dravatti · 2 years
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Trolltober2022/13 - Conflict Mazheek found himself so obsessed with the Bat Loa he wanted nothing else than to be able to turn into a bat himself. Unfortunately for him, shapeshifting requires worship of Gonk, who he ditched seconds after gaining his blessing of Shapes, and once more declared himself Hir’eek’s most loyal follower.  But the Loa are fickle and they don’t like to share - and Mazheek lost both Gonk’s and Hir’eek’s blessings. Vandalizing murals with painting one Loa over another isn’t exactly helping. 
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ehkkoart · 1 year
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Yaema, priestess of Hir'eek for my lovely friend Belethe 💙
Please don't repost my work! my site | my twitter | my socials
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byrjl · 1 year
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Listens to One Way or Another from Hocus Pocus 2 Listens to One Way or Another from Hocus Pocus 2 Listens to One Way or Another from Hocus Pocus 2 Listens to-
LISTEN... It just made me think of a Witherbark Hir'eek lady, so I made a rough sketch.
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leahdarkspear · 1 year
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"Fraid of di dark, likkle ting?"
Leah finds herself in the presence of the spirit of Hir'eek.
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lycisca · 3 years
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Tra’zui and Hir’eek for my druid pal, @irrelevantpopsicle over on AF!
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crisasthewakener · 5 years
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Comfy Pajamas!
Done with my new watercolor pencils (and a bit of digital editing)
From top to bottom, Kimbul, Pa’Ku, Hir’eek, Ragnaros and Ysera
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pelikoi · 6 years
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"Offerings for a dead god"
Rag'wi's altar to honor Loa Hir'eek even when he no longer walks among us.
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merkygloom · 6 years
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Hir'eek guards de weak, He can find de things you seek.
He be blind, and so kind. He brings clarity of mind.
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sheisketch · 6 years
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Day 3: Loa (Hir'eek)
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doodlingadventures · 6 years
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(I found them all, will be posting the rest later)
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dravatti · 2 years
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Trolltober2022/02: Loa Outfit Mazheek is one of those trolls who spends a whole lot of time half dressing up as his Loa and smearing on whatever warpaint he figures suits Hir’eek, but forgets to embrace his Loa’s actual values. 
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ponyryderart · 4 years
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giant-oc-ballpit · 3 years
They say that the anger of trolls is fierce, to never anger them because they will never let you find peace again. But they never mentioned how fierce the love of a troll is.
However, they do say that Shadow Hunters are the fiercest of all trolls.
And Akkal was always so much like her father.
She admired her father Vol'jin from the very day she was born. Before Akkal even had her name, before she even opened her eyes she was held by him. He heard her first battle cry as she fought the indignities of being brought into the world, and smiled with pride at her waving fists.
Vol'jin named her for the wild summer storms, forces of nature so strong even the Loa could not stop them, only redirect at the most.
As soon as she could move on her own, Akkal was following Vol'jin, to her mother's frustration and annoyance. She watched with fascination as he prayed and spoke with the Loa, soothed to sleep from the sound of Bwonsamdi's (aka "Bansami" or "Bwonsami") voice. She wrapped her little hands around her father's glaive, and left scratch marks on it from her tusks as she tried to put her mouth on it. Her mother once found her practicing her snarl while holding a Rush'kah mask. She tamed her own snake, as red as her hair, and named it Joji.
Akkal followed her father to where he sparred with Rokhan and the other Shadow Hunters as soon as she could walk. She tried to hide, but they sensed her almost immediately. And in true Darkspear fashion, gave her two sticks so she could imitate their moves.
And then stepped in to correct her. And gave her the dullest daggers they had to use, so she could get used to the weight. And for every second longer that they couldn't sense her in the shadows she was rewarded.
Akkal was included more in the drumming and prayers and sacrifices to the Loa. Vol'jin told her their names, and what to ask for in their deals. And to always fulfill her end of the bargain.
Her first prayer was to Bwonsamdi, to declare her loyalty and her power as a Shadow Hunter in training.
Her second prayer was to Hir'eek when she wandered too far in the night and lost her way.
Despite Akkal's clear and close connection with Vol'jin, she was never intended to be the next leader of the Darkspear tribe. That honor/burden went to her older sister Lek'jin.
Akkal had the freedom to make friends, to go be an adventurer. And she finally got to go on a real campaign, after training with her friends. They were all older than her, but all of them would be considered children by anyone else. But even so, they went to Pandaria.
And they were there when Vol'jin was betrayed. The only betrayal Akkal had known was the story of Zalazane. She berated herself for not sensing it coming, only stopping when her friends reminded her that even Vol'jin hadn't felt it until it was almost too late. Akkal didn't want to leave him there, didn't want to leave him in a dark cave alone while he was wounded. She didn't want to tell the world he was dead. But Vol'jin pushed her away and reminded her that "Darkspear never die."
And so she left him. She told Garrosh and the others that he was dead. Akkal didn't have to fake her tears.
Nor did she have to fake them upon his return. She painted her face with a white skull just like him, and followed him to his rebellion and as he laid siege to Orgimmar, where she had spent so much time running and playing, the city where she met her friends.
Akkal was proudest of all when her father was named Warchief. Not because it meant she was more important now that she was the daughter of the warchief, or even because of the idea that she might be warchief one day. (The idea never entered her head.) No, she was proud because now everyone could see how amazing he was, and follow him as she did.
Akkal was there when he died. She followed him to the Broken Shore, and helped carry him back to Orgimmar. She tried so hard to heal him. Akkal and Lek'jin both poured every source of voodoo and mojo into their efforts and none of it did a bit of good. They prayed to every Loa they knew and none of them offered help. Vol'jin pushed their hands away from the Fel-scarred wound on his chest. He said that the spirits were calling his name, and that is was time for him to go to Bwonsamdi.
The crowd below the raised platform that her father's body rested on was blurred as Akkal chanted "Darkspear never die!", hearing the words echoed a thousand times over in unison with her.
The Uncrowned gave her her means of revenge. She killed hundreds of demons, and sends more souls to Bwonsamdi. Akkal returned to the Broken Shore, and found her father's broken tusk in the ashy sand. Now it lives on a leather string around her neck, resting on top of her heart.
The joy at seeing Bwonsamdi again. The awe at meeting new Loa. The sorrow and horror at seeing them die. The overwhelming grief and regret at killing Hir'eek, who had helped her take her first steps in darkness, who had given her blind little sister the means to wander the world on her own strength.
Akkal was overjoyed when Princess Talanji called Vol'jin's spirit to them. She fell even deeper in love with the princess at that, which was impressive given how hard she landed while rescuing her from Stormwind.
She got to kill in his name, by his orders again. And to go up against an old God, too! No greater honor, as far as Akkal was concerned.
There were no answers for Vol'jin. Not yet. But there was an answer for Akkal: that her father was not done fighting yet. That he was still proud of her. She saw him twice more before the Veil shattered: once at Talanji's coronation, and again at their wedding.
And then. A miracle. Working with Bwonsamdi in the realms of death, rescuing the Loa that had died. Being forgiven by Hir'eek. Rezan giving Vol'jin all his power.
"I gonna be a Loa..." He said, looking at his ghostly hands in wonder.
"Oh Fa'da..." Akkal grinned at him. "You have always been my Loa. And you always will be."
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pelikoi · 6 years
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Very small conceptual pictures of some experiences and dreams Rag’wi had lately. 
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selanaris · 4 years
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Zicalo’s Story!
Zicalo is a prelate, like a paladin, but they are chosen at birth by their loa Rezan to serve him and the order of Rezan's light
Zicalo's family was a casteless family, who's parents dropped him and his brother off at an orphanage to have the potential of being recasted, that requires to be chosen by a loa or pass rigorous warrior training, Zicalo was picked by Rezan and immediately sent to the temple, his brother was thrown back on the street at 13 for failing both, before being picked up by his parents again and returning home, Zicalo kept in touch with his brother in secret, but his parents feared punishment for interacting with a higher caste, especially one as high to serve Rezan, so they never visited, but when the casteless had their rebellion and left the kingdom to build their own tribes, Zicalo's family went with them, far from the main capital.(edited) his intelligence, is... high when it comes to what he needs to know
Caste system, you stay in your caste, learn in your caste, a Prelate has no need to learn magic outside the light and the power of Rezan, he can read, but no point reading anything outside the scriptures of the loa, he knows how to fight, but only with what all the prelates fight Zicalo and his brother Anri were born to the casteless, the largest and poorest caste in the Zandalari troll empire. You are born into a caste, and stuck in a caste. But there is always hope for Orphans, they are given a chance to be placed into a caste, so their parents, and many others would drop their children off. Each year the child is given a chance to be claimed by a loa (their gods) or to prove themselves a powerful warrior, they have until they are 13 to be placed in a caste, or they are thrown out of the orphanage to survive. At age 5 Zicalo was claimed by the most revered Loa, Rezan, Loa of kings, god of the hunt, Keeper of gold. This was the highest caste a casteless could ever reach, serving under the royal family and their god. Immediately the child was taken away from his brother and taken to the temple of Rezan away from the city to train to be a Prelate.
in all those years, Zicalo took every chance he had to sneak out and see his brother at the orphanage without being caught, mixing of caste was forbidden. when Anri was 13, he was kicked out of the orphanage, and his parents took him back in, to make coin a simple merchants and serfs. They refused to look at Zicalo, as that would warrant punishment of the highest kind, but Anri never stopped seeing his brother. But as years pasts, and they became older teens, the tension rose between the castes the casteless rebelled against the system, each group being guided by lower loa, those who took the casteless as their people, a civil war was about to break out, and Anri met with Zicalo one last time, to tell him about the planned attack the planned escape, Zicalo wanted to come, but Anri pointed out it was too late, he Zicalo looked nothing like a common troll anymore, he was reborn under the loa's blessing, scales growing in patches on his skin, eyes that glowed with power, strength, power, and a straight back that no common troll had. they could not take him back, he was no longer one of them.
The war did break out the next week, and the casteless trolls separated into several large tribes all across the world, Zicalo's family going northwest, following a strange stag loa, showing them to a font of power, these will become the dark troll tribe. And Zicalo would never hear from them again When Zicalo became 18 (in troll standards) He was promoted to a full prelate, and was given a ritual to bless him with the gold of Zandalar's heart, Dazar'alor, named after the first king. the ritual included branding his skin with molten gold into designs to show his status as a upper caste, and with this, came a decision, who he will marry, and that was the King's 4th daughter, one who he did not love nor care for He did not want this, he felt trapped and alone, so he prayed to all the loa that he knew, Hir'eek, Kragwa, Kimbul, Sethraliss, Rezan, Bwonsamdi, Gonk, Pa'ku, Shadra Akunda. No response to save him, only Rezan, telling him to continue. He'd dare not pray to Mueh'zala yet, one heard his prayers, Jani, the loa of the discarded and forgotten He wanted to discard this marriage so be it
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frutavel · 4 years
List of people who are alive in my fanon
1. Rastakhan because his tiddies were simply too phat to let him to die that early
2. Zul because they managed to kick the blood worm out if his head before he went insane
3. Vol'jin because Tyrathan and Gheist were both at the Broken shore and saved his ass
4. Rezan who decided not be an idiot and charge into battle on his own
5. Shadra who ate Yasma and her dire troll boytoy before she could do any damage
6. Hir'eek whom Mahamba cleansed from G'huun's corruption before anyone had the chance to kill him
7. Saurfang because even though I don't really vibe with him I don't like that he's dead. Also since Vol'jin is alive too he probably never had to fight Sylvanas anyway so.
8. Alternate Durotan's brother whose name I don't remember but I felt rlly sad when he died so he survived the rockslide
9. Zelling because he deserved, much, much better
10. Rexxar's pet wolf. Idk what killed him but I don't care I can't in my right mind let the pupper die
11. Ysera. I generally do not care about dragons but I care her and
12. Zuni who actually dealt the killing blow to Zar'jira instead of being killed by her no I do not accept criticism
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