#He made that comment about how chrome was healing some kind of heartache of his in the manga and I cant stop thinking about it
halcyonmirage · 3 years
KHR theory in 2020? It’s more likely than you think...
I’m swamped with finals and a lot of emotional stress right now, but at the same time, KHR has decided to invade my brain again and I cannot stop thinking about it SO-
I’m still really disappointed that we never got a backstory or any in depth look into Hibari Kyoya’s character. Like why is he the way he is?? How the frick is he so strong? Does he have any relations at all?? 
And then after reading through some wiki stuff, I found out about something I haven’t known since....God knows how many years its been when I first watched KHR.
Fon and Hibari. Are....Related????? Bro WHAT-
This opened up a whole ass theory in my head-
SO. My head-canon is now that Hibari comes from an insanely wealthy and influential family. This is pretty obvious, since he’s been shown to live in a fancy place in the future and even has access to his own damn helicopter. But what I think, is that his parents are dead. They’re either dead or they’re far, FAR away and have no idea what the hell their son is doing or simply don’t care, but lets go with the former for now. I think that being a super wealthy kid, Hibari probably got bullied a lot or even attacked for cash, which lead him to be so good at fighting like he is now. Additionally, if his parents were neglectful/dead, it would explain why he got so attached to small animals. He probably had a pet or something that would keep him company when his parents just weren’t there. Them being dead explains why Hibari is able to get away with so much, namely intimidating the adults in Nammimori. He inherited their fortune, and thus no one wants to stand up to him, just please him so they can get something out of it. Which lets him do wacky shit like stay behind in school to run his committee instead of graduating. His urge to fight is very much a rebellious thing, rebelling against social norms. It’s also a result of how irritated he is. This leads me to believe that his parents were against him fighting and maybe just wanted to baby him and keep him prim and proper, seeing fighting as a “vulgar” thing. Maybe they thought that if there family were to ever be in any real danger, Fon would come to their aid, which would explain why Hibari doesn’t want anyone knowing they’re related. He might feel like that makes him inferior to the storm arcobaleno, and that he wants nothing to do with him, but to be his own person. I also just realized that this explains why he’s never surprised by Reborn’s appearance and why he just smiles at him when they first meet and walks away. He knows about the arcobaleno. He’s related to one. Although, I don’t think Fon is his grandpa or dad or anything like that because I think if that was the case, it would have definitely been mentioned. I’d say more like great uncle perhaps...?
But yeah there’s my take on it and my current head-canon to ease the pain of not knowing for sure.
....Might draw fan art of this later....
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