* I... have NO idea where Crowley is right now. *not-so-angelic-but-angelic-enough-for-most-humans face*
Frankster: *sighs* Bugger. Is he planning on visiting you any time soon? He talks about you a lot, you know? For a while, I really, really thought you were a twosome, haha! *taps Aziraphale's shoulder a bit too strongly*
Aziraphale: *unsteady**also startled**and blushy* Ahhh... you... you did?
Frankster: Yep, you two could have fooled the gayest man on Earth... Oh wait, that's me! *loudest laughter*
Aziraphale: *so stressed Crowley might have recognized that laugh**considers to present Gabriel to Frank for a second**wonders why would he ever do something like that?**confused ethereal entity**odd-yet-always-cute angelic smile*
Frankster: Az, can we be honest for a second?
Aziraphale: *raises an eyebrow**offended* Of course, we can! *has not been honest for the past five minutes or so but it is not as if someone was keeping scores up there, don't they?*
Frankster: You would save me a lot of trouble if you just told me you have a crush on him... *shows his super-expensive white teeth* Me, of all people would get it! Anthony might be the sexiest man alive besides us two, so that would only be fair.
Aziraphale: *taken by surprise**hiccups* Oh, oh... Um... Ahhh... *randomly balances his arms* I-I mean... Of... Of course not! *smiles in absolutely-not-suspicious*
Frankster: *tilts his head**smirks* Come onnnnn, Az, you can tell me! *leans closer**hands on both Aziraphale's shoulders* This will stay between us, I promise!
Aziraphale: *removes himself from the situation by running away a little* N-no! It is not like that! W-we are not like that, I swear!
Frankster: *stares in super doubtful**keeps the brightest smile* Az, my mate, you really should clear out those feelings of yours... *tilts his head again and adds some winking to it* before I get the man first, you know? Friendly competition, Angel, what do you say?
Aziraphale: *frowns for a second**does not realize*
Frankster: *eyes widen**playful* Wow, maybe you do not plan on playing it fair after all! Ahhhh... Always look out for the innocent ones, right? They are the real Dark Horses!
Aziraphale: I-I... I really don't- I really don't know what you mean, Frank! Really!
Frankster: Really? Really really? *laughs hysterically* Ahhhh, ANGEL, you are ADORABLE! So adorable that I don't have the heart to break yours! Wait a second... *opens Bow's rainbow truck**takes the bottle**considers to throw it at Aziraphale**remembers how clumsy he can be**crushes Aziraphale's bust with it instead*
Aziraphale: *out of breath*
Frankster: Let me have the honor of being the most generous Cupid this planet has ever encountered.
Aziraphale: Oh, n-n-n-no, I-I... I can't possibly accept th-
Frankster: Please. This is not for free, Angel! I do have a condition...
Aziraphale: *scared again* What... is it?
Frankster: *winks* I want the third sexiest man alive to spend the night with me, of course.
Aziraphale: *does. not. compute*
Frankster: *leans closer, actually close to Aziraphale's neck and ear**whispers more seductively* That means you, silly.
Aziraphale: *startles so much he actually jumps* AhhhAHH I...
Frankster: *laughs hysterically. Again.**wants to tap Aziraphale's back but reminds himself about the bottle right before the impact**gives him a softer, more serious smile* Easy, Az, I was messing with you! My only condition is to be invited to your wedding. No, actually, I want to officiate it. I still have my license I got online in the early 2000s, remember? I'd be happy to tell a large audience how I made you happen! In the meantime... *sits back on Bow* Take care of that dirty punk for me - and of the bottle. *starts the engine* SEE YOU AROUND, MISTER FELL, SAY HELLO TO ANTHONY FOR MEEEE!
Aziraphale: *waves from afar**still unsure what just happened**wants to scratch his neck**almost makes the bottle fall to the ground in the process**heart stops**hugs the bottle to make sure it does not happen twice*
[The Bookshop door opens abruptly]
Crowley: *looks at Aziraphale incredulously* Is it me or did I just hear Frankster's laughter? *looks at what Aziraphale has in his arms**eyes widens behind his glasses**runs in Christmassy* OH MY G- Screw it. OH MY GOD, IS THAT-
Aziraphale: *shyly* I-I think it is?
Crowley: *takes the bottle from Aziraphale without almost any care* [I say "almost" because this is still Aziraphale we're talking about, any other being would have been murdered in the process] THAT DIRTY BITCH! HE FOUND ONE! *looks around them, more and more confused* Wait. Has he left already?
Aziraphale: *hides his guilt behind his cute face* Ahhh, y-yes! *attempts to smile normally* He hummmm... He was in a rush and just came by to drop this, I have no idea why! *Quirinus Quirrell's laugh* [Admit it, you're getting used to it! This is my trademark, now, I guess 😂]
Crowley: *suspicious gaze**eventually shrugs his shoulders**looks at Aziraphale with pure joy* I know this is not your thing but you NEED to taste that beauty when I'll pop that cork of hers, Angel.
Aziraphale: Of... Of course! *smiles with a little more ease*
Crowley: *brightest smile**kinda giggles?**rushes back to the Bookshop in case the elements might attack the super rare Talisker bottle*
Navigation time!
[While needing you to consider that, most of the time, the scenes are randomized and do not necessarily follow one another at all]
Previous -Beginning - Next
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theone · 1 year
For this round, please put your music on shuffle and recommend a song as well as a blog that reminds you of that song, and it can be for any reason! Feel free to shuffle just Taylor Swift songs or do any music you like, but try to do ten songs if you can! Special thanks to Kaity (username youbelongwith) for this idea 🩷 
Heey thanks for sending this! 🩷
1. 929 - Halsey; @tolerateit for our shared love for Ashley!
2. Love - Lana del Rey; reminds me of @1989s !
3. Darling - Halsey; @timeofmylifefightindragons , another halsey mutual!
4. State of Grace (Taylor's Version); @myjourneytofearlesss you're the biggest red stan, bestie ❤️
5. NDA - Billie Eilish; @meaningtotellyou is the biggest Billie fan !
6. Where You Lead - Carole King; the Gilmore Girls theme song(!!!) goes to @clarasamelia
7. Change (Taylor's Version); reminds me of fearless fan #1 @thenighttrain
8. minor - Gracie Abrams; @faultlinegracie duuh!
9. BLOW - Ed Sheeran, Chris Stapleton, Bruno Mars; @notesonartistry has been getting a lot of asks about Ed lately for some reason? This is the best song he's ever made btw
10. Fake Tales of San Francisco - Arctic Monkeys; @wouldvecouldveshouldve recommended me this album so yeah!
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yelenasdog · 4 years
unknown desires (spencer reid x russell holmes) (i’m so sorry BFRHEKRB)
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really all i have to say about this is what the fuck and why the fuck. I DESERVE NO RIGHTS. enjoy i guess??? if u found this while searching for some reid x reader there’s plenty of that on my account!! 
i’m deleting this bye ok-
btw it’s set at the end of s9 ep18 and then ends probably around s13?? idk. also listen to billie eilish’s “i love you” to be extra sad bc this is lowkey kinda angsty and lowkey a mess but im throwing it at u ok bye!
“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary”- Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven
Spencer shouldn't have been so drawn the first time he saw Russell in person. He shouldn't have been drawn at all.
He was a victim, someone who the young doctor had stared at a photo of for days while planning his rescue.
Although he didn't feel the initial electricity, he was far too buried in the case to think about Russell's kind puppy dog eyes or plump, rosy lips. Yes, far too busy to even fathom thinking of the way his raven locks that Edgar Allan Poe himself would be jealous of complimented his ivory skin, even for an inkling of a moment. He couldn’t bear to do such a thing.
But then, there was after the case, that day at the hospital. There was loss, it was hard to see. But yet again, he saw it every day.
His brain was fuzzy, and he seemed to be more heavily affected by this case than any previous endeavors. He wasn’t sure as to why.
It had him lost in his own thoughts, swimming in a pool of unknown desires.
So lost in fact, so drowned in his daydream, that he was barely aware of the person that had been wheeled over in his general vicinity.
It was him. His pink pout (that was more of a smile) was busted, no doubt, and his porcelain skin had cuts littered among it, but god, it was him.
He should have been disgusted, scared even. The man had rabies! And this was doctor Reid we’re talking about, the biggest possible germaphobe. But he couldn’t bring himself, he was too infatuated. Not that he would admit to it, though.
And he apparently had heard about Spence and his displeasure with even slightly unsanitary situations, as he chose to greet (and simultaneously say goodbye) to the doctor with a simple wave and bashful smile.
Spencer returned it in the same manner. The interaction was quick, too quick. It also warmed his heart to a full extent.
Russell was whisked away by a nurse, looking back reluctantly at the three agents that had saved his life, specifically a certain brown haired doctor, wanting to encapsulate his stunning image in his mind.
Spencer stuck to a cycle. Save, move on, repeat. It was easiest to do so rather than deal with any tag along, unwanted, painful emotions. 
Because that’s all love was. 
Crude and abrupt pain. But despite this, he found himself asking Garcia for Russell's current home address. His own actions confused him, but nonetheless, he held his head high as he exited the batcave towards the light, clutching a paper with the info in his hands. 
He knew he didn’t need it. But he refused to face the (impossible) possibility to forget this information, to forget Russell.
The paper was wrinkled and dampened from his gorilla grip by the time he had arrived. He flattened it out with shaky hands, grabbing a fresh piece of parchment.
“Hello, I'm Doctor Spencer Reid.”
No, no, too formal. He erased it.
“Greetings, I’m Spencer Reid.”
What was he, an alien? Even though many members of the team thought so, he decided against giving Russell Holmes that opportunity. And then it was gone in the wind with a few swipes from his pencil eraser.
“Hi! I’m Dr. Spencer Reid, I was one of the agents that assisted on your case. I hope this message finds you well. I’m just checking in to see how you’re healing.”
Spencer scoffed at himself out loud. “just checking in”, his ass. He continued writing and with very low expectations, he sent off the letter.
“I'll be just a minute, Mom!” Russell hollered through his home as he went to go check the mail. He walked down to the mailbox, limping ever so slightly, still in recovery. He flipped through the various envelopes, doing a double take when he saw a certain name.
Doctor Spencer Reid
Apartment 23A
Wilcox Road, Quantico, Virginia, 22134
He tore into the message immediately, a growing smile resting on his face as he read.
“Hi! I’m Doctor Spencer Reid, I was one of the agents who assisted on your case. I hope this message finds you well. I’m just checking in to see how you’re healing. How's your mother been since her surgery? I hope she is doing well, too. If you need anything don’t hesitate to write back or call the number at the bottom of the page. Yet again, I'm glad we could get you home, perhaps to your boyfriend/ girlfriend, or wife/husband.
Best regards, Spencer.”
He was off the walls with excitement. There was a newfound pep in his step as he made his way up the driveway, no doubt planning on writing back.
“Dr. Reid, I appreciate you checking in on me. I do not regret informing you that there is no boyfriend or girlfriend here, just my mother and I while we both recover...”
Glee and bliss. Those were the two things that could no doubt be used to describe the relationship between Spencer Reid and Russell Holmes.
Although it was nothing too formal, exchanges of news about mothers or about how work was going was going on either side soon became much more deep, bringing the two closer than imaginable, even from 689 miles apart.
Never meeting again in person, the situation reminded him all too much of Maeve, but nonetheless, to him, Russell was worth it. So they talked, and talked, for years and years on end. 
They both felt a warm fuzzy feeling in their chest, quite able to place the cause on one another. 
Then one day, they stopped. 
Spencer had gotten home from a long case, and was very much so looking forward to an uplifting note from his distanced lover. But to his surprise, there was nothing. 
Although he found it odd, he blew it off, considering the possibility of getting lost in the post, running some stat to calm himself. Pulling out his cell, he dialed the number that he had saved of Russell's if for some reason the letters were to become inadequate. Voice mail. And voicemail again, and again, and again. Spencer tried for days and weeks, but to no avail, he was met with radio silence.
Until one day, if it was fateful or not is up to you.
 It was sunny in August, and Spencer Reid was not a fan. 
After sweating around all day (he wasn’t sure what it meant either), he made his way to his apartment. He stripped down to his slacks and undershirt, waltzing around his apartment with a water bottle in hand.
knock knock
He squinted his honey eyes, confusion flooding his body. He cautiously approached the door, keeping his revolver in his peripheral vision, compliments of his paranoia.
Another two knocks sounded, but before a third could ring out, he swung the door open.
He gasped, his jaw water bottle falling out of his hand and rolling into the hallway.
“Hi, Spence.”
He wanted to hug him, he wanted to kiss him, God, he wanted to-
“I felt like I needed to tell you in person.”
His heart dropped to his feet as Russell's own shaky hand presented itself, in it, a white envelope, similar to the one that started their not-so extravagant rondevu.
“W-what is this, Russ?” he opened with nimble fingers, sliding it from its encasement.
Join soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Russell and Jane Holmes-
He didn’t read the rest, he didn’t need to, and couldn't. Tears made their way to both men’s eyes, threatening with such a fierce hostility to spill.
“I’m so sorry, Spence.”
This warranted no response from the doctor. He looked blankly behind Russ, his mind running a million miles a minute. With his head hung in a terrible shame, Russell turned to leave.
He was shocked when he was stopped by Spencer grabbing him by his blue and red plaid shirt, pulling him back.
He turned, his hazel eyes just barely meeting Spencer's own of the same color.
“Do you love her?”
He pondered for a moment, before nodding slightly.
“Yes, I,” he paused. “Yes.”
Spencer bit his bottom lip briefly, before making a choice he knew he would regret.
He gripped him by the collar of his shirt, smashing their lips together for the first time and the last.
It should have been sweet, it should have been everything he hoped for and more. It should have been a reunion as glorious as they both could have imagined.
But instead, it was a mixture of salty tears, as their lips moulded together like they were made for each other. He pulled away, trying to maintain a strong facade.
And with that, he took one more look, before committing him to a memory, and nothing else.
He shut his door, sliding down against it and silently sobbing, pulling at his curls as tears racked his body. He heard smaller footsteps pad up the staircase, stopping next to where he left a dumbstruck and emotion ridden Russell.
“Hey, sweetheart, is your friend going to be able to make it?” She rubbed his shoulder lovingly, so incredibly oblivious and unaware of the previous happenings.
He put a remorseful hand on hers, watching how her engagement ring shimmered, even in the dim lighting.
He put on a false smile for his future wife he thinks he loves. “I think he’s a bit busy, he said he needs to review the date.” He spoke loudly, hoping Spencer could hear him through the thick door.
She frowned, nodding in what was her understanding of it all.
“Well, I hope he can make it, he must be important if you came all the way here to deliver this for him!”
He smiled genuinely, thinking of all the letters sent and hours spent.  
“Yeah, more than he knows.”
It wasn't until after he heard their steps retrieve, and their car start up and go, that he picked up the card to finish reading it.
He ran his finger over the gold raised trim, the feeling giving him goosebumps. He read the front and flipped it over, seeing an all too familiar hand writing underneath the date that the supposed union was to be held.
I'm sorry, I love you.
literally what the fuck was that ffwbfbfbkfw what do i even tag this?? im so sorry. also this is my first character x character be nice
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