#Hot Water (Legal Consequences)
dc-probate-attorney · 7 months
Legal Bases for Challenging a Will
The Gormley Law Office is pleased to share this information on estate litigation and challenging a will. In this article, we’re talking about the reasons, or legal bases, for contesting a will. If you have specific questions about your situation or you suspect there is something not quite right going on with a family member’s estate, give us a call at (866) 375-8940 to discuss your individual…
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
legally binded - 7
Jenna Ortega x F!Reader
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Chapter 7: The Afterparty
Summary: After getting caught in some hot waters with the press, you are forced into an unexpected agreement with America's sweetheart, Jenna Ortega to save your career.
Warnings/Tags: dual!pov, famous!reader, actress!reader, mentions of substances, intoxication, mature language, real people. (do not read if any of these make you uncomfortable)
(this is all fiction!)
Note: so... lovely weather we're having. 🙂
Word Count: 4k+
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“Where’s Y/N?” Enrique asked as the door of the van shuts closed, for a moment, the incessant sounds of camera shutters and the crowd shouting her name become muffled.
And in that same moment, Jenna feels like she can finally breathe properly through her own lungs. 
“Upstairs,” Jenna mumbled, leaning her expertly pinned hair against the headrest, and closing her eyes.
“I take it things didn’t go well?” He fiddled with his cap, frowning as he watched the young actress’ exhausted features.
Jenna hummed in confirmation but said nothing else, looking out the tinted window as the van started driving slowly. 
Staring up at the hotel, she scanned the various, nearly identical windows for your hotel room. Jenna didn’t even know if your room was facing this direction but she looked anyway, a wishful part of herself hoped to catch a glance of you.
“Don’t worry, it’ll be okay. You two will be okay.”
Jenna snorted, shooting her stylist an incredulous look. “I thought you were mad at her?”
“I’m mad at her for being stupid and for hurting you… even if she is a cutie.” He rolled his eyes, getting comfortable in his seat.
The actress laughed. “Don’t let her hear you say that, you know she has a massive ego.”
Enrique joined in on the laughter before his tone dropped, “You know Sarah and Liv are going to find out that the two of you didn't go to the same party…”
Right now, Jenna could care less about whatever kind of consequence she may get. The embers from her argument with you are still burning bright.
“That’s an issue for later.”
Jenna tried to make the best of a bad situation.
She really did.
Even though this wasn’t how she expected to spend the rest of her night — she somehow found a way to let loose. Maybe after she found a few familiar faces that pulled her in to dance, tipped back a few drinks and sang along as Janelle Monae performed for her after-party.
But even still, under the guise of alcohol and a good time. There was an unpleasant churn in her stomach whenever she allowed her mind to drift off to you.
“I’m gonna go to the washroom!” Jenna yelled through the music. Enrique nodded, continuing to cheer Janelle Monae on stage.
Laughing, she walked away while shaking her head; amused at her friend. Glad that he’s having a good time. One of them deserves to be having fun, at least.
As Jenna pushed through the heavy-panelled door of the powder room, she sat on the couch and placed her purse down. Grateful to be stretching her aching legs. 
She takes a second to breathe and in that moment, allowed herself to think about you; wondering which party you went to and who you were surrounded by.
And for a split second, that unpleasant churn in her stomach reemerged as her mind drifted to all the worst possible outcomes of what you could be doing tonight.
Are you safe?
Is someone looking out for you?
Jenna’s decided not to ask Link about you this time, deciding that you two do, in fact, need space for the time being.
She knows she should apologize for the way she acted all day, even all week. Jenna knows she was just projecting her unresolved feelings about you from Coachella and instead of just telling you that she’s been worried and just wants you to talk to her, to let her in. 
She decided to be petty and give into the heat of the moment, instead..
Jenna hopes the two of you can talk about it later tonight. But then she remembers the fact that you’re probably drinking, partying and doing god knows what else so that conversation and apology would probably have to wait until you’ve sobered up.
Standing, Jenna's decided she's had enough of wallowing in her own misery and walked over to the sink to wash her hands.
“Oh, hi!” A sweet-sounding higher pitched voice greeted her from behind after the sound of a door opening and heels clinking.
Immediately, she linked gazes with a certain Hailee Steinfeld through the mirror.
Jenna tried hard to school the surprise on her face.
“Hello…” Jenna smiled politely and glanced away, continuing to wash her hands.
“I’m Hailee…” The other woman greeted, sliding into the sink beside her, a pearly white smile on her full-pink lips.
“I’m Jenna, I would shake your hand but…” She gestured down to the running sink.
Hailee shook her head and laughed. “It’s okay, I’m glad to finally meet you! Can I just say how gorgeous you look! I thought your carpet look was amazing but this — you look stunning!”
“Oh! Uh— Thanks?” This time her surprise is hard to subdue. Feeling flushed under the weight of the other woman’s compliments.
She's never been great at accepting them. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you embarrassed,” Hailee smiled sheepishly. Her thick brows furrowing in her own embarrassment. 
The heat begins to crawl up her neck. “It’s okay! I— I appreciate it. You look gorgeous as well.” 
Taking the time to scan her, the younger actress has to crane her neck up to see Hailee’s face — it’s no wonder you ended up dating her. The woman is gorgeous. 
She tries to stave the green-eyed monster clawing at her chest at the thought of you two together because the woman standing across from her has been surprisingly pleasant.
“Please!” Hailee waves off, smiling softly, turning to wash her own hands.
Jenna allows the silence to take over the room, unsure of what to say next. After washing her hands, she turned off the sink and walked over to grab paper towels.
Hailee cuts in before she can think about it too hard.
“Hey,” The singer called out as Jenna was about to pick up her purse, “thank you... for looking out for her.”
“What?” Jenna turned, raising her brows in question.
Hailee sighed, leaning against the counter to face Jenna.
“I know Y/N’s not the… easiest. She tends to push people away. I think it’s just the way she’s always been. I’m not really sure. With the whole Vegas situation and these rumours going around about a possible arrest — which, you know, is bullshit, Y/N doesn’t do drugs — her first instinct would’ve been to run and push people away. But you’re still here… so something tells me you’re special.”
Jenna feels her heart drop at the other woman’s words. 
“Y/N can be reckless and cold at times, but I think it’s just an act," She continued; smile contorting sadly, “so she doesn’t actually have to open up to people… I’ve—uh, tried, so I kinda know.”
Jenna was stunned, unsure of what to say to that. Hailee made it sound like you were the one that got away or something. She also caught the openness that accompanied her tone, like the other woman had accepted the circumstances of the situation.
Like she just... let it be.
There wasn’t a lot of things Jenna was certain about but she knew she didn't want to feel that way about you, to just accept your coldness and inability to let people in.
“Anyways, she said you’ve kept her standing on her feet these last few months.” Hailee smiled softly, sincerity burning bright in her eyes. “So thank you, 'cause she deserves someone patient like you.” 
“Thank you…” Jenna finally managed to say despite the barbed wire feeling around her throat.
You really said that? Did you mean it?
If you did then she feels terrible.
“No, thank you, I was scared Link and Y/N were gonna grow old and still be living together. They’re weirdly co-dependent.” Hailee jokes, breaking the heaviness in the room.
Jenna couldn’t help the snort that leaves her mouth. 
And just like that, it felt like two friends enjoying an inside joke.
Jenna's laughter trails off before it turns to a heavy sigh as she grabs her purse. “So I should probably apologize to her, huh?”
The corner of Hailee's mouth tugs a small smug smile. “Depends on what she did… maybe let her sweat it out for a bit more then apologize.”
Jenna chuckled before nodding. “Noted… thank you, Hailee.”
Hailee nods, smiling softly as Jenna turned to walk out of the bathroom.
A surprisingly pleasant feeling appeared in her chest the farther she walked away.  
She felt a bit lighter after that conversation, which is a shock considering she just talked to your ex-girlfriend. For a moment, Jenna felt guilty for her earlier reservations about the other woman. Not wanting to admit that she had let her jealousy cloud her judgment of character.
Hailee had nothing but great things to say about her — and you for that matter. A testament to how, despite your hot and cold demeanour, there’s someone worth knowing underneath.
Ugh. She hated it when she was wrong.
But there was also that nagging echo in her head that had to admit that she was glad she was wrong about you.
I’m sorry for what I said. Can I come see you? Are you still at the other after-party?
Swallowing her pride, she hit send then walked back to the party to find Enrique, hoping she can distract herself as she waits for your reply.
20 minutes go by without a response and Jenna doesn’t know if she should start feeling annoyed or worried; the line between the two is thinning by the second, she concluded. She decided she leaned more on the latter and stepped away from the party once again. Roaming the halls before stepping out onto a secluded balcony; grateful for the warm night in the early May month. 
Pulling out her phone from her clutch, she called Link immediately, knowing that if anyone knew your whereabouts it’d be him.
“Hello?” Link answered breathlessly and in the background, the actress can hear sounds of traffic and people talking over one another.
“Link? Can you hear me?” Jenna spoke into the lonely night air.
“Yeah— yeah, sorry.” It sounded like Link walked away from the noise because when he spoke again, it sounded much clearer. But she immediately noted the urgency in his voice. “Hey.”
“Hey, I texted Y/N 20 minutes ago but she didn’t respond, is everything okay?” Jenna got to the point, chewing her lip.
“Shit—“ Link cursed. “Uh, about that.”
“Link, what does that mean?” Jenna felt every muscle in her body tense at his words, like before a big drop on a rollercoaster.
“We can’t find her.” Link confessed. 
Jenna’s stomach dropped. Yeah, except that rollercoaster has just derailed.
“What do you mean you can’t find her?” 
“We lost her. She said she was going to the bathroom but she never came back.” He recounted nervously.
“What—“ Jenna was dumbfounded, mind on overdrive as a sudden wave of coldness washed over her body as she processes what she’s just been told.
You're missing.
No one knows where you are.
“Are you looking for her now?” Jenna manages to ask, gripping the balcony railing for support. She thinks she feels a little light-headed but she pushes that thought away because you are more important, right now.
“Yes, of course. We checked everywhere. But uh—it’s been almost two hours since anyone’s seen her…” Link hesitated before confessing.
The last thing they need is for Jenna to start freaking out too.
Jenna’s stomach dropped again. This time she feels like she’s been launched off the rollercoaster entirely and is free-falling mid-air.
“Hey, hey, it’ll be okay. She does this, it’s kinda her thing. We’ll find her soon. Don’t worry.” Link reassured after Jenna doesn’t respond.
“When was the last time that she did this, Link?” Jenna asked shakily.
A beat passed before the man answered. “Vegas…”
“Shit…” They said in unison.
“What—what do we do?” Jenna asked.
“Just keep texting and calling her. I’m out looking for her right now, I have her entire security team with me.” He reassured her once again but she can still hear the trepidation in his tone.
“Okay…” Jenna trails off, not really sure if she’s actually listening at this point.
“Jenna— we’ll find her, don’t worry.” Link said with certainty but it didn’t ease the anxiety in her chest.
“I know…” Jenna mumbled, grasping her phone with a mighty grip and forced herself to take a calming breath. “Okay, okay. I’ll start calling her. Maybe I should go back to her room, in case she comes back?”
“Yeah, that’s a great idea, keep me updated Jen.” 
“I will.”
The line goes dead as Link hangs up.
“Shit.” Even with Jenna’s trembling fingers, she contacted your number with haste.
But the call never even rang. 
It’s past 2 AM and no one has still heard from you. 
She had left you a total of 26 missed calls and almost 50 text messages. That’s not even counting the ones she’s sent you through Enrique’s phone.
At this point, Jenna was ready to go to the police but Link advised her that they wouldn’t be able to do anything because it hasn’t been 24 hours yet. Your closest confidant also warned her of adding fuel to the fire with the press if headlines that you're missing are released.
The actress feels an excruciatingly sharp pain forming in between her brows; the early stages of a migraine, the longer she paced around your room.
“Where is she, Link?” She chewed on the bottom lip, anxiously. “What if something bad happened? She doesn’t have security with her...”
“Her whole team has been driving around the city looking for her but we already checked the other after-parties and she wasn’t there. I hate to say it, Jenna, but if Y/N doesn’t want to be found, you won’t.” Link sat down on the couch in the living room.
The wrinkled exhaustion and worry were clear as day on his face. Jenna sighed, sitting down beside him. “I know you tried your best. Thank you for looking…”
“Yeah… of course. How are you though?” He turned, scanning her equally exhausted features. 
“I feel terrible if I had just tabled it like she said–”
“Hey–” Link cuts in, shaking his head. “Don’t. Y/N’s gonna do whatever she wants, you can’t put this one on you.” 
Jenna nods unconvincingly, slumping against her seat. “What about you? How are you?”
He stared off, deep in thought. “She’s like my sister, you know. We didn’t have it easy growing up. I know she’s— stand-offish and hard to get along with at times…”
Jenna turned to face him at his sudden confession, deciding to stay silent.
“You can’t even imagine how many times I’ve tried to quit being her assistant.” Link chuckled, looking up at the ceiling. “But I could never really do it. ‘Cause even though she has these massive walls around herself and that annoying-ass nonchalant attitude. I know sometimes this job is a lot… even for her.”
Jenna huffed, slouching back into the soft couch, trying to be understanding. “I know… trust me I know the job, we all do–”
Link shakes his head. “You don’t. Not her story at least…”
Snapping her head to the side, she watches the assistant’s side profile, noting the deep wrinkle on his forehead. “What does that mean?”
She couldn’t help but ask.
He sighed, “It’s not my place to say but Y/N's been through some stuff. Stuff that you wouldn't wish on anyone.”
He sighed again, debating if he should open the can of worms. “At the time, I was living with my grandmother. She’s the only family I have left, it’s probably why I can’t let go of Y/N too. The money I make from working with her, I send to take care of my nan… But even with all that, Y/N was dealing with her mom.”
“She told me she was controlling or something — wanted more money?” Jenna scrunched her nose in disgust at how someone can treat their own flesh and blood like that.
“She wasn’t just controlling, Jenna… she tried to sue Y/N over it. She tried to take away her right to make decisions over her own career and when that didn’t work she tried to get her to quit the industry."
Jenna’s stomach dropped. “What?”
Linked nodded, watching Jenna’s stunned reaction. “Yeah… Jake and Liv fought against it. It never turned into a legal case, thank god. The judge dismissed her claims but it really fucked with her head you know. That her own mother could do that to her."
Jenna stared off into nothing as she processed his words.
No wonder you’re so closed off and scared to let people in. She felt sick to her stomach thinking about what you’ve gone through and how, even despite all of that, you still managed to stay standing on your own two feet and carry on as if nothing happened.
She wonders how long it’s been since you’ve really let anyone in.
“I knew she’d been dealing with things… these last few months. She had a packed year last year and her schedule was only getting busier. She never outwardly said it was becoming too much but I could see it. It started small; missing texts, calls, alarms… then she wouldn’t come home cause she was partying all night… it got too much. I think that singer and his friends were taking advantage of her fame but she always brushed me off whenever I said something. We even got into a big fight before Vegas so I stayed with a friend for a couple of days to cool off.”
“Link…” Jenna trailed off, she heard the guilty tone accompanied by his words. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“No… I know. Y/N’s going to do what she wants, I’ve learned to accept it. It still doesn’t make me feel any better that she’s in this situation and that I could’ve done something to prevent it.”
Link cleared his throat, sitting up a bit. “Just saying… from Y/N’s person to the other – I get what you’re feeling. She’s definitely not the easiest but I don’t know… when she shows she cares, you know she means it.”
“You think I’m Y/N’s person?” Jenna asked shocked. “We barely know each other.”
Link rolled his eyes, sending her a flat look. “Yeah ‘cause you two communicate through silent looks and then don’t talk about your feelings. If you guys fix your shit then maybe you can be her person too.” 
Jenna opened her mouth for a rebuttal but the sound of something smacking against the wall interrupted her.
Immediately, the assistant and actress spring up, walking spritely to the foyer. When they round the corner, Jenna is torn between feeling relieved or furious.
They spot you, slumped against the wall nearly slipping on your own two feet, piss-fucking-drunk as you dropped the keycard to the floor.
“Are you fucking serious right now?” Link scoffed but briskly walked over to help you up, throwing your arm over his shoulder. "What the hell happened to you?"
“Sorry for being a disappointment, Dad.” You mumbled as Link dragged you down the hallway. Eyes barely opened and even then, Jenna can see the alcohol-muddled haze through your slow blinks. 
“What the fuck, Y/N?” Jenna echoed as she watched how you had to be carried, too drunk to do it yourself. 
It scared her, this was not a version of you that she liked. 
She doesn’t want to listen to that small voice in her head again, the one that’s saying you’re bad news. You’re a party animal, this is what you do. You’re reckless. But the other part of her wants to give you a chance to explain yourself, especially after what Link just told her – it’s hard to keep that sentiment when you act like this though.
“Oh hey, Jenna.” You waved as if nothing is wrong, toothy smile on your lips. “I tried looking for you at the party… then I realized we fought and that’s why you weren’t with me. Are you still mad at me?”
Jenna didn’t know what to say so she kept quiet and followed Link as he lead you to the bedroom, nearly throwing you onto the mattress. 
“Fuck, Y/N. You can’t keep doing this.” Link sighed out, taking a few steps back from the bed to scan you. 
“Who’s gonna stop me?” You snorted, sitting up to tug your shoes off, chucking them without care.
“Dude, for real? We spent nearly four hours looking for your ass. Do you realize what kind of trouble you could’ve gotten into if–” 
“–yeah, yeah,” You wave off and Jenna can see Link’s eye twitching and jaw clenching in anger. He knew better than to fight with a drunk person. Especially if that person is you. 
He lets out a deep breath, then turned to younger actress, “I can’t be around her right now. I’m sorry.” 
Then he walked away, slamming the door loudly behind him making Jenna flinch. A few seconds of silence pass without a single movement.
“What are you still doing here?” You asked in a snipped tone, breaking the quietude. Jenna doesn’t know if she should feel offended. 
Crossing her arms, she scans your dishevelled attire. Your tie is loose, buttons are undone, and dress shirt is half-tucked – in short, you looked like a hot mess. “I’ve been calling you all night, where have you been?”
“Phone died.” You yanked your blazer off, throwing it on the floor, “and out… drinking.”
“With who? By yourself or with someone?” Jenna asked, walking closer, and helping you take off your tie.
“Doesn’t matter..” You grumbled as she helped you, looking at a spot on the wall and Jenna clenched her jaw cause you were closing up again.
“Well, it matters to me,” She yanked the tie off your neck.
“Why?” You looked up at her.
“Why do you care so much? I thought this was all just for the press?” You pushed off the bed, wobbling on your feet. Jenna took a few steps back but kept close, in case you needed help but you shrugged her attempts away.
She tried not to take it personally.
Jenna called after you but you ignored her and just stumbled to the bathroom. She trails behind, still keeping a close eye.
“No, seriously. You kiss me and let me stay with your family and then you shut me down? What kind of fucked up shit is that?” You spoke up, venom laced in your words.
Jenna knows it’s the alcohol talking. But drunk words, sober thoughts?
“Well guess what? Fuck that. I may be closed off but at least I don’t lead people on.” You seethe, stopping in your tracks to spin around and face her.
The anger in your eyes is not an emotion she had seen before. This was different than your other petty disputes and arguments. You meant it.
Jenna blinked, shaking her head furiously, “What? No! That’s not what I’m doing.”
“I don’t care! I’m over it. If you wanna believe the press over me like everyone else, go ahead. I’m fucking used to it.” You grumbled, turning away to keep walking but this time Jenna grabbed your elbow, stopping you.
“Can you just stop for a second and let me explain!” But you yanked back like you’ve been burned and Jenna thinks she can physically feel her heart splitting down the middle. 
“No, fuck that!” You yelled before taking a deep breath, using Jenna's stunned silence as a chance to keep talking. You looked deeply into her eyes and said the next words with pure conviction. ”I’m sick of trusting people and letting them in just to be fucking burned over and over again — After the Met Gala, I’ll go to Jake and Liv and tell them this is over. Next week, it’ll be three months anyway. Then, we’ll never have to see each other again.” 
There was no slurring in your voice or wobble in your stance as you said those words.
Jenna blinked back the tears forming in her eyes, clenching her jaw. Not recognizing this version of you standing across from her.
This isn’t the same person that treated her family kindly and won over their hearts.
This isn’t the same person that won over her heart.
So, she listened.
“Okay….” Jenna nodded weakly, then turned walking out of your room not being able to look into your eyes.
She missed the instant regret in them as you tracked her disappearing figure.
i told y’all this slow burn would be slowwwww.
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romansmartini · 1 year
something something roman violating gerri’s boundaries in their relationship (by the “sending of items”) which has put roman in professional and legal hot water much like matsson and ebba. ebba has used her leverage as a way to get “tenure” in the company and matsson wishes he could fire her but roman did “fire” gerri despite knowing the legal consequences and she’s using her leverage to get out in a way that’s beneficial to her. but you know roman wishes more than anything that she’d use her leverage the way ebba has
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
It's frustrating as someone who has for my entire life in fandom supported people's right to write whatever their heart desires no matter how much someone else might find it distasteful to see the current problems with OTW/AO3 being conflated with anti-ism. Every site that hosts or links to user generated content has problems with CSAM/CSEM. It exists on every platform on the Internet. It is not anti-ism to say that the org's legal handling of it has been revealed by several volunteers to be improper, and it's not anti-ism to look at that and wonder whether legal consequences might follow. In the current US legal environment where several states are passing actual laws requiring minors to be kept off social and while SCOTUS is currently playing Calvinball instead of playing by logic rules, that's a legitimate risk. It's also not anti-ism to look at the whistleblower saying "They never gave me adequate support, guidance, or protections while I was dealing with this highly illegal material" and say wow, that's something nobody deserves. The whistleblower also did not deserve the org turning around and thinly implying they were the one responsible. This isn't anti shit, it's actual legitimate dysfunction that harmed volunteers and may very well get the Archive in hot water. There has to be a distinction, and it's really frustrating to see these legitimate problems dismissed as "fearmongering" or "anti shit." This is something every website with user generated content should know how to handle properly.
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n4kama · 3 months
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[ @thenihilistofthevoid ] He couldn't sleep, this was the third night in a row. Everything was too hot, he was shirtless and sweating like he has a fever. His skin itched, he felt himself getting crabby and irritable, he nearly mouthed off more than once as he heard it in his head. A voice, a song... He didn't understand it, but the call was clear and loud and constant, a drumbeat that never ended. Return to Alzarius. He wanted to, but it was likely a burning wreck... Sitting in bed for the second hour straight now, it was pretty late. Staring into the dark was doing nothing, so he got up and got on deck, feeling the cold wind as a blessing before seeing Beck. He knew Shanks was asleep as he sighed, itching at his upper arm. "Punish me... I've been bad, I can't stop being irritable, everything's setting me off, so... wash my mouth out or something." There had to be a solution to this constant itch... "I keep snapping at people, talking isn't helping, I can't focus, so just... do something." His cheeks were flushed and it was a cold night, yet he was wearing just pyjama bottoms. Anything to distract from it.
Beck was caught between the desire to wake his Captain up when he noticed the kid they had all but legally adopted was awake again. He sometimes hated that he was the one that had to be stern with the two boys and his Captain, but he also adored how the two boys came to him whenever there was something wrong.
Finding Saburo on the edge of the burning island as it slowly became engulfed by fire and water was something he would never get out of his mind; especially now that the young boy was getting the consequences of his biology and there was nothing they could do besides have him eat a Devil Fruit since he could never return home like his entire being was calling him to do.
Lifting the lad up from the where he had appeared on the deck, he easily positioned him on his hip even though Sab wasn't small anymore; he shushed him carefully before making his way down to his own quarters where he sat on his bed and wrapped his arms around Sab, rocking him lightly "I know... I know you think you've been bad, but you haven't little albatross, it's okay. We all understand"
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allegra-writes · 1 year
"The Affair" Part I
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Armand x Daniel Molloy
Warnings: Canon typical blood play. Toxic relationships. Obsessive thoughts cause Danny and Armand are incapable of being normal about each other.
Disclaimer: I don't own any recognizable character, and for legal reasons I won't be accepting tips for this story or any story set in Anne Rice's Immortal Universe. Thank you!
Armand had miscalculated. He had thought he knew what he was doing when he had given the beautiful, tender human the blood that night at the bar, an impetuous decision born entirely out of his darkest instincts taking over as he saw another vampire so close to what he coveted, yes, but he had thought himself aware of the consequences. He knew his blood would bond the mortal irrevocably to him, making him enamored by him, utterly dependent on him. He had been on the receiving end of that bond himself centuries ago and he could still remember the intensity of the feelings awoken by it vividly. 
What he had failed to realize was the effect it would have on himself.
He had felt heartbroken, utterly devastated the moment he had woken up to find the boy gone, on the run from him, already hundreds of miles away, the bond like a rope tied around his ribs, tugging at him in the direction he had fled. Armand followed, of course, for what else could he have done, all the while obsessing over plans and schemes that ranged from kidnapping and spellbinding to terrorizing and punishing only for none of them to come to pass. There was no need for any of them, not when Daniel threw himself into his arms voluntarily as soon as he saw him, his mind and heart echoing his feelings of yes , and finally , and too long . 
And it had been too long, it had been far too long, an unbearable eternity. But his boy was in his arms now and he was kissing him and it was perfect, absolutely and thoroughly perfect, regardless of what his silly human insecurities were trying to tell him. Armand only held him tighter when he tried to break away from him, ashamed of the dirt clinging to his skin, of his smell, of his soiled clothes after three days locked in the cellar he was beginning to understand it belonged to the vampire embracing him.
“This is real. He’s real. It’s all happening. He’s Armand and we’re together and I’m not mad” His little runaway febrile thoughts reached him easily, loud and clear as bells. 
Yes, it all happened and I am real, no need to go searching for Lestat or the house in Louis’ tale. No need to come looking for us, I would have found you. But you will learn that in time, my sweet boy, there isn’t anywhere in the world I will not find you.
But with the awareness of reality came ever stronger the awareness of himself, and Daniel pushed against Armand more insistently, too ashamed of his state of filthiness to stand to be around “the guy he had a crush on”. It was so endearing, Armand let off a chuckle as he gathered him up in his arms and carried him like a child upstairs to the immense master bathroom, where he proceeded to rip Daniel’s clothes off his body before carefully cuffing the sleeves of his own shirt as the white marble bathtub was filled with warm water. 
Daniel tried to say something then, undoubtedly to protest he could get into the bath on his own, but his mouth was too dry for speech. Armand made a mental note to remember humans were fragile things that could not survive for too long without water, an inexcusable oversight on his part, but it had simply been too long since he had kept one.
Besides, he had to punish the boy somehow, couldn’t have him searching so recklessly for others like that, and whipping him as had been his maker’s custom seemed distasteful to him. No, lashes were not the kind of marks he wanted to leave on his skin.
At least not just yet.
He was more than content with carefully soaping that supple, hot skin that nonetheless shivered under his touch, unintentionally flooding the human with sensual pleasure. Armand smiled inwardly, amused, then turned his touch more deliberate, caressing up Daniel’s arms, down his shoulders, his chest, feeling the muscles of his stomach ripple under his fingertips. The boy was so soft, so warm, so responsive…
So alive. 
It was fascinating. 
He had the sudden urge to map every inch of his boy’s body, to familiarize himself, fingers, tongue, and fangs with every plane, every crevice, every hollow. Only his ironlike self-control, consolidated after centuries of experience, and the reminder the boy was his, so he had all the time in the world to do just that, prevented him from ravishing Daniel right then and there. 
But no, Armand was better than that, stronger than his basest of instincts, so instead, he kept on scrubbing the grime and sweat off Daniel’s skin with clinical efficiency, massaging the strong thighs, and then the place between the organ that began swelling despite the coldness of his touch. Armand’s own member twitched in interest in response, oh, how that apparently innocuous, ordinary human youth tested his discipline. He was too tempting for his own good. Particularly when he whined at the loss of Armand’s touch, a helpless, soft little sound, probably inaudible for human ears but loud enough for Armand’s inhuman senses. 
Not yet, boy, Armand projected into Daniel’s mind, making him jump a little in the water, you’re debilitated, you need sustenance first.
A new wave of shame washed over the boy, sending a lovely if faint, peach blush from his slightly sharper cheekbones to his hairless chest. Armand had to clench his jaw to stop his fangs from descending. 
Daniel seemed to find his lost bravado as he pushed down his embarrassment screaming at Armand inside his head, 
“Don’t want food. Want you”
Armand tsked disapprovingly, mocking as he ghosted icy fingertips over Daniel’s hardening length,
Are you that eager to be defiled by a monster?
Far from extinguished, Daniel’s arousal only grew at the words. A beautiful fool then, courting danger like a moth courting the flames. 
Very well, if the boy was looking for corruption, Armand could certainly provide.
Cold fingers closed around heated flesh, starting a slow milking motion, the water making the movement slick. Daniel’s eyes fell shut and his head fell back, exposing the long line of his neck to Armand’s hungry stare. A twist of his hand had the boy arching his back, moaning, the muscles of his lean throat working to drive Armand to insanity. By the time the vampire’s left hand left the edge of the tub, there would be a crack in the marble. But his right hand continued its measured, careful pumping up and down Daniel’s well-formed shaft, appreciating every vein that popped to life, pulsing under his touch. 
Daniel’s groans became more rhythmic, a breathless chorus of “Uh… uh… uh” echoing against the tiled walls, and Armand fancied he had never heard a song as sweet before. His boy was truly a masterpiece, perfect in every way, Apollo bathing in the river, Armand a demonic nymph brought to his knees by the sight of him. He had compared Daniel to a moth enthralled by the flame, but now Armand wondered if it wasn’t the other way around, if the boy was not sunlight in disguise, and he the thoughtless Icarus flying towards it. 
“Please… please…” Daniel's thoughts were disarranged and chaotic, pleading without knowing what to ask for, all the human seemed to know was that he needed . Armand considered for a moment, eyed the veiny girth in his hand, head purple and angry peeking out of the water, eyed the entirety of the nubile body in display for him. He wanted to ravish it, see to the thorough debauchery of this innocent, heartbreakingly candid boy. But more than anything, he wanted to see him debase himself for him.
Armand stilled his hand. Daniel did not disappoint, letting out a pitiful sob, opening those ever-changing eyes, glistening with tears of frustration. 
Armand couldn’t help his gleeful, pleased laugh.
“Chase it, Daniel. It's yours. All you have to do is take it.”
Daniel regarded him warily, as if expecting another dark trick for him, but did minutely, perhaps unable to stop himself, thrust his hips up through the unforgiving circle of Armand's fingers. 
“Yes, just like that, you look so beautiful, Daniel. Let me see you rut against my hand…”
The boy let out a helpless little whine, a spike of arousal going through him, tasted honey sweet in Armand's mind. The boy liked to be praised, then. Armand supposed he could indulge that. So long as he behaved.
Daniel had shut his eyes again, shoulders flat against the side of the tub and hands gripping the edges for leverage, rolling his hips, fucking himself on Armand's hand. Such crass, novel language the vampire could read inside his human’s mind. He decided he liked it. 
“That’s it, beautiful boy, let me see you fuck your cock through my fingers”
“Fuck!” The word was a shattered gasp, but it seemed to mark the breaking of something, some unnamed barrier inside of Daniel, who started rocking his hips with abandon, agitating the water, sloshing some of it outside the tub. Armand’s suit pants, carefully selected to face Daniel, were as ruined as his shirt. He found he couldn’t care less. 
Because now the boy was piercing him with his kaleidoscope stare, bee-stung lips opened in a perfect O, clutching at his arm with all the strength of a newborn as he rocked into his touch, abs flexing, the narrowing V of his hips going taut, robust thigh muscles contracting and releasing under the pale, almost transparent skin, and Armand felt his ancient, herculean self-restraint snap. 
He watched as his free hand reached out and tangled in the boy's damp curls as if it belonged to somebody else, throwing Daniel’s head back, felt his fangs drop on their own accord, heard the growl leaving his own mouth right before the unmistakable taste of his boy’s skin, his exquisite blood, invaded his tongue. 
The world exploded in colors behind his eyelids as his boy screamed his ecstasy, sending a thrill down his spine, the swoon amplified by Daniel’s orgasm, rippling through him like an electrical current, mind floating in an euphoric haze, making him feel weightless, drugged on pleased contentment at Daniel’s surrender, the certainty that he belonged to him now, mind, body and soul, his pleasure and his pain, his life and his death laid out in front of Armand for the taking. He could feel him beginning to slip away, his consciousness already going blurred at the edges, the starvation and the blood loss combined too much even for his strong, healthy heart. 
Armand tore himself apart from Daniel’s neck with monumental effort, slashing a deep gash in his own throat, hand on the back of his head guiding his lover, cradling his head as he latched onto the dripping wound, sucking with admirable might for a mortal, eliciting a moan from deep within Armand’s chest, every lap of Daniel’s hot, rough tongue against the already healing wound, sending aftershocks of bliss straight to the vampire’s loins. 
He had never known it could be like that, understood how lesser vampires could sire fledglings indiscriminately if sharing their blood with a chosen one was anything like feeding Daniel his blood. 
“That’s enough for now, lover” Armand declared out loud, trying to convince himself as much as Daniel. The human whined, of course he whined, like a spoiled, demanding child. Had he realized already, that Armand would fulfill his every demand, grant his every wish, as long as he remained his? As he remained sharing his body and his blood and his life force with the dead thing he had unwittingly lured to his side?
Daniel finally let go but didn’t move away, resting his forehead on Armand’s shoulder as his breathing returned to its normal rhythm.
“You won’t… You’re not going to turn me, then?”
He sounded so small, so vulnerable, Armand was struck again by just how tenderly young his boy was.
“Turn you?” He repeated with contempt, “I wouldn’t do that to those whom I find despicable, whom I would see burning in hell, as a matter of course” He held Daniel closer to him, almost entirely out of the water, the mere thought making him irrationally protective of the boy in his arms, “So why would I do that to a beautiful, innocent fool like you?”
Because I want it , Armand heard the boy’s thoughts, deafening and desperate. I want to be forever with you and Louis . Yet Daniel didn’t vocalize them, choosing instead to make a question he already knew the answer to,
“But you are not going to kill me either” He ventured a look up at Armand for confirmation. The unimpressed raising of a single eyebrow was all he got, but it was enough, “What are you going to do with me, then?”
Armand laughed then, rich and sincere, a little drunk on his boy’s delectable blood, stronger than any human liquor.
“Don’t you know yet, beloved one? Is it not obvious? I am going to keep you…”
To go back to 2023
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jeanjauthor · 4 months
Writers, if you're going to write a courtroom scene...attend a courtroom session. Most trials, you can actually do that. In fact, a lot of lawyers do that, and law students are encouraged to do so as well.
Be RESPECTFUL of the court, don't talk loudly, don't chew gum & pop bubbles, slurp a drink, etc. Wear nice office-acceptable clothes, make sure you bathe, don't play music, and turn off your phone ringer, all the usual courtesies plus a few more. (If you disrupt a courtroom, you can be fined or even imprisoned depending on the severity of the situation--also be mindful of what you bring to a courthouse; leave the pocket knives at home!)
You don't have permission to do so, and in many cases, such recordings are prohibited by the judge...and violating that prohibition can land you in seriously hot water.
But you can actually attend many trials. Just BE MINDFUL that the other people in attendance may be witnesses, or there to provide expert testimony, etc, and this means you aren't supposed to talk with them. DO NOT MESS WITH THE CASE.
If anyone questions you as to why you are there before the trial begins (and you will have to check with the courtroom staff to get inside in the first place), you can tell them that you are a writer trying to get a better idea of how courtroom proceedings work, and that you understand you are not to talk with anyone about what you heard or saw while the trial is underway, nor will you talk to any of the jurors, or anyone of defense or prosecution, etc. (Seriously, just don't. You'll be far more likely to be allowed in to watch if you agree to these rules.)
If you are turned away? ACCEPT IT POLITELY AND GO AWAY.
You can try again another day. You might get turned away because it's a Sensitive Subject. You might get turned away due to lack of room from all the witnesses, experts, and/or others expected to be inside. You might get turned away because the place is going to be packed with news reporters...and if that's the case, you really don't want to record (audio or video) anything going on in that trial. There Are Rules About Recording Court Cases, and you don't have the "protection of the 4th Estate (journalism)", and even they don't have a LOT of protection.
This, by the way, is why you see so many sketches of a courtroom proceeding, and not photographs, let alone video or audio recordings. It is seriously A Big Deal, and you don't want to wind up in court because of something you did while merely attending a court case.
...Alternatively, if you can afford the hourly wages, you can request to pay for some time with a courtroom lawyer (barrister as opposed to solicitor, in British terms) to ask them questions about what they'd like to see done right in a story you'll be writing about a courtroom situation. Be mindful that they might end up telling you your original story ideas are Very Wrong, Sorry, That Won't Work...and if this happens, ACCEPT IT POLITELY.
You can also just hire and tell them what you would like to see happen in your story in terms of going into the initial situation that winds up in the courtroom and what you want to have as the fallout or consequences / results of said lawsuit, and ask THEM if they can tell you how such a case could be handled, etc.
But again, if you are told It Doesn't Work That Way, you might need to shelve that idea...or save it for a story set in a created world with a created culture and its own created legal system where it could work that way.
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arpov-blog-blog · 5 months
..."The goods these prisoners produce wind up in the supply chains of a dizzying array of products found in most American kitchens, from Frosted Flakes cereal and Ball Park hot dogs to Gold Medal flour, Coca-Cola and Riceland rice. They are on the shelves of virtually every supermarket in the country, including Kroger, Target, Aldi and Whole Foods. And some goods are exported, including to countries that have had products blocked from entering the U.S. for using forced or prison labor.
Many of the companies buying directly from prisons are violating their own policies against the use of such labor. But it’s completely legal, dating back largely to the need for labor to help rebuild the South’s shattered economy after the Civil War. Enshrined in the Constitution by the 13th Amendment, slavery and involuntary servitude are banned – except as punishment for a crime.
That clause is currently being challenged on the federal level, and efforts to remove similar language from state constitutions are expected to reach the ballot in about a dozen states this year.
Some prisoners work on the same plantation soil where slaves harvested cotton, tobacco and sugarcane more than 150 years ago, with some present-day images looking eerily similar to the past. In Louisiana, which has one of the country’s highest incarceration rates, men working on the “farm line” still stoop over crops stretching far into the distance.
Willie Ingram picked everything from cotton to okra during his 51 years in the state penitentiary, better known as Angola.
During his time in the fields, he was overseen by armed guards on horseback and recalled seeing men, working with little or no water, passing out in triple-digit heat. Some days, he said, workers would throw their tools in the air to protest, despite knowing the potential consequences.
“They’d come, maybe four in the truck, shields over their face, billy clubs, and they’d beat you right there in the field. They beat you, handcuff you and beat you again,” said Ingram, who received a life sentence after pleading guilty to a crime he said he didn’t commit. He was told he would serve 10 ½ years and avoid a possible death penalty, but it wasn’t until 2021 that a sympathetic judge finally released him. He was 73.
The number of people behind bars in the United States started to soar in the 1970s just as Ingram entered the system, disproportionately hitting people of color. Now, with about 2 million people locked up, U.S. prison labor from all sectors has morphed into a multibillion-dollar empire, extending far beyond the classic images of prisoners stamping license plates, working on road crews or battling wildfires.
Though almost every state has some kind of farming program, agriculture represents only a small fraction of the overall prison workforce. Still, an analysis of data amassed by the AP from correctional facilities nationwide traced nearly $200 million worth of sales of farmed goods and livestock to businesses over the past six years – a conservative figure that does not include tens of millions more in sales to state and government entities. Much of the data provided was incomplete, though it was clear that the biggest revenues came from sprawling operations in the South and leasing out prisoners to companies.
Corrections officials and other proponents note that not all work is forced and that prison jobs save taxpayers money. For example, in some cases, the food produced is served in prison kitchens or donated to those in need outside. They also say workers are learning skills that can be used when they’re released and given a sense of purpose, which could help ward off repeat offenses. In some places, it allows prisoners to also shave time off their sentences. And the jobs provide a way to repay a debt to society, they say.
While most critics don’t believe all jobs should be eliminated, they say incarcerated people should be paid fairly, treated humanely and that all work should be voluntary. Some note that even when people get specialized training, like firefighting, their criminal records can make it almost impossible to get hired on the outside.
“They are largely uncompensated, they are being forced to work, and it’s unsafe. They also aren’t learning skills that will help them when they are released,” said law professor Andrea Armstrong, an expert on prison labor at Loyola University New Orleans. “It raises the question of why we are still forcing people to work in the fields.”
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barreloftears · 4 months
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𝖇𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖙 𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖘
barrett olivares is based on barrel from the nightmare before christmas. he is a 25 year old cursed human, moonlight casino employee, and uses he/him pronouns. he has the power of temporary reanimation.
penned by HARPER
face claim: diego tinoco sexuality: bisexual height: 5'9" eye color: dark brown hair color: black piercings: ear lobes tattoos: snake on his forearm , mother & sister's death date in roman numerals on right collarbone.
positive traits: disciplined, resourceful, playful, private, industrious, bold negative traits: compulsive, devious, impatient, mischievous, paranoid, subservent likes: really loud music, horror movies, violence, cracking jokes at inappropriate times, the color black, pranks, meaningless sex, rooting for sports he knows nothing about, the smell of permanent markers dislikes: belts, the ocean, the sound of a door slamming, creaky floorboards, bright colors, talking about the past, the l-word, nightmares, when it's way too hot out, political figures phobias: thalassophobia - fear of the ocean or large bodies of water hobbies: breaking the law, loitering in the casino, trying to learn how to gamble but not being able to make sense of it, spending way too much time with temporary suitors and booze, sketching, trying to bring road kill back to life, trying desperately to forget the past but never being able to let go of it simultaneously, latching onto shona & luis. aesthetic: the sound of fist meeting drywall, the crack of a leather belt, wanting to understand love but not knowing where to start, an empty graveyard clouded by thick mist, black converse with blood-stained canvas, worn leather clubs, the sharpening of a knife against a piece of loose asphalt, manic laughter that echos down a dark alley, the sound of a dripping sink that won't stop fucking dripping
mother:  daniela oliveras ( deceased ) father: matías oliveras ( deceased ) sibling(s): luciana oliveras ( deceased )
barrett still hasn’t been able to fully process the trauma he had endured as a child, not yet seeing it as trauma but seeing it as his experience of NORMAL. he didn’t feel the need to tell other people about it, but hearing about the childhoods of other’s did lead to him questioning his own.
the man can often been seen engaging with violence simply to try and make sense of it. what was violence FOR ?? what purpose did it serve ?? did it represent love or a lack of it ?? 
he is beyond easy to manipulate, and a lot of that stems from the fact that he learned that not showing discipline results in consequence. that isn’t to say he isn’t notorious for breaking a law or two, but that is heavily because he operates doing what others tell him to… even if it isn’t legal. if they tell him to jump, he’ll say how high or… off what elevated surface. 
when the temptation to disobey orders passes through him, he is met with violent flashbacks of punishment he was faced with when he was younger, and so he prefers to simply take instructions and not question them. not out loud, at least. 
barrett doesn’t see love as something that should be desired, or sought out for, opting instead to question it when it’s presented and not trust it when it’s mentioned. he doesn’t understand it. if what his parents shared was love, why did his father do what he did ?? 
barrett can often be found binging horror movies in his free time, engaging with violence in a passive way to try and see if it’s the violence that bothers him or who inflicts it. nothing makes his skin pebble with goosebumps quite like the memories of his father… and he has yet to find a horror movie that truly spooks him.
luis and shona, though often the ones bossing him around, are two individuals that barrett would do anything for. cut off a finger? sure. rob a bank? okay. go to the ends of the earth? in record time. he has already lost one family, even if it was a broken one… he would be damned if it were to happen to him again.
barrett does not wear belts, and even the innocent removal of one is enough to send a crippling anxiety he couldn’t seem to shake pulsing through him. he opted to knot shoelaces around his waist to keep his pants up if absolutely necessary, often leaving him without ties for his shoes.
the man will happily busy himself with sex and booze and laughter in order to distract himself from the impending doom a moment of self-reflection would bring him, opting to cozy into the comfort of oblivion instead of focusing on the damage his memories always seemed to bring him.
barrett is terrified of large bodies of water — he will not walk within viewing distance of a lake or even a stream, the babbling of the smallest creek enough to make him lash out in terror. even a picture of one is enough to have him crawling into his shell. 
his reanimation talent is one he practices often, but he keeps it primarily to himself… unless he’s pulling a prank on someone to get some sort of distracting amusement out of them. outside of luis and shona, no one knows about the talents he possesses. or…. anything about him at all, for that matter.
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llazyneiph · 10 months
Hello. I hope you are doing well! I was wondering if you still have the yes, officer outfit? I have tried downloading it but when I do, it just downloads some random letters and no package file. Thank you.
Hey, sorry but I no longer support my old original cc as it was converted and I just don't want to land myself in any hot water now that I'm aware of the legal consequences :')
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Ensuring Safety with Comprehensive Legionella Risk Assessment and Fire Safety Protocols
The Importance of Legionella Risk Assessment
Legionella is a bacterium that causes Legionnaires' disease, a severe form of pneumonia. The bacterium thrives in water systems, including cooling towers, hot and cold water systems, and spa pools, making regular monitoring and risk assessment crucial. The importance of Legionella risk assessment requirements cannot be overstated:
Health and Safety Compliance: Compliance with health and safety regulations is mandatory for many businesses and public institutions. Failing to conduct proper Legionella risk assessments can lead to legal consequences and endanger public health.
Prevention of Outbreaks: Regular Legionella risk assessments help identify and mitigate potential sources of Legionella bacteria, thereby preventing outbreaks. This is especially important in environments such as hospitals, nursing homes, and hotels, where vulnerable populations are at risk.
Protecting Reputation: An outbreak of Legionnaires' disease can damage the reputation of a business or institution. Implementing robust risk assessment procedures ensures that safety measures are in place, safeguarding the reputation of the organization.
Cost Management: Identifying and addressing potential Legionella risks early can prevent costly repairs and legal liabilities associated with outbreaks. Regular assessments and maintenance are more cost-effective than dealing with the consequences of an outbreak.
Key Legionella Risk Assessment Requirements
Legionella risk assessments involve several critical steps to ensure comprehensive evaluation and mitigation of potential risks. Key requirements typically include:
Identification of Water Systems: The first step is to identify all water systems in the facility, including cooling towers, hot and cold water systems, and any other water features. This helps in mapping out areas where Legionella bacteria might thrive.
Assessment of Risk Factors: Evaluate the factors that contribute to the growth and spread of Legionella, such as water temperature, stagnation, and the presence of nutrients. Systems that maintain water temperatures between 20°C and 45°C are particularly at risk.
Monitoring and Sampling: Regular monitoring and water sampling are essential to detect the presence of Legionella bacteria. This should be done according to industry standards and guidelines to ensure accuracy and reliability.
Control Measures: Implement control measures to mitigate identified risks. This may include regular cleaning and disinfection of water systems, temperature control, and the installation of appropriate filtration and treatment systems.
Documentation and Reporting: Maintain comprehensive records of all assessments, findings, and actions taken. Documentation should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the water system or regulations.
Training and Awareness: Ensure that staff responsible for managing water systems are adequately trained and aware of Legionella risks and control measures. Regular training sessions and updates on best practices are essential for effective risk management.
Integrating Legionella and Fire Safety
While Legionella risk assessment focuses on water systems, fire safety protocols address a different but equally critical aspect of building safety. Integrating both Legionella risk assessment and fire safety protocols is essential for a holistic approach to safety. Here’s how these two areas intersect:
Shared Infrastructure: Many buildings have integrated systems where water and fire safety mechanisms overlap, such as sprinkler systems and fire hoses. Ensuring that these systems are free from Legionella contamination is crucial for maintaining overall safety.
Emergency Preparedness: Both Legionella and fire safety protocols emphasize the importance of emergency preparedness. This includes having clear procedures for managing outbreaks or fires, ensuring that staff are trained and that response plans are in place.
Regular Inspections and Maintenance: Regular inspections and maintenance are critical for both Legionella risk assessment and fire safety. Scheduling routine checks helps identify and address potential issues before they escalate, ensuring that systems remain functional and safe.
Compliance with Regulations: Adhering to regulations and standards for both Legionella risk assessment and fire safety is mandatory. This includes compliance with local health and safety laws, building codes, and industry-specific guidelines.
Training and Awareness: Training staff on both Legionella risk and fire safety procedures ensures that they are aware of potential hazards and know how to respond effectively. Comprehensive training programs should cover the identification of risks, emergency response, and best practices for maintenance and prevention.
Best Practices for Integrating Safety Protocols
To effectively integrate Legionella risk assessment and fire safety protocols, consider the following best practices:
Comprehensive Risk Assessments: Conduct thorough risk assessments that cover both water systems and fire safety infrastructure. Use the findings to develop integrated safety plans that address potential hazards in a holistic manner.
Coordinated Maintenance Schedules: Develop coordinated maintenance schedules that allow for the regular inspection and servicing of both water systems and fire safety equipment. This helps ensure that all systems are functioning optimally and that potential risks are mitigated.
Cross-Functional Training: Provide cross-functional training for staff to ensure that they are knowledgeable about both Legionella risk assessment and fire safety protocols. This fosters a culture of safety and ensures that employees are equipped to handle a range of potential hazards.
Use of Technology: Leverage technology to monitor and manage safety protocols. This may include using digital platforms for tracking maintenance schedules, conducting remote inspections, and monitoring water quality and fire safety systems in real-time.
Regular Review and Updates: Regularly review and update safety protocols to reflect changes in regulations, industry standards, and emerging risks. Staying current with best practices helps ensure that safety measures remain effective and relevant.
Ensuring the safety of individuals and communities requires a comprehensive approach that integrates both Legionella risk assessment and fire safety protocols. By understanding and adhering to Legionella risk assessment requirements and implementing robust fire safety measures, property owners and facility managers can create a safer environment for everyone.
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fashionguestpost · 25 days
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Influencers Gone Wild: Scandals, Backlash, and Legal Woes
In the ever-evolving world of social media, influencers wield immense power. Their carefully curated posts can shape trends, influence consumer behavior, and even impact public opinion. But what happens when these digital darlings go off-script? Enter the realm of “Influencers Gone Wild.”
The Controversial Platform
Influencers Gone Wild is a website that thrives on scandalous content involving—you guessed it—social media influencers. From eyebrow-raising stunts to jaw-dropping revelations, this platform aggregates and shares it all. But what impact does it have on influencers’ reputations, privacy, mental health, and relationships with brands and followers? Let’s dive in.
The Wild Moments
Fart Jars and Other Oddities:
Some influencers have taken eccentricity to a whole new level. Remember the influencer who sold her own farts in jars? Yes, that happened. And people bought them. The line between quirky and downright bizarre blurs in the world of influencers.
Nude Photoshoots with Sacred Trees:
One influencer decided to bare it all—literally—by posing nude with a sacred tree. The backlash was swift, with accusations of cultural insensitivity and disrespect. Brands distanced themselves, and followers were left scratching their heads.
Feuds and Public Meltdowns:
Influencers aren’t immune to drama. Public feuds, emotional breakdowns, and heated exchanges play out on social media platforms. Fans watch in shock as their favorite personalities unravel before their eyes.
Legal Troubles:
Some influencers find themselves in legal hot water. Whether it’s copyright infringement, defamation, or contractual disputes, the courtroom becomes their new stage. Suddenly, their follower count matters less than their lawyer’s prowess.
A prominent American Twitch streamer, internet personality, cosplayer, and vlogger, has ventured into the unpredictable realm of “Meg Turney influencers gone wild,” leaving fans both shocked and intrigued1. Her journey from gaming to lifestyle content has been closely followed by millions, but her recent foray into this wild side has caused quite a stir on the internet
The Fallout
Influencers Gone Wild isn’t just a spectator sport; it has real-world consequences:
Brand Partnerships:
Brands scrutinize influencers more closely than ever. A scandal can lead to severed partnerships, loss of sponsorships, and damage to a brand’s image. Trust once broken is hard to mend.
Mental Health Toll:
The pressure to maintain a flawless online persona takes a toll. Influencers battle anxiety, depression, and burnout. The constant need for validation clashes with the desire for authenticity.
Privacy Invasion:
The line between public and private blurs. Paparazzi-style coverage invades influencers’ personal lives. Privacy becomes a luxury they can’t afford.
Lessons Learned
Influencers Gone Wild serves as a cautionary tale. It reminds us that behind the filters and hashtags, influencers are human. They make mistakes, face consequences, and grapple with their own vulnerabilities. As we scroll through their feeds, let’s remember that wild moments don’t define them entirely.
In the end, perhaps we should all take a step back, unfurl our brows, and recognize that even influencers have their wild side.
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Understanding the Importance of Gas Safety Certificates in London
A gas safety certificate, also known as a Gas Safety Record, is required by law for landlords and businesses whose properties have gas appliances. The certificate provides evidence that all gas appliances in the property have been inspected and are safe to use. Failure to provide a valid gas safety certificate in London can lead to penalties, legal consequences, or even fatalities in worst cases
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janzenv · 1 month
Protect Your Business: Understanding the Dangers of Personal Email Use 
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In today's fast-paced business world, convenience can sometimes trump security. We all know the feeling: a quick question for a colleague, a document you need to access from home, and – bam! – you're firing off an email from your trusty personal account. But hold on a sec. While it might seem harmless, using personal email for business purposes can expose your company to a surprising number of dangers. 
Let's delve deeper into why keeping your work email separate from your personal Gmail (or Yahoo, or Hotmail) is crucial. We'll explore the security risks, legal implications, and the overall impact on your business's professionalism. 
Security Nightmares: Unlocked Doors for Hackers 
Imagine your company's confidential information – client lists, marketing strategies, product details – sitting on a park bench. Anyone could walk by and grab it. That's essentially the risk you take when using personal email for business. Here's why: 
Weaker Security: Personal email providers often have less robust security features compared to business email solutions. Business accounts typically benefit from features like encryption, spam filtering, and malware protection – all crucial safeguards missing from your standard personal account. 
Uncontrolled Access: With a personal account, you have no control over who might have access to your information. Maybe you used a public computer or forgot to log out on a friend's device. In the world of business, a single data breach can have devastating consequences. 
Phishing Paradise: Hackers love personal email accounts because they're easy targets for phishing scams. A cleverly disguised email can trick you into downloading malware or revealing sensitive information, putting your company data at risk. 
Legal Landmines: Stepping into Trouble 
Beyond the security woes, using personal email for business can land you in hot water legally. Here's how: 
Compliance Challenges: Many industries have regulations regarding data storage and communication. For example, healthcare providers might be subject to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), which dictates how patient data is handled. Using a personal email could be a violation of these regulations, leading to hefty fines. 
Discovery Disasters: During legal proceedings, companies are often required to disclose relevant emails. If your business communication is scattered across personal accounts, it becomes a nightmare to retrieve and could even be deemed a case of tampering with evidence. 
Contractual Conundrums: Many business contracts have confidentiality clauses. Using a personal email for sensitive communication could be a breach of those clauses, jeopardizing important partnerships. 
Professionalism: Perception is Everything 
Let's face it, using a goofy nickname or an outdated email address for business communication doesn't exactly scream professionalism. A dedicated business email account with your company domain name (e.g., [email address removed]) portrays a more polished and trustworthy image. 
Here's how a professional email presence benefits your business: 
Builds Trust: A clean and official email address fosters trust with clients and partners. They know their communication is going to a secure and monitored account. 
Strengthens Brand Identity: A consistent email format reinforces your brand and makes a positive first impression. It shows you take your business seriously and pay attention to detail. 
Improves Communication Flow: With everyone using a central business email system, communication becomes more organized and efficient. There's no need to chase down colleagues for their personal email addresses or worry about messages getting lost in the shuffle. 
So, What's the Solution? Embrace Business Email! 
Now that you've seen the downsides of using personal email for business, the solution is clear: make the switch to a secure business email platform. Most companies provide these for their employees, and the benefits are numerous. 
Enhanced Security: Business email accounts offer robust security features to protect your data from unauthorized access. 
Centralized Management: Your IT department can manage and monitor business email accounts, ensuring compliance with company policies and regulations. 
Improved Functionality: Business email solutions often offer additional features like shared calendars, file storage, and contact management, streamlining communication and collaboration. 
Making the switch might seem like a hassle initially, but the long-term security, legal, and professional gains far outweigh the short-term inconvenience. 
Beyond the Basics: Educating Your Team 
Once you've implemented a business email system, don't stop there. Educate your team on the dangers of using personal email for work. Here are some tips: 
Create a Clear Policy: Develop a company policy that outlines the acceptable use of email and the consequences of violating it. 
Training & Awareness Programs: Conduct training sessions to educate employees about cybersecurity best practices and the risks associated with using personal email. 
Real-Life Examples: Share real examples of how security breaches or legal troubles occurred at other businesses due to the misuse of email. This makes the dangers more tangible. 
Changing Habits: It's Possible! 
If you have employees in the habit of using their personal email – don't fret! Here are a few tips to help encourage a positive shift: 
Make it Easy: Set up an easy-to-use and reliable business email system. If it's a pain to use, people are less likely to adopt it. 
Lead by Example: Managers and executives should set the standard by consistently using their business email accounts. This demonstrates adherence to the policy. 
Offer Ongoing Support: Provide support and resources to help employees set up their business email on different devices and integrate it into their workflow. 
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 
Let's wrap up with a few frequently asked questions on this topic: 
"What if I'm just occasionally sending a quick work-related email from my personal account?" Even the simplest email could contain sensitive information. Don't take the risk. Stick to business email, even for seemingly harmless communication. 
"My business is small and doesn't have a dedicated IT department. Is business email still essential?" Absolutely! Smaller businesses are often targeted by hackers precisely because they tend to have weaker security. There are many affordable and user-friendly business email solutions available. 
"I'm a freelancer/consultant who works for myself. Does this apply to me?" Yes! Using a professional business email is even more crucial in this scenario. It's part of establishing legitimacy with clients and protecting your data. 
Protect Your Business, Protect Your Future 
By understanding the risks of personal email use and transitioning to a robust business email system, you're taking an important step in safeguarding your company's data, reputation, and legal standing. 
Remember, cyber threats and regulations are constantly evolving. Make it a priority to regularly review your email use practices and policies. A little bit of prevention saves a whole lot of trouble down the line! 
For more cybersecurity tips, insights, and robust solutions, click here.  
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steavethomas · 2 months
Protecting Your Home and Family: The Importance of Gas Leak Detection in Melbourne
Introduction: Gas leaks pose a serious threat to the safety and well-being of homeowners and their families. In Melbourne, where many homes rely on gas for heating, cooking, and hot water, detecting and addressing gas leaks promptly is paramount. Gas leak detection technology has advanced significantly in recent years, offering homeowners reliable and effective solutions for safeguarding their properties. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of gas leak detection in Melbourne and highlight the benefits of investing in professional gas leak detection services.
Early Detection Saves Lives: Gas leaks are a silent threat, often going unnoticed until it's too late. Natural gas is odorless and colorless, making it difficult to detect without specialized equipment. By investing in professional gas leak detection services, homeowners can detect leaks early, before they escalate into dangerous situations. Early detection can save lives by preventing gas-related accidents, such as fires, explosions, or carbon monoxide poisoning.
Protecting Property and Investments: Gas leaks not only endanger lives but can also cause significant damage to property and investments. Gas leaks can lead to fires, explosions, or damage to appliances and infrastructure. By investing in gas leak detection services, homeowners can protect their property and investments from the devastating consequences of gas-related incidents.
Ensuring Compliance with Regulations: In Melbourne, regulations and codes govern the installation and maintenance of gas appliances and infrastructure. Regular gas leak detection inspections help ensure compliance with these regulations, reducing the risk of fines, penalties, or legal liabilities. Professional gas leak detection services can provide homeowners with the documentation and peace of mind they need to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements.
Peace of Mind for Homeowners: Gas leaks can be a source of anxiety and stress for homeowners, especially those living in older homes or neighborhoods with aging infrastructure. Professional gas leak detection services offer peace of mind by providing homeowners with accurate and reliable assessments of their gas systems. Knowing that their home is free from gas leaks allows homeowners to enjoy their living space without worry or fear.
Preventive Maintenance and Long-Term Savings: Investing in professional gas leak detection services is not just about addressing existing leaks—it's also about preventing future problems. Regular inspections can identify potential issues early, allowing homeowners to address them before they escalate into costly repairs or emergencies. By investing in preventive maintenance, homeowners can save money in the long run and avoid the inconvenience and stress of gas-related incidents.
Conclusion: Gas leak detection is a critical aspect of home safety and maintenance, particularly in a city like Melbourne where gas is a common energy source. By investing in professional gas leak detection services, homeowners can protect their property, their investments, and most importantly, their loved ones. Early detection of gas leaks saves lives, prevents property damage, ensures regulatory compliance, and offers peace of mind for homeowners. Don't wait until it's too late—invest in gas leak detection services today and safeguard your home and family from the dangers of gas leaks.
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influencermagazineuk · 2 months
When Free Speech Gets Frowned Upon: Navigating the Line Which Influencers Should Not Cross
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Freedom of speech is a cornerstone of many societies, but for social media influencers, it's not always a straightforward concept. While they can express their opinions and share their lives, there are situations where their words or actions can land them in hot water. Let's explore the potential pitfalls influencers might encounter: The Blur Between Free Speech and Legal Trouble: - Incitement to Violence: Free speech protections typically don't extend to threats or incitement to violence. If an influencer's speech encourages harm to others, legal consequences can arise. - Defamation and Libel: Spreading false information or damaging someone's reputation can lead to defamation lawsuits. Influencers need to be cautious about what they post, especially regarding individuals or brands. - Hate Speech: While freedom of speech protects expressing unpopular views, hate speech that attacks individuals or groups based on race, religion, or other protected characteristics can be illegal or violate platform guidelines. The Tangled Web of Brand Partnerships and Endorsements: - Deception and Misrepresentation: Promoting products or services with misleading claims can be problematic. Influencers have a responsibility to be honest and transparent about sponsored content and their experiences. - False Advertising and FTC Regulations: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the US has guidelines regarding influencer marketing. Failing to disclose sponsored content or making misleading claims about a product can lead to fines or penalties. - Contractual Obligations: Influencers often sign contracts with brands they partner with. These contracts might outline specific content requirements or restrictions on what they can say about the brand or its competitors. Breaching these contracts could result in legal action. The Court of Public Opinion: - Cancel Culture and Online Backlash: While not a legal issue, influencers can face significant backlash for offensive or insensitive remarks. "Cancel culture" can lead to brand deals being revoked, a loss of followers, and damage to their online reputation. - The Power of Social Media Outrage: Social media moves fast, and a single misstep can lead to a PR nightmare. Influencers need to be mindful of the potential consequences of their words before hitting post. Navigating the Tightrope: So, how can influencers balance free expression with the potential pitfalls? Here are some tips: - Be Honest and Transparent: Clearly disclose sponsored content and avoid misleading claims. Authenticity and transparency are key to building trust with your audience. - Think Before You Post: Take a moment to consider the potential consequences of your words or actions before hitting publish. Would it offend anyone? Could it be misconstrued? - Be Aware of Laws and Regulations: Familiarize yourself with relevant FTC guidelines or advertising regulations in your region. - Uphold Ethical Standards: Strive for respectful and inclusive communication, avoiding hate speech or offensive remarks. - Seek Legal Counsel (if needed): If unsure about the legality of a post or collaboration, consult a lawyer specializing in social media or advertising law. Freedom of speech is a valuable right, but it comes with responsibilities. By being mindful of potential legal issues, brand partnerships, and the power of public opinion, influencers can navigate the online world with confidence, expressing themselves freely while maintaining a responsible and successful career. Read the full article
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