#atelier heidi
I don't think Heidi really gave a shit about that cape, she just saw it as an easy few grand* for her to splurge on more shitass dresses for herself. (*$130 a pop, she wants 30, so she's expecting to get $3,900 for a cape that doesn't really pair with many outfits all that well.) I think she only wore the sample one once for a promotional picture, and once she posted it for sale, she basically forgot about it.
I mean, most of her recent campaigns involved her ignoring them until the last day or two, so I'm not surprised about her not advertising it at all. You do have a point about her not wearing the prototype, even when she wasn't actively advertising her other campaigns she at least wore the prototype for it everywhere she went, that part is actually a change in her usual store promotion routine.
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heidiofans · 2 years
So I guess Lolcow is rousing a theory that Jared has been dipping out of alimony payments to Heidi for nearly four years. Their proof of this is...Jared's rent and Heidi selling her games? 🤔
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choujinx · 9 months
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TONGARI BOUSHI NO ATELIER (2016-?) by shirahama kamome
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twilightbloom · 9 months
I have no idea who here plays Atelier Resleriana since it hasn't been released in Global yet and it's a niche game with an admittedly awful gacha system but like
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I am fucking weak for lesbians and this game meets all of my standards, I saw dragon/demon lady Valeria and immediately tapped install I am a simple person. The story's pretty good so far and the character design is top tier if not on the horny side but thankfully it's not too shoved in my face like Atelier Ryza showing her thighs more than her face 🤣
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stylestream · 2 years
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Heidi Klum | Atelier Versace gown | amfAR Gala Cannes | 2016
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cweam · 29 days
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shanly-rozier · 2 years
Ma visite à Produit Rien
Produit Rien 
Pour ma première fois dans un atelier d’artiste j’ai pu voir mon imagination être matérialiser, La salle était à la fois petite mais très grande, c’est surement la peinture blanche et les multiples tableaux accrocher qui on donner cette a la salle d’exposition. A l’arrière de la salle principale il y avait une autre salle où un photographe professionnel du nom de Paul litherland y avais aussi son atelier avec tout un tas de tableau lui appartenant il nous a expliquer que certains de son tableau avait été pris dans les ordures ou abandonner et lui les reprenais pour terminer les tableaux ou y ajouter son empreinte personnelle. A côté de l’atelier de monsieur litherland il y avait celui de Heidi Deahler une autre artiste qui travaille avec plusieurs de medium comme le papier journal, l’acrylique et l’encre de chine. Je trouve que leurs ateliers à Heidi et Paul sont plutôt inspirants, entourer par leurs œuvre et pré création, quoi de mieux pour travailler. 
Dans la salle d’exposition les œuvres sont composés d’encre de chine et d’acrylique. L’accrochage est selon moi bien fait et met les œuvres en valeurs parce qu’ils sont tous mélanger mais ordonnées bien juxtaposer entre eux c’est harmonieux digne d’un vrai musée. 
Les œuvre du troisième artiste qui était présent ce jour étais ceux de monsieur Kael mercader, un artiste peintre qui fait des œuvres en acrylique et en encre de chine d’après ce que j’ai vu dans la salle d’exposition. Monsieur Mercader a fait certaines œuvres avec des couleur très saturer c’était très satisfaisant à regarder mes yeux allait observer chaque détail de comment les traits de pinceau était traités, ils allaient dans quelles directions avec ses traits, avec quels duos de couleurs il faisait chaque forme et qu’essayais t’il e représenter. Sans oublier ses œuvres à l’encre de chine elles étaient peut-être à petites échelles comparer aux grandes œuvres sur toiles mais elle avait la particularité de comme pour les grandes œuvres d’attirer notre œil. Elles étaient pour certaines d’entre elles un mélange d’entre l’abstrait et une et d’un élément qu’on pouvait clairement distinguer. Les techniques des utiliser par les trois artistes était pour moi avancer, autant avec la photographie qu’avec les mediums qu’ils utilisaient.  
Des exemples de quelque œuvres que j’ai eu l’occasion de prendre en photo à l’exposition de l’atelier ne produit rien seront afficher sous le texte. 
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eloenmaerdrym · 2 years
Credits DISORDERLY. / Harvest Wreath / Orange / w/lightsMudHoney  Heidi Laptop ���dust bunny . santa paws clutter . cat tree[WHD] – Sleeping Kitty Cat – Grey{vespertine} – fresh orange juiceSAYO  – Artists Sawhorse Table – Oak ❤Atelier Burgundy  + Pitaya  . Cozy Greenhouse Set ❤
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one-time-i-dreamt · 5 years
ProJared after posting his new manipulative video defending his actions, which include soliciting n*des from his fans including minors, sending them n*des himself, forcing all of us on the internet to see his truly traumatic d*ck pics, and cheating on his wife and then trying to make her the bad guy in this situation
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starburstcosmos · 5 years
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projared cheated on his wife and solicited/sent nudes and i memed it
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Did Heidi move back in with her parents? She posted some tweets about her parents adopting another cat, but her phrasing sounds like she's living there with them. I.E.: "We're not replacing Bean" (sounds like she's choosing with them, if it was just her parents adopting the cat, why say "we" and not "they"?) or "She'll come home Thursday" (said as if it's the place she's living in too.) I think she vaguely mentioned having to move again a while ago, maybe that's where she went.
Hard to tell, I see the point you're making but you know that her ass-licking whiteknights will swear that she was using the "royal we" and not that she's actually living with them, even though she's phrasing it like she's a major part of the decision making process, which if she's not living with them I question why she's so spoiled that she's deciding on a pet for her parents that she wouldn't be living with.
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heidiofans · 2 years
So, I watched a reupload of Jared's YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO video one day. And while I'll never agree with the nude blog, there's something I feel a lot of people overlook. In one of the screenshots he provided when talking about his blog only being for consenting adults, there was an ask that was like "i'm not drunk yet but i'd send you a tit pic" and he responded not by encouraging it, but by basically saying, "Hey, please don't feel like you have to do this for me, and don't do something you feel you're gonna regret. Be smart."
That single thing proves to me there was nothing predatory about what he did. Stupid? Yes. An imbalance of power? Totally. A recipe for disaster? Fuck yeah. But nothing about it screamed predation. If he was this awful guy everyone made him out to be, he wouldn't have turned down a tit pic in the respectful way that he did. He would've pushed for that shit regardless of consequences. So, I truly do think he meant it as a sex-positive space for his fans to feel comfortable with themselves, but it morphed into something destructive (and it also proves that sex positivity, like any form of positivity, can become toxic).
And before anyone comes in to say I'm some thirsty fan wanting some ProDick: I'm saying this not just as a multiple sexual abuse survivor, not just an online grooming and CSA/CSEM survivor, but as a survivor of literal sexual torture since infancy. I've been exposed to evil, sadistic, predatory behavior for decades, so I wouldn't be saying this about him if I felt he really was a horrible person.
Could he have cheated on Heidi? Maybe (though he alleged in an interview she cheated on him, and she's been caught lying multiple times, so come to your own conclusions). Could he have been a bad partner to Heidi or Holly? Maybe, but like he said in the video, breakups happen, and it's none of our business. You don't have to fuck him or date him or agree with all of his opinions on cancel culture or even be a fan to speak out against an exaggerated narrative.
Anyway, sorry the long ask. Just felt this was important to bring up because I really haven't seen anyone bring this point up.
Thank you so much for this perspective. I'm so sorry that you had to go through all that you went through in your life, and I genuinely hope that you're doing well now.
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choujinx · 3 months
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TONGARI BOUSHI NO ATELIER (2016-?) by shirahama kamome
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robopitcher · 5 years
Everyone shut up about jared. Reblog if you support heidi
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zelda-guru-momi · 5 years
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I think it’s important for people to see this
I can understand the idea behind “don’t publicly air your dirty laundry like that”
But when you’ve been stagnating in a room full of dirty laundry, letting it pile up and fester to the point where you start to not notice the smell anymore and almost start believing you deserve to be stuck in a room full of dirty laundry? Especially when the person dumping that laundry in your room just keeps buying clean clothes and covering the smell with febreeze so guests coming over don’t notice right away?
I think Heidi deserves this.
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funf3tt1 · 5 years
i wanted to share this!!!
here is heidi’s vid
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