#Heidi O'Ferrall
I don't think Heidi really gave a shit about that cape, she just saw it as an easy few grand* for her to splurge on more shitass dresses for herself. (*$130 a pop, she wants 30, so she's expecting to get $3,900 for a cape that doesn't really pair with many outfits all that well.) I think she only wore the sample one once for a promotional picture, and once she posted it for sale, she basically forgot about it.
I mean, most of her recent campaigns involved her ignoring them until the last day or two, so I'm not surprised about her not advertising it at all. You do have a point about her not wearing the prototype, even when she wasn't actively advertising her other campaigns she at least wore the prototype for it everywhere she went, that part is actually a change in her usual store promotion routine.
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heidiofans · 2 years
So I guess Lolcow is rousing a theory that Jared has been dipping out of alimony payments to Heidi for nearly four years. Their proof of this is...Jared's rent and Heidi selling her games? 🤔
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trashwitchcoven · 2 years
Listen I’m not going to invalidate Holly and her experiences in her previous marriage and all, if she’s saying it happened then we don’t have any evidence aside from opinions to decide that it’s made up at the end of the day.
But she needs to stop trying to rewrite and respin drama that happened years ago. Nothing she says now is going to make people change their minds on the situation and even if her marriage was abusive and horrible it doesn’t paint her as a martyr or the one in the right - she still struck up a relationship with a creeper that was married at the time and slandered her friend in pursuit of that relationship. Kind of a mirror of Jared and his “Heidi was abusive so I got a pass to do whatever obviously”
All I'll say is that I'm a cynical bitch. There are several things that have me questioning and doubting - but none of my suspicions matter. It's very much a "he said, she said" situation right now, unless Ross follows through on the legal recourse he apparently mentioned in a stream last night and some of the details wind up spilling onto the internet.
I'm choosing to support Holly, while maintaining a healthy level of cynicism.
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occamsrazorscooter7 · 3 years
Those are all great points, and yeah aside from Holly's "unfixable" comment I don't recall JH ever using inflammatory rhetoric like Heidi did. It worries me how much praise she got for it because enabling really does send the wrong message when it comes to conflict resolution and even just basic communication. It results in people becoming overly defensive about things they did wrong, but there's no shame in admitting to and learning from them. Real supporters don't ridicule you for that.
To be completely fair Holly's retelling of events, by nature, required that certain potentially inflammatory things be said, such as the implication that Heidi was a narcissistic abuser.
However, given none of us really know enough about their interpersonal interactions to judge the veracity of such claims, and that in the end it's relationship issues that don't really have bearing on their public lives, it's hard to say that an apology is necessary. Were an apology necessary in those cases then it doesn't need to be public. And given how heated it got, I doubt any of them are interested in making amends with the other party. Why I think it's good that Holly apologized for the unfixable thing is that it wasn't something that she could actually say was her/Jared's lived experience. She couldn't possibly know something like that. So I'm glad she did roll it back.
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We have no choice but to stan the shit out of One (1) Forest Girl™
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girlwholovesturtles · 5 years
Okay, you know what? 
I’ve been seeing a lot of people in the tags giving Holly a pass on all this stuff with ProJared but no. I refuse.
Holly is not a child who didn’t know any better. She is a grown ass woman who knew that Jared was a married man and she shared a sexual relationship with him anyway. Stop infantilizing her because you’re a fan or you think she’s cute.
I get Jared did a lot more serious stuff than just cheating and he most definitely should be held accountable for that but I need to stop seeing people saying shit like “I believe in Holly” or “it wasn’t Holly’s fault.” There is a legit possibility that Holly ended her marriage with Ross so that she could move to the same state as Jared. Like, that’s pretty far from having an innocent role in all this if that turns out to be the case.
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And not to mention that she made bullshit tweets about how her fans “know her” and that the things Heidi has said were “hyperbolic” and that she was just “someone we don’t know from the internet” to try and make people turn on Heidi but I’m gonna lay out the best truth I can. I am not a fan of Holly, I am not a fan of Jared, I am not a fan of Heidi, before this all started I didn’t know who Jared or Heidi were and I didn’t know that Holly wasn’t still married to Ross. These people were not on my radar before this all when off but Holly is absolutely in the wrong.
And not even just because of the affair either. Fans have come forward about Jared’s sexual harassment, including and especially ones who are or were underage at the time. One such fan admitted that they contacted people who worked with Jared with information about him sending him unwanted nudes and requesting them in turn. Several people believed him but Holly never responded. Not long after Jared contacted that fan with the knowledge that they had attempted to report him.
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This fan genuinely believes that Holly betrayed the trust of a minor who was being a solicited my an adult man. That would make her an accomplice to a literal crime. Do not ignore this, do not forget this. And for the love of god, do not act like she’s innocent in all of this.
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boasamishipper · 5 years
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me right now
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kiyoowada · 5 years
Hey uhh don’t really get much into discourse but uhh maybe don’t Cancel PeanutButterGamer?
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Heidi has forgiven him, so I really don’t see a need to bash on him at all!
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youcrowinghens · 4 years
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Heidi worded this perfectly. Holly is screeching about how she never said the words “I am a mental health guru” but it literally doesn’t matter because she still presents as one.
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bluesomes · 5 years
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ProJared's statement.
Let me know your opinions
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Did Heidi move back in with her parents? She posted some tweets about her parents adopting another cat, but her phrasing sounds like she's living there with them. I.E.: "We're not replacing Bean" (sounds like she's choosing with them, if it was just her parents adopting the cat, why say "we" and not "they"?) or "She'll come home Thursday" (said as if it's the place she's living in too.) I think she vaguely mentioned having to move again a while ago, maybe that's where she went.
Hard to tell, I see the point you're making but you know that her ass-licking whiteknights will swear that she was using the "royal we" and not that she's actually living with them, even though she's phrasing it like she's a major part of the decision making process, which if she's not living with them I question why she's so spoiled that she's deciding on a pet for her parents that she wouldn't be living with.
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Heidi posted an incredibly ableist comment on Twitter. Saying that she must have brain damage to like thrift store smells. What the literal fuck?
I saw that tweet, I was surprised that she would be that crass with a joke like that, although I guarantee that her asshole sniffing whiteknights are going to screech that it's just a joke and she should get a pass for it, even though we all know that she always gets a pass because she's their precious forest nymph apple queen.
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Right after you posted about her losing a sale on the rose dress, she suddenly got back to 15 sales. Manipulating numbers again?
I'm assuming that you made this comment sometime last night or early this morning, because she actually changed it again at the last minute, dropping the goal again to 20 sales before apparently saying "fuck it" and going through with the production anyway. Allegedly she had to convince the manufacturer to agree to the smaller goal, so go ahead and take that with as many grains of salt as you need. It wasn't until she dropped the goal to the point where it's basically completed when she was finally able to get past that 15 sale block, assuming it's not her slowly buying up the last five, since she already said she's going to do that.
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Finally caught up on clearing my inbox, here's some screenshots I collected over my recent time away from Tumblr.
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That essay from the one anon got me to thinking...What WAS Heidi's endgame back in 2019? Even if Jared never came back to defend himself and Holly was successfully bullied by Heidi's flying monkeys into staying off the internet for good, eventually the drama would have died down and people would move on from her anyway. Was she expecting another guy with a high income and/or popularity to come around feeling bad for her and pick up where Jared left her, or was she really expecting to post "I'm a victim and my ex is a really awful person" several times a week for the rest of her life and get sympathy donations for it? If she was expecting the latter, that's extremely shortsighted for her.
Keep in mind, anon, Heidi's ability to see past her own nose is next to nothing, she's shown herself time and time again to be incredibly shortsighted and refuses to look at the long term. So I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if she was actually expecting to get free money by screeching about her ex husband until the end of time.
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