#Heart day
goldenfigtree · 1 year
Operation: Pamper Condor One
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Summary: It’s your one year anniversary and you decide to make it your mission to give Leon the treatment he deserves.
Pairing: Leon Kennedy (any Leon of your choice tbh) x Fem!Reader
Warning: toothrotting fluff
Note: yeah I know, I know it’s spooky season but I’m a lover for the aesthetic of Valentine’s Day and thought it’d make this Drabble even more romantic. Sue me! Either way I hope you enjoy! This one is one of my longer ones.
February 14th was a day you despised with every fiber of your being. The hearts, roses, and the sickly shades of red and pink never swooned you. Any mention of the holiday earned a gag and an eye roll from you in return. Mainly because it reminded you how single you were, but you never said that aloud. Instead you went with the more indirect reasonings when questioned,
“Valentine’s day is just another unnecessary commercial exploitation” was your favorite one to use. But deep down, you envied those who got to celebrate having a significant other, wishing you could join in all of the fun. That is, until Leon Kennedy came along. Being the cliche and cheesy guy that he is deep down, he decided it’d be romantic to ask you to be his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day at your doorstep with an oversized bouquet of roses. One year later and your perception of this romantic holiday had completely been redefined. That’s what love does to you, you guess.
And now here you were, a week before Valentine’s day secretly planning the most romantic evening you have ever planned in your life. To be fair, it was the first romantic evening you ever planned, making it the most romantic thus far. It being the first romantic date you had planned made you all the more excited and anxious to make sure everything was absolutely perfect. Not one candle or balloon was out of place. Despite all the chatter from your friends, saying that it should be the boyfriend planning these sort of dates on this holiday, you didn’t care how you may look putting this together. More important matters were at hand, specifically Leon not really being the same since his last mission.
You remembered clearly how exhausted he looked when you picked him up from the airport, how he practically fell into your arms, how permanent his frown has been since then. You hated seeing him like that. You wish you could take his pain and exhaustion away, but you couldn’t, and that you hated more. So, in hopes to lift his spirits, you thought of Valentine’s day being the perfect opportunity to give him the treatment he deserves, especially on a day that the both of you held dear to your hearts. Screw the tradition, the expectations, all you cared about was getting your Leon back. The Leon who was serious to some but especially giddy and happy with you. The Leon who always had a twinkle in his eye when explaining something he was passionate about. You were getting him back if it was the last thing you did.
The week flew out the window with the fiercely cold winds of winter, and the time had finally come to execute Operation: Pamper Condor One. Wearing a lipstick red chain knit sweater and a pair of jeans, you pull your hair up into a bun at the top of your head and wrap it with a white scrunchy with tiny hearts. Looking in the mirror you didn’t expect to come to this point in your life. You didn’t think you’d ever enjoy today like this, much less with someone who made life worth perceiving at a different, more positive angle. But, you weren’t complaining, you liked this new you and you sincerely hoped that you could bring the old Leon back tonight.
Looking around your apartment with brows furrowed, you murmured your checklist to yourself to ensure everything was in place. It was safe to say that you went all out with this one. Heart shaped pillows replaced your usual everyday pillows on the couch, candles were lit everywhere in the house to the point where it was almost a safety hazard, and most importantly, rose petals scattered on the sheets of your bed. Nibbling on your thumbnail, your mind spirals in a panic as you wait for him to arrive.
Is this too much? Will he hate it?
You thought to yourself looking around the apartment from your couch, your legs crossed and your one heart patterned sock covered foot bouncing anxiously. So deep in thought, you jump at the sound of Leon’s familiar knock, one he came up with so you knew it was him at your door. Standing up so fast, you begin to almost see stars as you clumsily make your way to your front door and swing it open.
“Hey beautiful” Leon greets, his voice soft, sentimental, yet so very exhausted. With an oversized bouquet of your favorite type of flower in his arms, he has to tilt his head to the side to look at you.
“Awe you shouldn’t have!” you gush happily as you tug his arms toward you to lead him inside.
“You didn’t think I’d forget our one year did you?” He grunts as he places the bouquet down on your kitchen counter.
“Never” You reply with a giggle as you watched him lean back to stretch his back,
“Jesus, those are heavy” He groans to himself, “you also have something coming in later tonight”
You couldn’t help but snicker at his obliviousness towards his surroundings, as he continued to speak,
“I also got us a reservation at your favorite restaurant, we’re supposed to be there in… wait what’s all this?” he asks softly, turning around and taking notice of the romantic ambience of your apartment.
“I’d cancel that reservation if I were you, because we’re not going” you say leaning against the kitchen counter, crossing your arms,
“We aren’t?” He asks cautiously, turning back to you. You smile smugly and shake your head,
“Nope, tonight we’re going to be focusing on you” turning him to face you and wrapping your arms around his neck, you place a soft peck on his lips as his eyes turn up in thought,
“Me?” He murmurs against your lips, earning an agreeing hum from you in return,
“Go sit at the dining table, I’ll be there in a minute okay?” still a bit unsure of how this evening was going to turn out, he eventually nods and makes his way to your circle dining table. Noticing a wrapped box leaning against his chair, wondering what it could be.
Not long after, you walk out with a pizza box in your hand, Leon’s eyes immediately light up noticing the emblem on the top lid,
“Is that–”
“Your favorite? Of course” you triumphantly respond, placing the box on the table and opening the lid. The savory aroma of melted cheese and pepperoni filled the air which filled Leon’s eyes with excitement. Something you hadn’t seen in a while, seeing it now made your heart soar. So far, your plan was going swimmingly. Serving him a slice, you place a kiss on his forehead and sit across from him. While taking a bite of his pizza, he looks around at all your hard work and attention to detail in awe,
“Babe, you did all of this…for me?” You look up from your plate and reach out to take his hand with a loving smile,
“Well, you’re always taking care of me, I thought maybe I could do it for a change” You explain, a bashful grin growing on your lips as you squeeze his hand. His eyebrows furrow as his mouth falls slightly, something told him it was because of how he’d been acting since he came home. Guilt washed over him, he thought he had hid it so well. But this extravagant gesture showed him the opposite of what he thought was reality. You had often asked him what happened and if he was feeling okay and in return, he just shrugged it off. Telling you not to worry about him, that he could take care of himself. Little did he know how much that isolated the both of you back then. But he saw it now,
“Baby, I’m sorry for being so off lately and shutting you out. I thought I was protecting you but I think I did the opposite” your eyes softened at his words as you stood from your chair. Kneeling down you take him in your arms and kiss his forehead,
“I know” your breath brushed against his skin, causing his shoulders to drop slightly, “You were trying to tough it out right?”
With a soft exhale through his nose, he nods his head slightly, “You know you don’t have to carry this weight on your own right? That’s what I’m here for” you continue brushing some his hair away from his face,
“I guess, I don’t exactly know how to do that” resting your forehead against his own, you rest your hands behind his neck, the pads of your fingers making his eyes flutter slightly in bliss,
“Don’t worry, I’ll make it easier for you, starting tonight”
A small smile grows on his face, your soft voice always being music to his ears, and knowing you cared this much, to do all this for him. Since you two had intertwined your lives, you continued to show him what he had been missing. What he yearned without knowing. Nodding his head, he leans in to press his lips to yours. His hands gently lifted you closer to him and before you knew it, you were sitting on his lap, legs dangling over his right thigh as your lips failed to pull away. Every kiss rebukes all anxieties and fears from both of your minds. After one last peck, his lashes flutter down as he notices the wrapped present against his chair again. You notice and with a chuckle you reach down and place it on the table,
“Happy One Year my love” you coo nuzzling your head against the side of his. You wished you could take a photo of the look on his face as he eyed the carefully wrapped box. He looked like a little boy on Christmas Day,
“go on, open it” you urge. With a quiet laugh he makes the first tear of the paper and then another tear. With your legs swinging, you watch him open the box and pull out a T-Shirt and read the words. His smile widens as he reads it and out comes a laugh you missed so dearly, like a dream that flees from you the moment you awake.
“My Girlfriend Is Hotter Than You” he reads it aloud and places a smooch on your cheek, “that she is, that she is”
“That’s not all” you say with a smirk, earning an eyebrow raise from him,
“Is there something else in the box?”
“Nope” your hands leave his neck and reach the hem of your sweater, beginning to lift it from your body. A motion, you noticed, made Leon’s cheeks redden. You lift it over your head and drop it to the floor to reveal your matching t-shirt,
“My Boyfriend Is Hotter Than You” in bold black letters matching him. He practically gasps and tightens his arms around you peppering kisses along your neck, making you giggle from his excitement,
“And you said you hated these type of shirts” he points out smugly,
“What can I say? You’re a bad influence on me” you retort back, standing up from his lap and extending your hand,
“C’mon the night isn’t over” Leon’s ears redden from your words, as he takes your hand and lets you lead him into the bedroom. Sitting him on the bed, you grab his shirt and lift it from the bottom, with a shy yet excited twinkle in his eyes, he lets you. Placing it neatly on your dresser, you sit behind him on the bed,
“What are you doing?” Leon asks with a look of intrigue on his face,
“Giving you a massage, duh” you tease,
“Oh, I thought we were gonna…” he clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck with a sheepish chuckle, “right” he adds, sounding a tad disappointed. Pressing a kiss on the back of his neck, sending shivers down the man’s spine, you ruffle his hair and whisper in his ear,
“Maybe later” you almost saw his ears perk up from your words as your hands stroked along the scars littering his back. You remembered the first time you saw those scars. Wanting to kiss every single one of them away, knowing how much of a burden they casted on your lovely boyfriend. Resting your hands on his shoulders, your thumbs knead the area beneath, feeling the pent up tension,
“Does this hurt?” You ask with uncertainty,
“No, feels good” he murmurs, his eyes gently closed. With a sigh of relief you begin to rub down and knead every area of his back. Sighs and grunts escape his lips as he feels his body tense and relax from your touch. You smiled softly, glad to see him receiving the attention and care he deserved. You couldn’t imagine how tense he must have felt using his body so brutally to survive and play hero. You could feel the exhaustion, pain, and stress leave with every manipulation of muscle, “I love you” he murmurs again, his eyes half lidded and a dreamy smile on his lips.
“I love you, too” you softly respond, hugging him from behind, “how do you feel now?”
“Amazing” he mutters under his breath, “Thank you”
You can’t help but gush at his words, always so sweet, so polite. Getting up from the bed you run to the bathroom and take one of your clay masks and place it on your dresser,
“You’re really spoiling me here” he comments bashfully as you also come back with the leftover pizza in the pizza box, his gift and turn on the tv.
You chuckle and begin opening the clay mask and walk over to him. He widens his eyes and holds his hands up, “Wait, lemme do something first” he says, causing you to lift your brows curiously. Grabbing the t-shirt you gifted him, he slips it on and admires the letters spreading across his chest, “Okay now you can continue”
“So you like the shirt huh?” You tease smearing the teal paste onto his forehead,
“I thought I made it obvious” he retorts back sassily, closing his eyes. You roll your eyes and continue smearing the mask on his face,
“There all done, now just relax” you reassure, pressing him farther onto the bed,
“Wait, you’re not wearing a mask” he points out taking the paste from you, “c’mere”
“Leon, this is about you remember” you protest,
“Last I checked, it’s our one year anniversary, not mine. Now come here, I’m not doing this alone” he adds the last part sternly, making you sigh in defeat and scoot over to him so he can apply the paste onto your face. You can’t help but smile as you watch him carefully apply the paste on your face as neatly as possible. After he finishes, he kisses your lips earning a sound in protest,
“Babe, you’re going to make the mask crack” you say sheepishly,
“Tuff” he remarks, hovering his body over yours to kiss you more deeply.
The doorbell rings making Leon pull away, his eyes filled with excitement,
“It’s here” he whispers to himself, hopping off the bed and making his way to the door. Coming back he holds a gigantic teddy bear, the exact one you were eyeing while the two of you were running errands together,
“You didn’t!” You gasp,
“I did” effortlessly, lifting the teddy bear that was half the size of him, he places it next to you, “like it?”
“I love it! Thank you” you gush hugging the bear tightly.
“Alright alright, I’m right here you don’t need to cuddle it now” he adds, a tinge of jealousy in his tone, pushing the bear aside and collapsing onto you earning an,
“Oof” from you as you wrapped your arms around him,
“I think I’m ready to talk about it all now” he says as he lays his head against your chest, looking up at you with puppy eyes. You feel all your worries of this plan being a disaster fall away from his words,
“Well go on, I’m listening” with a long, tired sigh he begins to explain everything. The horrors, the betrayals, the losses he endured to make it home. You kept quiet and let him talk about it. Your hands massaging his scalp to comfort him. Once he was done, he lifted himself up from you to look into your eyes,
“I really am sorry for shutting you out. I was just.. afraid of burdening you”
“What you go through, I want to go through it with you. I wish you understood that, that’s what I mean when I say I love you”
“I understand that now.” He begins to say, “we’re a team right?”
“Exactly, you’re so smart” your compliment causes him to blush and smile,
“What was it you said about doing something later?” He says endearingly,
“I said maybe”
“Is it more of a yes than a no kind of maybe or…” he responds suggestively, pressing himself against you making you blush slightly, “Because I think I owe you something in return for all of this, princess”
“If it frees your conscience, sure” wrapping your arms around his neck you lean forward and share a kiss with your lover. Feeling his smile curve against your own, it was safe to say Operation: Pamper Condor One was a success.
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holespoles · 1 month
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Rei Kurahashi "Heart Day"
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tomwindeknecht · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️ Here's a red paper heart for you. 🦖
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chibiwisp · 1 year
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thespencerzone · 7 months
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wsancho · 1 month
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Depiction of Eddy on Heart Day, holding my heart 🥰❤️
The brothers live rent-free in my mind, heart and everywhere else 😌 I just keep giving them space. The power of Figaro compels me!!
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Link twitter: iQAW5cFOhvdTVEr
...Not really, they're gentle, they impel not compel ❤️👑🐻
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cardioboy508 · 7 months
Happy Valentine’s Day/Heart Day, everyone!! 😊❤️🫀
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thedanishsim · 7 months
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Happy (late) Valentine's 💗❤️✨
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ch0colatec0ff33-art · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's day!!!! 💘
This was "cringe" from the prompt list I've been doing!!
I'll have more from the list soon, just a little late for the holiday!
RAWR!!! :3
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medicus-mortem · 7 months
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@chatcambrioleur asked: The surgeon’s not-girlfriend has organized a basket for his gift. Left next on his bed, he would find it after she left the Tang, departing once again for her home ship. An expensive, rich, moisturizer for someone who washes their hands often, formulated special for those with tattoos, to brighten and soften the skin. A coffee that she found to be rich in ingredients and in taste, some anatomical body parts candies, and at the bottom, a number of 8x10 photos. An envelope containing his name, in a familiar, neat, lovely script. For your eyes only. Happy Valentine’s Day, handsome. Upon opening the envelope, he would find photos of Nami, in various poses, in lingerie she knew Law had enjoyed on her. A number of differing sets, in varying colors, notably of black and yellow. Smoldering, brown eyes met the camera’s gaze, tasteful (and some tasteless) photos, showcasing every soft crevice and curve of her body. After a number of photos with lingerie, she had also included a few where she was fully nude. Stretched on a bed, entangled in silk sheets, looking longingly at the viewer. And for his eyes only, there was only one viewer in mind. Perhaps she had to leave the gift for him to find because she was too embarrassed to face him with it, herself. Who knows? It’s hard to say. Heart Day!!
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   He might have drunk too much last night. Kinda comes with the whole Heart Day celebration thing. Plus, Nami was there, and Law couldn’t help but enjoy losing his inhibitions with here around. Right in this moment, when he’s waking groggy and with a pounding headache, the doctor does feel some regret. He groans, an arm reaching for the warm body he hopes is still at his side, but he finds nothing. Not even the lingering warmth from her being there only a moment before. Bleary eyes open, the Surgeon of Death searching the gloom of his chambers for the Cat Thief, but he is disappointed to find the room empty.
   A deep, disappointed sigh leaves him as he rolls over, gaze now on the ceiling. He stares for a few moments until something catches his eye. A basket sat down on his desk. Head rolls to it, the doctor frowning. Curious, he drags himself from his sheets and strides over to the gift basket. Leaning over it, Law puts on his desk lamp, blinking back some of the sensitivity of his eyes. Gaze soon drops to the basket and Law feels a small smile touch his lips. He looks upon the moisturiser, turning it about to eye the ingredients and giving an approving grunt. Then comes the coffee, the doctor putting it aside to use in today’s first cup. Next the sweets that draw a low chuckle as Law takes one out and pops it in his mouth. It’s the liver he’s eating.
   Finally, he comes to that envelope on the bottom. He smirks at Nami’s handwriting, taking a moment to run his finger over the neat scripts. Then, with care, he opens the envelop to pour the pile of photos into his hand. The first picture he sees, Nami in that yellow lingerie he so adores, makes his eyebrows arch up, but it isn’t long before a sleezy smirk slips onto his features. Nami leaving like she did was probably a good idea because after seeing these Law would not have let her leave this room all day.
   “Nice,” he says to himself, selecting one of Nami’s most tasteful and less lewd pictures. He slips it into his wallet, hidden behind a picture of his crew, before depositing the rest of the pictures back into the envelope. He then puts that envelope with his porn collection, the doctor knowing for a fact that he probably won’t be touching anything other than Nami’s pictures for a while.
   Still nursing a headache but feeling oddly light, Law pulls on a pair of pants and strolls from his room. In his hand he holds that bag of coffee, the pirate captain looking forward to trying something new this morning.
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photozoi · 2 years
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Last night it snowed.
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Snow Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day indeed!
the Imp, the Brother (Silken Windhound)
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dokidokienjoyer · 1 year
Happy Heart Day Everyone!
To “celebrate” I decided to Stream a bit. I was super nervous, and my heart felt that :D The Stethoscope was at a couple of different locations that were requested by the viewers and at the end I did play a bit of Apex. Hope you guys enjoy.
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skullstroid · 2 years
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Happy 💌 Day 🍰✨
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redroseandlove · 1 year
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ikkaku-of-heart · 2 years
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@indomiitas​ asked: Beckman placed a tray of cookies down by Ikkaku‘s side where the lone Heart moped about on the deck of the Red Force. “I‘m sorry you‘re missing that Heart Day of yours, lass,“ he murmured in sympathy, lighting a cigarette as he looked out over the ocean. “If any of our rookies should give you trouble today, feel free to tell me. I‘ll knock 'em round.“ { from Beck!! }
Heart Day Asks (Still Accepting!)
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The Red Hair Pirates had been treating Ikkaku well since they’d picked her up. Really, she had nothing to complain about; Shanks had been continuing to give her the VIP treatment while they waited for her captain to come find her, and everyone had been very kind, working hard to keep her spirits up, but as wonderful as they all were, they simply could not fill the aching hole in her heart the absence of her nakama had caused.
It was even worse now that it was February 14th. Valentines Day to most, but to her crew, a much better holiday - Heart Day. A day where the Heart Pirates rejected the mushy lovefest the rest of the world insisted on and instead spent it as a family while partying harder than any pirate crew out there. And Ikkaku was missing it. Was the crew still celebrating despite her absence? Were they putting it off so they could continue to search for her?
She wasn’t sure which option made her feel worse.
The sound of Beckman’s voice and the accompanying smell of cigarette smoke managed to pull her gaze away from where she’d been staring longingly at the horizon. She’d been doing that a lot, hoping that a bright yellow submarine would surface if she wished hard enough. 
“Yeah, me too,” Ikkaku sighed. She’d told him and Shanks about Heart Day when the red-haired captain had asked if she wanted anything special songs or food to celebrate Valentine’s Day. It had been hard not to get choked up when she’d explained why she didn’t celebrate.
Picking up one of the heart-shaped, frosted cookies, she bit into it. It was delicious, of course, but the sweetness didn’t bring the same pleasure it usually would. After all, it wasn’t yellow or anatomically correct and it wasn’t made by a tsundere cook who had ensured everything was wheat-free.
Beckman’s offer of smacking around rookies almost coaxed a smile out of her, but it faltered. A couple had indeed flirted with her earlier - whether out of attraction or wanting to cheer her up, she wasn’t entirely sure - but had backed off when they’d seen she was clearly in no mood for it. “I’ll keep that in mind, but I doubt they’ll bug me much,” she mumbled, wiping red frosting away from the corner of her mouth. “You an’ Shanks have got ‘em well-trained. Besides, pretty sure my mood’s been a good deterrent. Which is good. Law’d be pissed if I were bein’ a ho on Heart Day. It’s the first rule; no dates, only nakama.”
The thought had tears stinging behind her eyes, and she looked back at the horizon, hoping the wind might dry them before they could fall. “Fuck. I miss those idiots so much,” she whispered, heart aching harder as she watched the vast seas around the Red Force remain painfully blue - not so much as a speck of yellow to be found. 
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spectral-coyote · 2 years
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