#Heart of the hearth (Ferno ~ bythebonefire)
awakened-harmony · 2 years
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@spookyscientistskeleton​ - 🦋 for Vita and Ferno!
Babies ‎AU/Family AU/Children AU - really this is just post-game on the surface lets be real-
It’s not like she thought it’d be impossible, of course it wasn’t impossible (After all, she’s been through this before with her first kid-). But it’s not like they’d been thinking about kids, They certainly hadn’t discussed having kids! so she’s not sure what changed, Maybe it was being on the surface? having access to the sun and the ocean again. No longer worrying so much about the future of kids born underground? she didn’t know, All she knew for sure is she was pregnant and that for better or for worse, She was going to be a mother again and ferno a father for the first time. Not to say she wasn’t nervous, no she was very nervous if solely due to the state of her soul, it had nearly killed her last time (And though the circumstances had been a lot worse and her health had been questionable at best, she still couldn’t help but worry-)
For her own sake, she was trying to push that worry out of her mind, that things would be different. Were different, it wouldn’t be like last time, it wouldn’t, She knew that but that hadn’t stopped her hands from shaking when she’d first come to her final conclusion. Though she’d managed to mostly sooth that earlier panic by trying to get excited about the other prospects of this development, One of those was surprising ferno with the news, Something simple of course, she wasn’t one for dramatics (and she didn’t understand why humans liked ‘gender reveals’ so much then again monsters had never given a hoot about gender-) so she’d settled on a small gift bag with a purple onesie and just to be funny, A jar of prego. Now sitting nonchalantly on their coffee table for when he got home.
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“I assume the bar was fun today, you’ve got a big ol’ grin on your face ferno.”
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awakened-harmony · 2 years
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@bythebonefire​ - How tall? (Ferno’s 6’2”)
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Me, drawing ferno again even just for a ask? yes, vita is not tall fqehk
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awakened-harmony · 2 years
@spookyscientistskeleton​ continued from ASK
Oh he was such a good boy
It made her soul race in pleasant excitement, It had taken her some time to be comfortable again in expressing her desires despite how much she adored topping, She’d admit. Part of her had been worried that the dynamic she’d had once with drusil would never be again, Most guys of the underground would have never let her do this for the mere thought of being at a woman’s mercy was far to emasculating and it would have labelled them as weak. Something she’d have scoffed at if asked, yet it had done it’s part in making her worried to even try, that had led to her bottoming for a long time (not to say she didn’t enjoy it though, ferno knew what he was doing-) but she always felt more in her element like this.
“Course i do, can’t have you looking bad because of me.”
these words were cooed as she feels him relax against her, his flames warm and excited, crackling and slightly popping like she’d just added new kindling to a dimming fireplace, her eyes wandered. Giving a content hum as she took note of his cock, she certainly hadn’t been giving it any attention despite how desperately it needed it, liked teasing him with her touch first, the slow gentleness of her fingertips over his muscles. Lips over the back of his neck and murmuring sweet nothings where his ears would be.
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“it’d be cruel of me to leave that unattended to any longer.”
She pulls him in closer against her, wrapping him more firmly against her embrace, long tail curling slightly around him to leave him enveloped. Resting her head on his shoulder, the tickle of white hair on bare flames and the twitch of head tendrils that run over him, her hand runs down his chest and belly before that hand curls around his cock. He’d been fond of that, The webbing between her fingers ensuring there was no finger gaps as she started rubbing. A low churr in her throat.
“You deserve this, being so obedient for me, looking so sweet. it’s so tempting to just fuck you till all you can do is think bout’ me.”
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awakened-harmony · 2 years
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@bythebonefire​ - ( 😂 ) an embarrassing text
[text - My knight <3 - 2:00pm]: Soooo...
[text - My knight <3 - 2:01pm]: I decided to tell my son about the pregnancy today
[text - My knight <3 - 2:01pm]: Thought it went pretty well all things considered, probably a little awkward to be told your gonna be a big sibling at his age
[text - My knight <3 - 2:02pm]: I left his house not even a half hour ago and he’s alternated between sending me excited texts, do and don’t baby memes and a entire series on the trimesters of pregnancy
[text - My knight <3 - 2:04pm]: and i don’t know whether to laugh or feel bad for humans mothers
[Media sent - 2:05pm]:
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[Link sent - 2:06pm]: https://youtu.be/pir667mM2Aw
[text - My knight <3 - 2:10pm]: Update, he has brought up that i absolutely must warn him before i pop a tit out
[text - My knight <3 - 2:11pm]: Acting as though they didn’t feed him to- >.>                                                                                                                  >.>
[text - My knight <3 - 2:12pm]: W-wait no, forget i said that, that’s crude of me
[text - My knight <3 - 2:13pm]: Don’t you dare screenshot this
[screenshot taken]
[text - My knight <3 - 2:14pm]: FERNO
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awakened-harmony · 2 years
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@spookyscientistskeleton​ -  💞 'Ever touch yourself thinkin' about me?' Ferno asks with a grin, voice an affectionate purr in her ear.
She couldn’t help the warm flush that passes over her cheeks at the same time a far sharper twinge settles in her belly as ferno leans close, his voice that wonderful, affectionate purr so delightfully near her ear fins. Making them pull back and twitch softly, Finned hands raising to her chest to rest there, He knew exactly what he was doing. The affect he had on her, It was unfair (Especially from someone who’d topped her previous partner more often then not-). Yet he just had that charm she’d never get over and every day she wondered how she’d gotten quite so lucky with meeting him.
Certainly there’d be no helping the slightly thick swallow as she floundered a little for an answer
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"Maybe i have...”
Plenty of times, When they’d been getting closer and her thoughts would wander, inevitably finding her pants slid off and her fingers working her pretty pink slit over of their own accord. Sometimes making use of a frankly well worn vibrator when they’d started dating, A far cry from the real thing but her fingers had long since lost their novelty.
“Couldn’ help myself, you jus’ make me so needy, it had been so long after all since i’d even thought about it and then t’have you be my first after so long. Dare say you re-ignited quite the fire and it can’t simply be put out.”
Such a rude question to, Getting her all riled up again!, Cruelty truly at it’s finest.
“mm’ only sated in knowing you’ve likely thought of me just as often.”
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awakened-harmony · 2 years
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“I don’t think you can fight a website dear, as much as you wish you could, I do find it very flattering that you’d try to find a way to do so for me however.”
A low churr of a laugh escapes even as she pulls him closer with arms around his neck for a kiss.
“My knight of fire.”
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awakened-harmony · 3 years
@spookyscientistskeleton​ continued from ASK - Birthday time!!
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A pleased trilling noise escaped her as she was hugged back, enjoying the gesture for a moment and the cozy warmth his flames provided before separating herself from him and gesturing for him to come inside (Mostly to get out of the wetter environment of waterfall, it wasn’t to damp around her house but she still worried!), She was very much happy with herself since her tail swayed back and forth on the ground lightly.
“I’d sure hope it looks rockin’ for mm’ favorite rocker.”
There was a slightly softer look to her gold eyes as all four peered at him at the next part before she smiled at him.
“You don’t have to thank me, There was no way i was missing celebrating your birthday. Especially not the first one since we’ve come to know each other Ferno, besides i know these things tend to be the last on our list of priorities being such long lived monsters, I always used to forget it was mine before my son was old enough to ask about mine and then absolutely insisted on a party every year.”
Sure there was plenty of other reasons birthday didn’t hold the allure they used to, but dang it, she was going to make them special again!
“Oh! but still, you can sit and open those whenever while i finish decorating, I made cupcakes.”
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