#He joined RCM earlier than Harry yet Harry became a lieutenant first
ikeameatballspoisonedme ยท 4 months
Was searching on Fayde for video purpose then I found out that you can gain your Kimpoint back in the slur scene if you apologize to him.
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Perhaps this was done so that people who has low authority and don't want to save scum and didn't expect to get that didn't feel too unlucky but it's so sad from Kim's POV. Someone who has a terrible amnesia, had no concept of money, called him a racist slur out of nowhere. Deep inside his subconcious he has a memory about this and knew that it was often used against people like him. How often does Kim hear something like this from people who have all their memories intact? Was Harry one of those people? Harry apologizing made him realize that maybe he wasn't, but the fact that Kim set the bar THIS low to earn his respect just shows that not many people had the decency to at least apologize. Even in his own precinct.
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