#How do you successfully select and implement an HRIS?
thehrisworld · 8 years
Why After AI, NLP Needs to Be the Next Conversation In HR
New Post | Why After AI, NLP Needs to Be the Next Conversation In HR
AI Is the Conversation Today
We recently shared some of our thoughts on LinkedIn updates about HR and AI (artificial intelligence) being the latest conversation nearly everywhere…
Given the propensity for disruption of the last decade, many may believe this is another replacement to the what-and-how we do things.
We may not be the first to say this, but we will — AI is not a replacement technology, instead AI is and will be pulling all the technologies today together, in its wake creating a faster, easier environment in which to work…
Notice we did not say there will not be mishaps, discoveries and a learning curve for us — there always is with technology.
We are definitely entering an era where new ways are supplementing not replacing the latest means – which also means people analytics / HR analytics, big data, and cloud computing are staying, not going away…
What AI Will Change – And Not..
What IS changing is how to instruct computers how to perform their tasks and how we will collect that information.
Where we focus,  whose voice(s) we listen to, our ethics, and/or what level of discernment we use are all independent of this technology.
The HRIS World fully believes HR and HR technology will end up seeing marriages of the knowledge verticals as the information silos have already been successfully busted at a consistent rate as well as at a very high level…
You can substitute ANY existing and future vertical for ‘HR’ and ‘HR technology’ — everyone that needs to use a computer of any form is going to see a growth only the visionaries today can imagine.
AI is a very intense, powerful as well very big jump for any business or process yet there are still the same complexities to be overcome though at an entirely different level.
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AI Needs Us, Not the Other Way Around
Like any computer system,  AI needs
an input method that can handle the high rate of change technology will be maintaining well into the foreseeable future
a processing method that can understand the input no matter how ambiguous as well as how varied as one input can mean different meanings and many inputs can mean the same thing.
And all this relies upon our own understanding of words — which is fine until you realize that a chip is one thing in technology and an entirely different thing in gastronomy.
And that is only one level of more than 3000 cultural possibilities throughout the globe.
The Power of (the Right) Words
The biggest challenge will be the trendy and fad words, never mind the politically correct words — there is something to be said for calling something it is, period.
This is exactly why we believe the science and need for expansion with Natural Language Processing (NLP) will be the next topic to come up in conversations after AI…
As noted by TutorialPoints.com…
“Natural Language Processing (NLP) refers to AI method of communicating with an intelligent system using a natural language such as English.
“Processing of Natural Language is required when you want an intelligent system like a robot to perform as per your instructions, when you want to hear a decision from a dialogue based clinical expert system, etc.
“The field of NLP involves making computers to perform useful tasks with the natural languages humans use. The input and output of an NLP system can be −
Written Text“
Before getting all excited, just think of the confusions that abound with the same language never mind translations — and most of AI is going to be reliant upon English.
Anyone who speaks 2 or more languages will tell you that many times the cultural differences for the same word can be enormous, now toss that into the workd of AI and we have one of many challenging dominos thatwill need to be addressed.
The Future of HR with AI
We have recently been talking with Soumyasanto Sen and Raja Sengupta, two very strong minds and visionaries in NLP, on just these very topics recently and hopefully we will be doing more so soon…
We shared our our assessment with them of where the industries (HR and HR technology) have been, are now, and what we see as their best future scenario…
The shift in the industry to people analytics, cloud, and big data has been just embraced as a whole by the HR and HR tech industry (‘the industries’) yet many are talking about AI making its appearance already
As we are on the upper slope of the rate of change of technology as witnessed in the last 5 years, meaning the industries are expected to experience a triple or more increase in the next 5 years
To minimize high turnover and increase employee retention, the industries must consider the personality types and dispositions of employees when matching the tasks they are to be given
AI is already in the trends for the industries conversation where NLP is not  — the gap and uncertainty as to where AI fits into the industries as well as its impact is not very well mapped out nor thoroughly understood yet
The HRIS World believes NLP is to be the next step in the conversation within the industries as it can with the proper education and awareness supplement all platforms and technologies and provide what the industries have been for years and are still looking for now — the means to work within their personality and disposition types, providing motivation for them to perform their functions in earnest
The Breakthrough In Natural Language Processing
If NLP sounds familiar to our loyal followers, we have already touched upon it with our Enterprise Software Options Series with WhoKnows, Inc.
Through the use of NLP, Chris Macomber and his team have managed to build a better than 90% employee participation rate in their knowledge management system as well as busted the Cisco barrier of 60-something percent accuracy to more than 90% with their WhoKnows silo busting quantum profile output.
Discover more about WhoKnows here...
See the post on NLP and the WhoKnows accuracy rate here: http://j.mp/2n6fXpa See The HRIS World Next Gen Vendors series ‘Enterprise Software Options’ by clicking here: http://j.mp/2gQF7ou
In Our Next Post
With our next post, we will be introducing you to the ideas of Soumyasanto Sen and Raja Sengupta and their vision for NLP — the language process everyone needs to understand to get the most from any AI system they encounter and/or implement.
(a link to that post will be provided here once it has been published).
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Why After AI, NLP Needs to Be the Next Conversation In HR
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