#Helene Stonefist
waitingrose · 2 years
🍻: What's your OC's favourite comfort ritual? How do they calm themselves down after a rough day?
Helene: After a long day, she cleans her armor and sets it away before climbing into a deep bath. She is often covered in bruises from her work, so she takes comfort in soaking in medicinal salts. She will then go to sleep, either a nap or an early night, because rest helps her heal. (Thank you, @charm-in-spades <3)
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helenestonefist · 7 years
‘Tis the Season
A moderately sized wooden crate was delivered to the front door of the Peace residence early one morning. There were clear instructions to ensure that it was delivered with care and handed off only to Lloire. A description was provided and if he was not home, the man was paid to remain there until he returned. Nestled within the confines of the crate was a slumbering form with a purple string tied around their wrist.The card that was attached to it read in simple writing:
“Merry Starlight, Lion.                -Shield”
Helene watched as a few of the kids chased one another around the Reach. Calls of laughter and cries of defeat echoed against the walls to bring about the sense of normality that was just starting to seep back into the people. Merchants were busy selling their wares now that their shipments were moving in regularly. The healing camps had seen a decrease in volume. There were more and more people coming to help rebuild this location when not busy with Ala Mhigo and amidst all that, they were putting up a Starlight tree. “Helene!” She snapped out of her distraction as the rope in her hand was tugged from behind. Glancing back, she noted Chance was towing most of the weight. “Sorry!” She turned back to the tree and dug her heels in to help him pull the massive pine up so that the others could lock it in place. They let the rope fall and dusted their palms off from the loose twine that collected in their grip.
“Looks good, yeah?” “Sure.” A man wandered over to the pair with a piece of paper in hand and a rather cheerful espression across his features. “Miss Stonefist?” “Aye?” “Package delivered for you. Too big to carry here so pick it up when you can! Came with this!” Helene took the note from him and turned it over in her grasp. Immediately, she recognized the signature at the bottom. Yuti. She had sent over a weapon and shield for her and they were being held at the main tent until she could claim them. “Yuti.” Her thumb grazed the name and she let out a soft exhale. Her heart was hurting for those she left behind and more so for her dear friend. “Someone you know?” Chance lofted a brow to her. “Aye. Close friend.” One more look towards the tree and she seemed to smile wide enough that the freckles tightened over. With all that had happened, with every moment stolen or shared, she was thankful that her family back home was complete again. Minus one redhead. { @peacekeeper-xiv // Chance II @yutikyis II @wicked-virtue // Ikara }
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cadrenebula · 7 years
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Random screens from the last few days of RP fun.
@michisilver @helenestonefist @ikara-esho @yutikyis
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waitingrose · 2 years
Hecteye: Describe the most effective method of distracting your muse.
Going to go down the list of the top 3 muses currently. Velestine: Show up bloody. She is a healer, and if you are often in fights or trouble, her attention is immediately pulled from whatever task she is currently on. Less dramatically, speak with her and show interest in her thoughts/mind. She is a logical person who enjoys deep conversations. Helene: Be strong. She loves to spar with people she respects or thinks are more substantial than she is. She is shorter than other Ala Mhigan, with freckles and red hair, so she is often scoffed at or mocked when she shows up with her sword and shield. Remark kindly of her armor, or be amid a spar yourself, and her head will turn.
Silone: She is a hard one to distract. She is an artist and owns her own gallery, so she is intrigued by uniqueness and someone who goes against the status quo. You would have to be something new in her life to really make her turn her head.
(Thank you, @charm-in-spades <3)
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waitingrose · 3 years
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waitingrose · 6 years
A Shield Protects
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{Story under the cut for length. I didn’t want to flood feeds. ♥}
Helene strode a step behind Velestine as they made their way down the road from Lloire’s place. The sun had just come up not long prior and the morning mist was still clinging to the stones around them. She marveled at the way the alchemist chose not to wear her shoes but instead took to each step as if she knew the smooth rocks to keep to. “Doesn’t that hurt your feet?” “You get used to it.” “Aye, but you don’t need to. Got a pair of shoes in your hand, yeah?” Velestine smiled with warmth to the redhead. “It makes me feel…connected to everything.” “Suit yourself. How far ya live from him, anyway?” “Just a ward over.” She scoffed. “Yeah, he would want ya close.” The alchemist smirked gently. “Actually, it was Claudettea that picked the location for me.” “He’s got two healers close by now. Can’t say I blame her for plannin’ that, yeah?” Helene had opted for her more comfortable attire of some simple shirt and slacks but she still kept her shield strapped to her arm along with her sword tucked into her side. Walking beside the softer blonde with her light blue sweater and flowing skirt, they made for an interesting pair to those they passed. Thankfully, the neighborhoods were quiet save for the occasional person grabbing their mail or tending their yard. “It’s strange. I have seen him injured only twice yet …so many have commented on it as if he turns up daily this way.” She tucked a saffron strand behind an ear as they entered the next ward. “Aye, well, he had a good run of it for a few solid moons, yeah? He ain’t the only one, though. Soren is just as bad.” “I imagine you also fit into that category.” Freckles shifted with the wrinkle of her nose. “Aye…a bit.” “How do your hands fair?” “Fine. Sore, but I’m used to that feelin’.” “I will put some salve on them and re-wrap them for you.” Copper brows knit inward to Velestine and Helene dug her tongue into her cheek. “That isn’t needed, but thanks for offerin’ it, yeah?” “As you wish.” The pair had only just rounded the upper walkway that lead to her home when Helene took a few more steps forward to look to her with ease. “Look, said I wasn’t goin’ to have to tell ya to not hurt him...but I’m goin’ to.” Velestine looked up to the taller woman and let those crystal blue hues rest to bright emerald shades. “Last one he was with, he damn near drained himself to keep her alive. Wont tell ya that, I imagine, but I will ‘cause I don’t want him giving his life up over love.” “I understand.” “I’m not done.” She slowed up and looked to Velestine with a sterner expression. In turn, the alchemist also came to a stop and offered her the full attention she was seeking. “Alright.” “He’s had his heart broken enough, yeah? But if he wants to give it to ya, I’m happy for it. Just remember this...” She took a step in and almost seemed to tower over the blonde Hyur. “He’s my brother in every way I can see it, yeah? And family is important. So, if you intentionally hurt him, I will intentionally hurt you.” Velestine didn’t step back when approached and only seemed to keep that serene smile about her features; muted enough in the moment to not seem rude. “I have no intention of hurting him or leaving him.” “Good. Cause I’m getting’ real tired of—” Something tugged at her senses and Helene immediately lifted her arm up to put the shield between Velestine and the spear that was sent for her form. It struck the metal with a sharp note before clattering off to the cobble nearby. Bright emerald hues locked to the four figures that had shown up behind them and she let out a sigh. “Fuckin’ figures. Couldn’t trust me.” Gripping the handle of her sword, she pulled it free with the familiar steel song of a coming fight. “Get behind me.” Velestine had not expected the attack and she only flinched slightly from behind the shield. The shoes were dropped to the cobble for her to quickly step into before she tugged the strap of her bag across her chest. “Not happening. You focus on the left two, I have the right.” Helene glanced back to her. “No, you run to your house and lock the door, yeah? I’ll deal with this.” “No.” The Mhigan stared at her for a long moment before scoffing and turning back to the mercs heading their way. “Foolish woman.” Saffron locks were tied up with a white ribbon which set Velestine’s crystal hues to a sharp focus. Both hands came out from her sides as the aether pooled to her palms and began to emit golden strands to those who could see it. “I get that a lot.” The group converged on the pair with their weapons drawn. Helene used her shield to help deflect as many blows as she could from striking Velestine but in turn, sacrificed her own defense for it. Cobblestones were pulled up to encase one of the men around the ankles and lock him in place; making him fall over with a cry for the sudden halt to his running form. They crumbled apart shortly after to release him, so she could send an orb of fire into the chest of the other. Together, they made a decent pair in facing all four, but this group was better trained than they anticipated. Helene had just deflected one of the downward swings which left her center exposed; giving the other a chance to take up the spear again. The blade found purchase in her side a few times as he sought to bring her down with it but she swung the shield wide and clipped him across the jaw for his efforts. A sharp hiss and a cry was given for the motions and she took a step back. Warmth was flooding the fabric there and she grit her teeth; silently cursing herself for not wearing her armor. Velestine turned to see what had happened and let out a breath. Wind began to pick up around the two she was facing; sending dust into their gaze and blinding them for only a few moments. She then moved to Helene’s side and gripped her arm; focusing her healing through the Mhigan. “Seven hells, Velestine, get -out- of here!” “Stop talking about it and fight.” Another wince sounded through her as the skin was forced shut quicker than she would have liked. “Remind me to knock ya out next time, yeah? Carry you out of danger.” “How about you work on knocking them out instead, Hero. ” “….I really hate how ya do that.” “I get that a lot too.” She pulled away just in time to avoid the same one seeking to cleave them in two with his sword. Helene lifted the shield again to catch it before pushing him back and slamming her foot into his chest. The one with the spear met her fist; sending him down to the ground to be put out for the count. The two that had been blinded were now able to focus. One of them ducked under Helene’s attempt to block him and caught the bottom of Velestine’s arms with a blade as she lifted them in defense. The underside of her sweater was torn in three places before the back of his right leg was kicked in. He cried out in pain right before her shield twisted his head to the side in a harsh motion and put him out as well. Velestine touched to the cuts and pulled away a red stain to her fingertips. Aether was then gathered to help seal those away as well as she winced for the pain in the wounds. Helene moved to the one Velestine had tripped up with her magicks and socked him across the jaw; watching as he passed out from the blow. A deep breath escaped her as she started to pat them down for something of interest. One of them had a folded note with instructions on where they could pick up their reward and she pocketed it. “Come on. Get inside an’ grab anything important. We’re goin’ right to the Blades about this and then you and I are goin’ to find someone to hire…and move you.” Velestine looked to the mercs that lay on the stones before them and frowned gently. “I’m glad you didn’t kill them.” “They are people, same as us. Lookin’ to be paid for one reason or another. A cycle ago? Aye, I would have bled them out. Not anymore…yeah?” The two looked to one another for a moment before Velestine nodded; removing her touch from the wounds as they had sealed. “Everything can be replaced.” Just then, they heard the whistle from the guard who had finally circled back around. He then touched to his linkpearl. “Guess we don’t have to find them.” Helene mused. “I’m still wrapping your hands and your side now.” “…Fine.” { @peacekeeper-xiv / Lloire & @wicked-virtue/ Soren - Mentions}
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waitingrose · 6 years
Shield Meets Dagger
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Velestine peered to him at the mention of a letter but didn’t comment on it. Instead, she tucked a few saffron strands behind her ear and looked back to Helene. The Mhigan dug her tongue into her cheek a moment, considering something, before letting out a sigh. “They didn’t come for me, Lion. Not like last time, yeah? Actually I’m here for more than just messin’ with your plans. Seems your Dagger here has stirred up enough trouble to get a ‘scare party’ paid for her.” She held up one of her hands and clenched and unclenched her fist a few times. “Overheard a pair talkin’ in the taverns and figured out it was about her.” Velestine narrowed her own gaze and knit her brows to Helene. “A scare party? As in corning me?” “That’s the plan.”
Lloire scoffed. "Likely lucky that they ran into you before her. Whoever decided that was a good idea has never seen my Dagger in battle." Sheepishly rubbing the back of his head some he shrugged. "Did you happen to beat out of them who was paying?" Helene gave a nod. “Yeah, I got my hands on the creep in Ul’dah. His goons are walkin’ off a few punches and he is nursin’ a broken rib but I got the job for it. Keeps ‘em off you and I got an idea how to make it look like it’s done. Good thing to as Lion here would want to turn ‘em to ash.” Lloire made a face at her. "You know me so well." He said dryly. "I don't -always- react so.... violently." He barely looked as though he believed his own words. "Still... I'd probably have been doing the world a favor... Anyways, what's this plan?" Velestine looked to Lloire silently. Helene sought to make a point and looked directly at him. “They paid me to beat her an’ leave her in the market streets of Ul’dah.”  Lloire frowned. "Hmm... honestly the why of it has my curiosity more than anything..." He turned to Vel. "Have you done anything to incur Ul'dahn wrath of late?" Back to Helene. "And I more meant the plan to make it seem as though you've held up your end of the bargain." To most Lloire would seem calm and calculating. Simply looking for answers and plans. Two of the people who knew him best these days were in the room with him though. Mismatched eyes were more narrowed, his muscles a bit more tense than usual. His words were sharper. Velestine drew a breath and as she let it out through her senses, turned for the kettle as it began to whistle. “I doubt it has anything to do with Ul’dah. Likely one of my competitors looking to sully my reputation and name. Putting me in the light like that is a big message and would turn away most seeking my product.” Helene listened and nodded. “Was a back-ally convo, yeah? An’ I was just tryin’ to prove that you would be settin’ fires on them. I knew what you meant.” She offered up a smirk; tugging a few freckles for it. “I managed to…convince them…that would draw attention, yeah? So I said I would run her out of the Goblet and bust up her house some. So we are goin’ to move you and wreck the house a bit. Until you figure out what is after you and then I can go mess them up too.” Lloire frowned. "I believe you misspoke sister. You meant to say 'we' can go mess them up too I believe." He turned his attention to Velestine. "With her husband to be having already found where you live, it might not be a bad idea to move. I can help with that if you want to go that route." Velestine poured the tea into a cup for Helene as she considered the idea of it. Stepping back to the bar, she set it before the Mhigan with the handle facing her and then looked to Lloire. “I was already considering it but if these goons know, more do. I will see about a new deed in the morning.” Helene seemed amused to his addendum. “Only violent when it counts, yeah?” She jabbed at him a bit in front of her but seemed to avoid digging at the Dagger for the moment. “-We- will pay them a visit, yeah? Meantime I’ll walk ya back to your house when you are ready and you can show me what I can and can’t break.” { @peacekeeper-xiv / Lloire }
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waitingrose · 6 years
A Quiet Invitation
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Velestine shut the door to her home with a hum carried upon pressed lips. A basket of freshly picked flowers was resting in the crook of her arm with small bits of dirt still clinging to the roots. Most of it had been properly shaken off but her practiced hand at gardening helped to keep it in tact. The mail was set on the counter for the moment as she went about stringing her new collection together with twine to hang on the wall to dry. But when she turned to see to the rest of her chores for the day, a certain letter at the top of the pile caught her attention. Carefully, she picked it up and inspected the writing along with the thickness of the envelope; seeking any reason to believe it was a threat of some kind. Nothing felt tucked within nor was there a hint of aether rolling through it so she picked up her letter opener and sliced through the top. The note inside read as follows: “The shield you ordered is being delivered to our shop in the Goblet on the twenty-sixth sun of the Third Astral Moon. We close at six that evening.”
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The letter was held still for a moment as she read it a few times with a flick of her crystal hues. It was then neatly folded over and set into the waste bucket close bye. “Alright Shield. I will see you then.” { @peacekeeper-xiv / Chance - for letter}
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waitingrose · 6 years
Character Face Claim Prompt
Rules: Pick the person who you think is the best fit for your character(s)!  ( or maybe just who you would cast if there were a movie about them? )
Velestine Rose (Dove Cameron)
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Aeric Tanner (Chace Crawford):
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Silone Thorne (Eiza González):
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Maeryn Archer (Alexis Bledel):
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Sunny Loha (Chloe Grace Moretz):
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Aurorha Peace (Danielle Campbell):
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Helene Stonefist (Marie Avgeropoulos):
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Tagged by: @lizardwaifu / @kailani-ffxiv
Tagging: All you beautiful people! ♥
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waitingrose · 7 years
Restless Mind
Bright emerald hues gazed off into the fire as it gave off soft cracks and pops while it died away. Mingled into the noise was the soft rise and fall of a blonde merc at rest while the night rolled on. Combined, it should have given her the sensation of comfort, but not tonight. Hands clasped together and wrung upon themselves as Helene eyed the scars and marks that littered them. Countless fights. Countless battles. All of it housed in the curve of her knuckles and palms. They were not the hands of a soft woman or one who knew of soft things. They were strong and sturdy, much like herself. And for a quiet moment, her copper brows knit. Up from the bed, she heard the light groan from him and stilled. Casting her gaze over, she watched on until he fell away to rest once more; ever aware of her even in sleep. It brought a small tug to the corner of her lips and she turned back to see to the fire. How long had it been since she was home? How much had changed since she left for the Reach? Seeing everyone for her name-day brought about the sensation of joy but also added a weight at the corner of her chest. This was her home. The place she fought for in the name of their people. But was it really? Chance was here. If she hadn’t come, would they have crossed paths again? What would have happened had she stayed instead? Would Ikara have even been taken? And if so, would she have found her like she did? “Too many questions…” she muttered softly to herself before sitting in the chair by her gear. Strands of crimson fire were pulled back off her shoulders and laced up with a strip of leather in a few swift motions; exposing more of her freckles along her form. Even in the dim light, they shown so easily. ‘You are so dirty, my child…’ Helene winced at the memory and closed her eyes a moment before working through it. Meticulous, practiced, she started to don her armor piece by piece. Each one made to fit her form better than the previous but nowhere near the craftsmanship it should be. She didn’t have the luxury of a master smith here. The last piece to slip over her shoulders was a cream cloak and with it came the mindset she needed to make it through the day. Tilting her head to the side; she released the tension and exhaled. ‘Be Strong, when you are weak. Be Brave, when you are scared. Be Humble, when you are victorious.’ Her Father’s code rang through her ears and overshadowed that of the woman’s, without contestation. It helped to still her enough to come out of her thoughts and place her shield into the clasp at her back. Her sword was then belted into place and tightened over in a snug fit.
He would wake if she moved now, if he hadn’t already. Metal was impossible to sneak in and she knew the ringing of chain and steel would draw him up. So, she remained there, watching the fire; giving him the last bits of his morning before he needed to stir. She may not have been soft….but a Shield wasn’t supposed to be anyway.
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waitingrose · 7 years
Honest Q&A: Round 4! 7x7 Table
Looks like everyone came this time! Good! I am happy to see that you all have taken an interest in these!
Well, right to business then. It looks like our readers picked something of an overarching topic today. Let’s see how this goes...
 Faith is a belief in the right things. Who or what would you say you have the most faith in?
Maeryn: “I have faith in my family. They have been through so much and continue to work hard to keep all of us going. Especially my Father.” Helene: “Mine does too, Mae. I have faith in my friends. Lloire, Ikara, Destiny, Soren.” Silone: “Did you just say Soren? I am moving seats again. I have faith in my sister, Aeritria. And my knives.” Aeric: “Wait…you are Aeri’s sister? Yeah, we both are movin’ seats. I’ve got faith in Gideon, my brother. Also in th’Siren. She carries us through tough shyte.” Sunny: “Bear has faith in the Twelve, yes he does! Oh, you mean me? I have faith in ….my bow! It keeps me alive, yes it does!” Velestine: “People. I believe that anything and everything can change if we get behind each other. Sometimes, even the most dangerous ones will surprise you.”  
Pride is an excessive belief in one’s own abilities. In what do you take the most pride? A particular skill? A remarkable achievement?
Maeryn: “I take pride in the small miniatures that I craft. I don’t know many people who do such a thing and so I…perhaps believe it is specific to me. Unique.” Helene: “Myself. I push my limits an’ like to test people who are bigger or stronger lookin’ than me, yeah? I don’t stop until I can’t move.” Silone: “Mmm, Pride. I am an exceptional artist and a master with a knife. How many people do you know than can fight in heels, hmm?” Aeric: “Yeah, ya really are her sister. I turned Captain at eighteen summers an’ been runnin’ my ship th’last five years. I know most routes through those waters better than any Captain I’ve met an’ I can do ‘em faster.” Sunny: “SHIP! I WANNA GO ON A SHIP! Row row row, your boat!” She bounces in her chair and then stills when Velestine places a hand to her arm softly. “Hehe! I got excited, yes I did! I can track and sniff out anything, yes I can! Let me at ‘em!” Velestine: “I missed you, Sunny. You warm my heart. I take a great deal of pride in my work. It takes patience and a little creative flare to craft potions and elixirs, but I have used that to help make soaps and lotions, teas, all sorts of things. I guess you could say ‘my craft’, actually.” Hope is taking a positive future view, that good will prevail. What would you say that you hope for the most?
Maeryn: “I hope that I can someday find a cure. But if not, then I wish to travel the world completely. See it all. Perhaps even have my stories on someone else’s shelf.” Helene: “Keep breathin’, mostly. Hope I can see my friends again. Stupid to wish for wars to be over because it starts another, every time. No one sits still, yeah?” Silone: “The slow death of anyone that sells people. I wish to rid the world of slave traders and their disgusting partners in crime. Maybe then some people can enjoy their life instead of living in fear.” Aeric: “I thought ya were scary before, but damn. I kinda like ya now. I hope to to fly, some day. I want t’rule sky an’ sea.” Sunny: “I hope for sweets, yes I do! If I can get sweets, it’s a good day, yes it is!” Velestine: “...I am going to adopt you as my own, Sunny. I hope for some quiet moments between the fighting. As Helene stated, it never comes to a close. Would be nice if it did but I am sure we would find a way to occupy our time that was just as destructive. So, I hope for peace, in small measures.”  
Envy is wanting what others have, be it status, abilities, or possessions. Is there someone or something you are envious of? It doesn’t have to be a huge all-consuming envy, even something small.
Maeryn: “I don’t envy anyone, really. Everyone has something that is different from another but that is what makes us so interesting.” Helene: “Feelin’ about the same on that too, yeah? No point thinkin’ on it. Focus on your sword and their sword, an’ nothing else.” Silone: “Pride. Envy. Starting to sound like sins in this list and I am very, very pleased over it. As for being envious, of course. We all want something someone has. For me, it’s a family.” Aeric: “Ya seem a lot softer this round. I envy th’Sky Pirates. It’s a bigger freedom to be up there an’ I want that too. Not t’mention they got a King I wanna meet.” Sunny: “I wish I was as BIG as a ROE so I could eat non-stop, yes I do!” Velestine: “I would cook all day for you, sweet girl. I would say that I am envious of…hmm, that is a good question, actually. Perhaps people who own their own homes. I have always lived with others and traveled the lands but havn’t had a place to call mine just yet. I would like a small house in the Shroud somewhere with plenty of room for my gardens.”  
Charity is concern for, and active helping of, others. Do you believe yourself to exhibit this virtue? Be it yours or another’s, what act or moment stands out for you as a charitable one?
Maeryn: “I help someone whenever I can, and I know a few others who do the same. I could stand to be a little better at it, though. Helene: “I gave most of my winnings and food to the kids and families in the camps outside Ul’Dah, while I was there. Do the same in the Reach too, yeah? Can’t give those, I give my time.”   Silone: “I hunt down those that sell people. I think that counts, don’t you?” Aeric: “Hahahahaha! Want somethin’, fuckin’ work for it. Not above helpin’ someone in trouble but handouts? No. Plenty of work t’find if ya look hard enough. I came from nothin’ and didn’t ask for anythin’ I have.” Sunny: “Oh! Oh! I always share! I also help people get where they are going, yes I do! I am a guide, yes I am!” Velestine: “I spend a lot of time with the orphans in the cities. I am fond of reading to them and I bring fresh baked cookies and muffins along in my basket each time.  I wish I could do more for them but sometimes time is more valuable than gold.”  
Gluttony is the desire to eat or consume more than you require. What is the one thing best guaranteed to show off your gluttonous side?
Maeryn: “Hmmm, I don’t eat too much to be honest. If we are speaking in the sense of food, that is. I am a glutton for stories, though. Could never grow tired of listening to someone speak of themselves.” Helene: “Shouldn’t eat so much of anything, yeah? Harder to burn it off. But if I go with Mae’s idea, I think I can’t get enough exercise. Just gotta keep moving all the time.” Silone: “Wine, to be sure. Always have a glass near me when I paint and pour one when I get home. Have my own little collection of them, as well.” Aeric: “Can’t stop myself when I get ahold of fresh meat. Bein’ on th’sea means nothin’ but jerky, fish, an’ the like. Get back on land? Goin’ t’hurt myself on some red meat. Answerin’ ahead for the the ball of energy, she is goin’ to say sweets.” Sunny: “SW—hey!” She giggles and swishes her tail about happily. Velestine: A soft slip of laughter is heard, and she reaches over to pull Sunny into a warm embrace. “Far too easy, sweet one. I myself can never get enough baked goods or delicious food of any kind. It is a wonder I keep my figure.”  
Fortitude is never giving up. With as many strong willed people as there are here, I imagine this will prompt good responses. What is it you would never give up on? Is it a person, a goal?
Maeryn: “I could never give up on my family. They do not with me, even if I am a bit of a pusher when it comes to some of the rules we have.” Helene: “I don’t give up in general. But…lately, it became a person. And I am shiftin’ my focus to be the best I can for them. An’ their goals. Shields protect those that hold them, yeah?” Silone: “I won’t give up on my sister. We spent many years apart and I refuse to let the distance keep us any longer.” Aeric: “My brother’s dream. Leave it there.” Sunny: “Never give up! Never surrender! Fight fight fight—Oh! Sorry I punched you, mister, yes I am! You are okay though, yes you are. I don’t give up, see!?” Velestine: “I could never give up on anyone. Especially not when they are hurt or in need. I have the stubborn soul of a healer and that doesn’t always win me awards with my patients or friends, unfortunately. But my heart will always keep me from walking away.”  
Lust is a powerful craving for things such as sex and power. Do you feel that you give in to those temptations easily? What do you lust after the most? Maeryn: “I uh, well. That uhm. That is a question. Mm, for the sake of graces, I will say that I pass.” Helene: “Shouldn’t let that distract you, yeah? I don’t seek either, but I won’t deny the first with the right person. Time and place.” Silone: “Mmmm, I knew this one was coming. I crave both. Something about the way you can take control of someone utterly in their most vulnerable state. Or overwhelm them in every way. Makes you feel alive.” Aeric: “…” He clears his throat. “Yeah, same.” Sunny: *She is just a fit of giggles* Velestine: Laughing right along with her for a moment, she soon composes herself. “I crave touch more than either of those. I am very fond of it and feel a deeper connection through the sensations either in my feet or my hands. Because of this, I am want to reach for people openly.”  
Justice is being fair and equitable with others. It is the guiding principle of certain Dark Knights. Do you believe in justice? Is such a thing possible in the world we live in?
Maeryn: “Yes, I do. We must have some laws in place or people would hurt one another without restraint. But it is not for me to make such a call and I know sometimes it should be bent. Perhaps I simply see it as a loose ideal.” Helene: “War has no place for that stuff, yeah? One side says it’s in the right, other says the same. You an’ the guy in front of ya both have family and loved ones to come home to. If you think too much on it, you end up dead or runnin’ yourself into the ground with guilt. Justice is best done by the moment.” Silone: “I make my own justice.” Aeric: “Eh, not all laws are good, Mae. Some are kinda outdated an th’like. Sunny: “I am always fair, yes I am! I split my cupcakes evenly, yes I do! Oh! You mean…oh okay I got it! I think. Uh, yes? Maybe?” Velestine: “It is hard to say one way or another, so I believe my answer would be flexible. It depends on the moment and what is happening and who was involved for me to say which I prefer. I will always believe that there must be a balance to life and sometimes we must take matters into our own hands to tip the scales back. And sometimes, we must leave it to others.”  
Anger is the loss of rational self-control and the desire to harm others. Are you one to lose control to your anger? What was the worst case of letting it loose that comes to mind?
Maeryn: “I do not lose my temper. I believe I have done so maybe once or twice but I tend to wish to speak before it escalates to that.” Helene: “Can’t let it consume you, yeah? I go the opposite when mad. I get quiet an’ focused. Like my blood is cold. But I don’t lose control.” Silone: “I am quite the same. I exude calm and patience when my anger is tested but I have lost it before. I once saw someone I cared for come to harm and I am not quite sure what happened after.” Aeric: “Black out anger. Yeah, if I wasn’t told, Aeri would be your sister. As for me? Taken my axe ‘an gun t’plenty of people. Takes hurtin’ someone I care for to get me full rage. So, they deserve anythin’ comin’ for ‘em after that.” Sunny: “I am never angry, no I am not! Someone upsets me, and I walk away, yes I do! I got angry before, but I threw the box out the window, yes I did. It was mean as can be and wouldn’t open, no it wouldn’t!” Velestine: “I have lost control once before and it was because of a very traumatic moment I was witness to. Like Helene stated, I am also a cold sort of anger when I reach that point. Admittedly, it takes a lot to get me there.”  
Prudence is care of and moderation with gil. This one is a bit simpler. Are you a gil-pincher or do you spend with abandon?
Maeryn: “I do not get out much, I am afraid. So, I would say I pinch gil, to be sure. My family is fond of saving and I believe I learned it from them.” Helene: “I don’t need much, yeah? Keep my armor in shape, keep my weapon ready, keep myself fed and clothed. Anything else is just extra.” Silone: “I live in a very comfortable lifestyle and enjoy keeping it up. But I earn as much as I spend. I won’t turn down a beautiful piece of furniture if I believe it will look good in my home.” Aeric: “You look th’type to spend money. I’m middle? Spend a lot on my girl, th’Siren. Not a lot on myself. Spoil her rotten, though.” Sunny: “I hold gil all the time, yes I do! Pinching it doesn’t do anything, no it doesn’t! Why would someone hold it all day? OH! Oh, I get it! I like to spend it on food, yes I do!” Velestine: “I don’t like to spend any of it, if I can. I would much rather make or gather the things I need and what I can’t, I will buy from local merchants first and foremost.”  
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain. Some might think this goes hand in hand with prudence but that is not the case. Even those who string their gil-pouches tightest can be known for their charity or simply do not fret over making more gil. Are you a take-take-take sort? Is the gathering of wealth important to you?
Maeryn: “My family has always been ambitious, and I suppose I inherit that in a different way. Wealth is not important to me, but it is a part of my life. I wouldn’t be upset if we lost it by tomorrow.” Helene: “They can keep it, yeah? Not interested in fancy pillows and houses.” Silone: “My family was dirt poor. I fought to be better than that and I am now. So yes, in a sense, I am Greedy.” Aeric: “Yeah, guilty. I am all about th’makin’ of gil an’ the wealth of it in th’long run. I want an airship an’ all that comes with it. I give back to those that help me an’ hard work earns part of the take. But I don’t want to be piss poor again.” Sunny: “I’m not greedy, no I am not! My purse strings are tight though, yes they are! People steal! Mean mean people.” Velestine: “I…by the gods, you are precious. I myself am keen on keeping some savings for a rainy day but no, I do not consider myself to be the greedy type.”  
Temperance is moderation of needed things and abstinence from things which are not needed. In essence it is the opposite of gluttony. Is there anything that you find you abstain from that you wish you did not?
Maeryn: “No, I wouldn’t say so. I enjoy every little moment I can.” Helene: “I wish I was better about bein’ touched. Most of the time, my muscles lock up.” Silone: “Something happened to cause that, I imagine. I abstain from being emotional about things.” Aeric: “Nope. Do what I want, when I want.” Sunny: “Me too, me too! I like to do everything, yes I do!” Velestine: “I would like to be better about some things but overall, I wouldn’t say I hold back too much.”
 Sloth is laziness and the avoidance of work. Somehow I don’t see that being of much concern with this group, but what would you say is your laziest habit?
Maeryn: “Oh, I will pay someone to run a package down to the moogle mail carrier instead of taking the stairs myself. I am sometimes winded easily.” Helene: “Just need to run more, yeah? I could be more lazy with things but that kinda ties into the last question.” Silone: “I would rather pay someone to clean the gallery instead of doing so myself. I have often also had things delivered which would have taken me less time but, why waste my own time?” Aeric: “I let Gid handle organizin’ the cargo. I am shit for organizing anythin’, really.” Sunny: “I like to take lots and lots of naps, yes I do! I wake up SUPER early but I nap so many times. Unless we are moving and then I can’t, nope nope nope!” Velestine: “Hmm, I would say I enjoy naps as well but that is only due to my horrible habit of staying awake through the night most days. But I would much rather let someone carry something for me than do so myself. A bag is fine but I will find someone to haul something large well before I attempt to do so.”  
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy days to give some insight into your inner thoughts for our readers. I know today’s questions were a little tougher than some of the ones before but I hope you don’t begrudge me asking you. Before you go, what do you all think of me?
Maeryn: “I think you are nice and I don’t mind them in the slightest. Look forward to speaking with you again.” Helene: “Nothin’ much to say! Don’t have a problem, yeah?” Silone: “I suppose you are all right. Could stand to have a nicer taste in clothes.” Aeric: “Do a fine enough job, I think.” Sunny: “Is that thing real?” She pokes the mustache. “IT IS! IT IS! IT WIGGLES, YES IT DOES!” Velestine: “Sunny, no need to poke the nice man’s face like that. I understand you are curious, though. Anyway, I think you are very patient and kind. Your genuine interest in us is impressive.”
Tagged by: @peacekeeper-xiv (He made them) Tagging: ALL OF YA’LL! JUST DO IT!
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waitingrose · 7 years
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waitingrose · 7 years
Honest Q&A: Interview with a Muse 2! Group chat!
Well, this is an interesting group of people…right then….
What would you say is your spirit animal? Not a favorite animal, but a spirit animal.
Maeryn: “Interesting choice to start off with. I would like to say a bird of some kind, perhaps? I enjoy flying and a sense of freedom.” Helene: “Animal? I don’t know, some kind of…bear maybe? I get protective. Aeric: “I like the cute one’s answer. A bird.” Silone: “Try not to drool on the table, Pirate. A Spider.” Sunny: “I am a Miqo’te, yes I am! How much more animal can I be!?” *she growls and giggles*
Everyone has a favorite food, but that’s not always what you go for when you are upset. Do you have a comfort food?
Maeryn: “I tend to enjoy sweet cakes. Strawberries and a soft, fluffy white cake to rest on.” Helene: “Not really, no. I don’t eat when I’m stressed, yeah?” Aeric: “Those arms say so. I’m goin’ with steak.” Silone: “Mm, I suppose wine and cheesecake.” Sunny: “SWEETS! Though I am never upset, no I am not! I am sunny sun sunny!”
Some people drink to chase away bad memories. Others fight or find someone to sleep with. What’s your go to when you just don’t want to think about what just happened?
Maeryn: “I fall into a good book and tuck myself in near my fireplace. A story helps to chase away the thoughts and I find I melt into one of those characters to be someone else for awhile.” Helene: “…..I fight things. Or people. Sometimes both. Mostly work it out of my blood.” Aeric: “Ya both need t’get out more. I drink rum an’ find someone to work it out with.” Silone: “I paint.” Sunny: “I sleep with Bear! A nap does the body good, yes it does!”
What do you defend yourself with on instinct? Are you the type to rush forward with a fist? Do you always have a knife close at hand? If someone attacked us right now, what would you use?
Maeryn: “I would likely hide behind Miss Helene here. She seems strong.” Helene: “I wouldn’t let anything happen to ya. If I didn’t have my shield, I’d use my fists. Anything can be a weapon with the right leverage, yeah? Likely rush them first, too. I prefer to keep people safe.” Aeric: “I’d shoot ‘em. Can’t fuckin’ do anythin’ if ya don’t have knees.” Silone: “I have quite a few knives on me. And they would as well.” Sunny: “Danger ranger? WHERE!? I’ll show them, yes I will! Mean people! I would ask them to stop, yes I would. Bear says they get confused! But some are just too far gone, they are! So I shoot them with my bow!” What’s your favorite pastime when alone and when you are with others? Maeryn: “Sunny, you are the most adorable.” *She nods* “Alone, I read and write. Sometimes craft miniatures. With others? I like to…go on adventures. Find new places to see and things to do. I tend to become restless once I leave my apartment.” Helene: “Alone, I work out. Run. Practice with my sword. Others? Well….same, actually.” Aeric: “Alone, I whittle wood. Others, I am usually workin’ an’ runnin’ cargo. Gid an’ I go to th’Wench when home.” Silone: “Painting covers both, I imagine. Though I will say I have become fond of visiting a cabin.” Sunny: “I’m booooooooooored alone, yes I am! I like people, yes I do! Much more fun! We can play games, or eat, or talk, or sing! HEY! You guys wanna play something!?”
 Dream vacation spot and/or activity? Maeryn: “Such a good question. I am sure many would say the beach, but I would rather travel someplace I haven’t been before. So, I couldn’t give you a direct answer there.” Helene: “Someplace quiet. Not too picky. Maybe spend a day away in the mountains, yeah?” Aeric: “I’d head out to th’Ruby Sea an’ fish or swim.” Silone: “Smells like you have. I prefer staying home.” Sunny: “OOO FISHING!!! I wanna come! I like fish, yes I do! Bear might too!”
 On that note, how do you prefer to travel or get around this huge world we live in?
Maeryn: “I usually keep to Willow, my chocobo. But when traveling further away, I tend to seek an airship.” Helene: “On foot, mostly. Walkin’ is good for you.” Aeric: “Got a ship docked in Limsa. Soon enough, be flyin’ high in my own airship.” Silone: “Multiple ways. Whatever ends up being the quicker option at the time.” Sunny: “AIRSHIP!!!!!! I LOVE THEM SO, YES I DO—sorry, I stop yelling now, I do.”
Do you have an element you most connect with? The world is filled with earth, and wind, and fire. The elementals are a huge focus in the Shroud. But what about with you?
Maeryn: “I would have to say water. When faced with a problem, water cuts a new path and finds a way to keep moving.” Helene: “Lloire an’ Yuti would love you, Maeryn. Helfyre is a name I have an’ so I guess that explains a bit.” Aeric: “Add me on th’list of likin’ her too. Water. It’s a love of mine.” Silone: “Void. Shadows can be a comfort and a fear. Also, so very powerful.” Sunny: “You’re a very dark lady. But that’s okay! Bear says all things balance, yes they do! I like to connect with lightning! Makes my hair stand up, yes it does! Tickles too!”
What is your favorite smell? I know, kind of a strange question, but it comes up more than you’d think.
 Maeryn: “Old parchment and books. The ink staining them gives off a sometimes-metallic smell that wakes me up. Sort of like how Sunny explained. Helene: “Fresh rain. Especially in the morning.” Aeric: “I like th’ smell of fresh lumber. It’s clean.” Silone: “Leather.” Sunny: “Hmmmmmm. I like smelling things, yes I do. Strong nose I have! I like baked cookies! OH and pumpkins! They small strange but good strange, yes they do!”
How do you smell? Maeryn: “I have…never been asked that before, actually? Uhm, perhaps like herbs and books? I am around them so often…” Helene: “Clean, I hope. I bathe a lot. Otherwise steel and leather, I suppose?” Aeric: “Been told Sea n’ Sawdust but I enjoy a good smoke an’ rum so it depends.” Silone: “Likely akin to paint and perhaps metallic? I will have to ask.” Sunny: “WITH MY NOSE!, DUH!” *she giggles*
Who is your best friend?
Maeryn: “Best friend. I would have to say my youngest sibling Taylen. As for a favored friend, I would have to say Chadrick.” Helene: “Not family? Chance.” Aeric: “Gideon. Man’s a force an’ fuckin’ funny too.” Silone: “Mm…” Sunny: “BEAR! He gives the BEST hugs, he does! OH and he lets me braid his hair!’
If you had to settle down, what career would you pick?
Maeryn: “Writer. Or perhaps seek to catalog a library. But I would prefer to see the world long before I rest.” Helene: “Settle—” *She scoffs* “Nothin’ would change, yeah? Settle down…” Aeric: “I’d be dead.” Silone: “Same. Something we agree on.” Sunny: “I do settle down, I promise yes I do! Mostly when I am sleeping! Or when it’s quiet time! Oh! Oh you—right! I would be a babysitter!”
How do you want to die? Maeryn: “Happy. Simple an answer I could give.” Helene: “Fighting. Long as someone else gets to live for it. Call it fair.” Aeric: “Rich an’ grey on my airship. Surrounded by gil an’ friends.” Silone: “Is that a threat? Not at all.” Sunny: “I don’t want to die, no I don’t!” *She mews softly*
 If you only had a day left to live and can only do one thing before you die, what would it be and why?
Maeryn: “I would…likely spend the evening with someone. And read my favorite novel aloud. Connections are important, and life is fleeting. Shared moments make it worthwhile.” Helene: “That was beautiful. Mine feels dull by comparison, yeah? I’d find a good fight. Best way to feel alive.” Aeric: “Hand th’Siren off to Gid and swim down as far as I could go.” Silone: “Remove an old problem.” Sunny: “I would make sure Bear had company. He shouldn’t be alone, no he shouldn’t! bear needs friends!”
What do you imagine the future to be like?
Maeryn: “Unknown and wild. Perhaps new and exciting as people learn new ways of doing things. The world changing to adapt, of course.” Helene: “Maybe different? Follows a pattern of war and peace, yeah? Always more fighting.” Aeric: “Successful, least for me.” Silone: “Perhaps less questions.” Sunny: “EXCITING I HOPE! YES I DO!” Tagged By: @peacekeeper-xiv (HE MADE IT) Tagging: @devil-you-know and anyone else!!!
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waitingrose · 7 years
Character Flaws – Bonus Round
Bold what applies.
Italics are situational or only shown around certain people.
Helene- absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | big mouth | bigot | bitter | blindly obedient | blunt | callous | childish | chronic heroism | clingy | closed-off | clumsy| cocky | competitive | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | dissimulating | distant | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fawning | fickle | finicky | flaky | frail | fraudulent | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealistic | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | nervous | nonathletic | nosy | ornery | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-hating | self-martyr | shallow | sociopath | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | **stubborn** | submissive | tactless | temperamental | timid | tone-deaf | traitorous | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic 
Sunny- absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | big mouth | bigot | bitter | blindly obedient | blunt | callous | childish | chronic heroism | clingy | closed-off | clumsy| cocky | competitive | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | dissimulating | distant | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | **erratic** | fawning | fickle | finicky | flaky | frail | fraudulent | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealistic | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | nervous | nonathletic | nosy | ornery | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-hating | self-martyr | shallow | sociopath | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | submissive | tactless | temperamental | timid | tone-deaf | traitorous | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic 
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helenestonefist · 7 years
A Letter Home
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A letter arrived with the morning post to one of his retainers. It held the familiar penmanship of a warrior he knew that spent more time fighting than sitting at a desk to write. Once opened, the parchment bore the same but in a slightly faster scrawl. Dear Lion,   I hope my Starlight Gift made it there safely and that you are enjoying the company it gives. I have not heard word of an explosion going off in the Shroud, so I will take that as a sign that everything is good. I am sorry I couldn’t be there to celebrate with everyone and you know I would have come home for it. But I had a distraction.
  His name is Chance. He is a mercenary that is currently hired on to help patrol the area while things die down. Garleans aren’t looking to make a move towards the Reach but the wildlife and a few idiots make it harder to get trade routes back on track. So, you can imagine we are keeping busy. Between patrols and the sudden requests for escorts, we have found some time to sit and talk. Well, a spar, some swimming, and a little talking. You know I don’t do that stuff too well. And he is straight to the point in how he speaks so it makes things comfortable between us. I don’t have to play games and chase words, ya know?     Remember back at the Order house? When we sat and talked at the bar? You stitched up that cut on my left side and I think it was Chee that joked we should be together. You shook your head and told her a Shield and a Sword are the right pair. I think that stuck with me for the longest time. Hells, it still is on my mind. Want to know why? He carries one. But that isn’t his name or his personality. He is more Wolf than anything. Its why I didn’t see him coming, I think. Though I am sure that was the point too. I fight what comes at my front and forget to check my six.  Longest letter I have written in a while, huh? Say hi to everyone for me. I miss you most of all. Maybe once his contract is up here, I will drag him out to meet everyone and we can test his want to keep this up. -Yours Shield { @peacekeeper-xiv // Chance & Lloire }
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helenestonefist · 7 years
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Up came her shield right before the fire hit...but then it skipped off her. Turning, she watched the wall melt and her heart skipped a small beat. No fear in her gaze, no look on her features, she turned back to Ikara and noted the way the world bent to her calling. If she did turn on Chance, that wouldn't end well. So she started to walk to the side and put a closer distance to him; counting that he could hold off.
"Beta might come looking for ya, Ikara. Can you imagine if he did? What they'd do to him? " Her glove flexed around the handle of her sword. "He has a gift with tech. They'd break him. Just like they broke me, yeah? Remember that? Still got that carved on me."
Closer still and keeping a steady distance to not draw attention; her hand poised near the trigger behind the shield. "I know you don't want to do this, yeah? Come home."
The Vanguards certainly kept Chance busy, but the first one fell to a crumpled heap, leaving him to deal with the other. It drew Ikara's attention enough that she pulled at all the lightning aether in the destroyed mech before it powdered down. Each time Helene spoke about Beta her aether flickered just for a moment. It was enough to disrupt any longer and more complex spells, but didn't stop her from lashing out, "SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH!" A bolt of lightning shot straight for Helene.
There was something cracking in the veneer of calm and nearly sociopathic behavior of the auri girl.
With the first machine destroyed, Chance took the fight to the remaining Vanguard. He didn't know the girl, he didn't know this Phoenix, and saying anything at all would likely undo what efforts Helene was taking. A soldier through and through, he focused on the tasks he had and let her focus on hers. As he fought he sought the remaining Garlean, trying to make sure he kept an eye on him so he did not slip away. No one was going to report back if he could help it, assuming they somehow won. Whoever this Phoenix was, Chance owed him a drink. Helene's use of the name might well be the difference between life and death for them.
Again, she lifted the shield to absorb the arch and the bolts ripped through the metal that wrapped her. Sparks danced off pauldrons, gloves and boots as the insulation below kept it off her form; though her hair lifted a little for it.
She shook it off and eased off the trigger. "They came for you, yeah? Everyone. All of 'em. And they wont stay down, Ikara. They are comin' for you again. He will be there with them. Yuti, Soren, Lloire, everyone." She took a few steps towards her and flicked her gaze to Chance. Then tossed her sword to the dirt. It fell with a thud and she kept her shield; choosing to hold her hand out. "Come on. Come back home with me. It's Starlight, yeah? Don't ya want to curl up with Beta and enjoy it for once?"
Chance continued to fight with the Vanguard, and it eventually fell, but where it fell, the Garlean realized he wasn't getting out alive and came to attack him. He would rather die by a sword than by that weapon's magic.
A viscious sneer crossed her face, "Yea, they came and they failed and ran away. Too late now. I'm where I belonged from the start." The mention of startlight had her aether sputtering and she shook her head, grabbing the side of it then her eyes lit up and she ripped the mask off, pure disdain in her eyes, "I don't need Starlight. Fuck Starlight. Fuck you!" Now the aether really started to gather. She was cracking, but it was making her start to overload instead of stop. A huge arcane symbol spread over the circle of earth and whatever it was that was about to fall on their heads was going to be nasty.
The mercenary was simply glad to be done with the mechas and was glad to oblige the remaining Garlean. He wanted to shout at Helene, having seen that look before on other's faces. He'd give her until his last foes was dead before he tried things his way. As much as he wanted to shout at her to remember what she'd promised, drawing attention to himself was a tactical error he just couldn't justify.
During this exhange she had made a key motion. Stepping closer to where Chance was and then stepping closer to Ikara. All of her anger and focus was drawing into that attack and unless she wanted to stop and try again, she was going to keep it.
Down Helene went into a crouch before her feet dug to sand and she pushed herself into a sprint -at- Ikara. The sword was added weight. She had to drop it. The ground she had been on was too soft, she had to move. And now her finger was on the trigger of the magitch device tucked away behind the shield and if Ikara stayed her ground to burn her down, as she guessed? Then the barrier was going to launch up like a wide disc while she sought to either knock the girl straight off her feet in a solid hit or hope the magic would echo off it and do the same.
The Garlean went down without much of a fight at all. If anything he had been seeking his death. Chance had plenty of time to see Helene launch herself at Ikara.
For her part Ikara was absorbed in the spell. It was huge and took a lot of focus. The air wavered and shook and even those without aether senses could feel how wrong the air was. Chance could see the aether spiking off of the small auri, but not just that... it was leaking off of her in waves. She could have been a star unto herself with how much she was drawing in her anger. The shield came straight into contact with her horns and the backlash of aether from the spell going awry sent ripples through the air collapsing the earthen walls and knocking them all to thier backsides. They would recover much quicker than Ikara though as her small size and slight frame lent to her physical frailty.
Chance ended up on his ass but after half a heartbeat and realizing he was neither ash nor missing any limbs he jumped back to his feet and rushed over to where the Auri girl and Helene were. He twisted the blade in his hands, ready to bring the flat of it down on her skull if she so much as moved towards either of them. He had to fight off the urge to vomit from the amount of aether in the air but forced himself to keep his lunch. However it had worked, somehow, their plan seemed to have succeeded.
[ @peacekeeper-xiv // Chance 》 @wicked-virtue // Ikara ]
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