#Hinata Okada
purplesimmer455 · 4 months
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Hinata and Nanami exchanged vows and rings as their respective family members cried and clapped. They had a cute interaction where they accidentally bumped noses while kissing and Nanami was mortified, but Hinata reassured her and they tried again and had their first spousal kiss. 😊
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sardonicfactory · 5 months
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those plushies w magnets sewn inside so they can hold hands
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outsider-rodeo · 3 months
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fade-steppin · 1 year
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when ur best friend calls u out for being illiterate 😔
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koorinohebi · 2 years
Revamped Tags
So I remade my long-ass list of tags. They are under the cut because long. Anyway, I'm also going to remake my current shipping tags because I think they need to be revamped as well. So if you want a ship tag with Kiomi or any of the muses of this blog, feel free to like this post. Only requirement is that our muses have interacted.
=== Mun Tags ===
Beyond the Bounded Field || OOC Craft Essence || Commissioned Piece Limelight || Commission Drawing Board || My Art
=== General Purpose Tags ===
⩤ Throne of Heroes ⩥ Gallery ⩤ Unprompted ⩥ ⩤ Starter ⩥ ⩤ The Meme ⩥ ⩤ HQ Report : Dash Comm ⩥ ⩤ Simulation Room : Dash Games ⩥ ⩤ The Grind : Memes and Games ⩥ ⩤ Order Restored : Answered ⩥ ⩤ Dailies : Anon ⩥ ⩤ Attention : PSA ⩥ ⩤ Mystic eyes of .Crack. Perception ⩥ ⩤ tw : ⩥ ⩤ Inbox Call ⩥ ⩤ Preparing to Rayshift : Queue ⩥ ⩤ Take my Hand : Wishlist ⩥ ⩤ Drums of War : Music ⩥ ⩤ War Council : P . R . O . M . O. ⩥ ⩤ Loyalties : P.r.o.m.o ⩥ ⩤ Stashed ⩥ ⩥ Cont'd from x
=== Muse Tags ===
⩤ Blog Shenanigans ⩥ ⩤ Muse Commentaries ⩥ ⩤ Visage ⩥ ⩤ Saint Graph : Headcanons ⩥ ⩤ Battle Records : Aesthetics ⩥ ⩤ To each their own reveries : Musings ⩥ ⩤ Chaldea Lunchtime : Conversations ⩥ ⩤ Interlude : Drabbles ⩥
⩤ To each their own devices : Kiomi ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Kamo Serizawa ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Mitsuhide Akechi ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Takechi Zuizan ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Tanaka Shinbei ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Chen Gong ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Okuni ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Lanlan Fang ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Major Magatsu ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Major Reiter ⩥ ⩤ Echoes : Guest Muse ⩥
=== Verse Tags ===
⩤ Singularities : Main ⩥ ⩤ Remnants : AU ⩥ ⩤ Event Horizon : Crossovers ⩥
=== Friend Tags (Ever growing) ===
Arai-chan ⩤ Sarutobi Arai : Sister-in-Arms ⩥
Assortedsnacks ⩤ Touken Danshi : Kikkou Sadamune ⩥
Aurivore ⩤ Gilgamesh : Majesty Defined ⩥ ⩤ Kogil : Decadent Exuberance ⩥
Caemthe ⩤ Demon King of the Sixth Heaven : Oda Nobunaga ⩥
Gemsofchaldea ⩤ Jack : A Child Beloved ⩥ ⩤ Da Vinci-Chan : The Universal Beauty ⩥
Getsuruito ⩤ Momochi Tanba : The Great Ninja Master ⩥ ⩤ Pang Tong : The Fledgling Phoenix ⩥
Historias-Multorum ⩤ Hinata Hyuuga : Delicate Breeze ⩥ ⩤ Tsunade : Densetsu no Hime ⩥ ⩤ Izuna ⩥ ⩤ Shizune ⩥
Homeport ⩤ Sakamoto Ryouma : The Miracle Worker ⩥ ⩤ The Evil Mastermind : Takasugi Shinsaku ⩥ ⩤ Hizen Tadahiro : The Sharpest Edge ⩥
Kiicho ⩤ Kicho : Enchanting Pearl of Mino ⩥ ⩤ Nohime : Ties Severed ⩥ (Mitsuhide)
Lovedloyalty ⩤ A Saber Among Shadows : Okada Izo ⩥ ⩤ Alter Ego : Okada Izo ⩥ ⩤ Mori Nagayoshi : Blood Soaked Loyalty ⩥ ⩤ Beowulf : The Grendel Buster ⩥ ⩤ Leonidas : The King of Sparta ⩥ ⩤ Phantom : Angel of Music ⩥ ⩤ Shuichi : Spiral Bound ⩥ ⩤ Mephistopheles : Deals with the Devil ⩥
⩤ Hitokiri Izo : Hound of the Kinnoto ⩥ (Tosa) ⩤ Okada Izo : The Ghost of Tosa ⩥ (Redline) ⩤ Mori Nagayoshi : Demon of the Battlefield ⩥ (Blog Servants, Redline) ⩤ Old Man Li : Old and Strong ⩥ (Blog Servants, Redline)
Moonlightmagus ⩤ Yuuki : Friends Forever ⩥ ⩤ Na'amah : A Demon Dancing through Emotions ⩥
Mysticallities ⩤ Tristan : A vicious fairy knight ⩥ ⩤ Strange Amalgamation : Rintsuka ⩥ ⩤ Liber : The Ancient Arbitrator ⩥
Nobuverse ⩤ Chacha : A Radiance of Warmth ⩥ ⩤ Nobunaga Oda : The Avenging Fool of Owari ⩥ ⩤ Summer Nobunaga : Blazing Rockstar! ⩥ ⩤ Nagao Kagetora : The Dragon of Echigo ⩥ ⩤ Lancer Class : Mei Fan ⩥
⩤ Nobunaga Oda : Enemy at Honnouji ⩥ (Mitsuhide)
Nulltune ⩤ Hakuno : Shards of Moonlight ⩥
Madamhatter ⩤ Sophie : A Dutiful Heart ⩥
Soulsbetrayed ⩤ Avenger Class : Izou the Manslayer ⩥ ⩤ Touken Danshi : Tensho Koshirae ⩥ ⩤ Hosokawa Gracia : Beloved ⩥
Spookums ⩤ Witching Hour : Gabriella ⩥
Summoned-Anima ⩤ Ashiya Douman : The Humble Priest? ⩥
Super-Kame-Love ⩤ Aina Kichida : The Turtle Sage ⩥
Tenkoseiensei ⩤ Assassin Class : Yan Qing the Wingman ⩥
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pinkxcat · 4 years
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punkish48 · 5 years
AKB48 56th Single "Sustainable" Covers
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rukakikuchi · 5 years
Rehearsal footage for the 48 group’s “Jingi Naki Tatakai” stage play!
(Interview portion here)
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jyurineko · 5 years
AKB48 YouTube channel uploaded the complete version of “Sentimental Train” music video!
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purplesimmer455 · 4 months
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Back in the main universe, I decided to do an impromptu wedding for Piper’s cousin Hinata and her fiancée Nanami. They met as kids when Hinata, her moms, and her brother Izumi moved from Evergreen Harbor back to Japan to be closer to Hinata’s great-grandma Aya. Hinata and Nanami started dating in their teens and were going pretty strong until I found out that my game deleted Nanami and her family so I had to redownload them and give them a makeover. Now Hinata and Nanami are young adults (21) and getting married after having finished university.
I had the whole family go to club calico lounge and start the wedding ceremony. I invited Hinata’s moms, siblings, auntie Mizuki, grandparents on both sides, Nanami’s parents, her brother, and her maid of honor/her and Hinata’s friend Miki Akiyama. It was so last minute that I decided to just have fun and let whatever happen, like if sims wanted to dance to spooky music in their swimwear while eating a hot dog, let them. 😄
Nanami checks in with her parents while Hinata greets both sets of grandparents. “Nooboo, are you sure you want to move to Evergreen Harbor? You and Hinata could always move in with us.” Her dad Naoki says. “Yes, I’m sure dad. Hina was born and raised in Evergreen Harbor til she moved to Mt. Komorebi, and she says it’s great and we can raise our future kids there when we’re ready to have them. Plus, I’ll visit you and mom as much as I can.” Nanami says, smiling. “We’ll miss you so much.” Megumi adds, and Nanami blinks backs tears, trying not to smudge the makeup her mom-in-law Juliet helped her do earlier. Naoki nods, blinking back tears as well, and he and Megumi hug their youngest nooboo.
Nanami didn’t always have the best relationship with her parents. Growing up, her mom was a former champion skier and her dad was a well known businessman who cared more about making a lot of money than his family, and since Nanami had gotten some of her mom’s talents and skills, they had pushed her to pursue the same path. Nanami didn’t mind at first because she loved skiiing for fun and thought her mom was so cool when she skied, but she started to hate the rigorous competition and training and getting up early. At a certain age, she started to rebel and act out in small ways that ended up escalating when she would swipe items from places, although it got better when she met a new girl who moved to Mt. Komorebi named Hinata, who called her out on it and asked her why she’d do that. Nanami had confided in her and they’d bonded and became friends, plus Hinata’s moms had become like moms to her too over the years, they were firm but caring and always checked in on her. In her teens, she and her brother Kiyoshi had opened up to their parents after a massive fight Kiyoshi had with them, saying that he and Nanami weren’t like them, and neither of them wanted to be, and Nanami had taken his side. Naoki and Megumi had felt so ashamed when they realized how miserable their kids were, and vowed to do better by them, with Naoki admitting he hadn’t been a good father or husband, and Megumi adding she hadn’t been perfect either, by trying to make the kids like her as well. Slowly, the four of them rebuilt their relationship, and now they’re close knit.
Also since this is chaotic anyway, here’s a photo of me trying to choose a wedding arch. 😅😄
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okdnn · 5 years
Okada Nana’s Mail February 8th 2019
February 8th
( Good evening ~ z z z )
Today for tomorrow
I will do my best ! in lot of things !
It’s been a while since I perform twice a day at theatre…
so excited & nervous …
Normal audience & female limited audience
I’m looking forward to both of the show(* ´ ▽ ` *)
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Today too GanbariEureka ! I’m off !
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I'm sure it will be alright
For once again I realized how amusing human is …
Even though human will meet their end someday
They live the “now” to the fullest
That part of it ! is very amusing !
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My throat. is hurt today(;A;)Ueeee
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I wonder what does “Arigo”
in『 JyagaArigo 』that’s very populer now
( ° ω ° )mysterious ! I want to know !
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I want to meet Honma Hinata chan …
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marx48 · 5 years
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yagura-nao · 6 years
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For Weekly Playboy
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random48fan · 6 years
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pinkxcat · 5 years
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voz48reloaded · 7 years
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「Weekly Playboy」No.33 2017
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