#Honda Cement Company
the-odd-shu · 1 month
Sun's coming up
(Pre-Joel x Reader)
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If you prefer to read on Ao3, you can find it here! Along with the rest of the series.
Part 1 --> Part 2
Summary: When a spare pair of hands would have made Breakout Day just a little bit easier.
Word Count: 8,633
Reader uses they/them pronouns.
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September 2003 - Outbreak Day
It had been just another typical autumnal day. 
A long, cold one spent on the construction site, hauling bags of cement around, and weaving around the puddles left over from the rainstorm the night before. The chill had been biting despite your layers of shirt, hoodie and high visibility jacket, and your temper had been growing short from exhaustion and dealing with delivery delays. You knew the foundations couldn’t dig themselves, but damn did your shoulders ache now from flinging your shovel around for so many hours.
And to top it all off, you had been late leaving tonight thanks to your chatty co-worker and were only just on your way home. 
Your body was weary. Sleep tugged at your eyelids, making it hard to plan what you were going to have for dinner, since your bed sounded like a much better idea than warm food in your belly. 
Perhaps, it was that tiredness that had distracted you enough that the crash had been your fault. Maybe you hadn’t checked properly before pulling out onto the next road. Or perhaps it was purely the fault of the asshole who had rear ended your vehicle at a truly fantastic speed. 
All you knew was that one minute, the radio had been chiming along merrily to ‘Take on me,’ by Aha, whilst you performed a left-hand turn out of a junction. And the next, there was an all-mighty crunch of metal as something colossal bulldozed into you with a painful lurch, that made your seatbelt bite into your neck and jaw, and your teeth clack sharply together. Your tongue only narrowly avoided being bitten clean off from the impact.
The squeal of tires from behind informed you that the driver was attempting to accelerate even now. Your truck was bullied off to the side of the road until one of its front tyres collided with the grassy bank, and then the second car leapt ahead, before veering dangerously off the road, straight into the trunk of a thick oak tree, twenty feet from the tarmac.
For a heartbeat or two, you did nothing.
You stared glassy-eyed down at your hands white knuckling the steering wheel, and then you slowly lifted your head to the busted car ahead of you.
Its headlights were still on full beam. Its bonnet wrapped around the trunk of the tree. From what you could tell, it was a blue Honda Civic, and it only carried the driver.
The driver who was not moving, nor making any attempts to exit their smoking vehicle. Both of which struck you as odd. In your experience, the stuck up people in this town loved to have it out after a crash and spar for the final word of ‘no, it was YOUR fault!’
Tearing your eyes away from the other car, you glanced in the rearview mirror to find your truck bed completely twisted and warped, and your back window spiderwebbed with cracks. 
Not again. This could not be happening to you again! It wasn’t even your car this time, it was a company car. And Joel had been horribly reluctant to lend it to you in the first place. He had only caved because Tommy had argued your case. That you lived in the butt fuck of nowhere, and neither he nor Joel wanted to take it upon themselves to drive further out of town to pick you up and then drive all the way back to town to get to the construction site. Surprisingly, Joel had caved easily enough and you had this truck until you could replace your wrecked old one. 
He was going to ring your neck personally when you pulled into the parking lot tomorrow. And you had no doubt that Tommy was going to be laughing his ass off as he watched.
“Fucking damn it.” You cursed, shakily glancing back forward.
The interior of the other car was still devoid of movement. 
Silently, you debated driving away. And then you debated calling your repair company further down the road. And then you finally realised that you could do neither before checking the other asshole was alive and breathing. That they were simply choosing to channel their anger into calming down before exiting their car to come and talk it out with you.
Anxiously, you waited for another minute.
The driver’s door remained stubbornly closed. So with a groan, you pressed your hazard lights and reached down to unclip your seatbelt. 
With a huff, you angrily slammed open your car door and stepped out onto the tarmac.
“This is what I get for having a bleeding heart.”
The road you were on was one you used every day to commute to and from work. It was a small thing, winding and tight, with a field of tall, yellow grass swaying on one side, and the beginnings of a pathetic forest darkening the other. There were no street lamps out here. So you could only see by the diminishing orange glow of the sunset disappearing over the trees, and what your truck and the Honda’s headlights illuminated.
The air was growing sharper now that the sun was setting, but the driver’s window was rolled down for some reason. But you let the thought slide away unexamined, since that just made it easier for you to talk to them.
Picking your way over uneven ground and fallen sticks, you carefully approached the rolled down window. The yankee candle air freshener blew over your senses from the active air conditioning unit, the car itself still running. Odder still. Wasn’t having the air con on and the windows rolled down counter productive?
People could be so odd sometimes.
Stepping up to the window, you absently noted the woman behind the wheel was dressed in scrubs, her stethoscope still curled around the nape of her neck. Her head was lolled forwards in her chair, only her seatbelt keeping her upright. And she was twitching. Sometimes it was small jerks of her fingers, but mostly it was violent twists of her spine that had spittle dribbling down her chin from her slack jaw. 
“Shit man, are you okay?” You breathed, feeling unease settled like a stone in your belly.
You yelped, jerking back from her window as her seatbelt did the rest of the work. She writhed in her seat, twitching like someone was electrocuting her nerves, and babbling incoherently. She didn’t seem to remember how to unlock her seatbelt. 
At the sound of your voice, her head snapped up and towards you. Her eyes were wild. Her pupils were blown and her eyelids were pulled back to show the whites all around her irises. Spit-slick lips peeled back into a snarl, and she lunged for you.
Okay, tonight just got a whole lot weirder.
“I’m just, I think I should call you an ambulance.” You fumbled to explain, to which she squawked and tried to lunge at you once more. “Shit! Stop that!”
What the hell was that? A fucking breakdown? A panic attack gone wrong? A fit? Rabbies?
Turning your back, you jogged back to your truck.
You didn’t fucking know, and you were no medical expert. Best to leave it to the professionals. 
Tapping your work trousers, you groaned again when you remembered your phone was in your bag in the passenger seat. 
The road was utterly deserted in both directions as you returned to your truck and hauled open the passenger door. Rustling around in your bag, you found your phone tucked away beneath your high-vis jacket, and then you noticed the shovel that had somehow ended up in the footwell. 
Despite your situation, the sight startled a little laugh out of you. You must have been so tired after today, that you hadn’t let go of it until you got into your truck. Even from here, you could definitely see the company logo engraved in the handle. Hopefully, with the truck in the state it was, Joel wouldn’t even notice it was gone. 
Straightening up, you dialled emergency services and waited for the call to go through by leaning on the backdoor of the truck. The line rang and rang, and then suddenly went dead. You frowned and tried again, only for the call to immediately void. 
Pulling the phone from your ear, you checked to see that you had signal. A deeper frown. This road was notorious for four working bars, and now you had absolutely nothing. 
“Shit.” You cursed aloud, because it made you feel a little better.
Mentally, you ran through every first aider course you had ever sat through, and glanced back towards the crashed Honda. Only, the silhouette of the driver within was gone.
Your skin prickled at the eerie sight.
Heart beat picking up in your ears, you slowly retraced your steps back around to the driver’s side. Your phone was heavy in your hands; forgotten.
“Hello?” Your voice sounded too loud in the stillness of the road.
Your feet froze mid-step at the sight of the nurse crumbling to the dirt; convulsing. One of her legs was still awkwardly caught on her window sill from where she had clambered out. And you could just make out a strip of seat belt hanging from between her lips, which she chewed on in jerky, uneven motions. She was panting. A wet, desperate sound as if she couldn’t get enough air in.
Every instinct you possessed, screamed at you to back up. 
This wasn’t right. 
She wasn’t right.
Your boot landed on and snapped a twig when you made to retreat. The resulting crack was sharp and crisp in the otherwise silent atmosphere.
With predatory speed, her head snapped towards you.
You remained frozen.
She audibly sniffed. Dragging in deep lungfuls of air.
Then she harshly yanked her foot down from the car at a muscle straining angle. On wobbly hands, she shot to her feet, and charged at you. 
“FUCK!” You shriek, launching your phone at her head as you darted back. The device smacked into the bridge of her nose and bounced into the grass, but did little to actually slow her down. If anything, she seemed to forget she couldn’t bulldoze through the car as she had your truck, and did more damage to herself by crashing head first into the back of her car and bouncing off. 
“Stop it! You’re freaking me the fuck out!” You bellowed as you continued to scramble away from her.
She let out a warbled squawk in reply, and you heard her claw her way back to her feet. 
You needed a weapon! A stick! ANYTHING!
The awful noises she was making had the hair on your arms sticking up. It sounded like screaming, but the sound was warped and choked before it could fully escape her lips.
Behind you, she was on her feet again. And her attention was solely on you. You dared not look back, but you could hear her. Could hear the sniffing, the uneven, but unnaturally fast footsteps of her chasing you off of the grass and onto the road.
The SHOVEL! You could use the shovel!
Your truck was right there. Its hazards were still on, and its truck bed still twisted up from the collision. How stupid you felt now for not checking if the engine was alright. 
With fumbling fingers, you ripped open your passenger door. The woman slammed into it. Her nose crunched from the force before she toppled backwards and hit the tarmac. You shot your hand into the footwell, and wrapped shaking fingers around the shovel handle. The woman squawked again, rolled onto her belly and found her feet. 
She lunged. You threw yourself backwards just in time for her to slam into the open car door a second time and throw it shut with her weight. She threw herself off balance in doing so. She wailed, spun unsteadily on her heel, and stumbled straight into the shovel head you sent soaring for her skull. 
Dirt encrusted metal collided with bone. Her head snapped to the side with a painfully audible crack. And then she crumbled to the dirt. 
Your panting breaths were the only sound in the now too quiet road. Her car was still running, but you paid it no mind as you stared down at the body. 
“Oh god.” You gasped, as the reality of what you had just done dawned on you. She was dead. You had killed her. “Oh. God!” You repeated, stumbling back from the corpse and the pool of blood growing from her head. The edge of the shovel head had split the skin above her eye, and it was bleeding heavily.
This was a prison sentence lying at your feet. 
“Fuck.” You swore again. Hands shaking so hard around the handle of the shovel, that the tool was practically vibrating in your grasp. “Oh, holy fuck. I am so dead.” 
After a long few minutes of panicking, you dragged her back to her Honda and hauled her body back into the driver’s seat. If anyone came along, it would just look like a bad crash and they wouldn’t think much of it. Hopefully.
Your mind was hazy with panic. Every possible scenario running round and round in your brain, as you tried to recall everything the police had ever looked for in murder documentaries. You tried to wipe your prints off everything you touched with your sleeve. You stooped to locate your phone amongst the grass and dead leaves, groaning aloud when you found it cracked and glitching green when you tried to turn it on.
And then you thought, fuck it. Who were you trying to fool? Chances were, some Sherlock Holmes wanna-be would immediately deduce that the blunt force trauma to her head couldn’t have possibly been from the steering wheel, and then they’d figure it out from there. It might take them a few hours, but you didn’t have high hopes of getting away with this.
With dignity, you retreated (sprinted) back to your truck and stuffed your bloodied shovel back into the passenger footwell. When you got home, you would heavily bleach it until the metal shone. And then you would return it to the building site in the morning, and NO ONE would even know you were involved in this. 
Shit, how the hell were you supposed to go into work tomorrow pretending everything was fine when you’d just killed someone?
And how were you going to explain the bloody crumbled wreck of a truck that was now your work car? At least it was only the truck bed and the back window, rather than a side or the bonnet. The vehicle still drove fine and the engine sounded good enough for everything it had been through. 
With a couple of turns in the road, the crash sight was swallowed from view and you found yourself breathing a little easier.
Get home. You told yourself. That was all you had to do right now. Get home, have a shower, and try to sleep. You could call in sick tomorrow, and then figure out what the fuck to do from there.
Yeah. That was a good plan.
Cool. Nice. Great. Fuck…
Your truck turned a corner, and suddenly there were blue lights up ahead, and several armed silhouettes blocking the road. Surely they hadn’t found you already!?
The sun was fully set now, and the moon wasn’t yet at its brightness. The darkness meant that you noticed the people in the field rather quickly. Distracted from the road ahead, you realised that the field was in fact teeming with the headlights of several cars. Which was odd. There was no road going through that field. And the farmers certainly wouldn’t be out roaming it at this hour.
With effort, you turned your attention back to the window screen. It wasn’t any of your business. You just needed to get hom-
You almost chose to break, but then you briefly caught sight of the bloodied shovel in your foot well shifting and you knew you couldn’t. In your peripheral, the cars streaking across the field suddenly felt very promising. There was a small stream that cut threw it, you knew, nothing too deep. 
It was your safest bet.
Up ahead, one of the armed officers was striding away from his car towards you, a hand held up to signal you to slow down.
You did not. 
With a wild turn of the wheel, you veered sharply off of the road (like a guilty person) and slammed onto the uneven dirt of the field. The golden grasses were high enough to brush the door handles of your trucks, but not so high as to impede your vision. Plenty of it had already been trampled down by tyres and people, so you found it easy to navigate.
None of the police cars in the blockade seemed interested in following you, so that suited you just fine. 
You just needed to cross the stream and make for the road on the far edge of the field. It would meet up with the one you were just on, and then you were scott free for home. 
Up ahead, the glow of your headlights caught on shapes that rapidly morphed into people. A trio, from what you could tell. 
You were approaching them from the side, so you had a clear view of a duo of pedestrians being held at gunpoint by the third, who was decked out in full camo gear. His posture screamed that he was ready to open fire. And yet, he didn’t quite catch your attention as much as the others. Who, as you drew closer, morphed into a father holding his daughter.
You noticed the blood on them, and the dirt staining the girl’s pink T-shirt. Why did she look so familiar?
Your eyes jumped to the father, who was- WAS THAT JOEL!?
Your eyes leapt between the duo and the armed officer. You watched the way Joel backed up, mouth visibly moving as he turned his body as if to shield Sarah. His daughter was staring at him, only at him, and yet you could see the fear in her eyes.
You leaned forward in your seat and turned your lights up to full beam. Oh shit, it was Joel! And that had to be little Sarah clutched in his arms. Why the fuck was he out here? He left to go home hours ago?
You snapped your attention back to the guard. The guard who clearly had his rifle aimed straight at them. The guard who approached on steady, sure footsteps and didn’t look to be stopping any time soon.
Joel wasn’t even armed for fuck’s sake. He looked pleading, and Sarah just looked down right terrified. And the officer was not backing down. 
You had mere seconds to make a decision, and so you did. 
“Fuck it.” You said aloud.
This choice was an easy one. You were already fucked and destined for jail anyway when they inevitably discovered the nurse. Why stop now?
Setting your jaw, you put your foot down and blared the truck horn. The engine roared beneath your heels, and the tires screamed as they tore up the grass.
The guard froze mid-step, swinging round to face you, gun and all. But it was too late.
Your truck smacked him harshly in the knees and he went under your bonnet with a yelp. The truck ploughed over him like he was little more than a speed bump. A speed bump that shrieked and screamed and crunched under the belly of your truck. The force of him beneath the tires, made your seat lurch, and only your seatbelt kept you from flying across the car. The front types touched down, and the back of the truck jumped as the back set rolled over him. And then the suspension whined, and all four tires were back on the ground. 
You dared not look in the rear view mirror as you slammed on your breaks with a crunch of the brake pads and a lurch of tires.
Joel was just standing there, eyes wide and seemingly unable to tear his eyes away from what had just happened. His attention was stuck on the bottom of your truck, and his posture was ramrod tense.
At least Sarah seemed to not have seen. Her face was now tucked firmly into her father’s neck, one of his hands cradling the back of her skull. Her arms were practically choking him with how tightly she was clinging to him.
Joel did not move towards your car, nor did he seem capable of continuing to run.
Jabbing the button to roll down your window, you stuck your head out. Joel’s attention snapped to you, and the tension around his mouth loosened in recognition.
“GET THE FUCK IN!” You bellowed.
You were uncomfortably conscious of the amount of people milling around the field. Of cars tearing up the ground as they sped off in all manner of directions. Of the police blockade that had forced you on here in the first place, and had no doubt just witnessed you mowing down one of their own as if he were a strand of grass. 
Your voice prompted Joel back into motion, and he rushed over to your truck and ripped open the passenger door behind your seat. “How did you find us?” He asked, panic high in his voice as he tried to quickly but gently set Sarah down in the seat.
Joel strapped Sarah in, and made to retreat and close the door, but her small hands wound tightly into the collar of his shirt. His expression was achingly reassuring as he tried to unwind her bloodied fingers. 
“Pure luck.” You offered, eyes torn between glancing in your wing mirrors to watch his back, and your windshield in case anyone took interest in you. 
Your stomach dropped at the mention of Joel’s brother. He was out here somewhere? Your gaze swept the chaotic field once more, as Joel tried to reassure her.
“What is it, baby girl? I need to get in too.”
“But Uncle Tommy! We promised we’d meet him here!” Sarah cried, sounding horrifyingly distraught. 
Joel rounded the back of your truck, jumping over something (or someone) you couldn’t see in your mirrors. 
“He’s coming, baby girl.” He promised, “Tommy will be here soon! We just need to be ready to leave when he turns up.”
Sarah nodded, her expression so trusting as she let her Dad go and leaned back in her seat. She looked so tiny back there. Exhausted and streaked with cuts and blood. Tension tightened her brows, and you assumed she was in pain. 
The other back door opened and he sat down with a sigh. 
“He’ll be here.” Joel promised, sounding like he was talking more to himself than either you or Sarah. 
“We won’t leave until he’s here.” You agreed, watching Sarah relax even more. 
You returned your attention to the outside world, where no one seemed to have taken much of an interest in your beaten up truck besides avoiding it. Even the military seemed not to give a shit that one of their officers was down. 
Then the phone lines.
Speaking of, what the hell was going on with everyone today?
First the nurse.
The blockade. 
Come to think of it. You paused your scanning of the field to fiddle with your radio. Hadn’t it been playing music before the crash? Had it been damaged? Only radio static came out when you played with the volume. Giving it a firm smack, that you half-expected to fix it, you frowned harder when the static only intensified. 
And the cars collective decided to try out their cross country abilities.
Joel seemed to deflate. 
“Strange.” You muttered aloud, “it was working fine earlier.”
Joel shifted in his seat behind you. “Not that this is the most pressing of our problems,” he began in that tone you always associated as his Dad voice. Judging by the way Sarah subconsciously sat up straighter, she noticed it too. “But what have you done to the truck?” You winced and refused to look back at him. Joel sighed. “You’ve barely had this a week.”
“Hey, it wasn’t my fault.” You quickly defended yourself, “I was on my way home and some crazy fuc-” you bit off the swear before it could finish forming, practically feeling Joel’s disapproving glare on the back of your head, “some crazy lady,” you corrected, “rear ended me and now the back is ruined. And then!” You added dramatically, “she tried to maul me! So I’m sorry that your truck is a little beat up, but it has been one doozy of a night.”
Your anger curdled into anxiety. The last thing you needed was to lose your job over this. “Look.” You reasoned, catching his eye in the rear view mirror. “I’ll replace it-”
“Damn right you’re going to replace it!” Joel jumped in, his voice loud but drained of any real anger. It sounded more like a release of stress, than proper rage. “And I’m demoting you to a bicycle from here on out since you can’t fucking drive.”
“Language.” Sarah interjected, smiling weakly. 
Joel sighed and ducked his head. It wasn’t a yes, but it was gratitude regardless. 
You turned in your seat to look at him. “Bet you’re glad for my horrendous driving skills right now though.”
“I see Uncle Tommy!” Sarah shouted, tapping against her window.
You drew your attention from Joel and followed the direction of Sarah’s pointings. And sure enough, there was a familiar looking shadow running towards the truck. You put the headlights back on full beam just to be sure, and watched as Tommy winced.
Leaning over the passenger seat, you unlatched his door and pushed it open. Tommy climbed in gratefully and collapsed onto the front seat. He grimaced, before shifting and dragging your work bag out from under his ass.
You flicked them down and honked, whilst Joel wound down his window and stuck out his arm to wave Tommy over. The relief that flooded the man’s face was obvious.
“I see you found a friend.” He threw back to Joel.
“Luckily.” Joel says dryly, clutching Sarah a little tighter. “But we need to get out of the open. The military aren’t our friends right now.”
“I don’t think anyone is.” Tommy confirmed. He stashed his rifle into the footwell, and you revved the engine and began cautiously moving again. No one was paying any attention to you, but until you found the stream and returned to the road, you wanted it to remain that way. 
Attention torn between navigating the field and stopping him, you only managed to bark out an aborted, “DON’T-” before he pulled out the shovel and blanched at the blood splattered across the head.
Rusting in your front passenger seat, reminded you of Tommy’s presence, which also unfortunately reminded you of the murder weapon that had previously taken up residence in the foot well.
“Is this one of our shovels?” The younger of the Miller brothers laughed.
Very slowly, Tommy turned to look at you. Thankfully, he did not reach for his gun, but his gaze was heavily judgemental. 
“Now I severely hope this didn’t happen at the site.” He began to lecture.
“Course not.” You immediately dismissed. “Josh is a fucking asshole, but I wouldn’t wait for you and Joel to leave before killing him. I’d do it with witnesses.” You preached honestly, as Sarah chimed ‘language’ in the background. 
“Then, what is this?” Tommy pressed.
You were very aware of Joel’s silence in the back of the truck.
“Just focus on driving, I don’t want to end up back in that stream.” 
“Some lady tried to take a chunk out of me a few minutes before I found you.” You explained, only to breathe a sigh of relief as the stream finally came into view. Your story trailed off momentarily as you navigated the thinnest looking part to cross and did so. The truck was climbing back up the opposite bank when you continued. “It was her or me, and I panicked.”
Tommy whistled. “Good thing you had it on hand then.” He said absently, before returning the shovel to the foot well. He looked mildly impressed rather than scared or murderous in the face of your actions. “Just be sure to return it tomorrow.”
“If the police don’t catch my ass, I’ll buy you a whole new one.” You promised. 
Pointedly, you added more throttle to the accelerator. “I am not that bad of a driver.” You repeated, to which Tommy threw you a look.
“Say that to the back of our company truck.”
You opened your mouth to bite back, but Joel suddenly spoke up. “Y/n, have you actually been home yet?”
You watched Tommy peer back at Joel in the back seat, and they shared a look.
“Why?” You pressed.
Tommy responded. “Have you spoken to anyone since work? Been on the phone or listened to the radio?”
“Anne was the last one I spoke to at the site. There’s fudge all signal round here, and my radio has died on me, but I’m fairly certain that one was the crash.”
You glanced at Tommy who looked pained.
Joel swallowed audibly in the back. “You haven’t heard anything?”
“Joel, I love you, but you’re freaking me out. What are you implying? What is going on?”
He didn’t respond, and he refused to meet your gaze in the rear view mirror. 
Come to think of it, the nurse had been moving rather unnaturally, and with a speed you didn’t see everyday. 
It was Sarah who finally had the balls to actually speak up. “Dad said it’s a sickness.”
“A sickness.” You parrotted, and the girl nodded in the rear view mirror. “It’s making people act crazy. Makes them chase and hurt each other. One of our neighbours had it,” Sarah paused and glanced at Joel for reassurance, who simply nodded. “She chased me out of her house, and at her age, she certainly shouldn’t have been able to move that fast. It was terrifying.” 
You furrowed your brow. “So what? This is like a zombie apocalypse type shit or something.”
Beside you Tommy subtly nodded his confirmation, whilst Joel made a face and Sarah paled. “No.” The older Miller brother insisted, but you could tell it was more for reassuring Sarah than a real answer. “We don’t know what it is.”
The silence that followed was deafening. You kept driving, willing the field to end and for the road to return. With nothing but the roar of the engine and radio static to fill in the gaps, you decided to keep talking.
You bit your lower lip and sighed in relief when bushes appeared up ahead, with a splintered gate that opened up onto the road. You allowed the conversation to trail off as you carefully slotted the car between the broken gate pieces, and pulled out onto the deserted road and turned in the direction of home. 
“Do they know what’s causing it?”
Joel shook his head.
“We’ll go to my house.” You said aloud to the still car. Tommy was staring out of his window and Joel had his arm wrapped around Sarah’s shoulders. “I was headed there anyway. It’s secure and there was no one around for miles. And the roads are fucking ridiculous right now-”
As if on cue something dragged itself out of the undergrowth up ahead and began to drag itself across the road. It looked human, but it was twitching violently, like the nurse had. And it has no legs beneath the knees. Vaguely, you could see a trail of red marking its path from the trees as if it were some humanoid snail. 
There was plenty of room to go around it, but the rest of the car didn’t seem to agree. 
With a shout, Tommy pointed the thing out to you and lunged for the wheel as if he thought you hadn’t bloody seen it. You were quick to smack his hand away, but the damage was already done. Joel was alert again, his voice rising into a yell as Sarah’s eyes widened and she clung to him, bracing as if you were about to go speeding towards a tree. 
You smoothly avoided the twitching figure dragging themselves across the tarmac, and turned a lethal glare Joel’s way. “Do not yell at me Miller!” You threatened, “you’re freaking your daughter out. Don’t worry Sarah, we're fine.” You gave her a reassuring smile in the rear view mirror before elbowing Tommy sharply, “and keep your hands to yourself or so help me I will turn this car around!”
It is an empty threat, but Tommy complied, looking appropriately chastised, and Joel focused back on Sarah whilst you did your job and navigated the roads. 
“Why are you so calm?” Tommy asked quietly after a moment or two. “Joel and I haven’t stopped since we found out.”
“Home first.” You said instead of explaining, “Sleep. And we can deal with everything else in the morning.”
And for the rest of the drive, the only sound was the distant shriek of sirens and the purr of the engine as you accelerated.
As predicted, home was peaceful. So peaceful, that you were embarrassed to admit to yourself that if you had returned home earlier without incident, you would have had no idea that a country-wide pandemic had broken out. 
Your driveway gates were still standing and just as secure as they had been this morning when you had left for work. The porch light flickered on when it sensed the motion of the truck as it always did. And when you stepped out of the truck, the world was quiet. The trees lining your yard fence rustled with the breeze, and the pebbles underfoot crunched and clinked together under your weight.
There was not a person or house in sight besides your own. And there were no neighbours for miles. 
It would be safe enough for tonight. 
The next few minutes consisted of getting everyone inside. It turned out, Joel was hauling Sarah around a field because she’d hurt her ankle in a car wreck, which meant she was immediately carried to the couch. Tommy took it upon himself to lock the truck, and then bolt and begin barricading your front door once everyone was in.
Once you’d brought your bag and stolen shovel indoors, you set about hunting down a first aid kit for Sarah, and finding your cat. 
Your search led you up to your bedroom where you found both. The first aid kit in the bottom drawer of your bedside table, and the cat in the back of your cupboard, curled up on a nest of dirty clothes beside the laundry hamper that she must have dragged out whilst you were at work. 
“There you are, my darling.” You cooed in greeting, dropping down on your knees just outside the cupboard to greet her. 
She was a bony old thing, with a short-haired, tri-coloured coat, and the resting bitch face of a great-grandmother. She chirped in confusion at the shift in light before groggily lifting her head from her pillow.
“Hello there.” You mused, allowing her to sniff your hand and duck her head in preparation for affection before you did so. She stretched languidly under your palm, her wiry legs poking out harshly from her body. “We have some visitors over, and I need you to be my assistant.” You continued to say as you carefully pulled her from her nest, her ochre eyes still at half-mast with sleep. 
She was a dead-weight in your arms, content to be carted around the house so long as you were willing to carry her and do most of the work. She was going on twenty afterall, and couldn’t quite get around as well as she used to.
Downstairs, Tommy was busy barricading your backdoor, which left you to return to the living room where Sarah and Joel were talking in hushed voices. You handed over the first aid kit to the latter, who promptly settled himself down by Sarah’s feet.
“Who’s that?” Joel asked absently, eyeing the cat in your arms who was glancing around the room with squinty eyes. 
“She’s not here to see you, you’re supposed to be working.” You lightly scolded, which seemed to startle a small smile out of Sarah. Joel jokingly huffed, and went back to assessing Sarah’s ankle. 
Turning your attention to the girl in question, you knelt down beside her head propped up on the arm of the couch.
“Sarah, I would like you to meet Daisy.” You introduced formally, “she’s an old lady so be gentle with her, but I’m sure she’d love some cuddles from you. Do you want to stroke her?”
At the moment, Daisy was sitting quite contently in your arms. Her feet rolled up and resting on your forearm, whilst her cheek pressed against your bicep. Her purr kicked into motion, when Sarah lightly began to stroke her back, and Sarah smiled again.
This was going to work out perfectly, you decided. 
“Can I hold her?” Sarah asked carefully, glancing from her Dad to you as if unsure if she was even allowed to ask.
“Of course.” You readily agreed, and coaxed the girl to recline back on her cushions. Only then did you gently set Daisy down on the girl’s chest, where the cat immediately purred louder and set to making biscuits with Sarah’s pink shirt. 
You frowned at the dirt and old blood encrusted on the fabric. You should have some spare clothes upstairs for her to change into. But that could wait until later. 
Distracted by the cat, Sarah seemed to have completely forgotten about her ankle, which Joel had checked over and was tightly wrapping in several lengths of bandages. Something was visibly loosening in him at the sight of his daughter relaxing after everything she had just been through. It was such a raw and vulnerable expression, that you felt like you were intruding, so you excused yourself to the kitchen. 
Your fridge was very empty. Which wasn’t massively surprising, considering tomorrow was shopping day, and you’d been surviving off eggs and cold beans straight out of the can, for the last couple of days. But it was a rather large inconvenience what with everything currently going on. 
“There’s not a lot to pick out for dinner.” You mumbled to yourself, since the others were in the living room, or in Tommy’s case, going around the house and drawing the curtains. 
You drummed your fingers against the fridge door as you stared down the couple of eggs left in their carton, the trio of sad looking apples in the salad drawer and the bottle of orange juice and left over milk in the door. All in all, it wasn’t a very good start rationing wise.
The cupboard next to the fridge bore no fruit either, aside from some canned vegetable soups and a forgotten box of teabags. The cupboard one along was even less promising. There was not a bread roll nor pasta bag in sight, which was damn annoying. 
There was however, enough instant coffee to make a pot, so that was something. And with the day you had had, there was no hope of going to sleep at a reasonable hour anyway, so coffee was a good enough solution to the weight of sleepiness beginning to return to your eyelids. 
The kettle had just popped, when Daisy decided to make herself known by your feet. For an old lady on the cusp of dusting into nothing, she sure still had a set of lungs on her. Lungs which she put to good use by sitting where you were in danger of tripping on her, and vocally demanding that you feed her dinner right that very second. 
Coffee momentarily forgotten, you were powerless to deny her and set about opening a pouch of wet food and setting the bowl down by her water bowl. Her nails clicked against the hardwood floor as she followed you across the kitchen and began to eat without further fuss.  
You smiled fondly at her and poured the coffee out into three mugs. After countless lunches spent on the sites, and hundreds of coffee breaks to ward off sleep at the ass crack of dawn, you knew by heart how each Miller brother preferred their drink. Joel with nothing but a half teaspoon of sugar. And Tommy with enough milk and sugar to almost completely disguise the taste of coffee entirely.
You had scarcely begun preparing your own mug, when Joel drifted into the kitchen, no doubt lured in by the promising smell of coffee. 
He stewed for a minute in his own thoughts, and you preoccupied yourself by blowing on your own drink. 
“Sarah’s asleep.” He said by way of greeting, looking exhausted but somewhat relaxed with his daughter still visible through the doorway. “Is this one mine?” He didn’t bother waiting for a response, as he took the mug containing near black coffee and took a deep pull. He sighed as it went down, closing his eyes for a moment.
“Good?” You asked with a grin, holding your own mug between your hands and letting the heat seep into your skin. Joel nodded and took another grateful sip.
Joel took another deep swig and nodded along. “We can’t stay here.” He said, to which you immediately agreed.
“You should probably get some sleep too, we had a long day on the site today.”
“Not a chance.” You rapidly dismissed, “too much adrenaline at the minute. And I don’t know how much longer we’ll have power for.” You began to say, “but if this is what we think it is, we need to prepare.”
You nodded along, putting aside your mug to pull some paper and a pencil out of one of the nearby drawers. Joel watched you over the lip of his own mug as you quickly scribbled everything down and added things when they came to you.
“I don’t have the food to sustain us.” You explained, “so we’ll need to find it. That, and clothes, as well as a means of starting a fire and a decent water source. I don’t own guns, so we’ll need to track those down too. Until then, we can use kitchen knives or tools.”
“We’ll manage.” Joel reassured, “make sure to add petrol to the list.” 
Further down the counter, you could feel Joel’s eyes on the side of your head. “What?” You asked when he took another obnoxious sip and failed to turn his attention elsewhere.
The rest of the words curdled on your tongue, when Joel suddenly appeared at your side, his mug in one hand and the other gently falling to rest atop your own one shaking around your pencil. His grip was warm and steadying around yours. Helping the tremors to subside.
Joel shrugged, “you’re just taking this really well, and I’m trying to figure out why.” He explained simply, “I’ve seen you freak out over a spider, and yet, a world-wide pandemic doesn’t seem to take the wind from your sails.”
“I’m in denial.” You replied simply, briefly glancing up from your notes to look at him. His expression was open, and you recognised it as the one he uses when Tommy had gotten himself into trouble, and Joel was trying to be patient with him. You looked away before you could get lost in the earnestness of his expression. “I killed two people tonight, Joel, and it doesn’t feel real. They’re dead, and here I am, back in my house, making coffee and feeding my cat, and fucking planning a road trip as if it’s just any other day...”
Your mind however, was back on that road. Instead of the pencil, you could feel the shovel back in your hands. Could feel the dirt caking the handle, now slick with your own sweat. Could hear the sound of the metal colliding with bone. Could feel the vibrations from the blow travelling up your arm. 
Joel squeezed your hand and it disappeared again. 
You were back in your kitchen, and he was a steadying presence at your side. For the first time all night, you felt unsteady and unsure. Until now, you had been operating purely on instinct, but now you had a chance to think, you just felt sick.
“Hey, it’s fine.” Joel soothed, his voice firm but kind. He had completely abandoned his mug now, and had his hands on your shoulders, applying pressure that helped you breathe a little easier. 
“Now, I need you to look me in the eye as I tell you this,” he paused, waiting for you to do just that before continuing. “One of those people was infected with whatever this is.” Joel says quietly, in a tone you’re pretty certain he used to soothe Sarah. “They were beyond reasoning and you had to protect yourself. The other was a military bigshot, who thought it was a good idea to try to kill me and my daughter. He just hadn’t anticipated that you wouldn’t like that idea.” You laughed wetly at the attempt at humour, but your heart wasn’t in it. Joel squeezed your shoulders again and ducked his head to find your eyes and hold them. “You did the right thing in both scenarios.” He promised earnestly.
“Nothing!” He said in a tone that firmly told you it wasn’t ‘nothing’. “I just never knew you had a cat!” He stated, as if you’d revealed you were secretly an ancient pirate captain planning to follow a treasure map to the moon using a scooter, instead of his co-worker who just happened to own a cat.
“But maybe-”
“You did the best you could, in the shitty situation you were dealt.” Joel reitorated firmly, “you reacted in the way you thought was best in the moment. But what is important is that you are alive. I’m alive. And so are Sarah and Tommy and,” he paused with a heavy, put upon sigh, “so is the fucking cat-”
“What do you have against Daisy?” You asked, feeling the panic ebb at the way he playfully raised his eyebrows.
“I’m just saying, you’re weirdly fixated on the cat.” You laughed wetly, and Joel brightened.
“There you go.” He said softly. A small, genuine smile tugging at the corner of his lip. He gave your shoulders a parting squeeze, and then withdrew to pick up his coffee mug again.
He stepped back into his own space, and you breathed out with forced steadiness.
You let him go, feeling steadier with the lingering warmth of his hands still teasing your skin.
“All jokes aside, I just want to make this clear now.” Joel began, and you tensed. “Sarah is my priority.” Ah, your shoulders dropped down from your ears. You had been expecting this train of thought. 
“She’s your daughter, I’d be concerned if she wasn’t.” 
“No, they’re pretty much zombies.” You reassured, “there was no thought process, only action and basic instinct. They don’t think, they just react to stimuli.” It made sense even as you said it. The nurse had responded to your voice and the sight of you. She had responded to pain but she hadn’t understood the words you used.  All her higher functions had been offline in the face of something primal you didn’t know the motivation of yet. 
Joel nodded. “Every decision from here on out is going to be about keeping her safe, and then keeping Tommy safe. If you want to part ways and take care of yourself, be my guest but-”
“Woah, hey now. What are you expecting me to do? Set up a bat signal on the roof and urge the zombies to come and get us? I don’t have anywhere else to be Joel or anyone else to go to. I am in this. All in.”
“First of all, they’re not zombies-” Joel tried to argue.
“Fine, they’re zombies.” Joel sighed, “but secondly, I assumed you would be with us anyway considering you were using ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ and you brought us to your house instead of dropping us off somewhere random. Which thanks, by the way, but I didn’t want to just assume. And finally, my point still stands, Sarah comes first.”
“And I hear you and I respect your resolve.” You promised, “therefore I’m going to give you a heads up that there has to be enough room in the truck for the cat carrier and several weeks worth of cat food.”
Joel scrunched up his brows.
“You cannot possibly be planning to take the cat.”
“Her name is Daisy, and she’s outlived every owner that has ever adopted her. Of course I have to take her. She’s family.” 
Joel rolled his eyes. “You need to get a partner or something, the cat cannot be all you have.”
You made a face. “Hypocrite.”
Joel returned your over the top expression with just as much enthusiasm.
“Ah, no! That is a company car and you know it!”
“Besides, my truck, my rules. The cat comes with.”
“I cannot hear you, I’m out of earshot.” You sang and promptly chugged your coffee, put the mug in the sink to deal with later, and went to have a shower.
After a day spent out in the sun, cold and sweating, and collecting grime, you desperately needed a freshen up before properly coming to terms with your situation. Only then, would you dare to think about tomorrow. 
During the conversation, Daisy had found her way back into the living room. 
As you passed the couch on the way to the stairs, you saw that she had curled up by Sarah’s head again, and the girl was absently stroking behind her ear. It warmed you to see Sarah’s smile again. Even if it was a subdued thing. Honestly, anything was better than the fear that had been plastered across her face when you had first found her and Joel. 
Two hours after dawn, the truck was packed up and ready to go. 
Daisy had been fed and loaded up into her carrier, which was now in Sarah’s lap. Joel sat beside them, looking exasperated at Daisy’s presence, but seeming to be coming to terms with it. Whilst Tommy sat in the passenger seat with his gun in the footwell and a map stretched out across his lap. 
“Sun’s coming up.” Tommy commented, “best start moving.”
“She likes hiking. And she’s very good at it.” You returned easily, and made a U-Turn for the property gate.
“Will do, just doing one last check.” You acknowledge, before leaning up and catching Sarah’s eye in the rear view mirror. “Can you make sure we’ve packed Daisy’s leash and harness please?”
Joel’s look of pure despair was worth bringing it up. “You cannot be serious.” He groaned, which prompted Sarah into a small giggle fit as she pulled out both leash and harness. Joel groaned again, playing up how much he hated the idea just to hear her laugh again. “Why is it leash trained?” 
With a bittersweet glance back to your home, you carefully pulled out of your driveway onto the empty road.
You had no idea where you were heading. None of you did. But with a kid, a cat and the Miller brothers in tow, you’re fairly certain it was going to be interesting regardless.
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Part 1 --> Part 2
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gqresearch24 · 4 months
Honda Commits $65 Billion To Advance Electric Vehicle Technology And Software Development
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(Source – VLK Architects)
Strategic Investment Aims to Propel Honda’s Transition to Electric Mobility
Honda Motor, a prominent figure in Japan’s automotive industry, has announced ambitious plans to escalate its investment in electric vehicle (EV) technology and software development. With a commitment of approximately $65 billion over the next decade, Honda is positioning itself to accelerate its adoption of electric mobility and fortify its competitive stance in the swiftly evolving automotive sector.
Ramping Up Investment in Electric Vehicle Technology and Software
Toshihiro Mibe, Honda’s CEO, unveiled the company’s strategy to double down on investment in electrification and software, earmarking a colossal sum of 10 trillion yen ($64.88 billion) by the close of the 2030 business year. This substantial augmentation in investment underscores Honda’s recognition of the pivotal role played by electrification and software-driven vehicles in shaping the automotive landscape of tomorrow.
Emphasis on Innovation and Performance Enhancement
Mibe underscored Honda’s unwavering commitment to innovation and performance enhancement, particularly in the realm of electric vehicles. The company aims to introduce a new line of battery-powered vehicles from 2026 onward, boasting an impressive cruising range exceeding 300 miles (482 km). Equipped with state-of-the-art technologies such as an ultra-thin battery pack and a newly developed compact e-axle, these vehicles are poised to deliver enhanced efficiency and performance.
Driving Cost Reduction and Enhancing Competitiveness
In addition to technological advancements, Honda is prioritizing cost reduction initiatives to bolster its competitiveness in the Electric Vehicle market. The automaker has set ambitious targets for cost savings in battery procurement and production expenses, with projected reductions of over 20% and approximately 35%, respectively, by 2030. These measures are integral to enhancing Honda’s cost efficiency and positioning it as a formidable contender in the global EV landscape.
Navigating the Competitive Terrain
As Honda intensifies its push towards electrification, it faces formidable competition from established automakers and emerging EV manufacturers alike. With rivals such as Toyota, Tesla, and Chinese automakers like BYD making significant strides in the EV market, Honda is gearing up for a strategic thrust to catch up and assert its presence in this transformative phase of automotive innovation.
Honda’s ambitious investment plans mark a decisive stride towards realizing its vision of a sustainable and technology-driven future. With a renewed focus on electrification and software development, Honda is poised to spearhead the next wave of automotive mobility, cementing its position as a leader in the electric vehicle revolution.
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
[Source]Authorities have released a nationwide warrant for Ting Ye, a Chinese woman who fled to China after a deadly crash occurred in Bellevue, Washington.About the crash: On Sept. 30, Ye, 26, was driving a white 2020 Porsche on 112th Avenue Northeast toward Highway 520 in Bellevue with passenger Yabao Liu, 27. In footage obtained by King 5, Ye seems to have lost control of the car, which can be seen ripping through several intersections before striking a cement barricade, causing it to flip airborne, land upside down and kill Liu. First responders were not called to the scene until about 45 minutes later. When they arrived, they reportedly discovered Liu’s body and noticed a strong alcohol odor on Ye. The woman was taken to Harborview Medical Center, where she was later released on Oct. 6. Ye’s escape: According to court documents, both Ye and Liu, who are Chinese citizens, were in Seattle for work. Although Ye did not provide any information to police, they were able to reach the Chinese company Liu worked for to notify his family.Trending on NextShark: What is ‘fried rice syndrome’ and why is it causing panic online?Three days after Ye’s release from the hospital, she crossed over the Canadian border, where she then got on a plane to China. According to police, an unidentified individual who helped Ye could face consequences as well.Warrant and investigation: On Oct. 9, King County prosecutors released a warrant charging Ye with vehicular homicide. Her bail was set at $2 million, and she was ordered to turn in her passport and not leave Washington state. “At that point, she was not free to leave, but she had already left,” Bellevue police spokesperson Officer Seth Tyler told the Seattle Times.Trending on NextShark: Tony Leung, Faye Wong reunite in rare photo taken almost 30 years after 'Chungking Express'On Oct. 23, a bench warrant was issued for Ye’s arrest when she failed to appear for her arraignment. According to Tyler, if Ye enters the U.S. again, the warrant would be flagged, noting that police are applying for an Interpol Red Notice, which flags any travel to a country that has an extradition treaty with the U.S. However, there is no extradition treaty between the U.S. and China. “Our plea to [Ye] is that she return and realize that there’s a grieving family involved here,” Tyler said. “They really need closure on this. She can bring this matter to a close by returning to the United States.”Authorities are currently working with international law enforcement to locate and apprehend Ye.Trending on NextShark: Honda, Toyota express skepticism about EVs amid industry downturn
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ccarpricesposts · 1 year
Where brands manufacture their car worldwide?
The automotive industry has transformed the way we live and travel, with car brands playing a vital role in shaping the world's transportation landscape. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the vast industrial complexes in Detroit, car manufacturing is a global endeavor. In this article, we take a comprehensive journey around the world to explore where some of the most popular car brands produce their vehicles and the reasons behind their chosen manufacturing locations.
Japan - Toyota, Honda, Nissan
Japan has long been synonymous with reliable and innovative car manufacturing. Toyota, Honda, and Nissan, three of the most prominent Japanese automakers, have established their roots in this country. Toyota's manufacturing hubs are spread across various regions in Japan, with their headquarters in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture. Similarly, Honda manufactures vehicles in Saitama, Hamamatsu, and Sayama, while Nissan's production centers are mainly located in Yokohama and Oppama.
Japan's advanced infrastructure, skilled labor force, and access to cutting-edge technology have made it an ideal location for these automakers. Moreover, the proximity to their R&D facilities enables faster innovation and seamless integration of new technologies into their vehicles.
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Germany - Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes-Benz
Germany is renowned for its luxury car brands and engineering prowess. Volkswagen, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz are among the most prestigious car manufacturers in the world, with their main manufacturing plants situated in Germany.
Volkswagen, a multinational giant, has its roots in Wolfsburg, Germany, where the company's largest production facility is located. BMW's production facilities are distributed across multiple German cities like Munich, Leipzig, and Regensburg. Mercedes-Benz, a division of Daimler AG, also has significant manufacturing facilities in Stuttgart and Sindelfingen.
Germany's commitment to precision engineering, skilled labor, and high-quality production processes has cemented its status as a global automotive powerhouse.
United States - Ford, General Motors, Tesla
The United States has a rich automotive history and has been home to iconic car brands like Ford and General Motors (GM). Detroit, often referred to as "Motor City," became the heart of the American automotive industry in the early 20th century.
Ford's main manufacturing facilities are situated in Dearborn, Michigan, where the company's headquarters is also located. General Motors, on the other hand, has manufacturing plants scattered across the United States, with major facilities in Detroit, Arlington, and Bowling Green, among others.
In recent years, Tesla has emerged as a major player in the electric vehicle (EV) market. Tesla's primary production plant, known as the Tesla Factory, is located in Fremont, California. The choice of this location grants Tesla proximity to Silicon Valley's technology hub and access to a skilled workforce in the San Francisco Bay Area.
See also: What Cars have 8 seats?
South Korea - Hyundai, Kia
South Korea has made significant strides in the automotive industry, with Hyundai and Kia as its prominent global brands. Hyundai, based in Seoul, has several manufacturing plants across South Korea, with the largest one in Ulsan. Kia, a subsidiary of Hyundai, also has major production facilities in Gwangju and Hwaseong.
South Korea's focus on innovation, efficient production processes, and government support for the automotive sector has played a pivotal role in these companies' success.
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Current Trends in Concrete Construction
It's human nature, when we think about the future of an industry (short-term or long-term), to focus on the technological advances that could transform the way we work and play. Concrete construction and the construction industry as a whole are no different.
Many of us were captivated by articles or social media posts showcasing the newest construction robots and drones in early 2022. These machines install drywall or tie rebar. In January, some of us took a look at Honda’s Autonomous Work Vehicles (AWV) or the new GPR structural scanners at World of Concrete Las Vegas. Others researched on their own about the safety or structural benefits of cross-laminated wood or fiber-reinforced cement.
We at BN Products USA(tm), we see a bright and exciting future. In 2022 we will be adding our own products, including new Inverter Generators, Cutting Edge Saws, Material Mixers, and more!
We enter 2022, without a semblance of optimism, despite the challenges of a worldwide pandemic. We are also acutely aware of material shortages, inflation and logistical delays that have never been seen before. Where will we be a year hence, and what can the construction industry do to optimize its short-term plans and minimize foreseeable risks?
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Earlier this month, ConstructionMonitor published an article on 2022's top trends, placing several risk-factors at the top of their list:
Supply Chain Backlogs We are aware that this is a huge challenge for our industry and solutions to it are not easy. "Cultivating back-up suppliers" can be a smart strategy. It's important to create reserves, without adding more threat to the industry through "hoarding."
Cybercrime- Construction-related businesses are often targets with expensive consequences. Construction Monitor reported that in 2021, three-fourths (74%) of construction companies experienced a cyber-incidences. The integrity of data protection, website security and payment processing systems must be evaluated.
We remain optimistic as we navigate these risk factors. This is without squelching the ambition of our company to continue investing in the future and to imagine it. This optimism is extended to our Distributor Network and the end-users, or pro contractors of BN Products tools and equipment.
Factors Influencing Construction & Cement Growth: The Good, The Bad, and The Better, published in January by ForConstructionPros.com, highlights a fundamentally strong economy as confidence for continued growth in construction. The article argues that the long-term opportunities will be much better in 2021 with the implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This is predicted to lead to sustained growth in the concrete consumption rate up until 2023 at around 2%. This optimism stems from the fact that public spending will increase this year, while housing remains strong. The IIJA will give a major boost to the public sector, despite warnings that rising interest rates could have a negative impact on residential markets this year. To know more info check www.waukeshaconcretecontractor.com
This means that our industry cannot afford to stop planning and innovation for suppliers and networks of partners that support the professional contractor. BN Products(tm), a leading supplier of construction tools and concrete reinforcement for contractors, is proud to continue its growth.
Concrete is the second most commonly used substance after water on earth. Concrete's benefits are masked by its enormous dangers for the environment, human health and culture.     
The global construction industry will pour more than 19,000 concrete bathtubs in the time you take to read this sentence. The volume of concrete would have filled the Albert Hall by the time you reach the halfway point in this article. It would also spill over into Hyde Park. It would take a single day to fill the Three Gorges Dam in China. It would be enough to cover every hill, valley, nook, and cranny of England in a year.
Concrete is used the most on Earth, after water. If the cement industry was a country it would have the third highest carbon dioxide emissions in the world, surpassing only China and the US.
Material is the basis of modern development. It provides roofs for billions of people, strengthens our defences against disasters and gives structure to healthcare, education and transport as well as energy and industry.
Concrete is the way we try to control nature. Our slabs shield us from the elements. Our slabs keep us safe from the elements. They protect us from the rain, cold and mud. They also enclose vast tracts fertile soils, choke habitats, and constipate rivers.
By the second, our blue and green world becomes greyer. By just one calculation we could have passed the point at which concrete weighs more than the carbon mass of all the trees, bushes and shrubs on the planet. In this sense, our built environment has outgrown the natural. It does not grow, unlike the natural world. Its main quality is that it hardens and then slowly degrades.
What is Guardian Concrete Week?
Plastic produced in the last 60 years is 8 billion tonnes. Cement industry produces more than this every two years. Although the plastic problem is larger, it is still seen as less serious. Concrete does not come from fossil fuels. The stomachs of seagulls and whales do not contain it. Doctors have not found traces in our blood. We don't see it in the roots of oak trees, or causing fatbergs underground. Concrete is where we are. We know exactly where concrete is headed: nowhere. We have become reliant on it.
Humanity is in search of this solidity. Concrete is admired for its durability and weight. Concrete is the foundation for modern life. It holds back time, nature and the elements, while also preventing entropy. Combining it with steel ensures that our dams won't break, our tower blocks won't fall, and our roads won't buckle.
In a world of constant change, solidity is an attractive quality. Like any good thing, excess can cause more problems than it fixes.
Concrete can be a stubborn ally or a false ally. It can resist nature and then increase its impact. Consider the flooding in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina or Houston after Harvey. These floods were worse because the urban and suburban streets couldn't soak up the water like a floodplain. Storm drains also proved woefully insufficient to cope with the new extremes caused by a disrupted environment.
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sageglobalresponse · 2 years
Meet 4 of the largest Greek-owned companies operating in Nigeria
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L-R, Hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Geoffrey Onyeama, Muhammadu Buhari GCFR, Ambassador of Greece to Nigeria, Ioannis Plotas
The number of Nigerian companies with Greek origins may not be much, but they are certainly quite impactful.
The bilateral trade relations between Nigeria and Greece date back to 1970 when both countries established diplomatic relations. Before then, Greek companies had been operating in Nigeria, with some dating as far back as many decades ago playing significant roles in the Nigerian economy, essentially in manufacturing.
Over the years, trade between the two countries concentrated in Maritime trade with Greek-owned ships carrying Nigerian crude oil.
The Greek investment companies have been making in the Nigerian economy keep on growing. For example, in 2005, Greek-owned Flour Mills of Nigeria announced an investment of US$ 350 million to create a cement factory in Calabar with project costs rising to US$500 million.
Other companies of Greek origin in Nigeria are household names that have contributed to the economy, employed many Nigerians, and given back to society.
Here are some of them:
AG Leventis
AG Leventis Plc was founded by Anastasios George Leventis who was a Greek Cypriot businessman in 1937. The main activities of the company were importing and wholesaling textile goods.
However, it has grown to be involved in key sectors, such as:
Manufacturing – Nigeria Bottling Company
Foods – Leventis Foods
Power and Industrial Packaging
Automotive: Leventis Motors
Logistics and Transportation: Through  the sales of heavy and light duty trucks sales and after-sales, Vehicle Assembly through events TGL
Retail – Leventis Stores and the new Joint Venture with Pick ‘n’ Pay.
The AGL Leventis foundation, Leventis foundation, and AGL Cares are foundations set up by the company as part of its corporate social research drive.
The company has shown support to Red Cross, orphanages, and community outreaches and supported leadership training through LEAP Africa.
The current chairman is Mr. Ahmed Kazalma Mantey, while the Group MD/ CEO is Mr. Oluwaseun Abimisola Oni.
The Mandillas Group
The Mandillas Group was founded by John Basil Mandillas 70 years ago to do business in the Nigerian automobile industry. The company introduced the Volkswagen brand in the ’50s before the establishment of the Volkswagen Assembly plant in Nigeria, in which Mandilas became a partner.
Subsequently, Mandilas became a distributor of various auto brands such as Audi, Peugeot, Nissan, Daihatsu, Honda, Kia, and Skoda in the late ’90s.
The company is currently one of the distributors of Toyota in Nigeria and is also involved in auto sales of new and used cars, logistics, care rentals, fleet management and leasing, and after-sales services.
In honour of Artisanal day 2022, Mandilas Group limited donated technical toolboxes and equipment to artisans in the Lagos Island East Local Council Development Area (LCDA). The company also donated industrial cooling spare parts as educational resource material to the Students and Teachers of the Lagos State Technical and Vocational Education Board (LASTVEB).
In addition, the company has been involved in medical outreaches and has donated resource materials to Bonny Island, and furniture to schools in Lagos.
The Group CEO is Ola-Ayo Adeloye.
Paterson-Zochonis (PZ Cussons)
PZ Cussons is an international consumer goods company founded in 1884 by George Paterson and George Zochonis as a commercial business between West Africa and the United Kingdom with Sierra Leone as a trading post in 1884.
Later in 1975, the firm acquired the Cussons Group, creating the PZ Cussons we know today.
The company is now focused on three core categories: Hygiene, Baby, and Beauty which has produced household brands such as Cussons Baby, Carex hand wash, Joy soap, Premier soap, Robb, Morning Fresh, Kings vegetable oil, Mamador oil, and many others.
The company is involved in various sustainability initiatives which include its Palm Oil Action Plan and the expansion of its reduction targets for energy, plastics, water, and waste.
Panagiotis Katsis is the current Chief Executive Officer/ MD.
Flour Mills Nigeria
Flour Mills of Nigeria was founded by a Greek businessman, George Coumantaros, in 1960 as a diversified agribusiness company. Today, it is a holding company with a vertically integrated business model. Its parent company is Excelsior shipping company.
The company has various subsidiaries and is contributing to the growth of the agro-allied industry, food, and consumer goods, shipping, and logistics amongst others in Nigeria.
The company is into flour milling, production, and distribution of a diverse range of food products. Its portfolio of products includes flour, pasta, noodles, breakfast cereals, margarine, and spread, vegetable oils, and refined sugar. The flagship brand of the company is Golden Penny Flour. Others are Golden Penny noodles, Spaghetti, granulated sugar, etc. FMN employs over 12,000.
The former CEO and chairman of FMN are John Coumataros, son of the late founder. The current MD/CEO is Omoboye Olusanya.
FMN PLC has invested more than N150 billion over the past ten years to execute its core business strategy to aid the agricultural sector and infrastructure.
Asides from its sustainability strategy, the company has an active CSR initiative that stems from five key areas which are:
Education, research and skills development, Environmental Sustainability, Health, safety, and welfare, Infrastructural Development, and Security.
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Vietnam Lubricants Market Research Report And Future Outlook: Ken Research How Lubricants Market Is Positioned in Vietnam? Vietnam lubricants market is currently in its growth stage, with demand exceeding supply and therefore leading to a rise in lubricant price over a period of time.
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gomarcuskel12 · 4 years
Snow Blower Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version)
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Snow Blower Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version)/caption]
Due to the pandemic, we have included a special section on the Impact of COVID 19 on the Snow Blower Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version) 2020-2026 which would mention How the Covid-19 is Affecting the Industry, Market Trends and Potential Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape, Key Regions and Proposal for Snow Blower Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version) Players to battle Covid-19 Impact.
Snow Blower Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version) 2020-2026The
Snow Blower Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version) 2020-2026
report is one of the most comprehensive and important data about business strategies, qualitative and quantitative analysis of Global Market. It offers detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the Snow Blower Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version). The market analysts authoring this report have provided in-depth information on leading growth drivers, restraints, challenges, trends, and opportunities to offer a complete analysis of the Snow Blower Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version).
Top Leading players covered in the Snow Blower Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version) report : Toro Ariens Honda Power Equipment MTD Snow Joe Greenworks Briggs & Stratton Husqvarna MARCEL BOSCHUNG John Deere Troy-Bilt S&S Snapper LCT Amerisun DAYE BeiOu LuTaiDa VICON KAREY FUHUA Craftsman Ryobi​​​​​​​​​​​ and More...
Get PDF Sample Report With Impact of COVID-19 on Snow Blower Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version)@
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The report offers clear guidelines for players to cement a position of strength in the global Snow Blower Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version). It prepares them to face future challenges and take advantage of lucrative opportunities by providing a broad analysis of market conditions. the global Snow Blower Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version) will showcase a steady CAGR in the forecast year 2020 to 2026.
Market Segment by Type covers: Semi-Automatic Full-Automatic
Market Segment by Application covers: Industrial Commercial Military Others
Our Complimentary Sample Snow Blower Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version) Report Accommodate a Brief Introduction of the research report, TOC, List of Tables and Figures, Competitive Landscape and Geographic Segmentation, Innovation and Future Developments Based on Research Methodology.
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Regions Covered in the Global Snow Blower Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version):
• The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt)
• North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada)
• South America (Brazil etc.)
• Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.)
• Asia-Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)
Years Considered to Estimate the Snow Blower Market Status and Trend Analysis 2017-2026 (COVID-19 Version) Size:
History Year: 2015-2019
Base Year: 2019
Estimated Year: 2020
Forecast Year: 2020-2026
Highlights of the Report:
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• Comprehensive analysis of important growth drivers, restraints, challenges, and growth prospects
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shankarestate3 · 4 months
RIICO Industrial Area Chopanki Bhiwadi: 4000m Land for Sale
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The RIICO Industrial Area in Chopanki, Bhiwadi, is a dynamic hub for industrial and manufacturing activities, and it's an excellent location for businesses looking to expand or establish their operations. Currently, a prime plot of 4000 sqm is available for sale, offering businesses a strategic foothold in one of India's fastest-growing industrial zones.
Prime Location for Industrial Growth
Plot Details and Strategic Advantage
Price: ₹6.8 crore
Property Size: 4000 sqm
Property Type: Industrial Land
Property Status: For Sale
City: Bhiwadi
State/County: Rajasthan
Area: Chopanki
Country: India
Situated on the MAIN ROAD in the Chopanki Industrial Area, this plot is not just a piece of land but a gateway to immense possibilities in industrial and logistical operations. Its prime location ensures excellent connectivity, making it an ideal choice for companies aiming to optimize their distribution and supply chain networks.
Industries Situated in RIICO Chopanki Industrial Area
Diverse Industrial Presence
The RIICO Chopanki Industrial Area is home to a variety of industries ranging from automotive components, and steel manufacturing, to pharmaceuticals and textiles. Renowned companies that have established their bases here include Honda Cars India Ltd., Saint-Gobain Glass India, and Shree Cement, among others. The presence of these major players underscores the area's capability to support high-grade industrial activities and its suitability for further industrial investment.
Upcoming Industrial Setup in RIICO Chopanki Industrial Area
Future Developments and Investments
Chopanki Industrial Area is poised for further expansion with multiple projects in the pipeline. The upcoming developments are set to introduce advanced manufacturing units, high-tech industries, and potentially a surge in ancillary businesses that support these large industries. These additions will undoubtedly enhance the industrial ecosystem of Chopanki, making it an even more attractive location for investors and businesses.
Why Invest in RIICO Chopanki Industrial Area?
Unmatched Industrial Opportunities
Investing in the RIICO Chopanki Industrial Area offers numerous benefits:
Strategic Location: Positioned strategically within Rajasthan, it provides excellent logistical links to major markets in the northern and western parts of India.
Robust Infrastructure: The area is well-equipped with essential infrastructure like power, water, and road connectivity, which are crucial for industrial operations.
Government Support: Being a part of the RIICO initiative, the area enjoys strong governmental backing, including incentives and support for businesses setting up operations here.
The RIICO Chopanki Industrial Area in Bhiwadi stands out as a premier destination for industrial investments. With its strategic location, robust infrastructure, and the presence of leading industries, it offers a promising opportunity for businesses aiming to expand or establish their presence in a competitive industrial landscape. The available 4000 sqm plot is not just a piece of land but a potential cornerstone for future growth and success in your business endeavors.
Investing in this plot means investing in your business's future, with the assurance of being located in one of India's most dynamic industrial zones. For those looking to capitalize on the industrial growth in Rajasthan, this plot in Chopanki represents a golden opportunity. Contact us today to seize this advantageous offer and make a significant stride in your industrial ambitions.
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toflerindia · 5 years
Indian top Conglomerates Companies
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India is a growing market and hence, has excellent potential for a lot more globalization. Every educated person wants a job at an MNC as they provide good international exposure and have a dynamic work environment. Multinational Corporations are not only a dream but have great benefits for the country as well. MNCs are a great source of investment; they advance technology, promote optimum utilization of resources, increase employment opportunities, and boost the economy.
Here's a list of the popular Indian Multinational Corporations in India:
Reliance Industries - The Ambani empire is on an onwards and upwards growth. It owns a business in energy, clothing, and lifestyle, petrochemicals, natural resources, and telecommunications. Reliance JIO has lately been the most popular and growing brand in India.
TATA Group - A company that fulfills its vision of growth with social welfare, TATA has paved its way into every field and proved its versatility. The conglomerate is a value-based corporation with several international tie-ups like Starbucks. 
Hero moto corp - The largest two-wheeler company in the world, it was formerly known as Hero Honda. With about 46% share in the Indian market, it has manufactured a majority of motorcycles and scooters. 
Cafe Coffee Day - Popular among all age-groups, Cafe Coffee Day is an Indian cafe chain serving 1.8 billion cups of coffee annually. They offer a wide range of caffeine, beverages, cakes, and snacks.
Bharti Enterprises - Founded in 1976, the telecommunications company has now varied interests in real estate, insurance, etc.
Aditya Birla Group - With the largest employee base, the Aditya Birla group operates in 34 countries and has several subsidiaries. The conglomerate owns Ultratech Cement, Idea, Indian Aluminium, etc.
Dabur - India's largest natural consumer products manufacturer and a recognized name in Ayurveda. They are a key FMCG brand dealing in products like Dabur Honey, Real Juice, and pharma products. 
Dr. Reddy's Laboratories - The biggest pharmaceutical company in India markets and manufactures a variety of medical services and allied products under the trademark.
ITC Ltd. - The biggest Indian MNC is a public company with over 81% produce of cigarettes in Asia. It has other businesses like classmates, food, healthcare products, skincare, and IT.
Adani Group - A commodity flagship business, this group's diverse businesses include energy, resources, logistics, agribusiness, real estate, financial services, defense, and aerospace. It owns and operates all major ports in India and holds an important part of the import-export business. 
How to become global with Tofler?
Tofler is a market intelligence network with the goal of empowering people to make informed choices. They are a business-information organizing company, providing it to you in a format that is understandable and saves your time. Tofler plans to provide everything about a company. They want to make data easier to grasp for their clients. Tofler's dream is to transform the way in which business information is available.
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veridium · 5 years
the good, the bad, and the dirty
the start of this all // the previous episode  
Special thanks to Panic! At The Disco for this segment song title reference. Oof. 
The weekend is as it’s always been whenever she goes home: a brain-washing initiative for a Neo-Stepford Wives way of life. While she hides in her childhood bedroom playing “Beverly Hills” on blast to drown out the noise on the other side of the door, the night of the gala rolls around whether she likes it or not. If it wasn’t for Ellinor’s text updates about her weekend with Rutherford tol and Rutherford smol, she probably would have swan dove into her family pool from her second floor mini-balcony just to scare the shit out of her parents. Again.
She gets ready on her own, much to her Mother’s taste for opulence. A red, strapless velvet gown is her piece meal: not nearly her style, but not completely out of left field. When you can’t go black, you go red. Its ruching onto one side gives her a good illusion of a hourglass figure...or so Josephine recommended. She curls her hair and pins it to fall on one shoulder. Red lips and eyeliner sharper than her stiletto heels, and she’s done for caring. Traffic will be hell anyway, but she’ll be damned if she doesn’t have her own way of escaping the evening. When she arrives and hangs up on her bluetooth call with Ellinor, the first presence she encounters is her Mom’s of course, because they had spent so much time apart. A whole hour. 
Her Mother spends the brief time they have convened on the sidewalk in front of the doors to do the following: side-comment about her dress, wonder why she did not ride with them, and tell her not to do ‘unideal’ things since she is running for Mayor in the Spring so the family has to look presentable. Her step-father, Fred, comments that she cleans up nice, but it too scared of her wrath to do more. She will enter in after they do, to not risk an over-attached link; her preference, not theirs. While she stands off to the side of the main entrance and security detail, she can hear the music: smooth jazz, live, by the echo of it. Which means people will pretending they like jazz, know jazz, go see jazz. Fantastic; as if she wasn’t striving to puke into a ficus during the event anyway.
Then, as if her Champion on a shining Honda bike, Theia pulls up to the valet. She’s wearing a perfectly fitting pair of black straight pants and a matching blazer with a white pressed button-down shirt on the inside. A deep purple pocket square and black matte dress shoes cap off the outfit.
“Josephine work her magic on you, too?” She says with a laugh on her lips when she jogs up.
“Pff, yes, thankfully. You look...like you’re about to buy the entire gallery and tip the man...shit.”
“Yeah well, I gotta polish up once in a blue moon, right?”
“Ugh, a Blue Moon. That sounds so good right now.” Olivia slouches and leans against the cement block planter behind her, full of tropical plants that were undoubtedly planted mature rather than grown. Everything pretty and worth time was purchasable like that.
Theia smiles, and leans next to her. “Hey, come on you fembot. It’ll be over before you know it. Let’s go before we’re not fashionably late anymore. I have a beautiful woman in a pretty dress to see and feel undeserving of.”
The place is a madhouse. Whoever said “little Board gala” was lying out their ass. Oh, wait, it was her Mom. They enter on the first floor, but the locus it down a central, rather wide staircase made of glass and metal. People walk down is as if they’re floating down from on high -- and they probably believe it. At the base is a couple of photographers for local press, and a red carpet. A corny, overdone red carpet.
“God,” Olivia mumbles as they come down the walkway towards the stairs. “I match the carpet.”
Theia chuckles. “No, you out-do it. Come on, keep up the pace.”
“Theia, I’m in heels, and I’m tiny. Your step is four of mine, okay?”
“Then chop chop, miss!”
She elbows her in the side a bit, before rounding the open corner. The lights shining down from the tall ceiling up three floors are yellow and warm, but it doesn’t smooth over the icey, artificial feel of it all.
Elbowing through a few groups of people they stand at the top of the stairwell.
“Ready?” Theia sighs under her breath.
“No,” she responds. Then, with futility, they both start descending. Slow, not for the sake of her enjoyment, but for her shoes and gown skirt. Everything is bad as it is, until out the corner of her eye, a certain head and face flag her vision down like nothing else. Black hair. Pointed, strong nose. Oh God. Oh no.
“Shit,” Olivia curses low, veering in close to Theia. “Theia, I have to get out of here.” They’re still walking to save face, but she wants to run in the opposite direction and never return.
Theia looks out, searching. “What, what’s going on?”
“She’s here.”
“She...she who--”
“Oh, shit. That’s her, isn’t it. Here, take hold of my arm.” She doesn’t wait for Olivia to do it, and takes her hand and hooks it under her arm, now looking like she’s escorting her. Olivia pulls back but then, as if on tragic cue, the woman she believes to be the one woman she never wants to see again looks up.
And then their eyes lock. Her heart stops, and her weight falls heavier onto Theia as she gets them down the stairs. It’s like she’s out in the open for a sniper to take her out, elevated above it all on her way down from the bullshit, wealthy heavens. It is a horrible, agonizing few seconds, before she breaks her stare and gazes down at the remaining steps. She’s too far away to see details, but her pristine, but slightly sullen complexion is enough.
People stop and stare up at them, and photographers pine mindlessly. They’re beautiful, well-dressed, and daughters of prominent families. Both rejects of the silver-spooners club, though, for different reasons. They stand together respectfully and wait for the fanfare to pass as it always does after a half minute; afterward, it’s a swift pull to the underside of the stairs and out of sight.
“Fuck! She wasn’t supposed to be here!”
“How did you know? Did she say as much?” Theia follows and stands tall while Olivia paces. Steady for her, as a friend would want to be. But in the moment she wishes Ellinor was there to match her pitch of over-worrying.
“I did--well, like, okay,” she pivots around, “the game was this weekend. The jocks party like heathens. She should be there. Ellinor said--” she stops herself. Ellinor did not say, either way, for sure. She just took the conversation for granted. She pulls out her phone and starts texting like a mad-woman:
--SOS. Cassandra is here!!!! I am losing my mind!!
Theia takes her phone just as the message sends, intervening. “Olivia, get yourself together.”
“No! No no, this is not ‘get together’ time. This is panic ti--”
“It is not! You are going to walk out there and mingle, and be hot, and not back down! Come on, you look dressed to kill. Now is the time, if there ever was one.”
A half-second of deliberation, then… “Nope! Running! Gonna--gonna r-r--”
“Liv!” her hands go to her shoulders. “You have been given a golden opportunity. The queers above have granted you this one fleeting moment of brilliant karma. You, alone, have the power to slay your demons once and for all. Are you going to cower and hide, or are you going to own it?”
Shit, that was a good speech. Olivia holds her breath and bites her lip, trying to man-up. Woman-up. Person-up. Literally anything at this point would help.
“Ugh, fuck,” she continues breaking her promise not to cuss excessively. “Okay.”
“Good. Now, take my arm again, and let’s go.”
As they re-emerge, Olivia can’t help but scoff. “You’ve been watching too much Downton Abbey with Josephine, haven’t you?”
“Agh, no! Just work with me. I have to find a way to challenge her to a duel, anyhow.”
“Jesus. You have been watching it.”
They disburse into the crowd, and Olivia does her best to mingle with meaningless manners to everyone she rubs shoulders and elbows with. Some County Commissioners, a few old people, and some young. It was exhausting, but by the end of the first hour, she had hope. Only one more, and she could free herself. Eventually they did run into good company: Josephine, in a dress just as, if not more beautiful than expected. Purple, matching Theia’s pocket square, and sequined mermaid style.
“My dear,” Josephine said coyly, as Theia left Olivia’s arm for hers. “Traffic wasn’t too much, I hope?”
“Not at all,” Theia kissed her politely against her cheek, hand gentle on her bent elbow, “I just had to persuade Olivia not to run away before she could leave her glass slipper.”
Josie giggles, and turns her attention to their third-wheel. “So, has it been bearable?”
“Not really,” Olivia says as she snags a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and his tray. It’s her third serving in the last hour or so. Theia turns to Josie and whispers something in her ear, all discrete and sexy. Fuck it all, they look so good together. When Josie’s happy face adjusts, she can only hope for the weak alcohol to start kicking in.
“I see,” Josie muses, “I should have known something was afoot when Lelian--”
“Who, now?” Olivia looks and interrupts, more on edge.
Josie raises a brow. “I...uh, nothing. Nope. Nothing.”
“Josie…” Olivia dreads, “what haven’t you told me?”
“I have not kept anything from you! But I am not responsible fo--”
The voice that could summon Olivia’s wrath comparable to a thousand suns comes from behind her. In an instant, she evaluates the surroundings for potential sharp objects to use. But it’s not fast enough for darling Leliana, as she appears. They grow their mingling circle to accommodate her.
“Leliana,” Theia nods tenuously, “so good to see you.”
“Theia!” Leliana smiles, before bending forward and kissing her on either cheek. Theia looks nervous, but humors her Parisian attitude. “You look stunning. I am so glad you could make it here.”
“Yes, well, I don’t miss an opportunity to support Josie, or her sister. By the way, Josie, where even is Yvette? She owes me my CDs, still.”
Josie folds her arms and snorts. “I’m afraid she is somewhere flirting with a classmate. Something Lucian, Lucas, I have no idea. It is her night to peacock.”
“So it is,” Leliana adds, before she looks at Olivia, blinking and shaking her head as if she had just appeared out of thin air. Maybe it was her quiet brooding. “Olivia, my goodness! I didn’t even notice you, you are stealthy in a crowd.” She’s wearing a knee-length, black dress. Chanel, maybe.
“Yes, I am, Leliana. Thank you for noticing.” Not stealthy enough, evidently. She isn’t safe from the same double-cheek-kissing, and she survives it with less grace than Theia mustered. But, when it’s over, it’s nothing but glee for everyone else.
“How wonderful. These events can be so boring.”
“They can, indeed,” Theia takes Olivia’s glass before she can knock it back like the inner bar blonde she is. “You are flying solo tonight, Leliana?”
Theia I am going to murder you in your sle--
“Hah! Oh, no, not this time, actually. She’s...hm, let me see!” she looks back over the crowd behind them. At this point, Olivia is praying for the rapture. Something, anything apocalyptic. Or a guy. A guy Leliana has brought as arm candy, named Cliff, who studies kinesiology and loves snickers. “Oh, yes! Hey, over here!” she waves.
Olivia, who has had her shoulders and chin tucked for self-preservation, locks eyes with Theia. She has that same look on her face as she did when she was giving her the pep talk: carpe diem, bitch, it’s time to handle it. Josie also looks at her, more sympathetic than motivational, but they both look away as the person Leliana’s flagging down like a plane draws closer. And so, with a deep breath and raised head, Olivia peeks back over her shoulder to behold her undoing.
A black, long-sleeve jumpsuit, with a plunging neckline that goes to the top of her ribs. Simple, fitted well, and so flattering on her figure. Black oxford-style shoes with a slight heel. Her hair is shiny and soft-looking, so much so she wants to run her fingers through it the second she sees it. For the second time, they lock eyes, and it’s in passing again. But when Cassandra looks at her the whole room becomes abysmal.
“Ah, there you are,” Leliana’s voice echoes from miles away, as if Olivia is underwater. It’s too much. It’s too good. She looks away fast, back to her friends, while Cassandra arrives between where she stands and the redhead ruining her life.
“Theia, I’m unsure if you’ve met Cass--”
“Cassandra Pentaghast,” Theia says, vaguely threatening as she holds Olivia’s champagne to her own lips, “no need to say.”
Leliana doesn’t miss a beat, glossing over the interruption. She places a hand on Cassandra’s shoulder and it inspires Kill Bill sirens in Olivia’s mind that are near-deafening. “Remember I mentioned her? Josephine’s girlfriend,” she adds.
Cassandra’s chin lifts, her tone changing, becoming more interested. “Oh. Yeah?”
Josephine bunches her shoulders all cute and clever, “the one and only, finally in the same place at the same time.” At that, Theia grins and nudges her with affection. Easy, and complete. They fit together.
“Nice to meet you, Theia,” Cassandra finally says, calmer in tone. “I have heard good things about you.”
Theia gives a pointed look back. “Wish I could say th--”
“Yes, I’m afraid I’m too much of a bragger,” Josie, again, softens the blow. “Uh, Theia, why don’t you and I go see about the chocolate fountain I hear is in the east lobby? I’m starting to get hungry, anyways.”
Olivia feels herself go pale, and she looks up, like a light bulb goes off. Her way out is granted, or so she thinks. “Good idea--”
“Oh, I can bring you back something!” Josie smiles, taking Theia in her arm and turning away, “you do not worry about exerting yourself in those stilettos!”
Olivia gives a pained exhale, thinking she’ll just follow anyway. Fuck manners. But then, she’s called by her temper.
“So, Olivia!” Leliana catches her mid step. She turns back to see them both standing to themselves like tall beams of rich snobbery, Cassandra looking reticent while Leliana’s enthusiastic as all hell. “I hear your Mother is running for Mayor in the Spring?”
She swallows hard, and straightens up. Think tall, be tall, take the chance. Make Theia proud before you kill her for all this. “Yes, she is. She’s very excited about it.”
“That is impressive. Running against an incumbent in her own party, no less.”
“Well, Republicans do love plurality of choice, do they not?” she clutches her bag with both hands.
“That’s  true. Interesting times. Did you know Cassandra’s cousin will be running for the Democratic seat?”
Cassandra speaks, but is interrupted. “Leliana, that is--”
“It’s all rather hush. Your family is so reserved with their plans. It’s a wonder how they have so much going on.” An awkward half-pause, before Olivia turns more to Cassandra. Their eyes lock, and she softens.
“That is exciting, I’m sure. Congratulations and good luck to your cousin, Cassandra.”
“It..it’s no big deal. Political offices are common trappings in my family.”
Olivia fakes a grin, but her sheepish response is usurped.  “Modesty,” Leliana remarks, hands going behind her. “Even with such a recent victory under your belt, no less.”
“No,” Olivia interrupts, trying harder, “I heard from Ellinor. You won the game! That is good.”
Cassandra looks back at her, somewhat surprised looking. “It was...it was--”
“It was harrowing, to say the least. A nail-biter. But Cassandra’s been practicing so intensely, and she was a master on the field. Carried the team, if you ask me. It was so special to watch. tout à fait le spectacle!” quite the show. Lord, this woman was working the Francophile angle. It was so painful. So, so painful. Olivia’s eyes glazed a bit, and she let a breath out her parted lips.
“Leliana, really, that is quite--”
“Agh, If you’ll excuse me, both of you. I...I have to make sure my eye makeup hasn’t sweat all over my face.” She looks to both of them, slanting her chin fast before seeing herself away. Behind her, she swears a faint “Olivia” is spoken, but she doesn’t heed it. Ejecting herself into the crowd. Cutting through the legion of people in black blazers and multi-colored gowns she finds a corridor, where a less-dramatic staircase is found behind an exit door. She climbs up one, two flights, heels clicking furiously until she enters the floor. It’s part of the gallery, more desolate with every turn she makes into it. She comes across an offshoot room, wide but not long, where an artist’s works line the walls with a bench in the middle of the floor. It’s white walls, industrial lights above her head, and impressionist-inspired portraits. She’s panting, out of air beneath her tight dress and the spanx. Fuck spanx.
She walks to the far corner of the room and stands in front of a painting, a woman in a black dress with a low back, sitting at a round table. There’s fruit in a bowl, of course. Always fruit in a fucking bowl. A game plan has to be made while she catches her breath. Just as she’s about to get her phone out to call Ellinor and signal her retreat, the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Shoes hitting the concrete floor back in the main walkway. Closer, and closer.
“Olivia?” Her voice. It carries well, in the gallery’s cavernous architecture.
She looks to her shoulder, but keeps her back to her. “Oh, hey,” she then turns. Her hand rubs her arm. God, she looks so beautiful. Tall, statuesque, with muscled curves she wants to get lost in. It’s been a week and she’s starved like a year without crumbs.
“Hey,” Cassandra looks anxious, like she hadn’t planned this all through. “I...I’m sorry for Leliana being all...”
“What? No, don’t be. I’m not...that’s not at all why I’m up here. I just needed air. I get flustered in crowds.”
She nods abruptly. “I-I do, too.” Her hand hooks onto her elbow. “You...I almost didn’t recognize you. You look…”
“Yeah, I know.” Fuck. She shakes her head and corrects herself. “I mean, I...thank you. And don’t worry, I don’t hate your date, if that’s what you’re worried about. She’s swe--”
She flinches. “I...I just figured...”
Cassandra’s awkwardness melts, and she rolls her eyes and looks away, shaking her head. Everything about her says ‘unbelievable’ with frustration. “Leliana and I are not dating.”
“You...you aren’t? B-but,” she turns to face her head on, hands falling to her sides. “I thought when I saw you both at the coffee shop that morning, I…”
Cassandra steps forward. “She and I, we…” she chuckles drily, “we go to--”
“The same church. Got it.” It always...goes back...to church. She sucks her teeth for a moment, regaining her composure. Everything in her heart says leap forward, make right what was wronged. But her mind says spare more heartache. More awkward silence passes between them, before Cassandra takes another step closer.
“Is that why you’re acting like this?”
“Me? Cassandra, you have been just as aloof as I have.”
“I was trying to respect your space. You were the one who called for it.”
“Yeah, well, you said you agreed and you wouldn’t have time.” Her shoulders go back as argumentative confidence settles in. She’s good at picking fights. Not so much at...well, most other things. But if there was ever a good hail mary for her in a tough situation, it was a sparking conflict. “Um...you know, like I said, no harm done. I was going to get back to the party anyways, find my Mom, she’s--”
“You’re going to leave again.”
She blinks and looks up from her attempt to walk away, and Cassandra is staring at her. Decisive, and impatient. One might even suggest fed up.
“You are doing exactly what you did the first time.”
Her cheeks heated. “I beg your pardon?”
A humorless smile. “You think you have it all answered again, and you’re running. You won’t let me explain, because you don’t care. You just want what you want when you want it, and when you don’t, it’s nothing.”
“Ohoho, oh no, you don’t,” the earrings come off...metaphorically.
“Then what’s the truth? Because from where I stand, you’re booking it fast for a woman in heels and a gown.”
“I’m a dancer, I’m used to being on my toes.”
Cassandra folds her arms. “Olivia.”
“Cassandra.” She matches her tone, but staring at her is breaking her apart. “You...you think what happened could just happen and I would not want space?”
“And what exactly happened, in your opinion?”
“You wouldn’t...you just…” she struggled, waving her hand at her side. “You have been making me do all these things, and chase, and I don’t know what I’m chasing! That’s what happened!”
Cassandra stares, a brow raising, but otherwise dead-pan. She then comes even closer. They are now only a couple yards apart when she stops, looking clever again. Clever and infuriating.
“Let me ask this, then: which one of us has initiated all our plans thus far?”
Olivia pouts and stomps her heel, arms crossing. She does mental math: the concert, the coffee date, the Church...thing. The pho outing. The work night in her office. Shit.
“I, uh...y-you.” Dammit. She can’t look her in the eye.
“And who has taken the other to various places that are important to her, so that the other can really get to know her, and perhaps even trust her?”
“And who has--”
“You, okay. You. Fine. Whatever it is, it’s you. I got it.”
Cassandra’s gaze lowers to the floor, and her hands go into her pockets. Shit, the jumpsuit has pockets.
“I think you have miscalculated just who has been doing the chasing.”
“Really?” Olivia rebuffs, “and what exactly are you chasing for, then? You...”
“I what?”
“...Make no sense, Cassandra! You’re all intentional, and you have your rules, but you don’t say anything about what they’re supposed to be accomplishing? I have no fucking idea what you want from me. You think I’m the demanding one, but you’re the one who has all the hoops to jump through with nothing promised on the other side. So what’s up?.” Her voice echoes a little too well, and she hopes they are alone wherever they are in the ridiculous building.
In the wake of her temper, though, Cassandra only frowns and looks to the floor. Pensive, as her eyebrows twitch up. Her lip rolls inward.
“You know, Liv, I don’t think the problem is my ambiguity. You’re too smart for that. I think you knew what I wanted; I think you’ve always known. You’re just upset that you can’t call the shots, even if it means the chance at being treated how you should be treated without having to spell it out or dictate it.”
“...And how should I be treated, then? Like a virginal Princess? To be brought back to the good side from her tawdry exp--”
“Like a person who deserves respect and genuine care as to what her ideas, concerns, and interests are!” her voice lifts, but not in volume. More...in depth. “Do you really think you objectifying me like that is going to resolve the issues you have with objectifying yourself? That every time something goes astray, you can just blame it on my background, when you know so little about it other than what I have so cautiously shown you?”
Her vocabulary, her passion, has and always will get the best of her. Olivia deflates underneath her puffed up chest, now hollowed out and losing the hunger to fight. Cassandra is right, she is not always the most articulate. However, when she is it cuts to the bone. Clean, and merciless.
“I’m not trying to do any of that,” she says, stoic but losing grip, “I’m just trying to do what’s best for me. And from the sounds of it, you have been very mistaken in your understanding of who I am.”
“Oh, have I?”
She swallows. “Yes.”
“Don’t be ridi--”
“Bullshit! You don’t get to call me ridiculous. You don’t get to show up here out of the blue, have your friend torment me on your behalf, and call me ridiculous!”
“I did not come here to torment you, I had no idea you would even be here! You said you hated these kinds of things.”
“I do! I hate them, but my family has me on a leash called ‘tuition.’ What’s your excuse, huh? Needing to show off on the town after your big soccer...thing?!” she bitterly remembers she’s inept at sports. Inept at women, too. It’s a match made in hell.
Cassandra stiffens, and takes a beat. “If it’s anyone doing the tormenting, Olivia, it’s not Leliana. I would look in the mirror for that answer.”
Olivia’s eyes narrow into a hostile, acidic glare even she can feel burn. “How dare y--”
“No, you know what,” Cassandra sets a foot back, “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I did think I had found someone who turned out to be anything but who I thought they were. I’ll save you the trouble and see myself out. I know how it tortures you to be the first, anyways.” Unadulterated sarcasm. It cuts even deeper than her words.
“How can you--”
“No! Enough is enough. Now maybe, just maybe, you’ll get a taste of what it’s like when the person you can’t get out of your head for some God forsaken reason...ugh, forget it. Have a good night.” She continues back-stepping, hands with palms flat in Olivia’s direction. Olivia’s heart goes quiet again with the hope that maybe it’s all a dream, or Cassandra will come back around the corner and take it all back. But she doesn’t wake up, and Cassandra doesn’t come back. From the distant end of the floor, the fire escape door opens and shuts.
She wants to say goodbye, or mingle to keep up the charade, but coming down the stairs she can’t bring herself to rejoin. She can’t show her face, smiling and graceful, when she feels this way. So, she gets off on the first floor, and heads for the exit. There, she waits like a scorned Greek statue in her pretty gown for her car to be brought around. There’s no messages on her phone, not even from Theia or Josie. They must be having a wonderful night. Good, they should.
She drives off with all her masterful disregard for speed limits. When she brakes at the first stoplight she plugs in her phone to the AUX cord and puts it on one of her weird Spotify Daily Shuffle playlists. The first up is The 1975, “Somebody Else.” She leans forward onto her steering wheel and bursts into tears. Luckily, her last-minute stop before she drives home is nearby. She stops at the Trader Joe’s, strutting with wrath inside in her gown. 
All the late night vegan Moms and 20-somethings turn to look at her, and watch her as she marches her way to the alcohol section. Her face was carefully wiped using the visor mirror before she entered, thank God, but she’s still choking back sniffles. While she stands in front of the menagerie of bottles she calls Ellinor, but nothing. Voicemail.
“H-hey, Ellinor. I’m on my way h-home. Things h-happened, and...look, I’m gonna pick up stuff and be back tonight. Maybe y-you’ll be a-awake. I...I love you…” she wants to say more, because the message thus far sounds pitiful, but she hangs up there. She grabs two bottles of mid-priced whiskey and marches, growling at the rum on her way out.
Whiskey and chocolate bars. Elitist, ‘ethically-made,’ over-priced chocolate bars, and she’s out onto the road. Her bags never left her trunk. They rarely ever do when she goes home.
She drives like a Bond stunt woman, but it gets her back faster. By the time she sets foot on the campus parking lot she’s listened to an entire 1975 discography.. The last 20 minutes were no music at all, which, arguably, is the most miserable. But she can’t keep crying while driving.
‘I think you knew what I wanted.’ Past-tense. It’s digging under her skin and driving her wild. 
It’s past midnight when she walks into the dorm, barefoot and with her brown paper grocery bag, and everything is as safe as it’s gonna get. Going to her door, a faint sound echoes into the hallway and makes her stop.
Crying...that’s gotta be crying. Olivia turns and jogs down the hall as her stomach sinks with an intuitive feeling that shit has hit the fan. Pressing her ear to the door, her worst fear is realized. Nothing can stop her from shoving a bobby pin from her over-sprayed hair and unlocking her way in.
When she does, it’s bedlam: Sheets tossed, pillows thrown around the room, her string lights on draped on the walls but nothing else. And Ellinor, on the floor, curled up and sobbing.
“Ellinor, oh my God!” she drops everything and falls to her knees, crawling over to her. “Ellinor, hey, hey it’s me…!”
Ellinor flinches, but keeps crying. “L-Liv,” she quivers, “I...I…”
“Shh, sh,” Olivia sits back and pulls her into her lap, wiping her hair out of her face. She’s choking back tears both of self-pity and sympathy, now. In no shape to be a friendly savior, but she’ll try. Ellinor gains enough coherency to roll over into her, shoving her face in Olivia’s stomach. More crying, for what feels like ages, as they hold onto each other.
Then, after some time, Ellinors inhales sharp and congested. “Y-you f-feel like a Build-a-B-Bear…”
Olivia lays her head back against the lower twin bunk wood. Her chin curdles, and she wipes her face. “Y-yeah, I do. It’s a whole t-thing.”
“Liv, I f-fucked everything o-over...and he...h-he…”
“He did what?” she looks down, her attentions all the sudden lethal. “What did that bastard do?”
Ellinor trembles in her shoulders and lays on her back, face up at the ceiling as she rubs her soaking eyes. Still in Olivia’s lap, where it’s safe. “He-he went to the p-party, a-and...wait, did you…” she peers over at the bags. “Did you bring something?”
“Y-yeah,” she rubs her nose, “I went and got our favorite thing.”
“Whiskey?” her nose and lip quiver.
“Yeah. And chocolate, to go...to go in between. Maybe we should just w-wait, wait just a little while to dive in, okay? Maybe...maybe drink water, or some...something like that.”
“Ugh, angel face,” she closes her eyes and takes hold of Olivia’s hand. “You don’t look too hot, either. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to...”
“Shh, babe,” she sighs, before yanking her necklace off. “Don’t be sorry. It’s...it’s not your fault. We’re gonna be okay, okay?” she takes a breath, and looks at the clock on the dresser. The second catastrophic Saturday night in less than a month. They must be going for a new record. 
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a-writing-bear · 5 years
[AmeriPan WEEK 2019] Day 1: Summer Snow Cones
Ao3 Link:
Link to Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19058821
Link to AmeriPan Collection: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1378729
This Has been cross-posted onto FF & Ao3 under Aliases: BearBooper
Read on Tumblr under ‘Keep reading’
Fandom: Hetalia Axis Powers
Main Pairing: Kiku Honda and Alfred Jones (America & Japan)
Summary: Snow cones and avoidance for crowds.
Prompt: Icy Treats for @ameripanweek
Author Note: Sorry this is late! I was sick yesterday, Day 2 will come out on time as well. It’s also kinda short but I was defo in the Pride mood... :)
It was hot. In fact, so blisteringly hot that the usually covered up Japanese man felt more discomfort with the idea of not stripping down to just his bathing suit, too sweaty to worry about gazes from other beachgoers. While Kiku had his own fair share of heat before, the humidity made the sunshine explicitly 3x worst- he was thankful that Alfred had decided Miami beach was far too crowded to loiter; perhaps, Kiku thought to himself, Alfred realised his discontent to be with such large crowds and being probably one of the most doting lovers ever wanted to save him from his social awkwardness.
So decked out in his knee-length red shorts, and 5 dollar flip flops that seemed sticky on the streetside cement, Kiku was lead weaving through the many tourists and summer hooligans that filled the American city. His hands clammy entwined with the golden blond’s own as he took on a quick stroll to the quieter side of the long beach. Japan would not call himself easy to convince, but unless it was to do with work, he was very willing to let his foreign boyfriend bring him around. The American himself had the silliest rainbow lenses on, a pair of pride sunglasses Alfred had bought the moment June had begun and very flattering blue shorts that Kiku was too flustered to admit got him staring more often than not.
“I didn’t think it would be this busy Keeks,” pulling him out of his wandering thoughts, Alfred sounded sheepish and almost nervous- asking for forgiveness for what he couldn’t understand. He only gave his boyfriend a quick smile and a patient murmur as the slowed down to a stop. They were still holding hands but now Alfred was just smiling at him, face close enough- Back home in his own country, the idea of standing around about to kiss would be extremely inconsiderate yet at this moment he felt impulsion to do so- maybe it was the gleeful atmosphere that Alfred created that did this.
“I just thought to have a beach day would be more fun than sitting around at home- have a real date for once…” Kiku scoffed at the mumbling and reasoning his boyfriend had propelled into. The UN meeting was slotted for 2 weeks from now but Japan had been urged by America to come over and spend some holiday time before they inevitably get covered in paperwork- to spend some time together just as Kiku and Alfred rather than political allies. “...If you rather go home now I can go and-” Somehow the Asian man’s eyes had drifted to a spot over Alfred’s shoulder- a little stall selling what reminded Japan of what he called Kakigōri.
“It’s really hot.” his voice felt slightly croaking from the dryness of the summer heat, and while to anyone else his deadpan demeanour and unamused face would signify complaint, Alfred only grinned wider as he turned to follow Kiku’s dark eyes, knowing immediately what he had been staring at. Alfred coughed a little, and let go of the Japanese man’s hands and silently but eagerly followed the meandering walk of Kiku towards the Snowcone stall. Sure enough, Kiku seemed mesmerised by the colours and the shape of the small icy treat, unsure of what to pick. Just as he asked for advice on what flavour would be best, Alfred already had a bright pink pile of ice in a paper cone pushed in front of Kiku, 2 spoons jutting out oddly. Like, little kids, the pair brightened up, ready to share the summer treat.
Kiku had been in between a spoonful when he very decidedly announced: “I don’t want to go back yet.” Alfred hummed, alright with the prospect of just walking around with his boyfriend. They talked mindlessly about some new video games, then some work and trade offer off-handedly- It was only when Kiku had turned to a bin to throw away their empty cone that Alfred noted the tint of Kiku’s lips. The strawberry syrup had stained them ever so slightly- they were almost as pink as the American’s blush from looking at them. Kiku obviously was confused, and none the less startled when Alfred had sneakily leant down to kiss him- public displays of affection were rare between them (They preferred to keep things private especially when in the company of others) but this moment had been one out of complete adoration and compulsion. Kiku ended up leaning into Alfred as the two quietly enjoyed their little moment underneath the summer sun.
“Sorry, you had something on your face,” Alfred whispered, giggling slightly as if the excuse was near enough reason to fluster Kiku. The man in response only smiled a little bit- preferring to just accept his boyfriend’s humour than get overly embarrassed by the blue-eyed man’s clear affection. Perhaps, Kiku smiled to himself, he would make some snowcones when they got back home.
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honeyleesblog · 2 years
oligopoly is the fundamental type
The Oligopoly Market: Example, Types and Features| Micro Economics!
The term oligopoly is derived from two Greek words: ‘oligi’ means few and ‘polein’ means to sell. Oligopoly is a market structure in which there are only a few sellers (but more than two) of the homogeneous or differentiated products. So, oligopoly lies in between monopolistic competition and monopoly.
Oligopoly refers to a market situation in which there are a few firms selling homogeneous or differentiated products. Oligopoly is, sometimes, also known as ‘competition among the few’ as there are few sellers in the market and every seller influences and is influenced by the behaviour of other firms.
Example of Oligopoly: In India, markets for automobiles, cement, steel, aluminium, etc, are the examples of oligopolistic market. In all these markets, there are few firms for each particular product.
DUOPOLY is a special case of oligopoly, in which there are exactly two sellers. Under duopoly, it is assumed that the product sold by the two firms is homogeneous and there is no substitute for it. Examples where two companies control a large proportion of a market are: (i) Pepsi and Coca-Cola in the soft drink market; (ii) Airbus and Boeing in the commercial large jet aircraft market; (iii) Intel and AMD in the consumer desktop computer microprocessor market.
Types of Oligopoly: 1. Pure or Perfect Oligopoly: If the firms produce homogeneous products, then it is called pure or perfect oligopoly. Though, it is rare to find pure oligopoly situation, yet, cement, steel, aluminum and chemicals producing industries approach pure oligopoly.
2. Imperfect or Differentiated Oligopoly: If the firms produce differentiated products, then it is called differentiated or imperfect oligopoly. For example, passenger cars, cigarettes or soft drinks. The goods produced by different firms have their own distinguishing characteristics, yet all of them are close substitutes of each other.
3. Collusive Oligopoly: If the firms cooperate with each other in determining price or output or both, it is called collusive oligopoly or cooperative oligopoly.
4. Non-collusive Oligopoly: If firms in an oligopoly market compete with each other, it is called a non-collusive or non-cooperative oligopoly.
Features of Oligopoly: The main features of oligopoly are elaborated as follows:
1. Few firms: Under oligopoly, there are few large firms. The exact number of firms is not defined. Each firm produces a significant portion of the total output. There exists severe competition among different firms and each firm try to manipulate both prices and volume of production to outsmart each other. For example, the market for automobiles in India is an oligopolist structure as there are only few producers of automobiles.
The number of the firms is so small that an action by any one firm is likely to affect the rival firms. So, every firm keeps a close watch on the activities of rival firms.
2. Interdependence: Firms under oligopoly are interdependent. Interdependence means that actions of one firm affect the actions of other firms. A firm considers the action and reaction of the rival firms while determining its price and output levels. A change in output or price by one firm evokes reaction from other firms operating in the market.
For example, market for cars in India is dominated by few firms (Maruti, Tata, Hyundai, Ford, Honda, etc.). A change by any one firm (say, Tata) in any of its vehicle (say, Indica) will induce other firms (say, Maruti, Hyundai, etc.) to make changes in their respective vehicles.
3. Non-Price Competition: Under oligopoly, firms are in a position to influence the prices. However, they try to avoid price competition for the fear of price war. They follow the policy of price rigidity. Price rigidity refers to a situation in which price tends to stay fixed irrespective of changes in demand and supply conditions. Firms use other methods like advertising, better services to customers, etc. to compete with each other.
If a firm tries to reduce the price, the rivals will also react by reducing their prices. However, if it tries to raise the price, other firms might not do so. It will lead to loss of customers for the firm, which intended to raise the price. So, firms prefer non- price competition instead of price competition.
4. Barriers to Entry of Firms: The main reason for few firms under oligopoly is the barriers, which prevent entry of new firms into the industry. Patents, requirement of large capital, control over crucial raw materials, etc, are some of the reasons, which prevent new firms from entering into industry. Only those firms enter into the industry which is able to cross these barriers. As a result, firms can earn abnormal profits in the long run.
5. Role of Selling Costs: Due to severe competition ‘and interdependence of the firms, various sales promotion techniques are used to promote sales of the product. Advertisement is in full swing under oligopoly, and many a times advertisement can become a matter of life-and-death. A firm under oligopoly relies more on non-price competition.
Selling costs are more important under oligopoly than under monopolistic competition.
6. Group Behaviour: Under oligopoly, there is complete interdependence among different firms. So, price and output decisions of a particular firm directly influence the competing firms. Instead of independent price and output strategy, oligopoly firms prefer group decisions that will protect the interest of all the firms. Group Behaviour means that firms tend to behave as if they were a single firm even though individually they retain their independence.
7. Nature of the Product: The firms under oligopoly may produce homogeneous or differentiated product.
i. If the firms produce a homogeneous product, like cement or steel, the industry is called a pure or perfect oligopoly.
ii. If the firms produce a differentiated product, like automobiles, the industry is called differentiated or imperfect oligopoly.
8. Indeterminate Demand Curve: Under oligopoly, the exact behaviour pattern of a producer cannot be determined with certainty. So, demand curve faced by an oligopolist is indeterminate (uncertain). As firms are inter-dependent, a firm cannot ignore the reaction of the rival firms. Any change in price by one firm may lead to change in prices by the competing firms. So, demand curve keeps on shifting and it is not definite, rather it is indeterminate.
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Removal of Tax on Import of Lubricants from South-East Asian Nations has Stimulated the Competition and Hence the Growth in the Lubricants Industry in Vietnam: Ken Research “Rapid Industrialization and Rising Passenger Vehicle Sales have led to rise in demand for both Automotive and Industrial Lubricants simultaneously in Vietnam.”
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gutterdreams · 7 years
In A Little While [Billy Hargrove]
Word Count: 3.8k Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger Things or the GIF. 
Just sat down and wrote. This is what came out.
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In the back of his mind, the fear never shut itself off. Billy was certain now, as he carried a garbage bag of his clothes from the back door to his car, that he was all expecting this to happen. From the time he met you, twenty-one in a pink silk mini dress, your hair-sprayed ponytail wet and falling from the downpour while you waited on the side of the road with a broken down Honda. He let himself be practically baptized in the relentless evening storm, waiting for a tow truck with you. Billy couldn’t help himself, but fiddle underneath the hood. His love of cars predated puberty for him. You were late for a date and now you knew you weren’t going to make it
“I’ll take you out.” As the man from Dollar Tow hooked the front of your car onto his tow truck, Billy shrugged while looking you up and down. He had given you his black jacket as an extra layer of protection from the rain since you refused to get into his car as he was a stranger. “Don’t want to waste a pretty dress.” Charming as always, he winked.
There was little to no convincing needed after that. Soaking wet, he drove you both to a small French restaurant in downtown Sacramento. Everything was going well. You were laughing at all his jokes as if on cue, you were cocking your head to the side in a way that made him face to bite down on his lip to keep from grinning like a fool, and then things went South. Billy asked you to go out to the car while he covered the bill. Your hand was barely around the handle of his car door before he was running out of the doors of the place, the waiter screaming on his heels.
“You didn’t…? What?” Asking over the rain slicked hood of his black car, you asked with fear in your eyes. Your mind was racing too fast to know what to do. Should you turn around and pay? Should you just get in the car? Instinctively, your body took over and you jumped in as Billy hollered at you too. “What the Hell?” As if you had known him for longer than three hours, you screamed as he howled with delight, driving above the speed limit and weaving in and out of the slower cars.
You didn’t know what you were feeling, but it didn’t stop you from inviting him into your second floor apartment and having mind blowing sex from the kitchen to the living room couch to the balcony window.
While you were in the washroom, cleaning up post-sex, Billy watched from the couch, naked, at the slight curve of your right side that he could make out through the half closed door. The fear of losing you in his head started whirring like a broken computer piece right then and there. He was never supposed to have you in any capacity. It was some other guy, a guy who could foot the bill to a fancy restaurant, that was supposed to spend the night with you. Instead, the storm took over along with your exhausted air filter. He had supposed to work longer hours at a job site, but the storm had shut it down as well. Billy knew that otherwise you two would have never collided. He would have been working and you would have arrived on time and dry to your Friday night date. It was all happenstance. He was convinced that every day after that you were only with him because he was tricking you somehow.
When you asked him to move in seven months later: mistake. When you loaned him five grand to start his own landscaping company with his construction buddy, Marshall Gunther: another mistake. When you rolled over in the middle of the night while he was watching Goodfellas on the television and asked him if he ever thought about marriage: mistake. When you screamed “Holy shit! Please!” to him on one knee with ruby ring he could hardly afford: biggest mistake. When you actually went to the courthouse with him, Marshall, Marshall’s then girlfriend, and your two siblings: luck of the draw. Billy never believe that you were with him because you wanted to be. The more he had you, the louder the whirring in his brain grew, and his insecurities would take over. It was what drove him to break two of your dining room chairs after a fight that escalated because you didn’t call when you were working late. It was why he spent a night in jail, drunk, from breaking a beer bottle over the head of a guy who bumped into you by accident. It was why he picked little arguments through the shower curtain or in the grocery story about nothing. It was why you were now asking him to leave, putting your wedding rings in a drawer, and begging him to give you space.
The whirring in his noise that had grown to an aching migraine that strained his neck had finally stopped because he had fulfilled his own prophecy. He always convinced he was going to lose you and now he had.
Billy sighed and stared at the kitchen he was standing in the middle of. It was half in renovation mode and he doubted that you would be able to finish it on your own. It had been him, Marshall, and a few of his landscaping team from Gunther-Hargrove that were working on it on the weekends. You had been so hysterical last time you two spoke that he never had a chance to ask you if the separation would allow him to continue to work on it on Saturdays and Sundays or if he should just keep sending guys. He had a box of stuff to take to Marshall’s place where he was planning to stay for the week until he found a place he could rent monthly, but the pictures under mismatched gas station magnets caught his attention. Against his chest, in both arms, he carried it over to the small fridge and stared at highlights of his life. There was a wedding invitation from your cousin, countless scribbles, an almost due car payment, and then there were the photographs. He took the two pictures from a photo booth strip and laid it over top of his box that was taped shut. You had asked him to slip into the booth at the airport with you. You wanted a picture of the two of you to show the friends that you were off to go visit in Minnesota. He took the top two where you were pulling a stupid face and he was staring blankly at the camera like the pictures were for a passport and the second where you had a hand cupped to his face and pulling him in for a kiss. The bottom two were yours: a picture of a soft kiss and a picture of you both laughing while looking at one another. Now he had the bottom two, stealing it from the fridge to take with him. His eyes stared at the other picture, a small baby folded comfortably in a white blanket in his arms at the hospital. Your mother had taken it, showing up fifteen minutes after Billy called her to say that you were having contractions. Billy always assumed that you two would have more children, even if only one more, but after Eve’s first birthday was when his fear peaked.
His feelings of unworthiness had grown from a small ant hill to a full Everest and he was taking it out on you. Sometimes, you would carry Eve down the hall to put her to bed and then lay on her bedroom floor for an hour just to give yourself a break from his tormenting questions, his hyperventilating insecurities, and relentless desire to pick fights. He always asked if you wanted him to leave that it felt like, maybe, that was what he wanted. The foundation that you two built over time seemed to be shaking beneath your feet and you were scared of what could happen if Billy stomped through the cement.
He was reaching for the picture when a door creaked and he whipped around to check in the sound’s direction. Billy was still hurt by your ardent plea for a separation. He didn’t want to talk to you right now, not when his stuff was packed up and his emotions were at an all time high. The sound didn’t come from up the stairs of your one and a half story, but down the hall. There was no pitter-patter or floorboards creaking, no bathroom lights flicking on or soft hums from the wall. Billy turned to leave completely, forgetting about the picture for a second, but he stopped himself from moving as two blue eyes entered from the hallway and into the dimly lit kitchen.
Eve Hargrove, a cocktail of both you and your husband, stood shy to her father’s denim clad knees. Tepidly, she leaned against the wall and sucked on two of her fingers, coating them in glistening drool. She was two and a half, but you felt as if you had been trying to break her from the bad habit for a decade.
A sigh from the bottom of his stomach pushed out like a heavy breeze and Billy rested his box on top of the kitchen table next to him. He crouched down on his knees and corralled the fuzzy pajama clad girl closer to him with both hands, fingers curling as it was a simple action she understood. Eve pushed off of the wall and charged forward, giggling very quietly over her fingers. She went right past his open knees and pushed herself into his stomach. Billy felt the warmth from her body and lightly smiled, the side of his face brushing up against her bedhead. He had wanted to put her to bed for the last time since he wouldn’t get to see her again until Wednesday, his agreed upon weekday as well as Sunday on the weekends. However, work was late and you were both adamant about bed time being at the same time every single night. If there was anything positive about Billy’s tumultuous upbringing, it was how much it instilled the importance of a routine in him.
Billy put his hands flat on her fleece backside and pulled her in tightly, giving her the hug she wanted and had been waiting for. He held her for two minutes even if she was wiggling around within the first ten seconds of his embrace. She smelled like Vaseline and coconut shampoo, but mostly, she just smelled like his. He knew after this that he was going to reek of whiskey and nicotine as he intended to drink and smoke himself blind at his friend’s place. Once Eve shook her way off of her dad’s white shirt, stained with dirt from an outdoor job, Billy tugged on her wrist and urged her to remove her fingers from her small pink lips.
“Don’t do that.” He shook his head and whispered to her. Their conversation was private and important. “You don’t do that.” Once he had her wet fingers in one of his hands, he clarified for her with his eyes directed narrowly into hers. She wiggled up her nose instead of pouting, hating when he looked at her like that. Usually, Billy kept to it anyway, but this time he softened like Plasticine in a kindergartner’s hands. He wrapped his arms around her again and hoisted her up into his arms while standing up straight. It was hard on his knees to always be  at her level and this way he could walk around the kitchen table and sway her in his arms that were resting just under his bum.
“Where do you go?” Head falling to the side, Eve put out one hand the way she would if she was showing off the spout during daycare’s ‘I’m a Little Teapot’ dance. You had taken the time to try to explain in G-rated terms for Eve what was happening between you and her father, but she didn’t absorb any of it. Adult life and all of it’s complications were too grey and conflicting for her toddler brain to comprehend. She had thrown a huge tantrum when you first said 'Daddy is leaving for a bit’, but you waited for her to tire herself out on the floor to try and clarify. By then, she was hungry for lunch and content to talk about other things like Donald Duck, apple slices, and your lipstick that she liked to use as a crayon for her whole body. Eve knew things were changing in her house, but that was the extent of it.
“I’m going to Uncle Marshall’s.” Billy managed to say. It was the truth and he had a major policy on honesty that he wanted her to abide by.
“Max.” Eve said back cheerily. She had a bevvy of aunts and uncle’s, but she knew she had an Aunt Max that she only saw around Christmas time when you convinced Billy to go down to Indiana and visit his family. It was what normal families did, you both always said, even if Billy was a grouchy mess the entire time. He physically winced every time Neil so much as pat Eve’s head let alone held her in his arms and tickled her protruding tummy.
“No. Marshall.” He clarified. Marshall was over in your backyard every weekend. It made no sense to either you or Billy why Max had such a lasting effect on the little girl opposed to someone she saw constantly. “I’m going to see you in three sleeps.” He told her and kissed her cotton soft cheek. As he slowly rocked around the table, he caught wind of the time on the oven’s analog clock. It was well past Eve’s bed time. She should have been asleep. Billy figured that she must have heard him coming and going from the house to his car and woken up. He veered off his path around the table and carried her back into her bedroom, turning the light on with a shoulder.
“That’s so long!” Raising her arms over her head, she said in a voice that rang high as if it was in the key of F. “Daddy, no.”A minute was a long time to Eve. She still could only count to ten and even then she often forgot numbers along the way.
“Three sleeps isn’t long.” He kissed the top of her head and put her down in her low to the ground bed. It was brand new and had high wooden gates around the side away from the wall to keep her from rolling out during particularly exciting dreams. Eve could climb out of it with ease, but when Billy put her to bed, she generally stayed put. There was some kind of understanding between the two of them that made her listen to her father far better than she ever listened to you.
“And then you stay?” Pieces of her conversation with you earlier were playing jagged and out of order in her mind.
Sighing, Billy stood up and shook his head down at her with shame that made it impossible to hold up. He was a failure. His father was right. He had somehow managed to put together a life that was too good for him, but in typical Billy fashion, he was destroying it. The burden of his self-deprecating mind was making it hard for him to think straight anymore. He shut his eyes to keep from accepting the obvious confusion and sadness shining in his daughter’s.
“Eve, we’re just going to try something new, okay?” It was the same sentence you had used with her when she needed to be calmed down. Billy crouched down and coaxed her to lay down flat with her head on the pillow.
“No, you stay.” She fought adorably, putting her fingers back into her mouth for comfort. As quickly as they had gone in, Billy pulled them out. “Daddy, stay.”
“It’s just going to be for a little while.” His voice was a soft promise even if he had no idea whether or not he would be able to keep it or not.
“Daddy, don’t…” The tears were on their way. Her face was pulling inward as her eyes squeezed tight. He put a hand on her back and rubbed it in a semi circle, the way you had taught him to when she was upset as an infant and he would walk back and forth in her nursery with her against his naked chest. “I want you…stay!” Breath already broken, Eve cried. Her eyes opened and inflicted pain on him by showing off just how sad she was.
“I want to, too.” It accidentally came out. Billy didn’t mean to put this on you. You had asked him not to, made it clear that this was his fault as much as it was your decision. Eve just kept wailing and Billy went right into Daddy No Fun mode, hellbent on keeping her quiet. He didn’t want you to wake up and be cross with him for disturbing her in the first place. “Eve, this isn’t how we get our way.” It was a concept she couldn’t really grasp, not at her age. “Eve…” He said her name in a tone that was both firm and soft, a talent that he had from the first time she decided to be a brat during a car ride from the grocery store.
She heard how serious he was and traded in her tears for sniffles. Eve scooched closer to the bed’s edge and reached for his pierced ear. Where he once wore a hanging earring in the eighties, he now just rocked a stud. Billy leaned in to let her run the pad of her tiny fingers over it. She had always been attracted to it.
“I love you.” She stabbed him in the heart with her blubbering three words, propping her head up on the pillow and blinking at him with hamburger bun wide eyes.
“I love you, too, peanut.” His hand reached up to squeeze hers delicately and then he leaned over her bed to kiss her head and cheek. Eve clasped both sides of her dad’s unshaven face and gave him a little peck followed by a loud 'smack’ noise. It wasn’t a kiss if there wasn’t a big noise like there was in cartoons.
“I miss you so much.” She said out of memory though she was certain that she meant it.
Billy nodded as he swallowed hard, standing up from the ground one knee at a time. His eyes were taken by the bright purple walls, a shade the hardware store called 'Jellybean’. He had painted it when she was a baby, picking the color out himself, and she always told him that it was her most favorite. Sometimes, she would even kiss the wall when they were playing with Billy’s childhood Hot Wheels in there or you were reading her a bed time story. Billy noticed the picture of the two of them, her asleep on his shoulders using the top of his head as a pillow, and moved it from her toy shelf to right beside her in bed. Her eyes were beginning to slowly shut as the need for sleep was too strong for her toddler body to defeat. Billy kissed the top of her head again and reluctantly left the room, looking behind him after every other step. He shut off the light and closed her door slightly. 
“It’s only for a little while.” This time he only said it to himself, murmuring it over the pounding pain in his chest.
As soon as he was back in the hallway, he noticed you at the end in the kitchen, standing by the box and looking down at the picture he left on top.
Silence floated through out the house as he stood at the head of the table where he usually sat and watched you as you looked down at the couple you once were. Billy had always been coarse as sand paper around the edges, but you always just thought he required polishing. You didn’t realize that his penchant for self sabotage would continue into your marriage even if your mother had warned you throughout your short engagement that people don’t change that way.
“If Eve wants to call me, she can.” He told you in place of asking. While you had never been the bitter type before, this was Billy’s first trial separation and he had heard horror stories from guys that he used to work construction with. He was scared you would keep Eve from him if you were ever feeling cruel, hurt, moody, or anything at all. You nodded and kept your attention on the picture. “I better get going. I didn’t mean to wake everybody up.”
“I wasn’t asleep.” You spoke to the Billy even if you were looking at him in the picture instead. You may have been in silk shorts and one of his old grey muscle shirts, but you hadn’t been able to even keep your eyes shut in the bed that was supposed to have Billy’s body in it too.
Billy reached forward and took the box from under your hand, carrying it over to the door where he stuffed his feet, one by one, into dirty sneakers that he always wore at work. He desperately needed a new pair, but it was the last thing on his mind.
He had never done this before and neither had you. He didn’t know what to say. On purpose, you kept your eyes on the linoleum floor you had washed a couple days ago, searching for a mark or spot to keep yourself from watching Billy walk out. This was a lot harder than you expected and you wished you had just stayed up in your room instead of rushing down the stairs at the first sound of your daughter crying.
“Hey,” After pushing the back door open, Billy’s voice slid through the overweight silence and perked your head right up, quick as can be. “You can call too, you know? If you need…” He barely used his cell phone and he really hated the invention, but Billy really opened that you would.
You nodded and uncurled a hand from underneath your chin, waving him off and keeping your tears trembling in your throat. He wasn’t doing as good a job at hiding his emotions, so he shut the door as soon as you two locked eyes. He knew you understood what he was saying. You had always reached out to him before when you needed help and Billy hoped that this separation wouldn’t alter that. He put the box in the passenger seat of the car and then slammed his door, clutching the wheel with stiff hands and letting out a primal roar while tears burned at his sunburned face.
It was only for a little while, right?
@desertsivan1995 @desertsivan1995 @daddyslittlemunster @stevesharrlngtons
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shankarestate3 · 5 months
Prime Industrial Land Available in Kahrani Industrial Area: A Hub of Growth and Opportunity
In the heart of Bhiwadi lies the thriving Kahrani Industrial Area, where opportunities for industrial growth abound. Attracting businesses from across the country, Kahrani offers prime industrial land for those looking to establish or expand their operations. In this blog, we'll explore the rich industrial landscape of Bhiwadi's RIICO area, highlighting well-known industries, upcoming ventures, and the availability of prime industrial land in Kahrani.
 Well-Known Industries in RIICO Bhiwadi
Bhiwadi's RIICO industrial area is home to several well-known industries that have contributed significantly to the region's economic growth. Companies like Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd., Shree Cement, and Havells India Ltd. have established large manufacturing facilities here, leveraging the strategic location and infrastructure provided by RIICO. These industry giants not only drive employment and revenue but also attract ancillary industries, creating a robust ecosystem of industrial activity.
RIICO Area: A Catalyst for Industrial Development
RIICO, the Rajasthan State Industrial Development and Investment Corporation plays a pivotal role in promoting industrial growth in Bhiwadi and beyond. With a focus on infrastructure development, land allocation, and policy support, RIICO facilitates the establishment of industries across various sectors. Its meticulously planned industrial areas provide businesses with access to essential amenities and utilities, ensuring a conducive environment for growth and productivity.
 Upcoming Industries in the RIICO Bhiwadi Area
The RIICO Bhiwadi area is witnessing a surge in upcoming industries, fueled by favorable government policies and infrastructure development initiatives. Sectors such as automotive, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and textiles are experiencing significant investment and expansion. Companies are drawn to Bhiwadi's strategic location along the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC), which promises enhanced connectivity and access to markets.
Plot Features: Industrial Land for Sale in Kahrani Bhiwadi
Industrial plot spanning 6000 square meters in Kahrani, Bhiwadi. Boasting a substantial 24-meter-wide road frontage, this plot offers easy access for heavy vehicles and logistics operations. With permission for up to 2 floors of construction, businesses can optimize their operational space efficiently. Positioned to the west, the plot enjoys ample sunlight, ideal for various industrial needs. Its strategic corner location enhances visibility and accessibility, making it an attractive investment opportunity. Don't miss out on this lucrative offer to secure prime industrial land in Kahrani, Bhiwadi.
 Prime Industrial Land Available in Kahrani Industrial Area
For businesses seeking to capitalize on the opportunities offered by Bhiwadi's industrial growth, Kahrani Industrial Area presents an ideal location. With its proximity to major highways and transportation hubs, Kahrani offers excellent connectivity for logistics and distribution. The availability of prime industrial land ensures that businesses can find the perfect plot to suit their needs, whether it's for manufacturing, warehousing, or research and development.
The Future of Industrial Development in Bhiwadi
As Bhiwadi continues to evolve as a key industrial hub in North India, the future looks promising for businesses and investors alike. RIICO's ongoing efforts to enhance infrastructure and attract investment, coupled with the region's strategic location and skilled workforce, position Bhiwadi as a hub of growth and opportunity. With prime industrial land available in the Kahrani Industrial Area, now is the time for businesses to seize the moment and establish their presence in this dynamic industrial landscape.
In conclusion, Bhiwadi's Kahrani Industrial Area offers a fertile ground for industrial growth, with well-known industries, upcoming ventures, and prime industrial land available in Kahrani. As businesses look to capitalize on the region's potential, RIICO's support and infrastructure development initiatives ensure a conducive environment for success. Whether you're a seasoned industrialist or a budding entrepreneur, Bhiwadi's RIICO area presents endless possibilities for growth and prosperity.
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