#House of unamerican Acitivities
wutbju · 1 month
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It is Holy Week. It's time to remember the sins that put Jesus on the cross.
Just before Bob Jones' infamous 1960 sermon, "Is Segregation Scriptural?" the BJU Alumni Association ...
called for an investigation of the National Council of Churches by the House of un-American Activities Committee.
They went on to praise BJU for "providing
aggressive, uncompromising, consistent Christian leadership in a day of religious and moral confusion.
The Alumni Association officers were Daniel Krusich, Mrs. G. G. Jackson (Larry Jackson's mother), Robert Pratt, and Dale King. Dwight Gustafson presided over the meeting.
Why did BJU think that the NCC deserved to be the object of a HUAC witch hunt? A month earlier the Air Force released a new manual (Student Text NR. 45-0050, INCR.V, Vol. 7, a 250-page guide for reserve noncoms, from the manual writing section at the Air Force's Lackland Military Training Center in San Antonio) which stated:
Communists and Communist fellow travelers have successfully infiltrated into our churches … It is known that even the pastors of certain of our churches are card-carrying Communists.... The National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. officially sponsored the Revised Standard Version of the Bible.
The genius who slipped that into a military manual was Billy James Hargis trained Oklahoman, Homer H. Hyde.
Why is this important? Why is this a sin?
Because BJU wielded its small influence not for the Gospel but for a mere reactionary conspiracy theory which was nothing more than cunning projection from a sexual predator.
We have to stop that. We're still doing that. See God & Country for proof.
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