#Naruto fixes things with his two fist
littlemonstert-blog · 2 years
Hyuga Clan Taijutsu is underrated & OP
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There are many interesting concepts which they didn't show or didn't show enough
  ( Sometimes I wish that we didn’t have so much focus on the Uchiha Clan)
 can ignore durability thanks to its ability to directly attack the opponents chakra system. ch 79
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Gentle fist nullifying other Jutsus: nullify any ninjutsu by splitting apart its chakra. Hyuga clan are “Anti Chakra” fighters. Any chakra-based ninjutsu is rendered useless by a Hyuga . (Chapter 192-193) 
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( chapter 257-258)
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Controlling/manipulate the opponents chakra flow however you wish is OP but was only used in a filler (Not canon)(Episode 191). The filler was cool.Hinata made a magnet release user bury himself alive with iron sand by hitting like 1 or 2 chakra points and started to change his chakra flow.Chapter 78-80
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Air Palm(s)  (chapter 257) Basically, the technique is similar to rotation but it has a specific target. Invisible to the naked eye 
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 Talking about the Hyuga clan’s abilities, they always only mention the close combat gentle fist taijutsu. When confirmed the clan currently has two or more  mid-long ranged abilities: Air palm, Wall Palm etc.
Gentle fist in a supporting use Hinata fixing Naruto’s shoulder chapter 617 ( would have been cool to see a hyuga medic, but please not from Hinata her gen already has two healers.)
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Gentle Fist Art One Blow Body
similiar Almighty Push, it can be used as an offence or defence. If a Hyuga member is in a lock, they could easily blast their way through it while simultaneously damaging their opponent's vital points. If a Hyuga member is tied, they can free themselves
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Twin Lion Fists
wish we saw more of this jutsu in use to it’s full potential ( considering how op it is). How it would actually work in combat when draining chakra. since Hinata uses it with 64 palms, she could (hypotically) also use it with air palm like in the video game verison.
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One-shot techniques (higher level than 64 palms)
All they have to do is create a “lock-on” with their Byakugan and target the chakra pool of their opponent directly. It knocks out, kills, and negates durability. We seen Hinata ,Neji their fathers & Himawari do this:
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Extra: Studio Pierrot has a weird thing for making Hinata faint (NO she wasn’t pregnant). When in the novel, she didn’t faint at all, this is what happened in the novel  (Sasuke Shinden pg 50)
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This my problem when SP adapting a novel or manga they basically butcher important moments. I’ve seen them do it with other series and it doesn’t workout well in the long run
Bleach, Tokyo ghoul could be more if I look deeper
the link for the safe free site since it’s a archive of most naruto manga novels
Also, I can understand why people don’t consider light novels cannon unless the creator actually said they helped with the novel and stated it cannon. Instead of slapping their name on it, then doing commission art for the cover. But that’s for another disscusion
Any other underrated Hyuga techniques that needs more shine?
edit 2: I saw someone in the replies say that, Rotation is underrated,to me not really Neji & Hiashi spammed the hell out of it lol. I do feel like other hyuga should have used it more beside the two.
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do-u-ever-just · 8 months
Single dad Sasuke and his babysitter, Naruto. Sasuke has realised his feelings for Naruto are getting a little beyond professional, so he tries going on a first date to quell his suddenly active hormones. Obviously, it doesn't work.
This came out of me in a rush! I've decided to put all my time into finishing Drum Sticks and Rose Quartz first, but this is a fun little project you can expect more of!
Tags: SasuNaru, Age Gap, Single Father Sasuke, ft. the return of Sasaki!
Sasuke busies himself in the hallway mirror.  Fixing his hair.  Tugging his shirt straight.  Adjusting the black and silver rings on his fingers.  
“Woa, you look smart,” Naruto comments.  He’s picked Sasaki up and is windmilling him around the kitchen.  Sasaki giggles in utter delight.  “Another date night, huh?”
Sasuke bites his lip.  “Yeah, another date night.”
Naruto pauses.  “And you sound so excited about it.”  Sasaki is already pounding Naruto’s shoulders with his fists, demanding he keep spinning.  Naruto does.
Sasuke only shrugs.  “Would you think I’m cringe if I said I feel too old for first dates?”
Naruto laughs.  He stumbles, and grips the back of a chair to steady himself.  “Hey, I’m like nine years younger than you, and I feel the same way.”
“So, that makes me ancient?”
Naruto nods.  “Yeah, guess it does.  So you should be grateful you’ve found anyone in your old age.”
“Har har.”
Sasuke hopes he hid how hard his chest twinged at the reminder of their age gap.  Not that Naruto is underrage, god no.  He’s twenty-three, spry, and started babysitting for some extra cash while he attempted to finish his personal trainer course.  Sasuke found his name through a friend of a friend.  Truly, some gym-frat-looking-bro showing up on his doorstep was the last thing Sasuke had wanted of someone who would be put in charge of his son, but he had been desperate and unable to say no.
Naruto proved himself sent by angels.
He was clean, neat, polite (the bare minimum).  But he never drank alcohol in front of Sasaki, or even when Sasaki had been put to bed.  He would do his homework at the kitchen table until Sasuke got home.  He wasn’t a great cook, his meals mostly consisted of rice, chicken and broccoli, but he was always kind enough to make Sasuke a serving for his lunch the next day.  
Most importantly, Sasaki loved him.
Naruto would show him all the cheats on the video games he was playing, but kept it to a good ninety minutes at night, and never any time before bed.  He would teach Sasaki new words, read to him if he was having trouble sleeping, and had taught him how to play soccer in the courtyard just outside the townhouse.  
He walked him in the park, rugging him up on colder days, and bringing spare water on the hot ones.  
And he never accepted tips.
All Sasuke could do in return is pass his name on when others enquired about anyone good to babysit their own kids, which Sasuke was loathe to do.  He knew Naruto needed all the work he could get, but Sasuke felt a strange sense of possession over him, which was unowed and definitely unwarranted.
And Sasuke, a normal, human male with two perfectly working eyes, could never stop noticing how attractive Naruto was.  And how that was only enhanced everytime Naruto rushed to Sasaki with a tissue whenever he sneezed.  Or when Sasuke came home and the vacuuming had been done.  Or when Naruto cut his rate in half when Sasuke had mentioned he was hard for money.
Or the one time he had come home to Naruto, shirtless, feet hooked under the couch and doing sit ups in his living room.
Sasuke had almost passed out with the rush of heat that went straight to his groin, and an unfortunate realisation had come over him.  He wasn’t just physically attracted to Naruto anymore.  Which, in of itself, was its own problem.
Hence, the first date.
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hpdabbles · 3 years
Moar Naruto Harry AU please.
I wanna know what he has planned to keep his favorite wizards with him.
Also will he ever learn Remus's name is Remus and not Emus?
“Excuse me?” The man sitting on the high chair surrounded by men and women wearing long-dapped clothing looked utterly unsure about Naruto’s request.
He had been in the middle of some boring speech when the young boy had burst through the two large doors, dodging the attempt to be stopped by the workers in the hallway. 
It was easy enough for a ninja of his level to jump over the desk of the receptionist and zig-zag away from the color lights the wizards shoot at him.
He wasn’t entirely sure what the light did but any kind of justu that was strong enough for the chakra to be seen meant bad news, so Naruto made haste to find the one important person while sprinting down the hall and kicking open any door he came across. 
It took a full hallway of screaming chaos but he finally found them. The important-looking people. 
Naruto had skipped his way to the front of what looked like a council, and repeated his demand  “I challenge whoever is in charge to an Honor Clash or whatever you people have.”
The man wearing the tall pointy hat with small glasses blinked slowly. “No, I heard you the first time, my boy,  but I am not entirely sure what you mean by Honor Clash ?”
Naruto squinted at him trying to see if the man was joking or not. There were times where he still tripped over the difference between this world and the one he knew, where something so common knowledge to him was strange or unheard of to others. 
“Honor Clash. A battle between two people betting something of equal value and should the two parties agree unbreakable once a winner is decided.”
“...Do you mean dueling and an Unbreakable Vow?” A woman in a purple robe hesitantly asks from Naruto’s left. 
“Yes, the highest of challenges and the one way anything can be lost. Including one’s freedom or life.”  Naruto nodded staring into the aged man’s eyes who was blinking down at him. They held a strange twinkle, but the ninja did not focus on it, guiding his eyes to the center of the other’s nose.
Even he could spot a genjustu so obvious  “I wish to bet my life. If I am to lose, I will be the winner’s property, to do with as they may please, but in exchange, I like the life of Sirius Black if I win. This means no house arrest, no limitations, no restrictions as he will my property. Would you accept my challenge, old man?”
The room held their breath as the words leave Naruto’s mouth, shifting around him in a way his chakra has never done before. However he knows in a deep part of his soul, it is bounding. Final.
An Unbreakable Vow, the woman had said. What a fitting name for this feeling. 
“Very well, if you think this is the only way, I do accept.” The aged wizard said after a long pause. Naruto twitches as the muffled feeling of negative emotions hidden behind the downturn of the old man's lips.
He may have lost Kurama, but his Uzumaki chakra could keep him an empath though not nearly as strong as before.
He felt greed and gluttony. The wizard wants to own him. Naruto barely held back a sneer fitting of a real fox. 
“Dumbledore! You can’t be serious-he’s only a child! He doesn’t even have a wand!” The woman from before shouts outrage, springing to her feet. A few members on the side of the curved table she sat at are quick to agree.
They shout over each other, following the line of the disapproval and horror of a child dueling someone much more experience.
“This is barbaric, and traitorous at most!” Another man with long blond hair on the other side of the room barks. “If this duel happens it will go against all of our traditions and legal process. What will the public do when they learn they can fight their way out of the law?! You are asking for a silver war!”
“You would  know a lot about a silver war wouldn’t you Malfoy?” A red-headed man sneers. “After all, it would be your power that would threaten the most by this duel.”
“How dare you-!”
“I do ask, my boy. That should the duel become a draw, neither life is own.” Dumbledore speaks over the crowd of people with a type of command that comes from a man who is used to being heard and be listen to. At once the room quiets, some of the left side looking relieved. 
Naruto tilts his head. “That sounds fair, but adding that rule now after you agree makes me challenged instead of the challenger. I would get to pick the winning condition. Do you still want to?”
Dumbledore's eyes crinkled with a grandfatherly smile. Naruto felt the greed rise, muffled and distant but ever-present. “Of course my boy. What would the winning condition be?”
“The first one knocked unconscious by any means is the loser.” The words felt as natural as any other words in his mouth would but for some reason, it made every adult look suddenly very nervous. All but the wizard he has challenged. 
“We have an accord. Let the Vow be forever bonding, witnessed by the Wizengamont.”  Dumbledore’s voice rang through the room like a bell, echoing in the stillness of the room.
He wobbled down the spiraling stairway on the side of the podium he was standing behind, coming to a stop before Naruto, his strangely shaped stick raised to split his face in half. “We may duel here and now.”
Naruto bowed at him, in terms of the proper way of Leaf village spars, shifting his weight to get a solid form. He ignores the shouts of the spectators. many claiming the older male has gone mad while a few shout that Dumbledore obviously was going to force the ninja into a draw.  
“Start the match” Naruto demanded of the purple lady who looked unpleased but he directed his gaze back to his opponent before he could watch her expression for too long. 
Naruto leaped away from his position missing the red light by mere seconds as the old man whipped out his stick in his direction.
The ninja quickly flashed through seals raising the marble tiles beneath him into a shield as more color lights slammed into it, barely any paused between them. The crowd screamed at the debris which went flying due to one of the lights exploding upon contact but Naruto didn’t turn to look at them. 
He instead used the smoke to cover his next attack, summoning clones to rush at the old man each bearing a Kuni shaped from the marble tiles of his last justu.
They hit an invisible shield that reminded him of the main Pain puppet, which meant Naruto had to use different means of attack. He rushed underground, leaving behind a clone to act as a decoy, who engaged the old man with shooting wind Justus against the strange light.
He tunneled his way to where he could feel the chakra of the old man blaze as powerful as any jonin or even an Anbu Captain.
In terms of power, he was outmatched but Naruto would not let that deter him. After all, based on the way Dumbledore fought, he had not seen that many ninja battles and this meant Naruto was not outclassed. 
Naruto waited until his clone fell, faking being unconscious as he had done in the battle against Neji, and it wasn’t until another clone pop, letting him know the old man had lowered his wand that he shoots up a Rasengan in one had to tear away the shield and a bag of powder in another. 
Naruto had not been able to find a weapons store in this world but he had been able to make some weapons with the little knowledge of various tools he had. One of them was a special blend of herbs and flowers which forced victims to fall for genjustus faster by lowering their control over their senses when inhaled.
 This allows the reincarnated boy to overpower Dumbledore’s mind, as he grips onto his face, his chakra running down his arm, through his fingertips, and into the shocked wizard's mind. Soon he falls into a slumber and Naruto lets go only to catch him, as Dumbledore crumbles his stick slipping from his hand to roll on the ground.
The doors slam open as ‘Emus and Dog-man rush in with a horrified “Harry!” 
Naruto gives them a toothy grin, twisting his small body to them and shaking Dumbledore's unconscious form. “Great timing! I just won the  Honor Clash and now, we can go home together!”
Everyone starts shouting then which really delays Naruto taking his family home and he is very upset it takes so long before the magic people realize he is willing to challenge them to an Honor Clash just to keep ‘Emus too. 
Dog-man couldn’t look any happier so it was all worth it in the end. 
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happyocelot · 2 years
I'm writing that AU fic I was talking about before and it's fun to write about sunshiney smiling Naruto, but I'm trying to put a twist where he accidentally scorches and burns things with his radiance. Giving Hinata blisters and sunburns that he thinks is just a fever.
His smile is dazzling but he doesn't even realize that he's ruining Hinata's eyesight. She passes out because she is a mortal and being in his presence and basking in his smile saves her, but it gives her sunstroke too.
Naturally, he thinks the cure is ramen.
I think I'll upload this in a week or two, but in the meantime, have these sneak peeks! :)
Hinata did not kidnap the sun god and trap him in a cave for months, no matter what rumors the mortals would spread for centuries. She didn't do anything to him at all. He was the one who came by to visit her. Because apparently, she knew all about some mysterious food called…ramen? And then he just refused to leave.
Yeah, she didn't get it either.
"the grass on his right side withering from green to yellowish-brown, and the grass on his left side suddenly growing all the way up to his waist"
He smiled again. He smiled so much. Surely it wasn't normal to smile that much. Surely it wasn't normal for her face to suddenly heat like a kettle when he smiled at her with the liquid sunlight that illuminated dust motes.
"Hi-na-ta..." he whined, casting a softly glowing gaze at her. Inwardly she wondered if her mother was a prophetess, to give her such a name as facing the sun. "How could you have lived so long without tasting ramen? We need to fix this." He slammed his fist into his palm, eyebrows bunching together, sky-colored eyes flashing with a hint of gold. She glanced at those vibrant eyes a moment too long, and was blinking spots out of her eyes for hours afterward.
What do you all think?
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iantoyawrites · 2 years
I think either prompt 29 or prompt 31 would be really cute to see for Chojuro/Gaara. ^^
@hetaonikidd thank you so much for indulging me! I had fun writing this but it was challenging too. I used both prompts so I hope you like!
Title: Neapolitan
Word Count: 1.8k
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"How long are you both in Konoha?” Chojuro asked, sipping his water. He looked to Darui beside him and Kurotsuchi across from him. This was nice. He finally felt like he was one of them, finally accepted by the other Kage supports. Kurotsuchi was related to the Tsuchikage by blood, and Darui always seemed so sure of himself and his abilities, and though Chojuro was just as talented he had always felt a bit of imposter syndrome being among them. The sand siblings weren’t particularly welcoming, either, but they had begun to warm up to him as well.
“We’re staying a few more days,” Kurotsuchi replied, smiling, sipping on a milkshake. “My grandfather isn’t in any hurry to get back home, though I’m sure it’s a bit of a mess. It’s not going anywhere though.”
“Same,” Darui replied. “Lord A I think is just grateful we’re all alive…well, most of us anyway.”
“Oh, that’s good,” Chojuro replied, smiling. “I think Lady Mei wanted to stay a few more days too. It’s so nice here…and there’s so much excitement right now. I know we lost many people along the way…but it seems that everyone is so happy to be living. It’s…energizing.”
“I agree,” Kurotsuchi said. “After being trapped in Tsuki No Me, I think people are looking forward to really living out their dreams, and live them in reality. Not in some facsimile.”
“Yeah. There’s definitely a few things I’ve been thinking about doing,” Darui replied, grinning at her fondly.
“Like what?” Chojuro asked curiously. 
“Like asking someone out,” he replied. “You won’t know if there’s a spark unless you ignite it. I guess I always just guessed it was there or it wasn’t, but I don’t think that’s true now. A catalyst is needed.”
“Oh?” he asked. He wondered if the subject of Darui's affection was at the table among them. He cleared his throat. “I suppose I understand that. I’ve been thinking along the same lines, actually.”
The door to the restaurant they were occupying opened. Chojuro stopped breathing as he watched Kankuro and Temari enter, followed closely behind by Lord Gaara and Naruto Uzumaki.
Chojuro resumed breathing, taking another sip of water to calm his nerves as he watched them walk towards them.
“Oh, hey Chojuro,” Naruto said easily, smiling that easy smile of his. It was enough to put anyone at ease. Chojuro felt a swell of pride. He remembered my name!
Gaara glided by, fixing an empty gaze on the Kage supports. He met Chojuro’s eyes and Chojuro’s stomach did a somersault. “Lord Gaara,” he said respectfully, nodding his head to acknowledge him.
A small smile formed on Gaara’s lips. He tipped his head just slightly in return, following the others into a booth several tables down. 
“How would you go about it? Asking someone out, I mean?” Chojuro asked. He was absolutely clueless about this sort of thing.
Darui took a moment to think through his answer. “I don’t really know for sure just yet, but I think you probably have to be direct and confident, and be willing to make the first move. It’s easy to miss if you never aim.”
“Okay, that–that’s good advice, I think.” 
“Why, are you going to ask someone out?” Kurotsuchi asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I–I was thinking about it. Um. Excuse me,” he said. Darui stood to let him out. 
As Chojuro walked away, Darui smiled at Kurotsuchi now that it was just the two of them.
“So…as I was saying…” Darui started.
Chojuro walked towards the table with Gaara, Naruto, and Gaara’s brother and sister. His fists were clenched at his sides. This is stupid, he thought hopelessly. There’s no way the Kazekage would entertain this.
“Oh, hey Chojuro,” Naruto said once more, grinning. “Care to join us?” he asked.
“Oh, I couldn’t impose,” he replied, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “But I, I wanted to ask you a question, Lord Kazekage. If you have a minute?”
Gaara’s eyes widened in surprise. What could it possibly be that the Kiri-nin wanted to ask?
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“I…Yes, I’ll be right back,” he said to the table. He stood, following Chojuro a few paces away for more privacy. He noticed how nervous the swordsman looked.
“Chojuro–I wanted to tell you how impressed I was that you took down Black Zetsu,” Gaara started, hoping to put the other at ease. He was aware that he was not the easiest person to approach. “You did well.”
He was rewarded with a toothy megawatt smile and pink cheeks.
“What was it that you wanted to ask me?” Gaara inquired, positively baffled but trying his best to hide it.
“Wanna, like–I mean, if you’re not busy…we could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don’t have a lot of time?” 
Gaara smiled. It was so rare that anyone approached him, let alone ask him out. That was what was happening here, right?
“Yes. I’d like that.” Gaara replied, his own cheekbones dusted with a rosy color. “I’m here tomorrow and then we leave the day after. Where did you want to meet?” 
Chojuro could hardly believe his luck. Did he hear him correctly? He was certain he did. 
“Maybe we could try the yakiniku restaurant down the street? Noon tomorrow?” Chojuro asked, barely believing what was happening, barely recognizing his own voice. He sounded confident. He better not overthink it.
“I’ll be there,” Gaara replied.
“Okay. I look forward to it,” Chojuro said, nodding his head in a slight bow and returning to his seat. Success!
“I uh, I took some advice,” he replied, preferring not to say anything more, downing the rest of his water.
“What was that about?” Kurotsuchi asked, her own face slightly red.
Meanwhile, as Gaara sat back down, Naruto and Kankuro were waggling their eyebrows and snickering. 
“Grow up,” Gaara frowned, folding his arms. Temari only smiled at him, hopeful he’d have fun for once. They’d overheard the whole thing.
Lunch the next day went pretty well. It turned out that the Kazekage was quite talkative when asked questions about his interests and follow-up questions about succulents. Feeling good about his odds, Chojuro suggested that afterwards they go for a walk. Gaara seemed just as eager to not say goodbye just yet.
They circled a small lake with a worn dirt footpath. There was a hill that descended down towards the lake, and not too far away was an ice cream cart.
“Do you want ice cream?” Chojuro asked earnestly. “You could sit here; I’ll go get it.” Gaara was taken aback by the intensity of his gaze, seeking to be sure his needs were met before his own.
“I could go with you,” Gaara replied, though the lake was beautiful. There was no one else here, and it was hard to say how long it would be before a private moment enjoying the scenery was gone.
“Please, sit, I insist. What flavor?” 
Gaara took a seat, watching a duck and her fluffy ducklings float across the surface, a v-shaped ripple following behind them where they swam.
"Neapolitan, if they have it. Or any of those flavors would be fine."
Chojuro smiled. Gaara was complicated and uncomplicated at the same time. He'd have it no other way.
"Okay, I'll be right back."
Chojuro walked away, leaving Gaara to contemplate their lunch date and take a quiet moment for himself to enjoy the scenery. These moments to himself were hard to come by–he appreciated that the Mizukage’s hand had given him the opportunity. His loyalty to his Mizukage was unquestionable, and he was hard working and dependable, and his recent conquest slaying Black Zetsu proved his ability with his legendary sword. He was a catch. It was a shame they lived so far apart, Gaara thought, but he didn’t have time to pursue romance anyway, he rationalized.
When Chojuro returned he held two small cones in his hand. He smiled, his eyes crinkling as he did so. Gaara found it endearing. He’d seen him do it a number of times, but rarely for him.
“They didn’t have neapolitan, so I got you a scoop of vanilla and another of chocolate. Or you can have my strawberry.” He held them out for Gaara to choose. Gaara smiled at him. His red hair danced around his face in a sudden gust of wind.
“Thank you”, Gaara replied, choosing the chocolate and vanilla combo. He enjoyed the sweet treat. Chojuro sat down beside him on the bench.
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“You’re welcome. T-thank you for coming with me. I, um, I’ve hadacrushonyourforalongtime,” he blurted out. He’d done his best to stay professional, but anytime he was in the same room with the young Kazekage his heart would flutter with excitement and he hoped he would be noticed.
Gaara turned to him, shyly smiling, color high on his cheeks. “I’ve enjoyed this,” Gaara said, lowering his guard. “You’re…very sweet,” Gaara added. “I wouldn’t have known you felt that way, had you not asked me yesterday.”
The nervous smile and neck rub and crinkled eyes and blushing face and stammer were too adorable. “Y-you really think so?”
“I do. I like you.”
Chojuro took a moment to calm down, ruminating on the Kazekage’s confession. They finished his ice cream, looking out at the lake in companionable silence. There still was no one else in sight. “If that’s the case, could I-could I kiss you?” he asked bravely, hopefully. 
Gaara’s eyes widened in surprise. “No one has asked me that before.” He heard his heart pound in his ears as the swordsman looked at him with such longing. Gaara glanced between his dark eyes and long lashes to his lips and pointed teeth, which were biting his own lip.
Chojuro waited for a more clear answer, though he leaned in more closely. Gaara didn't back away. He instinctively leaned forward, slightly.
"Please," Gaara breathed, dark eyelids heavy as the other drew closer.
Chojuro gently reached for Gaara's chin, tilting his face up tenderly to meet him. Chojuro paused before pressing his lips to the soft, parted ones just a breath away, his nose nuzzling Gaara's cheek. Warmth pooled low in his belly when he heard Gaara moan so quietly he wasn't certain if he had imagined the sound or not.
"What are you waiting for?" Gaara asked, a hint of annoyance in his deep voice.
Chojuro committed, pressing his lips to the other slowly. Gaara was shy at first but it wasn't long before he was returning the advance with enthusiastic willingness, enjoying the taste of strawberry mingled with the chocolate and vanilla on his own lips.
Chojuro felt hands wrap in his hair, tightening on his scalp. He groaned with excitement. "I know I've kissed you like, ten times, but just like another ten, please," Chojuro pleaded, his black eyes captivated by Gaara's seafoam green. They were the color of the tide pools he used to play in as a young child, before he ever encountered the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist.
"I don't want you to stop," Gaara replied, pulling him back in for at least twenty more.
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aww i always love authors/artists who make Kakashi so human in pre-kannabi/post-sakumo, some fics i've read make him out to be such an asshole which yeah he kinda? was, but some take it to the extreme and i hated those- Even tho he's traumatized Kakashi is still a 5-12 year old, he's a child- also he's acting that way because of his traumas, not because he's some cold-hearted killer that doesn't care about anyone's lives, if anything it's because he does, and he knows that he does- so so much but he can't act out on it loudly like Gai, Obito, Rin or just any other normal kid because of what happened to Sakumo-
basically- if even Sasuke had his genuine hurt kid moments in OG Naruto, then Kakashi deserves to not be treated as if Obito's words was the sole reason he learned- if anything he already believed that before Sakumo's death, he just started believing again
(sorry if this doesn't make sense, english isnt my first language 😂😭)
(Don’t worry, it make’s perfect sense :))
Kakashi was absolutly a little arse as a kid, firdt because he was arrogent and then because he realized that strength had to be the goal. If he wanted to live, if he wanted others to live, they had to be strong.
His whole thing about not protecting people and going back for rin was a response to trauma. He lost his father because that was exactly what his father did on his mission to earn the villages hatred. It was the action that began a long road towards Sakumo’s death and Kakashi’s trauma.
Kakashi was actually protective as a kid. He cared about people he just didn’t show it with soft kindness. He beat up two chunin’s who ganged up on gai (a five year old) and scolded Gai for not lifting a fist to defend his father.
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When gai was doubting his father, it was Kakashi who said ‘i think your dad is the coolest shinobi ever’ which allowed Gai to see the man he adored. The father he had always respected. If someone as talented as Kakashi could see the greatest in his father, then so could he. It gave Gai back his admiration for his father when he was doubting it because if the cruel things others said.
(I couldn’t find the pics of where Kakashi said he admired dai, but this is where he responded to gai)
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When Kakashi scolded Obito it was never ‘you’re too week’ but ‘you need to train more. I firmly belive Kakashi heard Obito relying on his sharingan as some sort if ‘get strong free’ card and hated it. Kakashi was a genius, he was strong and talebted, and he still trained his ass off, so hearing Obito treat his eyes like some sort of magic fix it probably annoyed the shit out of him
And two of the most important Kakashi scenes were him inviting Rin and Obito to dinner, and him telling his father ‘i have made friends of my own, but i won’t make the same mistakes as you’
Was kakashi an arrogent kid? Yes. He called Gai scum after their first fight, but he also continued sparing with him and accepted his rivalry and ultimatly his friendship. They became close because arrogence gave way to his kindness. He cane to realize Gai was a good kind person determined to work, and he admired that i believe.
Could he be harsh? Yes. I have no doubt that’s partially from Sakumo’s parenting because sakumo seemed like such an anxious dad. Kakashi probably picked up being harsh and clear with his words so his dad didn’t dance around things, and it grew into him just being a very blunt character. Sakumo was rude by accident, Kakashi was rude with clarity (Sakumo assumed gai had made it into the acadamy, thus coming off as rude when he asked about it. Kakashi picked up on that rudeness and called his father out when Sakumo turned around and called him rude a few minutes alter for stating what he believed was a fact)
Hatake Kakashi was an arrogent kid, but he was not an ass hole. He always cared about people and even when he tried to shut them out after his loss his heart was open. He made friends, he considered them friends and cared deeply about them
But his trauma rules how he acted for years.
His trauma from his fathers death made him a rule following shinobi
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His trauma from Obito’s death opened his heart back up to what he had closed it to when he was five
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His trauma from Rin’s death made him extra protective of his friends. He wouldn’t have anyone die on his watch again, he refused
His trauma from Minato’s death made him determined. He wanted to change the workd for Obtio before, but now he would do it at any cost even if it meant going against the higher ups (he went against danzo to tell Hiruzen about the assacination attempt, against Hiruzen to save tenzo, and against tsunade to go try and save naruto and sasuke)
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mixelation · 3 years
here's something i wrote a long-ass time ago. it's meant to be the beginning of an ItaSaku AU where itachi lives but stays a missing-nin that only team 7 knows is ""innocent"" and just sort of. sneaks around Konoha as a weird couch surfer? but actually there is no itasaku in this snippet.
There were two types of people in Konoha: those who thought Haruno Sakura was a beautiful angel of mercy, and those who owned property.
Kakashi was supposed to be spending his second official day as Hokage resolving The Uchiha Situation, but when he’d gone to pull Sasuke’s files he’d felt nostalgic, pulled his other students’, and…
“This is your file,” he said, setting Sasuke’s file down on his desk. It was a respectable size– the kind of thing you’d expect from a missing-nin from a famous clan– and most of it was redacted, with entire pages blacked out.
Across from him, Sasuke shifted ever so slightly in his chair, flicking a glance at the desk and continuing to pretend to be bored as he slouched. Next to him, Sakura let out a worried hum, and on her other side, Naruto gave a wolf whistle.
“For comparison,” Kakashi continued, “this is Naruto’s, with all his pranks.”
He dropped another file next to it. Naruto’s was approaching the same thickness, although a large amount of it was petty complaints. Several colored post-it notes stuck out of it, and as far as Kakashi could tell, they just marked the pranks Sarutobi thought were funny.
“Yeah!” Naruto crowed, “problem children!”
He reached over Sakura to give Sasuke a high-five. Sasuke ignored him, his attention having drifted back over to the corner of the room across from Kakashi’s desk.
“And this,” Kakashi said, and it took every ounce of his strength not to burst into giggles, “is Sakura’s.”
He dropped the stack of files onto the table with an impressive thud. Sakura had three separate files stuffed with reports of misconduct and complaints, and the resulting pile was easily twice Naruto and Sasuke’s combined.
Sakura went red. Naruto’s mouth fell open, and even Sasuke’s determination to seem cool and unaffected broke slightly, and his eyes widened.
“So, Sasuke-kun,” Kakashi said, patting Sakura’s file, “I don’t think you have too much to worry about–”
“WHAT DID YOU DO?” Naruto hollered, looking at Sakura in a sort of delighted horror, leaning into her as she buried her face in her hands.
“Well, let’s see,” Kakashi said, flipping open the folder. “From this week: picked up a supermarket freezer and left the store with it. Punched through a load-bearing wall in a private business. Oh, three separate complaints about damage to public roads, and– what’s this?– broke a civilian's arm? Sakura!”
He waved his finger at her like he was reprimanding a child. Sakura was as red as her shirt at this point. God, if this was the only perk this job gave him, it was worth it.
“He was catcalling women,” she defended. “And I fixed his arm!”
“You still broke it,” Naruto said, poking her side. Sakura shot him an acidic look.
“Why did you steal a freezer?” Sasuke asked, baffled, unwittingly saving Naruto from having his own arm broken as Sakura unclenched her fist and deflated.
“According to the report,” Kakashi said before Sakura could answer, “there was a limited edition ice cream flavor and a crowd had formed. She returned the empty freezer the next day and paid for the ice cream.”
“Sakura,” Naruto breathed, sounding both awed and scandalized.
“Could we please focus on the task at hand,” Sakura snapped, glaring at Kakashi. The arm of her chair groaned ominously under her hand.
“My point is,” Kakashi continued, letting Sakura’s file fall shut, “Since officially becoming Hokage, I’ve had six people show up and ask me to press charges against Sakura, and no one has asked about Sasuke yet, or, ah, our elephant in the room.”
Sasuke glanced over from where he’d been staring in fixation at the corner.
“I’ve been in prison for three months,” Sasuke said, sounding apathetic to it despite being, you know, in prison. “Surely you’ll get more complaints once I’m out and walking around.”
“Even if you get no complaints,” Sakura said, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Is it ethical to use your personal biases, Kakashi-sensei, in lieu of formal policy when making decisions in your position as Hokage?”
“Hmm,” Kakashi said, tapping his finger against her file. “Did you know Tsunade-sama never once followed up on any of your thousands of complaints?”
“Right,” Sakura said, clearing her throat and straightening her skirt. “Point taken.”
“Sasuke, I’m going to suggest to the Jounin Council that you be re-integrated into Konoha, with the goal of reinstating you as a shinobi,” Kakashi said, straightening his back and keeping his tone serious.
Kakashi described the terms he thought the council would agree to, and Sasuke nodded along, even as his eyes kept flicking over to the corner: Sasuke would submit himself to various seals to prevent use of his Sharingan or advanced ninjutsu. He would submit himself to periodic psych evaluations. He would be under probation for some amount of time agreed on by the council, after which he would likely be allowed to take missions at a genin’s pay rate and work his way up. Kakashi’s main argument for why he should be reintegrated would rely on Konoha not being able to afford losing the Sharingan, and Sasuke would probably have to swear to father a few children.
“Maa, I’ll try to get them to let you live on your own,” Kakashi continued. “I’m sure Naruto will agree to check up on you.”
“Hell yes!” Naruto said, fist pumping the air. The line of Sasuke’s lips went very thin.
“That’s all fine,” Sasuke said, sounding ever so impatient. “What about…”
He trailed off, and just stared at the corner of the room.
“Ah, yes,” Kakashi said, following his gaze, and the rest of Team Seven turned to look at the corner.
Uchiha Itachi had not been invited to this meeting, but had just sort of wandered in towards the beginning. He did not explain how he’d gotten into Kakashi’s office undetected, much less the village. He’d then just sort of stood quietly in the corner, like an extremely ineffectual ghost.
“If we’re letting Sasuke back in,” Naruto said, wrinkling his nose, “why can’t we just tell everyone Itachi is innocent? It’s not like half of Konoha didn’t see Madara running around.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Kakashi said dryly. “Either we admit the village instigated the massacre, or we admit we allowed a promising clan heir to be framed. Not to mention that he was very publicly affiliated with a terrorist group.”
Sasuke twitched but didn’t otherwise react. This was a good sign for him being able to function in public in Konoha.
“Yeah, but people should know,” Naruto protested.
Kakashi did not disagree with him, but ninja villages were built on lies and secrets, and they were still rebuilding. He didn’t want to start something while the village was vulnerable and delicate. That just sounded exhausting, and Kakashi was only on day two of the job.
“I prefer things the way they are,” Itachi stated quietly. “As long as Sasuke stays safe.”
Sasuke slouched further into his chair and looked slightly queasy.
“You could at least take him out of the bingo book, you know!” Naruto insisted.
“I have been quietly directing resources away from the Itachi manhunt,” Kakashi told him blandly. “And if we really want to distract the village, apparently all we need to do is unleash Sakura.”
“Thank you,” Itachi murmured.
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captainsupernoodle · 2 years
weekend reading
Got Your Nose by kalany - svsss
What happens is that Shizun grabs his nose between the second knuckles of his first two fingers and wiggles it slightly. "Got your nose!" Shizun announces, and pulls back, waving his fist in the air. — Shen Qingqiu plays "Got Your Nose" with Luo Binghe—both white lotus edition and blacked protagonist editon. Luo Binghe has feelings.
Just Like A Monkey (I've Been Dancing My Whole Life) by millepertius - svsss
Shen Qingqiu is supposed to wake in his new body after he self-destructs. It’s not what happens.
Things To Do In The Elemental Nations When You're Dead by JumpingJackFlash - naruto
Itachi's first glance tells him Kisame is genuinely relaxed, lounging at the low table with a nail clipper and a bottle of umeshu, so he can take his time studying the other person in the room: a skinny red-haired boy sprawled starfish-like on a futon, covers shoved aside and pillow soaked in drool, wearing nothing but — “Is that my underwear?”
“Well, mine would be too big,” Kisame says reasonably.
a long day in yong an by threeplums - tgcf
"Gege," San Lang calls, his voice oddly strained. He isn't looking at Xie Lian's face, his eyes instead fixed pointedly over his shoulder. "You remember me?"
Xie Lian takes a few tentative steps closer. "Of course," he says cautiously. "How could I forget San Lang so easily?"
"But you said," he croaks, and then stops to clear his throat. He shakes his head, and then quickly walks over to meet Xie Lian halfway. "Gege," he whispers. "You said it wasn't happening to you."
"I said what wasn't happening?" he asks, matching San Lang's volume.
"Today," San Lang says, finally meeting his eyes. "Haven't you lived it before?"
Featuring: a thrice-sealed coffin, an extravagant parade, and too many osmanthus cakes.
divine providence by tciddaemina - nirvana in fire
There is a dragon that sits above the throne, sinuous golden body hidden amongst the coiling patterns of the throne's head, ruby eyes glinting as they catch the light - watching, always watching. It is a beautiful thing, the work of Da Liang's most revered and honored craftsmen, each scale carved with such perfect, life-like precision that one half expects to see its chest rise and fall in the facsimile of breath.  No one looks at it directly. No one even speaks of it, not even in secret, not even in the privacy of their own homes.  It is too still, too silent - a poor replica of what should be, a pale copy of what should be the empire's greatest pride. The symbol of the Emperor's reign, of the prosperity of the Da Liang, and what does it say, people wonder, that the true thing hasn't been seen in decades?
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degrassi-fanatic · 4 years
Window Sill
As Kakashi wanders through the streets of Konoha, absentmindedly flipping through the pages of Icha Icha Tactics, he hears children’s laughter ringing through the alleyways as a familiar brown and blue blur races right past him, towards the direction of the hospital. 
Shaking his head, Kakashi laughs softly at their antics; Konohamaru really is just another Naruto.
 And just like Naruto, he’s about to be beaten half an inch from death.
 As he predicted, in the distance, Kakashi can hear Sakura-chan shout, followed by the loud crack of a chakra enhanced fist and the sounds of Konohamaru and his little gang of delinquents wailing in pain.
 He’s about to sprint off towards the hospital to save the children from Sakura’s rage when he notices Ebisu’s already halfway there, shouting something like “Just because you can fix bones, Sakura-san, doesn’t mean you should break them.”
 A wave of nostalgia washes over him. It only feels like yesterday when Kakashi had to be the one to stop Sakura from giving Naruto permanent brain damage from a grade 3 level concussion.
 Speaking of the little punk, Kakashi senses his familiar chakra pattern not too far away. 
 Shutting his book, he turns around only to bump into the younger man, who seems to have been standing only a hair-breadth away from him. Naruto looks uncharacteristically nervous as he darts his eyes everywhere and anywhere that isn’t Kakashi’s own. 
 “Naruto.” he greets, as he takes a step back to put some space in between them.
 “You were in ANBU, right, Kakashi-sensei?” Naruto asks out of the blue, wringing his hands out in front of him. 
 Dread begins to build up in the pit of his stomach. 
 There’s only one reason why Naruto would be so anxious asking about Kakashi’s time in the ANBU forces.
 In his whole life, Kakashi had never expected for Naruto to figure him out. He had always operated under the assumption that Naruto was simply young enough for those memories to have disappeared as he grew older, or that his ANBU commissioned mask was enough to hide his identity, or that maybe Naruto would simply learn to let the matter go. 
 It goes without saying that he’s a fool for believing in that last one.
 “Yes.” Kakashi answers back, a touch wary.
 “Do you know who Hound is?”
 The question confuses him to no end. 
 Why on Earth would Naruto ask Kakashi who Hound is? Was it some weird tactic to get him to tell the truth? Was it a last chance to own up to everything? Doesn’t Naruto know that Kakashi is…
 That’s just it, Kakashi realizes, Naruto doesn’t know that he is Hound. 
 He doesn’t know that it was Kakashi, who up until Naruto had entered the Academy at the age of eight, had been spending every available night in between his ANBU mission with him. 
 “Hound?” he pretends to ponder as he tilts his head to the side, “Why do you care about him?”
 Suddenly, Naruto drops his chin down to rest at his chest, his hands curling up into fists as his whole spine does ramrod straight. 
 He mutters something under his breath but it’s unintelligible, even to his heightened sense of hearing. 
 “Sorry?” Kakashi asks, as he leans in closer to listen. 
 “He used to take care of me.” Naruto mumbles out. 
 When Naruto was still only a baby, Kakashi remembers standing guard inside of his nursery. Sometimes, when he would wake up in a crying fit, Kakashi would either have to bottle-feed him milk or rock him back to sleep. Other times, the only thing that would soothe him would be the hushed stories Kakashi would whisper to him about his parents and all their feats. 
 Afterwards, when Naruto had begun to totter around, Kakashi remembers having to keep watch from the window. It worked well up until one day, when the boy had flung open his window in the middle of the night, giggling at the sight of a masked man outside of his bedroom. Naruto tugged and tugged at his arm, whining about wanting to play, until Kakashi had no choice but to climb inside. 
 The openness of his actions had made him worry because surely Naruto was old enough to understand that letting in a stranger was dangerous but, his worry was outweighed by the sheer amount of trust that was offered up to him when Naruto continued to open up his window for Kakashi.
 Unfortunately, all of those nights spent playing with Naruto and his toys came to a screeching halt when the boy turned eight. 
 Naruto  enrolled into the Academy, and Kakashi never bothered coming back to his window. 
 “He was the only person who— he was the only one beside the Sandaime, who used to hold me and play with me and… yeah.” Naruto explains, kicking at the ground, “He never talked, which was weird, but I guess that just made him a better listener.”
 It felt like the Earth had stilled beneath Kakashi’s own two feet.
 Kakashi was the only one to hold Naruto?
 “The only one?”
 All Kakashi gets in terms of a response is a shrug of his shoulders. 
 “Y’know, when I was little,” Naruto reminisces with a small grin, “He used to bring me toys from wherever he had his missions.”
 It was Kakashi’s favourite thing in the whole wide world, seeing little Naruto’s reaction to all of the toys he had brought back for him; a physical reminder that no matter where he went or what he was doing, he was always thinking about Naruto. 
 His smile had been Kakashi’s only motivation when it came to staying alive. 
 Every night, Naruto would sit by his window sill, waiting in anticipation for Kakashi to come back from a mission. The two of them had even created their own special password and as soon as Naruto would hear that quick three-two-three knocking pattern, he would throw open the window for him. 
 A smile tugs at the corners of his mouth.
 “Hound, he, um, he stopped coming by once I got into the Academy.” Naruto continues.
 The phantom smile on Kakashi’s face vanishes as he fights back a flinch at the reminder of his actions.
 “At first, I thought he was just caught up in a mission but then days became weeks, which became months, and soon a year went by and I realized that he was never going to come back.”
 “Do you miss him?’ Kakashi asks quietly.
 “If I’m being honest, I’m pretty pissed at him,” Naruto explains, clenching both his jaw and his fists, “He just left. He didn’t bother explaining why, and eight year old me just had to deal with it, deal with losing one of the only people in the world who cared about him.”
 Blinking back tears, Kakashi cannot bear looking at Naruto right now, so he averts his gaze to the ground. 
 “I’m sure he had a good reason.” he lies. 
 “Yeah, well, no reason is good enough for me,” Naruto spits back, “So, if you can’t tell me who Hound is, can you at least tell him Naruto is still pissed after all these years?”
 “I will.”
  It seems as though Naruto has given up on his mission to find out who Hound is because weeks pass by without incident and without Naruto popping up to have any more startling conversations about the past. 
 Kakashi is really starting to believe that Naruto has finally learnt the art of letting go, only to be proven extremely wrong when he’s shoved up against a tree. 
 Naruto’s arm is pinning his shoulders against the harsh, splinter-y bark of the tree trunk, while his other arm goes to rest beside Kakashi’s head to maintain balance. 
 He’d commend Naruto on his improved sneak attack skills, if it weren’t for the fact that his precious, signed copy of Icha Icha Tactics is page-first in a pile of dirt. He’s a moment away from yelling some sense into that nonsensical head of Naruto’s when he notices the stream of tears dripping off of his jaw.
 “He’s dead, isn’t he?” he asks, his voice cracking, “I’ve been stalking you for two weeks because I desperately wanted to know Hound was, and you haven’t met up with anyone that could be him.”
 It’s in that moment that he comes to the overwhelming realization that he needs to come clean; it’s either that or let Naruto experience more pain than necessary, and Kakashi will always do anything in his power to prevent the latter.
 But, how do you tell one of the most precious people in your life, that you have deceived them? 
 “That’s the reason he stopped visiting,” Naruto says, gritting his teeth, “It’s because he was dead and no one thought to tell me and now I have to mourn someone I never really knew all because—”
 “It’s me, Naruto,” he blurts out, “I’m Hound.”
 For a minute or two, nothing happens as the anguish on Naruto’s face dissipates. He studies Kakashi’s own face, presumably for any signs of deception or lying. 
 Then, as if a whirlwind erupts from within him, Naruto grabs Kakashi by the collar, hauling him off the tree and throwing him onto the ground. Before Kakashi can scramble to get up, Naruto climbs over his body and wrenches his fist back behind him.
 Within a second, he feels a burst of pressure at his jaw, followed by the unsettling clashing of his teeth in his own mouth. Faintly, he tastes metal and with some poking and prodding, he realizes he’s accidentally bit into his own cheek.
 “You jerk!” Naruto cries as he slams his fists down into Kakashi’s chest, “Why didn’t you tell me! Why did you stop coming around! I used to cry myself to sleep because I thought you finally realized I was a demon!”
 His punches grow weaker and weaker by the second until soon Naruto is collapsing atop of Kakashi, hiding his face in Kakashi’s neck like he used to when the other kids were being especially cruel that day. 
 “Hey, hey, shh,” he murmurs as he strokes the back of Naruto’s head, “ You did nothing wrong, okay?”
 “Well, it felt like it.”
 Kakashi’s chest caves in on itself. 
 Before he can say anything else, an explanation, an apology, anything, the warm weight atop of him is gone. He can only vaguely register Naruto mumbling out a shunshin no jutsu.
 Soon, all he’s left with is a puff of smoke.
  Days keep adding up until it’s been more than a week without Naruto giving Kakashi the time of day, and for once, it’s not because of the lack of trying on Kakashi’s part. In fact, he’s attempted all sorts of plans to get the man to even look at him. 
 He bought enough ramen from Ichiraku’s to last him a lifetime, he tried to entice him with promises of teaching him a new jutsu, he bought him a brand new orange jumpsuit, hell, he even swallowed his pride and tried to enlist Sakura’s help only for her to shake her head while softly telling him this was something he needed to do on his own. 
 It’s a complete mess and one he wishes he weren’t so concerned about cleaning up.
 And he wouldn’t be, if it weren’t for the simple fact of the matter that Kakashi misses Naruto and he misses his company and his stupid ramen and his stupid orange jumpsuits. 
 Sulking as he strolls alongside the bank of the river, Kakashi kicks pebbles into the water while he thinks up various ways to get Naruto to talk to him. 
 Konohamaru could maybe help him out but, then again, he’d probably side with his big brother Naruto on the matter at hand. Perhaps, Sai or Gai could help, they seem level headed enough to come up with ideas that could work. Actually, Sai isn’t well versed in emotions and Gai would just say something about the Springtime of Youth. Tenzou, maybe…
 While deep in thought on what to do, Kakashi doesn’t notice a person walking in front of him, until he barrels right into them. Before the person can fall into the river, Kakashi catches them by the wrists and drags them in close. 
 Looking down, he realizes it's Naruto that he's caught. 
 Once he’s made sure that Naruto is safe from losing his balance, Kakashi takes a step backwards. Awkwardly, he shoves both his hands into his pockets as he rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet. 
 “Thanks.” Naruto mumbles out, his cheeks burning. 
 For longer than he’d like to admit, Kakashi debates with himself on what he should say to the man in front of him. 
 “Y’know, you have to talk to me some time.” 
 Immediately, Kakashi cringes at the words leaving his mouth. 
 “You stopped talking to me for four years and were going to spend the rest of our lives lying about it.” Naruto accuses, the flush on his cheeks now being a result of anger rather than embarrassment.
 His heart aches at the underlying pain he can hear in Naruto’s voice. Without thinking twice, Kakashi reaches out for Naruto’s arm. 
 “I’m sorry, if you’d let me explain—”
 He’s cut off by Naruto knocking his hand away.
 “I don’t need to know why you left,” Naruto says as he begins to walk away, “My brain can fill in the blanks.”
 “Whatever you think my reasoning was,” Kakashi explains as he follows Naruto, “I promise you, it’s not.”
 All of a sudden, Naruto stops in his tracks, only a few short steps away from reaching the dirt path back to the village. He whips around to glare at Kakashi, his eyes lighting up with fury as he raises an accusatory finger in Kakashi’s direction. 
 “Did you even want to be my sensei?” Naruto questions as he takes a step towards him, “Or were you disappointed when you realized the kid you ditched years ago was your student now?”
 “I wanted to be your sensei.” he says earnestly, but it seems as though Naruto isn’t even listening to him. 
 “Why did you bother coming around if you were just going to leave?” Naruto snarks out as he shoves his finger into Kakashi’s chest, “Was it me? Did I drive you off?”
 “No, just let me—”
 Before he can get another word out, he watches as all of the ire and all of the incendiaries building up inside of Naruto fade away, only to be replaced with a bone-deep sense of weariness that should never be worn on the face of someone so young.
 “You want to know something, Kakashi-sensei?” he asks, not looking for a real answer, “For the longest time, I used to wonder if you ever thought about me, if you saw potential in me or if you just saw me as a roadblock for Sasuke and Sakura’s success. I used to wonder if you even liked me.
 “Now, I know my answer.”
 How could Naruto think that? How could Kakashi let him think that? 
 For a second, it looks like Naruto is about to say something else but then he simply turns around and continues walking in the direction of the village. 
 Remaining where he is, Kakashi stands still as he stares at Naruto’s back. 
 “Minato-sensei and Kushina-san had just died.” he says, the name of his parents causing Naruto to halt, “Rin and Obito had died before that. My parents long before that.”
 Twisting his neck to look over his shoulder, Naruto meets Kakashi’s eyes; a puzzled look on his face
 “But, you were still alive.” he continues, “Up until you were eight, I could keep you safe. You weren’t a shinobi. You didn’t have to take orders from higher up. You didn’t have to go on suicide missions. You were okay.
 “Then, you entered the Academy and suddenly, I couldn’t protect you anymore.” Kakashi croaks out as he scrunches his eyes closed, “I couldn’t face the possibility of losing you so, I left. Like a coward.”
 Naruto doesn’t say anything else so Kakashi assumes that he’s already gone and left but then he feels a pair of arms hook around his shoulders and the telltale tickle of Naruto’s hair against the side of his face. 
 Letting out a ragged breath, Kakashi returns the embrace, fighting back the onslaught of tears in his eyes. 
 “Thank you for taking care of me.” Naruto murmurs into his ear.
 “Thank you for not dying.”
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aineirisha · 4 years
What I confessed while daydreaming
Summary: Iruka and you are total goofballs together. Naruto starts to become an important part of your life. And you happen to stumble upon a certain black-haired child that might change the game for you. 
A/N: This is a Kakashi x reader fic but since it’s a character insert, I want reader to actually be involved with other characters. So this chapter is more about reader’s relationship with Iruka and Naruto and the future relatioship with Sasuke. 
W/C: 1000+/-
Outside the Academy, all the kids were walking back to their homes after what had felt like a long day. You waited for Iruka to come out, patiently, with the news of a recent history discovery. Over the past months, you found out that you two had an inclination for archeology stuff and myths and you just couldn't let it pass. Those hours you spent at the library reading about Shina, the (allegedly) lost temple where all the shinobi thing started, had paid off and your excitement needed ears other than your own.
"Y/N-san," Iruka greeted you with a smile but a little confused, "Is today Tuesday?" you shook your head. "I thought we had scheduled our lesson for tomorrow."
"We did," you chuckled, "But, guess what? I've been in the library fooling around for a while and I found something very interesting,-" you showed him the cover of the book you borrowed. Iruka's eyes lited with excitement until...
"Iruka-sensei!!!!" You heard a kid screaming, "Iruka-sensei!," Naruto was running towards you with the widest smile on his face. "I already finished my training, dattebayo," he said as he put his fists on his hips, "I'm ready for my ramen." 
Iruka sighed, "Right," he turned to see you, "I promised Naruto that if he completed his training I would take him to Ichiraku."
"You don't know the place?"
Naruto looked at you shocked. "What?!! How can you not know Ichiraku?! it's the best place in the world!!! You are weird Nee-chan."
"Really Naruto? Not knowing a place makes me weird?"
"And your funny accent," Naruto nodded, "And you're Iruka's student but you seem old, but not like an adult." 
You faked an offended face.
"We've been through this!! I'm not that old," You stuck out your tongue and he did the same.
"Ok, since apparently, I am the only adult here," Iruka said, chuckling, "you two cut it," Naruto crossed his arms and pouted. "I'm sorry Y/N, maybe we can talk about it tomorrow."
"Yeah... we should really train..."
The past lessons had been a joke. You two were so immersed nerding about your hobbies, and venting about life, you never actually got to the training part. 
You both laughed. "Maybe we should," he replied.
"I could come with you if you don't mind," Naruto fixed his eyes on you analyzing you. "I'm hooked, Naruto," you explained, "Now I want to know the best place in the world." You looked back at him with a smile. He felt satisfied and proud and nodded.
"You HAVE to come," he stated.
Iruka giggled, "Very well Naruto. let's go then Y/N-san."
As you started walking, you felt behind your back a special chakra aching you everywhere, leave the academy. 
It was incredibly painful. Like something frozen by despair and resentment. Your guts started burning, your fists and your jaw clenched in rage,  your eyes watered and something inside you felt dead... careless... frozen...
You turned around to see who that chakra belonged to and it perplexed you to find it was coming from a black-haired boy who couldn't be older than Naruto. You resisted the impulse to cry. To scream... to kill...
"Iruka-san, who's that kid with black hair?" 
"That's Sasuke," Naruto answered giving him a killing look, "He's my classmate and a snooty BAKA! He thinks he's better shinobi than me!"
"That's because he IS a better student than you, Naruto," Iruka said, clearly tired of that conversation.
You smirked. Is that envy what I feel in you Naruto? Or is it... admiration?
"Why?" Iruka asked you.
"Nothing, I just..." Feel he might need a hug. You sighed. Iruka looked at you. Your expression had changed. The warm smile you had a few moments ago was gone and instead there was a painful face.
"He's had it rough," he said.
"Mister handsome? Oh but he's so good at everything," Naruto said in a mocking tone, "Even Sakura-chan likes him."
"Who's Sakura-chan?"
"The prettiest and smartest girl in class."
"Looks like someone has a crush," You teased him. He pouted.
Naruto's energy was kind of a mystery to you. Not because you couldn't decipher him, but because it was very contrasting. On one hand, he was broken, truly broken. You could feel the taste of loneliness deep inside him. But on the other hand, he had a very glowing, enthusiastic energy that made you want to be close to him.
You extended your chakra and hugged him with it.  
"Sakura-chan has beautiful pink hair that smells delicious and she always knows the right answer. One day she'll realize how handsome and talented I am and she'll dump Sasuke to be with me."
Iruka stared at the kid, shocked. He knew he liked Sakura but had never spoken about it. And yet here you were, the second time you bumped into each other and the boy was already making strong confessions.
"Sounds like a catch," you smiled.
The trail of Sasuke's frozen hate remained, and you couldn't stop thinking about him.
What does it take for a boy to be so fractured? What is it with this world?
You had known pain in kids before. But never hate like this. Never before had you felt that thirst for revenge. IN A CHILD.
Revenge for what?
You weren't sure if you wanted to know.  But you were concerned. There had to be something you could do...
The lump in your throat didn't go away and as soon as you had a moment alone you let yourself cry his sorrows. Tears had proved to be your allies when you needed to let go of a painful chakra. But you knew relieving yourself wouldn't be enough.
I should've stayed there a little longer to comfort him...
You looked at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were swollen and red. You couldn't be seen like this. Not while attending to all the costumers. So you washed your face with cold water and waited.
"Naoki-san, can I steal some ice?"
"Sure Y/N," He looked at you, "Is everything ok?" 
The cold water hadn't been enough to get rid of the puffiness.
"Yeah, I just..." but you didn't know what to say.
"If you need anything I'm here for you," he smiled at you. You smiled back. "Maybe a joke from Megumi-chan can cheer you up."
You smirked, "That would definitely help," and went back to work. 
I am going to do something about him.
CH 6 CH 8
TAGLIST (let me know if you want to be added): 
@ren-hatake @howcanibreathewithnozaire @strawberrycakesstuff @strangerfoundmahblog @kakashishoekage @spnningtop @attsm @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @honeypirate @temarihime @keigelsss
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prioritysope · 4 years
Reader: Female
Character: Miya Atsumu
Rating: Explicit
Chapter: 3/?
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read the prologue first!
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Atsumu's POV
A couple of days had passed, to be precise it has been five days, since I did that bullshit. I would not know if (Y/N) was jealous or just angry because I was going with someone else and not with her, as we have used to.
Seeing her with tears threatening to come out of her beautiful eyes broke my heart. I felt the worst shit in the world, because I like her more than she could imagine; however, it is difficult to have to pretend that I don't like her. I feel like I am being double-sided, by showing myself in a way in cards and in person, to be the way I always am. Although that does not mean that I am faking something that I am not in those letters, because that is a part of me that I have never brought to light and it is incredible how my best friend is the cause of my purest feelings towards her. I've seen her crumble, get up, and laugh. I have been in the worst and good moments of her, just as she has been for me.
Now he was in the gym bleachers. It's a pretty boring Monday, but there was no practice, since the coach had an emergency and he wasn't going to leave practice in charge of any of us; although the only reliable one would be Omi-Omi. I was so deep in thought, until someone threw a ball at my head, eliciting a grunt from me. I was willing to fight whoever it was, but I decided to calm down.
"Earth calling Atsumu." My brother said, sitting down next to me. I looked at him somewhat strange, because he is never to come and much less without his girlfriend. "Before you ask, my teacher didn't come and Azami is in class. I had no choice but to come here. Besides, are you still sore from my beating yesterday as soon as we got to the apartment?"
There are times I want to kill my brother. Always wanting to humiliate myself in front of everyone. But yeah, last night when we barely got to the apartment we shared with Sakusa, he started yelling at me about how stupid I am and a thousand other things. We both ended up so angry, we threw down a couple of fists until Sakusa had to break us apart and reprimand us both.
"Fuck off, 'Samu." I rolled my eyes, ignoring my twin brother.
"Enough both of you." Sakusa stormed into the gym, her face in utter annoyance. He stood in front of us, looking quite serious at them. "Will you tell me the reason for your fight last night?"
Just as I was about to reply, I was interrupted by Bokuto's loud greeting, followed by Hinata. I waited for them to arrive at our place. I didn't want to put them aside either.
"Why so serious? What did we miss again?" Hinata spoke, looking carefully at each one, which made me laugh.
"Well these two fought again, and I want to know why." Kyoomi replied, shoving his hands into his pockets —still with a gym bag hanging from his shoulder. "I don't know why they are always surprised when someone tells them that the Miya fought. It is quite common, more surprising to know that with their almost twenty years they are still immature." He spoke again, as Hinata and Bokuto were speechless, as if that news was new.
At this time it was more likely that Osamu and I fight, that the end of the world occurs.
"Well, do you remember that Atsumu was about to go with a random girl who knows where after practice? All because he thought that way would make (Y/N) jealous, which kinda worked because Azami told me that she wanted to take Atsumu to their special place." Osamu explained, his tone was quite hoarse, which made me shrug my shoulders. Osamu knew that Atsumu and (Y/N) have feelings to each other since high school, but he wouldn't say anything. "So Atsumu just made her go sad and angry because she thought Atsumu replaced her with a stranger."
When we finished speaking, we saw how Sakusa was as usual, without expression on her face. While Hinata and Bokuto were kinda disappointed.
"Atsumu-san, you don't do that to a girl." Hinata muttered, making a funny face.
"But I already apologized!" I whined, pouting.
"What? An apology per message doesn't fix anything." Osamu scolded me, I just stuck my tongue out at him. "Damn child." He murmured softly, but not enough not to hear him.
How annoying.
"So what do you suggest I do?" My despair was evident in my voice. I tugged on some of my hair, practically screaming for help. The only times I had to seriously apologize to her is because I insulted some of her many husbands from anime, which almost strangles me those days.
"Take her to a place that you know, she likes very much. If I remember correctly I overheard her talking to Azami about going to Naruto's theme park. You should take her as it is you both favorite anime." Osamu spoke again. They all hummed, totally agreeing with him.
Now that I thought about it, it was a good idea. Thinking about it only brought back memories of every Halloween we've spent together. The first time, I cosplayed Naruto and she cosplayed Hinata. The next one, which was when she and Suna were together, we all got together to cosplay the Akatsuki.
"Well, I'll talk to her as soon as I finish my classes because I know she has classes." I got up from my seat, grabbing my backpack to hang it on my shoulder ready to go to my class.
However, just as I was leaving the gym, Bokuto's voice stopped me. It seemed totally strange to me.
"Do you really like (Y/N), Atsumu?" His question sounded very rhetorical, which was weirder.
"I like her more than you might imagine, Bokuto-san. I swear. There is no reason why I am the one who is leaving letters in her locker every day." I replied, a small smile playing on my lips.
I waited for some response from the monochrome haired boy, receiving a hum as he tapped my shoulder.
"Then keep it up, because I can assure you that she likes you too. It's pretty obvious, but take it easy." He advised me before running back to the gym.
Maybe Bokuto was right. Or maybe not.
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aerugonian · 4 years
what are some of your fav kakashi centric fics?? ive never been too into naruto but kakashi??? i love him
You’re in luck because the only Naruto fics I read are Kakashi-centric, lmao. Here are some of my favorites (strap in because this is gonna be long – and I hope you like time travel, because there’s a lot of that here.) Fics are listed in no particular order. 
Just the Usual Habits by Applepie (G / gen / 3.9k words / completed / no warnings)
Sakumo has no idea where all of these habits of Kakashi's are coming from. In which five-year-old Kakashi forgets the existence of his left eye, loses his ability to lie believably, and is a little too knowledgeable about the Birds and Bees. Still, no matter what oddities went on in Kakashi's head, one thing is certain – the boy will always love his father, through thick and thin.
Nukenin by WhisperingDarkness (T / gen / 17k words / completed / no warnings)
In the sealed scroll he finds a Bingo Book – his own page marking him as an S-class nukenin with flee-on-sight orders.
“Ok. That is definitely different.”
In his head he blames Naruto – even if his number one unpredictable student had been nowhere near him on this mission. When things go this stupidly impossibly wrong it must somehow be the future Hokage’s fault.
Once More with Feeling by Chicken_Train_And_Laser_Beam (M / gen / 137k words / wip / violence)
After an unexpected turn on a mission with Team Seven, Kakashi Hatake wakes up in the past, trapped in the body of his thirteen-year-old self. Despite being torn away from his own, familiar world, Kakashi resolves to change the future to better the lives of those he loves. Yet, fate is not so easily mastered, and he's not the only one playing the game.
Reversal of Roles by Ranowa Hikura (T / gen / 112,510 words / completed / violence)
Obito didn't push Kakashi out of the way during the Battle at Kannabi Bridge. This one change eventually leads to Godaime Naruto being sent back in time with the leader of the Akatsuki- Kakashi. They arrive at the day of Naruto's Academy graduation, and Naruto must work with the man he hates the most to stop war from happening. Time travel, AU, Kakanaru friendship.
Branches by Mockingone (T / gen / 55k words / completed / no warnings)
Kakashi falls off a tree and lands in a different world. Literally. Now he's in a dimension where nothing makes sense—but he's used to that. Kakashi plans to wreak as much havoc as he can and find his way home... if he can.
What You Knead by AgentMalkere (G / gen / 38k words / wip / no warnings)
It started, as most things did in Kakashi’s life, with a mission gone wrong.
(In which Kakashi accidentally acquires an emotionally healthy coping technique.)
Ear to the Wall by Vodkassassin (NR / gen / 84k words / wip / chose not to warn)
The Minato-sensei beams at him, and replies, “Kakashi! I’m glad you’re awake,” and, yup, that’s Minato-sensei’s voice.
Kakashi falls back down against the bed, closing his eyes. It’s too short of a way down, and he clenches hands that are too tiny and feeble and not his in dog-print sheets he hasn’t owned for decades.
Wolves of Fire Country by Midnite_Republic (T / Kakashi/Izuna / 51k words / wip / chose not to warn)
Wave changed a lot about Team 7, but not enough to make them entirely functional. Also someone should have really reminded Kakashi to pay attention to that tiny part of his genius brain that recognises random patterns, before he called a rest stop on the way home on top of an old, decayed Uzushio travel seal with an over-chakra-charged Uzumaki.
And he thought the month of the Wave mission was long, now he's stuck with the team, in a place he never expected to have anything to do with, with no way back.
Maybe he should have paid more attention to history, or stayed in the academy long enough to have history classes.
Why we build the wall by Dissenter (NR / gen / 49k words / wip / mcd & violence)
A Kiri nin gets trapped in a cave with a Konoha nin near Kannabi bridge. Some things are inevitable.
Or the AU where Kakashi is born in Kiri but still somehow ends up as team seven's teacher.
Outrunning Karma by Anjelle (T / gen / 52k words / wip / no warnings)
Kakashi was forty-two and the world ended in a sea of smoke and ash. Kakashi was forty-two and there stood a man in the carnage, untouched and unfazed as the village burned around him.
Kakashi is nineteen and the world ends tomorrow, and he will do everything he can to make it right. Even if it means making friends of his enemies. Even if it means erasing everything.
Even if it means staring into the face of all that he hates and smiling.
Kakashi is nineteen and Naruto is five and there is still time. Instead of counting his losses, he'll make the most of it.
komorebi by tomorrowsrain (T / Kakashi/Obito / 80k words / wip / no warnings)
In which Kakashi and Obito survive the Kyuubi attack, get exiled from Konoha, learn how to survive, and still manage to become legends along the way.
(The bratty genin are unexpected, though.)
The Hidden Prodigy by Applepie (T / gen / 106k words / wip / chose not to warn)
Somehow sent back into the past, Kakashi is given a second chance to relive his childhood. He is determined to make the most of everyday and to fix the horrors of the future, but sometimes simple determination is not enough to save everyone.
Change Fills My Time by 100demons (M / gen / 73k words / completed / mcd & violence)
Thirty year old Kakashi was supposed to have been killed by Pein during the Invasion. Instead, he wakes up in the body of his twenty year old self.
(It gets a lot more complicated.)
Nidaime Otokage by DuskBeforeDawn (M / gen / 30k words / wip / violence)
No one knew him.
His father was still alive.
His Sharingan acted like it had always been his.
Kakashi was twenty-two years in the past of a different world.
a heap of details, uncatalogued, illogical by 100demons (T / gen / 8k words / completed / no warnings)
Oh,” she says, white hands clenched into tight fists. “I’m-- I was your student. Haruno Sakura.”
Kakashi tilts his head, gray eye analyzing her carefully for tells. He finds nothing. “I’ve never seen you before in my life,” he says flatly.
(Kakashi wakes up fourteen years old.)
Lost on the road of life by RavenShira (M / gen / 80k words / wip / violence)
Kakashi had everything well in hand. He had stepped down from his reign as Rokudaime Hokage, his porn collection was as well worn as should be and his free time was spend with either Gai's challenges or helping out on various tasks while trying to make it seem like he wasn't there to help out. Annoying the hell out of everyone that crosses his path was as easy as breathing – easier now that he didn't have to be polite and diplomatic about it anymore.
So what if he agreed to a teeny-tiny favour of his once student and now successor? Not even Naruto could mess up just scribbling down a fuinjutsu for Kakashi to check over before he got back to his own, very busy life.
… Right?
Or: The one where Kakashi travels back in time, thinks he can fix stuff but clearly gets in over his head.
What’s the Worst That Can Happen? by Applepie (T / gen / 90k words / wip / no warnings)
Life was going quite well, if you asked Naruto Uzumaki. So why did he have to listen to Kakashi of all people? Now, they've time traveled to the past, smack dab in Minato's era, when the soon-to-be Hokage was sporting a team seven of his own. Let history run its course? Never! Kakashi-centric.
Wanted by Anjelle (T / gen / 17k words / wip / no warnings)
Kakashi is your run-of-the-mill hand for hire, except that he's not. Boasting a spotless record with the skills and name to back it up, he's one of the most highly sought after mercenaries in the Land of Fire. He has just one rule:
No Leaf missions.
Unfortunately, his latest client, Tobi, is looking for just that. And there's no doubt in Tobi's mind that Kakashi will accept.
It's only a matter of time.
 (and a bonus crossover section!!)
Silver-Haired Stranger by TheSimplestWriter (T / gen / 34k words / wip / violence / ATLA)
Kakashi dies protecting his village fighting against Pein... Except he actually didn't and is now in the middle of a desert. Great. [Kakashi swaps one war for another, but he only wants to get back home. Things happen along the way.]
Copy That, Copycat by Nakashira (G / gen / 19k words / wip / violence / BNHA)
Kakashi Hatake dies the Copycat-nin and is reborn with a copycat quirk.
Everything becomes a disaster, and Monoma is tired.
Wonderboy by Tsume_Yuki (T / gen / 19k words / wip / chose not to warn / BNHA)
Who knew some dimensions had actual child labour laws?
In which Kakashi is reborn, the Hero Commission doesn’t put all their eggs in one Hawks shaped basket and Shouta isn't getting paid enough to deal with this shit.
Otherwise known as Kakashi in 1A.
CCG Public Enemy No 1 by euphoric image (T / gen / 19k words / wip / no warnings / Tokyo Ghoul)
Kakashi had a single red-and-black eye for more than half his life. Now, he has two.
Victory Series by ewfte (T / gen / 96k words / wip / violence / BNHA)
A fact about Todoroki Shouto: that is not his name.
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catflorist · 4 years
The Time Being (ao3 / ffn) catflorist Summary: Time-slipping is a side effect of wielding the Rinnegan. When Sasuke slips through time, he always goes to Sakura, whether he wants to or not. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
pt 5: sakura
After Sasuke left, Sakura woke up alone on a bench just as the sky began to lighten.
She rubbed the goosebumps on her bare arms. The aching pressure of a sob churned in her chest, but she could not cry.
Someone sat next to her. She recognized the line of his shoulders before she recognized his face.
Sasuke's jaw was sharper, his hair tied back and long enough to graze his shoulder blades. Mismatched eyes—red and purple—met hers before fading into their familiar dark.
He frowned. "You're cold." His voice was quieter, deeper than the voice of her Sasuke. He shrugged the cloak off his shoulders and offered it to her.
Sakura accepted, too stunned to speak. There was no need to voice the obvious. He was not the Sasuke she knew.
"I always wondered how you knew I was leaving," he said.
Sakura burrowed inside the cloak, still warm from his body. The fabric was soft, sun-worn, and smelled like salt. "Because I know you," she answered.
Sasuke smiled, and Sakura's head cleared. He had left, but he was here again. That had to mean something.
"What are you doing here?" Her voice trembled, but the knot in her throat was loosening.
The first rays of sun peeked over the horizon, lighting the treetops in gold. "I need to tell you something."
As dawn rose, Sasuke told her about his time-slipping, about the Rinnegan, that she should expect more appearances in the years to come. Sakura listened in a rapture. When he revealed the truth behind the massacre of the Uchiha clan, her tears finally fell. In the morning light, the village appeared ghostly, like bones bleaching in the sun.
"Will you ever come back?" Sakura asked, when everything was said.
"Yes," Sasuke said.
She dried her eyes on the collar of his cloak. "Do you promise?"
"I promise," he said. "We'll meet again soon."
"How long?"
"Five years or so, for you." His brow furrowed. "I'm sorry. You'll need to be patient with me."
"I'll be here when you're ready," she said.
Smiling again, Sasuke tapped the center of her brow with two gentle fingers. "You're with me right now."
A rush of questions flooded Sakura's mind, but they were out of time. Sasuke frowned, rubbing his temples, and Sakura took this to mean he was about to leave. She passed the cloak into his lap.
Sasuke slipped away like ducking underwater, leaving behind a quiet ripple of his presence.
When Naruto and Kakashi found her, the village had already woken up. Traffic clattered from the nearby main streets, and curtains fluttered from open windows. Someone nearby was grilling fish for breakfast.
"He's gone," Sakura said.
For a beat, Naruto and Kakashi said nothing. They searched Sakura's expression, giving her the opportunity to grieve, if she wanted to. But Sakura's breathing remained calm.
Kakashi lifted the hitai-ate obscuring his left eye. His gaze shone with regret. "This is my fault." At this, Sakura's lip started trembling.
Naruto's fists clenched and unclenched at his sides. "I'm going after him," he snarled.
"There's no need, Naruto." Sakura gripped the stone of the bench. "He'll come back one day."
Sakura trained under Tsunade and grew strong. She learned how to tear open the earth and to mend bones. How to store her chakra drop by drop, so one day it would become a vast ocean under her control.
Two years passed before she saw Sasuke again. It occurred in her own time. He perched on the rim of the cliff outside Orochimaru's hideout, wind lifting his robes. A purple obi ensnared his waist. With the sun at his back, he looked more shadow than boy. His eyes held nothing when he looked at her—neither interest nor contempt.
Then he said, "Sakura." He exhaled her name like a breath, like he didn't even realize he was saying it.
It still hurt when they failed to convince him to return, even if it was what Sakura expected.
The trip back to Konoha was solemn. Naruto was shaken and quiet, and even Sai wisely held his tongue. They traveled through the night until Captain Yamato constructed a temporary wooden shelter with four separate rooms.
When she was alone, Sakura held her head in her hands. She tried to fit the Sasuke she just saw into her knowledge of him. He was longer her teammate, and he was far from the man who had chosen to tie his hair back. He was somewhere in between, somewhere lost, with a long way to go.
Sasuke, exactly as she remembered from their genin days, inspected her wet face. All his questions stopped. He grasped her hand and looked stubbornly away, daring her to state what they both knew. It was not his way to freely offer a comforting touch.
Sakura closed her eyes. Sasuke had promised to return, but she never would have doubted it on her own.
"The daimyo wants to drain a lake to build another summer palace, and the council says they have the funds to spare," Tsunade spat, shoving a mountain of paperwork in Sakura's direction. "But there's nothing in the budget for the civilian guilds?"
Sighing in sympathy, Sakura pulled her favorite chair to Tsunade's desk. She flipped through the paperwork, signing a perfect copy of the Hokage's signature on each page. Tsunade filled two glasses with amber liquid, set one beside her student, and settled behind her own tower of paper. This was their evening ritual.
Signing her name with angry flourishes, Tsunade muttered, "Three years as Hokage and I can't get anything done."
Each day, Sakura watched Tsunade fight the council tooth and nail to implement her vision for the village. Each day, the council blocked her every move.
Sakura's pen stilled. Tsunade did not know the truth of the Uchiha massacre. Was it right to tell her?
"Tsunade-shishou…" she began, then the words froze on her tongue.
Her teacher raised an eyebrow. "Spit it out," she urged.
"Have you ever thought that the council might be doing more harm than good?"
This was a radical view. Many citizens of Konoha supported the council in their decision-making. The village was prosperous and powerful. There was no reason to ask deeper questions.
Tsunade was silent for a breath too long, revealing her answer. Teacher and student gazed at each other with a new understanding.
Sakura's hands shook. "There is something you should know."
The council met in an imposing structure set behind the largest gate in the village. Since few windows penetrated its thick walls, the building's interior remained cold and dim no matter the season. When darkness fell, Tsunade and Sakura snuck inside and entered the archive.
After undoing a genjutsu, breaking the ninjutsu seal on a wooden chest, and snapping a plain lock in half, they uncovered the file detailing plans behind the Uchiha massacre.
The scroll was thin. It did not take much space on a page at all to massacre a clan.
Sakura read it first. It was one thing to hear the truth from Sasuke. It was another to see it confirmed in writing, signed by the leaders of the village, and stamped in approval. When she saw the Third Hokage's signature, her heart panged. Sarutobi-sama had always been kind to her. Yet he had known and approved of this plan. Was it a betrayal, or a requirement of his position? Which was worse?
"This village is rotten to the core," Tsunade muttered after closing the scroll. "Is this why your teammate left?"
"No," Sakura said. "He doesn't know the truth yet."
"How did you think to look for this?"
"I was close with Sasuke," she offered, not meeting her teacher's eyes. "I had a suspicion."
Tsunade did not push further. She pressed her lips together, rubbed the space between her eyebrows. For once, the ageless face of Sakura's teacher looked tired.
"We carve our faces into the cliff as if we have something to celebrate," she said. "As if we owe our greatness to the world. But it's all a lie."
Huddled next to Tsunade, surrounded by the archive's chilly secrets, Sakura swore to make the village a better place by the time Sasuke returned.
"No surprise, Sakura. They denied your plans." Tsunade stamped a document hard enough to shake her entire desk. "Danzo told me personally."
Sakura clenched her fists, but she was not surprised. Last week Tsunade refused to shut down an investigation into the Hyuuga clan's use of branding. Now, the council had coincidentally tabled Sakura's sensible proposal to construct a pediatric wing of the hospital.
This was not Sakura's first roadblock. Last month, the council canceled their first meeting with Sakura's newly-established civilian board, citing scheduling conflicts, and dodged all attempts to reschedule. Not long before, they implied that unless Tsunade agreed to spare three extra jonin for the daimyo's entourage, they might not find funds to spare for Sakura's medic training program. Each time, Danzo delivered the news with a modest smile, as if he were pouring her a cup of tea and expecting gratitude in response.
The more Sakura's plans fizzled out, the more she feared Konoha could never change.
Sometimes Sakura imagined herself leaving the village. She thought about it the same way she thought about embracing the next Sasuke she saw. It was not a real possibility, but the idea floated in her head, and sometimes hurt to think about.
She could live alone somewhere. Maybe by the ocean. Her brain conjured all the details: fresh, salty air. Seabirds screeching and plummeting into the water. The temperamental sand shifting under her feet. There would be nothing to fix. Nothing would require changing. Maybe she would find peace.
Sakura worked hard to improve the village, but she did not buy the plant Ino suggested would flourish in the morning light of her bedroom. She stored every scrap of chakra away for her future seal. She did not spend money except when her friends dragged her to dinner. She thought about the Sasuke who smelled like salt. She dreamt about the ocean.
When Sasuke appeared next, it was at the worst possible time, and that's what she told him. She had a village to defend and to heal.
Sasuke was closer, somehow. He wore the obi, but his eyes were brighter. He did not hesitate to approach her and to call out her name. Sakura wished he had stayed long enough for her to heal the wound on his head.
The battle worsened. A hoard of Katsuyu's summons under Sakura's command saved the hospital and the old Uchiha compound from destruction, but Pain's attack leveled much of Konoha to the ground.
Tsunade sank into a coma. Shizune and Sakura tended to the wrecked village.
Captain Yamato was reconstructing Konoha by himself when Sakura stepped in. In his patient voice, he taught her the basics of woodstyle. At first she could only summon twigs and vines. Her wood produced too much foliage, inhibiting its use as a building material. She persevered. By the end of the month, she was by his side, reimagining and rebuilding Konoha, coaxing the surrounding forest to regrow.
Sakura and Yamato faced the empty land where the council building once stood.
"I have an idea," Sakura said, "though it isn't traditional."
"By all means," Yamato said.
Sakura pressed her hands together. Wood coiled into the air and formed a new type of building. It was small and modest with an unadorned facade. A large window opened upon the council gathering space. Where the gate once existed, she created a square for the citizens of Konoha to gather. The council's discussions could no longer occur in private, outside the public eye.
It was no trivial responsibility to possess the skills to rebuild a village. If she could carve out a window when before there was none, create a new space for people to breathe, she would.
"Sakura, you have too many jobs," Ino complained.
"I am a simple student," Sakura denied, though Ino was right. In Tsunade's absence, Sakura's role in the village took on more of a political nature than ever.
After the council appointed Danzo as the temporary Hokage, she and Shizune fought to maintain Tsunade's policies and legislation under his strict rule. During council meetings, she served as Tsunade's representative. In between these responsibilities, Sakura squeezed in training and shifts at the hospital.
This meant Sakura did not have time in her schedule to eat dinner with both Ino and Naruto in one week, so she requested they meet together. Her two friends disrupted the peaceful evening of every Konoha resident with their public debate over where to eat before Ino finally threw up her hands.
Naruto slurped his Ichiraku's ramen. "You're a student, a shinobi, an architect..."
"...a medic, a politician," Ino picked up. She considered. "A large-forehead-bearer."
"Pig," Sakura responded fondly. She eyed Naruto. "Dobe," she said, using Sasuke's word without thinking, and the cheerful mood dampened.
Ino set her teacup on the table with a soft clink. "Have you heard anything?"
Naruto sighed. "The teme is up to some shit."
Sakura chewed her lip. The last they'd heard, Sasuke had formed a team and joined the Akatsuki. Five years or so, Sasuke had promised. Over four years had passed since that day.
Just as a lump formed in Sakura's throat, Ino squeezed her shoulder. "Let's walk to the square, later," she suggested. "It's great, but I think it could use a few more places to sit."
They walked to the square. Sakura twisted wood into benches and placed them according to Ino's vision.
"Beautiful work. But what about trees? Some shade would be nice," Ino said. "Don't you think, Naruto?"
"Eh? But it's night––ow," Naruto gasped, as Ino elbowed him in the ribs. "I mean, absolutely. Could use some greenery, and all that."
Sakura's hands flew through the signs. Trees sprouted in each corner of the square, growing taller than the nearby council building, than any building in the village.
The transformation was immediate. Soft murmurs of rustling leaves replaced silence. A bird landed upon a branch. From where they were standing, the newly born foliage obscured the faces carved into the Hokage Mountain. In the silver wash of the moon, it appeared as if they grew over the mountain itself, a tangle of wood and leaf and stone.
Without speaking, the three of them sat together on the nearest bench, inaugurating the new space.
"This was a good idea, Ino," Sakura said.
Ino and Naruto raised eyebrows at each other.
"Do you feel better, Forehead?"
Gazing at the treetops, Sakura found herself smiling. She felt better.
Sakura was listening to a council meeting with detached resentment when news broke of Danzo's death.
Tsumiki Kido, Danzo's closest confidant on the council, called for a moment of silence. As councilmembers bowed their heads, Sakura's heart raced. She and Shizune shared a careful glance.
When the moment was done, Tsumiki shook his head. "It is clear Uchiha Sasuke has outgrown his usefulness."
"He is a criminal and an enemy," another voice chimed in.
Sakura already knew there was a future waiting for Sasuke. He would live to meet her on that bench. Still, her blood ran cold.
"The boy has shown his true colors," Tsumiki replied. "Who will his next target be? How else will he terrorize our beloved village?"
As evenly as she could manage, Sakura said, "Konoha will never be the same after Danzo-sama's loss." She lowered her head, and faces around the table followed suit. "He displayed the Will of Fire until the end. It is evident he made a great sacrifice for the village, a sacrifice we must not undermine."
Tsumiki frowned and opened his mouth.
"Don't you see?" Sakura interjected, meeting the eyes of each councilmember. "Danzo-sama could easily defeat any enemy. In his wisdom, he understood that Uchiha Sasuke's continued wellbeing is in the best interest of the village. The Uchiha clan's doujutsu, the Sharingan, is a valuable tool. Only Sasuke possesses this skill, now that his brother Itachi is dead."
When several heads nodded, Sakura frowned and looked to the ceiling. She twisted a strand of hair around her finger, as if in thought. "I'm happy to volunteer to look through our archives on the Uchiha clan. I'm certain I'll find useful information that illustrates how having an Uchiha in service of the village is beneficial. Perhaps I'll uncover other skills, other histories, that are useful to know. We keep good records, after all."
The younger members of the council did not blink, but Sakura watched key faces twitch. Their eyes bored into her, wondering if the words archive, Itachi, records, all said in the same context, were a coincidence.
As silence fell, the public square outside remained lively. Two elderly civilians took a seat upon one of the newly crafted benches. A shuriken thunked against the large window overlooking the meeting space. Children's laughter sounded, then a group of young Academy students raced to retrieve their object.
Tsumiki's lips pressed together in a thin line. "That won't be necessary."
All talk of retaliation against Sasuke ceased. Discussion turned to Danzo's funeral preparations, then to candidates for the next acting Hokage. Sakura suggested Kakashi. The council grumbled, but it was a good suggestion.
"You spoke well, but that was a risk," Shizune said later. "They will be upset."
Sakura was scrubbing her hands after a surgery when she heard that Tsunade was awake.
She burst into the room. Shizune lifted her tear-streaked face and smiled. Tsunade sat upright in her bed, young and fresh as ever, as if awaking from a catnap rather than a deathly coma. Her teacher was not physically affectionate, but she returned Sakura's tight embrace with no reservations, and brushed the uncombed hair away from her face.
"You've both been busy," Tsunade said, after Sakura and Shizune explained everything she had missed. She eyed Sakura, inspecting the dark circles under her student's eyes. "Don't give too much away. You can't heal or fight or fix this damn village if you don't keep anything for yourself." .
Sakura was on the battlefield. She saw his shadow before she saw him, that familiar line of his shoulders. .
Up next: Sasuke and Sakura meet again.
Notes: double cliffhanger...don't be mad? :) though i hope some of your questions are starting to be answered.
also, we're more than halfway through now! this chapter through the end were the hardest to write--thank you for following along with me!
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Everyone Lives Au- Team Minato
day 1 of @naruto-au-week
“A Jonin Sensei?” Kakashi leveled his own Sensei with a skeptical look and glanced over at Obito for a quick second. “Are you sure about this, Sensei? You’ll be trusting him with impressionable minds. Who knows what bad habits he’ll teach them.”
“I won’t be teaching them to be rude, that’s for sure Bakashi!” Obito screamed at him, growling when Kakashi shrugged his shoulders. “He’s giving me a Genin team because at least he can trust me not to scar any kids I train!”
“Are you sure about that?” Kakashi asked. “Are you sure it’s not just because it’s the only thing you won’t completely screw up?”
He didn’t actually think Obito would screw anything up. Over the years he had actually become quite a competent shinobi. Though, he could always use a bit more work on his tardiness issue.
It was just hilarious to see the way Obito’s face lit up with anger and his mouth opened ready to assault Kakashi with all of the insults he could come up with in a five second span.
Unfortunately for him, he was cut off by Rin.
“Wait Sensei, If Obito and I are going to be Sensei’s what about Kakashi?” She asked, smiling when both of her teammates glared at her. “Oh come on. Sensei wouldn’t call all three of us in here to give us news about the jobs he’s only giving two of us.”
A true fact. Turning his attention back over to his Sensei Kakashi waited for him to answer Rin’s question and hoped that whatever it is he had planned for him it had nothing to do with children.
That was definitely an area where Obito would do better than him.
“Well, since I have you, Obito, Gai, Kurenai and Asuma as Jonin Sensei’s for the next year or two I had a bit of wiggle room.” Minato gave them that signature ‘sensei smile’ that they always complained about, and suddenly Kakashi really wished ‘Jonin Sensei’ was the worst thing he could think up as a job his Sensei would give him. “I thought I would leave Kakashi with the job of running Anbu.”
The room fell silent. Obito, Rin and Kakashi all shared a moment looking between each other and processing what their Sensei had just said before turning on him all at once.
“You’re keeping him in Anbu!?” Rin was angry. Understandable since her and Gai had been trying to get him out of Anbu for the last three years.
“Why does Bakashi get the cool job?” Obito was jealous. Unsurprising but also pointless since he wasn’t the type of shinobi to do well in Anbu, being a ‘charge in head first’ type rather than a thinker and stealth focused shinobi.
“I thought we agreed no more responsibility.” The more work he had to do, the less time he had to spend doing things he actually enjoyed. Plus Running Anbu meant paper work. A lot of paperwork.
“Ok ok, one at a time,” Minato laughed. “First, it’s head of Anbu Rin. He won’t be doing the missions he was doing before,” Rin’s shoulders relaxed and she turned her head away with a huff. That was one ally lost to his cause of avoiding this promotion. “And Obito, we both know you and Kakashi have different skills. That’s what make’s you such a good team when you actually work together. You’ll be a great Sensei from some brand new genin where Kakashi would...”
“Traumatize them?” Obito smirked over at him with an overwhelming smugness that made Kakashi want to reach over and smack him. “Hmmm you’re probably right Sensei. It is best to keep him as far from kids as possible.”
He was going to meet whatever poor bastards ended up with Obito as their Sensei and teach them all the ways to torment him. He deserved it.
“And what about my complaint?” He turned back to his Sensei. “Why do you need to give me that responsibility?”
“Because you’re the one i trust to fix things,” A compliment. He hated when his Sensei complimented him. “You have seen how Anbu works and just your interactions with your teams show me that you’ll make changes to Anbu that it desperately needs. You’re the only one i trust to do this.”
Well, if he was stuck with the job he was at least going to change the uniforms. The were impractical and didn’t protect nearly enough vital areas.
“Now, since i think we’re all done arguing about the new jobs,” Glancing between the three of them, Minato smiled fondly. “How about we celebrate together? Ramen?”
Kakashi groaned, Obito did a fist pump, and Rin just shrugged her shoulders.
Of course it was going to be Ramen.
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redvoid-40 · 4 years
First Time - Gaara
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Hello! So I was supposed to post more of those NSFW Alphabet headcanons but I received this ask and decided to work on it instead. Let me just warn you all that I lost control with this ask and it almost became a one-shot. =.=
Hope you all enjoy it and thanks for the ask! :)
If you’re looking for more content you can check my masterlist, and feel free to send an ask too. ;)
Now, before we begin, there are some things we need to establish: 
Gaara would date his SO for a long while before getting married; mostly because they were too busy with their respective duties to organize the ceremony. 
They would wait until after they were married to have sex for the first time (it just feels right in the Naruto universe, where everyone dates just one person in their entire lives and then marry them at like 20 years old). 
Gaara has big dick energy, therefore he has a big dick
All right, let’s get started! :D
NSFW under the cut. Minors please steer clear!
Wedding night! Gaara and his SO for once have some time for themselves, courtesy of Kankuro and Baki organizing the whole ceremony behind their backs.
After the ceremony and the reception, the newly weds would be escorted to the nicest Hotel in Suna for their wedding night. And by escorted I mean Kankuo pretty much manipulated them into going there by making a non-refundable reservation and guilt-tripping them into not wasting it 
So there they were, two young virgins in love who have been dating for years now.
They were a mess of nerves and arousal, wanting desperately to get there but not knowing where to start.
His SO giggled nervously. “Maybe we should… take our clothes off?”
Gaara nodded nervously before moving to pull on his clothes with trembling fingers. He had successfully removed his suit and was unbuttoning his pants when he noticed his SO struggling with her dress.
“L-Let me help you.”
That sweet boy would gently help his SO peel the layers of fabric from her body, feeling his nervousness slowly give way to raw desire as he revealed her soft skin.
His fingers stopped trembling as they navigated over her body, taking a moment to knead the muscles on her shoulders, caress the skin of her thighs and grope the flesh of her ass
Once she was bare for him expect for her panties, Gaara would sit down on the mattress and pull her to straddle his lap.
When his rands rose to fondle his SO’s breasts there was just a bit of hesitance. Gaara took his time cupping the mounds of flesh, letting his thumb run over her hardened nipples as he watched his SO throw her head back and let out a moan of pleasure.
“Look at me.” He almost begged as he lowered his mouth to a nipple. He flattened his tongue against the small nub, green eyes fixed on his SO as her face became even redder. Gazes fixed on each other Gaara finally closed his lips around her nipple and bit on it gently before sucking the flesh into his mouth.
He felt his SO jolt against him as a loud whine left her lips and it encouraged him to keep going. While one hand fondled her other breast, the other pulled her hips tightly against him, pressing her pussy against his hard cock.
Overwhelmed as she was, his SO didn’t lag. Her hands found their way underneath his clothes, running freshly manicured nails against the skin of his back, making the most delicious shivers run down his spine.
“Take off your clothes” She begged, raising her hands to fist them gently around his hair and pull his head back for a kiss. “I want to touch you.”
Gaara obliged. Pushing her gently to lay against the pillows he quickly peeled off the clothes from his upper body.
His SO mewled in delight. Despite his fighting style, as a Shinobi Gaara still kept himself fit. His upper body was svelte but strong, and his SO wasted no time running her hands over his pecs and down to the light outline of his six-pack. She swallowed as her fingers still inched down, unbuttoning his pants and delving underneath them to grab his cock.
Gaara threw his head back as a moan left him, missing the wide-eyed stare on his SO’s face as she pumped his hardening cock.
She had ground against him and groped him through his pants a few times before, but this was the first time she actually held him in her hand.
H-He’s so big.
She let out a whimper at the idea of taking all of it inside her. She couldn’t deny she was a bit intimidated by his size, but more than anything she was eager.
She wanted that cock inside of her. All of it.
At last recovering some semblance of rational thought Gaara moved again, cupping his SO’s face and drawing her in a languorous kiss as he pressed forward until she was laying down again so he could press against her, hips cradled in the heat between her thighs.
Gaara pulled back from the kiss and took his time admiring his SO’s flushed expression. He smiled as he delved down for another quick peck of her lips.
“I love you.”
His SO smiled dreamily and he kissed her again. This time on a corner of her mouth, then the other, and then he moved down. Down her neck and clavicle, stopping to lick and nip her nipples before trailing down her abdomen.
He planted a last kiss over her panties before his hands pulled them down her thighs.
“G-Gaara, you don’t-”
“Let me, my love. I want to.”
His SO slowly nodded, letting her head fall back on the pillows as Gaara dove between her legs.
He started slow, kissing the inside of her thighs as a thumb found its way to her clit. His hands were trembling slightly now. He had done some research about sex, even asked Kankuro for tips, but it didn’t change the fact that this was the first time he was doing something like that. He didn’t want to disappoint his SO.
But the moan that left her lips quickly eased his worries. “Good?”
“Oh, Gaara… So good.”
More confident, Gaara at last dared to replace his thumb with his tongue. And if the whine that left his SO’s lips were anything to go by, he was doing something right.
“I-I’m going to put a finger inside you, okay?”
Breathing hard, his SO nodded. “Please.”
Gaara swallowed. Watching his SO writhe and beg for his touch was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He wanted nothing more than to thrust his cock inside her already.
But he knew he had to prepare her first. This was her first time too and Gaara would never forgive himself if he caused his SO any pain.
So he took his time, slowly thrusting his index finger inside of her, moaning as he pumped gently inside her hot, wet, tight walls as his tongue played with her clit. Once she was a trembling mess in his hands, he dared to push in another finger, and, once she was used to it, he pumped faster.
She shook and moaned and called his name until her entire body locked and trembled as her climax washed over her.
And Gaara drank it all in with eager eyes and open mouth. His cock was throbbing inside his pants but he led her through her orgasm patiently. Stopping only when she was a limp, dazed mess on the bed.
He moved to kiss her deeply and waited patiently for her to catch her breath, whispering words of adoration and love against her lips.
“Are you ready?” He asked and his SO nodded eagerly.
To her surprise, instead of freeing his cock and thrusting inside of her, Gaara rolled them over, so she was straddling his hips.
“I’d feel better if you took the lead on this.” Gaara admitted, blushing. “I’m not sure if I can hold myself. I don’t want to hurt you.”
His SO smiled softly at him, bending to press a soft kiss on his lips. “You’d never hurt me, Gaara. I know that. But if it’ll put you more at ease, I can do it. Just…” She blushed. “Don’t make fun of me if I look weird.”
His SO pulled back a little to pull Gaara’s pants and underwear from his legs, letting his hard, throbbing cock free. He let out a low groan at the relief.
Finally seeing her boyfriends’- scratch that, husband’s cock in all of its glory, she gulped. Maybe Gaara wasn’t wrong in thinking he could hurt her.
Gaara’s cock was thicker and longer than she had imagined. Now fully erect, it reached just below his navel, and when she grabbed it, she could barely touch her thumb and forefinger.
She pumped Gaara’s cock once, earning herself another low moan as his hands reached for her thighs. He gripped her flesh as his sea-foam eyes zeroed on her hand on his cock.
Slowly, carefully, she started to lower herself on the head. The stretch burned, but it wasn’t actually painful. Gaara had made sure she was far too wet and aroused to experience anything more than a mild discomfort.
And even that discomfort was more arousing than anything. That burn made her salivate and moan as she impaled herself on his cock.
“Ah-! Y-You feel so good. Oh my… ah! Please.”
Gaara was mumbling incoherent pleas as he watched his cock disappear inside of his SO. He had never felt anything that could compare to those wet, hot, velvety walls grasping his cock so tightly. Hands holding onto his SO’s thighs for dear life he tried to focus on his breathing to keep himself from coming on the spot.
His SO wasn’t fairing much better. Hands laid on his pecs for support she breathed fast, trying to adjust to his cock carving a path within her. He was barely halfway inside of her and she was already overwhelmed. A tear spilled from her eyes as she soldiered on and took another inch of him.
Her stomach churned slightly. She had never felt so full in her lie before. But still it wasn’t enough. She wanted more. She wanted all of it.
Gaara, despite his own struggles, noticed the droplet fall on his chest and that made the fog of pleasure dissipate enough for him to focus on his SO’s face. When he saw how rapidly she was breathing and how teary her eyes were his heart broke. I’m hurting her.
Immediately he sat up and moved his hands to her hips and lift her from him until only his tip was inside of her.
His sudden movements startled his SO, and when she looked at his eyes, she was speechless at finding him staring at her seriously, almost sorrowfully. “Gaara? What’s wrong?”
Gaara shook his head. “I told you: I don’t want to hurt you. If you don’t like this I-”
“I love this!” She protested, cupping Gaara’s face with both hands. “I love you, and I want this. I want this more than anything.”
“But… You’re crying?”
She blushed, but did not move her gaze from his. “I won’t lie… it’s overwhelming. You’re pretty big-” Gaara chocked and blushed at her words. “-but it’s not actually painful. It burns a little, but in a pleasant way.”
“Gaara, believe me when I say this: I want you. I want all of you.”
Gaara almost came with those words alone. His arms wrapped around his SO, pulling her body flush to his as he kissed her with everything he had.
Noticing he had finally relaxed, his SO lowered herself on him again. Both gasped into the kiss, equally overwhelmed by their union.
She went as slowly as she had before, careful as she took him inch by delicious inch, until the back of her thighs were flush against his.
“You’re inside me.” She breathed out against him, voice trembling. “Gaara, you… ah! you feel so good.”
Gaara moaned his response, burying his face on the crook of her neck as he held her tightly against himself. He felt tears in his eyes, feeling a sudden rush of emotions hit him hard. When she moved, gently undulating her hips against his, Gaara sobbed in pleasure. His SO noticed it and she held him tighter to herself, kissing his brow, cheeks and wherever she could reach.
“I love you.” Gaara spoke into her ear, delirious with pleasure and something more. “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
It didn’t take long for Gaara to come, and for a moment he was mortified. He feared he had disappointed his SO.
But she assured him it was fine. More than fine, it was perfect.
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psychewithwings · 4 years
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Naruto is def the kinda guy who would support and protect you, but what about doing it for him in an unexpected way? (Almost titled this ‘Punching Sakura’ but anyways) (PS gets a lil saucy towards the end... *teehee*)
It was a gorgeous day, and you haven’t seen the sun in hours. You were walking back from a medical ninjutsu studying session, brain fried and taking a short break before getting back to it. The scrolls in your hands felt heavier than they should have. You were a perfectly capable combat ninja but after losing a friend on a mission and due to your own incompetence with healing, you decided to go back to school for medical ninjutsu. You were about a month into the work  and learning quickly, so quickly that you were ahead of where most were during their first month. Tsunade had said that you were almost as fast a learner as she was. 
You’d stopped hanging out with friends and cut yourself off socially, blaming the work load, and there was truth to that. But you were overworking yourself, determined to return to the field with healing powers. You were consumed with guilt. You should have tried harder to save your comrade. Now every time you heard of another loss, you were blaming yourself. If you knew medical ninjutsu, you could be assigned to teams, no one would lose their father or mother or sibling or friend.  Most days you were motivated by this but today you felt like you were dragging. That’s why when Naruto ran smack into you from behind, it was all the more shocking.
You and the scrolls spilled to the ground face first. “Oh man! I’m so so sorry, are you okay?” Naruto extended his hand to help you up off the ground. He had been gone on a mission for the last 3 weeks, you’d hardly noticed being so wrapped up in your work. As he stared down at you, that goofy grin on his face, you’d realized how much you missed him. “I-I’m okay,” you assured him as you took his hand. He pulled you up rather quickly and you tripped slightly against his pull. “I was in such a rush I didn’t even see ya until you were an inch away from  my face,” he laughed loudly, “shoulda looked where I was going I guess.” He laughed and scratched the back of his neck as his face turned red in embarrassment. “Oh no, don’t worry about it; accidents happen,” you smiled before bending down to collect your scrolls. “Oh, here-” Naruto interjected and helped you pick them up. “Aren’t you in a rush?” you asked. He stood holding the majority of your scrolls for you. This shining man who’d saved the village so many times, was such a dork, and you had such a thing for him. “Yeah, but it’s alright, we’re going the same way so lemme carry these for ya! Ya know, as an I’m sorry for knocking ya over... heh” 
You accepted his offer and started to walk towards your apartment building. “So hows the medical training going? It’s so cool you decided to do that ya know,” he beamed at you. “It’s hard work but going okay I guess,” you responded. “Ya know, you haven’t seemed yourself... and I just want you to know... about what happened... your comrade... that it wasn’t your fault okay?” Your eyes started to tear up, you’d been blaming yourself for so long. He reached for your shoulder and dropped two of the scrolls, he looked down at them for a split second but looked back to you. There was an urgency to his gaze. “Listen, I’ve blamed myself for the death of my comrades too, but I had to learn that blaming myself wasn’t going to help me save anyone else... and you’re working to be able to save so many people.” He brushed his free hand through his hair awkwardly, “I’m not sure if that helps, it’s just hard to watch you beat yourself up and I-” You wrapped your arms around him and laid your head against his chest. You were choking back tears, “thank you Naruto... I-I really needed to hear that.” His free arm encircled you and he affirmed, “it’s hard right now but it will get better...” While you couldn’t see him, your face buried in his shirt, you could hear the smile in his voice, “and you’re a good person.” 
His words made your heart race and your skin tingle... this dopey hero thought you were a good person. You pulled away and wiped the tears that had started to spill. “Means a lot,” you managed and looked into his shining blue eyes.  He blushed and stretched his arm behind his head, “I mean- I’m just sayin the truth heh heh.” A silence fell between the two of you, but it was welcome. You were taking in the kindness he was giving and he was watching the light return to your eyes. He seemed relieved, and it was comforting to know that someone cared for you. “So hey, after you study, would you maybe... I dunno, uh wanna go for some ramen?” He grinned up at you and you smiled back, you opened your mouth to say something but you were interrupted.
“NARUTOOO!!!!!!” you looked to your left just in time to see the hook. Sakura clocked Naruto, knocking him to the ground. The rest of the scrolls that were still in his grip, spilled and rolled around where he lay in the dirt. “We were supposed to report to Lord Kakashi twenty minutes ago!” He collected himself, brushing the dust from his clothes, a small cut now visible on his cheek. “I know, I was just-” “I don’t care! Your duty is to your team and your Hokage! ...” Sakura continued spewing her insults and criticisms as Naruto began to pick up your scrolls once more. Something came over you then, you’d never liked how Sakura treated Naruto... she was so mean to him. Always yelling and hitting him, and he was nothing but sweet and caring to everyone that crossed his path. You weren’t proud of it... well maybe a little, but in that moment watching him just take the hit, you’d had enough. “HEY!” you yelled, right before you punched Sakura. Your fist made contact with the soft of her cheek and she yelped in surprise before she stumbled backwards. You hadn’t hit her nearly as hard as you wanted to, it was a warning punch more than anything. “Ohmygod,” Naruto breathed before turning to you with worry on his face, “what’d you hit Sakura for?” You turned to him, anger burning in your eyes. “Because she hit you!” 
Naruto still seemed puzzled but now you had an angry Sakura to deal with. “Why you-” you caught her first fist, then blocked the second, holding onto her arm. “Listen, I probably shouldn’t have decked you one, two wrongs don’t make a right, but I think you owe Naruto an apology for doing it to him LITERALLY ALL THE TIME!” you let go of her arms as they softened with the realization. “He was just helping me carry these back to my apartment, jeez,” you gestured to the scrolls that Naruto was holding once again, upright but looking a little disheveled. Sakura muttered some sort of apology then explained she would go to Kakashi herself. She ran off in an embarrassed huff. You looked to Naruto, “you didn’t have to do that,” he said. He seemed upset... or even disappointed in you. “All I know is that if you saw one of my “friends” treating me that way, you probably would have done the same.”  He didn’t say anything, for the second time that day, he had no arguments. 
Naruto followed you to your apartment and dropped the scrolls on your kitchen table. “So... uh-” he started but the clotting blood on his cheek was distracting. “Hang on, sit down,” you gestured to the chair he was standing in front of. “Oh, uh alright, heh” he laughed awkwardly and took a seat. “Let me fix that for you hmm?” You placed your hand over the cut and practiced what you’d been studying so hard for. “Hey, uh, thanks for standing up for me... not many people have done that.” You smiled as he tilted his head into your hand, “of course I’ll stand up for you,” you assured. The cut slowly began to heal and the bruise began to fade. A moment passed and he seemed to be healed. You brushed your finger tips along the new, smooth skin. “Does that hurt?” “No,” he murmured and brought his hand up over your own, pressing it against his face. You cupped his chin and brushed your thumb over his lip. He kissed your thumb softly, testing the waters. You leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. He pulled you into his lap, carefully situating you where he had a good grip on your waist and the back of your neck. He deepened the kiss, teasing the entrance of your mouth with his tongue. You parted your lips, giving him access to explore. He pulled you closer, enveloping you in his warmth. He kissed you as if it were going to be the last kiss he’d ever experience. There was urgency and passion but such a gentleness. For a dope, he was a very good kisser. He pulled away, and tenderly placed one more kiss to your lips. You sat back, still snug on his lap. You brushed your hand over his cheek where the cut had been. Then looked in his eyes and sighed with contentment.  
He blushed and laughed nervously, “heh heh, ummm, whattya starin’ at?” You brushed your hand down his face, down his neck, and rested it sweetly on his shoulder. “Do you want to get ramen now?” you asked gently. His face lit up, “yeah sure! I- umm can we call this a date then?” he asked. You looked at his sparkling blue eyes and smiled, “of course we can.” 
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