#Honor Clashes are the Ninja version of a Unbreakable Vow
hpdabbles · 3 years
Moar Naruto Harry AU please.
I wanna know what he has planned to keep his favorite wizards with him.
Also will he ever learn Remus's name is Remus and not Emus?
“Excuse me?” The man sitting on the high chair surrounded by men and women wearing long-dapped clothing looked utterly unsure about Naruto’s request.
He had been in the middle of some boring speech when the young boy had burst through the two large doors, dodging the attempt to be stopped by the workers in the hallway. 
It was easy enough for a ninja of his level to jump over the desk of the receptionist and zig-zag away from the color lights the wizards shoot at him.
He wasn’t entirely sure what the light did but any kind of justu that was strong enough for the chakra to be seen meant bad news, so Naruto made haste to find the one important person while sprinting down the hall and kicking open any door he came across. 
It took a full hallway of screaming chaos but he finally found them. The important-looking people. 
Naruto had skipped his way to the front of what looked like a council, and repeated his demand  “I challenge whoever is in charge to an Honor Clash or whatever you people have.”
The man wearing the tall pointy hat with small glasses blinked slowly. “No, I heard you the first time, my boy,  but I am not entirely sure what you mean by Honor Clash ?”
Naruto squinted at him trying to see if the man was joking or not. There were times where he still tripped over the difference between this world and the one he knew, where something so common knowledge to him was strange or unheard of to others. 
“Honor Clash. A battle between two people betting something of equal value and should the two parties agree unbreakable once a winner is decided.”
“...Do you mean dueling and an Unbreakable Vow?” A woman in a purple robe hesitantly asks from Naruto’s left. 
“Yes, the highest of challenges and the one way anything can be lost. Including one’s freedom or life.”  Naruto nodded staring into the aged man’s eyes who was blinking down at him. They held a strange twinkle, but the ninja did not focus on it, guiding his eyes to the center of the other’s nose.
Even he could spot a genjustu so obvious  “I wish to bet my life. If I am to lose, I will be the winner’s property, to do with as they may please, but in exchange, I like the life of Sirius Black if I win. This means no house arrest, no limitations, no restrictions as he will my property. Would you accept my challenge, old man?”
The room held their breath as the words leave Naruto’s mouth, shifting around him in a way his chakra has never done before. However he knows in a deep part of his soul, it is bounding. Final.
An Unbreakable Vow, the woman had said. What a fitting name for this feeling. 
“Very well, if you think this is the only way, I do accept.” The aged wizard said after a long pause. Naruto twitches as the muffled feeling of negative emotions hidden behind the downturn of the old man's lips.
He may have lost Kurama, but his Uzumaki chakra could keep him an empath though not nearly as strong as before.
He felt greed and gluttony. The wizard wants to own him. Naruto barely held back a sneer fitting of a real fox. 
“Dumbledore! You can’t be serious-he’s only a child! He doesn’t even have a wand!” The woman from before shouts outrage, springing to her feet. A few members on the side of the curved table she sat at are quick to agree.
They shout over each other, following the line of the disapproval and horror of a child dueling someone much more experience.
“This is barbaric, and traitorous at most!” Another man with long blond hair on the other side of the room barks. “If this duel happens it will go against all of our traditions and legal process. What will the public do when they learn they can fight their way out of the law?! You are asking for a silver war!”
“You would  know a lot about a silver war wouldn’t you Malfoy?” A red-headed man sneers. “After all, it would be your power that would threaten the most by this duel.”
“How dare you-!”
“I do ask, my boy. That should the duel become a draw, neither life is own.” Dumbledore speaks over the crowd of people with a type of command that comes from a man who is used to being heard and be listen to. At once the room quiets, some of the left side looking relieved. 
Naruto tilts his head. “That sounds fair, but adding that rule now after you agree makes me challenged instead of the challenger. I would get to pick the winning condition. Do you still want to?”
Dumbledore's eyes crinkled with a grandfatherly smile. Naruto felt the greed rise, muffled and distant but ever-present. “Of course my boy. What would the winning condition be?”
“The first one knocked unconscious by any means is the loser.” The words felt as natural as any other words in his mouth would but for some reason, it made every adult look suddenly very nervous. All but the wizard he has challenged. 
“We have an accord. Let the Vow be forever bonding, witnessed by the Wizengamont.”  Dumbledore’s voice rang through the room like a bell, echoing in the stillness of the room.
He wobbled down the spiraling stairway on the side of the podium he was standing behind, coming to a stop before Naruto, his strangely shaped stick raised to split his face in half. “We may duel here and now.”
Naruto bowed at him, in terms of the proper way of Leaf village spars, shifting his weight to get a solid form. He ignores the shouts of the spectators. many claiming the older male has gone mad while a few shout that Dumbledore obviously was going to force the ninja into a draw.  
“Start the match” Naruto demanded of the purple lady who looked unpleased but he directed his gaze back to his opponent before he could watch her expression for too long. 
Naruto leaped away from his position missing the red light by mere seconds as the old man whipped out his stick in his direction.
The ninja quickly flashed through seals raising the marble tiles beneath him into a shield as more color lights slammed into it, barely any paused between them. The crowd screamed at the debris which went flying due to one of the lights exploding upon contact but Naruto didn’t turn to look at them. 
He instead used the smoke to cover his next attack, summoning clones to rush at the old man each bearing a Kuni shaped from the marble tiles of his last justu.
They hit an invisible shield that reminded him of the main Pain puppet, which meant Naruto had to use different means of attack. He rushed underground, leaving behind a clone to act as a decoy, who engaged the old man with shooting wind Justus against the strange light.
He tunneled his way to where he could feel the chakra of the old man blaze as powerful as any jonin or even an Anbu Captain.
In terms of power, he was outmatched but Naruto would not let that deter him. After all, based on the way Dumbledore fought, he had not seen that many ninja battles and this meant Naruto was not outclassed. 
Naruto waited until his clone fell, faking being unconscious as he had done in the battle against Neji, and it wasn’t until another clone pop, letting him know the old man had lowered his wand that he shoots up a Rasengan in one had to tear away the shield and a bag of powder in another. 
Naruto had not been able to find a weapons store in this world but he had been able to make some weapons with the little knowledge of various tools he had. One of them was a special blend of herbs and flowers which forced victims to fall for genjustus faster by lowering their control over their senses when inhaled.
 This allows the reincarnated boy to overpower Dumbledore’s mind, as he grips onto his face, his chakra running down his arm, through his fingertips, and into the shocked wizard's mind. Soon he falls into a slumber and Naruto lets go only to catch him, as Dumbledore crumbles his stick slipping from his hand to roll on the ground.
The doors slam open as ‘Emus and Dog-man rush in with a horrified “Harry!” 
Naruto gives them a toothy grin, twisting his small body to them and shaking Dumbledore's unconscious form. “Great timing! I just won the  Honor Clash and now, we can go home together!”
Everyone starts shouting then which really delays Naruto taking his family home and he is very upset it takes so long before the magic people realize he is willing to challenge them to an Honor Clash just to keep ‘Emus too. 
Dog-man couldn’t look any happier so it was all worth it in the end. 
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