wutbju · 1 month
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It is Holy Week. It's time to remember the sins that put Jesus on the cross.
Just before Bob Jones' infamous 1960 sermon, "Is Segregation Scriptural?" the BJU Alumni Association ...
called for an investigation of the National Council of Churches by the House of un-American Activities Committee.
They went on to praise BJU for "providing
aggressive, uncompromising, consistent Christian leadership in a day of religious and moral confusion.
The Alumni Association officers were Daniel Krusich, Mrs. G. G. Jackson (Larry Jackson's mother), Robert Pratt, and Dale King. Dwight Gustafson presided over the meeting.
Why did BJU think that the NCC deserved to be the object of a HUAC witch hunt? A month earlier the Air Force released a new manual (Student Text NR. 45-0050, INCR.V, Vol. 7, a 250-page guide for reserve noncoms, from the manual writing section at the Air Force's Lackland Military Training Center in San Antonio) which stated:
Communists and Communist fellow travelers have successfully infiltrated into our churches … It is known that even the pastors of certain of our churches are card-carrying Communists.... The National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. officially sponsored the Revised Standard Version of the Bible.
The genius who slipped that into a military manual was Billy James Hargis trained Oklahoman, Homer H. Hyde.
Why is this important? Why is this a sin?
Because BJU wielded its small influence not for the Gospel but for a mere reactionary conspiracy theory which was nothing more than cunning projection from a sexual predator.
We have to stop that. We're still doing that. See God & Country for proof.
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wutbju · 3 months
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Pastor Innes wants to clear up any “confusion” about separatism in his 1994 Chapel sermon:
Problems and misunderstandings that cause confusion, weakness and division among fundamentalists.
The idea that biblical commands concerning unity and separation are mutually exclusive, that somehow, the commands concerning love and unity don't rightly apply to fundamentalists.
The failure to distinguish between various categories of truth that we teach both in emphasis and level of authority, basically treating every notion and method regardless of how founded or unfounded it may be in relation to the Scriptures as being essential to fundamentalism - and thereby a test of fellowship.
The inability to distinguish between fellowship on an individual basis and joint participation on a church basis -- to recognize that fellowship on an individual basis does not require agreement on all minor details, and regarding such fellowship as compromise.
Failure to regard obedience (to clear commands of Scripture) to be equally essential to fundamentalism with belief (of clearly revealed truth), and the resulting erroneous assumption that mere agreement on six or seven fundamental doctrines makes one a fundamentalist.
Relating fundamentalism to personalities rather than to clearly taught biblical principles along with failure to understand and identify these principles.
Confusing cultural traditions and certain methods or philosophies of ministry with timeless fundamental truth and clearly revealed biblical principles, assuming that conformity to certain outward standards and practices makes one a fundamentalist.
Failure to regard the clear commands concerning separation from apostates and willfully disobedient brethren as essential to a fundamentalist position.
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wutbju · 7 months
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WutBJU found this little gem in the 1968 Vintage.
John Stormer was a featured speaker at Bob Jones University's Bible Conference in 1968. It's BIBLE CONFERENCE. And who does BJU invite?
A fear-monger that could be a model for Ron DeSantis' 2024 Presidential campaign.
The Greenville News reported on it. A transcription with commentary will follow.
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"Forty eight hours ago a man was shot down by a sniper's bullet in Memphis, Tenn. Since then, at least 20 people have been killed in violence in 46 cities of the United States. As we meet here tonight (Saturday), troops have the White House and Capitol surrounded to keep mobs from burning it to the ground. We live in a troubled land; we live in a land which is in trouble."
Well, yeah.
Stormer's speech in Rodeheaver was on Saturday, April 6, 1968.
Anybody remember what happened on April 4, 1968? Martin Luther King was assassinated.
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Does Stormer mention MLK ever? At all?
Of course not. He's just "a man." Can you even believe it? THE Martin Luther King, Jr. is nothing but "a man" in this Klandamentalist account.
These were the opening remarks Saturday night as John Stormer, author of "Note Dare Call It Treason," spoke to an audience of more than 4,000 at Bob Jones University. He said that within the last four years more than 150 people have been gunned down in the streets of America; thousands of others injured, more than a billion dollars worth of property burned or otherwise destroyed. "What is behind all the unrest and violence?" Stormer asked.
Oh what could it be? :/
He answered the question by saying that the President's Commission on Civil Disorders says that poverty, lack of economic opportunity, prejudice, and White racism are responsible. "Others, including, J. Edgar Hoover, grand juries in cities wrecked by violence, and police officials, have made it plain that Communists and other subversives have played upon the discontent, which stems from some of these conditions, to provoke the actual violence."
Here's a place to start reading about the Kerner Commission.
But the real problem in 1968 is, of course, a Red problem!
He quoted Hoover as saying that Communists and other subversives and extremists strive and labor ceaselessly to promote racial trouble and take advantage of racial discord in this country. Such elements were active in exploiting and aggravating the riots; for example, in Harlem, Watts, Cleveland and Chicago. Stormer said that all the rioters are not pro-Communist or anti-American. He quoted the Negro writer Louis Lomax, who after the Detroit riots, said that once the organized revolutionaries break open stores and get the violence started, then the human element begins to play into the hands of the revolutionaries.
And look at Stormer here. Does he sound any different than every white supremacist for the last three years?
Continuing, the conservative author said, "Men and women move in to satisfy their lusts for free cigarettes, free clothes, free booze, and anything else they can carry away. I have studied the cause for riots in the last several years, and I was puzzled for a long time, We have always had poverty in America; there has always been discrimination against any group as they have come to America."
Going back to the depression days, Stormer mentioned that during that time more than 15 million people were unemployed; the communists had a thousand members working actively to promote a revolution; and there were no riots. Why? "There are two principle differences between then and now," he noted. "In the 1930s it was a certainty that if trouble would break out and looting start, the government would move quickly and forcefully to put down any trouble. This is no longer the case."
Ah, yes! The good ol' days during the Great Depression!
There is a second element, as well. In the 1930s there was still a general acceptance among most of the population that there was at least a possibility that men would have to answer to God for his actions even if he weren't caught by the police. In the 1930s Christians, both black and white, and their churches were still faithful in proclaiming the message of God's judgment to come for all men. This puts a restraint on the natural wickedness of the heart of man.
Stormer told his audience that the function of the Christian was that which Jesus Christ referred do when he told his disciples, "Ye are the salt of the earth." "In the Lord's day," continued Stormer, "salt was used to preserve or to keep meat from getting rotten. If the Christian is serving his function in society, he tends to hold back corruption." In conclusion he said "Because Christians are not functioning as the salt of the earth and have lost their savor, Christians in all society are being trodden under the feet of men."
Have they ever changed?
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wutbju · 1 year
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It’s a big week for BJU, but WutBJU will still plod through the letters as we wait for the big news to come.
After the FBFI letter and John Lewis’ response and after Bob Jones III’s form letter to alumni, the +++Positives+++ form their own letter.
This letter is a problem. Please remember that I’ve published on how Klandamentalists deal with conflict (see here and here and here). There’s a distinct rhetorical form when they are under pressure.
And these +++Positives+++ use this same form right out of the gate.
In sum, they are dueling.
But they start saying they aren’t fighting. That’s how it works, you see. In Klandamentalism, you have to pretend you’re not dueling when you are.
They begin:
The volunteer organizers and administrators of Positive BJU Grads & Friends (named below) believe that John Lewis should be removed from the BJU board of trustees immediately. The board should decide on these matters in accordance with their own bylaws and policies, and in consideration of relevant SACSCOC guidelines. While alumni opinions and input are very important, we do not seek to exert control over the board or the university. We seek only to inform.
That’s not true at all. They want to persuade. We all know that. Why say otherwise?
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wutbju · 2 years
A god of thunder is the Klandamentalist god.
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wutbju · 4 years
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At Anchor Baptist Church in Millersville, Maryland on September 12, 2020, Steve Pettit was the guest speaker. 
Right before the ironic choice of “Revive Us Again,” the worship leader asked everyone to “move forward.” So much for social distancing. 
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Pettit is all over the country, flitting from place to place with nary a mask in sight!
Even his son’s wedding in Plymouth, Minnesota. It seems that fundamentalists presume that you only need to wear a mask when you enter a room -- even a bride and her father.
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But as soon as you’re in place, you can take it off.
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Even if you’re standing close and singing:
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Or if the whole congregation is singing:
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It’s going to be a long, long winter.
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wutbju · 4 years
Will this wedge between Trump and Klandamentalists widen?
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wutbju · 7 years
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Throughout its 89-year history...
89 years? That’s strange. When did Weier write this?
For January 2015, Gary said 88-years:
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For the FAQ 2.0 last October 2016, he said 90-year. Odd. Really odd.
...BJU has practiced the kind of continual improvement...
Really? Like what? Becoming MORE Young-Earth Creationist? Allowing students and employees to attend MORE kinds of churches? Expanding more programs? Increasing salaries?
...that characterizes accredited institutions....
Except it’s not. This is similar to manufacturers in the anti-union South insisting that they treat their employees well enough that they don’t need a union. That’s missing the point.
For the sake of its students and alumni...
Current students who will graduate in the calendar year accreditation is granted will benefit from this. Alumni will not.
Bob Jones University will surely benefit, however. That’s what this really means: Benefit$.
...BJU believes the time has come for it to seek regional accreditation as well.
Just like the time had come for BJU to state their regret about associating with segregationists. And the time had come for BJU to investigate their underservice to victims of campus sexual assault. 
So typical. 
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wutbju · 3 years
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And in his double-dipped-sermon, Steve Pettit underlines another dangerous and tired idea:
You are responsible for how you think.
Let’s go into Pettit’s conclusion here. Let’s map out the argument.
You are made in God’s image.
Therefore, you can think like God.
We can also unravel how image = mind, but that’s another thing.
In a sense, your mind = God’s mind.
BJU students often flip this into saying God’s mind = your mind.
And sometimes me = God. This is the ultimate consequence of Klandamentalism in general, but that’s another conversation.
Because you can think like God, you are responsible for how you think.
Therefore, you are responsible for being like God. 
And ultimately it becomes: you are responsible for being God.
This is ultimately what all Klandamentalist arguments become. You must be “godly.” If you listen to enough sermons, that’s the theme. I’ve studied a century of their sermons, and this is how they twist Scripture. You = God. Over and over and over again.
Jesus is nowhere to be found. Did you hear him at all this week? Ever? Anywhere? Show me. Honest question.
He’s never there. Jesus is rarely preached from the pulpit at 29614. It’s all God and I. That’s it.
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wutbju · 7 years
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The Klandmentalists are pretty upset with PCC for expelling their patriot, Allen Armentrout.
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wutbju · 3 years
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Bob Jones University made an appearance at the #PCAGA Presbyterian Churches of America General Assembly last time in 2019. WutBJU covered those details last summer.
This year, BJU made a louder and ignoble appearance this year.
In light of a year filled with violence against Asian-American-Pacific-Islander (AAPI), the PCA passed an overture in support of their AAPI siblings and neighbors. You can read it here.
It was in THAT moment that a rising Senior in Bob Jones University's ministerial class decided to declare:
I have personally encountered very few Asian American majority churches that weren't severely compromised by progressives and white liberals suckered into an exterior agenda.
He soon deleted the tweet after getting schooled by PCA pastor Duke Kwon. You can read the controversy here.
But, of course, this is a white BJU student. He didn't stop there. No aspiring Klandamentalist will.
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wutbju · 3 years
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If you were to google “Who is Pettit voting for,” a successful search would land you on his recent tweet amplifying Al Mohler’s fallacypalooza apologia of his vote for Trump.
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White male alumni of note aptly objected to Steve Pettit’s endorsement, and honestly, this is the real story here. Many alumni can see through the ridiculous backflips Klandamentalists have to do to justify their vote for the worst president imaginable. All their retorts are good. Pick one. 
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Best to you, gentlemen. And thank you.
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wutbju · 4 years
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In 1997, Bob Jones University was still peddling its Klandamentalist fantasy that all their progeny would happily lead their silent followers into the great beyond. In this picture from left to right, there’s Ian Paisley, Ian Paisley Jr., another Paisley, Bob Jones Jr., Stephen Jones, Bob Jones IV, and Bob Jones III. 
Didn’t quite turn out like that. 
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wutbju · 4 years
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Bob Jones III preached in Chapel on September 9. And first of all, he sounds pretty good for a COVID survivor. I wanted to say that first off. 
Well, “good” as in he sounds like himself. 
He started out defining Gen Z and Gen Y. And yes, Gen X, as always, we got skipped.
But he proposes a more biblical set of letters for generations -- Gen R for “righteous” and Gen U for “unrighteous.”
Now I have to mention that this sounds suspiciously like the codes BJU assigned to graduates in their campus database, Infoman. Mine is “U” for, I was told, “unfriendly.” 
If you need to see the proof that Gen U exists according to Bob, just look at the dreaded “social media” (9:40): 
Social media allows Gen U to spew every filth, ... lying gossip about others and about institutions.... Don't go to those places. Don't listen to those voices.... [which are] corrupting the world.
You’re welcome, Dr. Bob. 
All in all, in this sermon, BJ3 offers the most perfect Klandamentalist persecution complex you can imagine. Even reminiscing about some trip to the white supremacist Rhodesia and relishing the idea that (18:30):
The world wants to marginalize us.
Not really, Bob. Really. Not at all. He actually wonders (22:00):
Will there be even be any churches left? 
His persecution complex seems more acute than in previous sermons, and it’s really about all he preaches on anymore. 
He does end with a plain and clear hope. No, no, not in Jesus. Don’t be silly! It’s the students!
You're the hope. I love you. Your faculty love you.
The students see through it though. From boj_jones_university on Instagram:
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They know. 
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wutbju · 4 years
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When BJU announced their measures to love their neighbors by moving all classes to online, the Klandamentalist, Know-Nothing, Anti-Science ideology could not hold it in. From their Instagram post:
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wutbju · 5 years
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On Sunday night, July 23, 1907, Bob Jones Sr. gave his famous sermon for men only.
The sermon was two years old by this point and would eventually become his Klandamentalist film, Unbeatable Game.
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