deathbykana · 3 years
kana’s a little messy at this point. a little to loose, a little too friendly, a little too everything. to no one’s surprise, she let herself have more drinks and trips to the ladies room to ‘powder’ her nose than she had intended and now she’s on cloud nine, floating above it all with a smile and freshly refreshed drink in hand. she’s talking too loud. she can tell that everyone around her wants her to just shut up but she can’t make herself no matter how hard she tries. 
it’s commonplace, people being annoyed with her. she’s used to the stares and the looks friends give to one another before slipping away without another word. it’s not like she cares enough about these people to really take into consideration what they think about her. (in reality, she does take it into consideration but then promptly decides that it’s dumb to think about what other people think and skips away to find some more new friends for the night). as long as kana is having fun and is having the night she wants to have, let people stare all they want. it won’t stop her. 
what does stop her (in her tracks)  though is an angel. it has to be an angel; long blonde hair falling to the small of her back with a white dress that’s tight enough to show of her little waist and miles and miles of long legs that seem even unending with the laced up heels on her feet. she’s laughing at whatever the guy next to her has said, placing her dainty hands on his forearm, letting pieces of her hair fall over her shoulder just so to show the man she’s interested. call it the drugs or alcohol or general stupidity that kana always seems to get at this point in the night but she has to go introduce herself to this mystical being. 
kana peels herself off of whatever dance partner she currently has, not thinking twice about the hand that tries to grab onto her and pull her back to the dance floor. her minds already going a million miles a minute trying to think of just what to say to the angel at the bar. kana isn’t even taking in the faces around her once she stops on the girl’s other side, angling herself to get not only the bartenders attention but to also get hers. 
“i’m so sorry, i really hate to interrupt,” she starts, loving that she gets to interrupt. “but you look awfully familiar.” kana flashes her a smile that typical has girls intrigued if not hooked. “have i seen you around -” she cuts herself off as she takes in the face of the person next to her. the person the angel was obviously into before kana could make her way over. “yohan, wow. surprised to see you here.” kana grits her teeth and feels her nails digging into her palms ever so slightly. let the games begin.
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deathbykana · 3 years
event starter for @d3throned
at this point in her night, kana needs a few things. 
one: she needs a stiff drink. she’s in a rocky mood, a feeling she can’t shake off for the life of her. she arrived at the event later than she wanted to due to traffic (and poor self time management skills) which wasn’t a great way to start the night. her dress is tight, how she likes it to be, and her makeup is smoked out at the eyes. deep red lip and too much highlighter. getting ready surely hadn’t helped how long it took to actual arrive at break of dawn. it was a route she knew well to get to the club, one she has taken many times at night in taxis even when she’s been too far gone to actually pay attention to anything but the lights zooming by outside the window. but now that she’s here, her hand is woefully empty.
two: she needs a buddy for the night. normally, her nights at the club are spent going directly to b4 to spend her nights on the dance floor with whatever group of friends she makes for the night. she almost never hangs out with the same crowd, save for a few people here and there. she goes in with a goal in mind and leaves with fun memories of people whose names kana will never remember. 
three: she needs a distraction. of course coming to the club for some big entertainment party meant running into her: what’s her name from what’s that movie who wouldn’t stop blowing up her phone after hooking up that one time a few months ago. kana first spots her as she’s getting a jack and coke. it’s like she can feel someone watching her, so she looks up and sure enough, there she is. kana made a quick bee line for the dance floor but couldn’t seem to shake her. that’s where she found him.
“hey, you.” kana says, grabbing his arm and turning him around to face her. “i’m desperate, and i don’t say that lightly.” she downs the last of her drink and smacks his arm like they’re the best of friends before laughing like he said something hysterical. “please just act like you actually wanna talk to me so i can make this crazy old flame get away from me. i’ll go and get you whatever you want from the bar just please,” she turns on the old tide and true puppy dog eyes, “help me out here.”
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deathbykana · 3 years
she felt weightless, limbs loose and eyelids drooping, blood thrumming steadily through her veins. if she focused enough, she could swear that her feet would melt through the floor. it had been a long night, a good night, but long. the drinks were flowing and the drugs were being passed around like candy and the music was booming loud enough to rattle her ear drums.
nights like these were perfect. just enough mischief for kana to forget any sort of responsibility that she had, few as they may be. but this is where the hard part kicks in. when the sun is rising and her fellow partiers are dropping like flies back to their apartments to get the tiniest bit of sleep, and all kana wants to do is keep going and going and going.
but now she wasn’t at the club. the night had quieted down and she was more hungry than she ever could have imagined and there she was, staring down ramen options in a convenience store. the light above her head was flickering. it was about to go out and she can’t help but feel like she related to it. barely hanging on but still there, about to go out for good but never quite getting there. she didn’t like to feel pathetic, didn’t like feeling as if she was one blow away from falling apart, like she was one push away from crumbling. but it was nights (mornings?) like this one that remind her of just how fragile her reality was.
as relatable as the flickering light was, all it was doing now was pissing her off.
“fuck off,” she muttered under her breath in a dulled frustration, her head tilting back to glare at the offending light. she heard an intake of breath and whipped around, surprised to see another person there. “shit, sorry. that wasn’t at you.”
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deathbykana · 3 years
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[ MOMO ] ‘Scientist’ (211114)
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deathbykana · 3 years
one shot, two shot.
- solo para - setting: a random club on a “payday”; 2021 - tw: mentions of alcohol & drug use
packing up her briefcase on a friday evening was always kana’s favorite thing to do. she would work in the same practiced routine: one last check on her work emails before closing her laptop and packing it away, putting whatever papers on her desktop into their respective folders, turning off her desk lamp, and bidding goodbye to the president on her way out of the office with a bow and a “see you on monday”. having the routine was nice, a way to signify that her real fun was about to commence. 
the subway is crowded, 7pm seoul as busy as ever with couples going out for date night dinners, people heading home from long days at work, high schoolers on their way to cram school. kana snagged herself a corner at the end of the car and was pressed into the corner, one hand holding onto the hand loop above her, the other scrolling through instagram on her smartphone. with a lurch, the subway came to a stop and she pushed her way through the crowd, her skin already starting to buzz with a playlist blasting loudly through her headphones and the night life coming alive around her. 
with a wave to the doorman, kana got onto the elevator to take her up to her apartment. taking off her skirt and blazer was the first thing she wanted to do. it was like being stripped of her day time identity. her hair would come out of it’s slicked back bun, her pantyhose taken off without a care if they ripped from a small snag, her sensible work heels kicked to a corner in her shoe room. that outfit, that vibe, was absolutely not who kana was. but it was a role she had to play. and now, it was time to put on a new outfit, a new set of armor for the night ahead of her.
her dress was inky black against her pale skin, the fabric sleek and slippery with enough of a peek of her legs and breasts to keep people staring when she wanted them to. kana’s hair fell down in waves around her shoulders, slightly curled from where it had been wound in a bun all day. too inpatient to wait, kana adjusted her makeup rather than start afresh, adding dark shadow around her eyes and a burnt red to her lips, dabbed her roll on perfume behind her ears and on her wrists. her heels this time around were tall, almost intimidatingly so, but they were new and made her legs look long and thin and drew just enough attention. just like how she liked it. kana slammed back a shot of whiskey and then two more, just enough to get her veins tingling and her face warming up in preparation for what all was to come.
the raxi ride over to the club was silent, save for her nails clicking against her phone’s screen as she responded to the usual suspects who would be out that night. her phone would ding and yet another text would come in with a simple “i’m in” in regards to meeting up at the same club. kana loved having friends specifically for going out. there were less hang ups, less drama. everyone wanted the same thing: to go out and have a blast, no regrets.
the club was smoky. kana made her way throughout the shadows, mingling with strangers when she felt like it, flashing dangerous smiles when she’d catch their eyes. some people felt in their element when they were on the stage, with their loved ones, in a court room, in a studio. but this was where kana felt at home: in a crowded room with people and their lowered inhibitions, dripping with sweat and greed and desire. animal instincts and all that. it granted her a freedom to do whatever (whoever) she wanted without having to think about repercussions. everyone escaped to clubs for a reason, no?
fast forward 6 hours and this night was no different. her belly was full of too sweet champagne, her feet probably bleeding already from the strappy heels she decided she just had to buy for the occasion, her nose powdery, her heart fluttering like a tiny bird in an even tinier cage. the residual body heat from those around her on the dance floor keeping her feeling light and floaty, otherworldly. the girl bent over in front of her with her ass pressed deliciously into kana’s hips and skirt riding up just high enough for kana to feel and see how much she wanted her was a plus, too.
kana tilted her head back, bass pumping from the floor up into her veins to mix with the alcohol and drugs and lust already there. she brought her hand to run down the side of her own face, bringing it past the swell of her tits to land soundly on the ass of the girl in front of her. she slid it up the other girls back to tangle in her hair, pull her up and mouth at the side of her neck as she brought her lips to her ear.
“gotta go get a drink. be right back.” the girl visibly slumped at her absence but kana didn’t even notice, already turned to head back to her vip booth in the corner of the club. her friends for the night were two seconds away from needing to head to the bathroom for privacy with the way they were wrapped around each other. she couldn’t remember their names if she tried; she only just met them a few hours prior on the dance floor but never bothered to learn much about them. they were fun and excitable and everything she liked out of a crew for the night. kana chuckled at them before slamming back the rest of her cocktail that was on the table, grabbing a lone tequila shot that was left in the middle of the table from the body shots they were doing earlier. the light from her purse pulled a smile to her face. she knew what time it was. this was the other reason she loved friday so much.
the bank account notification was expected but not unwelcome. she took the opportunity to pull up her phone app and snap a selfie, tongue out against her top lip, winking with one eye, smirk tugging up at her cheek. she put it in two places. first, instagram. a quick story with a quick caption and a random filter. she watched as the notifications flooded in, people responding to it with a quick emoji, a fire, a heart, water droplets and an eggplant. the next place kana sent the picture to was to the man who sent her the money. she pulled up his contact, felt excitement bubble in her stomach as she looked at their previous text history: she’d send a flirty picture, something silly and uncalled for and all he’d respond with was a screenshot of a bank transfer. easy. kana attached this picture with a simple message before heading back out the dance floor where her partner was waiting for her.
“tell your wife hi.”
message delivered.
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deathbykana · 3 years
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kiyoko kana aesthetics 1/?: get to know me
“we were wild and fluorescent.”
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deathbykana · 3 years
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surprise, it’s daisy again (21+, she/her) and this here is kiyoko kana, president hong’s personal assistant, and i hope you all love her as much as i already do! boy howdy she’s a mess. but like! in a good way! i hope. she came to south korea to go to saebom on a full ride scholarship for being a smarty pants and now blackmails rich old men for their money after finishing her shift with the president. below is all of her intro info, per usual, so please like if you’d like to plot! you can always find me on discord @ daisydaisy#5293. now let me introduce you to the one and only, kana.
kiyoko kana, october 1, 1995
26 years old
born and raised in kyoto, japan with her mom, dad, and little sister (wanted connection ???)
her parents owned a chain of smaller grocery stores so they were “middle class”
really smart, like, insanely smart
tested into saebom on a full ride scholarship without missing a single question on the test but had to redo her 2nd year because credits from her old school didn’t transfer properly
kept to herself for a good part of her time at saebom because rumors started when she first got there about her only getting in because she slept with someone on the school board (untrue)
by keeping to herself for the most part, she was observant and learned all the ins and outs of the gossip and drama at school and prided herself on knowing everything about everyone
after graduation and during college, she became a bar back at a lesbian bar where she met Her, an older woman who she would hook up with frequently
turns out, she’s actually the wife of a powerful politician who has been paying her off ever since to keep quiet about the affair
kana took it upon herself to learn how to trade in secrets like she did at school and blackmail the elite of korean society
day time kana: blazer/skirt sets, sensible heels, hair in a bun at the nape of her neck as a government official
night time kana: belly full of liquor, nose full of powder, heels high and skirts short 
hot, slightly unhinged milf hunter extraordinaire
collects butterfly knives and daggers in her spare time
wanted connection ideas
little sister! i have her as being 4 years younger than kana (so born in 1999) but i’d be willing to change that if you want to change her age
your mom was the Hot Bar Milf that kana got with that started her on her blackmailing journey
exes that are both good, bad, and awful
government pals! and or not even pals but just like connections
party pals! kana goes out as often as she can and gets WILD (like i wouldn’t put it past her to stay out at a club until 6 or 7 am and then just go and get ready for work)
any and all hookups (she is very much a lesbian though so...)
any gals trying to figure out their sexuality that need someone to help them talk about it (or other stuff lbr...)
per usual, i’m always down for brainstorming! 
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deathbykana · 3 years
“You see, every man is a safe, a vault of secrets and longings. Now, there are those who take the brute’s way, but I prefer a gentler approach—the right pressure applied at the right moment, in the right place. It’s a delicate thing.”
Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo
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deathbykana · 3 years
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