#Holiday vision board activities
heich0e · 2 years
thaw - touya todoroki/reader (1.7k) based on this text post, vague allusions to angst, pining, unrequited love, no-quirk AU, todoroki family holiday bliss, shoto/reader is canon, no pronouns/mention of reader's gender
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The kitchen is bustling with activity.
At the stove, in a shallow pot of oil, Rei tends to the pumpkin she’s carefully frying to a crisp, golden shell. Beside her at the sink Fuyumi is meticulously cleaning vegetables that she’ll pass off to her youngest brother standing at the counter, trying his hardest to work out how to use the peeler in his hands. You’re on the other side of the kitchen, having just set the rice cooker to on, watching the excitement unfold. 
“Natsuo, stop eating the ingredients!” Fuyumi chastises the young man peeking over her shoulder, snagging one of the beansprouts from the draining board and popping it surreptitiously into his mouth. 
“But I’m hungry,” he complains as he chews the measly little sprout he’d managed to snag, pouting as his older sister shoos him away.
“Here,” Rei says gently, a little smile on her face as she plucks a bit of tempura off the tray of pieces she’d already prepared and set aside to rest, holding it out to her middle child with her chopsticks. Natsuo perks up noticeably, leaning down to catch the little golden-brown fried shrimp in his mouth. He looks pleased as he chews away at it, skirting across the kitchen towards you while his sister grumbles about how he’s being spoiled. 
There’s music coming from the television in the next room as a popular National New Year's Eve program airs live, though the family is not there to watch it. There’s an old song that’s playing, one you remember your mother singing in your childhood, and at the stove Rei starts to hum along as she plucks the perfectly cooked slices of pumpkin from the oil and moves them to the tray with the rest of her previously prepared delicacies. 
It’s comfortable. Warm. Familiar in the most fundamental way. 
You approach Shoto at the counter. 
“You’re going to slice your fingers off,” you remark, watching as he butchers the carrot in his hand—half-peeled but knobbly from his inconsistent, jagged strokes with the vegetable peeler. “Be careful.”
He peeks at you from the corner of his eye, his lips pursed. 
“Why does it look so easy when you do it?” he complains quietly. 
“Because it is easy,” you reply, laughing lightly, “you’re just really bad at it.”
You watch as Shoto’s mouth flattens into an unimpressed little line, and you lean your weight against his side. 
“Here, hold it this way,” you instruct him, adjusting his grip on the implement and the poor misshapen vegetable. This time when the man beside you drags the blade across the skin, it comes off in one long, graceful ribbon.
Shoto looks at you with wide, excited eyes, his expression brightening. You press a brief, inconspicuous kiss to the very edge of his mouth when you’re sure no one is looking, and pink blossoms high across his cheeks in response. 
“Natsuo, come help Sho with this or we’ll be here until Obon,” you singsong in the direction of the older of the two brothers as you step away from your partner, and Fuyumi laughs as she crosses the kitchen to bring more vegetables to add to Shoto’s already impressive pile. The white-haired boy shuffles over when you call him, picking up the second vegetable peeler and setting to work. 
As the three Todoroki siblings bicker over the most efficient way to tackle the workload, you spot something from the corner of your eye—a figure in the periphery of your vision, ghosting past the doorway to the kitchen out of sight. 
You perk up.
You hasten in the direction the figure had moved, towards the front door of Rei’s home when you hear it gently close. It’s cold outside and you didn’t have time to grab your coat, but it doesn’t stop you as you jog along the walkway at the front of the house. 
“Touya!” you call out the the retreating figure who seems to be fleeing more briskly than usual. “Touya, wait!”
Finally the eldest Todoroki son stops, seemingly resigned to his apprehension, and you watch as he stands with his back to you, his shoulders tense. You jog along the wooden walkway that lines the front of the house to catch up to him.
“Where are you going?” you ask, a little out of breath from the pace of your pursuit. 
Touya turns towards you, his hands stuffed into the pockets of the jacket he has pulled on over a dark hoodie. 
“I’ve got plans.”
“But it’s New Years,” you say sadly. 
“Not midnight yet,” he reminds you, though not unkindly. 
“Will you at least stay for dinner? We should be eating soon,” you say, fiddling the the handles of the little bag you hold in your hands.
“Is there even anything left between Natsuo’s snacking and Shoto’s hack job with that peeler?” he asks with a brow quirked wryly. 
You laugh a little, because he has a point. You also realize he must have been peeking into the kitchen as the rest of the family worked to prepare the evening's meal.
“There’s still plenty,” you assure him. 
It’s quiet for a moment, the still winter night around you a sharp contrast to the bustling atmosphere of the warm kitchen inside.
“Will you at least be back to come to the shrine with us tomorrow morning?” you finally ask again, a little softer than before but still hopeful. 
Touya breathes out a long, low breath, and it leaves his mouth in a wispy cloud of vapour.
“Yeah, I should be back by then.”
You doubt it. 
“You should get inside,” he remarks next, his tone a little irritated but in a way of concern, not vexation. “You’re not dressed properly.”
He’s right. You’re in your slippers and without a coat, and it’s cold enough that at any moment you’re sure you’ll see snow start to fall. But you’d followed him on a mission, determined not to let the eldest Todoroki slip away (like he's so good at) without at least doing this.
You hold the little bag in your hands out towards him, and Touya’s brows shoot up in surprise. 
“What’s that?”
“It’s nothing big,” you rush to explain. “I just got you a little gift. For the holidays, you know.”
“I thought we all agreed we weren’t buying presents,” Touya looks alarmed, his mouth turned down at the corner in a way that makes the silvery lines of his long-healed scars pull.
“I didn’t buy it, technically—” you toe at the ground beneath your slipper-clad feet, shivering a little as a rush of cold wind bristles past. Your teeth begin to chatter lightly. “—I made it.”
Touya looks unhappy regardless of your explanation, but he watches the way you shiver and shake in the cold and you suspect that his concern for your insufficient attire is what makes him relent and stick his hand into the gift bag—if for no other reason to appease you and get you back inside. 
From the depths of the simple little paper gift bag, Touya pulls out a long, soft, hand-knitted scarf. It's a plain grey colour you hoped was neutral and inoffensive enough not to put him off wearing it, and that you thought would compliment his colouring. 
His turquoise eyes flicker from the length of knit in his hands, up to your own that are watching him eagerly for his reaction.
“It’s a scarf!” you say, wringing your fingers nervously now that you don’t have the gift bag to fiddle with to distract yourself.
“I see that.”
You clear your throat a little. “You mentioned that you don’t really like the cold, and that the scars around your neck are sensitive to it, and I just thought… w-well I already had the yarn and stuff… so I just… wanted to make it for you?” your tone climbs on the final word, like it’s a question rather than a statement of fact. 
Touya’s thumbs brush against the softness of the scarf, his eyes following the delicate lines of stitches your hands had carefully purled together to make it. 
He swallows. 
“Thank you.”
Your stomach flutters, a great, almighty fwooosh of relief. 
“Do you like it?” you ask him excitedly. 
“Yeah,” he replies, grunting a bit to clear his throat before tacking on a half-mumbled “’s nice.”
A rosiness has bloomed across Touya’s cheeks when he finally glances at you again. A little shy. A little embarrassed. Though you can’t begin to imagine why.
You smile brightly, the expression stretching so wide it makes your frostbitten cheeks ache. 
“I’m glad!”
Touya swallows, looking away out across the dark yard of his mother’s home. 
“Alright, now get inside before you catch something. Shoto'll kick my ass if I get you sick.”
You nod, skittering off towards the front door again, eager to escape the chill. You pause just before you step inside, and turn back to see Touya standing at the end of the walkway, still holding the scarf, watching you go. 
“Happy New Year, Touya!” you call back to him with one last smile and a wave. 
He doesn’t quite smile back, but he rarely does that anyway. One night when you and Shoto has been laying in your bed at home, the youngest Todoroki boy had said ‘Touya’s never had much to smile about’ about his brother’s somewhat solemn countenance.
And you know he’s right.
You know Todoroki Touya has lived a hard life. Has found himself down roads most aren’t strong enough to brave, and somehow made it home again. 
But there’s an expression on his face now, though it’s a bit difficult to make out in the dim light. Not quite a smile, but the ghost of one. Closer to happiness than you’ve ever seen him, even if it is still a little haunted. 
He lifts his hand in parting, and you step back inside to the warmth of Rei’s home. You hear the television still blaring from the living room. You hear your boyfriend and his siblings fighting over the vegetables. The warm air begins to dissipate the chill that had clung to you outside.
You close the door and at the other end of the walkway out of sight, Touya’s shoulder’s slump like a marionette whose strings have finally snapped.
He stares at the scarf in his scarred hands with an ache kindling in his chest. He loops it slowly around his neck and turns to continue off into the cold night, a little bit warmer than before. 
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logicaltips · 2 years
To lend a hand
What if the Creator was absolutely terrible at the game? Definitely not speaking from prior experience here
Like, your acolytes are still getting stronger compared to before they were blessed by the Creator's presence, but the builds are all wrong; all the artifact and weapon stats and abilities are not optimal, they aren't leveled, and the skill leveling path is completely wrong. And the Creator just can't time their dashes to I-frame through attacks and skills to get proper reactions. Think like, using Mona's burst randomly and just letting it pop on its own with no follow up.
At first, the acolytes will be absolutely delighted to be blessed by their Creator, then, after suffering constant defeats, they realize that the Creator is completely unfamiliar with the land they created after being separated from Teyvat for so long. The role of the Creator is essentially to offer many paths to power, but the acolytes themselves must choose which ones to walk on. Also they believe that if they don't help you, they're scared that the Creator will get tired of Teyvat after constantly losing and will uninstall the game. They don't want to play the game for you; just make it easier so that they will still play.
In Mondstadt, Jean organizes the Knights to help you in commissions in anyway that they can, even if they're pulling triple duty. For delivering food, instead of the Creator stumbling around random paths well past the time limit, they find that the only goal is to simply grab the delivery fee from the front gates and give it to Sara. Meanwhile, Kaeya, Lisa, and Eula construct a makeshift obstacle course, full of non-damaging traps, to help train the Creator in I-frame dashing, which doubles as a commission. While they are a bit firm in their training, they don't push the Creator too hard and make it seem impossible to accomplish. When the Creator finally dashes through the first obstacle, the entire city erupts with celebration.
The obstacle course would later become a mandatory test requirement for the Knight of Favonius recruitment trials. Of course, Ella and Noelle pass with flying colors.
In Liyue, Zhongli automatically activates his shields whenever the Creator begins a battle, sometimes almost breaking the limits of the connection between Creator and acolyte to lengthen his shield duration well past their coded limits. Meanwhile, Ningguang sends bits of her information board to the Creator's mailbox on what to buy, how to manage resources and mora, and where to ask for assistance in Teyvat.
During the Tartaglia boss fight, at first he's excited to fight a Creator-powered acolyte for the first time, but after the 20th victory without needing to draw on the power of his delusion, he and everyone else in the Creator's party begins to hear crying and words of "This boss fight is impossible..." from the Creator.
Immediately, the characters in the party go full Super Saiyan; temporarily leveling up their talents to the highest, obtaining all the food buffs at once, and even steal the most powerful weapons from the gacha, while Tartaglia musters as much "overly dramatic defeated villain" acting energy as he can.
"Ah~~! It- it can't be! Where did you obtain this power from?! You're too strong~!" As he slowly falls over, "defeated" when the Creator finally overcomes his 2nd phase.
The joyful cheers from the Creator of that day prompted the creation of a new holiday in Liyue, which surpasses the popularity of the Lantern Rite. Even Osial delayed his emergence to let the people celebrate the momentous occasion.
In Inazuma, the first fight against Raiden terrifies the Creator so much that they immediately burst into tears at the notion of fighting them a second time. With that, every character allied with the Resistance is motivated times 10000; this wasn't just a war to repel the Vision Hunt Decree, this was a war to make sure the Creator's heart isn't hurt ever again. Kokomi, Gorou, and later even Sara Kujou, combine their strategic minds to come up with the best possible builds for each acolyte the Creator has obtained, and sends a letters of guidance of how to build a proper kit to the Creator's mailbox.
When Signora steps up to challenge the acolytes, the Creator once again is terrified of fighting another Harbinger. Unfortunately for Signora, the Creator has learned (somewhat) from their previous experiences, and with immense difficulty, defeats Signora. During the Raiden boss fight, the Creator finds that the Shogun's blade was dealing less damage than before, and the windows to attack were quite long. After an intense battle, the Creator manages to defeat the Shogun and leads her to repeal the Vision Hunt Decree.
After all, the puppet has learned her lesson after watching the Creator's new power being used against Signora. True eternity was earned from the passing moments of growth, culminating in an eternal memory engrained in the Creator's mind as they finally overcome their challenges and claim their rightful rewards with the help of their acolytes.
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pearlsofthec · 10 months
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’Tis the season to be jolly! But it doesn’t really stop there for many of us. If you study in the southern hemisphere, you knpw that December doesn’t mean solely fairy lights, hot cocoa and ice skating dates, it also means spending hours in your local cafe trying to make an Americano last six hours (honestly, why study in a silent library surrounded by stressed out students when you could be sitting in a warm coffee shop, stimulated by the barista’s never-ending jazz playlist and the flux of people coming and going?) and dodging questions such as “How are your preparations for the session going?”, or my favourite “Have you started reading the syllabus yet?”.
Honestly, depending on how you take things in life, December can be as fun as it can be depressing. I’m a Libra, and throughout my whole life I’ve learned that a bit of compromise goes a long way, and this is the month where I can really put my theories to the test. that’s why my first essential of the month is…
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1. Advent Calendar
It might sound silly, but having a Christmas Advent not only is an excuse to treat yourself every day, as it also is a form of keeping track of your control over yourself. Sure, watching influencers open a christmas advent a day can be fun, the sadistic pleasure in finding out that the person who payed over €500 for a Chanel calendar is only getting a bunch of stickers and products which are barely worth being displayed in a duty free store is hard to beat, but stick with me on this one!
It’s easy to purposely forget to study, drink one too many festive cocktails, and let all the holiday discounts be a reason for you to splurge on things you wouldn’t otherwise have bought just as it’s easy to eat all the 24 chocolate truffles in one go… But not doing it is just as easy, and, I guess, a good reminder that balance is the best treat on the long run.
I genuinely HATE mini products, so I won’t be reccomending any beauty advents, sorry. I know it may feel too late to get your own, but it’s NEVER too late.
1. Venchi Prestige Calendar
2. Marchesi Calendario Dell’Avvento
3. Cailler 200g Calendar
4. Bonne Maman Jam Advent Calendar
5. Vosges haut chocolaterie Calendar
6. Torroneria Cioccolateria D. Barbero
7. Antico Caffè Novecento
8. Any of the Lindt ones… classics for a reason
2. Movie Marathon
Maybe it’s the cold, maybe it’s the desire to procrastinate, BUT my will to watch movies skyrockets during this time of the year. There is a ridiculous amount of awful films sets in this time of the year, but if you look you can find some amazing classics that are just UNSKIPPABLE. From the jolly to the perverse, here’s my official Twelve Films of Christmas
1. Eloise at Christmastime
2. The apartment
3. Holiday
4. Eyes wide Shut
5. The shop around the corner
6. White Christmas
7. Black Christmas
8. Meet me in St. Louis
9. Fanny & alexander
10. The Thin Man
11. Metropolitan
12. Spencer
3. Go all out
Whether you want to go out or simply go all out even when you’re staying in is up to you, BUT a crucial thing to my is ending the year with a BANG. Now, I’m not exactly a clubber, but I’m a big enjoyer of fun wherever and whenever, and I can’t go more than a day without having fun with my friends this time of the year. This means random aperitivo nights after leaving six hour lectures, day trips to random cities, and lotsa dinner parties. I know I’ve probably exausted everyojne with lists, but I’m gonna write yet another one, hopefully short this time, of a few activities sprinkle through your weeks, hopefully to inspire some strenght and to end the year on a sweet note.
1. Moodboard night: With the New Year right around the corner, it’s crucial to set your goals straight… and what better way than doing it with friends? Look, I personally don’t think someone should set their vision board on stone, you don’t need to stick to the things you decided to do on a random night for the rest of the year, I personally end up taking a month to write down things to help me understand my own goals and objectives, both personal and professional/ academic… But it’s so nice to talk about all of your prospectives with your friends and loved ones, wonder about the potential that the new year can bring does no harm. If you really feel like this type of thing is too personal, then I’d say you could organize an “Unrealistic Wishlist” board day, when owning a Himalaya Hermes Kelly is a totally achiavable thing! Granted, I’m a tad materialistic, but I just adore learning more about my friends through their materialistic goals, with the right outlook it can be really revealing. Plus, I’m a huge fan of arts and crafts, and I’ll take any excuse I have to do it.
2. Charcuterie dinner: One of my biggest no-nos is showing up empty handed to any dinner, maybe it’s a Brazilian thing, but I’ve never done it and don’t plan on ever doing it. With a charcuterie dinner, I have an excuse to do it! I love charcuterie dinners more than anything in the world, cheese, wine, fruits and salami… no better combination. Not to mention that it’s practically like a live personality quiz for you and your friends, as nothing is more telling of a person’s character than their cheese preference.
3. Christmas shopping afternoon: Preferably to be done with a guy to use as your own bag carrier. Whenever I need to go somewhere or do something, I like to call other people up just in case, and although I love some peace of mind to think clearly when I need to buy presents for myself, when my consumerism is altruistic I love to have someone around to give me second opinions and spare my shoulders of all the extra weight!
4. Homemade decoration and dinner: I currently don’t have an apartment of my own to decorate, but other people’s serve me just as well. One of my favorite activities has been going to my friends’ homes to arrange garlands, make dried orange slices decor and even help to carefully distribute tinsel on the christmas tree. What is a chore to some is fun to others, with the right playlist and conversation specially. Afterwards it’s crucial to have a dinner party as a treat, no decoration shall be wasted!
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To Discover
I feel like my consumerism is reaching an all time high right now, and I feel like I might as well share some of my current favourite discoveries with you guys. There’s nothing better than giving (and getting!) gifts from one of a kind stores, and so, I’ve made a little list of places that are definitely worth checking out:
1. Nesines: It’s a brand from barcelona that sells just the coolest shirts. I’ve just gotten one from them and I’m obsessed with the fit, the colors and the model. The quality is amaxzing, and I love that fact that their products have amazing compositions, no polyester around here! If you want a top that can elevate any pair of jeans, look nowhere else!
2. Maria de la Orden: I have to give credit where it’s due… this brand wasn’t on my radar before my mom showed it to me . Colorful velvet can definitely brighten up even the dullest winter days, especially when it’s presented in such unique shapes. Honestly their jackets are to die for, as are their headbands.
3. The obedient Daughter: came across this brand thanks to a kind destiny and now I’m absolutely OBSESSED with their curation of books and clothing. A gorgeous presentation of products that are unique but timeless… I simply NEED their Diana skirt.
4. MC2 Saint Barth: Okay not really a discovery, but THE place we should all be looking at for a perfect tongue in cheek aprés ski sweater. Ngl, I’m giving each of my siblings a sweater this christmas, and although I KNOW it might be an overdone gift, it’s a classic for a reason. And I myself know my sister would never not appreciate the opportunity to walk around Cervinia with a hot pink sweater that says “FAVOLOSA”
5. Bella Freud: Again, not a discovery, but worth a mention just because this was the month when I truly explored the brand’s full potential. Everyone knows their gorgeous sweaters with the best quotes (Godard IS GOD!), but I’m currently obsessed with their candles, ceramics and overall home accessories. Can someone please give me their Cunty mug? Please?)
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To be worn
Sunglasses: I’m a guilty “occhiali da nebbia” wearer, much to my friends’ dismay. Though some may think it can be a bit bizzarre to wear sunglasses out on days when the sun doesn’t seem to get any high, I don’t have any shame in looking (or at least feeling) cool no matter the weather … My current go tos are the Dior Palladium (if you get it to wear in Venice it’s even better, that way, if anyone asks, you can say you’re paying your respects for Andre Palladio’s influential architecture)
Fur trimmed everything: Okay maybe i’ve been watching one too many episodes of friends, and letting the 90s influence a bit too much over my style, but recently I’ve been obsessed with fur trimmed coats. Long or short, black or camel, it doesn’t matter. I didn’t bite when everyone was going crazy over that green trench back in 2020, but now it’s different! A classic cut with a bit of fun fur will never go out of style in my eyes.
Barretes: Okay I think barretes are not an addition to my blog, I’ve probably been proudly posting about being a proud barrette wearer since 2020, but now I’ve actually been converted, and went from being a strictly tortoiseshell hair accessories wearer to a the brighter the better one. The one thing to blame is none other than the city of Copenhagen, where I discovered Maanesten and Pico, and FEASTED.
Herbag: Taking to “To Be” oof this section a bit too literally, and even a bit too hopefully. Not only do I absolutely love the fact that it reminds me a bit of the Kelly, I also love its overall practicality, everyone I know that has it rages on and on about its endless perks. While the fact that its body is made out of canvas rather than the famous traditional Hermes leather might be a turn off to some but to me it’s just perfect, principally because I’ve been planning on getting it to use it as a school bag and I’ve had the misfortune to have once tried to carry a leather bag around all day just to practically destroy it in one day.
Scarves and Pashminas: Winter is the season when I really can’t seem to escape all black outfits, but wearing a beautifully textured pashmina ALWAYS is a game changer for me. I feel like every city in the world has a Tibet store packed with the most varied options of material, print and density, I know Milan has an incredible one (although the Paris Tibet Forever on Le Marais will always take the cake).
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The Girlfriend Who Remade Christmas
Part Two: See What the Time's Done
Square: Heartbreak ~ @spnchristmasbingo
Song: Where Are You Christmas? ~ Faith Hill
Pairing: Dean x Nicole {Nico/Nic} OFC
Summary: Nicole formulates a plan to help Dean find joy in Christmas again.
Warnings: More angst than fluff, canon divergence
Word Count: 1,134
Beta: @princessmisery666
Credit: @talesmaniac89 made the gorgeous title card and divider
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Series Master Post
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Nic reaches the old storage room she had commandeered to turn into a studio and darkroom. Slamming the door, she locks it behind her. The brothers know she prefers to have some time to herself after they argue, but she’s not taking any chances on either of them walking in to try to appease her.
Pacing around the room, she rearranges supplies, shuffles through papers, and picks up small knick-knacks, only to immediately put them back in place. Grabbing a pillow from the overstuffed chair opposite her desk, she screams into it, trying to expel the frustration and sadness swirling inside her. It doesn’t help.
She plops into her desk chair, jabs the power button on her laptop, then scrolls through her playlists. Music has always helped to calm her, one of the things that she and Dean have in common. Hitting shuffle on her Christmas playlist, she leans back in the chair, clicking her tongue and irritatedly tapping her nails on the desk’s surface, waiting for the cheerful melodies to ease the tension as her thoughts settle back on Dean.
This is the first year they won’t spend the holiday hunting monsters or holed up in some crappy motel. The boys have never had what others considered a traditional Christmas. Still, she knows that beneath his battle-hardened shell, Dean sometimes dreams of having something more conventional and ordinary. A holiday spent listening to cheesy Christmas music, over-the-top decorations, exchanging gifts, more food than they can eat at one meal, and his family and friends nearby, sharing the warmth and love of the season—the ‘apple pie life’ as he likes to call it.
For Dean and her, the bunker is a home, a place that is safe and familiar. The closest they will probably ever get to that apple pie existence. So the prospect of decorating, baking, and enjoying what others considered normal Christmas activities for the first time with him had filled her with giddy excitement. 
She thought Sam would be the tough nut to crack and to get on board, but aside from the tree debate, he seemed to support her plans. Dean’s response to her initial foray is bewildering. He’d acted enthusiastic when she regaled the group that night with her vision, even offered suggestions. It breaks her heart to see his apparent disdain for it all now, and she regrets responding to his anger in kind. There’s something driving it; she just needs to figure out what it is. 
Nic closes her eyes, replaying their conversation in her head, focusing on his body language and facial expressions. Sorrow …his eyes had been mournful and dark before he blinked it away while she spoke about the beauty and spirit of the season.
The upbeat anthem shifts into a slow emotional ballad, and between breathy vibrato and belted lines, the artist sings about searching for a lost Christmas. The song is from one of her favorite movies. The one she’d been watching earlier and why it was in the forefront of her mind, prompting her to call Dean a bad banana. The image of his adorably confused face sparks a small giggle. 
Restarting the song, she pushes away from the desk, slowly swiveling in the seat, mulling over the possibilities of what triggered Dean’s sudden opposition and hidden grief.
My world is changing; I'm rearranging
Those two simple lines punch through her musings and tears well in her eyes. Dean’s life has changed drastically over the past months, and he’s probably feeling lost. Unsure of where he fits into the world now. Yes, there are still monsters and evil to fight in the world, but those cases have been few and far between and are cakewalks compared to fighting cosmic beings hellbent on the destruction of the world.
Obtaining something that he had only ever dreamed of, talked about as if it were a fairytale because he never believed that he would ever have it, is, in truth, probably terrifying. After spending the majority of his life in fight or flight mode, Dean now finds himself in transition. He’s probably wondering how long it will take before he screws it up, waiting for it to become tainted because he didn’t truly earn it, a constant fear running through his mind that he will wake up and it will all have vanished. She berates herself for not seeing his struggle sooner, especially since she’s been having similar feelings, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
She’s been busy with her growing business, tucked away in her workroom for hours on end, completing orders so they can be shipped in time for the holiday—neglecting Dean. Thinking back over the past few weeks, she can envision the shift in his demeanor. Usually, Dean has a hard time hiding his feelings from her, but the change had been subtle, and her distracted mind had missed it while it was happening.
Swiping away the tears on her cheeks, she plants her feet, chair jerking to a stop mid-rotation as her eyes land on her old Polaroid camera. Photography is a secondary hobby, and the wooden shelving unit Dean built for her is home to several vintage cameras still in working order. To her, photography is a form of art that creatively captures the world around you, preserving those moments in time from a viewpoint others might not see.
With a gasp, she jumps from the seat. “That’s it!” Rummaging through the closet, she pulls out a box of old maps and travel journals, remnants from a life long ago. The items in the box document her grandfather’s travels around the world. She had barely managed to save them from being thrown out by one of her foster parents. They are the only items she has of her former life. 
She had spent hours of her childhood reading about his epic adventures and studying the maps, learning how to read them and navigate the world at large. That skill had served her well over the years. While quite familiar with the highways and byways of the country, having traversed them way more than most, the Winchesters had still come to rely heavily on her knowledge. Nicole’s unique skillset of rapidly calculating distances and recalling little-known routes had shaved off many miles and given them back precious time when it was needed most.
Laying out the maps on her large workspace, she grabs her tablet, phone, and a fresh notebook. Dean needs to see the world through a different lens, a view not mired in blood and heartache. She will plan an adventure for the two of them, a road trip that will remind him of the beauty and the good he sacrificed the last 40+ years of his life for—remake the holiday into a Winchester-style Christmas.
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Love Me Some Pie tag list:
@akshi8278 // @asgoodasdancingqueen // @calaofnoldor // @compresshischest09 // @deanwanddamons // @flamencodiva // @idreamofplaid // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt // @justrealizedimmascifygurl // @michellethetvaddict // @mvdeanw // @shawnie74 // @siospins2 // @thinkinghardhardlythinking // @thoughts-and-funnies // @waynes-multiverse // @wayward-and-worn // @waywardbaby // @weepingwillowphoenix
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THE GEMINI FULL MOON SWINGS IN ON DECEMBER 7 at 8:08 pm Pacific🌟Exhibiting the Joy of the Sun in Jovial Sagittarius opposing the Gemini Moon’s Dualistic Nature, this Full Moon is not sure where it’s going, but it’s going!🌟Only an hour after the lunation, Mars RX in Gemini exactly conjuncts the Full Moon🌟Moon-Mars stuff can be edgy and uncomfortable, and that is amplified by the Full Moon🌟Plus, Mars is Out-of-Bounds which means running rogue and impulsive🌟Additionally, we have the Sun conjunct the Great Attractor and Venus conjunct the Galactic Center, so we are in a powerful Portal of Deep Space talking to us🌟This Portal is active throughout December, and with Jupiter hovering in the last most potent degrees of Pisces the Eternal One, anything is possible with visitations/visions/awakenings/activations from our Spirit Guides and Angels🌟Keep your feet on the ground though, as Neptune in Pisces widely conjunct Jupiter creates a challenging T-Square with the Sagittarius Sun opposing Moon-Mars in Gemini🌟Neptune can be inspirational, yet highly prone to delusion and illusion..have a sober driver if you’re out partying this holiday season🌟And check yourself for foot-in-mouth disease (Sagittarius) and TMI/Gossip (Gemini) throughout Sagittarius Season, but especially on this Rogue Full Moon🌟December can be an excellent time for a year end personal inventory/gratitude list for 2022’s lessons, as well as vision boarding/vision questing/card readings for 2023 which will promise multiple major planet sign shifts🌟As great change is on the horizon for 2023, let’s practice gratitude for the grace that has brought us through the recent Eclipses and the life-changing challenges of 2020-2022🌟It’s time to Let Go Big Time🌟Be done with Scarcity/Survival Mode Thinking (Gemini)and Trust/Take Calculated Risks (Sagittarius)🌟This is a most Sacred Time of Year as Darkness gives way to the Light on Winter Solstice December 21🌟Bright Blessings, Swift Healings and Multiple Miracles Upon Miracles are Unfolding🌟Sometimes Quickly, Sometimes Slowly, Faith plus Work is the Key🌟DM me for readings..Link in Bio🌟#fullmoon #astrology #geminifullmoon (at China Cove Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl0WsmiOYyd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jonnakeller · 25 days
Crafting a Lasting Legacy: The Power of Multi-Generational Planning and Family Time
In an era where the pace of life seems to accelerate with each passing day, the concept of legacy—what we leave behind for future generations—has taken on new significance. Multi-generational planning, a holistic approach to wealth management and family bonding, is becoming increasingly vital for those who wish to craft a legacy that transcends wealth and encompasses values, traditions, and memories. This article delves into the importance of multi-generational planning and the role of family time in creating a lasting legacy.
The Importance of Multi-Generational Planning
Multi-generational planning goes beyond traditional estate planning. It involves not only the distribution of assets but also the intentional passing down of values, traditions, and life lessons to future generations. This type of planning recognizes that a true legacy is built on more than just financial wealth—it is also about the emotional, cultural, and educational inheritance that shapes a family's identity.
One critical benefit of multi-generational planning is the ability to provide financial security for future generations. By carefully managing and transferring wealth, you can ensure that your children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren have the resources they need to pursue their dreams. This planning often includes setting up trusts, establishing family foundations, and creating investment strategies that align with long-term goals.
However, financial security is just one aspect of a legacy. Equally important is the preservation of family values and traditions. Multi-generational planning allows families to define and pass down the principles that matter most to them, whether it's a strong work ethic, a commitment to Philanthropy, or a deep appreciation for cultural heritage. By involving family members in these discussions, you can create a shared vision that unites generations and strengthens family bonds.
The Role of Family Time in Legacy Building
While financial planning is a critical component of legacy building, the time spent together as a family is just as important. Family time is where the intangible aspects of a legacy—such as values, traditions, and memories—are created and reinforced. It's during these moments that stories are shared, lessons are taught, and bonds are strengthened.
Family time can be simple and inexpensive. The key is to make it meaningful. Regular family dinners, holiday traditions, and even simple activities like playing board games or going for a walk together can have a profound impact. These moments provide opportunities for connection and communication, allowing family members to deepen their relationships and build a sense of unity.
Integrating Legacy and Family Time
To effectively integrate legacy building and family time, it's essential to be intentional about both. Here are some strategies to help you craft a lasting legacy while making the most of your time together as a family:
Create a Family Mission Statement
A family mission statement is a powerful tool for defining your family's values and goals. It serves as a guiding principle for decision-making and helps keep everyone aligned with the legacy you want to build. Involve all family members in the creation of this statement to ensure that it reflects the family's collective vision.
Schedule Regular Family Meetings
Regular family meetings provide a forum for discussing important topics, such as financial planning, family traditions, and future goals. These meetings can be formal or informal, depending on your family's preferences. The key is to create a space where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.
Celebrate Milestones Together
Celebrating milestones—such as birthdays, anniversaries, and achievements—is a meaningful way to honor family members and reinforce the bonds that hold you together. These celebrations also provide an opportunity to reflect on your family's journey and the legacy you are building.
Engage in Philanthropy as a Family
Philanthropy is a meaningful way to pass down values and create a lasting impact on the community. Whether it's volunteering together, donating to causes that align with your family's mission, or setting up a family foundation, giving back as a family can be a powerful way to strengthen bonds and build a legacy of generosity.
Document Your Family's Story
One of the most valuable legacies you can leave behind is your family's story. Take the time to document your family's history, including significant events, traditions, and personal anecdotes. This can be done through written memoirs, photo albums, or even video recordings. Preserving these stories ensures that future generations have a connection to their roots and a sense of where they came from.
Preparing the Next Generation
Part of multi-generational planning involves preparing the next generation to manage the family legacy. This preparation includes financial education, leadership development, and instilling a sense of stewardship. By equipping younger family members with the knowledge and skills they need, you can ensure that your legacy is preserved and continued.
Encourage open communication about financial matters and involve the next generation in decision-making processes. This involvement not only helps them learn but also gives them a sense of ownership and responsibility. Mentorship from older family members can also be invaluable in guiding younger generations and helping them navigate challenges.
Crafting a lasting legacy requires a thoughtful approach to both financial planning and family time. By integrating these two elements, you can build a foundation that supports your family's future while preserving the values and traditions that define who you are. Remember, a true legacy is not just about the wealth you leave behind but also the love, wisdom, and memories that endure through the generations. By investing in multi-generational planning and making time for family, you can create a legacy that will be cherished for years to come.
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vahlee · 1 month
She has a plan.
If she fails, there will be blood on her hands.
Her heart pounds like a war drum as she strides with urgency, hoping her shades conceal the dread swirling inside her.
A TSA officer gives her a courteous nod as she passes through the doorway. She flashes a fleeting smile but keeps her lips sealed.
The Portland International Airport is a hive of activity tonight, packed with holiday travelers flocking for Memorial Day, and she is a lone wolf among them. Her petite frame makes her blend into the crowd well, yet an unsettling sensation of being watched gnaws at her.
She weaves through the sprawling terminal, down a long corridor, and breezes past a security gate using her airport ground crew badge. At last, she approaches her target — the tarmac beneath an Airbus A350 emblazoned with Air Yeet insignia.
A man wearing a reflective vest strides toward her, hands raised in exasperation.
“What do they want now?!” the crewman bellows defensively.
She shakes her head, making a slicing motion across her throat before pulling out her phone.
“What’s that mean?” the crewman queries as she closes the distance.
With her Samsung Notes open to a blank document, she types swiftly, <Not here for you / emergency unload>
The crewman’s expression contorts in disbelief as he reads her message. “Huh? Unload? We spent three hours loading it!”
The frantic woman exhales sharply and types a new message. <please, immediately, danger>
His face shifts from skepticism to alarm as the implications sink in.
“Are you sure?” he asks, concern creeping into his voice.
She darts her gaze left and right, scanning for threats. Leaning in close, she nods with palpable fear, pointing to her phone and zooming in on the word "danger".
Finally, he nods and raises his radio. “We need a delay on Air Yeet 46; we have suspicious cargo on board,” he declares.
<Suspicious?> another crew member crackles back over the radio.
“Affirmative,” he confirms.
The woman jumps, startled, as a voice bellows her name from a distance. The crewman hears it too.
“Who is that?” he whispers.
“Riuki!” the voice thunders, now unnervingly close.
Riuki seizes the crewman's hand, yanking him behind the plane's main landing gear, forcing him down between two tires. She crouches low in the shadow of the other set of gear.
“Don’t touch my plane!” the new voice shrieks, dangerously near.
Riuki trembles, holding her breath and squeezing her eyes shut.
Suddenly, she listens in horror as the crewman is dragged away.
His hands claw desperately at the tarmac, and heavy thuds silence his screams.
Seizing the moment, Riuki bolts from her hiding spot, but before she can gain any ground, a massive, meaty hand wraps around her throat, cutting off her air. She fights fiercely, flailing her arms in a desperate bid for freedom, but the man’s grip is unyielding. Her vision narrows as tears stream down her cheeks; she’s propelled through the air.
She crashes onto the tarmac beside the A350, just as its engines roar to life.
“You know the rules!” a woman’s voice rings out above her.
Panic claws at Riuki's heart at the thought of returning to her father. She gasps as her older sister flips her over with a swift kick, pinning her down with a foot on her chest. Riuki struggles to lift the woman's foot off of her, whimpering as tears blur her sight.
Her sister crouches low above her, leaning in menacingly. “You aren’t supposed to be out alone. Were you just gonna talk to them with your hands? They don’t even know what you're trying to say!”
A sharp sting explodes across Riuki’s cheek as her sister slaps her hard, forcing her head to the side. She squirms as the older woman hoists her up, but in doing so, her sister exposes them both to the fierce exhaust of the Airbus’s left engine.
A powerful gale of hot air slams them to the tarmac. In a split second, Riuki launches a blind kick backward, feeling it connect, followed by her sister’s cry of agony. Without a moment's pause, she races after the taxiing aircraft.
The Airbus is too fast. It begins to pull ahead of her at 30 miles per hour. Riuki veers to the right, across the path of another taxiing aircraft, in an effort to cut of the Air Yeet flight. After sprinting for what feels like an eternity, breathless and terrified, Riuki spots flashing blue lights as a battalion of airport security vehicles approaches. Guards leap from the vehicles, reaching for her, forcing her down onto the slick tarmac. Her face plunges into a shallow puddle, panic surging as she inhales water. A heavy weight crushes her, cold vices clamping around her wrist before she’s dragged upright, gasping for air.
Desperation floods her as she struggles to convey the danger to the departing flight, but she’s powerless without her voice. They shove her into the back of a security vehicle, slamming the door and leaving her isolated.
With a raspy sob and tears flowing down her face, Riuki watches helplessly as the Airbus A350 begins its takeoff roll just fifty meters to the right, knowing she has failed to change its fate.
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Unreleased story
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space-edge-technology · 2 months
Promoting Local Attractions and Events with Bulk SMS Marketing
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Bulk SMS marketing involves sending a large volume of text messages to a targeted audience simultaneously. For tourism boards, this means delivering promotional content directly to potential tourists' mobile phones. Unlike traditional advertising, which can be impersonal and easily overlooked, SMS messages are direct and have high open rates. For the better promotion choose the best bulk sms marketing company in india.
How Bulk SMS Marketing Works for Local Attractions
Tourism boards can use bulk SMS marketing to spotlight local attractions, whether they are well-known landmarks or hidden gems. Here’s how it can be effectively utilized:
Targeted Messaging
By segmenting the audience based on interests and demographics, tourism boards can send personalized messages highlighting specific attractions that align with the recipients' preferences. For instance, history enthusiasts might receive messages about historical sites, while adventure seekers could be informed about outdoor activities.
Exclusive Offers and Discounts
SMS campaigns can include special offers such as discounted entry fees or exclusive deals on guided tours. These incentives can motivate recipients to visit the featured attractions, providing a compelling reason to explore the area.
Real-Time Updates
Providing real-time information about attraction hours, special events, or any changes in schedules keeps potential visitors well-informed and more likely to visit. For example, a message might alert recipients about a last-minute exhibit at a local museum.
Interactive Engagement
Tourism boards can use SMS to engage directly with potential visitors by encouraging them to reply with questions or to request more information. This interactive approach fosters a connection with the audience and enhances their interest in the destination.
Promoting Seasonal Activities
Seasonal activities are a significant draw for tourists, and bulk SMS marketing can effectively spotlight these opportunities. Here’s how:
Timely Promotions: Bulk SMS marketing allows for precise timing of promotions, such as holiday events or seasonal festivals. Sending messages just before the start of these activities ensures they are top of mind for potential visitors.
Countdowns and Reminders: SMS campaigns can include countdowns to major seasonal events or reminders about upcoming festivals. This not only builds anticipation but also encourages early planning and bookings.
Seasonal Offers: Special packages or promotions tied to seasonal activities can be highlighted through SMS. For instance, a message could promote a winter festival with discounted accommodation rates or a summer beach event with special deals on local tours.
Highlighting Seasonal Attractions: During peak seasons, tourism boards can use SMS to draw attention to seasonal attractions that might not be as prominent during other times of the year. This can include anything from winter markets to summer music festivals.
Bulk SMS marketing provides tourism boards with a robust tool for promoting local attractions and seasonal activities.
SpaceEdge Technology: Bulk SMS Service Provider
SpaceEdge Technology  is pioneers in the realm of bulk SMS marketing in India. Our journey began with a vision to revolutionize communication strategies for businesses, making them more effective, efficient, and engaging.
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tipsycad147 · 2 months
Essential Steps for Starting Witchcraft as a Beginner: Your Guide to Getting Started 2
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Let’s Talk About Tools: Use What You Have
The witchcraft community can feel overwhelming, with endless lists of “must-have” tools and supplies. But the truth is, you don’t need expensive items to practice. In fact, some of the most powerful magic can be done with everyday household items. Let’s explore how to use what you already have on hand.
🏡Use What You Have
Your kitchen is a treasure trove of witchcraft supplies. Things like vinegar, lemons, rosemary, bay leaves, and cinnamon can be used in all sorts of spells and rituals. And don’t forget about those trusty tea light candles – they’re inexpensive, widely available, and perfect for quick workings.
Beyond the kitchen, look around your home. Pens and paper can be used to write spells, create sigils, or make paper spell dolls. Mirrors, bowls of water, and recycled jars – they’re all fair game for your magical practice.💰DIY and Low-Cost Alternatives
Get creative with repurposing items you already have. Old journals, sketchbooks, and binders make great junk grimoires. Fabric scraps can become charm bags or spell dolls. And don’t underestimate the power of natural items like dirt, sticks, and flowers – they’re perfect for home protection spells and offerings.🛒Thrift Store Finds
Thrift stores are a Witches best friend! You can find all sorts of useful items, like glass candles, candle holders, ceramic and glass plates, I’ve even found crystals and un-opened Tarot decks. They also have great options for small tables or chests of drawers, which make perfect mini altars or storage for spell ingredients and tools.🎨Craft Store Essentials
Craft stores are a goldmine for witchcraft supplies. Yarn, string, cord, paint, chalk, and air-dry clay can all be used to make charm bags, draw sigils, and create various spell tools.🧠Creative Spellwork
Don’t be afraid to get crafty! Use air-dry clay to make unique candle holders or offering coins. Birthday candles are perfect for small, discreet candle magic. And if you’re not a fan of drawing, you can always print out tarot cards or sigils.
✨The key is to view everyday items through a witchy lens and think creatively about how you can use them in your practice. Witchcraft isn’t about expensive tools; it’s about using what you have and focusing your intention. So get resourceful, and watch the magic unfold!
🔮 Altar Basics: Your Sacred Space, Your Way
Altars can feel intimidating, with all the “rules” about what’s right or wrong. But the truth is, your altar is a deeply personal space. It’s not about perfection; it’s about creating a meaningful, intentional environment for your magical work. Let’s dive in and demystify altar basics.
🧘Altars vs. Shrines
First things first: Altars and shrines aren’t the same thing. A shrine is an offering space for a specific deity or person, while an altar is a working space for your magical practice. I have both – a cozy kitchen altar for everyday spellwork and a minimalist vanity altar for my morning rituals.💫Altar Essentials
My vanity altar is all about self-care. It has a vintage mirror, a simple white candle, and a few of my favorite perfumes and crystals. I activate it each morning with intentions of confidence and self-love. On the other hand, my kitchen altar is a vibrant, eclectic space. It’s an old dresser filled with herbs, tarot cards, and a collection of trinkets that hold personal meaning.🎨Personalize Your Altar
The key is to make your altar emotionally and spiritually meaningful. Think of it as a vision board – include items that make you feel good and powerful. Ritual knives and altar cloths are optional; the only “must-haves” are the things that resonate with you.🌀Altar Maintenance
Changing your altar is entirely subjective. You can do it based on the seasons, holidays, or personal milestones. Let your altar evolve with your practice, reflecting your growth and changing interests. And don’t forget to use it for manifestation – place symbolic items for your goals and desires.🔒Altar Etiquette
Many witches prefer to keep their altars private. Activate and deactivate your altar through personal rituals, like lighting and extinguishing candles. If you’re on the go, create a travel altar in a shoebox or other container.
✨Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to set up an altar. It’s about your personal connection and intention. So have fun with it, get creative, and let your altar be a reflection of your unique magical essence. Your space, your rules!
Banishing: Removing Unwanted Energies and Entities
Banishing is the process of actively removing unwanted energies, entities, or even people from your life. While it may sound intense, it’s a crucial skill for any witch to master. Let’s dive into why banishing is so important and how to do it effectively.
🧹Cleansing vs. Banishing
Cleansing and banishing are related but distinct practices. Cleansing is about removing negative energy, like mopping up a mess. Banishing, on the other hand, is specifically about removing unwanted presences or entities, like evicting an unwanted houseguest. It’s a more targeted and intentional process.🔍Types of Banishing
Banishing can take many forms. Energy banishing involves actively removing negative vibes from a space. This is different from a general cleansing, which is more about maintaining a clean energetic environment. Banishing can also be used to cut ties with toxic people or remove unwanted spirits and entities.🌿Banishing in Action
Let’s say you’ve been feeling a heavy, oppressive energy in your home. You decide it’s time to do some banishing work. You gather your supplies, which include sage, cinnamon sticks, and a bell. You start by opening all the windows to allow fresh air to circulate. Then, you light the sage and walk clockwise around each room, visualizing the negative energy being pushed out. As you do this, you ring the bell, commanding any unwanted entities to leave. Finally, you place the cinnamon sticks in the corners of the room to maintain the protective barrier.🌿Banishing Levels and Tools
The intensity of your banishing work will depend on the situation at hand. For mild negative energy, you can use herbs like cinnamon, rosemary, and lavender. For slightly stronger energy, try orange or lemon peels, cedar, and juniper. And for more moderate entities, consider using herbs like mullein, hyssop, nettles, dragon’s blood, clove, and guava leaves. You can also use banishing sprays, oils, bells, and the help of local land spirits or deities.📚Recommended Reading
If you want to dive deeper into the art of banishing, check out these books:
“Psychic Witch” by Mat Auryn, “The Witch’s Shield” by Christopher Penczak, and “Protection & Reversal Magick” by Jason Miller.
✨Banishing may seem intimidating, but it’s a crucial skill for any witch. Trust your intuition, be polite but firm, and don’t be afraid to adjust your approach if something doesn’t work. With knowledge and practice, you’ll be able to clear your space and your life of any unwanted energies or entities. Your magic, your rules.
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edublogsworld · 3 months
Living Large - Billionaire Lifestyle Motivation and Luxury Visualization
What is it living large? The term "living large" is often used to describe people who live extravagantly. It could be a huge home or car, expensive holidays, eating at gourmet restaurants and other extravagant activities. Ben must learn to love himself in Kristina dufkova's stop-motion film "Living Large" that will screen at Annecy's Contrechamp festival. Visualization
Wealthy people don't let their busy schedules steal time from their activities. They are focused on activities that improve their mental and physical health, like athletic pursuits. Millionaires also engage in charitable projects, which can help them achieve satisfaction and happiness. Visualization is a crucial aspect to manifesting a luxurious lifestyle. Create a plan to highlight the essential elements of your dream lifestyle, including luxury items and experiences. Your vision board can guide you in making your dreams come true. In addition to having a luxurious vision board, you should also set clear goals both for professional and personal. Follow-up each day to make progress towards those goals. Manifestation thrives on a combination of mental focus and tangible efforts. Watch motivational videos of millionaires for inspiration and to develop the proper mindset. You can become a millionaire, and enjoy a lifestyle that many people cannot afford. Video source
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thebaepatricia · 10 months
Weekly Highlights ✨ Dec 4-10, 2023
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Revamping my Digital Planners and Trackers 💖  I watched The Ultimate Toolkit for CREATING New Habits: The Science Made Easy | The Mel Robbins Podcast and it inspired me to make drastic improvements on my Notion templates. Actually, I wanted to know the difference between a “Vision Board” and an “Action Board”. I watched a couple of videos, but realized I could come up with my own template - I just needed to understand the essence of it. So I landed on Mel’s video and now here we are.
I tried GrabFood for the first time. Hehe. I ordered a whole blueberry cake and pepperoni pizza for Dani’s 42th birthday and I would say it’s worth it. His birthday is every Dec 3rd.
(Dec 5) Did hybrid training in the morning! 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽 I woke up at 5am, lifted from 5:30 to 6:30, and jogged for 30 mins/3km. It was so hard to jog that morning as my legs were already sore from the legs training. Plus, it was cold. The next morning, thankfully it was an upper body day or else I would have had to skip. 😮‍💨
New morning workout: Training in the morning + working until afternoon
Took a mid-week break to sleep > train in the morning
Doing my best to be more personable and active online by being creative with the everyday things I do
Learned how to show and sort properties in gallery view (Notion) I’m so smart 🥹 (In case I forget ⤵)
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Actually spent a local holiday off and did not work at all 😏📴
Reviewed Budget Chart (for the nth time) and re-assigned budget per category based on previous transactions and expenditures. Note to self: Stick to the budget 📝
Surprise visit from Nanay + Uncle Nelson family 😭 Quick pitstop for 15 minutes to say hello
Journaling really helps me sort out my thoughts and gain clarity. I almost always feel lighter and enlightened afterward. Will not ever downplay the art and value of journaling. 🫡 ✏️📖
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giftsforus · 10 months
Always Follow Your Dreams Christmas Ugly Sweater Party
Always Follow Your Dreams Christmas Ugly Sweater Party for Men, Women, and a Gift for Everyone The holiday season is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than throwing an Always Follow Your Dreams Christmas Ugly Sweater Party! Ugly sweater parties have become a popular tradition during this time of year, and adding a unique theme like "Always Follow Your Dreams" brings a touch of inspiration and positivity to the festivities. When planning an ugly sweater party, it's important to consider the attire for both men and women. Encourage guests to wear their most outrageous, eye-catching, and, of course, ugly sweaters. Whether it's something they've found in a thrift store or an intentionally designed sweater, the more outrageous, the better! To fit the theme, guests can decorate their sweaters with inspiring quotes, dreams they aspire to achieve, or symbols of their personal aspirations. To make the party more inclusive, it's essential to create an atmosphere where everyone feels welcome. Apart from the usual Christmas decorations, consider adding motivational quotes and posters around the venue. This will help reinforce the "Always Follow Your Dreams" theme and create an uplifting ambiance for all attendees. To add an extra touch of fun and excitement, organize a contest for the ugliest sweater, most creative design, or best-decorated sweater. This will encourage guests to put their imagination to work and create unique designs that spark conversation and laughter. Providing small prizes for the winners, such as festive ornaments or inspirational books, can further enhance the party's cheerful spirit. When it comes to gifts for everyone, it's important to choose items that align with the theme and spread positivity. Personalized dream journals or notebooks can make for thoughtful gifts, encouraging guests to reflect on their aspirations and document their journey towards achieving them. Alternatively, dreamcatchers can be a beautiful and symbolic gift that represents the idea of catching and manifesting dreams. Another idea is to create a "dream jar" station, where guests can write their dreams on small pieces of paper and place them in a decorated jar. This not only serves as a fun activity but also provides an opportunity for guests to share their aspirations and support each other's dreams. To further immerse guests in the "Always Follow Your Dreams" theme, consider incorporating interactive activities like a vision board station. Provide materials such as magazines, scissors, glue, and large poster boards, allowing guests to create visual representations of their goals and dreams. This activity creates an inspiring and reflective space for attendees to visualize and manifest their aspirations. In conclusion, an Always Follow Your Dreams Christmas Ugly Sweater Party is an excellent way to celebrate the holiday season while spreading positivity and inspiration. By encouraging guests to wear outrageous and creative sweaters, incorporating motivational décor, and providing meaningful gifts, the party becomes an inclusive and uplifting experience for everyone. So, this holiday season, dare to dream and have an unforgettable "Always Follow Your Dreams" ugly sweater party!
Get it here : Always Follow Your Dreams Christmas Ugly Sweater Party
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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skywaytour1 · 2 years
Skyway International Travels
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Owner name: S.Mahalingaiah (Manu)
Address: Tourism House, #8, Papanna Lane St. Marks Road Bangalore, Karnataka 560 001, India.
Phone: +91-9845118222
Business Email: [email protected]
Website URL: https://www.skywaytour.com
Keywords: best travel agency in india, tourism company in india, best tour operators in india, travel agency in india, top travel agency india, honeymoon packages in india, international honeymoon packages, bali tour packages, maldives tour package, dubai holiday packages, singapore tour packages, thailand tour packages, kerala tour packages, jungle resorts in karnataka, luxury resorts in karnataka
Description: We are in travel business for last 25 years having management with travel trade experience for 28 years. IATA Accredited, Active Member of Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO), Travel Agent Federation of India (TAFI) & Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA).
It is part of our policy to offer customers only the very best, no matter which part of the world they arrive from. Skyway currently serves FIT’s, Families and small groups from UK, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand and USA.
Managed by a set of professionals, supported by perfectly maintained fleet, quality drivers, well- mannered staff, best office infrastructure, round the clock support and that extra urge to ensure a hassle-free holiday to make our guests feel comfortable and at home while holidaying.
We are specialized in tour packages that include Historical, Archaeological & Pilgrim, Preserved Forest & Wildlife, Spectacular Mountains & Beautiful Sceneries, Sun, Sand & Sea, Landscapes filed with Flaura, Fauna & birds, Adventurous, Ayurveda, Angling, Golf etc., as the list goes on. Specialists in tailor-made holidays to India, Skyway has grown to become one of the leading and most respected tour operators in India.
Skyway represent as GSA:
The Golden Chariot, the First Luxury Train in South India from Karnataka Jungle Lodges & Resorts, pioneers in managing Eco friendly lodges in Karnataka
S.Mahalingaiah (Manu) - Founder Director
Master of Commerce Degree holder from Mysore University.   Started Skyway International Travels during1994 after gaining 10 years’ experience in Tourism and Hospitality Industry.
Served Rotary Mysore in many capacities including President during 2004-05.    Instrumental in raising funds to start Rotary Mysore Chandrakala Blood Bank in Mysore.
Served as Chairman of the Blood Bank for 6 years.   Served Ideal Jawa Rotary School with 2000 plus children  as Chairman for 3 years in Mysore.
Instrumental in getting 5 years MTA (Master of Tourism Administration ) Courses in 5 Universities in Karnataka to help industry to get more than 300 MTA students  to our industry annually.
 Served as   Member of Board of studies in Tourism Administration of Mysore University for 2 years to introduce Tourism Degree and Master Degree courses from 2006-2008
Mysore Guide authored and first edition published during 2005  is popular guide book among tourists visiting Mysore.  Re-published 3 times and totally  more than 40000 guide books are sold so far.
Chairman IATO Karnataka Chapter from 2010.   Member of Karnataka Tourism Vision Group under previous Govt.  Instrumental in bringing in many mega events to Karnataka including IATO Convection during 2008-09 and PATA  Travel Mark  during 2015.
Founder member of Karnataka Tourism Society, serving as Secretary. KITE 2019 (Karnataka International Travel Expo 2019) was successfully organised where in 100+ International buyers and 240 Indian buyers were invited to attend exclusive B2B event in Bangalore, Karnataka during August 2019.  Organised 5 Mega FAM tours to 220 delegates as Chairman of FAM Tour committee.
Secretary – Skyway Tourism Education Trust.   A trust formed with main objective of providing education, training to front office staff, drivers, guides in Karnataka apart from other activities to promote tourism in India.
Member – Indian Chamber of Commerce Tourism Expert Committee 2020-22
Member - Tourism Task Force, CII Southern Region 2021-22.
Year Found: 1994
Number of Employee: 51-200
Operation Hours: Mon-Sat, 10 am to 7 pm, Sunday: closed
Youtube video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5q8L2kasr0
Social Media Links: https://www.facebook.com/Skywayindia/ https://www.instagram.com/skywayinternationaltravels/ https://twitter.com/Skywaytour https://www.linkedin.com/company/skywayindia https://in.pinterest.com/skywayindia/
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editorialsonlife · 2 years
It's been an interesting start to the year after a really long three years. And the thing I keep coming back to is that I want to feel good. I want to feel proud of myself again. I want to put in effort and feel it pay off. I want to try new things and be ok with failing or sucking at them again. I want to be an active participant in my life again, rather than feeling like I'm sitting on the sidelines watching it all unfold in front of me and I know how stupid that is to say (I've very actively chosen a new job and renovations and holiday and breaks and everything else over the last year) but I also think that with counselling and so much life analysis and trying to stay regulated and figure shit out I've just spent so. much. time. living in my head and very little time living in the world. I think the balance has just gone too far in the analytical direction rather than the active direction.
I want more of the good stuff around. I want more weekends away with girlfriends and more walks and laughter with Dave and more time spent living like holiday Catherine who gives way less of a fuck about practicalities and way more of a fuck about finding joy in dumb shit.
We were at the beach last week and it looked like it was about to rain so we weren't gunna go swimming, but ya know what? It rains, ya gunna get wet so just go swimming.
I want to build the weekly structures and routines so that I do have the freedom to go and do stuff. I want to get the housework done on weekdays so it's not a whole massive effort over the weekends. I want to spend my money on sensible stuff during the week so that I have money left over for all the good stuff I want to do on holiday. I want to exercise better now so that I can do all the great holiday activities later on. I want my workdays set up so they're actually productive, and I want enough sleep so I don't feel like I'm living on the edge of a breakdown all the time. I want less time on my phone and more time reading physical books. I want to be prioritising friends and catch ups over shitty netflix and boring crap.
Basically, I'm going to spend the year building the best routines I can with the discipline that I can muster (150% a skill I need to relearn) so that I am resourced enough to go and do all the cool shit I want to do.
As a fun aside, I usually do a year in review around new years (didn't happen this year) and set some goals and do a vision board but I keep dreaming about writing a manifesto. So I guess that might be what I end up doing this year.
I'm exceptionally grateful to myself for giving me permission to ease into this year and see how its going before making any big declarations or changes. Yay for self compassion and permission slips and concious effort directed well. Just need to keep that going!!!
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walksbesidecoaching · 2 years
New Post has been published on Walks Beside Coaching & Consulting
New Post has been published on https://walksbesidecoaching.com/2023/01/establish-core-values-for-your-new-year/
Establish Core Values for your New Year
The holiday season is usually exciting for seasonal parties, both personal and professional. However, as many have found, they make New Year’s resolutions that may not serve them going forward. As in the past, they will be leading lives non-congruent with their core values, resulting in unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and disillusionment. This is not uncommon in making New Year’s resolutions or any plans for the future. We are all complex beings holding a various set of core values, not just those that are corporate related. Consider where your deep views rest: Patriotic Convictions, Importance of grandparents and relatives, Intellectual growth, financial ethics, Respect for others, Moral worldview, and Reverence for any higher source. Core values are not characteristics such as kindness, loyalty, or daring. They are the principles that are worth living or dying for.
Meaningful success is a different value construct for each of us. We must define for ourselves what are the critical fundamentals we need from all efforts including self-expression, emotional fulfillment, psychological satisfaction, and spiritual joy. There is not an established rulebook on how you find your meaningful work and eventual success. You may not immediately see the realization of your efforts in your lifetime, but the legacy you leave will long be remembered by those that you served.
Combining core values with what you think meaningful success could be can take reflection for an hour or a week. Use something as simple as paper and pencil or if you have some technical app to record your thoughts, go to it. Remember that any commitment (resolution) you make to yourself has components that make them feasible such as:
Have a clear vision of the final outcome(s) you desire, state the time period required; and include the expected steps for achievement. Write your resolutions on a poster board or in simple post-it notes that you can see daily as a reminder, boosting your resolve. Also, define how success will be measured. How will you know you have achieved what you initially intended?
Define any other sacrifices you may have to make such as reserving one night weekly for that family evening and moving on to another activity accordingly.
Discard self-reproach over arranging programs just for your fulfillment. If volunteering as a reading mentor or scheduling that reiki massage causes you guilt, consider that guilt is a learned response. History has proven that family units, cultural bands, or even devout faith-based groups teach contrition in self-indulgence.
Remember ‘carpe diem’!
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caffeine-n-words · 2 years
Sarra Cannon's HB90 Bootcamp
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Image: 2023 Quarter 1 vision board. Background: Asexual flag. Top left to bottom right: (1) A person writing in a journal with their laptop in front of them, (2) upside-down picture of a hand heart against a sunset, (3) a person relaxing with a cup of coffee, (4) a piece of paper torn away to reveal the word “plot,” (5) Q1 Focus!, (6) A book with light and letters coming out from between the pages, (7) a book with two pages curved over to make a heart, (8) a mysterious shadowed figure against a greenish light, (9) a girl in a white shirt with red stripes standing back-to-back with a girl in a black-and-white striped shirt.
You can read this article on Substack!
Hello, all!
So, recently I decided to take a one week intensive course called the HB90 Bootcamp, which is run by Sarra Cannon of HeartBreathings. I’ve followed Sarra on YouTube for a few years now; she’s a very successful indie author, and someone I look up to. This bootcamp teaches her HB90 system, and a lot of other authors have sworn this has been extremely helpful for them, for a variety of reasons.
So what is the HB90 system? It’s a system of goal setting and planning. It uses Sarra’s planner system, which has been developed over years of her own experimentation, combined with a kanban board for visual representation of the things you’re working on. You then set your goals for the upcoming quarter (no more than three), break the goals down into projects needed to accomplish them, and break the projects down into individual tasks.
The class itself teaches you how to do these things, and also how to set up the planner (like how to map your available time and estimate how much you think you’ll need to complete a task and/or project, so you can estimate how long you’ll need for the goal), and how to set up your kanban board.
Was this class useful to me? I feel like it was. It definitely forced me to take my lofty writing and authorial goals and make them into something concrete. I had to state what I wanted, and make an actual plan to accomplish it—something more solid than “write a book, find an editor and cover artist, hit publish.” In fact, I set three goals—one for my future as an author, one for my fanfiction (because I need to write that, it helps me decompress and it’s fun), and a personal life goal. Most of my time is going into the first goal, but having the other two let me schedule in time for mental health and personal improvement as well.
Do I think it would be helpful for other people? Overall, yes. A lot of the material is geared towards authors and writing, because Sarra is an author, but I think it would also be helpful for everyone else. A word of caution, though, when it comes to scheduling time—it asks you to be brutally honest about your available time, and you make a chart of every activity you do. This can be overwhelming if you’re not prepared. I have anxiety, and for me, once I saw the visual representation of my schedule, I almost had a shut down at how packed it looked. Mostly because of work hours.
That said, my schedule is based off my current work schedule, and once holidays are over my work hours should drop back some. It’s also an “idealized” schedule—my work days change week-to-week, so (for example) I probably won’t have two days off in a row, but that’s how I blocked it out. I’ll have to adjust the actual plan on a weekly basis. These realizations are honestly what kept me from shutting down and deciding I can’t do what the class asks. If thinking about the sheer amount of work you have to causes any kind of similar reaction, this may not be the class for you. At the very least, you’ll need to make some adjustments to it.
Is the class effective? It definitely has been for making the actual plan, but when it comes to the execution…I guess I won’t be able to tell until the end of the quarter. I’ll definitely do a follow-up post then, let you all know how the overall plan went, and some updates throughout Q1 to let you all know how things are progressing!
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