doodlesmom · 4 months
Traditional German Rouladen with Bacon and Onion...
My goodness it’s a lot of work but worth every step, the meat is tender, tasty, and wonderful. Another fabulous recipe of my mother’s that I make any time I need a dose of comfort food – makes the house smell amazing as it cooks too. Serve with rice, potatoes, or egg noodles. Serve a creamy German Cucumber Salad on the side and dig in. Best served on chilly days. Ingredients: 6 Slices Top Round…
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doodlesmom · 6 months
Homemade Meatball Subs...
This recipe is a favourite of ours and I find it better than any of the other meatballs I’ve had. You can use your homemade tomato sauce or your favourite bottled variety. I use the latter – a simple passata and then I add what I like to the sauce. Ingredients: 1 ½ Lbs. Lean Ground Beef ½ Lb. Medium Ground Pork 2 Jars Passata Sauce or Your Favourite Alternative ½ Teaspoon Salt ½ Teaspoon…
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doodlesmom · 6 months
German Cheesecake...
This recipe is a family favourite and one my mom used to bake for us all the time. I still prefer a New York style cheesecake, but this one is delicious, nonetheless. It would be unfair to compare it side-by-side to a New York cheesecake because this recipe stands on its own merits. It’s creamy, dense, not too sweet, and has a fantastic topping which if you were to make just the topping on its…
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doodlesmom · 6 months
Mom's Macaroni Dish...
My brother makes this dish the best. It starts with my mom’s spaghetti sauce, then par-cooked macaroni is added, cheese is sprinkled on top – and then the whole thing is baked. It’s a great casserole, especially on those nights when you either don’t feel like cooking, or you’re on your way to a soccer game. Leftovers are equally good. Ingredients: 2-4 Cups of Mom’s Spaghetti Sauce (depending on…
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doodlesmom · 6 months
Mom's Spaghetti...
During the War, my mom worked with an American family as a housekeeper; it was there that she learned how to make this unique type of spaghetti. This version contains brown sugar, and although it’s an acquired taste, it is really good. Don’t substitute the ‘Cheese Whiz’ for a real cheddar or other cheese; it definitely needs the processed cheese. This sauce is good on its own (which is how I…
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doodlesmom · 6 months
Ah Frikadeller...
My brother and I remember a very yummy Danish meatball/hamburger dish that is very easy to make and brings us back to our childhood when our mother used to make them for our dinner. A simple dish, but a tasty one. This is a variation of the ones found in Denmark, each Danish cook has their own recipe based on their region, but all are similar. Eat them for dinner with plain boiled new potatoes…
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doodlesmom · 6 months
Sheppard's Pie, New Version...
We had Sheppard’s Pie on the weekend because, well frankly I felt like it. This is a new recipe and is more like the traditional Cottage Pie (made with beef instead of lamb) that we all know and love. It’s not a sexy looking meal, but it is a comforting one and even the leftovers are really yummy. There’s not much to making this version, you probably have some of the ingredients in your…
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doodlesmom · 6 months
In The News...
An article in the Toronto Star today… http://www.healthzone.ca/health/article/1008131–ontario-creates-online-donor-registry 2 words:  about time. Check it out and sign up, please. … —- **Update, the website crashed opening day because so many people tried to sign up.  A mark of success. I was one of the 500 people who successfully signed up.  When’s your turn?  They should be up and running…
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doodlesmom · 1 year
Where Did it Go..?
…Time that is. My biggest-little one turns 20 today!! I’m so proud of who she’s become 😁 Happy Birthday Lexy xoxo. I hope you enjoy your Birthday Cake 🎂 (anyone see Misty?)
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doodlesmom · 1 year
Chicken and Dumplings, Northern Style
I need to write this down before I forget it. Great for using up leftovers. Ingredients 3 Carrots chopped 2 Celery Stalks chopped 1 Onion chopped roughly 2 boxes Chicken Broth 2 cups chopped cooked chicken 2 Bay Leaves 10 black Pepper corns 1/3 cup flour Pinch of Rosemary Pinch of Thyme Dash of Salt Dash of of Pepper 2-3 tsp vegetable oil Bisquick Biscuits mix Method: sauté…
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doodlesmom · 3 years
Make a Baguette or Three…
Make a Baguette or Three…
I love baking and get surprised frequently when the recipe turns out the way it should. Last week I made Baguettes for the first time. They tasted great, but were over-baked and had a really thick crust. Here’s where I think I made mistakes. The recipe called for the oven to be set to 500F, which is extremely hot. I used an instant read thermometer this time and discovered my bottom oven runs 50F…
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doodlesmom · 3 years
15… Whaaatt..?
It had to happen, sooner or later – my littlest-little one turned 15 today. Cait, I know you’ve had a very challenging year, but when you step back and see what you’ve accomplished; you should be very proud of yourself. You’ve grown into a beautiful, goofy, sweet, stubborn young woman. I love that you still want to cuddle when we’re binge watching. You enjoy baking and creating yummy new dishes.…
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doodlesmom · 3 years
Smashed Potatoes (a.k.a. AH-MAZE-ING!!) ...
Smashed Potatoes (a.k.a. AH-MAZE-ING!!) …
Ingredients: 1 bag of Baby or Fingerling Potatoes per two people, skins on¼ cup of unsalted Butter, melted¼ cup Peanut or Vegetable oil¼ Tsp dry Thyme¼ Tsp dry Rosemary (rub between your finger and thumb to release oils)¼ Tsp Salt¼ Tsp Black Pepper¼ Tsp Smoked Paprika Method: Pre-heat oven to 375°F. Melt Butter in a bowl large enough to hold all the Potatoes. Once melted or nearly so, add in…
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doodlesmom · 3 years
Fall Vegetables...
Fall Vegetables…
Ingredients: 2 Large Carrots1 Large Sweet Potato1 Large-ish Parsnips½ Pound Brussel Sprouts (if in season, leave out if not)¼ cup of unsalted Butter, melted¼ cup Peanut or Vegetable oil¼ Tsp dry Thyme¼ Tsp dry Rosemary (rub between your finger and thumb to release oils)¼ Tsp Salt¼ Tsp Black Pepper¼ Tsp Smoked Paprika Method: Preheat the oven temperature to 425°F. Dice the vegetables into ½”…
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doodlesmom · 3 years
Mmm, Pot Roast...
Mmm, Pot Roast…
Ingredients: 1 Beef Hip Roast, approximately 3.5 lbs (serves two meals for four people on two different nights)3 Strips of Bacon, cut into Lardons (Lardon is just a fancy word for slab Bacon sliced into matchsticks)1 Roma Tomato, quartered1 Medium-Large Onion, rough chopped1/3 Cup AP Flour1 Small handful of Black Peppercorns (10-15 peppercorns)Hungarian Sweet Paprika (a must), or use Smoked…
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doodlesmom · 3 years
Same Pie, Different Shepherd…
Same Pie, Different Shepherd…
Sunday’s dinner was phe-nom-en-al. I bought a Beef Hip Roast from my favourite Butcher (a Hip Roast is a thick cut from the outside round of the upper back leg). It can be very tough if you don’t give it enough love and time to braise, but it is damn delicious and tender if you do. 🥰 As we sat down to dinner, the house smelled amazing – a combination of smashed Potatoes, braised Beef, and…
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doodlesmom · 3 years
Dear Lexy...
Dear Lexy…
Happy 18th Birthday Babes. I’m incredibly proud to have watched you become the intelligent and beautiful woman you are. Two weeks ago, I had this post already composed in my head – tonight, words fail me. I will try to recreate them… 2009 In 2009 you had your very first graduation. You were six years old and the senior kindergarten class held an in-class grad. Parents weren’t invited, but they…
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