#Hocus Pocus/Hellvua Boss
ambrial-blog · 2 years
After the confrontation with the sisters, Blitz is turned into a black cat Like Thackery Binx.  Fizzorolli,  betrayed Blitz. going to a voodoo priest  he learnt the dark arts of voodoo/hoodoo magic. He uses these new abilities to lure Blitzo’s sister into the woods so the Sanderson sister’s could drain her lifeforce. .  Fizzorolli, is the one who gives Winifred Sanderson her book of spells and curses bound in the flesh of a deadman.   It would be he, who would keep the immortal black cat for himself as payment of helping the Sanderson sisters. Blitzo, the bombastic imp like child, turned into a black furball- detested the jester. Often hiding from the charismatic warlock. who had a hand in turning him into the form a little black cat. A curse: to live with his guilt for eternity Three Thousand years pass, like a blink of an eye.  both immortal sinners are pinned against each other-.  Blitz does his best to remain vigilant keeping an eye on Winnie’s book and guarding the black flame candle.
*Suddenly with a new arrival of a new family: The Savitar’s:  a royal prestigious family  of Ares Goetic demons.  moved into the Sleep Hollows of Salem Massachusetts. Prince Stolas of the Ares Goeita  was caught up in a vicious divorce with his cold hearted, bitch of a wife. Stella.  Together they a brought their beloved daughter Octavia into this world, unfortunately their marriage fell apart soon after.   Stolas had went to hellhound adoption agency. Adopting Loona.  Octavia had talked the hellhound into breaking into the Sanderson sister’s cottage house. on one dark, cold and rainy night. ”Are you sure about this Via” Loona asks. stepping through the threshold of the house. “it looks lived in” says Loona.  batting a cobweb from her face. ”It been calling to me again,  I can’t explain it” Octavia answers.  “there is something here wanting to be found-” ”Please Loona, it won’t take long” ”You’ve heard the stories A Warlock is said to be living here, he could be down in the basement right now- working on an experiment. ”You’ve been watching those late night horror movies again.
As Octavia searches for anything  that she could steal and sell on the black market for a small profit.  A pair of amber eyes watches her from the shadows. ”Gross!, Via get away from that thing!” Loona barks  eyeing a small malnourished kitten. with a green ribbon tied around his neck. and a small chain link leash attached to the wall. His eyes were golden amber and their was a small heart-Shaped tattoo.  The right side of his face was matted with blood and it appeared he had his paw stuck in a bear trap. The Warlock’s most valued treasure.  Fizz would often torture him, using him in spells and hexes. the feline wouldn’t die. Once Fizz bashed his head in to collect some blood. Blitz would be fine the next morning. Fizzorolli would leave saucers of milk, three fat rats and if he was feeling generous  he would leave a small line of catnip. But the milk would sour, the putrid stench of rotting corpses of those plague infested rodents would go untouched. But the line of catnip would be smudged.
Via noticed, that the kitten’s head was bandaged over one eye. Blitz feels betrayed by Fizz. his disdain growing each day. the ribbon shone: emerald in the dim lighting. Resembling a choker with a small skull attached to it. Octavia wrinkled his nose at the sour smell of spoiled cream. Via rubs the side of his face noticing the bloodstained bandages. ”There, there little one your safe now” ”Loona! she whispers “come here, come look what I found” ”Kind of weak ain’t he Via” Loona answers. “He look like he’ll kill over anytime are you sure you won’t to take him home, shouldn’t we put him out of his misery?” ”Loona! Octavia scolded. narrowing her eyes hand me that match I’ll show you, I’ll take care of him, just like I take care of you or do you want to go live with my mother?” ”Fine, but he’s your responsibility and if you mom finds him don’t come crying to me” Loona hands her a match and Octavia lights the black flame candle. Illuminating the room.  the book began to blink the sleep from his eyes as Blitzo mewled in disapproval as Octavia worked hastily believing the owner of the house would return in a haste. .  She frees Blitz: from the bear trap  ripping the chain out from the wall. and gently places him in her bag. ”He’s going to bleed everywhere” Loona warns her.  But the owlet ignores her and dashes for the door. as the ground began to rumble. Flashes of Red, green and Indigo temporarily blind the girls. Loona grabs Octavia’s wrist and hauls ass dragging the princess behind her, she didn’t stop until she was sure they weren’t being followed*
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
The Heir to the Sanderson Sisters. Cast.
The Sanderson Sisters. 
Winifred Sanderson: (Oldest Sister) Marry Sanderson (Middle Child)  Sara Sanderson:  (Youngest Sister) 
Striker Sanderson: (The only male descendent of the Sanderson sisters) is said to be a warlock masquerading around as a cowboy/Assassin. who was hired by Stella to keep an eye on her cheating husband.   Thackery Binx: (Makes a return)  Blitzo Binx: (Descendent of Thackery and Emily Binx.  Barbie-Wire: Emily...(her life force is stolen by the Sanderson sisters).  Fizzorolli (Blitzo’s best friend: reveals himself as a traitor.)  Stolas Savitar: : (Changes his last name to distance himself from his pious father Paimon.   Stella Goeita Savitar: (Stolas’s ex wife : Octavia Savitar: : Loona Savitar (a Hellhound adopted by Stella/Stolas  as a companion for their daughter. is treated as an equal  by Stolas and as a piece of dirt by Stella.
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
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Book Tittle: The heir of the Sanderson Sisters. Returning Cast Members. The Sanderson Sisters. Winifred Sanderson: Oldest sister. Winifred is the sister who initially sold her soul and those of her sisters to Satan in the 1600s in exchange for magical powers. She's highly intelligent, sadistic, and evil, and has a fierce temperament. Marry Sanderson: Although perhaps not as cunning or as evil as her eldest sister, she is more competent, clever, and observant than Sarah. And also she's not as ditzy and airheaded as Sarah. Mary is the most caring of the Sanderson sisters, but only to her sisters. Sarah Sanderson : . Sarah is extremely flirtatious and enjoys "playing" with people, men and young boys in particular. As she has a sadistic sense of humor, it is strongly implied that "playing" with people means torturing them or simply engaging in inappropriate relations. Thackery Binx. Bombay cat. cursed to live forever after failing to save his sister.  Ancestor of Blitzo Binx. (Scheduled to make a return) New Cast Members
Striker Sanderson: (The only male descendent of the Sanderson sisters, he is a collector of unworldly objects. Said to be a Warlock masquerading around as a Cowboy/Assassin. Who was hired by a prestigious outlet name Stella. Who is looking to end her cheating husband's life, at any expense necessary.
Blitzo Binx: (Descendent of Thackery and Emily Binx. doomed to repeat his ancestors transgressions) Blitzo is the son of a pious man. A crude businessman who became infatuated with money. Leaving Blitzo to take care of his sister. (Is turned into a Bombay cat by the three witches.)
Barbie-Wire Binx: (Ancestor to Thackery and Emily Binx. She was bewitched by the Sanderson sisters and her lifeforce was stolen by the three witches.
Fizzorolli Thatcher: Blitzo's best friend. His father was an inventor and his mother was a doll-maker who owned a little curio shop at the far end of town. He is seen usually getting Blitzo into trouble. Mischievous with impish face. He makes a Devil's pact with the sisters. He has inappropriate thoughts about his best friend and is always scheming. Winifred grants him his darkest wish in exchange for his soul. Fizzorolli takes, his knowledge and the skills he learned from apprenticing the Sanderson sisters.
Milengo Thatcher: Fizzorolli's Father, A Former magician/demonic jester. said to have been expelled from hell. joking states that Satan has a restraining order against him. a caster of mind-bending illusions. He is an inventor, known to conduct macarbre experiments. Delphine Thatcher : Fizzorolli's Mother, A Harlequin esque woman with a kind heart. she takes in the Binx children after their father left them and, the mayor foreclosed on their house. she found the pair standing in the rain. Barbie-Wire clutching onto an unconscious Blitzo who had slipped on the wet cobblestone hitting his head. She owns a little curio store, selling various knickknacks. small marrionate dolls. She is a doll- maker, enamored by Blitzo and Barbie-Wire's appearance.
Stolas Goeita Savitar: A pious demonic owl prince, A flighty noble. He changes his last name in an effort to distance himself from his father. A general and King of the Goetic empire. he forces his son into an unwanted and loveless marriage. He is currently miserable spending seventeen years locked within a viotile marriage. his only reprieve is the love of his beloved daughter. Willing to buy affection He is haunted by a pair of beguiling eyes. this haunting image gives him the conviction to confront his heartless wife. Stella Goeita Savitar Stolas's ex wife, who hires Striker to kill her husband after Stolas is caught cheating on her with a nameless imp. Octavia Goeita Savitar: Caught in the middle of an ugly divorce, she is content in ignoring the problem. Pretending the rift in her family doesn't exist. placing earbuds into her ears to drown out the miserable screeching of her parents. She finds a tiny malnourished kitten trapped within the Sanderson Sisters home. Her best friend and confidant Is Loona Moon. A guard dog. As well, as a rebellious hellhound. Known for her short temper. Loona Moon, purchased as a pup, and subjected to Stella's anger. she is the sole companion of their only daughter Octavia. She despises cats and has a short temper. She is part Dire wolf. She is used to Stella's constant abuse, and Stolas's neglect.    
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