#Hey im a shitposter on the internet take what I say with a grain of salt
heistank · 3 years
Oh Boy, here I go giving my thoughts on the internet! So with "Gang of Secrets" having come out recently I have seen a plethora of cool content for it from fics to art, etc.. Here's one thing I have seen multiple times when the subject of who should have known Ladybug's identity first. "What about Chat Blanc" this is what I have observed to be the main counterargument to Chat Noir finding out first. And I can see that, Ladybug still remembers a broken world and an akumatized Chat Noir telling her that it was their love that destroyed it. Now I look at this scenario from multiple angles, we know that if they were to reveal themselves Marinette would know Adrien is Chat Noir and no doubt we would get the fulfillment of the Lovesquare. The main driving factor of the argument is Marinette's remembrance of the akumas events so let's look at that. Marinette 1. knows that it's a now destroyed timeline, 2. We can assume that Marinette is smart enough to realize that her gift sparked the whole chain of events, as Bunnix would not have brought her back to erase her name thus cluing Ladybug into the start of the alternate timeline. Marinette does not want Chat Blanc to happen and thus does not reveal herself causing them to fall in love. Unfortunately, we have established that Marinette is intelligent (THIS IS A JOKE SLOW YOUR ROLE IT IS NOT UNFORTUNATE ITS JUST COMEDY!). She can correctly assume that the alternate timeline is now impossible as it has been deleted and the event causing it has been amended. So I don't believe Chat Blanc holds as much water as people seem to think it does well in my opinion what do I know I'm a shitposter on the internet. I've started to come around to the reveal, the homie in me feels for Chat Noir, but I get it now. This isn't salt on any character I think Alya salt is cringe. I think both characters are equally important to Marinette (I hope). Also, I would like to point out Chat has gone to the Movies twice now and both have been interrupted imagine having no time to hang with friends, and every time you try it just falls on its face. I feel for my main man. On the bright side, however, both times were with Marinette so you Marichat shippers out there can dream!
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