#His IC blog I loosen a lot because it’s more fun that way but djdj
righteousruin · 2 years
Bane is not and does not consider himself a member of the Gotham Rogue’s Gallery -- At least not in the way he is depicted with the Arkhamites post-reboot and in most media (although he is, officially, considered one because he’s an A-Lister).
Aside from not being from Gotham (or anywhere in the US), he has never been held in Arkham Asylum (going, instead, to Blackgate), refuses to plead insanity when arrested, and considers himself distinctly separate from Batman’s other foes for several reasons. The most arrogant (arguably true) reason is that he considers Batman is only true peer.
Bane is an independent agent unless and until he is hired by a team (Suicide Squad, Task Force X, Secret Six), and it is a professional arrangement — or had been, until the Six. But, even then, he’s even told Thomas that he doesn’t consider himself one of them.
He also feels closer to Bruce than to the villains, as he does not share any of the Arkhamites’ motivations or interest in Gotham City. Gotham is nothing more than a trophy for outmatching Batman. If there’s no Batman to beat, there’s little interest in Gotham. And, most of the time, he’s not interested in continuing his conflict with the Bat at all.
It is very difficult to gain a personal relationship with Bane. He is incredibly closed-off, and  while he has been known to weaponize their chaotic behavior, he is not personally fond of it, which encourages him to keep his distance from most of the Arkhamites.
All this to say, the only reason Bane is involved in groups of Arkhamites in other media is the same reason we do in RP situations — if we didn’t force him into the sandbox to play with the other kids, we would never see him.
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