#He was only being unintentionally flirted with by an argumentative stubborn little temptation
tswwwit · 1 year
What was it like the first time Bill got turned on in his human body?? I mean even though he’s had demon sex (?) in his geometric form, and witnessed human sex dreams, it must’ve been weird the first time it happened to his, like. Real real body.
It sure was!
While Bill's possessed human bodies before, it was generally for mischief and mayhem, with the mind of the mortal screaming in impotent terror and/or rage. Which is hilarious, but not horny.
Even besides that, wearing one to get down with the human-style flesh-slapping didn't particularly appeal either; it just looked so.... meaty. With fluids going in places, I mean, c'mon! From the outside the whole ordeal looks completely ridiculous! You'd probably be all sticky at the end and pushing lots of air in and out. What a bunch of weirdos meatsacks are.
Of course, as we all know, Bill ended up in a meatsack at the beginning of Faking It - which came with a myriad of annoyances, but some extra benefits!
For one, having his own custom model suited Bill much better! It was quite literally made for him, tailored to his very essence. All the nerves and wires plugged into the right metaphorical ports and full driver installation. He's much more in that body than the other ones he's driven around, it's rigged out with all the luxuries and hooked right up to his own mind.
So it was with mild surprise that Bill noticed when he was, ahem, interested, there was an involuntary reaction. All the tubes pushing liquids into places and a slight rise in temperature; and some other things. One of which was quite evident. Bill was well aware of this one in the past he'd made considerable fun of it - but being in this body so much, and having it tuned to respond to his mental state, lent the absurd situation a bit of, uh. Urgency? Importance? Anyway, it was... much more distracting than he thought it'd be.
But hey! Weirdness is like, Bill's whole jam, you can't deny he's curious enough to poke around in places a being probably shouldn't, and he was already stuck in the thing anyway. Why not give it a little test drive and see what that's all about?
Important note: It's canon in the Bill POV sex scene that human flesh has hundred of thousands more nerve endings than his standard form. Considerably more sensitive. Touch is the difference between an armored gauntlet and your bare hand; temperature and texture are all very, very enhanced -
The results: Positive. Excellent. A+++, Bill was Enlightened and Delighted.
A convert was made that day. Bill Cipher is big into hedonism, and now the doors to the pleasures of the literal flesh were open.
Bill had to hand it to humanity; okay, like, he gets it now. It's an acquired taste to be sure, but once you get it it's fan-friggin-tastic! He cast all those old aspersions aside and prepared set sail onto new seas of sensation.
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