snakebusters · 3 years
A reclassification of the Rattlesnakes
Hoser, R. T. 2012. A reclassification of the Rattlesnakes; species formerly exclusively referred to the Genera Crotalus and Sistrurus and a division of the elapid genus Micrurus. Australasian Journal of herpetology 11:2-24. Published 8 April 2012. Full text at http://www.herp.net
ABSTRACT The genus Crotalus as referred to by most taxonomists up to now failed to properly distinguish relationships within the group commonly defined as “rattlesnakes”. This paper principally redefines the phylogenetic rattlesnakes at genus and subgenus levels, formally naming well-recognised species and species groups at genus level for the first time in a configuration never previously published. In contrast to all previous classifications of the rattlesnakes this paper subdivides them into 9 genera, for which names were previously available for a total of five. For the other four genera, they are formally defined, diagnosed and named for the first time. A further eight well-defined subgenera are also defined and named for the first time. The Coral Snake genus Micrurus Wagler 1824 sensu lato, consists of in excess of 70 species level taxa. Notwithstanding the conservative physical attributes of the genus as recognised, clear and obvious divisons warrant recognition at genus level. One new genus is named herein. In turn it is divided into three subgenera. Keywords: new taxa; snake; rattlesnake; taxonomy; Crotalus; Sistrurus; Micrurus; Piersonus; Cummingea; Hoserea; Matteoea; Caudisona; Aechmophrys; Uropsophus; Rattlewellsus; Edwardsus; Cottonus; Smythus; Pillotus; Sayersus; Mullinsus; Crutchfieldus; Hoserelapidea; Troianous; Binghamus.
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reptilemanaustralia · 2 years
Another few hundred more genus names by Reptile man Raymond Hoser
Guystebbinsus Hoser, 2012 594. Hadronyche (Wongaraneaus) Hoser, 2017 595. Harrigankukriae Hoser, 2012 596. Hawkeswoodsaurus (Nussbaumsaurus) Hoser, 2013 597. Hawkeswoodsaurus (Raselimananasaurus) Hoser, 2013 598. Hawkeswoodsaurus (Raxworthysaurus) Hoser, 2013 599. Hawkeswoodsaurus Hoser, 2013 600. Hawkeswoodus Hoser, 2012 601. Hemiphyllodactylus (Ferehemiphyllodactylus) Hoser, 2019 602. Hopviridi Hoser, 2020 603. Hoseraspea Hoser, 2012 604. Hoserea Hoser, 2009 605. Hoserelapidea Hoser, 2012 606. Hoserkukriae Hoser, 2012 607. Hoserranae Hoser, 2020 608. Hugheskukri Hoser, 2012 609. Hulimkai Hoser, 2012 610. Hydrophis (Crottyhydrophis) Hoser, 2013 611. Incertanura Hoser, 2020 612. Infigo Hoser, 2021 613. Inlustanura Hoser, 2020 614. Innocuascincus Hoser, 2022 615. Isopachys (Paraisopachys) Hoser, 2020 616. Jackyhoserboa Hoser, 2013 617. Jackyhoserea Hoser, 2012 618. Jackyhosergecko (Solomoncolotes) Hoser, 2018 619. Jackyhosergecko Hoser, 2018 25 25 620. Jackyhoserhylea Hoser, 2020 621. Jackyhosernatrix Hoser, 2012 622. Jackyhosersaur Hoser, 2013 623. Jackyhoserscincea Hoser, 2015 624. Jackyindigoea Hoser, 2012 625. Jackypython Hoser, 2009 626. Jacobclarkus Hoser, 2012 627. Jockpaullus Hoser, 2012 628. Johnwilsontyphlops Hoser, 2012 629. Judywhybrowea Hoser, 2012 630. Kalahariacontias Hoser, 2015 631. Karimdaouesus Hoser, 2012 632. Katrinahoserea Hoser, 2012 633. Katrinahoserserpenea Hoser, 2012 634. Katrinahosertyphlops Hoser, 2012 635. Katrinahoserviperea Hoser, 2013 636. Katrinus Hoser, 2000 637. Kendslider Hoser, 2014 638. Kerryleewennigea Hoser, 2019 639. Kirnerea Hoser, 2012 640. Korniliostyphlops Hoser, 2014 641. Kottelatgekko (Tenuisalbavincula) Hoser, 2021 642. Kottelatgekko Hoser, 2021 643. Kraussus Hoser, 2012 644. Kuekus Hoser, 2013 645. Kullandergekko (Kullandergekko) Hoser, 2021 646. Kullandergekko Hoser, 2021 647. Kumanjayiwalkerus Hoser, 2020 648. Laidlawserpens Hoser, 2012 649. Laidlawtyphlops Hoser, 2012 650. Laidlawus Hoser, 2012 651. Lateratenebriscincus Hoser, 2019 652. Laurielevysaurus Hoser, 2014 653. Lautusdigituscolotes (Aurumgekko) Hoser, 2018 654. Lautusdigituscolotes (Glanduliscrusgekko) Hoser, 2018 655. Lautusdigituscolotes Hoser, 2018 656. Lazarusus Hoser, 2016 657. Lenhosertyphlops Hoser, 2012 658. Lenhoserus Hoser, 2000 659. Lepidodactylus (Borealiscolotes) Hoser, 2018 660. Leswilliamsus Hoser, 2012 661. Leucodigirana Hoser, 2020 662. Libertadictus (Adelynhosertyphlops) Hoser, 2013 663. Libertadictus (Bennetttyphlops) Hoser, 2013 664. Libertadictus (Buckleytyphlops) Hoser, 2013 665. Libertadictus (Jackyhosertyphlops) Hoser, 2013 666. Libertadictus (Kerrtyphlops) Hoser, 2013 667. Libertadictus (Mantyphlops) Hoser, 2013 668. Libertadictus (Pattersontyphlops) Hoser, 2013 669. Libertadictus (Robinwitttyphlops) Hoser, 2013 670. Libertadictus (Sheatyphlops) Hoser, 2013 671. Libertadictus (Silvatyphlops) Hoser, 2013 672. Libertadictus (Slopptyphlops) Hoser, 2013 673. Libertadictus (Suewitttyphlops) Hoser, 2013 674. Lindholtsaurus Hoser, 2014 675. Lineascincus Hoser, 2022 676. Linguarosea Hoser, 2021 677. Liophidium (Mattborgus) Hoser, 2013 26 26 678. Liopholidophis (Chrisnewmanus) Hoser, 2013 679. Llewellynura (Microlitoria) Hoser, 2020 680. Longinidis Hoser, 2012 681. Lovelinaychelys Hoser, 2021 682. Lukefabaserpens Hoser, 2012 683. Lyalgekko (Macrolyalgekko) Hoser, 2021 684. Lyalgekko Hoser, 2021 685. Lycodon (Kotabilycodon) Hoser, 2014 686. Lycodon (Paralycodon) Hoser, 2014 687. Macmillanus Hoser, 2012 688. Maconchieus Hoser, 2012 689. Macphieus Hoser, 2012 690. Macropogonomys Hoser, 2020 691. Maculagekko Hoser, 2021 692. Maculatumetglobum Hoser, 2021 693. Magnaocellus Hoser, 2018 694. Magnumoculus Hoser, 2020 695. Malayocolotes (Titiwangsacolotes) Hoser, 2019 696. Malayocolotes Hoser, 2019 697. Manamendraarachchius Hoser, 2014 698. Mannixsaurus Hoser, 2018 699. Manserpens Hoser, 2013 700. Mariolisus Hoser, 2012 701. Marlenegecko (Marlenegecko) Hoser, 2017 702. Marlenegecko (Robwatsongecko) Hoser, 2017 703. Marlenegecko Hoser, 2017 704. Martinekchelys Hoser, 2021 705. Martinekcolotes Hoser, 2018 706. Martinekea Hoser, 2012 707. Martinwellstyphlops Hoser, 2012 708. Maryannmartinekea Hoser, 2017 709. Masonnicolasaurus Hoser, 2014 710. Matteoea Hoser, 2009 711. Maxhoseragama (Eksteinagama) Hoser, 2014 712. Maxhoseragama Hoser, 2014 713. Maxhoserboa Hoser, 2012 714. Maxhoserini Hoser, 2012 715. Maxhosersaurus Hoser, 2013 716. Maxhoserus Hoser, 2012 717. Maxhoservipera Hoser, 2012 718. Maxinehoserranae (Vegrandihyla) Hoser, 2020 719. Maxinehoserranae Hoser, 2020 720. Mcphieus Hoser, 2022 721. Melanoseps (Ebolaseps) Hoser, 2015 722. Melvillesaurea Hoser, 2015 723. Mesaspis (Rayplattsaurus) Hoser, 2014 724. Michaelnicholsus Hoser, 2012 725. Mitrolysis (Invisibiliaauris) Hoser, 2020 726. Mitrolysis (Paramitrolysis) Hoser, 2020 727. Mixophyes (Feremixophyes) Hoser, 2020 728. Mixophyes (Paramixophyes) Hoser, 2016 729. Mixophyes (Quasimixophyes) Hoser, 2020 730. Moechaeanura (Aspercutis) Hoser, 2020 731. Moechaeanura (Telaater) Hoser, 2020 732. Moechaeanura Hoser, 2020 733. Montivipera (Apexvipera) Hoser, 2016 734. Morotaigekko Hoser, 2021 735. Moseselfakharikukri Hoser, 2012 27 27 736. Mosestyphlops Hoser, 2012 737. Mosleyia (Amnisrana) Hoser, 2020 738. Mullinsus Hoser, 2009 739. Mulvanyus Hoser, 2012 740. Namazonurus (Atikaea) Hoser, 2013 741. Namazonurus (Slatterysaurus) Hoser, 2013 742. Nasuscuspis Hoser, 2020 743. Neilsimpsonus Hoser, 2012 744. Neilsonnemanus Hoser, 2012 745. Neoseps (Floridascincus) Hoser, 2015 746. Nephrurus (Nephrurus) Hoser, 2016 747. Nephrurus (Paranephrurus) Hoser, 2016 748. Nephrurus (Quazinephrurus) Hoser, 2016 749. Newmansaurus Hoser, 2014 750. Nigreosoculus Hoser, 2020 751. Nigricansalvum Hoser, 2021 752. Nindibamus Hoser, 2012 753. Ninkukri Hoser, 2012 754. Ninsaurus Hoser, 2013 755. Nintyphlops Hoser, 2012 756. Ninvipera Hoser, 2013 757. Nocivi Hoser, 2022 758. Notacalotes Hoser, 2014 759. Notactenophorus Hoser, 2015 760. Notanemoia Hoser, 2019 761. Notascelotes Hoser, 2015 762. Nothoserphus Brues, 1940 763. Novamyuchelys Hoser, 2018 764. Nyctimystes (Asperohyla) Hoser, 2020 765. Nyctimystes (Magnummanibus) Hoser, 2020 766. Obscuramacula Hoser, 2021 767. Obscuraskinkus (Sparsuskinkus) Hoser, 2022 768. Obscuraskinkus Hoser, 2022 769. Occultatahyla (Webpede) Hoser, 2020 770. Occultatahyla Hoser, 2020 771. Ocellatalbum Hoser, 2022 772. Odatria (Honlamus) Hoser, 2013 773. Odatria (Kimberleyvaranus) Hoser, 2013 774. Odatria (Pilbaravaranus) Hoser, 2013 775. Oedura (Fereoedura) Hoser, 2017 776. Oedurella (Graciledactylus) Hoser, 2017 777. Oedurella (Parvusdactylus) Hoser, 2017 778. Ornatanura Hoser, 2020 779. Ottobreus Hoser, 2012 780. Oxychelys Hoser, 2021 781. Oxycrocodylus Hoser, 2012 782. Oxygecko Hoser, 2016 783. Oxykukrius Hoser, 2012 784. Oxynatrix Hoser, 2012 785. Oxyphryne Hoser, 2020 786. Oxyreedus Hoser, 2012 787. Oxysaurus Hoser, 2013 788. Oxyscincus (Roseacaudatus) Hoser, 2015 789. Oxyscincus (Rubercollumus) Hoser, 2015 790. Oxyscincus Hoser, 2015 791. Oxyserpens (Jealousserpens) Hoser, 2013 792. Oxyserpens Hoser, 2013 793. Oxyslop Hoser, 2020
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