#Horalo AU Moonjumper
cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
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You. You. You are alive.
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cosmoknightchaos · 2 months
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A collection of Horalo sketches + requests from friends
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cosmoknightchaos · 10 months
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This took me five hours. Click for higher quality
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cosmoknightchaos · 4 months
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Bow to your king.
Version with less effects below the cut!
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cosmoknightchaos · 3 months
I spot another OC ask, which means I’m obligated to ask you.
This is what I am here for, this is my Job.
6 or 10 for KMJ.
Also if possible 2 for Timmy
Noot I have a tag on my blog specifically for these things. You can go through that anytime. Or just ask me questions. Please I am desperate to talk about my characters
6. What is something they are absolutely hopeless at doing? Why?
King is hopeless at escapeing the Horizon. Haha fucking gottem
In seriousness, I. Uh. I don't know. King does very little besides scheme, fight with Sky, and fix his window.
Which I guess does answer the question? King is hopelessly obsessed with trying to escape the Horizon, to the point where he kind of forgets how to exist otherwise. Bro is not good at being a person with hobbies.
10. Where is your OC’s favorite place? Like if they were having a bad day, where would they run off to?
King Moonjumper hates most of the Horizon. For obvious reasons. He is so tired of being in there, and just hates seeing it with a passion. Because of this, he spends most of his time in his palace, which, if he tries hard enough, he can pretend isn't in the Horizon. It is slightly better than the rest of the Horizon is.
This may or may not be brought up in the book (I haven't decided yet lmao), but King has a small room attached to the throne room that's his personal room. What little personal items King has are in there, along with anything he's decided has emotional value from the Horizon- and, within RTTH canon, all of the gifts from Jinx. There's also places for his mask, katana, cape, jacket, etc., whether it be counterspace or a hanger or whatever. His signature red strings and stars line the ceiling, but it's a lot messier than the rest of the palace's ceiling decor is. I like to imagine that a lot of the magic-made decorations in his room are accidental.
Since it's his personal room, it's his comfort space. It's the one spot where King allows himself to be emotional, and there have been many a mental breakdown in that room. Believe me.
2. What do they think is their best feature? This can be both physical or personality wise.
Gonna be honest I have not made Timmy Hau an OC yet. He is one of two the only character I don't consider to be an OC. I should fix that.
Physicality-wise, I don't think Timmy has very strong opinions on how he looks. He's not the most comfortable with his looks, but he's a teenager and you don't really know how to look at that age. However I do have to mention that I fucking love his hair and it is so much fun to draw. Goofy-ass long icecream scoop hair <3
As for personality/things Timmy actually likes about himself, let's start pre-Horizon. No spoilers, don't worry :)
Timmy definitely likes that he has a small presence. Not meaning his height (though he doesn't mind his short stature that much), but the fact that Timmy is very sneaky. People just tend to not notice him, so he can get away with a lot. He's really good at getting places he shouldn't be.
And speaking of places he shouldn't be, let's talk about the Horizon! Timmy's view on himself changes a lot during his stay in the Horizon, and although he still appreciates his high level of stealth, there's... not really much to sneak around to. Or people to notice him. So, changing it up completely, Timmy starts to really like his natural skill at dramatic entrances. He uses his naturally small presence to sneak up on someone, then announces himself and immediately hams it up for the bit. And he's good at it. Especially when he adds a touch of his telekinesis for special effect.
Like. Look at this. He's so good at entrances. Timmy has the One liner/reveal (he's standing behind the protagonist) formula down to a T.
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He balances over-the-top, dramatic lines and acting with just being a silly guy so well. You can tell he's playing up his appearances for funsies.
(Heads up: The following screenshots are from the currently unreleased Act 3 of WTSS! Context has been edited out, so there's no real spoilers, but I wanted to mention it just in case.)
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These screenshots are not only within the same conversation, but appear two lines away from each other. Timmy is so good at being silly and serious at the same time and it is, not just his favourite thing about himself, but my favourite thing about writing him.
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cosmoknightchaos · 2 months
Hi:) for the ask game 1 and kmj i wanna throw a brick at him and throw eggs at his castle
Oh goodness. Would I hit King Moonjumper, a character I know and love, who I have a deep emotional connection to, who is one of my favourite villainous characters I've written, who shares so many of my mannerisms and I've projected a lot on to, with a brick? Man. This is a real tough decision, I have no idea-
Bitch is getting bricked ON SIGHT. DO YOU HEAR ME. ON SIGHT
He is getting bricked and he fucking deserves it. Now, would I recommend anyone else do that? Absolutely not. He WILL kill you for it. No matter how long it takes. You are marked for death the moment the brick makes contact. And honestly, he would kill you just for attempting to brick him.
However that's a risk I'm willing to take
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cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
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Who allowed McMoonsprite to be fancy
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cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
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Local entity of the void takes down the monarchy 2023 colorized
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cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
Shoutouts to characters who were previously kind or empathetic or nice who have a tragic premature death/death-like event yet somehow still survive but can never go back to how things were before and slowly start to corrupt, losing who they were and twisting into a shadow of what once was
Gotta be one of my favorite genders
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cosmoknightchaos · 11 months
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Incorrect Quotes feat. The MoonGoons
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cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
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I've decided I'm not going to post anything coherent about this story
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cosmoknightchaos · 3 months
Pretend I asked anonymously, it would be funny.
🚨(siren) for Ets (:
🧣(scarf) Professor sonemeir (I need to know more about them)
🍒(cherries) for King Moonjumper (I beg of you)
Who the fuck are you (joking)
🚨(Siren): What’s your character’s relationship with the law? Have they ever been arrested? What for? What are their opinions on law enforcement?
This is the funniest fucking thing you could have picked for Etc holy shit
So I presume you mean AHIT Entropy, which in that case he makes the laws and therefore is above them. The closest thing he has to a law he has to abide by is the agreement with King Moonjumper for the two to stay out of each other's business, which Etc will very gladly follow because they cannot stand interacting.
But I do want to talk about OC Entropy too because it's much funnier. As a god masquerading as a human, ET has to follow a good amount of the laws. He can't run his coffee shop if he's in jail, after all. But as a shapeshifter, he really can do fuckall with the laws. Using various other forms, ET has done everything from minor misdemeanors to full felonies multiple times across multiple timelines. Nowadays, most of the crimes he commits are for shits and giggles and he draws the line at offenses that would harm another person (murder, assault, so on), but as long as no one else is intentionally harmed then he has done it!
Though he doesn't do it much anymore, ET's also violated the Geneva Convention multiple times, via inhumane treatment and torture, biological experimentation, and serious injury under unlawful and unjust means to innocents. After all, who can punish him?
🧣(Scarf): What comforts your oc? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how any why does it comfort them?
Vince definitely struggles with finding things to comfort him. Unfortunately, time and time again, the things he love tend to have something go wrong and then he associates the bad memories with it. It's like being introduced to a song by someone you were close to who broke your heart and now you can't enjoy the song anymore because all you think of is that.
Despite that, one of Sonemeir's big things is finding joy in the simple. Intentionally ironic for a man who's been involved in groundbreaking technological advances his whole career. I have few scenes of this story planned out in my head, but one in particular is between Paisley and Sonemeir and it's one of their first bonding moments. He's repairing them after some sort of intense situation, and the two are mostly quiet, interrupting the silence now and then with small comments and apologies. I think this moment is the first time in a while where Vince doesn't feel like a piece of shit. He has a pretty strong hatred of anything related to the Creator Models (which Paisley is a prototype of) and has a lot of bad memories attached to working on them, but for once, he doesn't mind this. And he's not sure why this is different, but something about working on one of his projects, completely disconnected from his career, knowing that once he's done he won't have his work taken away and repurposed... it's nice. It brings him a sense of comfort he hasn't felt in ages.
Any sort of tinkering from then onwards is a comfort to Vince. It's something he's familiar with, and it feels good to work on whatever. He builds random-ass shit with no purpose and it's great because it doesn't have to have a purpose. It's just for the heck of it. It's just because he likes it.
I also think he has some leftover trinkets from before Evan died that he hasn't gotten rid of. A lot of things related to Evan's death are touchy for him, and he's tried his best to erase Evan out of his life as a coping mechanism, but Vince has held on to a few things. They still bring him a feeling of comfort, especially after he gets kidnapped loses his job.
Actually, I think the real answer to this question is him losing his job. That's his greatest comfort. Because it's only then when he remembers that the world isn't that bad and that he can do things for himself.
🍒(Cherries): Does your character have a best friend? How long have they known each other? What do they like most about each other? How did they meet?
Noot you have no idea how happy I was to get asked about King Moonjumper on an OC Ask Game. An OC ASK GAME. Omg. You have made my whole-ass night with this.
I barely talk about them within the context of Horalo AU, but I do think Moonjumper and Tranquility are good friends. At least, they get along much better than Moonjumper and Entropy do. TQ is absolutely fascinated by King (in a sopping wet pathetic meow meow sort of way) and King is just glad to have someone in the Horizon he can have a genuine friendship with. They very rarely spend time together, but when they do, they do get along.
I hesitate to say Timmy as well because he and Moonjumper don't have the best relationship, but they are certainly something. Despite it only being a 9-year age gap (which is so fucking funny to think about), Moonjumper sees Timmy as a baby and would determinedly avoid using the word "friend" because he'd think they have too big of an age gap. I think the two really do get along best as a boss/right-hand man relationship (dare I say mentor/student, which is their relationship in Coffee Shop), but Timmy wouldn't hesitate to call King his friend. And King is certainly grateful for the company.
Okay now for the actual answers
First and foremost, cheesy as fuck answer, but I really do believe King Moonjumper would consider his best friends to be his siblings. They mean the world to him and he loves them so so much that he's willing to risk everything in order to get back to them. Too bad they are fucking dead.
As for pre-Horizon, once again, Juno considers his siblings to be his closest friends. I don't think he was very close to anyone else, since time magic was fairly distrusted and he wanted to make sure himself and his siblings stayed safe, but he definitely had friends. I mean, he was a guy in his twenties once and he certainly acted that way. He knew folks, he knew folks (I have a running bit between myself and myself only of "King Moonjumper's Ex-girlfriend", which I've been sneaking into a lot of non-WTSS Horalo content, including in Rp6), and he had friends besides his siblings. Unfortunately that is not a part of him we ever get to see, so I don't have much of it developed.
I'd like to imagine that he was, at some point, friends with Cirsten Novaue, the woman who would eventually become Audun Horalo's wife. I don't know if he met her before or during her dating Audun, but I know they were fairly close. I really like the idea of Audun meeting her through Juno, but who knows. I just think it's funny that Juno's such good friends with the original concept for Sky's character lmao
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cosmoknightchaos · 4 months
25 for any character I wanna read your ramblings
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25. What is your favourite thing about your OC?
Wow. Dill asking a non-angsty question from an angsty OC ask? That's crazy man
Below are 29 OCs that I'm currently using enough to have favourite bits about them. Enjoy
A Hat in Time OCs
Horalo AU Skyscreamer: Baby girl. Favourite thing about her would probably be the fine line I have to walk between being a kind, caring woman and a motherly figure while writing her. Sky is supposed to be the cool older sister and it's a lot of fun to portray that in writing! The Flower Man: His dialogue. I fucking LOVE how this man speaks and it is so much fun to write. Also taking his lore out of context. He canonically has the most rizz out of anyone in the Horizon and it is my favourite fact about him. King Moonjumper: His personality specifically in the currently unreleased Act7. He likes playing himself up, seeming like a big threat, and then the moment something doesn't go his way he has a meltdown. He's so silley.
Wanderer AU Ester: I have a scene from the ending of Wanderer doodled out where Ester and MJ are standing in the frozen remains of Subcon and they are holding hands. It's just something about her being a scared, sassy, almost insignificant child, especially when put up next to characters like Graves or Snatcher who are much more lore-relevant, and yet she stays MJ's closest companion and most trusted friend throughout the entire story. Gravedigger: Absolutely anything that can draw more parallels between her and Gleb, the character she takes the role of. Mourner/Cathrine: Saying my favourite part of her character is that she gets my favourite song from Anastasia feels like cheating, but it's definitely up there. Probably her loyalty. She is, above all, loyal to her homeland, and refuses to let that part of her go after the freeze. She's one of the few characters not really running away from her past, but instead slowly coming to terms with it. Count Adrianne: He's a perfect example of a complex character who seems very simple on the outside and I love him for it. Either that or his relationship with Snatcher. They bicker like siblings because they were both older siblings before dying and are projecting on to each other and it's very silly.
Misc. Anya: Ouuugh. That's a hard one. Favourite bit about them is probably their coping mechanisms. They are so good at taking things at face value, accepting them, and then watching everything else devolve into chaos around them like a sitcom without doing anything to help. They speedrun the 5 stages of grief just so they can make fun of everyone else and completely fuck themself over in the process because they don't actually learn how to cope Kaizo: He's a whore what else can I say
Hollow Knight OCs (The Religious Trauma Squad)
Gospel: Her lore! She's so fucked up <3 Edge: One of the big things about RTS is that the main three characters go through very similar character arcs, but they're all in different stages of it. We first meet Edge at the end of his character arc, where he's already decided that most gods are assholes and he doesn't owe his devotion to anyone. Then, during the rest of the story, he gets to watch two other people experience similar events, and it forces him to help them because he doesn't want the to go through the same things he did. It's just a fun dynamic of him already knowing who he is and his heritage and being comfortable with that, and now helping others learn the same thing. Marion: His absolute and total devotion to the troupe during his time in it, and his relationship with Gospel after he gets kicked out.
Jenny: She (in a way) dismantles the idea of a "Chosen One" hero and I think that's pretty neat. Morgan: She's just silly. Couldn't tell you why, I just really like her. Myo: They are a BITCH. Lying little bastard and I love them for it. They would murder someone, turn around, and go "I'm just a little guy it's my birthday you wouldn't punish a little guy on his birthday would you" and it would work. And, as the actual "Chosen One" of the story, it's fun to see them go over the edge trying to be the special main character.
Project Scepsis OS
Paisley: They don't let their past traumas and experiences define who they are and I think that's really neat! Marci: It's practically a self-insert and those characters will always be special to me. Also, it's just a blob. What's not to love? The actual answer is its story arc where it nearly kills Sonemeir on accident and traumatizes them both for life Kat: Her species as a concept. The idea of a shapeshifter who has to eat something to shift into it is fascinating to me. Prof. Sonemeir: He is so fucked up in so many ways. Dude has been through the horrors(TM). His entire character deals with the idea of legacies and how what you create will last longer than you will, which is really funny because he hates everything he's created and it will haunt him for the rest of his life. And also that aforementioned arc with Marci Creator: His character design. He is very fun to draw :)
ET's Coffee Shop
Phoebe: She is the best example of "some normal dude who got wrapped up in everyone else's shenanigans" and I think that's very funny. Also the fact that she is destined to kill her entire family. There is no escaping fate around here Altalune: Oh my GODDDD I am INSANE about this man. Definitive favourite thing is his character design, I fucking love his character design it is so good and so much fun to draw, but I have to shout out his relationship with ET because it's my favourite part of the entire story as a whole. Stopwatch: Everyone else in this story, including the two main antagonists, uses more traditional or magic-based weapons: Phoebe has daggers, Altalune and Tristen use swords and magic, ET has shapeshifting powers, stuff like that. Stopwatch, on the other hand, has a gun. Cirsten: She is too good for this world. So incredibly loving and caring of everyone at all times. Her and Audun are the best romantic relationship I've ever written and they make me so happy. Tristen Kannaroe: The way his name sounds. It just rolls off the tongue so nicely and it fits his character so well. And his character design. He looks exactly how he acts and I love it. Also, his couple hundred horrific "deaths" and the fact that he is immortal because Alta won't let him die. ET: I feel like I could say "character design" for every single Coffee Shop character and it would work. They're all so good. Anyways, ET's relationship with Alta and ET's death are my favourite bits. And also that he's kind of an allegory for neurodivergence. TQ: Character de- I step on a banana peel and comically fall down the nearest set of stairs. Seriously though. I have a bit running where all of the deity/god-like characters are drawn in a different style, and TQ's is lineless. They look so good in that style and I love drawing them. Personality-wise, I love how incredibly objective they are. They're so blunt and honest at all times, especially with Alta. It's really funny to see Alta try to justify his actions to TQ and them going "Okay but you did just level and entire city" Ayabe: Their backstory and their relationship with Stopwatch! Their magic is also cool as fuck. Crumpet: Yeah it's character design again
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