white-crow-brand · 1 year
NTUC Health Insurance: Your Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Basics
If there's one thing that tops the list of priorities in today's fast-paced world, it's our health. Ensuring that we have adequate health insurance is essential to safeguarding our well-being and providing financial security during medical emergencies. Read the full article
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tessansgp · 1 year
Medicare Cafe Live Stream: AEP Roadmap Part 3: Post AEP [Video]
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seniorhelpmedicare · 7 months
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Medicare Advantage Plan Consulting: Making sense of Medicare can be a daunting task. But with Senior Help and you by your side, it doesn’t have to be! Our team’s expertise and years in Medicare consulting make choosing the right Medicare plan easier as you approach retirement. Contact us to learn more! #medicareadvantage #medicareplanning #medicareexpert #healthinsurancetips
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Repricing on Health Insurance Claims
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We have all heard the stories of the emergency room claim that cost $10,000 for a broken thumb, or the person who had to file bankruptcy from the huge bill while using a network outside of their HMO. These stories have been the fuel for arguments on what should be done with our Nation's healthcare system. The truth is these stories occur more than most people realize, and many have misconceptions on how this happens. This is why it is crucial to have the right billing network to take advantage of most favorable, predetermined pricing available.Lets take a look at a couple of scenarios where one person is stuck with a high medical bill and the other is protected. Suppose that two people walk into an emergency room for the same injury, one having adequate health insurance and the other having none. The emergency room is going to immediately know that each patient will be billed differently. The person with the right network billing plan will be able to take advantage of a nationwide network, allowing predetermined pricing for most any medical condition you can name. The other will be at the mercy of what the emergency room decides to charge. Depending on the medical condition, the difference of what is paid out could be upwards of tens of thousands of dollars. The catch is, in order to receive this predetermined billing you must have access to the participating billing network.When you take a closer look at how these billing networks work it becomes clear where you may be exposed, especially on smaller networks. No one knows this better than the self employed and those who do not get insurance offered through work. When an individual purchases health insurance on the exchange (Healthcare.gov), the only network options available in Texas are HMO, or restricted networks. These networks are formed for the insurance company and the medical institution to share losses, while hoping to bring in excess volume of patients to offset the claims. Even these smaller type of HMO networks can have big holes in their billing networks. For example, if an individual has a surgery within their HMO network they may still have an unpleasant surprise when the final bill comes. Although their surgeon is likely covered, both the anesthesiologist and the surgical tools rented for the surgery might fall out of the billing HMO network, causing thousands of dollars to be paid by the patient. You guessed it, not a word of warning, just a bill that the health insurance will not cover well after the surgery.The only way to avoid a small HMO network pricing trap is to take advantage of much larger billing networks, allowing you to avoid the uncovered pitfalls. These larger networks, or providers, can have hundreds of thousands of doctors and medical institutions participating coast to coast. Many of these nationwide networks make it mandatory for their preferred discount to be the primary, or front runner, method of billing, protecting the patient's financial interests from any threat of overpricing. In fact, these predetermined pricing modules are so accurate some insurance companies form their coverage to mirror the preferred billing, therefore limiting the out of pocket expense by thousands of dollars. Those who utilize this service can rest easy knowing that their interests will be protected moving forward from the right billing network with unrestricted networks nationwide.Although these billing network giants are elusive in today's ACA health insurance environment, they do exist across the nation, Texas included. In fact, I have helped dozens and dozens of clients take advantage of these unrestricted networks over the last few months alone, at much more reasonable premiums than ACA policies. It is important to consider the network billing plans when choosing the right heath insurance plan for your family, especially for those who do not qualify for a subsidy (Federal income credit given to those with limited financial means). It is extremely important to speak to a health insurance professional who has access to these unrestricted billing networks, in order to protect your financial interests. Read the full article
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countryconnect · 3 years
Health Insurance Tips : खरीदने जा रहे हैं मेडिकल इंश्योरेंस तो बरतें यह सावधानियां, फायदे में रहेंगे आप
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Health Insurance Tips : अगर आप ज्यादा उम्र में मेडिकल इंश्योरेंस खरीदते हैं तो प्रीमियम अमाउंट ज्यादा होगा. ऐसे में कम उम्र में ही मेडिकल इंश्योरेंस खरीदें जिससे प्रीमियम अमाउंट कम होगा
Health Insurance Tips : कोरोना महामारी ने मेडिकल इंश्योरेंस (Medical Insurance) की महत्ता सबको समझा दिया है. अब हर कोई अपने और परिवार के लिए हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस (Health Insurance) खरीदने पर जोर दे रहा है. कोरोना काल में मेडिकल कॉस्ट भी काफी बढ़ गया है. Coverfox.com के डायरेक्टर जॉन मेयन के मुताबिक, जून 2021 में मेडिकल इंफ्लेशन 7.7 फीसदी था, जो दिसंबर 2019 में महज 3.8 फीसदी हुआ करता था. कोरोना के कारण अस्पताल में भर्ती होने का कॉस्ट काफी बढ़ गया है. ऐसे में अगर आप अपने या परिवार के लिए मेडिकल इंश्योरेंस खरीद रहे हैं तो सही प्रोडक्ट का सलेक्शन करना जरूरी है. मांग और इंश्योरेंस क्लेम में आई तेजी के कारण प्रीमियम भी बढ़ गया है. ऐसे में अपने लिए सही प्रोडक्ट का चयन करना काफी मुश्किल हो गया है. अगर आप भी मेडिकल इंश्योरेंस खरीद रहे हैं तो इन पांच बातों को ध्यान में रखें. - उचित कवरेज खरीदें: अपनी जरूरत के हिसाब से उचित कवरेज खरीदें. साथ में इस बात की जानकारी जरूरी है कि हॉस्पिटलाइजेशन से पहले और बाद में कितना खर्च कवर किया जा रहा है. हेल्थ चेक-अप की सुविधा है या नहीं. वेटिंग पीरियड कितना है. ये तमाम जानकारी हासिल करने के बाद ही कोई इंश्योरेंस प्रोडक्ट खरीदें. इंश्योरेंस एक्सपर्ट के मुताबिक, मेडिकल इंश्योरेंस का कवरेज आपकी सालाना इनकम का 50 फीसदी होना जरूरी है. इसके अलावा पिछले तीन सालों में मेडिकल एक्सपेंस कितना है वह भी इसमें शामिल हो. 2. मेडिकल हिस्ट्री जरूर बताएं: खरीदते हैं तो परिवार के सभी मेंबर का मेडिकल हिस्ट्री बताएं. किसी भी सदस्य के मेडिकल कंडीशन को छिपाएंगे तो बाद में इंश्योरेंस कंपनी परेशानी करेगा. ऐसे में क्लेम में होने वाली परेशानी से बचने के लिए मेडिकल हिस्ट्री बताएं. 3. रूम रेंट समेत अन्य कैपिंग को समझें: मेडिकल इंश्योरेंस के साथ रूम रेंट की कैपिंग होती है. इसके अलावा डिडक्टेबल की जानकारी दी जाती है. अगर इसके बारे में सही जानकारी नहीं होगी तो आपको मेडिकल बिल में ज्यादा हिस्सा खुद चुकाना होगा. हर इंश्योरेंस प्लान के लिए अलग-अलग लिमिट होती है. 4. गूगल की मदद से बेस्ट प्रोडक्ट चूज करें: एक्सपर्ट्स का कहना है कि इंटरनेट के जमाने में यूट्यूब और गूगल पर पूरी दुनिया की जानकारी उपलब्ध है. ऐसे में किसी कंपनी का मेडिकल इंश्योरेंस खरीदने से पहसे उसकी शर्तों के बारे में सबकुछ पता करना जरूरी होता है. अगर कोई टर्म समझ में नहीं आ रहा है तो गूगल की मदद लें. इसके अलावा प्लान का आपस में कंपेरिजन करें. इस तरह अपने लिए बेस्ट प्लान चुना जा सकता है. 5. कम उम्र में खरीदें मेडिकल इंश्योरेंस: जब आप मेडिकल इंश्योरेंस खरीदते हैं तो इसमें हर तरह की बीमारी शामिल होनी चाहिए. इसके अलावा एक्सिडेंटल मामले को भी यह कवर करता हो. इसके लिए बाजार में अलग-अलग तरह के प्लान उपलब्ध हैं. अगर आप ज्यादा उम्र में मेडिकल इंश्योरेंस खरीदते हैं तो प्रीमियम अमाउंट ज्यादा होगा. ऐसे में कम उम्र में ही मेडिकल इंश्योरेंस खरीदें जिससे प्रीमियम अमाउंट कम होगा. कम उम्र रहने से वेटिंग पीरियड का उचित लाभ उठा पाएंगे. इसके साथ ही कवरेज भी ज्यादा मिलेगा. इस तरह मेडिकल इंश्योरेंस खरीदने के दौरान इन गलतियों से बचें और बेस्ट प्लान का सलेक्शन करें. Read the full article
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infomodeon · 4 years
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7 Tips to Wisely Choose a Health Insurance
Without a doubt, An insurance policy that is really essential and important is the health insurance to consider because of an increase of health issues at an early age more at https://infomodeon.com/7-tips-to-wisely-choose-a-health-insurance/
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tessansgp · 1 year
Retirement – In My 20’s! [Video]
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tessansgp · 1 year
Can’t Afford Leads? Join DIG Final Expense Career Program! [Video]
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tessansgp · 1 year
This 💯👊 Destroys Insurance Agents! [Video]
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tessansgp · 1 year
Final Expense TELESALES- QUINCY D. [Video]
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tessansgp · 1 year
SoFi is Building a Disruptive Apple-Like Financial Ecosystem [Video]
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tessansgp · 1 year
Episode 14 – 5 Benefits of Purchasing Burial Life Insurance Early [Video]
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tessansgp · 1 year
Health Insurance Consumer [Video]
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tessansgp · 1 year
Common Questions after Car Accidents with Kim Baer | Paid Content [Video]
#HealthInsuranceTips #DentalInsurance #Healthcare #HealthCareTips #Health Insurance Tips #Dental Insurance #Health Care Tips
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Health Insurance Solutions Part II
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Time and time again there is a solution to every problem, challenge, obstacle or anything else that may cause us to fret. Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8. The Affordable Care Act never stated insurer had to do away with the underwriting process. Several elements to sell plans were implemented to conform and to be compliant with the law which included: essential health benefits which are all necessary; with the exception of pediatric dental and vision coverage, especially for someone who does not have minor children in their custody.The other element is the fact that carriers could no longer deny coverage to consumers who has more than enough health related conditions with exorbitant premiums, terms in the insurance world "rated" because of preexisting conditions. This is the major problem facing the health sector and why insurers are unable to measure their risk with finding reasonable rates for the American people. This is a shot in the dark for insurance companies to play a guessing game of not knowing who has chronic health problems on a regular basis and what the cost would be to accurately provide care at reasonable prices. Actuaries' calculate insurance with a purpose; to estimate risk. No measuring stick, no wonder why carriers have lost money over the last several years and are ready to bail out.The government involvement in the insurance industry is to govern, not necessarily to run the insurance business. It is sad that large carriers are allowing the government to dictate and rule out the main premise of insurance. This business is built on risk factors. There is no difference if you wanted to purchase homeowners, auto; or any other type of insurance, there are risks with insuring property. Our physical bodies are a higher risk since we are moving objects on the go all the time, we wear out and break down time to time and have to be repaired and healed.Why aren't insurers addressing this fact with lawmakers? What are the chances of a mechanical breakdown with stationary buildings? Physical buildings breakdown due to neglect and lack of maintenance, or if someone physically damaged the property for whatever reason. When was the last time you purchased property and casualty insurance and your risk wasn't taken into consideration for how much you will be charged in premium dollars? Well, it is no different with health insurance.There is a solution and a plan that will work. It is not about taxes, neither is it about how many people will lose coverage, cutting back on Medicaid, squeezing the poor, the rich getting richer or the other non sense we hear from politicians. Insurers need to be bold and follow the guidelines of the current law, go back to the underwriting process, deny no one coverage and have affordable premiums based on risk the way it was in time past; prior-Affordable Care Act.As consumers, it is our responsibility to take care of these earthly bodies and to protect our finances while we are physically and financially able to do so. Are you going to wait after a chronic health condition comes over you and then attempt to get coverage? That's like having a building already on fire, and then calling an insurer to get covered. Be wise, get yourself the protection you need while you are still insurable before your temple begins to deteriorates. Read the full article
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The Features Of A Good Health Insurance Plan
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GET A FREE HEALTH INSURANCE QUOTE HERE The skyrocketing medical expenses, make health insurance plans very essential. When you have an insurance plan, you feel more secure because you are covered even in emergency medical situations. You do not have to start looking for money to get medical attention and you do not have to use the money you have to cater to the medical needs when you have a health insurance plan. There are so many health insurance providers today offering all sorts of plan and you therefore must know what features to look out for to get a plan that is most valuable for your medical needs. 1. Good room rent limits. This is an important feature when hospitalization is inevitable. A good health insurance plan should not have a maximum limit on the room rent so that you know this expense is well covered no matter how long you or a member of your family gets admitted in hospital. Such plans are however hard to find because most come with small percentages on maximum limits, they will pay for room rent. At least choose a reasonable percent to get better value from your plan. 2. Preexisting disease cover. A good plan should cover even pre-existing diseases you have before you buy your insurance plan. This is the best kind of policy because then you get the important medical care you need with the diseases compared to plans that do not include preexisting diseases in their plans. Choose a plan that covers the preexisting conditions and one that has a lower waiting period for claims on the same. 3. Impressive hospital network. When getting a health insurance plan, a good one is the one that makes it possible for you to get medical help from a number of hospitals. Such an impressive hospital network ensures that you get help as soon as you need it and from a hospital nearest to you. Choose a plan that directly ties you up with the good hospitals within your locality to enjoy better delivery of services. Cashless facilities are best because you won't have to go through the process of filing for reimbursements. 4. High no claim bonuses. The truth is that you will not always make claims on your health insurance. For this reason, a good plan should offer you no claim bonuses when no claims are made. It affects the sum assured by the next renewal, but you definitely want to choose a policy that offers you high no claim bonus, so you get better value for your money even when you do not end up laying claim. 5. Least exclusions. A good health insurance plan should cover most of your health needs. There is always an exclusive section of the policies and unfortunately most people forget to go through it before taking up the policies. Ensure you check the section out and select a plan that has the least number of exclusions to help you relax knowing that it has you covered for most health issues. GET A FREE QUOTE Read the full article
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