#He probably feels bad that he couldn't save Socks from the bites
pushing500 · 5 months
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The Tumblr poll has spoken!!
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Great timing, Randy. Appreciate it. 🙄
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He doesn't wanna talk about it. (in his defense it was very dark)
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The second time's the charm, it seems! No more fungus zombie infection to worry about for now.
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I think Laursen is feeling a little overprotective of his fellow cultists after the close call we've had, bless his heart <3
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It Takes A Village Chapter 14
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Chris Evans x pregnant!daughter!reader
Series master list
Series summary: You find out that you're pregnant. After being kicked out of your mom's house you go to live full time with your Dad who you only saw once every few months. Will he react badly to you being a mom at such a young age?
Chapter Summary: You have some second thoughts before the babies kick for the first time.
Series Warnings: swearing, fighting with a parent, teen pregnancy, speak of abortion.
Chapter Warnings: Teen Pregnancy
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You decided to not share the gender of the babies on social media, the press had just calmed down about them and you. Your dad was busy as he usually is the few weeks before he has to go film, not that you were used to it since you lived in texas. You were working, over the month you've been working you were able to save up quite a bit. Not enough to raise the babies, but it was enough for diapers and formula. When you go to LA you'll probably find a job in walking distance to his house there, since you'll still need money the money you have now isn't enough.
"Hi what can I get for you?" You asked standing at the drive-through window. You put in what they said, "that'll be $10.99 at the next window."
The car drove around and you smiled, at the girl who sat in the driver seat. "10.99." You said, she handed you her card, you swiped it before giving it back, "have a nice day!" You said smiling.
Your shift ended a little bit ago and you sat out front waiting for your dad to pick you up. You scrolled through Instagram mindlessly as you got sucked into your doubts and worries.
What if you ruin these kids' lives? What if Jake suddenly wants to be in the babies lives would you have to let him? Should you pick his last name just in case he does want to be in their lives? What if your dad changes his mind about helping you? Should you have kept them a secret from the press? Would've been a hard secret to keep though. How will you raise them? You don't know anything about guys.
You snapped from your thoughts at the sound a honking horn. You stood grabbing your bag putting it on your shoulder and hopping in the car. "Hey dad!" You said smiling at him.
"Hey bub." He smiled at you before leaving the McDonald parking lot. "So sweetpea.. I have bad news." He began.
"What?" You looked at him but he kept his eyes on the road.
"I have to go to LA early..."
"How early?" You asked, before you two would be flying to LA the day after your last day of school.
"Next Friday."
"But dad the last day of school isn't till the Friday after that." You said.
"I know bub... So you have two options.." He said.
"Go on.."
"Your first option is to stay with Grandma for the week then fly down on the same flight as you already have but alone, second option is you still stay with her but will get a plane to LA after school." He said.
"Okay.. The second option I guess." You said shrugging.
"Okay! Perfect bub." He gave you a quick smile. He'd always admire how you adapted so easily. Even when you were younger you adapted so easily to their divorce, he couldn't lie that was bittersweet to him. But now you simply took a little to adapt he doesn't know how you do it. If he did know he would know you just avoided of thinking of it. Break up? You didn't think of it. Kicked out? You didn't think of it. It would probably come to bite you in the ass but you weren't gonna change when it was working. "Remember you'll be flying alone so don't talk to any one except the flight attendants."
"Dad I've been flying as an unattended minor for most of my life." You smiled at him as he pulled into the driveway.
"Okay Bubba. Do you have any homework?" He asked as the two of you stepped out of the car.
"Nope, I did it on my break at work."
"Well then," he smirked at you, "Movie night?"
"Yeah! Can I pick? I want to watch mulan!" You said smiling at him.
"Okay, I'll order pizza."
You smiled running in. Dodger came straight to the door sniffing you before sniffing your stomach. It became a normal ritual, anytime you were in his sight when you came back he'd sniff your stomach to what you could imagine check on the babies. "Hey bud." You kelt down petting him.
Chris smiled before going to the kitchen to order pizza. You went upstairs, you got out of your work clothes into a sleeping shirt and some shorts. You looked in the mirror at the bump that can now be seen in your shirt.. You sighed, the thoughts from before coming back. It's scary knowing you have to raise the twins on your own. Sure you had your dad, but when you turn 18 you'll probably be on your own. In the span of a day, you lost everything you knew, texas had been your home most of your life. You planned on living there when you were an adult, you planned in raising your kids there well into your twenties is when you planned on that. But now your 15, pregnant with twins, and definitely not in Boston.
"Y/n! You coming sweet pea?" You heard your dad holler from the living room. You snapped from your thoughts, slipping on some fluffy socks before going downstairs. "There you are bub are you okay?"
"Uh.. Yeah I was just thinking." You said sighing as you put your hands on the baby bump.
"Bubba what?"
"Dad.. What if I can't take care of the babies?" You looked down. He sighed before you guys went to sit on the couch.
"Bubba... Your already doing great. You got a job, your taking on the responsibility of them even though your young.
"I guess so." You shrugged.
"Bub I was also worried I'd fuck my kid's life up. But look at you, I didn't fuck your life up." He said. You let out a giggle.
"Even if you did you could blame mom." You said. He nodded. You stopped giggling as you felt movement in your belly.
"What's wrong sweet-pea?" He asked worriedly.
"They're kicking!" You squealed. He was unable to stop himself when you put a hand on your belly to feel his grandkids kick for the first time, not that you minded.
"That's great! See they are on my side. Now let's watch Mulan!" He said. You nodded, he retracted his hands grabbing the remotes. Your hands stayed on your belly as the movie began. You didn't notice how Chris was smiling at you for most of the movie. When your mom had first told him you were pregnant he was afraid that if you were to keep the baby you wouldn't care for it. Sure he always wanted a large family but he wasn't going to just raise the baby he'd try his best to make you do it, but seeing how your hands didn't leave your belly he was relieved to know you'd be doing your best. It meant he could spoil them more. Like obviously. There was no doubt he'd probably be paying for a majority of their clothes cause when they're babies with no interests he still needs to spoil them.
The babies kicking set something straight in your brain. You could do, your dad was telling you that you could do this, in a way the babies were saying you could do it. That was all that mattered.
A/n: here's a reminder Taglist is open...
Taglist: @toastisgood @coldmuffinpartycloud @thevelvetseries @uniquebeautyqueen
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frivery · 3 years
Tomas' 4th birthday was on January the 1st! I didn't have him back then but I have him now so here is his brithday prompt. Happy late Birthday to him!
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POV of Tomas with supporting cast of Von and Youta.
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Tomas' leg pains wont let him sleep, so he goes to the group's healer for some help. A fair-sized piece with some banter.
Gasping awake from the pain radiating up his body, the tiefling's whole form felt electrified. Like all of his nerves where going off and were on fire, but the sharp shocks originated from what felt like the bones in his legs. He was trying to sleep, Gods was he trying, but almost as soon as his mind would start to drift into unconsciousness his pains would renew and drag him back to the world of the living just short of writhing in pain.
The man closed his eyes, flexing his fingers into the thick fabric of the blankets that separated him from the cold iced ground, focusing his attention on breathing through the stabbing sensation. It felt like ages before the pain began to recede again, though it had reasonably only been a few minutes, releasing Tomas from its hold and allowing him to slowly sit up in his bed roll. Blankets falling away to crumple at his waist.
"Can' sleep again, boss?" he glanced briefly over at the man in the bed roll several feet away from his. Von, the Gith's form covered in bandages, ripped fabrics, and mismatched armor sets. Like most Giths who were raised in their roving bands instead of towns, Von's humanoid form still retained his extra set of wind-green eyes and his skin was a dark desaturated blood-red with his dragon-form scales still appearing in patches. Smaller than himself by almost a foot. that was not uncommon for Gith, his lighter-colored hair a bed-head mess as the two stared at each other.
"Not tonight, I thought Mimsy was on guard?" Tomas responded to the other man's question, fighting the urge to stretch as another nausea-inducing crackle of pain tore through his legs.
"She 'es." the gith gesturing over the top of the ice dune, the vague outline of the orc's familiar form settled there. She was the only orc he had ever met that never completely took her humanoid form, her excessive pairs of wings spread out behind her as she stood guard. An imposing figure she cut in the dark, though kind she was.
"You can't sleep either, then?"
"How coul' I sleep wit' my boss 'en pain?" Oh, he had woken Von up. "Youti's been pacin' 'ost o' the night wit' how much whimperin' an' cryin' ya've been makin'." Tomas frowned at the Gith's continued words, glancing around the camp to the healer's tent. Youta, was an elf so he had probably felt the pain radiating off him like a torch. There was candles lighting up the pale blue fabric, announcing that the elf was, in fact, awake.
"Sorry." he commented dryly, it was almost shameful but it wasn't something he could help. The deep, twisted, scars in his legs felt like they were lit up red with burning.
"Yous should go see Youti, if only ta' put his mind ta' rest." The tiefling sighed, wincing and biting his lip as he moved to get up from his bed. He could feel the sharp eyes of Von watching his every movement, and after a pained gasp and the taste of blood on his tongue he managed to get to his feet. This was not unusual, he was lucky to still have his legs after all, but the pain was always mind-numbing. While the tent was merely a few feet away from the campfire it was still laborious to get to. Youta must have sensed him, as just as Tomas attempted to reach for the tent's flap it was hastily pulled aside by the elf who lived within it.
The shorter man's hair was a mess, stress and sleep deprivation lining the space under his light eyes. Youta was an interesting man, to say the least, one eye of dark shadow and the other of pale light, like he had been born on the border between lands and it had left the Gods quarreling over who he belonged to. His hair was similarly split, a light blond in color with streaks of gold, purple, and steel-grey hightlighting in seemingly random patches.
"Oh, Lightbinder's heart, let me help you." he quickly offered, stepping out of the slight warmth of his tent to wrap an arm around Tomas' waist and taking some of the weight off of the tiefling's pained legs. While there was only so much Youta could do, even this much felt like almost tear-inducingly amazing when it came to pain reduction. The elf quickly assisting Tomas into sitting down on the edge of his bed.
Most people didn't get the privilege of sitting on Youta's bed, this much he was very aware of, the elf usually having people sit down on the fur-covered chair on the other side of the tent... but then again Youta didn't have a painfully obvious crush on most people. The healer quickly moved across the tent to his alchemy chest, a small box of many different storage drawers and vials, pulling out a thick glass bottle with a vicious green liquid inside. Tomas wasn't entirely sure what was inside that thing, he never bothered to really ask, all that mattered was that it helped ease the sharpening and shocking pains that raced up and down his nerves like it was a contest.
The tiefling winced as another pang started in him anew, the pain-causing him to bite his already bloodied tongue to prevent from gasping again. Not that he could hide any amount of pain from Youta, elves could feel things on the air and the mismatched elf was eyeing him with a deeply sad look.
"I am sorry, boss."
"Don't be, it's not your fault." he hadn't even known Youta when the accident happened, nor had he met Von or Mimsy yet. Yohav was the only one in the guild still around from back then and the contaminated Gith would often eye him with pity since.
Youta crossed the tent again, vial in hand, pulling his small healer's chair over with him to sit in front of Tomas. The healer didn't waste time or mince words with it, carefully taking the tiefling's right leg in his hands and removing the tall leather boot with as much care as he could... didn't stop him from hissing. The boot was placed on the ground, not an uncommon occurrence, and the woolen sock quickly followed baring his scarred skin. It looked like his leg had been put through a meat grinder, skin covered in tears and rips that twisted the muscles and made his leg a dune-filled tragedy to look upon. He could still tell where claws had met him, and where it had actually been long and deep teeth biting into his skin to the bone. Could still feel when those gorges in his flesh were still filled by hostilility and blood.
"I can not believe that Von just let you walk here without even offering you any help." A soft clinking of glass drew his eyes away from the gut-wrenching sight of his leg and to the much calmer one of Youta's hands. The elf pulling the glass-topped dropped away from the rest of the vial and carefully dripping the liquid onto his leg. He was trying to be gentle, Youta always was, but even the air touching him hurt and the gentle touch to rub the medicine into his tore leg caused him to grimace his eyes closed.
"You know how Gith can be, they don't tend to be the helpful sort."
"And yet we have two of them." the elf continued to whinge.
The accident had been years ago, what felt like a lifetime even, and the pain didn't seem to ever go away for long. It was something he just had to try to work with.
"Do you ever regret it?" Youta's voice was soft, gentle, as he spoke. Low. Tomas opened his eyes to slits to look at the elf but the healer was not looking at him.
"Regret-" a deep breath as another shock wracked his body. "Regret what?" he managed the second time.
"Not taking his advice." a glance through eyelashes, Tomas looking away quickly and sinking his nails into the plush bedding for a reason besides pain. His advice. Youta could only mean one thing, Ethereal's advice.
The name left a sour taste in his mouth, a bitterness creeping over his mind as distaste and longing settled on him in equal parts. He had refused to work with any Deepscorchers ever since then, not even Amor who also lived in the Southern Icefield had been offered a word, ever since they... had broken up. A large part of his heart still ached for Ethereal, the rare smile from the other tiefling still lingering like treasured jewels in his mind, but he still couldn't forgive him for that fight after his accident. For what Ethereal had insisted they do.
"No." Tomas answered, pulling his leg away from the healer's kindly-meaning hands. "Why would I? That was never an option."
"Tomas-" Youta attempted, the tiefling taking up his sock to put it back on. Youta knew about that conversation, he had been the healer that had saved Tomas' legs in the first place so he had been there for the start of the fight, but he didn't know what Ethreal had been to him. He might suspect, but he didn't know.
"Thank you, Youta, I'm going to go lay back down." he went to stand, the elf moving with him standing in his way with a confused, shocked, and somewhat upset, expression on his face.
"I meant no offense, I am sorry, please just let me finish this. I will not bring it up again." Tomas stared down at the mismatched elf, the room going quiet for a long moment as he weighed his options. If his heart was not still so stuck on his ex he might be interested in returning the kind of interest that Youta had. Youta was, afterall, a very kind soul... and someone who didn't flinch away from the deep rifts in his skin... but... as lovely as the elf was he felt sick at the idea of replacing Ethereal with anyone else. Anyone else. Years later and he still had it bad, even with how much he loathed that man now.
The tense silence remained several moments longer before Tomas sighed and sat back down on the edge of the bed, allowing Youta to return to treating the bone-deep pains in his legs.
"You know, I don't think you've ever told us why you have one light eye and one shadow, Youta." he commented, steering them towards a more comfortable and friendly air than the confused and hurt one that was hanging around the elf at current.
"Oh, Boss must think he is very slick! I do believe I have told you before that it is secret and that I would not be telling you, or anyone else in the guild, the reason." the healer responded back, though his tone was light and carefree. It was unlikely Youta would ever explain the reason why, but that wouldn't stop Tomas from continuing to ask.
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