#Hospital Canteen Equipments
hytekfoodequipments · 4 months
This vegetable washing conveyor type suitable for food processing industry for washing & cleaning of root, leafy & soft vegetables, sea food and fruits. It cleans it thoroughly and remove the pesticide residue sticked to the surface of vegetables. The machine uses high pressure bubble wash along with pressure water jets for thorough cleaning.
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Updated: September 20, 2024
Reworked Character #2: Tarma Roving
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to underage drinking, crime, an unhealthy romance, death, and torture.
Real name: Tarmicle Ignacio Roving III
Alias: Mister Nice Buddy
Occupation: Captain of the P.F. Squad
Retirement plans: Open a motorcycle shop, develop reliable cybernetic prosthetics for hospital use, and start a family
Special skills: Proficiency in Slugs and heavy duty firearms, resource management, robotic engineering, weaponsmithing, and mechanics
Hobbies: Customising motorcycles while listening to alternative and metal rock music, drawing detailed blueprints for weaponry and vehicles, collecting action figures and scale models of military machines, looking for cool bugs and rocks, and camping
Likes: Beautiful women and men, hugging people he cares about, solitary journeys on his motorcycle, spending time in the great outdoors, and the toy version of SV-001 that his father gifted him on his 9th birthday
Dislikes: Social isolation, his frequent nosebleeds, shallow and rude people (such as Gimlet), feeling powerless when preventing his friends from getting injured, and insults that feed into his insecurities about his academic intelligence
Favourite food: Rice with fermented soybeans prepared with mustard, boiled eggs, and scallions
Sexuality: Sex-favourable, straight-leaning bisexual
Gender: Male
Age: 17 (in 2022), 23 (in 2028), 25 (in 2030), 27 (in 2032), 29 (in 2034), 36 (in 2041), 38 (in 2043), 39 (in 2044), and 42 (in 2047)
Blood type: AB+
Weight: 227 lbs. (102 kg)
Design: He’s a 5’ 11” (180.34 cm) Japanese endomorph of American and Mexican descent with a partial beer belly, rigid muscles, broad shoulders, and sienna skin. He has sunburst green-hazel eyes and fingernails that are painted a dull gold. He has plum brown hair with medium-length parted bangs, sideburns, a neatly trimmed goatee, and subtle curls. Like Marco, he bears nasty battle scars: badly burned flesh from the right side of his neck to the left deltoid; multiple lacerations crisscrossing his back, forearms, and thighs; his right ring finger is partially severed; a couple of bullet wounds are visible just below his left lumbar region; and a scar snakes down from the right side of his forehead to the middle of his left cheek.
His military gear consists of red-tinted sunglasses, a metal dog tag necklace with his name, a walnut brown T-shirt with ripped sleeves, rusty orange gloves, and a burgundy leather belt. He wears a saffron-yellow vest with four pockets, featuring an embroidered logo of the P.F. Squad on the back. He also wears citron army cargo pants tucked under burgundy paratrooper boots, a sheath for his combat knife, and a gun holster for a handgun he rarely uses. He once ripped the right knee of his cargo pants, but Fio mended it with a patch of butterscotch-hued fabric. His vest has two hidden strapped compartments to hold up to two firearms when needed, but one of the spots is often accompanied by a flame shot or two machine guns. The pockets of Tarma’s vest carry around an old cigarette box, a silver lighter, the key to his first customisable motorcycle, and a toy version of SV-001. 
Over his T-shirt, he dons a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) with a MultiCam pattern, which carries around his walkie-talkie and ammo for other firearms. His forearms are wrapped in dirty gauze, and he wears two dark brown bandoliers: one drapes over his left shoulder, holding sticks of dynamite, while the other wraps above his belt, holding bullets for his handgun. Tarma carries around a citron load-bearing backpack that contains camping equipment, tactical explosives, portable ammo boxes, a canteen full of water, mechanic tools, an enemy chaser, and a laser gun. He has three piercings: a gilded septum as well as a silvery vertical curved barbell and a ring adorning his left eyebrow. 
Tarma acquired a stolen katana called Murasame, renowned for its unique ability to self-cleanse its blackened steel blade, allowing it to remain razor-sharp. The katana features a distinctive wave-shaped hamon, a tangerine-hued handle wrapped in gilded cord, and a hexagonal silvery guard. The katana's crimson hardwood sheath features a golden straightened carp design, while the blade itself bears the Japanese inscription “血液洗浄” (Ketsueki Senjō), meaning "blood washing" in English, elegantly written on the right side.
His beloved motorcycle, built at just 15 years old, is a custom black and flame-coloured Harley-Davidson 42WLA. The bike's gas tank showcases a stunning design: an azure Japanese dragon wrapping around a bronze eagle with outstretched wings. He extensively modified his first motorcycle, integrating a missile-firing launcher between the handlebars and installing two 12.6mm calibre Vulcan cannons (similar to those found on the SV-001) towards the front. Additionally, he fitted a bulletproof carrier at the rear, coated in a durable silvery dark grey paint, which houses a shotgun and thirty corresponding shell holders.
Personality: He often pokes fun at the overly serious Marco, much to his annoyance, yet still holds him in the highest esteem as a heroic soldier. Whenever he's away from Marco and can't contact him, he starts to worry about his safety. But when Marco returns safe and sound, he's instantly relieved and overjoyed to see that he's okay. The idea of Marco going missing or dying an untimely death would leave him feeling deeply melancholic, empty, and lonely. As a flirtatious and affectionate individual, he frequently tries his luck with women and men who catch his eye, regardless of their faction affiliation. Although his advances often end in rejection, he doesn't let it discourage him and won't pursue them aggressively. Tarma views these rejections as minor setbacks and tends to avoid women and men who playfully tease or intimidate him.
He has very strong romantic feelings for Fio, but struggles to express them. He enjoys spending time with her, sharing stories about his day and telling jokes. However, he occasionally comes across as a bit awkward in her presence. Once he and Fio enter into a romantic relationship, he exudes greater confidence in his feelings for her, leading to a deepening of their emotional connection and a profound level of intimacy and supportiveness. He adores it when Fio showers him with kisses, praise, and loving compliments, and he happily returns the affection. He holds Marco dear as his queerplatonic partner, a bond that strengthens when Marco joins him and Fio in a polyamorous relationship. He feels at ease sharing his dorky side and vulnerable emotions with Fio and Marco, finding comfort and acceptance in their presence.
He's an assertive, loyal, clumsy, and fun-loving hothead with an adventurous spirit and a readiness to put up a good fight when necessary. He has a breezy and slightly sarcastic attitude, paired with a great imagination that shines when designing innovative weapons and vehicles. He’s emotionally intelligent, going to great lengths to ensure the happiness of his friends, comrades, and loved ones. Tarma has a great sense of humour, often cracking jokes that span various comedy genres to diffuse tension in most situations, but it can become annoying at times. He has a hearty appetite, which becomes particularly evident after completing gruelling missions involving intense combat. Due to his strong sense of justice, he’s a vigilante at heart with protective instincts. If someone he loves is harmed, he will stop at nothing to ensure they receive the justice they deserve, showing no mercy to those responsible.
However, beneath his nonchalant and optimistic facade, he struggles with insecurities about his intelligence and mental slowness. Despite his enjoyment of being lively and a tad mischievous, he can't shake the feeling that he's a nuisance. Whenever he feels like he's about to cry, he quickly runs off to find a hiding place, fearing that others will mock him for his sensitivity. Tarma will only cry in front of others when he's feeling completely overwhelmed and people are aggressively yelling at him. He genuinely cares about Eri and strives to treat her with kindness and respect. However, her tendency to socially withdraw from him, coupled with her constant belittling and physical confrontations, makes it challenging for him. Fortunately, Marco and Eri's team of Ptolemaic rebels frequently intervene to stop these confrontations. Due to Eri's animosity towards him, he harbours a deep-seated fear of her and tends to distance himself, particularly when she's intoxicated or near Fio.
Due to his mild ADHD, he often feels tired, which explains his quirky habit of nodding off in unexpected places. He's very patient, but sometimes his patience wears thin, and he snaps when he's feeling reasonably irritated. Although he isn't hesitant to assert himself respectfully when misunderstood, threatened or emotionally hurt, there are times when his approach comes across as rude and crass, leaving him feeling remorseful. He’s fiercely protective of his friends and comrades, willing to stand up to bullies and threats with a serious and intimidating demeanour.
However, his strong sense of loyalty can sometimes lead to physical confrontations when pushed beyond his limits. He's generally humble and becomes slightly flustered when praised for his work and being a good friend, but occasionally exhibits overconfidence in his tactical abilities and creative projects. He can be quite reckless on the battlefield and during stealth-oriented missions, which occasionally puts his friends in potentially perilous situations, yet he always manages to keep them safe and unharmed. He strongly opposes racism, fat shaming, and the stigma surrounding mental health issues, viewing them as dehumanising obstacles to equity and healthy relationships.
He's surprisingly gentle and exceptionally kind to children, going to great lengths to rescue them from harm, ensure their emotional well-being, and provide companionship. When sleeping, he snores loudly and often talks in his sleep, uttering fragmented sentences during his most terrifying nightmares and pleasant dreams. He likes to drink with his friends after a long mission, but he often gets wasted and becomes silly, jovial, overly affectionate, and short-tempered. He holds that morality is shaped by a combination of factors, including parental guidance, cultural influences, universal moral laws, and the capacity to establish ethical principles. In his view, the morality of an action is determined by the action itself, rather than its consequences. Interestingly, despite being a soldier, he’s a pacifist who believes that individuals can confront threats to peace, even if it requires compromising their personal morals. Furthermore, he sees life and death as fundamental opposites that are perpetually in conflict with each other.
Backstory: Tarmicle Ignacio Roving III was born on May 1, 2005 in Hokkaido, Japan. He was born into a large, diverse family. His father, Fabriclus Cristóbal Roving, is a distinguished Mexican-American military man. His mother, Koharu Nakabayashi, is a Japanese miniature painter. He has several older siblings: Ildefonso, a firefighter and his older half-brother; Milagrosa, the lead singer of an alternative rock band and his older half-sister; twins Daisuke, a biochemist, and Ryōsuke, a medical engineer, who are his older brothers; and Calpurne, a fighter jet pilot and his younger sister. Fabriclus named him after his great-great-great-grandfather, Tarmicle Ignacio Roving Jr., to keep his legacy alive. He often tells Tarma stories about the heroic actions of his namesake. He also likes to tell Tarma stories about his experiences in the military, often mentioning a man named Alessandro Germi and describing the wars he had fought in. Tarma can vaguely recall Fabriclus explaining that he almost retired after his first wife passed away from breast cancer, but officially retired after meeting his second wife, Koharu, and started a family with her.
He has a cousin named Achilles, who lives in Missouri, United States, and owns a motorcycle shop. Achilles is notable for his distinctive light orange pompadour, playing a significant role in sparking Tarma’s strong passion for motorcycles. In contrast, his father fostered his interest in tanks, fighter planes, and the great outdoors, while Milagrosa ignited his love for rock music.
At the age of 3, he met his childhood friend Tabomba when Tabomba's Filipino family moved in next door. Surprisingly, Tabomba sparked Tarma's interest in trains, as well as cool bugs and rocks. Although they rarely see each other nowadays due to Tabomba's work as a marine biologist, they make an effort to meet up whenever they're both off work and on vacation.
His family frequently travelled across Japan, the United States, and Mexico, especially during summer and winter breaks, to visit relatives, enjoy the outdoors, and have fun. During a trip to Hiroshima at the age of 7, he met a girl named Chizuko, who was wearing an olive green bandanna. They quickly became friends after building a sand castle and finding worms under a large rock at a local park near the orphanage where Chizuko was staying. Sadly, they couldn't spend much time together because Tarma's family had planned to stay in Hiroshima for only two weeks and wanted to explore every attraction the city had to offer. Fortunately for the two, his family returned to Hiroshima a few times, once during a summer break and again to care for a sick relative.
He was bullied a lot at school because of his mental slowness, hyperactivity, and perceived "annoying" nature, and for not fitting traditional Japanese physical standards. Like him, Tabomba faced both racial and size-based discrimination, but found unwavering support in Tarma, who cherished their friendship. To combat Tabomba's isolation, Tarma would often keep him company, whether completing homework and assignments together or spending time together after school. Their favourite activities included playing video games, visiting the park, and watching action and comedy movies. He had a couple of girlfriends and boyfriends in high school, but they didn't last very long. In high school, he started fighting back, engaging in fistfights and enduring street beatings as he struggled to cope with the constant bullying. He also began experimenting with building custom-made motorcycles as a way to initially impress those he was romantically interested in, and later found that it helped to calm his nerves.
Tragically, the bullying escalated to the point where Tarma felt overwhelmed and feared that reporting it to his teachers or parents would only create more problems and burden them further. So, he made the desperate decision to run away from home on his motorcycle, heading towards Hiroshima. Once there, he encountered Chizuko again, but she was different from the last time he met her. She was now the leader of a notorious street gang. Chizuko coaxed him into hanging out with her at their rundown hideout, where they drank beer and vodka stolen from a local alcohol shop. Tarma reluctantly agreed, but was thrilled to reunite with Chizuko after 8 years.
At the hideout, they caught up on each other's lives as Tarma had a couple of beers and Chizuko drank vodka from a bottle. Things took an unexpected turn when Chizuko got physically close to him, complimenting his appearance in a seductive manner. Their friendship evolved into a sexual relationship, which was Tarma's first. They spent many nights together, and he even participated in a few crimes with her, including theft and drug sales. Tarma would also start to develop a nicotine habit and, more positively, learn effective coping mechanisms and assertiveness skills to manage stress and stand up for himself.
At the hideout, they caught up on each other's lives as Tarma had a couple of beers and Chizuko drank vodka from a bottle. Things took an unexpected turn when Chizuko got physically close to him, complimenting his appearance in a seductive manner. Their friendship evolved into a sexual relationship, which was Tarma's first. They spent many nights together, and he even participated in a few crimes with her, including theft and drug sales.
However, their relationship was short-lived. Tarma ended things and returned home after discovering that Chizuko had been using him to fulfill her physical desires and distract herself from her trauma, while also advancing the interests of her gang. He would later reunite with Chizuko, now going by the name Eri, but she had become bitter, socially withdrawn, and aggressive, pushing him away.
After graduating from junior high school and enjoying the first week of his summer break, Tarma immediately enrolled in the Officers Academy of Special Tactics and Battle. In addition to his impressive engineering and mechanical skills, he achieved a notable feat at the age of 20 by rescuing President Marx, the CEO of a prominent defence contractor that supplies the Regular Army with weaponry, tanks, and other essential equipment. The Peregrine Falcons Squad took notice of this achievement and invited him to join the team, which he happily accepted. Here, he met and befriended a lonely Marco after discussing their interests, reminiscing about their childhoods, and enjoying a couple of beers together. During the Great Morden War, he learned that Marco, alongside Tequila, was selected for the counteroffensive against Morden and quickly volunteered to join him, wanting to support his best friend.
During the First Mission, Tarma, Marco, and other P.F. Squad members were ambushed by General Morden and his soldiers. They subjected everyone to rigorous torture, leaving them with lasting mental and physical scars. The Rebel soldiers and Allen O'Neil mercilessly taunted him, exploiting his sensitivity during the torture. Like Marco, Tarma was forced to witness the brutal slaughter and torture of his comrades and friends, which was emotionally painful to watch. However, he devised a clever escape plan by distracting the guards holding the key to his prison and appealing to their conscience. This unexpectedly worked, allowing him to overpower them, rescue Marco, and help his best friend thwart Morden's plans for world domination.
When escaping, he managed to acquire a mysterious katana that the Rebel Army stole during their invasion of Japan: the self-cleansing Murasame. Rumours suggest that the cleansing properties of Murasame may be attributed to the Martians or the advanced technology of the Tuatha Dé Danann. However, Tarma remains skeptical and dismisses such claims as mere speculation.
After the end of the fearsome battle against General Morden and the Rebel Army, he rose through the ranks to become Captain of the P.F. Squad. He played a key role in the suppression of the second coup, where he met Fio and Eri. Notably, he saved Marco from a tactical strike by the Rebel Army that could have been fatal, earning himself a reputation as a hero and the true linchpin of the P.F. Squad. Tarma's exceptional talent for building motorcycles, rivalling that of professionals, had led him to consider retirement. However, these plans have been put on hold due to the persistent and desperate pleas of his spineless superiors to continue his service in the military.
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gotham-ruaidh · 1 year
(new) haven - a 7x04 story
“Do you recognize anything here from your own time?”
Claire slowly sipped her stew. “Maybe if we were closer to the university. Frank took Brianna here quite often – he so enjoyed the Harvard and Yale football games, and it was always difficult for me to take time off from the hospital. But I remember the oldest section of the university was constructed well before the Revolution.”
Jamie fidgeted with the spoon beside his own untouched bowl of stew, watching the entrance to the tavern. “So the university still stands.”
“Yes – it’s considered one of the best in the country. The city grew, too. After the Revolution, New Haven became an important port for whaling ships. Lots of money. Then the United States industrialized and…well. Its fortunes still hadn’t turned by the time Bree came here on a solo trip, not too long before we came to Scotland and met Roger.”
The lieutenant they had gotten to know on the ship from Wilmington – a kind and excessively cheery fellow – ducked into the tavern, scanning the crowd.
“I could say something about you allowing our daughter to travel here alone,” Jamie whispered, eyes fixed in the lieutenant.
Claire smiled wistfully. “She was visiting a friend from high school. They ate white clam pizza.”
He turned to her, brow furrowed. “Peet-zuh?”
Jamie and Claire turned – and Lieutenant Hubbard sat himself at their table.
“So delightful to see you both without the ship heaving beneath us!”
Jamie pushed away his bowl of stew. “Eat this. My stomach still hasnae caught up to my legs being on land.”
The lieutenant heartily tucked in. “If you insist. I never much cared for tavern fare at home, but compared to the absolute slop on the ship…”
Jamie tensed. Beneath the table, Claire lay a comforting hand on his thigh.
“Tell me, Lieutenant – now that we’re here, do you think it really will be two weeks before we set out for Ticonderoga?”
“One week, two weeks, three weeks,” he shrugged, slurping the stew with gusto. “We need to re-supply, and wait for another company of men to join us from Georgia. Messengers can get their dispatches through, but with the roads as they are…”
Beneath the table, Jamie’s hand settled atop Claire’s. “There must be an apothecary here in New Haven. My wife will have need of medical supplies.”
Hubbard nodded. “Not too far away from the inn where we’ve been billeted. I suppose being an officer does have benefits every now and again. The rooms are a bit small, but it’s the last privacy I’ll have for a while. It’s two hundred miles – with all the men and animals and equipment, perhaps fifteen days?”
Claire twined their fingers together. “Sounds about right.”
Hubbard set down his spoon, wiping his mouth with the back of one sleeve. Surprised. “You’ve marched with an army before, mistress?”
Jamie squeezed her hand.
“I have. More than once.”
They waited –
“Well then. You won’t faint at the sight of blood. All the more reason to have you with us, even though you’re a woman.”
“She’s fixed me and my men more times than I can count.” Jamie’s voice was calm, but Claire felt anger in the grip of his hand. “There’s no one else I’d trust wi’ my life.”
Hubbard stood. “Good. Fraser – we’ve a council meeting to attend. The quartermaster is providing his report.”
Not caring one whit about Hubbard or any of the other men in the room, Jamie Fraser kissed his wife goodbye, long and proper.
“I’ll see you at the inn, Sassenach.”
She smiled, and bent to gather her basket as they both stood. “I’ll be waiting.”
“Well, I guess your appetite is back.”
Jamie swallowed another mouthful of bread, and cut a hunk of cheese with Claire’s knife. “Did you get greens for me to eat as well? I dinnae want the scurvy.”
Claire unscrewed the canteen and set it next to her husband on the small table. “Not tonight. But you’ll need to eat whatever I give you when we’re on the road. We don’t know what’s ahead.”
He picked up the canteen and sniffed. Face lighting up with joy.
She smiled. “The innkeeper’s wife. Her daughter suffered a nasty burn while cooking yesterday. I examined it and made her a poultice. And asked for a canteen of whisky as payment.”
He took a sip. “You’ve always been a canny one.” He held out the canteen to her. “Drink up now. I ken you want to.”
She smiled, taking the canteen from him, deliberately sliding her fingers over his. Watching him watch her take a sip.
He cut another hunk of cheese. “How much have you been thinking about Charles Stuart’s army these past few days?”
She took another sip of whisky. “Too much. I see their faces.”
“Aye, I do too. Though this army is much better supplied. And we know victory is sure.”
She rose and stepped around the table to stand in front of him. Without a word, he began undoing her laces.
“The French will come though this time, Jamie.” She untied his neck cloth.
“Aye, Hubbard was speaking today of it. Ships have come with gold, and men, and money.”
Her bodice fell to the ground. “A good thing you speak French so well. What about the other men?”
He stood and pulled her closer, hands warm on the bare skin of her chest. “Just one colonel at the council today. Perhaps some of the soldiers.”
He ducked down, leaving slow, open-mouthed kisses along her neck and clavicle. She shivered, pulled him closer with her left hand, her right hand undoing the laces of his breeches.
“Why do you taste so good?” he breathed.
“Maybe it’s the whisky,” she smiled, untucking his shirt, grazing her fingertips over the plane of his belly and the thick hair below.
He skimmed his nose up her jawline, meeting her lips in a searing kiss.
“It wasnae like this when you came back to me,” he gasped, cupping her breasts as she teased the root of him with her thumb. “Only – ”
“Only at the very beginning.” Her breath was short and shallow now, eyes closed, picturing him laughing above her in the heather. “When we couldn’t stop.”
He stole her breath in another kiss. “I cannae stop now, Claire. Are you willing?”
She pulled away. Met his shining eyes, surrounded by the lines and creases of joy and sorrow and so many incredible years together.
“S'il vous plait.”
He slid off her shift, and she pulled off his shirt. He stepped out of his breeches, and bent to pick her up. Her legs wrapped around him, and they crossed the room as they kissed and kissed and kissed.
“Je t’aime,” he breathed, setting her so gently on the bed she thought she might cry.
“Je t’aime,” she replied, over and over and over again.
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libragroup123 · 20 days
LIBRA INDUSTRIAL COMPONENTS, an ISO 9001:2015 approved company created a niche for itself in manufacturing of commercial kitchen equipments under the name and brand of “PRAGATI”. We are a leading engineering house into designing, fabricating and installation of Commercial Kitchen Equipments, Restaurant Appliances, Canteen Kitchen Equipments for Industrial Kitchens, Hotels, Bars, Restaurants, Clubs & Hospitals.
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srisaidentalcollege · 2 months
Discover Excellence in Dental Education at Sri Sai College of Dental Surgery and Hospital, Vikarabad
Sri Sai College of Dental Surgery and Hospital, located in Vikarabad, Telangana, is renowned for its comprehensive dental education and state-of-the-art facilities. Established with the mission of providing quality dental education and healthcare, the college offers both undergraduate (BDS) and postgraduate (MDS) programs.
Facilities and Infrastructure
The college campus spans 30 acres and is equipped with modern infrastructure, including:
Library: A well-stocked library with a vast collection of dental literature and journals.
Auditorium: An air-conditioned auditorium for seminars and events.
Dental Hospital: A fully functional dental hospital with 9 specialty departments and over 350 dental chairs.
General Hospital: A 100-bed general hospital to support oral surgery departments.
Hostels: Separate hostels for boys and girls with all necessary amenities.
Sports and Recreation: Facilities for sports and a gymnasium to promote physical fitness.
Canteen and Mess: Providing nutritious meals to students and staff.
Academic Programs
The college offers:
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS): A comprehensive 5-year program including an internship, focusing on all aspects of dental science.
Master of Dental Surgery (MDS): Specializations available in fields like Orthodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, Oral Surgery, and more.
Admission Process
Admission to the BDS and MDS programs is based on the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET). Candidates must qualify in NEET-UG for BDS and NEET-MDS for MDS admissions. The selection process also includes counseling sessions as per the guidelines set by the Dental Council of India and the respective state authorities.
Campus Life
SSCDS emphasizes holistic development and provides a vibrant campus life with numerous co-curricular activities, festivals, and events. The eco-friendly and serene campus environment supports both academic and personal growth.
The college boasts a high pass percentage in its academic results, with students achieving distinctions and accolades in various national conferences and competitions. The faculty is committed to maintaining high standards of education and continuously strives to enhance the learning experience for students.
For more detailed information, you can visit official website.
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arjaysingh · 2 months
Study MBBS in Russia: Join Bashkir State Medical University Now
Are you dreaming of becoming a doctor? Do you want to study in a country known for its high-quality education and affordable tuition fees? Look no further! Pursuing an MBBS in Russia at Bashkir State Medical University is the perfect choice for you. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about studying MBBS at Bashkir State Medical University.
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Why Choose MBBS in Russia?
Russia is a popular destination for international students who want to study medicine. Here are some reasons why:
High-Quality Education: Russian medical universities are known for their excellent teaching standards and advanced facilities.
Affordable Tuition Fees: Compared to other countries, the cost of studying MBBS in Russia is much lower.
Globally Recognized Degree: An MBBS degree from Russia is recognized by major medical councils worldwide, including the WHO, UNESCO, and MCI.
Diverse Culture: Studying in Russia gives you the chance to experience a rich and diverse culture.
No Entrance Exam: Unlike many other countries, you do not need to take an entrance exam to get admission to Russian medical universities.
About Bashkir State Medical University
Bashkir State Medical University (BSMU) is one of the leading medical universities in Russia. Established in 1932, BSMU has a rich history of providing high-quality medical education. Here’s why you should consider BSMU:
Experienced Faculty: The university boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced professors.
Modern Facilities: BSMU is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories and research centres.
Affordable Fees: The tuition fees at BSMU are quite reasonable, making it an attractive option for international students.
English Medium: BSMU offers MBBS courses in English, so you don’t have to worry about learning a new language.
Global Recognition: The degree from BSMU is recognized globally, opening doors to numerous career opportunities.
Admission Process
Getting admission to Bashkir State Medical University is straightforward. Here are the steps:
Eligibility: You need to have completed your 12th grade with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as your main subjects. A minimum of 50% marks is required.
Application: Fill out the application form available on the BSMU website and submit the necessary documents, including your academic certificates, passport copy, and passport-sized photographs.
Admission Letter: Once your application is reviewed, you will receive an admission letter from the university.
Visa: Apply for a student visa at the Russian embassy in your country with the admission letter and other required documents.
Travel: Book your tickets to Russia and inform the university about your arrival date.
Life at BSMU
Studying at Bashkir State Medical University is not just about academics; it’s also about experiencing a vibrant student life. Here’s what you can expect:
Hostels: BSMU provides comfortable and safe hostel accommodation for international students.
Food: The university canteens offer a variety of cuisines, including vegetarian and non-vegetarian options.
Sports and Recreation: There are numerous sports facilities and recreational activities available for students to unwind and stay fit.
Cultural Activities: Participate in various cultural events and festivals organised by the university, giving you a taste of Russian culture.
Student Support: The university has a dedicated international student support team to help you with any issues or queries.
Career Opportunities
An MBBS degree from Bashkir State Medical University opens up a world of opportunities. Here’s what you can do after graduation:
Practice Medicine: You can work as a doctor in hospitals and clinics around the world.
Further Studies: Pursue specialisation or postgraduate studies in your chosen field.
Research: Engage in medical research and contribute to the advancement of medical science.
Teaching: Join the academic field and become a professor or lecturer in medical universities.
Global Opportunities: With a globally recognized degree, you can work in different countries and explore diverse medical practices.
Choosing to study MBBS in Russia at Bashkir State Medical University is a decision that will set you on a path to a successful medical career. With its high-quality education, affordable fees, and excellent facilities, BSMU is the perfect place to achieve your dreams of becoming a doctor. Don’t wait any longer – take the first step towards your future today!
For more information and to start your application process, visit the official website of Bashkir State Medical University. Your journey to becoming a doctor begins here!
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mbbsblogsblog · 3 months
Discover MBBS Opportunities in Vietnam: Your Guide to Hanoi Medical University
 Dear Visitors, you are on the right page to find the best result of your online navigation.
Ria Oversea is committed to provide with you relevant information and all possible supports to join MBBS abroad.
This page contributes some necessary information about MBBS in Vietnam.  If wish to study MBBS in Vietnam, it is crucial to know about the medical universities in Vietnam. Your valuable time with the pages of our website offers you ample information about MBBS in Vietnam. This page particularly helps you to know about a reputed university in Vietnam that is Hanoi Medical University.
The Hanoi Medical University, Vietnamoffers numerous supports to the students to develop their skills and knowledge. It provides them modern research technology, well-equipped auditorium, modern lab, and study materials. The university also allows the students to participate in many extracurricular activities, provide service in the community, and develop their clinical skills. Counseling services are also available to help the students to deal with emotional and personal issues in the universities of Vietnam.  
.Departments & Course Duration at Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam
·         The six-year doctor of medicine course at Hanoi Medical University is comparable to the MBBS and includes a one-year internship.
·         Facilities and Infrastructure (College infrastructure, technology, hostels, housing, library, labs, canteen, sports, extracurricular activities, and so on)
The campus of Hanoi Medical University is located near the city's largest hospital, Bach Mai Hospital, on 1st Tonne That Tung Street, which is named for one of the university's principals. You may also easily visit several big hospitals, including the Vietnamese-German Hospital and the Vietnamese-French Hospital, among others.
The most prevalent type of accommodation is a room in a leased flat with shared utilities. Sharing a room with other students is a great way to avoid loneliness and build friendships. However, in addition to the usual charge, individuals who choose to stay in a private room must register and pay an extra $200-300 each month for lodging. It should be noted that cooking and cleaning will be your duty.
MBBS in Vietnam: Eligibility criteria for Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam
All applicants who wish to join in Hanoi Medical University's MBBS curriculum must meet the following requirements:
 To get admitted to any institution in Vietnam candidates must pass the NEET examination.
·        Your 10+2 grade point average must be at least 50% in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
·       You must be at least 17 years old and no older than 25 by December 31st of the admittance year.
Admission to Hanoi Medical University in Vietnam requires a letter of admission. Students can fill out applications online. Students must complete the application and send it to the university, together with all required papers and registration fees. Following that, the candidate will get a conditional admission letter from the institution.
Admission Letter:
After verifying the essential papers, the student will get an admission letter for the MBBS course from Hanoi Medical University. Attestation and Verification of Documents:
Students must provide originals to the institution. The student's study documents are then reviewed, translated, and notarized. The Education Vibe team will illustrate the procedure to you. Typically, the process lasts ten to fifteen days.
University provides pre- and post-departure services such as international SIM cards, hostel assignment, and foreign currency, as well as plane ticket sales. This concludes the process of making your trip destination a reality.
 For more information about MBBS in Vietnam explore the website.  
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nixstudyabroadd · 3 months
Studying MBBS at Northern State Medical University: A Guide for Indian Students
Choosing the right university for your medical studies is a crucial decision that can shape your future career. For Indian students seeking a high-quality, affordable education abroad, Northern State Medical University (NSMU) in Russia presents an excellent option. Located in Arkhangelsk, NSMU has a long history of academic excellence and offers a conducive environment for international students. This blog will provide comprehensive insights into studying MBBS at Northern State Medical University.
Why Choose Northern State Medical University?
Reputable Institution:
Established in 1932, NSMU is one of the leading medical universities in Russia.
The university is recognized by major global medical councils, including the Medical Council of India (MCI), World Health Organization (WHO), and other international medical boards.
Quality Education:
NSMU offers a robust curriculum designed to meet international standards.
The faculty consists of experienced professionals who provide students with a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
Affordable Tuition Fees:
Compared to private medical colleges in India and other countries, NSMU offers affordable tuition fees.
The cost of living in Arkhangelsk is also relatively low, making it an economical choice for Indian students.
English-Medium Programs:
The university offers MBBS programs in English, ensuring that Indian students do not face any language barriers in their studies.
State-of-the-Art Facilities:
NSMU is equipped with modern laboratories, libraries, and research facilities.
The university has a well-established hospital that provides students with ample clinical exposure.
Cultural Diversity and Student Support:
NSMU hosts students from various countries, creating a multicultural environment.
The university provides comprehensive support services to help international students adjust to their new environment.
Admission Requirements for Indian Students
Academic Qualifications:
Completion of higher secondary education (10+2) with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as main subjects.
A minimum aggregate score of 50% in these subjects is typically required.
Entrance Exams:
Unlike Indian medical colleges, NSMU does not require students to clear entrance exams like NEET for admission.
Admission is based on academic performance and a personal interview.
Valid passport
Birth certificate
Academic transcripts and certificates
Passport-sized photographs
Medical fitness certificate
Language Proficiency:
Proof of English proficiency (e.g., IELTS or TOEFL) may be required by some universities.
Application Process
Research and Shortlist Universities:
Research NSMU and ensure it meets your academic and personal preferences.
Prepare Documents:
Gather all the required documents and ensure they are correctly attested and translated (if necessary).
Apply Online:
Fill out the application form on the NSMU website and upload the necessary documents.
Receive Offer Letter:
Once your application is reviewed, you will receive an offer letter from the university if you meet the admission criteria.
Pay Tuition Fees:
Pay the required tuition fees to secure your admission.
Apply for Visa:
Apply for a student visa at the Russian Embassy or Consulate in India with the necessary documentation.
Prepare for Departure:
Book your flight tickets and make necessary arrangements for accommodation in Arkhangelsk.
Life at Northern State Medical University
NSMU provides comfortable and affordable hostel facilities for international students.
Hostels are equipped with necessary amenities to ensure a comfortable stay.
Food and Culture:
Indian students can find Indian food in the university canteen and nearby restaurants.
The university hosts various cultural events, allowing students to celebrate Indian festivals and traditions.
Extracurricular Activities:
NSMU encourages students to participate in sports, cultural events, and various student clubs.
These activities help in the overall development of students and provide a break from academic rigors.
Safety and Support:
Arkhangelsk is a safe city with a low crime rate.
The university offers support services to help international students with any issues they may face.
Northern State Medical University offers Indian students a fantastic opportunity to pursue their MBBS degree in a supportive and academically stimulating environment. With affordable tuition fees, English-medium programs, and a multicultural atmosphere, NSMU is an excellent choice for aspiring doctors. By choosing NSMU, you can embark on a rewarding medical career and gain valuable international experience.
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apurvasharma · 3 months
Life As An MBBS Student In Rajasthan: What To Expect
Embarking on the journey to becoming a doctor is exciting, and pursuing your MBBS in Rajasthan adds a unique flavor to the experience. Here's a glimpse into what you can expect as an MBBS student in this vibrant state.
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Academic Rigor And Daily Schedule
The MBBS curriculum in Rajasthan is demanding and rigorous. Classes typically start early, around 8 AM, and can go on till late afternoon. The initial years focus on pre-clinical subjects like Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry. As you progress, you'll dive into clinical subjects such as Medicine, Surgery, and Pediatrics. Be prepared for long hours of lectures, practicals, and self-study. Time management becomes crucial to balance the heavy academic load.
College Life And Campus Facilities
Rajasthan's medical colleges generally have good infrastructure, with well-equipped labs, libraries, and lecture halls. You'll find yourself spending significant time in the library, especially during exams. Most campuses offer hostels, sports facilities, and cafeterias, providing spaces to unwind and relax after a busy day. Participating in extracurricular activities and college events can also be a great way to balance academics with leisure.
Clinical Exposure
One of the highlights of pursuing MBBS in Rajasthan is the extensive clinical exposure. From the second year onwards, students begin clinical postings in affiliated hospitals, gaining first hand experience in patient care. Major cities like Jaipur, Jodhpur, and Udaipur have excellent hospitals where you can interact with patients and understand real-world medical conditions. This hands-on experience is invaluable and helps bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
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Cultural Experience
Rajasthan is known for its rich culture and history. As an MBBS student, you'll have the opportunity to explore the vibrant local culture during your free time. From the bustling markets of Jaipur to the serene lakes of Udaipur, there’s always something to see and do. Festivals like Diwali, Holi, and local fairs provide a colorful and immersive cultural experience that you'll cherish.
Social Life And Friendships
Building a network of friends and study groups is essential. You'll spend a lot of time with your batch mates, forming friendships that often turn into lifelong bonds. Engaging in college events, cultural fests, and sports meets can be a great way to socialize and create memorable experiences. These activities also provide a much-needed break from the intense study routine.
Challenges And Stress Management
The MBBS journey is not without its challenges. The pressure of exams, clinical postings, and the sheer volume of study material can be overwhelming. Developing good time management skills and finding healthy ways to cope with stress are crucial. Activities like yoga, meditation, or simply talking to a friend can help you maintain your mental well-being.
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Food And Accommodation
Hostel life is a significant part of the MBBS experience. Most colleges provide decent hostel facilities, though the quality can vary. Rajasthan's cuisine is diverse and delicious, but if you’re not used to spicy food, it might take some time to adjust. Thankfully, most campuses have canteens that cater to different tastes, ensuring you have a variety of food options.
Opportunities For Growth
Rajasthan offers various opportunities for medical students to grow. Workshops, seminars, and conferences are regularly held, allowing you to learn from experts and stay updated with the latest developments in the medical field. Participating in these events can significantly enhance your knowledge and skills.
Exploring The State
Make the most of your weekends and holidays to explore Rajasthan. Visit the forts of Jodhpur, the palaces of Jaipur, the sand dunes of Jaisalmer, and the wildlife sanctuaries. These experiences provide a refreshing break from your studies and enrich your time in the state.
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Life as an MBBS student in Rajasthan is a blend of rigorous academics, rich cultural experiences, and personal growth. Pursuing MBBS Admission In Rajasthan is a challenging journey, but with determination and the right support system, it’s incredibly rewarding. Embrace the experience, make the most of the opportunities, and enjoy the beautiful journey of becoming a doctor in Rajasthan.
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brandsdoors · 4 months
Bhutani Cyber Park: Ready to Move Office Spaces in Sector 62 Noida
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In the heart of Sector 62, Noida stands a beacon of modern commercial excellence: Bhutani Cyber Park is another unique architectural structure that plays the role of an informational technology park. Spread across Jakbs, this project is a perfect combination of co-working spaces, retail stores, and office spaces for sale intended for the new generation of startups and businesses, envisioned by the acclaimed Bhutani Infra. Stretched over a staggering 44,1000 square meters this business icon is not just a whole workplace but a universe teeming with opportunities for all-round growth, productivity, and development of a superlative workspace.
Prime Location and Connectivity
The Bhutani Cyber Park is located in Sector 62 which is one of the most dynamic and lively sectors in the region famous for its commercial elements and good accessibility. It is situated near the Noida Sector 62 Metro Station so for the employees as well as the clients, the travelling is easy. Hence, business hubs, residential areas, and pillars of requirement such as the Fortis Hospital or the Akshardham Temple Temple are easily accessible in the locality. Besides, the possession of land near the NE-3 which is also termed as the Delhi Meerut Expressway as well as Jewar International Airport is strategic more.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
The infrastructure provided in Bhutani Cyber Park is core to its ability to support a modern-day business organization. The project comprises 4 towers extending on 28,545 square meters of land where luxurious office spaces comprise a clubhouse facility, in addition to squash courts and also a Gymnasium. There are also facilities such as a 250–seat hall, banks with ATMs, multi-cuisine food courts, coffee shops besides a medical facility desk to ensure that the environment is fully conducive for work and play.
Since this is a green building reviewed by the LEED and certified at the Silver level, there are benefits of energy efficiency and sustainability implied in the form of lower operational costs than in a conventional building. This belief to adios the green building is a true testimony of Bhutani Infra commitment to offering environmentally friendly and meager commercial premises.
Investment Opportunities
The investment options provided by Bhutani Cyber Park are quite diverse so different companies may find something suitable for their needs and the budget they have. Tailored solutions which feature large commercial spaces starting at 88. 26 sq. It has diversified into customizable bare-shell office spaces that span over 47. 57 sq. Thus, based on the results, the configurations described above can be selected depending on the specifics of a particular venture. The areas for the retail outlets range from as small as 9 sq mtr, which are especially popular as they allow businesses new good exposure and a captive audience.
The startup spaces range from as small as 6 sqm which can be an economical and efficient solution for young business people and small companies. These are meant to facilitate a networking and ‘co-thinking’ culture in the working environment that’s appropriate for related professionals.
Amenities and Features
Several facilities make the Bhutani Cyber Park resources for the employees to improve their well-being and productivity standards. It has a well-equipped workout facility that has every possible facility that one would expect in a modern building, an eating area, and a canteen service that provides its patrons with a wide selection of available food items. The round-the-clock power supply is an advantage because it allows the company to be operational 24 hours a day while the Closed Circuit Television Camera security enhances security to ensure the safety of the employees in the company. Therefore, the medical desk as well as the travel concierge within the nursing staff also evokes the element of comfort for the employees and their overall well-being. BHUTNAI INFRA CYBER PARK SECTOR 62 NOIDA
The Developer: Bhutani Infra
It would be pertinent to mention here that Bhutani Infra has set a benchmark of quality in the real estate segment, particularly in NCR. Popular for having developed some of the most recognizable commercial projects, Bhutani Infra is a company that has numerous times delivered projects that are ultra-modern and built to the highest standards. The company focuses on supplying affordable and comfortable premises for various purposes such as commercial areas and offices to meet contemporary demand for effective organizing of the enterprise’s work.
Being an IT park that is well-planned and situated in sector 62, Noida, Bhutani cyber park is indeed a commercial complex that has a lot more to offer than merely office spaces: it is an investment domain for global businesses of the contemporary world that allows convenient and profitable growth. Indeed, Bhutani Cyber Park Ltd's business environment facilities which include a privileged location, modern enhanced infrastructural facilities, and environmentally conscious infrastructure make the park the perfect home for businesses. One, two, or three floors? An office for rent a commercial space or a co-working space, Bhutani Cyber Park has for you
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bharghaveuqipement · 4 months
Bhargav Equipment: Your Trusted Partner in Commercial Kitchen & Food Service Solutions
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Welcome to Bhargav Equipment, a leading name in the design, manufacturing, and supply of top-notch commercial kitchen and food service equipment in Mumbai. With an unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we cater to a diverse clientele including hotels, restaurants, hospitals, food courts, canteens, and cafeterias. Our mission is to provide innovative solutions that meet the highest standards of efficiency, durability, and hygiene.
Why Choose Bhargav Equipment?
Expertise in the Industry
With years of experience in the industry, Bhargav Equipment has established itself as a trusted partner for commercial kitchen solutions. Our extensive knowledge and expertise allow us to understand the unique needs of our clients and deliver customized solutions that exceed expectations.
Comprehensive Product Range
We offer a wide range of commercial kitchen and food service equipment to meet the varied requirements of our clients:
Commercial Kitchen Equipments: Our range includes everything from cooking ranges, ovens, and grills to fryers, mixers, and more. Commercial Kitchen Equipments. Each piece of equipment is designed for optimal performance and durability.
Sink Units and Kitchen Equipments: Hygienic and functional sink units are essential in any commercial kitchen. Sink unit and kitchen equipments. Our products are designed to facilitate easy cleaning and maintenance, ensuring a hygienic environment.
Commercial Refrigeration Equipments: Keeping food fresh and safe is paramount. Commercial Refrigeration Equipments.Our refrigeration solutions are designed for maximum efficiency and reliability, ensuring your ingredients stay fresh for longer.
Commercial Chapati Making Machine: Our state-of-the-art chapati making machines are perfect for establishments looking to produce large quantities of chapatis with consistent quality and minimal effort. Commercial Chapati Making Machine in Mumbai.
Tailored Solutions
At Bhargav Equipment, we understand that every client has unique needs. That's why we offer tailored solutions to ensure that our equipment fits perfectly into your kitchen space and meets your operational requirements. Our team works closely with you to design and manufacture equipment that aligns with your vision and goals.
Commitment to Quality
Quality is at the heart of everything we do. From the materials we use to the manufacturing processes we employ, every aspect of our operation is geared towards delivering products that stand the test of time. Our commitment to quality ensures that you receive equipment that not only performs exceptionally but also offers great value for money.
100% Customer Satisfaction
Our vision is to achieve 100% customer satisfaction at all times. We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients based on trust, reliability, and excellence. Our dedicated customer support team is always ready to assist you, ensuring that your experience with Bhargav Equipment is nothing short of exceptional.
Our Clients
We take pride in serving a diverse range of clients, including:
Hotels: Elevate your guests' dining experience with our high-quality kitchen equipment that ensures seamless food preparation and service.
Restaurants: Equip your restaurant kitchen with efficient and durable appliances that help you deliver delicious meals consistently.
Hospitals: Ensure the highest standards of hygiene and efficiency in your hospital kitchen with our reliable equipment.
Food Courts: Handle high-volume food preparation with ease using our robust and efficient kitchen solutions.
Canteens & Cafeterias: Optimize your canteen or cafeteria operations with our range of practical and durable kitchen equipment.
Contact Us
Are you ready to take your commercial kitchen to the next level? Contact Bhargav Equipment today to discuss your requirements and discover how we can help you achieve your goals.
Phone: [9967861805]
Address: [Ladiwala Compound, Durga Mandir Road, Khairane Road, Sakinaka Andheri East, Mumbai - 400072, Maharashtra, India]
Experience the Bhargav Equipment difference and join the many satisfied clients who trust us for their commercial kitchen needs. Let us help you create a kitchen that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Bhargav Equipment is your partner in achieving culinary excellence. From design and manufacturing to installation and support, we are here to make your kitchen dreams a reality.
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argroupofedu5 · 4 months
Pursue Your Medical Dreams: MBBS in Karnataka
Karnataka, a state in southern India, is famous for its educational institutions, particularly in the field of restorative sciences. Examining MBBS (Bachelor of Medication, Bachelor of Surgery) in Karnataka offers students a mix of high-quality education, experienced workforce, and fabulous framework. This direct gives nitty gritty insights into MBBS education in Karnataka, counting expenses, best medical colleges, admission processes, and more.
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MBBS Expenses in Karnataka
The expense structure for MBBS programs in Karnataka varies depending on the type of institution: government colleges, private colleges, or deemed colleges.
Government Colleges: Expenses are relatively low. Normally, yearly expenses run from INR 50,000 to INR 1,00,000 for state quota seats.
Private Colleges: Expenses are essentially higher. The yearly fees for MBBS in private colleges regularly extend from INR 6,00,000 to INR 12,00,000.
Deemed Colleges: These teachers set their own expense structures, often higher than both government and private colleges, ranging from INR 12,00,000 to INR 25,00,000 per annum.
Best Medical Universities in Karnataka
Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences (Points)
Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences (Points) may be a prominent medical college found in Mandya, Karnataka. Established in 1986, Points is a subsidiary of Rajiv Gandhi College of Wellbeing Sciences (RGUHS) and is recognized by the Medical Council of India (MCI). The foundation aims to supply high-quality medical education and healthcare services, contributing essentially to the medical field in India.
Offices and Framework
Points gloats state-of-the-art foundation, counting well-equipped research facilities, modern classrooms, a comprehensive library, and progressed investigation facilities. The college campus is roomy and includes inns for students, sports offices, and a canteen. The educating clinic related with Points offers broad clinical exposure to students, guaranteeing they get hands-on experience in different medical fields.
Academic Programs
The institute offers undergraduate (MBBS) and postgraduate (MD, MS) programs in different specialties. The curriculum is planned to provide a solid foundation in medical sciences, complemented by practical preparation and inquiry about opportunities. Points emphasises a holistic approach to medical education, joining hypothetical knowledge with practical skills and moral jones.
Clinical Preparing
Students at Points gain substantial clinical exposure through the teaching clinic, which has divisions in all major medical specialties. The hospital is prepared with present day medical equipment and offices, ensuring understudies get hands-on training under the supervision of experienced medical experts.
S. Nijalingappa Medical College and H.S.K Hospital
S. Nijalingappa Medical College and H.S.K Clinic, found in Bagalkot, Karnataka, was established in 2002. It is affiliated with Rajiv Gandhi College of Health Sciences (RGUHS) and recognized by the Medical Committee of India (MCI). The college is named after the eminent Indian lawmaker S.Nijalingappa and aims to provide great medical instruction and healthcare services.
Facilities and Infrastructure
The college campus is prepared with advanced offices, counting advanced laboratories, open lecture halls, a well-stocked library, and separate lodgings for boys and young ladies. The H.S.K Hospital, related with the college, is a tertiary care centre with over 500 beds, giving a wide range of medical services and clinical preparation openings for students.
Scholastic Programs
S. Nijalingappa Medical College offers the MBBS program and different postgraduate courses (MD, MS) in numerous medical disciplines. The scholastic curriculum is outlined to meet the standards set by the Medical Board of India, focusing on both theoretical knowledge and down to earth skills.
Clinical Training
The H.S.K Hospital serves as the essential clinical training ground for students, advertising exposure to a diverse patient populace and a variety of medical conditions. The hospital is well-equipped with present day medical innovation, ensuring students get comprehensive clinical training.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Medical College (BRAMC), Bangalore
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Medical College (BRAMC) may be a prestigious medical institution established in 1981 in Bangalore, Karnataka. Named after Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, an Indian legal scholar and social reformer, the college is associated with Rajiv Gandhi College of Wellbeing Sciences (RGUHS) and recognized by the Medical Board of India (MCI).
Facilities and Infrastructure
BRAMC highlights an advanced campus with well-equipped research facilities, advanced address corridors, a large auditorium, and a comprehensive library. The college moreover gives inn facilities, sports facilities, and a cafeteria. The educating hospital related with BRAMC could be a multi-specialty hospital offering extensive clinical exposure to students.
Scholastic Programs
The college offers an MBBS program along with different postgraduate courses (MD, MS) in a few medical specialties. The curriculum is designed to supply a robust medical education, joining theoretical information with practical preparation and investigation.
Clinical Training
Students at BRAMC take advantage of hands-on clinical preparation at the associated teaching clinic. The clinic has departments across all major medical specialties, prepared with advanced medical hardware and offices, giving students with comprehensive clinical exposure and preparation.
MBBS Admission in Karnataka
Admission to MBBS programs in Karnataka is essentially based on the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET-UG). Here's a step-by-step direct to the admission process:
Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates must have completed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English.
Minimum total marks in 10+2 should be 50% for general category and 40% for reserved categories.
Candidates must qualify the NEET-UG exam.
Conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA).
Consists of 180 multiple-choice questions from Physics, Chemistry, and Science.
Minimum qualifying percentile is 50th percentile for common category and 40th percentile for reserved categories.
Counselling Process:
Conducted by the Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) for state quantity seats.
Includes report verification, choice filling, situate allotment, and detailing to the allotted college.
For All India Quota seats, counselling is conducted by the Medical Counseling Committee (MCC).
Documents Required:
NEET-UG score card and admit card.
10th and 12th stamp sheets.
Transfer certificate, Relocation certificate, and Character certificate.
Caste certificate (if appropriate).
House certificate (for state standard seats).
Karnataka stands out as a preferred destination for MBBS competitors due to its tall educational guidelines, different social involvement, and broad clinical exposure. With a blend of government, private, and regarded colleges, students have a run of choices to select from based on their scholastic and budgetary inclinations. The vigorous admission preparation guarantees that, as it were, the most qualified and committed students make it to these esteemed educations, promising a bright future within the field of medication.
By considering components such as expenses, organisation reputation, and individual career objectives, understudies can make an educated choice around pursuing an MBBS in Karnataka. With dedication and difficult work, they can benefit immensely from the rich scholastic environment and the various openings for proficient development available within the state.
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libragroup123 · 20 days
LIBRA INDUSTRIAL COMPONENTS, an ISO 9001:2015 approved company created a niche for itself in manufacturing of commercial kitchen equipments under the name and brand of “PRAGATI”. We are a leading engineering house into designing, fabricating and installation of Commercial Kitchen Equipments, Restaurant Appliances, Canteen Kitchen Equipments for Industrial Kitchens, Hotels, Bars, Restaurants, Clubs & Hospitals.
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bu1410 · 5 months
Good afternoon TUMBLR - April 27th - 2024
''Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971."
Atyrau Kazakhstan – Dec 2004 – Oct 2010 - Kashagan Development Project
Part 5
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BOILERS ASSEMBLY Then one day the 47,000 pieces began to arrive in Karabotan, and therefore since we had prepared the foundations, the assembly of boiler B began (which was then followed by C and finally A) Carmelo Longo was appointed to direct the assembly, supported in the enormous undertaking by a plethora of Romanians and guided by two consultants from MACCHI Italia: Sergio Corami, immediately nicknamed ''malinki'' (the little one) given his height of just over 1 .50 – the second was called Di Napoli, but was from Brindisi. (For the issue of residence VISA, two degrees in Engineering were created specifically for them, but since we were there we spared no expense, and made them ''graduates from the Milan Polytechnic). Longo's right-hand man was a savvy Romanian, Nicolai Nicolai (you will ask me what his name was and what his surname was? I never knew, and in any case he was always called ''Nicolai Nicolai'') The work of assembling the boilers proved to be hard and difficult, but truly interesting and very instructive and lasted practically from October 2007 to December 2008. The testing of the boilers took place just before Christmas, and deserves a separate chapter.
WINTER OF 2006-2007 The winter that year was one of the harshest for Atyray region in living memory, according to local elders. Temperatures fell below -40 C for several consecutive days in the presence of snow. A thick layer of ice had consolidated on everything, houses, cars, roads. We remained stuck in the house for three days, after which we were forced to face the 40 kilometers of icy road that separated us from the site. We necessarily had to check the state of the equipment and infrastructure. We received an SOS from our Israeli Client that the diesel powering the power generators had frozen in their camp. Left without electricity, all staff members had moved to hotels in Atyrau. We provided the so-called Arctic diesel and technicians to restart their generators. When we arrived at our logistics base on the construction site, two wolves were stationed near the garbage bins: hunger had driven them to do something they never did, that is, approach the man to look for something to eat. We left for them the remains of mutton and cow bones from our canteen. In those days, news shook the city from the torpor induced by the freezing cold: a marshutka (minibus for transporting people) in service between Atyrau and Dossor had stopped halfway due to a breakdown. Of the ten people on board, four were found frozen in the minibus. Of the other six, only shreds of clothing and a few bones were found far from where the vehicle had stopped. The hypothesis that the police made was that the people had tried to reach on foot a small town a few kilometers away from the bus. The hungry animals of the steppe had wreaked havoc on it.
BOILER TESTING In Kazakhstan there is what is called the ''construction season'': essentially a time window that goes more or less from March to the end of September. In these months construction activities can get the necessary boost, as the weather is ''clement'' (again considering that during the short Kazakh summer temperatures reach +40 C). The work schedule must therefore necessarily follow this calendar, otherwise you will suffer technical and organizational difficulties if you want to work even in winter at all costs. Every year AGIP managed to force Contractors to largely miss the summer window: delays in the delivery of materials, delays in approving the works, delays in crucial decisions. This brought us to the beginning of October, a period in which the Works Management began to send emails and letters in which it attributed - or attempted to attribute - the delays to us Contractors. And immediately afterwards he started the ''hospital plan'' thing. The reasons were always the same:
''You wasted time through your own fault, now send us your plan to make up for lost time for analysis and approval'' This did nothing but waste further time, because once the recovery plan was prepared, it was sent to AGIP where it took weeks before responding with their comments, which then had to be in incorporated into the recovery plans, to be submitted for approval again. So we arrived at the end of October, and the omelette was done: the snow was falling, the frost blocked machines and equipment, the workers were forced to work in freezing temperatures (and wind). Here is explained in a few lines the reasons why the Kashagan project - originally planned for three years, was completed after seven. In this context, one of the worst experiences of the Kashagan project was when AGIP forced us to test the MACCHI boilers just two weeks before Christmas 2008. The hydraulic testing of a boiler takes place by putting the boiler circuit itself under pressure with water, but this represents a big problem when the outside temperature (during the day) is constantly around -15 C. To overcome the inconvenience of the possible freezing of the water in the pipes, we devised a stratagem worthy of the Trojan War. A tubular scaffolding was built all around the boilers (which we remember were more than 40 meters high) and ''tarpoline'' (large water-resistant tarpaulins, originally made of tarpaulin) were spread over this framework. These had to be fire-proof, because fan-coolers powered by both electricity and diesel were placed inside - the fan-coolers had to work 24/7 to guarantee - under the awnings - a temperature of + 3 or 4 degrees C. Once these temperatures were reached constantly, RIINA inspectors were brought in from Italy for testing. It wasn't easy at all, the enormous quantity of filling water had to be certified, so it was decided to fill only boiler A, and then pour the water into boiler B and then C. But before pouring the water from one boiler to another, new analyzes had to be carried out to confirm that the water had not been contaminated. And then at night a series of guardians had to be left to check that the heating was working, power the diesel fans, check that there were no fires… all, as I remembered before, with freezing external temperatures. In the end we succeeded, and it was a great victory against above all the skepticism of the AGIP Works Management, especially the Italian side, which was waiting for nothing other than our failure to throw the cross on us. To tell the truth, I have never been able to understand the real reasons why AGIP representatives ''rejoiced'' when a Contractor made mistakes, or failed to deliver a job on time.
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Are you looking for Organic Waste Composter Manufacturer in India? Green Aqua Technologies
Organic waste composting plays a vital role in sustainable waste management, and Green Aqua Technologies leads the way with their innovative organic waste composter manufacturers in India.
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Features of Organic Waste Composter Machine
Compact and Robust System
Plug and Play Product
Waste to manure conversion
Best suit for Housing societies, Hotels, Hospitals, Canteens
Importance of Organic Waste Management
Effective management of organic waste reduces landfill pressure, minimizes greenhouse gas emissions, and produces valuable compost for soil enrichment.
Overview of Green Aqua Technologies
Green Aqua Technologies is a renowned provider of organic waste composting solutions, offering state-of-the-art composters for both residential and commercial use.
Key Features of Organic Waste Composter Machine
Their composters are equipped with advanced features such as automated mixing, odor control, and temperature monitoring, ensuring efficient and hassle-free composting.
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Types of Composters Offered
Green Aqua Technologies offers a range of composters to suit various needs, including compact home composters for individual households and large-scale commercial composters for businesses.
Advantages of Choosing Green Aqua Technologies
Clients benefit from Green Aqua Technologies' commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Their composters are built to last and deliver superior performance.
Customization Options Available
Clients can customize composters based on factors like capacity, space constraints, and specific waste types, ensuring optimal efficiency and functionality.
Installation and Maintenance Services in India
Green Aqua Technologies provides comprehensive installation and maintenance services to ensure smooth operation and longevity of their composters. Their expert team assists clients every step of the way, from setup to ongoing maintenance.
Success Stories and Client Testimonials
Numerous success stories and positive client testimonials highlight Green Aqua Technologies' excellence in organic waste composting solutions. Their composters have helped countless individuals and businesses achieve their sustainability goals.
Environmental Impact of Organic Waste Composting
Effective organic waste composting reduces greenhouse gas emissions, conserves landfill space, and promotes soil health by producing nutrient-rich compost for agricultural use.
Green Aqua Technologies stands at the forefront of organic waste composting technology, offering innovative solutions to address the growing need for sustainable waste management. With their reliable composters and dedication to customer satisfaction, they continue to make a positive impact on the environment.
Are Green Aqua Technologies' composters suitable for all types of organic waste? Yes, their composters can handle a wide range of organic waste, including kitchen scraps, garden waste, and food leftovers.
Do their composters require a lot of space for installation? They offer compact composters suitable for small spaces, as well as larger models for commercial use.
How long does it take for their composters to produce usable compost? The composting process typically takes a few weeks to a few months, depending on factors such as temperature, moisture levels, and waste composition.
Are their composters easy to use for beginners? Yes, their composters are designed for user-friendly operation, with intuitive controls and instructions provided.
Do they offer warranty and support services for their composters? Yes, they provide warranty coverage and ongoing support to ensure the satisfaction and success of their clients.
Contact us right away, if you want to learn more about our wide range of organic waste composter machine products. Call us at +91-9205127088 or send an email to [email protected], We are India’s largest Organic Waste Composter Manufacturers and Suppliers.
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