#Hidaka meanwhile just wants to grin like yup he really went at me
ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
A health check up, the S4 squad is lined up in their underwear but the outer ends, Akiyama and Hidaka, have suspiciously matching bite and scratch marks all over their body. How will the rest of the clan react to this? And possibly the one doing the check ups?
I assume Fushimigets to skip this check up since he doesn’t have any underwear tostand around in. When Akiyama takes off his shirt and everyone seesthe bite marks he gets a little red and mumbles something about beingscratched by a cat Benzai brought in, Benzai raises an eyebrow butdoesn’t argue. Doumyouji’s like that must have been a really viciouscat Akiyama-san you’re really covered in marks and Akiyama’s allembarrassed and can’t look at anyone. The others start taking offtheir clothes and the finally they get to Hidaka at the end of theline and he just gives Akiyama this quick nervous glance beforepulling his shirt off, Fuse raises an eyebrow like oh so Hidaka gotattacked by the cat too. Hidaka would probably be more sheepish aboutit than anything, like the only thing keeping him from saying outloud who gave him all those scratches is the fact that poor Akiyamais mortified on the opposite end. Benzai continues to be a goodwingman and assures everyone that it was definitely the cat, pattingAkiyama’s shoulder soothingly. Then Hidaka’s like oh yeah that catwas rough with me and Akiyama just glares at him.
For extra fun sayMunakata’s the one doing the check ups and he does them one byone, calling the boys inside in alphabetical order and Akiyama iseven more embarrassed to be sitting there in front of the Captainhaving all his bruises and marks examined. Munakata just smilescalmly the whole time, not even phased or embarrassed even thoughAkiyama’s sitting there wanting to sink into the floor. Munakatadoesn’t say anything to him then, just keeps on going down the lineuntil he gets to Hidaka who also has some conspicuous rope burnsaround his wrists. Munakata asks Hidaka about the marks and Hidakamakes up some excuse, smiling brightly as he tells Munakata that it’snothing. All is well until Munakata goes to send the squad back towork, giving everyone a clean bill of health before adding ‘AndAkiyama-kun, please do not tie Hidaka-kun’s wrists so tightly lest hepermanently lose circulation and have difficulty handling his sword’and Akiyama just goes totally pale. Hidaka grins a little because heprobably likes that everyone knows who’s been marking him, he’s lesshappy when Munakata adds that he wants to see them both in his officeso he can properly give them the birds and the bees talk (Fushimioverhears this and probably smirks because if he had to sufferthrough the Talk everyone has to suffer through the Talk).
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