#He just makes mistakes sometimes. and those mistakes affect MK and it's fun for me to talk about
Your lmk parallels post makes me so unwell there so many angst I can take dude
Though I am hoping for healing arcs in the specials I feel like we're leading up to that but that's just me
WE'LL GET OUR HEALING ARCS EVENTUALLY. JUST NOT YET (PROBABLY). This is the hurt comfort long con you feel me.
If it makes you feel better I make myself really unwell with my own posts
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lxvescramble · 5 years
Masquerade Kiss - Kazuomi Shido - LC - Reviews
Hello, the first route of Masquerade Kiss was released and with many problems with the game system and doubts.
I decided to read Kazuomi's route entirely Free, as this would be the great benefit of LC. And so I did only halfway up the route. I confess that I fainted and paid my first choice with hearts (I definitely needed to make Shido beg for that ice cream). And I discovered the obvious, the paid choices are much better 🙄. There are always 2 options, and the Free option (which does not offer you any Love Meter to got the super happy end) is obviously the wrong answer, which will not give you any emotion. But whoever thinks that history can not be taken advantage is deceived.
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I was able to have fun with the story even using the Free option. The MC is undoubtedly the great differential of the game 🤩. A woman knows she knows what she wants and takes it. Shido is a super confident, intelligent womanizer. His dominant and seductive behavior is fully authorized by MC. She allows his behavior so that she can take advantage. She even accepts a proposed bet with Shido, even when his friends try to stop him. Everything is done with her consent. And it is precisely at this point that the game and the characters differ completely from Kbtbb and Eisuke (for whom he always insists on comparing them). Eisuke's MC is a victim, is completely fragile with the violence he suffered (the attempt to sell), has no choice, has no voice. MK MC has voice, attitude, she chooses, she consents to everything. Which makes the game very cool. No young girls suffering, has a young girl wanting to do what she thinks is right, taking control of her life. (And please, I love Kbtbb).
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Not quite the fun of reading a confident MC, we have a womanizing protagonist (sometimes too much to my liking) and fun. Nothing seems to bother Kazuomi. He is a very "light" character. I really enjoyed the dynamics of the game that does not let you know if Shido knows, or not, MC's spy identity. Is it a coincidence or is he doing it because he knows she's a spy? MC asks this and you, as a reader, too.
A contradictory point in the route is the number of chapters (26 in total). The strong point of being so great is that nothing is run (nor is there any!). It got a bit draggy, but I liked how MC fell in love with Shido little by little. The chapters that they are in Thailand are super cute and guarantee the subtlety of how one falls in love with someone else 💖. If it was a 15-episode route, it certainly would not have time for such cute. The game is a spy MC, but is far from having a dynamic "Mission Impossible" style. There is not much action, it can be frustrating for those who expected it. And this is also the first season, the characters are getting to know each other, being introduced, and this also makes the 26 chapters look like an eternity. (Or just have no mistake, just me, who wanted to read the 26 chapters in a single day).
The ending did not disappoint either. The MC stands firm until the "end". She finishes her mission as she sees fit. It does not weaken. But he's not the Foolish Good Guy either. All his intelligence was behind almost everything. It's still hard to know who saved who.
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In the operational part, I liked the indication of how many hearts you need to pay to get to the super happy end. That was an issue that was making me uneasy. You need to make "12 Affection points" (Love Meter). And the choices you get Affection points are indicated on the choices screen. I thought that was honest. It's not all the choices you pay that give you Affection points. And the choices that guarantee the GC are also flagged. Each time you pay the choice and win the Affection point the game calculates how much you still have to get SHE.
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The bottom line is that the story is cool, yes, you can enjoy it even if you do not pay for the best choices (yes, you will feel a bitter taste for being "wrong." But do not complicate the story . I suggest you spend with history the equivalent of what you would normally pay (of course, in this situation you can keep such a collector's version, so you can read later). I personally will only pay the stories that allow me to keep the collector's version. And depending on my interest in the character (Yuzuru wait for me!) I'll do my own calculations to find out how much it costs / 26 episodes.
At the end of the day, and from my reading, I came to the conclusion that I really enjoyed the game. Like I said, it's not an action game at the pace of "Mission Impossible," but it's subtle in the way they fall in love (yes, within a month, but still cool). The characters are great. What is difficult to say was a happy reading is the problematic LC, which makes the route more expensive if you want to enjoy all the choices. But do not stop to enjoy the game in the Free version, and paying only the equivalent of what you think is fair for 26 chapters you can have some special scenes. I still find it important that payment is made as long as you can take advantage of the collector's version.
The LC is not, never was, and nor will be the ideal system. But the game is cool. I believe I should spend a little more with Yuzuru and maybe enjoy Kei totally Free.
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