eyeshields · 17 days
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Belated thank you gift for @gyroshrike - thanks again for helping with the gift exchange!
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jaybirdsketchbook · 9 months
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For @blaka-smoko hope you like it! When I saw crossdressing and HiruYukiMamo on your list I knew what I had to do.
Happy I got you for my gift, I'm not very in fandom but I recognized you from some old Yuki art you did (with that really nice parfait) and more recently some translation comparisons I think. Also while I was working on this I kept getting emails that there was new eyeshield stuff on myfigurelist and it was you adding to it. Thank you for uploading all the merch, it makes it so much easier for me to keep track of my own collection!
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gyroshrike · 7 years
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Mamori and Youichi inviting Manabu to what is the greatest ot3 in existence
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blaka-smoko · 3 years
Reluctant Hands (updated version)
Fandom: Eyeshield 21 Pairing: Mamori Anezaki/Manabu Yukimitsu, hints of Youichi Hiruma/Manabu Yukimitsu Rating: T (swearing, mild suggestive themes, exploration of internalized homophobia) Words: 16.3k (600 words added)
Chapters: 3 (2 + epilogue) Summary: While Mamori is sprucing up the Devil Bats’ clubhouse, Yukimitsu drops by to ask her something he’s afraid to speak out loud. The tension and emotional vulnerability that follows leads her to do something special for him.
Read @ AO3
10/5/2021 update: First off I want to thank everyone who's left kudos, comments, or likes on any site I've shared this fic! I know this is a small fandom, but I was moved to see how many people have read and liked what I've written. These sorts of "queer headcanon" explorations are near and dear to me, and I was glad to write one for a character who's as close to my heart as Yuki is.
Second, I wanted to let anyone who's read this already know that I have added some edits here and there, including additional sentences and footnotes in the first two chapters. It hasn't changed the overall story too much, but I felt there needed to be some added details for context, and just to provide extra padding.
Plus I wanted to add some retrospective comments about some things, particularly an aspect of chapter two that I wanted to clear up since it was kinda bothering me.
Thanks for your understanding!
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eyeshields · 2 years
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Post-sports festival outfit swap -- a Winter Gift Exchange gift for @blaka-smoko! Happy Holidays!
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blaka-smoko · 3 years
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Kurita, this is what’s called “committing to the bit”
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blaka-smoko · 3 years
King for a Day (Prologue)
Hey, long time no write! So I've actually been writing snippets of a sequel to my YukiMamo fanfic Reluctant Hands, but due to starting a new job, I've hardly had much time or inspiration to work from.
However, given that I'm getting pretty close to the point in ES21 where this sequel is taking place, I've resumed writing it little by little. So I wanted to at least post the prologue before anything else. It started out as a drabble of Hiruma piercing Yuki's ears.
Given how the last fic ended, this sequel will focus on a day between (mostly) Mamori and Yuki clothes-shopping together and confiding in one another about their insecurities. I also felt like Mamori didn't feel very fleshed out in my last fic, to the point I half-wonder if I gave her all that much agency. I think I wrote her mostly in-character, but I want to write her as her own person this time around.
ANYWAY, I felt it was only appropriate to not only give Hiruma some more scenes, and to also have him contribute in some way to Yuki gradually owning his femininity. This was originally going to stay as a drabble, but it fit pretty well as a prologue instead.
So without further ado...
Hiruma had grabbed a fistful of Yukimitsu’s messy hair and yanked it towards himself, spurning that startled squeal.
“Hold SHTILL, fuckin’ baldy,” he snapped, fangs clamped down on a black marker cap.
Yukimitsu obeyed and clamped his thin lips shut, the rest of his body now frozen with anticipation. His nostrils flared at the pungent smell of felt-tip marker ink. It mingled with the sharp odor of alcohol pads used to sterilize his ears only a moment ago. His lobes still felt cold from the ice cubes used to numb them. Though as much as his fragile hair roots screamed, Hiruma’s rough handling felt—in its own bizarre way—affectionate.
Getting tended to by Hiruma wasn’t something he would pass up, especially when he harbored such a strong crush. Not that he would ever confess his feelings, but his touch was something Yukimitsu has dreamt about since joining the team. Both their hands were unusually similar, but the inordinate precision and gangliness of the devil’s fingers were strangely alluring. Not to mention, he was perhaps the only person Yukimitsu knew to hate physical contact so much that even a light brushing incurred the same reaction as splashing water on a ferocious cat. Unless he was on the gridiron—and even then, his movements were so slithery that any sacking he received came as a shock—Hiruma avoided physical closeness whenever possible.
So it’s safe to say that Yukimitsu would never take an opportunity for touching and closeness to his touch-averse captain for granted. He certainly wasn’t now. What he’d give for those long fingers to keep running and tangling in his hair like this, spidering across both sides of his scalp in a tender embrace.
That said, Yukimitsu was still conflicted as to whether he’d regret agreeing to this ear piercing.
Hiruma pressed the marker tip into the center of one earlobe until it left a black dot, then repeated the process with the other. “Gotta know where da ‘ell I’m sh’posed to pierce, so shtop fuckin’ fidgetting.” Yukimitsu’s small nervous eyes didn’t leave the first aid kit, used alcohol pads, the wine cork, Musashi’s old lighter, and a pair of faux-diamond studs next to it all. He sat stone-silent in the swivel chair, biting his bottom lip with a mix of both anxiety and excitement. He clenched and unclenched his fists while they remained glued to his bony thighs, the hot overhead light heating and illuminating his giant forehead. Hiruma let go of his hair and dusted his hands of stray strands, then sterilized them again with another one of the alcohol pads.
Surprisingly, this had all been Hiruma’s idea.
It started with an assumption—albeit a correct one—from his covert spy activities during the Deimon High School Arts Fair last week. Watching Yukimitsu fiddle with and look over the arts-and-crafts club’s handmade earrings display with longing had driven the devil up a wall. Even after making such a show of it, he still had the nerve to gibber out a frightened “nonono, no thanks, I’m just looking!” to the chirpy girl at the booth before scuttling away with his tail between his legs.
The only thing to remedy Hiruma’s annoyance was poking his own pair of holes into those untouched earlobes. If fucking baldy didn’t have the balls to stroll into a piercing parlor himself, then that meant Hiruma had to take matters into his own bony hands. Besides, giving piercings used to make decent pocket change back in his days at Mao Middle. Chrome-dome here wasn’t exactly loaded, but he did manage to pay him 2000 yen for the favor. Not much, but whatever. It covered his next trip to Son-Son. What with how fucking manager switched his coffee grounds to decaf after the last cream-puff crack he made, and he had to set that shit straight.
Hiruma held the hollow surgical needle aloft the open flame he had flicked on with Musashi’s old lighter, eyeing it carefully as the heat sterilized it. “These are gonna take at least six to eight weeks to heal. You need to keep these studs in as much as possible, and sterilize them and the holes at least twice a day. Don’t leave ‘em out, or else the holes will eventually close up. You’d have wasted your money and I’d have wasted my time. Got it?”
“Guh...got it,” Yukimitsu nodded stiffly, half-choking on his own saliva. Hiruma pinched one foam earplug and tucked it deep in his own ear canal, then picked another one out of his pocket and did the same for his other ear. “If your mom gets nosy, tell her you lost a bet.” Only from watching Hiruma plug his ears had it dawned on Yukimitsu that those were the only reason his hearing hadn’t been damaged from years’ worth of rowdy gunfire. He really did think of everything.
“What if she makes me take them out?”
His captain shot him an incredulous look. “Put ‘em the fuck back in when she’s not around! Or just own up to it and move on. Don’t let her jerk you around all the time, for Chrissakes.” Easy for you to say, Yukimitsu thought sullenly. You don’t have to live with her. Not that he didn’t need to hear this; he did. Assertiveness wasn’t his forte anymore than athletics. But he still had ways to go before he was a full-fledged, independent adult. Drawing her unwanted attention (and possibly ire) was something he tried to avoid whenever possible.
Hiruma grabbed the cork off the table, turned it between his long fingertips and eyed it carefully. “This should only take a few seconds.” With an uncharacteristic amount of care, he pressed it behind Yukimitsu’s right earlobe until it touched close to the base of his skull. With a hard swallow, his bench player’s muscles seized up as soon as he felt it, eyes screwed shut. His breath quickened and his narrow chest rattled with each heartbeat.
He could still feel the cork, but even so nothing happened. Neither a word nor a sound from his captain either. What was going on in the world in front of his eyelids?
Just then, Hiruma piped up.
“By the way, what page had that huge-ass trig equation Ms. Tsukiji wanted us to complete. Y’know, the one almost nobody in class finished?”
Yukimitsu opened both his eyes. “Huh?”
“It was one that required like…three half-angle formulas. The long one.” Like clockwork, Yukimitsu’s photographic memory worked its magic, turning page after page of their trigonometry textbook to the one from earlier that day. His mind’s eye finally landed on the page he remembered. Still, it was an odd request. Why ask this now, especially since Hiruma had better memorization skills—not to mention better mental math prowess—than even him?
“Oh, that should be easy! Not half as hard as it looks by the way, just time-consuming. Page 629 had the actual problem, but if you turn to the how-to section on the Identities page spread of 624 to 62–“
Once Yukimitsu felt that hollow needle carve a hole through the thin flesh of his lobe, a blood-curdling scream tore its way through his throat.
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blaka-smoko · 3 years
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the beanbag toss is a good demonstration of what separates the Brainy Trio from the rest of the Devil Bats: what they lack in physical athleticism they make up for in out-of-the-box thinking and strategy (though Hiruma does have a great arm on him)
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blaka-smoko · 3 years
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I made this deep-fried edit three months ago and it hasn’t aged a day
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blaka-smoko · 3 years
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if it wasn’t already obvious, this is just Hiruma’s usual intimidation game cranked up to 11
it’s all a silly act to scare the Devil Bats into putting their heads together and trying to outsmart the three brightest students in their whole school
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blaka-smoko · 3 years
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gaslight, male wife, girl boss
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blaka-smoko · 3 years
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it only takes a few whispers in their ears for Yuki and Mamori to take up Hiruma’s firearms and (seemingly) lose their goddamn minds
Hiruma took his usual maniacal energy and tripled it for all three of Deimon’s Brainy Trio
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blaka-smoko · 3 years
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as much as the Poseidon match is one of my favorites that I’m eager to cover, I really can’t wait to post about the field day chapters in volume 15
best OT3 spotlight I could possibly ask for
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blaka-smoko · 3 years
never thought I’d see myself into a poly ship, but Yuki/Hiruma/Mamori exists and here we are
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