wisleychalke · 2 years
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Birthday gift for *another* friend :> Though this one was quite the early birthday gift at the time.
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wisleychalke · 2 years
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Giftart for a friend's birthday :3 Their birthday had actually caught me by surprise though, so I threw together something really quick for them and to "spice" it up a little, I added some cinnamon sticks into the background (it makes sense in context, I promise) uwu"
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wisleychalke · 2 years
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Gift art made for a friend's birthday :3
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wisleychalke · 3 years
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Holding the subject in a steady view, and imagining the frames building around them, working hard to make sure to capture every person's unique spirit and charm. Gift art for an extremely kind and generous friend of mine who had over the course of several days offered headshot requests for a ton of different people on a shared server. In the end, they ended up doing a request for almost every single prominent member of the server we were in, which if I remember correctly, was over 20 different people, including. After which, the server made a big collage of all the requests they had done and compiled them together to use as the server's actual banner! Needless to say, what they did was absolutely amazing and I'm so grateful to their generosity because they really uplifted the spirit of a lot of the server and created something for all the members to be able to share in together and look over fondly, as something that brought us closer together. I thought it was only fair, considering how much they had done for everybody else, that I at least make the effort to return even a small fraction of their kindness, so I dug through some old messages in the server to find a good reference of their own character and draw out my own little gift for them. Here they are, seemingly getting ready to start their work on another gift. ;p
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wisleychalke · 3 years
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A series of drawings I made to celebrate Halloween involving several my friends' characters. I was inspired by this song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEGbIpD6wNo. Which I used as a basis to make a little story. Not much for me to say about this one, since its mostly just a redraw of the previous picture, except I'm doing this all manually, so I actually did have to redraw the entire thing over again. I'd like to compliment myself here and say I did a pretty alright job copying it over. Its meant to be continuing the sequence, basically showing an ominious wind passing through the area. I intially wanted to give the foreground character a more fearful or nervous expression but again, all my attempts to do so were super unsatisfying to me so I once again comprimised with a more simple expression. At some point, I'm definitely going to have to learn how to actually draw expressions. So the end product is just this kind of inquisitve, puzzled look. The background character's muzzle got even worse, oh my gosh, I messed it up so bad and there's honestly nothing I can say to excuse that, it looks so hecking squished. I'm still not very good at figuring out how to draw a muzzle. So of course now you've got the ominious wind blowing in that's caught the characters' attentions, but I also wanted to add some other things in there as well to signify the bad vibes passing by. For example, the flowers on the window sill are now dead and decaying, the brick wall of the house is cracking and you can even see a lil crack on the heart mark on the foreground character's face.
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wisleychalke · 3 years
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A series of drawings I made to celebrate Halloween involving several my friends' characters. I was inspired by this song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEGbIpD6wNo. Which I used as a basis to make a little story. For this one, I started off with drawing the window frame first and worked from there. Drawing the foreground character's arms was actually pretty hard for me and even looking at it now, I still don't feel I really like how it came out. They definitely feel too thin, but I guess I couldn't be bothered to redraw them since I was already struggling to figure out how to postion them in the first place. I also contemplated what kind of expression to have on them and ultimately decided to save myself the headache and stick to something simple, though not after a couple failed attempts at a more complex expression that didn't work out. By the way, I really like the watermelon shirt they have. It's really cute and helps give them something to make them unique. As for the other character in the background, that was actually the same character that I made a previous drawing of to practice trying to draw them in this anthro style. I really messed up the legs in that practice sketch so I guess lucky me that the legs aren't even visible in this one, haha. Their snout is really weird to me though. Its also very thin but thats just how it was in the original character's design, so I decided to just try to remain faithful to my friend's original design. It sure is one heck of a prominent, pointy snout, haha. I didn't want to take the time to have to design clothes for these characters (and I felt it'd be weird to just leave them naked). so most of them just have what I imagine are basically plain, white shirts. Last thing though, I wanted to say I really liked drawing their hair. It was pretty fun. Well, this was my first drawing in the series and overall, I think it came out alright despite some flaws. Hmm, though probably doesn't help that I specifically highlighted the flaws in my descriptiom, huh =w=
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