#How did this wonderful combo pop up in ur mind haha
hi zaina!! i saw your post on the girls and it is quite sad that they don't get as much attention as the guys do 😖
what are your thoughts on kahina/kahokano? its my favorite ship of all time and i feel like they'd just be really neat together!! it may seem incredibly random but it makes too much sense in my head lol
Ahhhh hi!!!!! 💕💗 how are you!!
So the first couple times I looked at this ask, I thought you meant Kataoka x Okano…and my brain was confused like “oh why would that be random lol, they’re besties?”
And now I just realized you probably meant Kaho 😂😭 omggg ok yeah that is a random combo but I’m here for it 👀
Kaho is the kind of person that Okano thinks she’s jealous of tbh. A girl who’s secure in her femininity, gets guys with little effort (seemingly), and just overall has an “it girl” kind of look. Note that this isn’t the reality, but it’s what Okano would choose to see
But if in some type of scenario, they’re forced to spend time together or they’re somehow pulled together, I think that jealousy would fade and fade until it’s just…attraction. Like it becomes an admiration and realization of Kaho’s true personality, not just what Okano chose to selectively think.
Also I see Okano as someone who would struggle with her sexuality. It takes her a while to realize she’s bi/queer, and even then, it takes a lot of time and growth to really understand her attraction to people. (Am I projecting? Maybe a little 😳 a lot actually)
Meanwhile on Kaho’s end, I don’t think she would immediately see Okano as “her type.” Likewise, I think it would take some time for her to get to know her. But she admires a lot of Okano traits, like how decisive she is, how she doesn’t take shit from anyone, how passionate she is, etc.
Who makes the first move? Kaho for sure lmao, she’s always doing the chasing
Now imagine Okano teaching her how to do complicated flips and skateboard tricks lol 💗😂 and then treating Kaho’s scrapes afterwards
Imagine Kaho getting her random plushies and cutesy things, styling her hair for her, and making her try spicy foods but is prepared to give ice cream to Okano after lol
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