#Same reason why he was in juvie for so long
Was searching on Fayde for video purpose then I found out that you can gain your Kimpoint back in the slur scene if you apologize to him.
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Perhaps this was done so that people who has low authority and don't want to save scum and didn't expect to get that didn't feel too unlucky but it's so sad from Kim's POV. Someone who has a terrible amnesia, had no concept of money, called him a racist slur out of nowhere. Deep inside his subconcious he has a memory about this and knew that it was often used against people like him. How often does Kim hear something like this from people who have all their memories intact? Was Harry one of those people? Harry apologizing made him realize that maybe he wasn't, but the fact that Kim set the bar THIS low to earn his respect just shows that not many people had the decency to at least apologize. Even in his own precinct.
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lemonssavelives · 1 year
Zohakuten Headcanons (Modern)
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Zohakuten is 17-18 (Originally) Depending on the story he'll be different ages like (10,12,15)
Zohakuten is the most spoiled in his family since he is the youngest (He'll get so many gifts for Christmas and his birthday)
During middle school Zoha found it very easy to make friends with the girls instead (He had little to no guy friends)
When he got into High School, he met his current group of friends.
During middle school so many girls liked him to the point on Valentines Day his desk would be covered with cards, sweets, and baskets which did make the other guys jealous (He has rizz but doesn't know how to handle it)
He's one of the popular boys because he's handsome and that a lot of the girls know he is the little brother of the handsome Hantengu Quadruplets (He doesn't even know he's popular or the reason why)
He's a total mama's boy
Loves Mario.
He was so excited when the Mario Movie came out that he forced all his brothers into one of his cars and paid for everything with Karaku's credit card
He isn't allowed to use his own money so he usually has one of his brothers or all of their credit cards
Has too many Mario video games
Zoha likes to put stickers on everything including his brothers. (Karaku wasn't so happy to be covered in stickers)
Has some allergies (crab, Crab Rangoon, some seafoods, daisy's, and pollen)
When he was little he was in the hospital a lot either because he had a really bad allergic reaction or he got beaten up. Luckily his mom was there (Their mother happens to be a nurse so she always kept him company along with his brothers and father)
Zoha first fight was in Elementary school at recess because two older boys had the great idea to bully him because he was small.
Zoha did in fact win but he was beaten up pretty badly and his brother made sure those really learnt a lesson the next time they saw him
Zoha ended up in the hospital because he had a broken arm and a bruised face
Mama wasn’t so happy about it and sued the parents and had the two boys in juvie
He is 5 years younger than the quads/clones and 7 years younger than Hantengu and Urami
Grew up with his cousins 24/7
At the age 15 he got his first girlfriend (who is now his current girlfriend)
Still cool with the ladies to the point it brings Karaku to tears that his lil bro has so many girl contacts in his phone
He stays out really late and only comes home to let his brothers know that he is alive before leaving again (Only one the weekends and summer break)
Rest of the time he is home since he doesn't really go out unless it's for food or friends
His group of friends consist of too many girls, Daki, Nakime, Akaza, Kokushibo (Zoha's "sugar daddy". He just gives money to Zoha and he jokes about him being a Sugar Daddy to him), Douma, Kaigaku, Gyutaro (Zoha is like an older brother to him), Rui (Zoha is that one senior/Junior that adopted a freshman), Gyokko
Daki one time forced him to be a cheerleader for an entire year. He wasn't too happy
The only time Zoha will get into a fight is when someone is being highly disrespectful to one of his female friends which does get him suspended
Decides when he wants to go to school
His brothers can't really do a thing about it though it pisses Urami off when he goes to make sure he is awake but finds the quads and Zoha sleeping (The quads tried and failed)
Sometimes he leaves at 1 in the morning because Douma wanted food
He's truly only nice to his family and friends
The only one person who can truly disrespect him or piss him off without getting hurt is his cousin
His hair is curly and long. It goes down to his thighs but if straightened it'll go to his calves
He does cut it to a reasonable length like the length the Quads hair is at or his canon hair cut
Hantengu snd Urami have the same length hair as Zoha so Hantengu usually styles it for him
Daki likes to style his hair but certain styles makes him highly upset with her
Throws money at the problem or his fists
Looks mean but is truly nice
Likes to go to the gym with his brothers or Akaza
They get milkshakes afterwards
Not a big fan on pick me and snobby girls
If he is sick Sekido is the one who tends to stay home with him and gives him medicine and his blanket
Rarely goes to sleepovers because of Sekido packing his bag or that he wants to go home
In elementary school he was 4'10, middle school 5'2, currently he is 5'11, in the near future he'll be the same height as the quads
Many people find it hard to believe that he was born with purple hair. Most of the time it looks black in certain spaces/seasons, but if like you look closely with a flashlight or if he's out in the sun it's a dark purple (A unique feature he shares with the Quads)
Rich boy but keeps in his lane
The car he drove when he was 15 gave it away that he came from a rich family
Most of the time he is on the phone with his brothers, cousin, or Daki (In school)
He gets kicked out of class because of it
A sucker for sweets mainly chocolate
He's either brought lunch from Aizetsu or Urogi or brings his own lucnh
He is coddled a lot by the Quads mainly Sekido (doesn't matter if he big grown he still the baby)
Nonchalant attitude
Rui is sometimes nervous to go with him to different events or in general late at night
Zoha usually takes Rui to small parties or out to eat
Zoha once bought Rui several pet spiders because he got tired of hearing Rui complain about not having one
Tiktok Famous
He is known for having long hair/story times while he does his hair/doing one of his girl friends make up while doing a story time (During the time he was a cheerleader he learnt how to do makeup)
He didn’t go to school until he was 5
He was homeschooled because of his allergies
When he did go to school he was taken out around spring time because of his allergies and how he reacted to them.
When his brothers would do their homework he would sit in one of their laps and watch them or color a picture while they do their homework
The brothers spent half a month trying to convince their parents to let Zoha go to school with them
That's really all I have for now....I like the Senior adopting a freshman thing for Zoha and Rui along with the Hantengu's being rich
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softpine · 9 months
yesssss i would be happy to share each of the griffins lives!! i'll just run through them in order:
[major trigger warning for child abuse, attempted murder, etc. all the typical finn things]
1- inmate: he... did something... that i can't tell you yet... as a kid that got him sent to juvy for a few years. by the time he was released at 18, he had practically no life skills, no formal education, and the only people left in his life were other juvy kids. he tried to make the best of a shitty situation by changing his name, moving states, and starting over, but it wasn't long before he resorted to petty theft to make it by. his crimes escalated until he was eventually caught for armed robbery and sentenced to 25 to life. it was almost a relief to know that he wouldn't have to worry about making decisions anymore. he doesn't feel like he's ever been in charge of his own life, so being in prison is just more of the same.
2- drifter: he's still a teenager here. he successfully ran away from home as a kid, never got attacked, but instead of going to live with his aunt in new york, he's been living mostly on the road and in shelters ever since. he sticks to smaller towns, keeps a low profile, and makes a living doing odd jobs. he's safe, but lonely. asa knowing his name was a huge shock to him, because no one ever cares to ask his name.
3- kid: he hasn't hit the turning point in his life where every tiny decision can have life-altering consequences, so this is just a representation of almost every version of griffin at age 12. in this particular moment, he'd just gotten into a fight at school which he will be suspended for. i just think it's funny how he calls asa an old man lmao
4- survivor: he was obviously attacked. when he was found many days later, he was barely clinging to life. he suffered the most severe brain damage of all the versions of griffin we've seen, lost his eye, and has never quite recovered from the emotional and physical trauma. he has frequent seizures that leave him unable to work. it's rare that he even goes outside alone, so asa approaching him on the one day when he did choose to go for a walk by himself was not great timing. where this griffin differs is that he was adopted by his aunt after the attack, because his parents were actually charged with child abuse and neglect for their actions on the night of his attack (many people believe they were directly responsible, but it was never proven. they pled guilty to lesser charges to avoid an attempted murder trial). so griffin is actually in new york in that picture.
5- dad: he was attacked and left for dead, but in this universe, he was rescued within a few hours. his attacker had stabbed him in the arm with a broken beer bottle (this happened to all the versions of griffin who were attacked. it's why he wasn't able to fight back as hard). while he was being treated in the hospital, the wound got infected and his arm had to be amputated. the long healing process meant he had to rely on his parents for a ton of assistance and support. they were even more desperate to prove that they can be good parents and that they would never hurt their son, so the 3 of them all became pretty codependent. he lived at home with them until he was in his 30s, but then his dad died of a sudden heart attack (brought on by alcoholism, because he never quit drinking) and griffin realized it was time to move on. he married the daughter of one of his mom's friends, the first person he's ever dated, but their marriage dissolved a few years later for... a lot of reasons. they got a divorce before the baby was even born, but griffin tries to be the best father he possibly can be. he absolutely spoils her (you can see that based on the excessive playground equipment he bought for his yard lol) and she's his entire reason for living now, even though he only gets to see her every other week. he hopes she can stay for longer when she's older.
6- mechanic: griffin (and our finn, for that matter) was a huge nascar fan and his dream was to be a professional driver. that didn't exactly pan out for him, but he does enjoy being a mechanic. he's about 40 in that picture. he was never attacked, never ran away from home, and instead he endured the increasingly horrific abuse until he turned 18, moved out, and never talked to anyone in his family ever again. he prefers to be mostly solitary; never married, no kids, not even any friends, but he gets along with his coworkers well enough. he has an extremely hard time trusting that anyone has good intentions. in his free time, he restores & sells old furniture. his dream is to retire and move to the countryside.
7- sex worker: honestly, probably the most mentally stable griffin on this list... like don't get me wrong, he's still traumatized from the same childhood that every version of griffin shares, and i'm not saying his job is easy by any means, but he has a ton of friends who actually understand him and who he doesn't have to pretend with, he lives with his cousin liz who he's really close to, he keeps in contact with his parents but hardly ever sees them in person (which is exactly how he likes it), and he has a real sense of community. he was never attacked. he didn't run away from home when he was 12 like he planned, but instead waited until he was 14 and his parents allowed him to go live with his aunt with everyone's agreement. when liz, who is older than him, moved out to go to college, griffin followed her and they've been living together for years now. she's the only family member who knows what he does for work, so she makes sure to look out for him. oh also he's the only version of griffin we've seen that has a boyfriend?? he was supposed to say something about him in response to asa saying "i have a partner", but i cut it because i don't actually think griffin would offer that info up to a stranger, no matter how strangely trustworthy asa appears to be.
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rweoutofthewoods · 3 months
just saw the ask about someone discussing ur characterisation of James in young blood and how they thought he wasn’t a ‘baddie’ and that he was ‘not cool’ (btw this isn’t like hate to the person who asked this or anything incase u reply to this publicly and they see this, ik they said they don’t mean it as hate, I’m just saying what I was thinking cause I think the difference is interesting I guess🫣 so all love!!! ANYWAYS.)
I just thought it was interesting cause I did not get that vibe at all from James in the story. What I got from it was that James was actually cool in juvie, in a lowkey probably a little shit, who is funny and annoyingly endearing kinda way. I also thought he was a ‘badass’ in his own kinda way. But I don’t rlly think ‘badass’ is the best way to describe him in this fic tho, i think it’s more he is very capable and able at holding his own but he’s not like some intimidating, cool and mysterious typical badass (I’ve written this word too many times I hate it now😔) like what I feel Regulus is more like. And I also did get the impression he was a ‘bad kid’ but in a more ‘ I was a good kid and I’m a good kid in my core but something shit happened to me so now I’m acting out and doing bad things cause I don’t know how to properly deal with what’s happened to me , people expect it of me and this is my coping mechanism plus the whole getting myself hurt makes me feel better in a way kinda way (that doesn’t make sense I don’t think BUT WE MOVE) and he doesn’t come across as supposed to have been some teen who was out here doing all this mega bad boy (ew I don’t like that phrase but I’m using it anyways) crimes, but more like enough to get u in juvie ones and be significantly concerning. I could ramble more cause that fat ass paragraph doesn’t even fully express what I got from the way u wrote James. But just overall I think it’s interesting how ppl can get different things out of the same piece of writing. Also sorry if what I interpreted it as, is not what you were looking for, it probs did come across the way u wanted I’m just shit at explaining well and concisely lol.
ALSO (sorry if u hate me for this 10k essay oopsies) the thing about u worrying that James seems OOC but saying he’s not, ur just portraying the effects of childhood. I PERSONALLY DID NOT READ IT AND THINK HE WAS OOC, PLEASE DO NOT STRESS ABOUT IT UR WRITING IS FABULOUS AND IM VERY MUCH GETTING WHAT UR PUTTING ACROSS. Like u can tell by the way James acts with his friends and his internal monologue that he would be what some people more typically see James as, but it’s his trauma which is preventing him from properly being so. Like it’s just this road block. AND EVEN IF HE DOES GET OOC ITS REALISTIC WHO CARES, ILL FIGHT ANYONE WHO DOES, ITS UR FIC(unless you care then I apologise queen) but it’s so realistic like I went through a rlly shitty thing in my early teenage years and personally I think I’m a completely different person cause of it, and it’s interesting to read the way James changes because of what happens to him. Personally, I rlly like the way u write James (omd especially in EOITV I just want to gush over that fic for a second, it’s chefs kiss I love it so much, thank you for creating it, your mind is a wonderful place) I like how he can be a bit more messy, it’s interesting (also that reminds me another reason why I don’t think he’s spineless in young blood, cause he had a go at Regulus when they were fighting and I was like YEAH I KNOW U CAN SAY UNFAIR THINGS BUT ALSO STANDING UP FOR URSELF AND ACTING OUT AND NOT BEING PERFECT YAY, cause sometimes I do see James written in situations like that where he just takes it (nothing wrong with that I just personally prefer where he can gives just as good as he gets sometimes!:)))).
I need to stfu this is way to long, I’m actually embarrassed and scared u think I’m like some obsessed weirdo, I’m not I promise, it’s just 2:30 am and the most common feedback I get on school essays is ‘stop the waffle’. So long ass pieces of writing tend to be a bit too familiar with me 😔
okay last bit I promise, but THE AMOUNT OF NEW FICS U HAVE AND THE RATE U BANG THEM OUT?!?!, whenever I come to your blog and see a post about a new fic, I’m like wow your insane but in the best way possible cause how is this possible?! How are you able to do this?! This is so impressive ?!😭 Cause ur fics r to such a good writing standard and each one is so unique and different to each other, I run around my room in excitement each time u post a new chapter.
I could go on but I won’t because the fear of appearing a tinsy bit insane is real and idk if this is overwhelming, but yeha sorry, my waffling tendencies can be my downfall 😭
but uhhhhh Yeha overall, your writing and ability to write is very impressive, bye 😗😁
Hello!! I can’t answer you privately bc ur anon so I’ll start by saying: that ask? No lingering thoughts or feelings about it whatsoever and this reply is not even going to be about that, just what you’ve said. I can’t imagine how much time it took you to write all that because it takes me FOREVER to write replies to asks, so I appreciate your time and ofc have to write you a response because I’m honored <33
Just on the subject on Youngblood James. You put it perfectly and I think I said this in my end notes vaguely—childhood trauma changes EVERYTHING. Exactly as you said, I myself had a pretty shitty childhood and I think I’d be an entirely different person if I’d grown up differently. I got BPD out of it (😭) and Youngblood James got some pretty fucked up mental health and coping skills. And it was my hope that seeing James thru Reg’s POV and seeing his relationship with his friends etc. that you’d be able to see there’s still some of that James Potter we know and love, BUT part of James’ canon character (or fanon idk) is that he grew up comfortably, privileged, with two loving parents, getting whatever he wanted. We see it in canon with how cocky and in need of some humbling he was, and Youngblood James got way more than humbled, his life got blown to bits and while he was very, very, young. Before he even would have been Hogwarts age in canon. SO, I don’t think he’s OOC at all, I think he’s exactly who he’d be if those things happened to him. And I put a lot of thought into his character and his actions. So me fearing him seeming OOC is really just that I can put things out into the world but I never have any idea how it will be taken or if my intentions will be realized.
I didn’t intend for him to be badass at all because like… James’ crimes were all really in efforts to self-destruct. Him fighting people he did because he wanted to be hurt. Stealing a car? Well… we know by now how that ended. I also will note I didn’t intend reg to be badass either (tho maybe his character naturally is a little bit) because Youngblood isn’t about that, or how cool it is to commit crimes. it’s about how fucked up the system is, how childhood trauma lingers, how we need to do more to support and help kids in need instead of writing them off. So many kids act out or get in trouble because of much deeper reasons than them just wanting to cause trouble. And I say this as someone who was a kid who acted out, and who also recently as a more straight and narrow adult now, had their car fucking vandalized and literally SHOT AT by a bunch of kids. But I can look at those kids in real life, in my town, and I know the families they come from, I know there’s things going on behind closed doors. And yeah, was I pissed? Ofc, actually I was pretty devastated. I worked 7 days a week to buy that car and it was my first. there being reasons doesn’t make their actions okay, but I can also see that here in real life, children are being failed when they’ve barely had a chance at life yet. And Youngblood is really my attempt to humanize these issues and draw light to how we may be failing children. ANYWAY there was my long winded rant. I lost the plot a bit tbh but I could go on about Youngblood 😭
So in short, James in my opinion is not OOC, and ur right he is not weak either, because trauma and mental health issues doesn’t equate to weak. I think you exactly hit the nail on the head and it’s always appreciated when I feel like someone really gets my characters. My James is my James, and he’ll always be so special to me, every single version, because no matter what universe I throw him in, I always know exactly who he is and what makes him that way.
This is so long, I don’t really expect anyone to read this but you (hopefully), but this is just for you anyway <33 I appreciate all your kind words and interesting thoughts and I love how you said it’s interesting that ppl can read the same thing and get something different out of it. Because the amount of times I’ve written something and realized ppl got something entirely different than I’d expect honestly shocks me. And sometimes it’s sad if ppl miss my point, but mostly I think it’s beautiful that we can all interpret things differently.
Hope you have the best week and life is treating you warmly xx
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insomniac-jay · 4 months
I'd love for you to go into more detail about the Watchers and their direct relationship with the Bat Cauldron. We know they are their opposed foes but what is the one-one bitterness like?
After all, Jonah is significantly younger in comparison to Bruce so I imagine Bruce froths at the mouth a bit about being beaten by someone younger and less trained than him.
That last part is sending me because Jonah probably wasn't even born when all the major stuff in the first few years of Batman's career was going down
I want to preface this by saying the Watchers are meant to be the "anti Batfam". They may not have the money, connections, and access their more established counterparts have but they have one thing the Batfam doesn't: stability. If there's a problem, they come together and work to solve it. Very little infighting goes on in their ranks and if it does it's usually petty and quickly resolved. It makes them have more in common with groups like the Titans, Central City Rogues, and others who consider themselves a family.
Now onto their direct relationships.
Jonah and Bruce have the most bitterness between them as leaders do. Think of it as Mr. Incredible and Syndrome if he didn't become evil and instead became a rival hero type relationship. One of the best ways I can make them vastly different is how they operate within Gotham. While Bruce, and Batman overall, have become synonymous with Gotham; Bruce doesn't really know the city. He's the son of billionaires. Jonah, on the other hand, does. He knows all the shortcuts, nooks and crannies, everything.
Bruce may have book smarts and age on his side but Jonah has street smarts and experience on his.
There's also how they deal with their rogues gallery. Bruce sends them to Arkham but let's be honest Arkham isn't doing shit to actually help them. And to be honest I think a lot of them are just fine being criminals unless they get bored.
Jonah is willing to help his rogues get help as long they want and need it. He's seen plenty who need help but don't want it (i.e. the Imai couple, Starlet) and those who both want and need it but don't know how to go about it (i.e. Killer Cupid).
Another parallel is Jason and Vicia. Ah, Jason and Vicia. The things that make your coupling both shocking and sensible at the same time. I told another mutual this once so I'll say it here: Vicia is fanon Jason but well written and a woman. One thing that connects them is their relationship to violence. For Jason, violence is power and force (example is how he attacked Mia Dearden to try and get her to join him). It's how he gets his point across. How he makes a statement.
To Vicia, violence is a tool, a weapon. She's knows what it does to people, how it changes them because she dealt it out during her time as a runaway and was on the end of it when in juvie. It's also the reason why she's not a fan of Batman's unnecessary violence against nonviolent offenders.
Jason had loving parents (I do not accept Willis or Catherine Todd slander here) but lost them meanwhile Vicia had loving parents that lost her. Jason was adopted by Bruce to protect him from the same violence that ultimately ended up taking his life. Vicia ran away from home to protect her family from the violence her being a Metahuman would bring.
Last but not least: Duke and Jahzara. Another polarizing yet makes sense couple.
They have a preestablished rivalry from the school track team. When they're the Signal and Fatale, that rivalry is heightened. Thing about both of them is that they're trying to prove themselves to their respective organizations. Jahzara has a lot of prove as the only human in the Watchers, Duke wanting to prove himself capable as the only Metahuman in the Batfam. Jahzara is continuously improving herself for the long run.
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messymindofmine · 2 years
I've talked a lot about Johnny this season and I'll be talking about it more bc God knows there is so much that needs to be said and apparently some of it needs to be said repeatedly but I also want to talk about Shannon a bit.
Shannon has by no means been a good parent to Robby right from the start but when she went to rehab, I did hope that we would see better behavior from her. I find it interesting that she has appeared at least once in every season yet she really doesn't seem all that interested in Robby. Sure, she went to rehab and that is so great for her. But she had no problem letting Daniel search for Robby. I know she says that her life coach advised her against it but I find that rather unlikely. A life coach's job is to motivate and help you make your own decisions. It is most certainly not to tell a mother not to go looking for her missing son. I can see how leaving rehab may have been a bad idea for Shannon if she didn't feel she could handle it but if she's already got a life coach, there was really no reason why she could have kept that coach on speed dial while looking for Robby and then gone back when he was found and she knew he'd be safe. Honestly, it feels like a cop out to me and it does fit with what we've seen of Shannon from the start. She simply handed Robby to Daniel when Robby went to her. Robby went to her bc he felt safe going to her and I understand why she called Daniel. It's not as though there was much she could've done for him at that point but she just called Daniel and stood by the side as he talked to Robby. She could have still sat beside him and held Robby's hand as Daniel talked. She could have comforted him. But she just stood by the side and watched. And then she watched as the cops took Robby away. Sure she reached out to touch him then and tell him it would be OK but by then it was too late. You can actually see Robby flinching away from her. I've talked about this part before but it bears repeating especially in light of s5. I know she sent him emails while he was in juvie but emails are easy. The LaRussos all sent Robby emails and Daniel even called him. All of these things are very low effort and we saw what happened after with them anyway. So yeah, emails are easy and don't really mean anything when the situation Robby got back to is the same.
She also went to Johnny in the prom episode to tell him about Silver but she straight up says that even though Silver gave her the creeps, she didn't ask him any questions. She's says she tried to talk to Robby but how long would she have even tried given that Silver dropped the car off right before Robby left for prom? An hour at most? Hardly enough time to determine that Silver had his hooks into Robby. She realized something was off about Silver, enough so that she went to Johnny but she still had no problem letting Robby leave for prom. You know that if it had been Amanda or Carmen, Sam, Anthony or Miguel would never have even left the house yet Shannon had no problem just letting Robby go.
In s5, Shannon seems to be doing quite well for herself yet she spares very little thought about Robby. When Johnny talks to her about having Robby stay with him for the summer, they talk about Robby without even acknowledging his feelings. Shannon simply says yes rather than saying she'll ask Robby about it. Then, she tells Johnny that they were both young and dumb and she's glad that Robby gets to see this side of him now. First off, Johnny was in his mid-thirties when Robby was born so dumb sure but hardly young enough to warrant his behavior. Shannon would have also been an adult at least but she didn't have the option to just run away the way Johnny did. She had to go through 17 hours of labor alone and then raise a child alone. Now, Shannon was obviously a terrible mother and neglected Robby to the point of abuse but it's clear that Robby still had some good times with her and apparently still does. It doesn't forgive her behavior but at least to Robby it means something. Johnny couldn't even do that much and still doesn't. That said, Shannon had no problem having Robby stay with Johnny even after she saw the state his place was in and how he didn't even have a proper phone let alone a proper job.
As a side note, I do find it strange that people just assume that Shannon's parents are still living based off of what she said about her and Robby going to their place. There's no indication in her statement that they're even alive. To me, it sounded simply like it was a place they had owned and she had access to. I find it unlikely that her parents would still be alive bc knowing Shannon, she would have simply dumped Robby with them early on. Plus we never hear Robby make any mention of them which he likely would have. Sure, he has a hard time asking for help but he's got a strong survival instinct and would have at least though about his grandparents if he'd even thought they were an option.
Anyway, it's pretty clear that while Shannon is doing quite well for herself, Robby remains an afterthought to her. From the start, she has been happy to hand Robby off to whoever will take him and that clearly hasn't changed since she got out of rehab. It seems pretty clear that Shannon has gotten to a point where she is ready to just hand Robby off for good and get on with her own life without him. This actually also explains Robby's behavior in s5 bc it must have broken his heart to have his mother, the one person who was a consistent factor in his life and who he always looked out for even though she should have been looking out for him, just hand him off to someone else. It further explains why he'd want to fit in with Johnny so much now. After all, he could've just packed his bags and left when Johnny kept pushing him to make amends with Miguel but if he hadn't had the option of going back to Shannon's, it would make sense why he would try so hard to fit into Johnny's life. Now, I dount Shannon would just tell Robby that she didn't want him or throw him out but Robby's a smart kid and he knows how to read people. He would've picked up on the fact that Shannon didn't want him around just like he picked up on how the only way for him to be accepted into Johnny's life is to get along with Miguel. So basically, both of Robby's parents have trapped Robby into a place where he's forced to ignore his own feelings and behave like a doormat for those around him in order to be accepted. It makes perfect sense why Robby behaved the way he did bc in his mind, if both his parents have made it clear he's not wanted anymore, his only option is to bow down and take whatever mistreatment he gets so that he can at least have a place in their lives. I've said before that Johnny may well "love" Robby in the way that a parent naturally loves their child but he clearly doesn't seem to love him as a person. I believe the same to be true of Shannon. She loves him and clearly provided him with the only affection he'd have got as a child. She clearly does spend some time with him doing fun things like watching movies and YouTube videos. However, she clearly has no interest in being a good mother to him
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madeofchaos · 2 years
TR 275
We are 3 chapters away from Tokyo Revengers ending... but it won’t put me out of my misery any time soon with how everything is turning out to be.
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Mikey, my dude, you have been giving in to these impulses from the very start. The only reason you can go wild as you want is because you no longer have no worry about your dumb brother’s time-traveling ability being a secret.
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Boy..... if you don’t put that down right now..... That kanata is taller that you are... What, did you study the blade with Sanzu too???? Lol if you look at Mikey’s butt, you can almost see a face.
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Listen carefully Haruchiyo. You can use this to your advantage. When Kakucho’s body is found and they look for a suspect, you can pin this all on Mikey. You can avenge yourself this way instead of being sent to juvie... again, but like in this timeline. Mikey gets put away in that top-security correctional facility and hopefully learns about his impulse control from zen-master, Hanemiya Kazutora.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to Pah-chin. The only one with any sort of brain cells asking the right questions. What is the point of all these fights? No one is benefiting anything from them.
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OMG! This gremlin is fast as fuck at striking. Takemichi, your best bet is running away! Or using that long rope thing to capture the katana or Mikey’s hands.... something! See I told you the katana is taller than Mikey on the 3rd image.
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It’s strange as fuck seeing Sanzu sharing his thoughts about Mikey to Takemichi of all people. He should have said this to Baji, Emma, or Draken. He grew up alongside Baji and Emma, so I don’t know why he didn’t just consulted with either of them. Baji would have believed Haru and Wakui could have these two childhood friends repairing this fucking broken relationship while making sure that Mikey didn’t fall of the deep end. It would have been fucking amazing. Emma and Draken could have been working together to help MIkey too. Emma could have kept an eye out on Mikey at home and relay any strangeness to Draken who would do the same when they are out. Not only would this bring these two together but they can slowly but surely get to know each other. I hate that there are many ways that Wakui could have written the bonds of Mikey’s close friends working together in order to help him.
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I was right. How did those visions worked out for ya? It’s frustrating as fuck seeing Takemichy get mortally wounded when it concerns Mikey. Bruh, at this point, can you even call it “hero-like”? What’s Hina gonna think when she finds out you died? The hell you mean, “I’ll carry your dark impulses on my back.” Do you not see how destructive as fuck they are? Those with impulses killed someone.
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uhhhh.....are you sure you can do that? He just kicked your ass and stabbed you. Friend for life? Excuse you! Sanzu would like to have a word with you about that.
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Shinichiro is a massive fucking idiot for giving away that time-traveling power. Granted, he wouldn’t know how Takemichi would use it but it still a fucking bad idea giving suck a power to someone with a hero complex. Takemichi is counting on redoing events but here’s something that people with power forget. There are limits, no matter how powerful those abilities may be.
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It’s just... I don’t know how to explain it. Takemichi got issues from his first life that he’s kinda projecting to others in this one. He thinks that he can erase bad things that happen to those from Toman just because he can time-travel but that’s not the answer. Takemichi, in a way, filters out the bad behavior/qualities from what he expects from them. Fuck, I need to word this better.
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I don’t think no one brought up the Mizo Middle Five in the back. That’s just heartbreaking.
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How did Mikey’s heart return? His brother killed a homeless man to give him a second chance. Said brother gave that power to a random kid who would later use that to save his loved one. But wait... it turns out the younger brother of the previous holder is responsible for his girlfriends death and is cursed because of his brothers actions. Shin, Mikey, and Kazutora all showed signs of having impulses. Why didn’t hina then or for that matter Takemichy inherit them too? Is it due to the non-violent manner in which he inherited the power?
What is the origin of this time traveling ability?
There’s no way Takemichi is time-traveling to the past or future. Is Mikey going have the time-traveling power now? Is that how he’s going to give everyone a bittersweet ending? Erasing this time line?!?! Is Haruchiyo going to get the memories of this timeline if that happens?
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Meeting the twins
"Felix hurry up!"
"I'm coming!"
"Yeah? You really like saying that don't you? You liar!"
"Juvy calm down alright?"
"No! I've been waiting for like a hundred years! Mother and Father are waiting!"
Felix lets himself be pulled by his beautiful wife. Felix doesn't complain, though. As Juvelian drags her husband, all Felix can think of is her pretty silver hair swinging with every step she takes. She seems like she's floating over the ground.
Suddenly, Juvelian turns around. Felix stops abruptly so he doesn't run into her. "Do you have the gift?" She asks.
Felix nods. "How could I forget? It's the gift for not only my new nice and nephew but also for my best friend."
Juvelian hums. "Sisiter-in-law will have your head on a stick if you forget the gift for Izeck and Ellen." Says the slivernette. "Also, do you have the gift for my parents?"
The husband nods once again. "Yes."
Juvelian nods.
Thenstheon and Cassia are expecting another child. To most people It's weird. They both already have two adult children after all, Erudian and Juvelian.
Just like Erudian, the new baby wasn't planned. Cassia is now 38 and had thought she was already too old to have another child. Still, she wished to raise the child. Who was Thenstheon to say no to his wife's wishes?
"Ah! My best friend!" Felix enters the hall with a big grin on his face. Erudians soft smile falls and he glares at Felix. "Quiet. You're going to wake them up."
Felix nods as he steps closer to Elvia. Next to her lay two little babies. Both have white hair that is prominent in Erudians family. If Felix rembers correctly, they also have Erudians red eyes.
"They are adorable!" Juvelian coos quietly. Elvia smiles softly. "Indeed."
Felix smiles, the second his eyes meet Elvia's, he flinches back. She looks like she's going to hit him, which is weird because he hasn't even done anything yet.
"Felix." She says.
The white-haired man nods. Slight fear forming in him.
Elvia nods for seemingly no reason. "Have you been well? I heard there were problems back at Helion..." She clears her throat.
Oh, it seems she was worried. A smile forms on Felix face. "Yes, my brother and Melissa have had everything under control."
Elvia nods. A rather awkward silence fills the room. Or, well, it only is between Felix and Elvia. Erudian and Juvelian are busy adoring the sleeping twins.
"Are they had to take care of?" Felix asks after a long but of silence. Elvia seems to think for a moment. Then she shakes her head. "No, they are very easy to take care of. Apparently, they have that from their father. Eruidan was also easy to take care of as a baby."
Felix hums, a soft smile on his features as he watches his wife play with the now awake babies.
"Izeck is a lot like his father already. Ellen is softer." Says Elvia. Felix looks back at her. His eyes flick over his features. He nods and hums.
He let's put a deep breath. "I think she looks like you." He says.
Elvia looks at him. "You do?" Felix nods. "I can't tell you why I just think it's obvious she's your daughter..." Felix pauses. "The eyes. She has your eyes."
Elvia looks at the infant that is currently being held by her aunt. Felix watches the love and wonder in his wife's eyes.
They should have a child too, he decides, not yet, though.
"You think so..?" Elvia asks quietly. Felix nods once again. "Very much so. You have the same eyes. Or well, the same eye from."
The redhead hums once again. Her eyes move around a bit. "Do you ever think about it?" She asks. Felix gives her a confused look. "Having a child, I mean. Do you ever think about it?" She clarifies.
Felix shrugs. "Sometimes. There is no rush, though. Juvelian is only eighteen, I'm twenty, we have more than enough time to start a family."
"That's true, I suppose." Elvia agrees.
"Also, I am not sure if Juvelian is ready to have a child yet. She wants to travel and do a lot of things." Felix sighs, his eyes filled with love as he looks at his wife. "I want her to do it. A child would be in the way."
Elvia stays quiet for a moment. Her gaze never leaving Felix. She opens her mouth as if to say something but closes it again. "...you are a good husband." She then says.
A chuckle leaves the white-haired man. "I am well aware of that. You can thank my mother and sisters."
Elvia chuckles. "That is true. They raised good men." She pushes a streak of her red hair behind her ear.
She's quiet for a moment. Then she speaks again. "I'm sorry."
Felix doesn't know what to do. He doesn't even know what she's apologising for.
"For the way I treated you." She adds. "It was quite violent, wasn't it?"
Felix shrugs. "It was fine. I didn't take it too hard."
The woman sighs. "Eruidan said so too... I just.. I just wanted to apologise. You weren't that bad, I don't know why I did what I did." She sighs again.
A laugh leaves the man. "It's okay. I was afraid of you, that stopped me from doing worse." He looks Elvia into her eyes. "It's okay, really. Don't beat yourself up about it."
Elvia sighs. Felix wonders why she does it that much. She's kind of like his mother. Charlize always sighs that much, too, or, well, used to.
"Felix! Come over here!" Juvelian calls out suddenly. Felix gives Elvia a polite smile and then walks towards his wife. "Aren't they adorable?" She asks.
"Very much so." Says Felix and cups his face cheek. "Very adorable."
Juvelian looks at him. A slight blush on her face. "I'm talking about the babies!" She says, Felix nods as a reply. "Well, I'm talking about my baby."
The slivernette lets out an annoyed huff. She turns her head away from him. "Do not."
Felix giggles at the sight. "Don't be like that, sweetheart. I was just teasing you. The two are very..." Felix looks at the babies. "...adorable."
His eyes linger on Ellen's eyes. She does look an awfully lot like Elvia. It makes sense. She is her mother, after all.
"I want a baby too." Says Juvelian quietly, almost like she hoped Felix wouldn't hear her.
The white-haired man looks back at her. It doesn't make sense to him. He has a beautiful wife, the wife he fell for when he first saw her. So why is it that he feels like he's missing something.
His eyes drift back to Ellen. Oh. He gets it now.
He really does want to have a daughter, doesn't he? A beautiful daughter who looks exactly like his beloved wife.
"Me too." He says and squeezes his wife hand. "Me too, sweetheart."
C h a r a c t e r s a r e f r o m:
Juvelian(Father I don't want to get married)/Felix(I've become the hero's rival)/Erudian(Seducing the villains father)/Elvia(I fell into the world of the reverse harem game)/Izeck&Ellen(How to get my husband on my side)Charlize(I tamed a tyrant and ran away)/Thenstheon(I became the wife of the monstrous crown prince)/Cassia(Hunny I'm going on a strike)
<Manhwa Crossover Family Tree>
<Felix x Juvelian - Masterlist>
<Erudian x Elvia - Masterlist>
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Silver's new house:
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I love the piano opening. And the dramatics.
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He's right by the beach. Or at the very least this is his beach side house.
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No matter what, I am forever delighted that they were able to get TIG out of retirement to reprise his role. Like kudos to everyone who came back for this show.
Kreese is an unknown caller to Silver which makes sense he was using the dojo's number.
I also love that Silver picks up, here's "Hey, long time" and then doesn't say another word and hangs up on him. 🤣🤣🤣And changes to playing a very dramatic song.
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This is supposed to pick up right where the last one left off, like literally seconds after, and yet we've got new kids in the yard.
Johnny literally trying to teach at the same time but seperately from Daniel. They're confusing each other, and the students and should've lesson planned before hand. Though they do all line up when Johnny tells them to, which I don't think Daniel's had them do before.
I guess they try to translate the rock to: Envy sees only the garden without the rocks.
And Bert hits Mitch straight into the rock, which they're both Johnny's eagle fangs.
Don't you teach any defense? (No he needs you to teach him some)
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Great question
It is interesting to see each style with the others right there. Because Demetri and Sam just sort of never stop circling each other until Demetri explains one needs to be provoked so Johnny throws a bottle at him.
It weird that they're teaching together but not.
Like Daniel has them waxing the car so Johnny has them clean the van which is full of RC cola.
Do the students drive? Carpool? If so where do they park? Do their parents drop them off?
Johnny once again made equipment out of whatever he could find, which is tires, glass, a baseball bat, a boat paddle and metal drums he set on fire which both Miyagi-do and Eagle Fang use, though Chris pukes in the boat.
Why are they fighting inside the house? Eli's foot goes through the paper in the doors.
Robby hasnt officially joined Cobra kai despite the gi in the season finale. and he doesnt think its a good idea, just credits kreeses strike first to ending trouble in juvie and needing a palce to crash but doesnt want to be a pawn. Kreese says hes not a pawn but a king.
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Kreese pulling the your dad picked Miggy over you
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Being a champion according to Kreese is a reputation that follows you the rest of your life. Please note that all the trophies in the dojo were Johnny's and yet everyone treats him like garbage.
Amanda running in with a baseball bat and Anthony with his tablet ready to witness his mom kickass.
Their security password is Outlander
They didn't go to the police because of the PR nightmare for their business and don't want Sam to have to relive it.
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the dream
Amanda has nicknamed Johnny Captain Eagle Claw
Tired progress for they didn't beat each other up.
I feel like for a moment Daniel really is positive and hopefully around Johnny and it's refreshing.
Sam hears her dad call her LaRusso 2.0 and how they'll win because of her and that it'll show everyone Cobra Kai doesn't work, especially Robby. So...making Sam a pawn.
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fajita and grilled vegetables, pico de gallo, and corn and flour tortillas. Dude's learning after his pollo tacos.
Oh hey we have our first coke product, I believe that's due to this being the first netflix season.
He got the recipe off the Chilli's website (though I looked and if they did have a recipe up I think it's gone now)
fajita and grilled vegetables, pico de gallo, and corn and flour tortillas. Dude's learning after his pollo tacos.
Oh hey we have our first coke product, I believe that's due to this being the first netflix season.
He got the recipe off the Chilli's website (though I looked and if they did have a recipe up I think it's gone now)
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I don't know why but for some reason I thought Johnny bought the fajitas and passed it off as his own. But no, he actually made it. Proud of him. That didn't look awful.
Johnny knows that they're Ecuadorian, I wonder if he just doesn't know the food and because his first date with Carmen was Mexican food he just assumed they share some cuisine.
Also he hasn't talked to Miguel about liking Carmen or how everything went with Ali and how it was just two old friends catching up, but I get why Carmen was like let's take it slow and not rush into things because there's still all this danger.
Kreese just sort of shows up places, even when there's signs that say no trespassing. It's interesting that he knows where Terry lives.
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I guess Silver's lived here for a while. This staff person's name is Carla and Silver runs to help her when she leans down to try and get what she dropped.
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Terry Silver, welcome back.
Kreese thrown by the fact Terry is having a party.
Cheyenne calls Silver: Terrance
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Kreese seems to be getting along with Cheyenne. Says he'll take 2 mimosas, she takes his hand and they walk off laughing/giggling.
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Listen literally doing this is dumb. Like you two were trying to teach at the exact same time. But teaching opposing viewpoints in general around the same time, by taking turns, like any small child knows, wouldn't be bad for them.
I appreciate the kids being like wait a second we're training together, why are the eagle fang going up front. They didn't realize on day 2 they might need to break out the SDRP: Sensei Dispute Resolution Protocol.
Wait where did Johnny's sleeveless eagle fang shirt go? Is it Netflix's fault Johnny has sleeves?
Practicing their front sweeps on hawk
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Robby don't be an unsafe dumbass, you do need a spotter. Listen to Tory.
Kreese put up a bullitin board in the backroom. Why there where Robby sleeps and they only sometimes work out there I don't know.
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Some Silver cars, or possibly his friends.
Silver, is that a sand garden? With smooth sand? Why? Aren't you supposed to draw lines in the sand in that thing for meditation?
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Kreese is sitting with so many people which is wild since there's a whole empty couch across from him.
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It's totally organic and Cheyenne recommends dipping it in the cashew cilantro sauce.
Terry and Kreese have known each other for 50 years, met in 'nam, special forces. And Silver didn't tell Cheyenne he was in the military.
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Kreese literally a second away from murder but also, a what the fuck Terry with the 'what nice new friends you have Terrance.' with a strained smile.
This party is for Cheyenne's mindfullness app, it's a launch party. It's so kids outside of LA, in places like Ohio can learn mindfulness
The vipers karate team. 🤣
Kreese gives Silver a challenge of a look like are you going to let her call it the vipers? Silver corrects her.
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he does not realize how much danger he's in. calling it a phase is what broke Kreese.
I kinda love that the kids can't focus with Johnny teaching outside.
One of the Eagle Fang kid's name is Gus.
Daniel calls out to Johnny: Sensei Lawrence and Johnny responds: Yes sir.
Hawk inspired by the art on the wall after Johnny tells him to walk it off. Like I know it feels like Hawk is being picked on, but I kind of wonder if Johnny did that on purpose so they could get their frustration out asap and move on.
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According to Demetri that is the sparring deck where Mr. Miyagi's great grandfather taught karate on the waterfront
The reason why I think maybe Johnny did it on purpose is the Miyagi-do's are all pissed at him and it's only them that show up pissed, the eagle fangs seem to have gotten it out of their system, at least a little. Because Chris tells him he's not wanted there.
Johnny: Everything's a disaster with you. Which is how it does sound most of the time. But Daniel is surprised by that. Ali's right, I think they enjoy bickering. Just so long as they don't go for the low blows.
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This is Daniel once again kinda taking his anger out on one of the students when they don't need it. And based off the way Hawk rushes of and Johnny asks Daniel what he did makes me think Johnny was slowly working on taking Hawk back in and trying to get that aggression out of his own team. Fixing those burned bridges.
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These idiots
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Except apparently Hawk, huh Daniel?
Under what roof? We're outside. 🤣
They're bickering over silly shit now which is better, I mean some of it's real like over Hawk and their students, but the roof is funny. Though it also points out that Daniel has the power to make the dojo-less.
Miguel pulling out the big gun. Rocky III
Miguel for this situation you need to be Appollo. Johnny: Why can't LaRusso be Apollo? 🤣
Is Sam driving a Mercedes? Yup.
Sam's at the skate park, already having talked to her dad. (How dare they not show us that convo too. Did the SDRP determine both get Rocky III pep talks or is there a different one for Daniel?)
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Robby at a different skatepark than before, i also think he must've gotten a new board. Because I don't think Daniel would've let him easily leave if he showed up to get his stuff and with the new security system there's no way he would've been able to sneak in and get his stuff, not without Amanda coming running in with a baseball bat.
The bottom of his board was covered in stuff on both boards, and for one of them the top was completely worn this one looks new. Did Grandpa Kreese buy that for you? Where'd you get all your clothes and your board? (Other than that Netflix money?)
Remember when youtube had it and so Robby was wearing the same thing for days because he was literally homeless and on the run?
And! Miguel always had the same beaten up backpack? People mention how they can tell and I never noticed before, but you can. But now he has a newer backpack.
Apparently this skatepark is where Sam looked for Robby every day while he was on the run.
Sam having the same convo with Robby that Tory did.
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I want to point out that Sam and Tory being mad at Robby when they're the ones who wouldn't stop fighting...
She says she never stopped caring about Robby even though she was mad at him. Robby: "Never stopped caring about Miguel either."
Sam saying she knows and it was more complicated then she thought but Robby tells her she had a choice and she chose.
Same tells him he's a good person, his father knows it, her father knows it and he shouldn't make the wrong choice. And Robby snaps.
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Poor Johnny, but at the same time. Robby can go a little feral. He tried to stop a fight and it ended up throwing him in juvie. His dad tried, but then didn't believe in Robby that he'd been trying to stop the fight because he hadn't heard Robby's side. Daniel dropped him twice. Sam dropped him too. His mom's in rehab and he's essentially homeless and not going to school and everyone is telling him that the guy whose letting him crash at his dojo is evil, but he's also spent forever listening to Daniel say Johnny's evil. And he knows Johnny didn't like Daniel, so...yeah poor kid.
"The it looks like I get to be the first person to ever tell you this. You're not getting what you want" Damn Robby, going for the throat there. I mean he lived with the LaRussos, so he knows that she pretty much gets what she wants without much repercussions when she does something wrong.
Speaking of which, I wish we'd seen Anthony's reaction to living with Robby and their relationship.
Sam saying 'just remember, this was your choice' when Robby's not even on team cobra kai, just literally sleeping there. She...i hate to say it, sounds like Kreese with that.
they jumped the timeline from 30 years ago to 35 years ago, which Johnny did too in the Ali episode.
Terry thinks John wants money, and is upset that they didn't finish what they were supposed to do because Kreese vanished on him.
Terry's demeanor changes like he can't believe Kreese is still fighting Daniel. "Danny-boy?"
I love how there's this big build up and then Silver says 'no'.
Terry thought he could conquer the world in the 80s, he (cough the writers or maybe netflix) blame TKK3 on cocaine.
Apparently Terry hit rock bottom after TKK3 as well, but got himself into therapy and well he looks good and has a great place. he also found 'clarity'
"turns out you disappearing was the best thing that ever happened to me."
Kreese leaves with a wink
I do like that they kept Johnny practicing what he's going to say:
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"we got off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry for interrupting your class today. No. Don't apologize it shows weakness."
Johnny planned to call, Daniel just shows up. This time he doesn't try to break the door down.
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Daniel apologizes for snapping and Johnny's like you should be sorry. Which I think is the first time he kind of is like hey the way you snap at me isn't cool.
I also love that Daniel brought Johnny's beer of choice. Which I truly wish they'd hadn't pulled away from that scene and actually shown us Johnny's face to Daniel showing up on his doorstep with his favorite beer. 🤣
Johnny why would you just pour out the ham liquid all over your floor? You live here man.
The way Daniel stutters and looks disgusted. It's bad enough he's drinking Johnny's beer. Literally Daniel: "Uh, uh n-no. No, I'm, I'm...I'm good."
He is doing a bit better.
"I understand how difficult it must be coming to my dojo."
Oof. Not the right way to go there. "For the sake of the kids, I think it's time you officially join Miyagi-do."
Like I think Johnny gets that Miyagi-do has a rich history but his point is more, why should I give up my independence as a dojo and follow you? But Daniel takes it more as my dojo's older, has a richer history and yours is 3 weeks old and you started it in the park and got the name from the poster. which is kind of rude to Johnny since technically all the kids except Sam were originally his, even Demetri for like 2 lessons.
So technically for active dojo's, Johnny's been an active sensei longer than Johnny (at least for teaching outside of the family). And saying that there's not a good place to fight is a really good point. they have too many students for the space, Miyagi-do works well for one or a few students, but once you get more...well. It was originally Mr. Miyagi's home, it wasn't ever mean to be a dojo.
Then Daniel brings up that Johnny's using his dojo for free, which he was also using the park for free. So? He also was perfectly fine at Cobra Kai until you upped the prices on him and all the other tennants. And he was doing well financially until Kreese stole his dojo. Yes he's there for free, but come on.
Johnny did steal the car, or more accurately, kept it. And he's right, you even agree, it's a shitty car.
They enjoy arguing but Daniel realizes their bickering and gives up on them and Johnny softly agrees that it won't work.
Sam calls Johnny by Johnny.
Hawk showing up to Miyagi do with a sledgehammer is concerning for a guy who trashed the dojo before. Don't worry kiddo Johnny totally would plan to take you with him, the downfall is he wouldn't be training with Demetri.
it's interesting how when Hawk was there Kyler fell behind everyone else, and also thought Robby was the coolest but now is pissy about Robby being there and even seems to be trying to take over that void Hawk left.
I don't know how Tory handles it, pretty much all her friends are gone.
Robby proving himself to them by telling them anyone who lands a hit means he'll leave but otherwise he's training them, because he's merging coba kai and miyagi do, which is what Daniel and Johnny are supposed to be doing but Robby is ahead of the curve. Because like his dad said, he's smart.
I think this is the first time Tory has actually watched Robby fight.
Tory needs a cobra kai buddy that is not Kyler. 🤣
She's the only one to land a point and it's a kick to the face. Robby, your dad's got some cursed blood there, protect your face bud, you're going to get a lot more of those if you've got the same shit luck. And protect your neck.
"Light traffic today?" "What's that supposed to mean?" "Nothing, I'm just surprised you got here on time is all" "Why wouldn't I be?"
Like they've had one lesson together, one day, and he came with all his students, so that doesn't necessarily mean Johnny's late to class. And when else would Daniel have had a chance to know whether Johnny is running late or not????? Like Daniel that little jab doesn't make sense.
Hawk literally breaking down the fence to give them more space. "You're both right. Talk is cheap so I'm building a bridge." And then Demetri showing up with the plans for an Okinawan sparring deck, Eli designed it himself. I'm proud of Eli for planning this and creating it and working together.
Mr. Miyagi had another car back there??????
"They think they're better than us" (Robby is telling the truth Miyagi-do does believe it's better)
Cheyanne asks for a bottle of montrachet from the cellar. This is wine that apparently costs between: $170 and $2900 and is purchased through a broker and is considered one of the best. So she's asking for his best wine.
would like to point out that they purposefully slicked back Robby's hair for his officially 'joined cobra kai' look.
Cobra kai once again filling out with random unnamed extras that are new
Kreese delighted that Robby is there leading his students.
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How much money did Kamen wine give to have their wine on display and kicked by Silver?
I don't know if that painting is ruined or better. 🤣He didn't even clean up the glass. What happens when you back down there for another bottle of wine huh? What if you go down there drunk and barefoot? Future you or your staff are going to be pissed.
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burning-sol · 1 year
tell me everything about your villian pd au
is revenant real? <- predictable
I have NO clue if revenant is real, but I would like to think Wight and Ashe collaborate at some point because it would be cool. They'd be such a funky duo, Ashe is so mopey and Wight is so just.. Uh. Evil? Yeah.
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Anyways, EVERYTHING about the au so far. It builds on the villain oneshot so that is very definitely canon to this au but hmm. Everything here is subject to change but yeah.
I guess starting with Kota Kill, Kota is pretty sad. Kota always wanted to be a hero, just like Dakota had, but the people around him basically just.. Failed to see the good in him. After losing his parents and with the issues at home (as well as you know the autism), he wasn't really able to behave right and was reprimanded a lot. He tried to do the right thing, but being given punishments over and over he wasn't able to break out of the cycle and it kept spiralling until landing himself in juvie. And then it wasn't just juvie, but prison, and by then it had been too long of being stuck seeing the worst of society for Kota to believe in the good of heroes anymore. Not very fleshed out backstory but you get the picture. By the time Kota met Wight, Kota already hated heroes and was totally down with whatever Wight had planned. Both of them probably got along because they saw the worst in others and the institutions in place.
Which I guess ties into Wight. Wight is a FREAK of a girl. Things happened with Wight basically the same as Wisp, and one day while the U.P.P was out doing their thing they encountered a very very scary creature. It chased Wight off a cliff and she fell to her death, before she then came back. The way things were meant to go, like they always had, was that the U.P.P dealt with the scary creatures and solved mysteries and it was all some lighthearted fun. But Wight felt like the creatures were a threat and went out of her way, with her new powers, to kill all the ones that had been drawn to Deadwood. She basically absorbed their power, which ended up changing how her powers worked and is the reason her flames are red. When she came back she expected the U.P.P to be on her side about what she'd done, but they thought it was cruel and even thought that Wight must have been possessed or something because he'd never do something like that. Wight was NOT happy with that response, and used her powers for the first time making Deadwood break into a hysteria, if that's the right word. And uh basically.. Deadwood ended up burning down.
The heroes obviously found out what had happened and confronted Wight. They tried to give her a chance to be good but Wight HATED them, because they didn't see the good in what she'd done either. Wight had come to think that everyone around her was as bad as the monsters she'd killed, and her powers were just what removed the veil of good they had. Anyways, CRAZY as fuck, got her ass thrown in prison. Not long after she got visited by her brother who'd come out on the otherside of Deadwood unharmed, and visited just to ask her why she did something so horrible. Wight responded giving her spiel about how everyone was bad and sucked and that Deadwood deserved what happened, so David never visited again, and Wight didn't forget this.
This is where Vyncent comes in, in the oneshot. Vyncent same as regular Vyncent (wow there is a pattern occuring with all these characters) but got thrown in jail because theyyy stabbed someone. Nice. The events happen in the oneshot but after having her powers suddenly in abundance after being restrained for so long, and after focusing so much of it on retaining her hold over Vyncent, even when Vyncent eventually breaks free of Wight's trance they're not COMPLETELY free. Vyncent and Wight end up separated but Vyncent is now stuck in this back and forth of being trapped in an evil trance and being their usual self. Vyncent goes off to try and find a way to undo this, making friends along the way and probably accidentally killing or hurting his friends along the way. Vyncent also still has to find a way to save the Greats, so that's another problem. Vyncent isn't really a villain so much as a little guy just trying to find they own business. :((
Kota Kill was shot into space but will probably come back at some point with a cool space motif btw. 👍👍👍 I don't know if Kota would still be a villain or not... Either Kota is a very powerful evil super saiyan or just like a guy. Yeah.
Back to Wight, she has the big goal of making the world as horrible as she has imagined in all along and is a recurring villain who keeps trying to start the apocalypse. But on the side she also tries to kill her sibling, who is basically just a very good guy doing important research work and is very well known for that <- all stuff that Wight has heard about in prison and HATES she HATES that he thinks he's a good person she wants him DEAD. Eventually she'll actually nearly kill him once, and after the confrontation David quits his work all together. Wight doesn't rlly know how to feel about this. But the guilt of having maybe taken some good out of the world, feeling that maybe her sibling had been a good person after all... Wight drops off the face of the earth and we don't really hear about her again, much to the surprise of the heroes who'd gotten used to her evil schemes.
Okay, okay, FINALLY Ashe. What imma say be that Ashe actually, but his own hand, really did kill him mom while experimenting with his powers. Which was... Quite scarring. Ashe continued to try use his book to find some what to undo what had happened, but accidentally summoned the Trickster who'd been sealed away. The Trickster isn't like EVIL, but the Trickster had some business to attend to (like the I got sealed away by evil people I should probably do something about them business) so the Trickster wasn't ready to give back the vessel just yet. It's been a LONG time when the Trickster gets into a fight and someone manages to tear out the page that'd given them control over Ashe. Ashe is back baby!!!!
Ashe and Mark reunite after years and Mark definitely sobs his heart out and has a big hug and talks about how much he missed him. Ashe is happy to be back but Ashe has spent the past few years still reliving the guilt of killing his mom, and even though Mark has come to accept it and is just glad Ashe is back, Ashe can't. So one night Ashe leaves, and leaves a note explaining why he left, that being to bring back mom.
Ashe shows up in a couple of villainous schemes every now and again, but it's very down low in comparison to Wight. Ashe basically spends a long time building up knowledge and resources and scheming because Ashe basically uhhh nearly brings all the undead back to life??? Ashe makes a massive sigil that is the classic countdown of "beat the villain before the end of the world happens". Ashe hasn't really been using the full extend of their powers up until this point.. He has way more confidence, skill and knowledge the canon Ashe does, so I'd say Ashe is 100% major villain status in this fight. The wind is howling, rain battering down, lightning crackling as the undead spill out. Ashe is just so desperate to bring his mom back, and he will fight anyone who gets in his way.
Mark is a hero so he comes to fight, but isn't able to deter Ashe from his goal.. But thankfully, obviously, Ashe loses to the heroes as a villain does. Ashe gets arrested but aaah I think Mark would do whatever he had to to make sure Ashe gets out, and I think that they'd find a way to finally get over what had happened and to just try and move on. Mark quits being a hero like "peace out, I'm gonna move out of the country with my son baiii".
AND THAT'S EVERYTHING!! Hopefully this all makes enough sense. A lot of this is basically like, here is the premise of what they'd look like as villains and what threats they would pose and what their roles are and what their goals are. Wight is a recurring villain, Ashe is a major villain, Kota is maybe a major villain too who knows, and of course Vyncent is a sad little kitty cat. Hope this was a uhhh interesting read.
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stahlop · 2 years
Why Neal Cassidy is a bad person
My dissertation on the horrible person Neal Cassidy is and why he was never meant to be a romantic interest for Emma Swan.
There was a recent TV Line list that talked about Love Triangles that didn’t really work. The Neal/Emma/Hook triangle was one of those on that list. It was obvious from the short blurb that was written that the writer was a Neal fan. I’ve also heard and seen SwanFire (Emma and Neal shippers) fans plead passionately about how they were meant to be, and honestly, I’ve always scratched my head about this, because I’ve always seen Neal as a horrible person. Even before it was obvious to me that they were going the Captain Swan (Hook and Emma) route, I’ve never understood how anyone could be on Team Neal. So I’ve decided to look at it logically. 
Look, I understand that Neal is the father of Henry, Emma’s son. I understand that a lot of people feel they should be together because then they would be a family. But just because you have a child with someone does not mean that person is the one for you. So let’s look at the facts surrounding Henry’s birth. Henry was 10 when he found Emma on her 28th birthday, which means she was 17 when she had him (despite Emma saying she was 18 in The Price of Gold). She went to juvie, not jail, which we know from Desperate Souls, because she tells Regina that the records needed for the article printed about her in the paper about having Henry in jail were obtained illegally, because her records were sealed, something that could only happen if she were underage. We know that Emma ran away from Ingrid’s foster home at 16 and made her way to Portland where she stole the bug with Neal inside. At this point, Emma is either still 16 or just about to turn 17, depending on how long it took her to get to Oregon from Minnesota. Either way, she is still underage, and Neal, if we want to go off the age he is now since leaving Neverland, is around 22-23 (his wanted poster in Tallahassee has his birthday as 3/23/77), which is still skeezy in my book. I’m not even going to get into his years in Neverland, because he was the same age for that whole time. Now, Henry’s birthday is 8/15. Regina put this in as a code in the hospital in A Tale of Two Sisters, and in The Dark Swan Henry tells Killian that Regina uses his birthday for all her codes. Whether the writers intended this to be true when they used the code originally I have no idea, but this has been what most of the fandom considers Henry’s birthday. With that date in mind, Emma would have conceived Henry in November of 2000. Since we know Emma’s birthday is October 22nd or 23rd, that means she was only a few weeks past her birthday in conceiving Henry. Barely past the age of 16. In Oregon, the age of consent is (and was in 2000) 18, so Neal was breaking the law by having sex with Emma regardless of her consent.
Moving on to what I consider the biggest reason that Emma could never love Neal (again), is HE FUCKING PINNED HIS CRIME ON HER AND LET HER GO TO JAIL!!!!! I cannot express enough how if Neal truly loved Emma he would have figured out some other way to let her go to get to her destiny once August informed him of who Emma was. He simply could have left. He could have broken up with her. He could have faked his own death. But setting her up to go to prison? That’s just cold-blooded. That’s not something you do to someone you love. And for what? Because he was afraid that Emma would eventually lead him to his father? It’s real simple, Neal, once the curse is broken, you just don’t go to Storybrooke. Simple as that. Or you man up and confront your father. Either way, you don’t set up the girl you purport to love at the risk of seeing your father again! And then, when the curse does break and August sends him a pigeon letting him know, Neal still doesn’t do anything about going to find Emma. This just shows that he didn’t care for her at all. I don’t care how scared of your father you are; if you claim to love someone the way Neal claims to love Emma, you go after them.
Which leads me to the episode Manhattan, in which Neal and Emma reunite and Neal is a complete asshole to Emma. He treats her like she’s still 16, which is just gross. He acts like he knows better than her and tries to convince her he did everything for her own good, while also telling her if he’d known she was from the Enchanted Forest, he never would have gone near her. Then, when he finds out about Henry, he acts as though Emma purposefully kept this from him. She didn’t find out until after he sent her to jail. Get off your moral high horse, Neal. Emma doesn’t owe you a fucking thing. Not to mention that Emma went looking for him after she got out of jail (Regina told us she spent two years in Tallahassee in The Price of Gold). If she could have found him I’m sure she would have told him about having his baby in jail, but Neal wanted nothing to do with Emma, so she couldn’t. The fact that Neal gets upset and hurt over the fact that Emma didn’t tell him about Henry at the bar when he told her he couldn’t and wouldn’t have risked being with her if it meant seeing his father again completely blows my mind. He has absolutely no right to be angry at Emma about Henry. None. Not after what he did to her.
Moving on to Storybrooke, when Tamara comes to town, Emma is suspicious of her (and with good reason), but Neal just thinks she’s jealous. WHAT? Even after repeatedly telling Neal she’s not jealous, he continues to believe it (because he’s apparently a real catch). When Emma reminds him about her superpower is knowing when people lie, Neal says he never believed in that. So not only does he accuse her of being jealous, then he tells her the superpower that we know is real (albeit a little wonky) doesn’t exist and that he never believed in it. Way to be supportive. I can see why he’s such a catch. Now, I do have to give him credit for actually apologizing to Emma for framing her, but I still see it as too little too late. He messed up Emma’s whole view on love and men in general because he was a scared little boy. Emma, of course, turns out to be right about Tamara, which Neal doesn’t figure out about until she clobbers Emma and shoots Neal into a portal. Right before he falls he tells Emma he loves her. Okay, let's back up five minutes ago before we found out Tamara was a traitorous bitch to when Neal was in love with her. FIVE MINUTES AGO! And now he’s telling Emma he loves her like he was never involved with Tamara? Not to mention, he doesn’t even know Emma. He knew her 11 years ago. Emma is not the same, naive little girl she was back then. And yes, Emma tells Neal she loves him too, but again, neither of them are the same people they were back then. So yes, they may both have intense feelings, but if they got to know who they were now, I doubt they’d be in love. And I also believe Emma only said she loved him because he was about to die.
When Neal is in the Enchanted Forest trying to get to Emma and Henry in Neverland, he thinks of no one but himself when it comes to getting there. He uses poor Roland as bait not even caring about the consequences. He also makes himself seem much more involved in Emma and Henry’s life when talking to Mulan. He doesn’t even explain any of the backstory to her, just tells Mulan he messed up and he’s trying to fix it. He can’t even admit out loud the most crucial parts of his and Emma’s story because he knows he is wrong.
Which brings us to Neverland. Neal acts like a possessive jerk the entire time. Emma straight up tells him she wished he was dead, and he apparently takes that as an invitation to ‘never stop fighting for her’. Let’s get one thing straight, for all men, when a woman tells you she wishes you were dead because of all the pain you previously put her through, that does not mean she wants you to fight for her. It means she doesn’t want you in her life. And also, what? When did Neal ever fight for Emma? He’s always run away from Emma! He’d never have even thought to fight for her if she hadn’t come across him in New York and discovered Henry was his son. He was engaged to Tamara only 3-4 days prior once Emma and the crew rescued him from the Echo Caves. So all this ‘never stop fighting for you’ crap that he’s spewing is just pure bullshit, because the one thing Neal is good at is running, not fighting. 
Once he finds out that Emma and Hook kissed, well, then Emma doesn’t even seem to be a person anymore, just an object that Neal wants to possess. When Hook tells Neal about his and Emma’s kiss, he just tells Hook, Emma has him now. No, ‘well she might choose me’ or ‘it’s her decision’; Neal’s already decided that Emma is his. And yes, both he and Hook act like children in Dark Hollow when they fight over the lighter, but no one said men are rational when it comes to women. Also, it seems that Neal wants to one up Hook more than he wants Emma once he figures out Hook is his rival.
Once they get back to Storybrooke, it is clear that Emma is uncomfortable when Neal asks her to lunch. The fact that Neal has to beg her to give him a chance, then tells Emma that if she doesn’t show up he’ll leave her alone speaks volumes. It’s obvious to Neal that Emma doesn’t want to give him a chance, yet he insists on it. 
Then everyone is cursed back to the Enchanted Forest. And Neal, for all the running away that he’s done, decides that the only way he can get back to Emma and Henry is to resurrect his father, The Dark One. I get that he’s not thinking rationally, but the only way Rumplestiltskin was able to get to the Land Without Magic was getting Regina to enact the Dark Curse. What exactly did he think resurrecting Rumplestiltskin was going to get him? Then when he and Belle find out that the whole resurrection spell was not only a ploy by the Wicked Witch, but would also kill Neal in the process, he decides to go through with it anyway? What is the point of resurrecting his father to get back to Emma and Henry, if he would be dead? All he did was deliver his father into Zelena’s hands and kill himself in the process. As much as the writer’s tried to make it look like Zelena manipulated Neal into doing the spell, Belle tried to warn Neal off and he did it anyway.
I get that he believed he and Emma to be True Love at that point because he was somehow able to bring over the swan keychain necklace. But honestly, I think the curse may have worked a little differently for him (and Hook) since they weren’t part of the original curse. Or maybe it was just sent to be a reminder of all the bad things he did to Emma so he wouldn’t try to go after her. Whatever it was, it did not confirm they were True Love in any way.
And finally we come to his death. I honestly do not understand the hero arc. Neal condemned himself to death to resurrect his father. Rumplestiltskin absorbed Neal so that he wouldn’t lose him (despite the fact that they were barely speaking before Rumplestiltskin’s death), and then Neal asked Emma to free him from his father so he could tell her Zelena was behind everything. How exactly does that make him a hero? He made a stupid choice to resurrect his father, that put him right into Zelena’s hands, and none of that helped him get back to Emma or Henry. The only heroic thing he did was sending the bird to Hook to have him get Emma back her memories, and no one knows that was him.
So let’s review: 
Neal took advantage of an underage girl.
Neal sent the girl he loved to juvie by framing her for his crime.
Emma had to have her baby in juvie and give him up for adoption because of Neal.
After Emma broke the curse, Neal still wanted nothing to do with her.
Neal still wanted nothing to do with Emma when he found out she was in NYC to bring him to his father.
Neal gets mad at Emma for never mentioning Henry, despite the fact that he wanted nothing to do with her.
Neal starts treating Emma like she’s still a lovesick teenager when his fiance (whom he also never mentioned) comes into the picture.
Neal immediately tells Emma he loves her five minutes after his fiance tries to kill Emma and shoots him.
Neal uses a 4-year-old to summon the Shadow so he can get to Neverland to be with Emma and Henry.
Neal acts like Emma is a possession and not able to make up her own mind when he realizes he has a rival for affection.
Neal decides resurrecting his father, after making a true sacrifice, is the only way to see Emma and Henry again, despite his father never being able to get to the Land Without Magic before.
Neal basically commits suicide and plays right into Zelena’s plan in order to resurrect his father.
Neal dies because he wouldn’t listen to Belle and resurrects Rumplestiltskin.
I know people have a lot of opinions regarding Neal. Again, I never saw him as a potential love interest for Emma. I got creeper vibes from him from the start. I never saw him as a hero or a potential hero. Was I happy that he died, no. I saw that as a cop out from the writers so they could immediately put Emma and Hook together and not let Emma make up her own mind (which I was confident would be Hook even if Neal was still alive). I would have rather seen Emma and Neal become friends and co-parent Henry together than have a completely useless and avoidable death. Instead, the writers felt the need to glorify his stupidity and then name Snow and Charming’s baby after him (don’t even get me started on how wrong and idiotic that was). But I will always see Neal as a bad guy because he could never think of anyone but himself.
Please do not post anti-Captain Swan comments on this. If you want to defend Neal, please feel free. I’m really curious as to what Neal fans see in him. But I did not mention Hook because this is not about the love triangle, it is about why Neal specifically was not good for Emma.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
This post is different for my normal posts. It is a rant about TERFs and one of the miriad ways in each they are wrong and fill my heart with anger. If you are a TERF please block me. And if you are trigerred by transphobia and TERF discourse, I wish you the best, but also this post isn't for you (we will he back to the silly batman things soon) keep scrowling, find better blogs.
Anyway TERFS piss me off.
Like all they say are just soo wrong. And was talked about for soo many people, all smarter and better than me.
But there is a particular thing people often don't talk about: the adultification of trans woman. As an example I recently saw a video where a terf used the old and stupid conservative tatic of "think of the childrem" by saying more or less this words (I'm evoking them for memory): "If I sended my 5th grader daugther to a summer camp and discovered there was a man calling himself a woman sharing sleeping in her cabin, showering with her, he would be in jail. Firstly my husband would beat him up and them he would be in jail."
Now there are a miriad of problems with this rethoric, but a thing that draw my attencion was that she is talking about a 5th grader summer camp and so her speach can mean only two things:
1. She would be totaly fine with a grown woman sharing the cabin with the kids, sleeping and showering with them as long as this adult in the mist of 10-11yo was cis. Wich I think is weird. Why would you see no problem with a 40 yo woman showering with a bunch of ten year olds? And what kindda of weird summer camp even let the monitors sleep and shower with the childrem? They have their own private cabins for a reason.
2. Or this hypoteticall "man" is a 10 year old transgirl. In this case she is saying she thinks is okay for her husband to beat up a child and that after the same kid should be locked up in jail. Not even juvie. Jail. This ten years old comited such an awfull crime by existing and being herself that she deserves to be beaten bloddy (by an adult man) and throwed in jail. Because nothing says "down with the patriarchy" more than grow man beating up and locking alway a little girl for the crime of being different, I guess.
I do belive the second option is more likely what the TERF wanted to say (or she is stupid and dodn't really though his analogy through, as always in 50/50 in the game of malice or stupidy with this people). That she ignored the consequences and used the word man with so much enphasis because to people like her trans woman are pedophiles, they can't be kids because they are dirty and evil and sexual abusers who attack our woman and childrem and all this bigotred bs. This is the image she belives and so is the image she wants to sell people. And to do that she was to see this imaginary transgirl as a random adult man that only her can see. That while everyone is seing a kid, she can see the harmfull monster behind it, she can see how this can't be a child. Because the thing in her fantasy her husband is beating a pedo, a slimy, creepy, adult man pretending to be a little girl and that is the narrative she will tell and a lot of people will be afraid and agree without realizing that what they are actually agreing with is that her husband should beat up a little girl, that this adult man should be beating a 5th grader bloddy while his wife and other bigots sheer.
We talk a lot about how TERFS infantilize trans man (I even like to joke that between being a transman and autistic most upper class white woman must see me as a literal toddler) but we often forget to talk about how they adultific young transwoman and how this narrative exists as a way to further the non-sensical and damaging narrative that transwoman are predators and pedophiles.
Just to end in a nicer place: trans woman are woman, trans man are man, nb people are valid and no form of queer identy turns someone into a predator or a pedophile. We are just people trying to live our lifes with basic human dignity and if anyone has a problem against it they are the disgusting weirdos.
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zaenaris · 2 years
Somewhere, Kazutora has been kinda lucky to have been send in juvie after Shin's death. Because, then, Izana couldn't reach him to make him pay (seen his mental state when it happened, Izana would have killed him for sure). He's also lucky to NOT have been send in the same juvie than Inupi for the very same reason. Because we don't know Inupi has been send in juvie, it was probably not as as serious than what Tora had done (kill someone) but still. Inupi would have make him pay too.
Yeah, ironically enough, being in juvie/jail spared Kazutora from the wrath of some characters and from the dangers of the story itself set in the past, but not the one in present, for example in one of the Bad!Toman timelines (when we see him adult for the first time, working with Chifuyu) or in Manila timeline, when he was killed like everyone else. It seems he got his "good ending" in Bonten timeline tho.
I believe and hope he'll be happy in the ultimate, "real" ending as well. Kazutora is such an interesting character, one with the best development, he really grown on me and to this day, I still think his backstory should have been in the manga, not only in the DVD booklets, it is so important and gives insight on his character.
Anyway, I wonder if someone in juvie targeted him, since Shin was so famous and respected among delinquents. As you said, we don't really know precisely when and how long Inupi was in juvie, (we only know that by the time he got out, he was in his 3rd year of middle school and that 9th ge. BD has already been defeated by the new born Toman) but sure as hell, if by disgrace they'd been in the same place at the same time, in that specific moment of their lives, it wouldn't have been a nice experience for Kazutora. He would have fought back of course, but still... I guess in the timeline where Chifuyu is the mole, Inupi still hated Kazutora.
Izana was at his lowest point after Shinichiro's death, when they parted Izana had just found out they were not actually related and never had a closure with him, he was devastated, already unstable due to everything he went through in his life and that's why Kisaki was able to manipulate him. The fact Kazutora was out of the picture, spared him from Izana's (and Kisaki's) plans during the Tenjiku arc.
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thelonewolfstar · 2 years
Murder at Homecoming (Theory Major Spoiler Alert)
Since you have been warned..
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This letter sounds like a parting letter than a romantic letter. Especially the "I can't thank you enough for making this happen." and why would call your lover Mr. Lewis? If he's really J.
I think the reason why Gabbie wanted to keep her relationship with J from everyone because according to Donovan their parents thinks she's the "Perfect Child" they wanted her to be, it is obvious that they have higher expectations for her. Also believe that Gabbie already told her parents about being gay and they didn't support her, from the line "It kills me to think how many people think what I've found is gross." maybe they threatened her to live by their rules as long as she's living under their roof, this would explain why she's doing illegal thing to save money instead of asking from her parents, she wanted to get away from her parents with J. That's the "Day of Freedom" the password of her diary all about. Which I believe May 31. (Assuming she gave that letter to Mr. Lewis on September 26 and prom day is in 247 from then)
Why would I think Gabbie is into girl? I have male MC, from chapter1 I pick the option with a dialogue similar to "We can skip homecoming have real fun instead." from a straight guy's perspective it has a double meaning and I believe Gabbie understood what I meant. She just shrugged it off and her response gave off the impression of girl telling me Dude-I'm-Not-Into-Men after hitting on them and the way she responded when Tyler asked Gabbie about male MC also giving the same vibe. This confirm after we found Stevie's bracelet and letter, which led me to believe that she used to be interested in Stevie until the rumor with Brett spread out. According to Stevie, Gabbie ditched her and they started talking again because of fake ID business. This is probably her motive why she had him arrested, to get back at Brett for what he did to Stevie. Do I need to mention the sexy photos of Claudia? How Brett hated Gabbie because she made Claudia dumped Brett while he was in juvie.
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Don't you think it's weird that his parents would welcome him back if he ended his relationship with a student? I also think that Mr. Lewis and Gabbie met at the GSA(Gender & Sexuality Alliances) where he's a sponsor. I think his mom's letter and Gabbie's line "But then I think of you, and I have hope for the future." make me think maybe Mr. Lewis is just helping Gabbie dealing her unsupportive parents.
Additional theory Mr. Lewis is dating Jeremy.
Why would I think J is Joanna? If you remember what Joanna said at the funeral "A week ago she was alive, with HOPES and DREAMS, and PLANS." and start sobbing, like she knows her so well. I think Joanna's dialogue is a foreshadows of Gabbie's letter.
I don't think Joanna killed Gabbie tho, I still think April and Brett are the one blackmailing and killed Gabbie.
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I’ve been throwing around this idea in DMs with some people for a really long time, so I thought I might as well post it somewhere for once. I have an AU where Terry McGinnis gets to exist at the same time as the rest of the Batfam. I’m just going to put down a few of the general ideas of how this would work, and anything that deviates from “standard canon” here.
Terry was still made by Cadmus, Project Batman Beyond went into effect right before Dick took up the mantle of Robin, and Terry was born before they could cancel the project. On top of being Bruce’s biological clone-son, Cadmus also decided to eugenically “perfect” him, making sure Terry would be at the peak of human potential. He’s not a Meta, but he’s definitely a cut above the rest. This boy hit 6’10” by age 16.
Terry’s mom, dad, and his little brother Matt were all killed when Terry was 10, mimicking Bruce’s story to make sure he’d go down a similar path. He jumped from foster home to foster home for a while, even once sharing a room with Duke, before one of them got themself kicked out.
Terry lived his whole live on the East End of Gotham, he knows just about everyone, which actually helps him as a hero. The advantage to knowing everyone’s deal means he can talk desperate, but genuinely good people out of doing something stupid.
He spent a year in juvie, and once he got out, he randomly received an invite to a charity event at Wayne Manor. Never one to turn down free food, Terry borrowed a tux from one of his old neighbors and stuffed his face in the corner. Just like with Harper, Alfred immediately took a liking to Terry.
I’m not exactly sure how he’d stumble onto the Batcave, especially during a party, but let’s just pretend he got very lucky. I also don’t know why he’d steal the experimental suit Bruce had out (his iconic Batman Beyond suit), but ignore that for now, I really just want to focus on Terry already established as a superhero.
Terry takes up the mantle of Black Bat, instead of Cass taking it.
He’s a not-so-surprisingly fast learner when it comes to this life.
On paper, the reason he lives in Wayne Manor now is because Bruce hired Terry to be Alfred’s protégée, meaning Terry usually has to drive Bruce around, help with shopping, cooking, and cleaning. Terry doesn’t actually mind all that much, and he gets pretty good at it. I wanted the fact that he tries so hard to be good at housework and everything to more or less imply that even without Terry’s special enhancements, he would still be a great Bat, as he would have worked just as hard.
Terry, Tim, Duke, Steph, Harper and Cass are all the same age, the six of them more or less form a team of their own. You can almost hear their brains all shut off when they’re all together. Terry and Cass definitely date shortly after Terry becomes an official Bat.
Terry always calls Bruce “Mr. Wayne, sir” in public. Everyone outside of the Batfamily thinks Terry is just being polite. The rest of the Bats all know Terry is doing it just to irritate Bruce, and they all love it.
Terry seems to dote on Damian just as much as Dick does, if not more. He reminds him of Matt, as they’d have been the same age.
When Terry is revealed to be Bruce’s clone-son, the two have a lot of trouble actually deciding how their relationship should be classified. Terry is never legitimized, regardless.
Terry quickly becomes one of the best fighters of the Batfam, especially since he constantly fights dirty. He once bit down on his own tongue and spat blood into someone’s eyes.
Terry lost his right eye in an explosion at a point, getting a cybernetic replacement. As Terry, it’s near indiscernible from a normal eye, but when he’s in disguise, he sets it so the sclera is black, something he uses to further differentiate himself from his secret identity.
He took up Jason’s habit of wearing a Nightwing/Robin mask under his helmet, in case he ever loses his helmet.
He mostly uses the same kind of gadgets as he does in Batman Beyond. Jet boots, wrist-mounted Batarang launchers, glider wings, stuff like that.
Terry’s very insecure about his intelligence, always feeling like he’ll never catch up to the others. Doesn’t help that a lot of people refer to him as the “dumbest Bat.”
In terms of other changes to the usual Batfamily dynamic, Cullen takes up the mantle of Oracle, becoming everyone’s mission control.
A big turning point in Terry’s story is when Heretic shows up, and is revealed to not be Damian’s clone, but a reanimated, aged-up Matt.
Anyways, these are just a bunch of my general ideas. I have plenty more but I don’t know what else I should say on this post.
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aceredshirt13 · 3 years
I honestly do not understand why so many people have come to the conclusion that Gregory lied to protect Miles because he thought Miles killed him on accident. This questioning and explanation ended up rather long, so it’s going under the cut.
First of all. Why would he assume this in the first place? Gregory was already nearly unconscious, if he wasn’t unconscious already from the combination of strangling and elevator oxygen deprivation (the latter of which is completely impossible, but that’s another story). If he was already unconscious, he wouldn’t have heard the gunshot, and even if he was still barely conscious when he heard the gunshot, he also would have heard Manfred’s scream. Obviously he wouldn’t somehow know it was Manfred, but that scream is the reason Miles thought he shot his dad - so Gregory of course wouldn’t think it was his own scream, especially since he was being choked. He would connect the gunshot to the scream, and while blacking out from strangulation in the darkness already so thick that Miles had to fumble around to reach the gun in the first place, he probably wouldn’t even have seen Miles throw it. And finally, even if he DID see him throw it, if anything, he would MAYBE assume Miles accidentally shot someone outside the door, though that would still probably not be his first guess given the sheer odds of the bullet breaking out through the window instead of bouncing off of the metal walls.
But let’s discount the technical problems with this, because even if Gregory saw the entire thing happen and somehow came to the conclusion that Miles accidentally killed him, there is no reason for him to lie. This death was an accident, Miles was half-brain-dead from suffocation, and he was nine years old. I don’t care how corrupt the court system was and is in the AA universe, there is absolutely no way that would lead to Miles being in danger of imprisonment and CERTAINLY not execution.
Assuming Miles was tried and convicted, it's abundantly clear that the crime was manslaughter, and the involuntary variety at that. You can’t be executed or get long prison sentences for manslaughter - max sentence in California is four years plus fines. They even discuss this in The Magical Turnabout - that pleading guilty and trying to work toward a verdict saying it was an accident and not deliberate negligence would hardly be a life imprisonment or death sentence for Trucy, but she’s sure she didn’t do it and doesn’t want her reputation to be destroyed (given that she’s the only decent member of the Gramarye family that she knows of). The suffocation means he has the exact same temporary insanity defense as Yogi, and once again, Yogi did actually assault someone and was not a literal child, but went free. If temporary insanity can set an adult man who did all this and supposedly accidentally killed the man he attacked free, then it definitely would apply to a little boy. (For the record, no clue why Yogi still pretended to have brain damage after the trial when it was a temporary insanity plea. Maybe he misheard.)
Speaking of that, the final and most obvious point: a nine year old is not criminally liable under California law. The youngest you can be considered liable is 14, and this law was made in 2000, so it predates the incident. Even if Miles had knowingly shot his dad on purpose, they can’t put a nine year old in juvy - he’d go to a rehabilitation program. But he didn’t- it would be tried as involuntary manslaughter while he was suffocating to death and could barely think. Von Karma and Blaise can do a lot of things, but I seriously doubt that even they can cause a goddamn child to get life or the noose. And Gregory is a good lawyer, so he would know this.
(In fact, the only character we absolutely know got executed was Dahlia, who committed two murders knowingly and in cold blood along with identity fraud, attempted murder, perjury (though no one's charged for that in the AA universe), and a billion other crimes, many of which were while she was a legal adult and all of which were when she was within the criminal liability range. Frank Sahwit killed Cindy Stone while trying to rob her house, yet was clearly only charged for manslaughter given that until he helped Roland illegally he was just about to get out of prison only a few years later. So the belief that everyone gets life or execution in the AA universe seems a bit exaggerated at times - after all, we don't know what exactly Manfred died from, and though the assumption is often that Morgan was executed given that Kristoph has her same solitary cell number, I sure hope mixed-gender prisons don't exist in the AA universe, so we can probably assume they were different cells and Morgan could be dead or alive. Schrodinger's Morgan.)
But the final point, and the one I find most upsetting, is how much this assumption serves to violate Gregory’s moral character. This is a man who is unyieldingly dedicated to the truth. If he thought that Miles had really done it, and really thought the courts would somehow kill him for it even though it was accidental, it would have been far easier for him to just say “I have no idea who killed me, I was unconscious,” because it was true. The whole reason the police went to the mediums was as a desperate last resort because they had absolutely no evidence of a culprit. Who would they have tried?? I guess they could have arrested either Yogi or Miles, but the odds of Miles getting arrested over Yogi are insanely low. So if Gregory told the truth, his son would still be safe. I find it incredibly hard to believe that Gregory would deliberately blame a man he had absolutely zero proof that he did it, when that would go against everything he stood for, and when no matter what he said, Miles would never be charged with any crime. I don’t buy that it was out of a misguided attempt to spare his trauma even without criminal charges, like in Athena’s case, because Simon sacrificed himself, which is quite a different moral take than throwing someone else he thought/knew was maybe innocent under the bus. But unless there was some bizarre situation where the police told him point blank that they were either arresting Miles or Yogi, and whoever did it would 100% die (and even then that would be a horrible moral dilemma for him), Gregory would never give such a firm answer if he didn’t have all the facts, and would certainly never lie when that would damn someone who might be innocent.
It does beg the question, why DID he say it was Yogi? The Doylist answer is that AA1 and AAI2 had two different writers and a decade between them, so they probably didn’t even remember what Gregory said about Yogi killing him, which is very visible in how different the stereotypical spooky ghost speech patterns in his Turnabout Goodbyes quote are from his erudite and confident yet compassionate and somewhat socially awkward nature as presented in The Inherited Turnabout. Like how it was a plot point in SOJ that spirits’ memories ended when they died, but in the trilogy Mia would pull up out of nowhere and know exactly what was happening without any briefing of the situation. (My solution to that is that Mia is just so powerful that she breaks spirit channeling laws.) Or like how there weren't supposed to be any more Gramaryes, but suddenly Mr. Reus was introduced. (Easily explained by Valant just lying like he frequently did.)
The Watsonian (Wilsonian?) answer, however, is very simple: Gregory never accused Yogi. He woke up, found out he was dead and his son was nowhere in sight, and suddenly police were badgering him for a culprit, refused to accept that he didn’t know because he didn’t have enough information, and kept telling him to say what he remembered no matter what. He mentioned being strangled by Yogi, and despite the fact that he was shot, the police were like “oh? so it’s Yogi. cool.” And left before Gregory could protest. They claimed his description of being choked was an explicit accusation of murder, and changed his words to sound more ghost-like in order for it to seem like a legitimate spooky channeling. So ultimately, Greg had no idea what was happening, and no deliberate hand in causing Yogi’s murder trial.
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