#yuti Kyis
claihn · 5 years
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Before the Ceremony Yuti & C’laihn | 15.12.2019
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yutikyis · 6 years
 The Beds were a comfortable place. Yuti had always felt that way. Simple. Safe. She had found herself wandering them quite often these days, looking for a house for sale. Yet today it was little more than a distraction. Her eyes drifted over the houses without seeing them. She followed familiar paths without much thinking about it. She knew several who lived or had lived in the Beds and her body could follow the simple paths without her thinking about it. Her mind was focused on Lain.
Where was he?
He’d gone hunting. That was normal. Yet he hadn’t come back. That wasn’t. She’d known him to be gone for some time. Maybe he’s hurt.
She didn’t want to think about that. After what had happened to him recently. Hurt and hurt again. Not to mention that strange encounter he’d had. What if his luck had run out? Vincent had said he was fine the last he’d seen him but... that only made her worry more. The idea of Lain being hurt was awful.
Maybe he was tired of you.
That thought lingered in her mind. Every time it did she would brush her hand against her beret, where the ring he’d given her was entwined with the earring. He’d promised. She couldn’t imagine him breaking that promise. She just couldn’t. He was Lain. He’d told her differently. The scary thing was... she trusted him. It had been hard to. She kept expecting him to leave. To get bored. To vanish. To decide she wasn’t good enough. Yet he hadn’t. Not yet. For him to disappear now... it made no sense. So she did trust him. She knew that if he wasn’t back yet it wasn’t because of her. So why was that worse? Maybe because she couldn’t blame herself. It was a comfortable thing to blame herself. Egotistical and self-centered perhaps but comfortable. She could know in her heart that someone was safe, even if it wasn’t with her. This was worse. It was not knowing. She loved to learn but it was also something that helped comfort against the unknown. To learn. To be educated. To be aware. To avoid being blindsided and caught off guard. She had known people whose lovers or family had vanished never to be seen. Carried off by voidsent or Garleans or gods knows what else. The constant wondering, they said, was always the worst.
Yet that was still self-centered. Lain needed her. Yet she had no idea what to do. He wasn’t answering. He wasn’t anywhere nearby. She’d taken a trip to Ishgard but had found no sign of him. He was... somewhere. He had to be. But where? She pictured him alone. Hurt. Helpless. She closed her eyes and tried to force the image out of her head. He was fine. He would be fine. He was probably just doing something silly. That had to be it. That had to be. He’d show up in a day or two having lost track of time and with a big prideful grin on his face as he dropped off an entire Zu for dinner. Maybe he was dead. Yuti felt her heart stop. Felt like the color drained from the world. Felt empty and hollow. He couldn’t be. He couldn’t. He was Lain. He was... Yet why wouldn’t it be the case? That was back to the egotistical thinking. Lain was hers and so he couldn’t die. Not so randomly and tragically and pointlessly. Yet what made her different from the countless men and women who had suffered tragedy. They weren’t her but she wasn’t special. She wasn’t the star of a story. She felt tears welling up and panic building. She had to be somewhere. She had to. She ran through the beds, desperate to get away from the streets. She wanted to teleport but as frightened as she was she didn’t know she could do it successfully. She pushed her way, stepping off the main pathway and looked for somewhere private, somewhere empty. There. A house. No placard in front of it. A tiny wood cabin, overgrown with weeds. Windows shattered and broken. Judging by the shape of it, it had been someone’s vacation cottage before... something. Yuti didn’t care. She approached it and tried the door. It was mercifully open and she slipped inside, out of the horrible cheer of the sunlight and into the comforting musty darkness. She slipped into a corner and dropped to her knees, slipping to the ground and resting her head against her forehead. Her eyes were tightly closed and behind them danced the infurating, wonderful, smiling Miqo’te who she loved with all her heart. He was coming back. He was Or Twelve help whoever took him from her.
(tagging @claihn for character)
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wicked-virtue · 6 years
So this happened...
Soren finally proved Lloire right...
A long time ago in a far away land of my old tumblr (here) there was a bonus gif of What Lloire thinks of Soren....
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It happened....
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( With @yutikyis @waitingrose @foxracinggurl  @invalmos-kha @peacekeeper-xiv ) 
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waitingrose · 6 years
Dread Pirate Beret, Th’Red!
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Kaiden watched as the sea was lifted in front of him; both hues going wide. “Oh! That’s so cool!” Back to her his attention fell and he smiled brighter for the amusement in the moment. “I know how that is. Seen plenty a’sailors snatch up th’fish by th’tail or..or throw a spear, ya know!?” He made the motion as if he had one. “But usin’ magicks like that! Sould make for some fun fishin’! Uh, ya know, if ya didn’t have one single fish ya needed t’get.” He frowned some. “I ain’t good at fishin’ but uh, we could try usin’ my sash here t’net it? Maybe?” Yuti laughs gently and nods her head in agreement. "I've s-seen such things. I know a f-few fishermen w-who could probably do it b-but I'm a-afraid if I call for help it'll go missing..." she worried at her lip. "A-and finding a single fish in the sea is... w-well!" She paused and looked up at him, covering her mouth quickly. "B-but it would get all wet, wouldn't it?"  Kaiden chuckled. “Aye, that fishy fish would swim out t’sea an’ never look back! Might turn inta’ some big fish some day an’ ya would have t’charter a ship t’hunt it down. Lose a leg in th’process, chunk missin’ out yer tail. Become a Pirate captain named uh…” he eyed the beret she wore. “Dread Pirate Beret, Th’Red! Never catchin’ that one fishy that stole th’key to yer treasure!” Back to the waters he looked and started to until the sash from around his head. “Don’t ya worry non, Miss! I’m a Pira—Privateer an’ I ain’t upset ‘bout gettin’ a little sea on me!” His accent was an amalgamation of various Limsans and it shifted here and there in strange ways. Yuti burst into laughter after his story, her eyes alight with excitement. "Aye, matey," she said in what was quite possibly the worst Limsa accent to ever exist. "I be huntin' down t-them s-scurvy s-seadogs who p-plundered my booty," she pirated with a grin. "T-the scourge of the s-seas I'd be, leavin' b-behind crimson in my wake!" Her smile faded slightly at his words and she tilted her head to the side. "I-if you're sure... I d-do want to avoid losing it if I can..." Yuti burst into laughter after his story, her eyes alight with excitement. "Aye, matey," she said in what was quite possibly the worst Limsa accent to ever exist. "I be huntin' down t-them s-scurvy s-seadogs who p-plundered my booty," she pirated with a grin. "T-the scourge of the s-seas I'd be, leavin' b-behind crimson in my wake!" Her smile faded slightly at his words and she tilted her head to the side. "I-if you're sure... I d-do want to avoid losing it if I can..."   { @yutikyis }
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arrrrrtsage · 7 years
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Thank you Yuti for being my first customer! Love your kitty and you’re a good friend xD
Character: Yuti Kyis for @yutikyis ;3
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helenestonefist · 7 years
‘Tis the Season
A moderately sized wooden crate was delivered to the front door of the Peace residence early one morning. There were clear instructions to ensure that it was delivered with care and handed off only to Lloire. A description was provided and if he was not home, the man was paid to remain there until he returned. Nestled within the confines of the crate was a slumbering form with a purple string tied around their wrist.The card that was attached to it read in simple writing:
“Merry Starlight, Lion.                -Shield”
Helene watched as a few of the kids chased one another around the Reach. Calls of laughter and cries of defeat echoed against the walls to bring about the sense of normality that was just starting to seep back into the people. Merchants were busy selling their wares now that their shipments were moving in regularly. The healing camps had seen a decrease in volume. There were more and more people coming to help rebuild this location when not busy with Ala Mhigo and amidst all that, they were putting up a Starlight tree. “Helene!” She snapped out of her distraction as the rope in her hand was tugged from behind. Glancing back, she noted Chance was towing most of the weight. “Sorry!” She turned back to the tree and dug her heels in to help him pull the massive pine up so that the others could lock it in place. They let the rope fall and dusted their palms off from the loose twine that collected in their grip.
“Looks good, yeah?” “Sure.” A man wandered over to the pair with a piece of paper in hand and a rather cheerful espression across his features. “Miss Stonefist?” “Aye?” “Package delivered for you. Too big to carry here so pick it up when you can! Came with this!” Helene took the note from him and turned it over in her grasp. Immediately, she recognized the signature at the bottom. Yuti. She had sent over a weapon and shield for her and they were being held at the main tent until she could claim them. “Yuti.” Her thumb grazed the name and she let out a soft exhale. Her heart was hurting for those she left behind and more so for her dear friend. “Someone you know?” Chance lofted a brow to her. “Aye. Close friend.” One more look towards the tree and she seemed to smile wide enough that the freckles tightened over. With all that had happened, with every moment stolen or shared, she was thankful that her family back home was complete again. Minus one redhead. { @peacekeeper-xiv // Chance II @yutikyis II @wicked-virtue // Ikara }
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cadrenebula · 7 years
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Random screens from the last few days of RP fun.
@michisilver @helenestonefist @ikara-esho @yutikyis
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invalmos-kha · 6 years
Yggdrasil: Name nine of the most important things/people in your life?
( Putting my answer under the cut since it’s fairly long. )
Rathorin: “Nine things or people, huh? First off is my wife, Aeritria, she’s the most important person in my life. I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for her. She almost literally turned me into a whole different person. She’s closely followed by my sister Miya. Though we’re not as close as we used to be, she’s still my sister and she’ll always be important to me. The third thing would probably have to be my weapons, namely, my daggers and katana. In fourth would be my piano skills with the fifth being my cooking skills. I don’t believe I’d really be able to recognize myself without them. I…don’t think there’s anything else, really. I’m sure you were expecting some long list that I’d struggle to make, but unfortunately that isn’t the case.”
Kona: “Oh, nine things? That’s a good question. To start things off at the top of my list would be someone I hold close to my heart. I’m sure it’d embarrass her or something to that effect, but my dear, dear friend who, oddly enough, is my ex-girlfriend, Yuti Kyis. She’s a huge part of my life and someone who influenced me greatly. Anyone that knows me would know that I wasn’t the same person after meeting her. Second, would be someone who’s becoming quite important to me. Aki Arashi, she really knows how to have fun and it’s really infectious! I always have fun when I’m around her. With her help I’m finding a new way to live life that doesn’t include a whole bunch of fighting. My third thing would be any and all sweets. Oh Twelve, do I love sweets. There’s so many different kinds and flavors that you could go your whole life without having the same thing twice! The fourth thing for sure would be my fighting abilities. There isn’t anyone that knows me that doesn’t know that I absolutely love fighting whether it be a small sparring match or a full blown battle. Hmmm, fifth would definitely be my friend L’ania. At first I did have feelings for her that leaned towards more than friends, but now it feels like she’s more like a little sister. I’ll admit there are still lingering feelings, but I guess that’s just the romantic in me. That’s pretty much it for me. I didn’t get to nine, but I got pretty close!”
Cyrus: “That’s a…difficult question. Honestly, I don’t have too much that’s important to me. My position in the Immortal Flames and magical aptitude is pretty much it. Apologies for not being as exciting as the two above me. I suppose I’m just a workaholic.”
L’ander: “My sisters, L’ania and L’anna, for sure! They work so hard to keep me out of trouble, even if it doesn’t work some times. My bow is really important to me too. As a member for a hunting tribe, it’s as much a part of me as my limbs. Oh! Oh! My new friend Ikara! She’s really cool and pretty and really fun. I wanna go on more adventures with her soon! Um, um, uhhh, important…important…I guess baths? Baths are important right? Yeah! Baths cause they keep you clean and you won’t stink really bad if you take them! How could I forget my hunting ability? I worked super hard on it and if that doesn’t mean it’s important than I don’t know what is! Being able to track all sorts of animals and shoot beasts down with a single shot is mega important. Like…life or death important. I think that’s everything, but if I think of something I’ll come back and tell you!”
Thanks for the ask, @wicked-virtue !
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claihn · 5 years
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The Ceremony Yuti & C’laihn | 15.12.2019 Now the next adventure begins...
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yutikyis · 6 years
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A huge huge thanks to the wonderful @onidephor for this AWESOME and wonderful art!
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wicked-virtue · 6 years
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( @yutikyis​ )
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sorryyuti · 7 years
Transcript: Crystal Recovery (2nd Attempt)
“I am v-very proud of all of you! I h-had to admit I had my concerns but you pulled through wonderfully! I j-just got the report back that you succeeded on the mission! The crystals have all been safely recovered!” “Ah. Yah. We a-ah. We sure did.” “Yes. We did. Absolutely! With flying colors!” “... Y-you s-seem a little down? I-is something wrong?” “Well... ah...” “Ya see, Commander, w-we went in like you said...” “All three of us...” “A-and Nanasomi was wit us for real dis time...” “Excellent! I k-knew if you worked as a team you c...” “I’m not sure I ken call dat ‘teamwork’ ma’am.” “W-what do you mean?” “Well, ma’am, we intend’d to sneak in as we were ordered but...” “... b-but?” “... Well, Nanasomi he...” “I shot them, Miss Yuti!” “O-oh, you had to fight? I’m s-sorry, I know it was... “Nah, nah, Commander, yer misunderstandin’. He shot ‘em. All.” “... w-what?” “I ain’t never seen a bow used like that, ma’am. Was like the boy was firin’ three shots e’ry time he drew up his string.” “I shot them all, just like you said to do in training!” “... s-so you’re s-saying...” “Well, ma’am, we succeeded! Gloriously! B-because... all of the opposition was dead.” “... I see. W-what did you do while Nanasomi was... um... winning?” “Well, seeing that Nana had it well in hand, I decided the best thing to do would be to remain at a saf-” “She cow’rd behind me the entire time and t’be honest Commander I don’t blame ‘er. I wish I coulda been cowerin’ behind somethin’ myself.” “I was not COWERING. You are simply larger and more heavily armored. It was *common sense.*” “And all tha’ whimperin’ and ‘by the twelve what sort of beast’ and “the hells thems-” “That’s enough of that!” “I did good, didn’t I Miss Yuti?” “A-ah... w-well... y-yes, I suppose you did, Nana...” “Hooray! I did go~od! Mimi is going to be so proud! I’m going to get a cake! Dismissed!” *there is the quiet sound of shuffling and a door closing* “... I t-think I’m the one who is supposed to say when we’re dismissed.” “Speakin’ for meself and Cecily here, I think we’re fine wit’ not arguin’ wit’ dat boy.” IN SMALL LETTER BENEATH THE TRANSCRIPT: “Priority Mission: Crystal Recovery: Success!” In recognition for her services to the Maelstorm, Yuti Kyis has been granted the honorary title of First Storm Lieutenant. 
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winterdeepelegy · 7 years
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“You!  Stupidly tall Ijin!”  A Hingan woman yelled from somewhere close by, but Frost paid her little mind at first until she called again.  “You with the dark skin!”
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“Yes you!”  Some few yalms to his left, a vertically challenged Hyur lady of advanced years and dark hair streaked with the silver of age waved for him to approach.  “Come this way!” With some reluctant obedience, Frost approached her only to be stopped while she paced around him and looked him up and down.  “Good.  You come inside now.” “Ahh... what for?” he asked hesitantly.  She didn’t look like she meant any harm, but for all he knew, the woman had a handful of ninja waiting inside her shop to accost him for whatever reason.  “I need an Ijin!  And you’re stupidly tall enough I can make clothes for Ijin of your size,”  she insisted, again making a shooing motion toward the door of the shop. “Fine...”
Inside, following some awkward back and forth between the two, the seamstress convinced him to strip down to his smallclothes, but her reasons were blessedly quick for the equally awkward placement of hands in a couple of instances.  Measurements were taken down, and he was just as soon sent back out and told to come back the following day. And he did... lest, he fear, the vicious little woman send someone to hunt him down and drag him back.  And again she ushered him back to the fitting area, this time placing a set of clothes in his hand with the expectation that he should try it on.
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“Good!”  This woman he hardly knew seemed chipper for the first time since his encounter the day prior.  “See in the mirror!” Frost turned to have a look at what manner of ridiculousness she’d forced him into but... truly, he found he liked it.  Most of it.  “Can we do without the hat?” “No! Hat comes with it!”  she yelped, causing the Duskwight to flinch reflexively.  “Since you were such a good help, you can have this set for a discount. 12,000 gil.” Frost thought for a moment, “Will it be discounted again if I say I don’t want the hat?” The seamstress sputtered and muttered something in the local tongue, and pointed a bony finger at him.  “Hat goes with it! 12,000!” “Alright, alright...” Frost dug for the coin from a pouch where he left the rest of his clothes and paid the woman.  He waited until he was well out of sight before he removed the hat, just in case, tucking it away where he would never give it a second thought.
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komainu-no-hana · 7 years
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When RNGesus says fuck you to your attempts at being a badass villain.
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Part 1 of the Ceremony of Bonding between Yuti Kyis and C’laihn Venator! Congratulations!
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rerikyis · 7 years
The Basics:
❖ Name: Reri Kyis ❖ Age: 44 ❖ Deity: The Twelve, in theory ❖ One good trait: Irrepressible confidence ❖ One bad trait: Completely tactless
❖ One bad habit:  Enjoys needling and ticking people off.
❖ One good habit: Tells the truth regardless of consequences
❖ One habit they can’t break: Wanderlust
❖ One they’ve broken:  Sneaking away without informing anyone.
❖ What they’re afraid of:  Weakness.
❖ Their parents names: Mother: Who knows?  Father: Some Worthless Nuhn
❖ Their siblings names: Does not know, does not care.
❖ Other relations: Nahtu’to Kyis (Mate) Yuti Kyis (Daughter) Nahtu’a Uwa (Mate-Brother)  Saan Uwa (Mate-Sister) Nira Uwa (Niece)
❖ Favorite childhood memory: Her Seeker tribe intended to induct her fully on her twelfth nameday. The night before she snuck into the house where they were keeping the ceremonial foods. She ate the specially prepared meat intended for the Nuhn, filled her sack with supplies, and stole a sackful of gil and a bow. She was gone before sunup, not even the guards the wiser. She never saw any of them again. The only good memory she has of her tribe.
❖ Favorite childhood toy: A small ornate dagger she was given on her sixth nameday.
❖ Embarrassing story: She ended up on a small island while working as a mercenary. While there she met a staggeringly handsome and charming Miqo’te boy. Normally it wouldn’t have meant much to her but for some reason or another she was completely taken by him. They stayed up all night together, he read her (terrible) poetry and she giggled and blushed and swooned like a schoolgirl. The other members of the mercenary band teased her so badly she ended up breaking two noses and one arm in the next morning. 
❖ Favorite family member:   Nahtu’to Kyis, her mate
❖ A story about that family member: 
.One day a chimera being transported by pirates got loose on her island when the pirate’s ship docked there for supplies. Reri had to take a large group of both her own hunters and the pirates out to take the creature down. When she returned home, scorched, electrocuted and frozen, she found Nahu waiting for her. He’d crafted a necklace, each link carved with a stylized representation of part of the battle, each focused on Reri. He’d followed her into the woods and had remained nearby for the entire battle, working with his tools even as the battle raged and near-miss of the Chimera’s flaming breath had badly burned his arm.  It remains Reri’s fondest memory of him.
What they prefer:
❖ Coffee or tea? Coffee. Alcohol goes much better with it and it wakes you up instead of putting you down.
❖ Showering in the day or night?  After a good hunt. It isn’t like she’s particularly afraid to get a bit dirty. Usually at night then.
❖ Taking baths or taking showers? Shower. Faster, less time wasted, you can keep a weapon nearby in case you get jumped. Plus a good waterfall feels great. 
❖ Writing or reading? Writing if she has to. She’s more interested in her own thoughts than others. 
❖ Platonic or romantic love? Platonic. Romance is too much trouble. Possible exception for Nahu but she considers it a lot of trouble still. 
❖ Iced tea or lemonade? Neither! Ugh. 
❖ Ice cream or smoothies? Ice Cream. Tastes good, comes in bunches of flavors, nobody complains if you eat it quick. 
❖ Cupcakes or cake? Why would you go for the cup when you could have the whole cake? 
❖ Beach or mountains? Mountains are for fun, beaches are for relaxing. You meet a lot more interesting prey up in the mountains. 
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