#However I am yet again cursing myself for not having brought my actual camera tonight. Apologies for the shitty old iPhone quality
inga-don-studio · 1 year
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She blep
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Lost Letters
Masamune x MC Fluff Parts of this work include suggestive content. [To avoid suggestive content, skip the following months: May, January.] Word Estimate: 2k
Honourable Customers,
We are pleased to inform You all the lost letters were successfully delivered.
Your trustworthy messengers, Azuchi-Kasugayama Postal Service Crew
Content Warnings: war mention, injury mention, suggestive content, food mention, anxiety mention
To my beloved Masamune. It is March now, and the frost has begun its retreat from the air. You are not here, and I do not expect to send this letter… Yet I miss you so much the words seem to be writing themselves without much help. In this very moment, I wish I could ask how your day was. It is one of those rare instances where I miss modern technology – my helplessness is simply disarming me completely. I console myself with the thought that you will be back tonight. I missed seeing your face so bad. There are so many things I want to tell you, my heart is overflowing. I don’t think I should let any of them spill, yet I cannot hold all either. So, even if just on this paper, I must confess: I love you, Masamune. I love you so much it hurts. I could not focus on anything but your return the entire day. I cannot let you see this letter. You will never let me forget it. Although maybe... Maybe I should.
To my beloved Masamune.
It is March now, and the frost has begun its retreat from the air. You are not here, and I do not expect to send this letter… Yet I miss you so much the words seem to be writing themselves without much help.
In this very moment, I wish I could ask how your day was. It is one of those rare instances where I miss modern technology – my helplessness is simply disarming me completely. I console myself with the thought that you will be back tonight. I missed seeing your face so bad. There are so many things I want to tell you, my heart is overflowing.
I don’t think I should let any of them spill, yet I cannot hold all either. So, even if just on this paper, I must confess: I love you, Masamune. I love you so much it hurts. I could not focus on anything but your return the entire day.
I cannot let you see this letter. You will never let me forget it. Although maybe... Maybe I should.
To my courageous Masamune.
It is April now, and you came back all beaten and tattered. Your muscles tensed whenever I touched your skin. The disinfectant seeping into your cuts did not help either, I suppose… But you hugged me tight all the same, and did not let go for long. Your breath tickled my neck as you held your ear pressed against my pulse. I wonder, how bad was it this time? But do not get me wrong. I do not mind, I can stay in your arms for however long you desire.
This time, however, it was different. I cannot describe the feeling that I felt when you looked up at me and simply said you feel terrible and need rest. You… Appeared so vulnerable? And I know it never comes easy to you to be in this state.
I love you so much. Thanks for coming back yet once again. I am writing this as you sleep only a few meters away. Please, rest well – and thank you for trusting me yet once again.
To my flirtatious Masamune.
It is May now, and the weather has got quite warm already. However, my dear tiger, treat this as a note of complaint! Although… You will never see it, hopefully. You would see all the other ones then.
Never mind that! How dare you! You big, unruly, sneaky…!!! You know my knees get weak when you kiss me, and yet…! In the middle of the crowd, at that! Truly, my “knees were not a problem” as you put it after lifting me up, but my face surely was! I was red like a crab, Masamune!
How dare you uphold that air of coolness! If it were not for what you whispered… Curse that too, argh! Surely, nobody realised, and you always walk this fast, but… But it is the next morning, and I still am a mess after all the things you did to me the last night!
How dare you stay on my mind even now. Well, you did leave some marks, so surely, it is hard not to think of it, but… ! I want to lay in your arms a little longer, but alas. You had to start work early today of all days…
To my caring Masamune.
It is June now, and somehow, I managed to catch a cold. It is nothing much, really, but you insist I don’t leave bed today… Honestly, I feel a little guilty, but I am enjoying myself. You’re spoiling me quite a lot, my love, and I can hardly oppose it…
You brought some of your work here, so that you could watch over me while I napped. You checked my fever, brought me more covers when I was cold, even got Shogetsu to cuddle me up. When I woke up, you cooked me porridge, and I don’t know what rituals you did in the kitchen,  but it was beyond delicious. Or perhaps I’m getting better?
My eyelids are heavier and heavier… And you’re insisting I stop writing and cuddle with you now. You didn’t want to move to sleep in a separate bed either…  How could I refuse? I swear, tiger, some may say you hardly care, but whenever I see you acting like this, my heart beats faster.
To my curious Masamune.
It is July now, and this is both a letter of praise, and of complaint. For somebody who learns so fast, you surely never learnt not to get taken away by challenges. However, here end my complaints, as it… Surely is quite entertaining.
We are still running away from our own allies now. We have just settled for the night, and you are calling for me to come eat and sit with you by the fire. Have I ever told you you are the most beautiful when you are free and wild? No? Because your eye sparkles so gorgeously now.
You’ve made me appreciate so many new sides of life. I love sharing it with you, both the good and the bad. I don’t know what you’ve made, but let’s be honest, there are only starts above us and I couldn’t care any less about food right now.
Yes, yes, I’m coming, you impatient cat…
To my hardworking Masamune.
It is August now, and you are swarmed with work. I do not know how you manage to stay on top of it… But truly, you seem tired now. You set off early, and come back late, and it takes little before you fall asleep.
You… You cannot know it, but each night, you return my embrace quite strongly, even if deep slumber has already claimed you. You are adorable – your nose crinkles slightly whenever I kiss your forehead. I started telling you I love you, and you usually mumble back that you love me too… Then you generally get a little upset and nuzzle into my neck, and sometimes scoff about some pillows or radishes, whichever one it is this time around.
I must never reveal the fact that you talk in your sleep if you are tired enough. What if you forbid me from ever indulging in it ever again? I don’t think I could live without it anymore.
Your Beautiful Futon
To my joyous Masamune.
It is September now! I want to go celebrate with you, so this letter will be brief:
Thank you for having been born, Masamune.
Please, live a long life. I want to love you plenty more. I need to love you plenty more. To hear you laugh, to see your smile… Your happiness is infectious, and I want for it to last for as long as it can.
To my resilient Masamune.
It is October now, and it came in sour, as if to balance the joy of the previous month. This battle was harsh. You emerged victorious, but at what price? So many were lost… Although I think you would care even for a single person just as much. War is a dreadful thing, to say the least. You know it better than I will ever be able to. That is why you protect me from it, is it not? I wish I could carry half your burden...
When you returned, you only latched onto my wrist. Your hands were cold, and you looked almost lost. Were you scared that I would be gone too? My love, my heart… You held yourself together bravely the entire time, but I am glad you let yourself unwind once in our quarters. I needed to feel that you were alive too.
I helped you wash, and you seemed to relax when I ran my fingers through your wet hair. Perhaps the bath was a good idea in the end. I hope no nightmares come your way today – but if any do, I will do my best to chase them all away. I know you would do great by yourself… But I love you, so please, do share some of your concerns.
To my grumpy Masamune.
It is November now, and oh my, I got to pay you back for how sweetly you cared for me when I was ill. It appears it was your time, my love. I did not expect you to resist so much! “Sleep in a different room”?! As if I would even consider that much! But… You were quite sweet once you caved in. If we were in the future, I would give you a good patient badge!
Kojuro came in later too. You were so adorable when he started telling stories from your childhood! Ah, and you were locked in bed, so for once, I got a chance to actually listen to them too! A shy little Masamune… I wish cameras were a thing in this time.
It was a good day, but please, do not fall ill much. I will always care for you, it is only that… As much as your pouts were a sight to behold, I love your content smile even more. I will have to make some of today up to you.
To my thoughtful Masamune.
It is December now, and you surprised me yet once again. I do know we celebrated Christmas together once, but I did not expect for you to hold onto the idea. This time, you organised everything by yourself, with your own twists to everything.
The party was great – the music, the food, the gifts, I loved every single moment of it. You dressed well too, and I swear, you look even more handsome in the more so festive clothes. It was just cool enough for me to shamelessly cuddle into your side as well… Did you plan that as well?
I must thank you for the gift tomorrow. You must have had ordered this fabric months in advance. It… It really feels amazing knowing that you truly listen to what I say. I love you, Masamune. Somehow, you have this way of making me feel loved even without using any words.
To my adventurous Masamune.
It is January now, and winters in this part of the country tend to grow rather harsh. The snow is thick, and it seemingly keeps on falling, and falling… I did not expect for you to suggest taking a trip, much less one to the hot springs.
I do not know what heated me up more – your kisses or the water. Good thing we retreated to our room fast, otherwise we could be thrown out of the estate. I am quite relaxed after we have made love… Perhaps my initial fear of you suggesting doing it in the snow was completely unfounded. Well, you would not force me to go forward with it anyway, but your drive for novelty is infectious at times.
You went out to get some food for us to share, and I am still lying in bed. The pillow smells of you, and the covers are pleasantly warm from our shared heat. I think you will want to slide right next to me once you are back, will you not? I know you do better with cold than the heat, but is it not too tempting? Ah, I think I can hear your steps… I wonder, what are those plans for tomorrow you have made.
To my calm Masamune.
It is February now. You seem to be at home plenty, and I welcome the change. We cook together nearly everyday, and I am enjoying it a lot. At first, those were more of classes than anything else, but now… We recreated some of the future dishes I told you about. Is that not amazing? You truly could be a chef in my original time.
However! Today I shall take my revenge! Just you wait and see, Masamune Date! I will pay you back for all those hugs from behind, and “sampled dishes”, and for all those “you seem to have a bit of the sauce over your lips”! I prepared something you did not expect yourself, and you have made me this devil!
I hope I can get this surprised face out of you. It should be tasty enough for that? I should carry it to you before it gets cold…
To my beloved Masamune.
It is March again, and I love you all the same.
Tag list: @datenoriko, @nad-zeta, @tsubaki3192, @missjudge-me, @ikemencrossedmyth, @nuttytani, @thesirenwashere, @milas-imaginarium, @kisara-16, @yukas-clover, @alerialumina , @cheese-ception , @iamryxx, @cottonfluffballofdoom, @ozziegrl71, @rikumorimachisgirl, @bestbryn, @kink-rabbithole  @ikesenfangirl @themysticalbeing If you want to be tagged under my future works, let me know (any way works)! ^^ Also, do remember to specify fandoms (and characters, if you are interested only in some) :D If it ever happens that you wish to be removed from my taglist, for any reason, do let me know. I will not ask why, it’s all fine ^^
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
More self indulged writing :D
My first LWA (Little Witch Academia)x Maribat fic... Enjoy!
Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life
An F.
Marinette screamed into her pillow as she kicked her legs in frustration. 
Another F to add to her long list of exam grades. Another F despite the countless nights Marinette stayed up to study and practice the little magic she knew.
Sure, she wasn’t blessed with the talent of Kagami nor that of Chloe’s, but that didn’t mean Marinette deserved to fail.
She bleed, sweated and cried to earn her spot at this school, her first choice school despite her parents wanting her to stay in their hometown and help at the bakery. 
But she didn’t want to be a baker. 
She wanted to be a witch. Just like Chariot. 
So, she made it her goal. 
She fought against her parents’ wishes to achieve her dream, of following it.
She earned her place at Luna Nova, the most prestigious wizard school in all of Europe. 
And yet… why was the universe so against her being here?
Despite getting in with one of the highest scores, Marinette now had the lowest ones in her grade and she honestly didn’t know why. 
“One more F and I’ll get expelled.” Marinette muttered out loud, laying on her back, staring at the underside of the bed above hers -  Alya’s bed. “One more mistake and I’ll be proven myself wrong.”
If she failed, it would give her parents a reason to tie her down to their bakery. She would’ve proven them right. That she wasn’t up for the Magic life, even though she claimed she was. 
Marinette felt the lump in her throat, her vision blurring as that thought echoed within her mind.
“No! I can’t give up!” Marinette told herself, getting up a bit too quickly, bumping her bed as she got up, Tikki humming at her in concern. 
“I’ll be fine Tikki.” Marinette told the red faerie hovering beside her. “I just need more practice.” 
Grabbing her textbook, her wand and some emergency energy, Marinette stuffed them into her bag, slinging in over her attire. 
“I promise to be careful and be back before dawn. Wouldn’t like the professors catching me again.” Marinette petted the faerie, opening the window of her dorm room to go off to her favorite spot on campus to practice. 
She can’t give up yet. 
It was still too soon to call quits. 
Her fate hasn’t been sealed. Not yet. 
“Where is Marinette?” Rose asked Alya, scanning the room. Before panic could settle into Rose, Juleka gave her girlfriend’s hand a squeeze, receiving one back.
“Sulking over her test grade.” Alya replied, not once looking away from the lens she finished adjusting on her newest camera model. “Do you think all of the Wayne boys will be here?”
“Seeing as tonight’s party is for them, I would believe so.” Alix answered, not believing that Alya really left Mari on her own. If previous events taught them anything, Mari should never be left alone. Never. 
One time, they found her stuck in a glass jar. It was a miniaturization spell gone wrong. 
“Can’t wait to finally use these new lenses I got for my birthday! And to get a scoop on the Waynes!” Alya squealed, her friends shaking their heads, although they had to agree.
It wasn’t everyday that your school received the news that Bruce Wayne and his family was to visit your school
Especially wizarding ones like Luna Nova. 
But while the girls couldn’t contain their excitement to see their school’s greatest sponsor face-to-face, the girls also had a feeling they were going to miss something even more important that night.
Damian huffed, dragging his hand down his face, not believing that he actually got separated from the rest of the family as they made their way inside of Luna Nova. 
He had just gotten here and he was already lost. 
And it was all because he was the smallest of the boys, meaning he was the easiest to push around. One push led to another, Jason pushing Damian into the nearest bush, causing Damian to get lost.
As he wandered through the school grounds, eventually wandering into what seemed to be ruins next to a forest, he couldn’t help but hear what seemed to be spells being called out, Damian’s curiosity now peaking.
He never knew what exactly fascinated him about magic, but whenever he ever got the chance to be near it, he absorbed it. So when his father told them about his visit to Luna Nova, Damian eagerly asked to join him.
Of course, this outburst caused his other siblings to become intrigued and join as well, much to Damian’s annoyance.
As he got closer to the voice, a girl in all black attire (save for the maroon skirt) came to view, Damian captivated by her stance. She was still, the breeze accepting her as she stood there, silent like the night. 
The girl took a deep breath before raising her wand, Damian watching the tip glow a dim green. 
As she exhaled, she shouted, “Metamorphie Faciesse!” Damian watched as the spell hit the thing between them -a falling leaf- turn into a rock, hitting the ground with a soft thud. 
He watched as she opened her eyes, confident bluebell eyes turning to joy when she saw her success.
“I got that down, but I still have to nail the full body one.” He heard her say, wondering if she was here to practice her spells. “Metamorphie Faciesse!” She shouted once more, a cloud appearing before vanishing around the girl, Damian staring at her wide eyed.
Rabbit ears were on her head. 
Were they actual...rabbit ears?
Or were they just attachments?
Unable to restrain himself, Damian didn’t catch his mistake until a piercing yelp rang through the silent night.
Just Marinette was about to scold herself for not doing the spell correctly, a sharp pain coursed through her body, causing her to cry in pain.
“Who said it was okay to touch them, nonetheless squeeze them! They’re my ears, whether you want to believe it or not and because they are, they’re very...” Marinette scolded, turning to see a boy standing before her. “...sensitive.” She finished, wondering what a boy was doing on school grounds. 
If she recalled, Luna Nova was always an All Girls school, meaning there shouldn’t be any boys, unless…
“My apologies, Miss…?” The boy asked, Marinette noticing that his eyes never stop staring at her ears. Covering them, Marinette decided to respond.
“Dupain-Cheng.” Marinette softly said. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng. And you are?” She asked with a tilt of her head, wondering why the boy looked taken aback when she asked for his name.
Well...this was a first for Damian. A person who didn’t know who he was? Interesting.
“Damian. Damian Wayne.” Damian answered, bowing a bit. 
Damian… Wayne… no way…
“You’re Mr.Wayne’s son?! Devilish Damian?!” Marinette screamed, covering her mouth as she felt rise to her ears. “I’m sorry! It’s just that! It’s the name the girls in the school call you. You know, because despite being cold, cool and being a bit of a devil, they think you’re very attractive. Not that I don’t also think that… Oh god! What-” Marinette rambled, wishing she could successfully cast the spell so that she can hide away from Damian.
Meanwhile, Damian found her honesty quite charming, wondering if she’d still be honest with him now that she knew who he was.
“Miss Dupain-Cheng.”
“Would you mind showing me how that spell works?” Damian reached over for her ears, Marinette taking a step back. “Sorry. I should’ve asked-”
“Do you not know magic?” Marinette asked, her heart aching when she saw his face fall.
“While Mother wished for me to learn magic as soon as I turned three, those dreams were crushed when she found out I am not able to contain any energy from the Sorcerer's Stone.” Damian frowned, Marinette wanting to slap herself for asking something so sensitive. “And because I know no magic, Father has taken upon himself to not let me near it.”
Damian held the urge to curse, knowing fully that his father wouldn’t have done said decision if Damian had been his adopted son and not biological. 
“So you've never been able to cast a spell?”
“What if I say that you can?” Marinette said with a smirk, Damian keen on wanting to know more. When Marinette saw his eyes sparkle, she felt her heart jump. With a smile, she continued. “All you have to do is follow me.”
Marinette guided Damian further into the forest, glad to have brought some extra energy capsules. 
“Damian!” Dick yelled, wondering where his brother went, a full hour having passed since the family last saw him. 
It took having to introduce themselves to realizing that Damian had gone missing, employing a hunt for the young Wayne. 
So here he was, searching for the brat, knowing that if he didn’t find him first, Tim will. And if Tim found him...Dick knew that it wouldn’t end well.
Just as Dick was about to call Damian again, he spotted him in the distance, letting out a sigh of relief when he saw him. However, just as Dick started to jog up towards him, he heard a spell get cast. 
Dick watched as a spell approached Damian, fighting off the urge to freeze in place. He had to get to Damian and counter the spell before-
“Ein Ein Sof.” Damian spoke, lifting up what resembled a wand. “Ein Sof Ohr.” A dim green light began to glow. “Luna Lana!” 
Dick watched as the attack spell dispersed, coming to halt when he saw Damian without a scorch on his attire, his suit still intact.
“Damian! You did it!” A girl screamed, Dick flabbergasted when she ran up to Damian and hugged him, the girl jumping around him as Damian smiled at the wand in his hand. “You casted your first spell!”
“I had an amazing teacher after all.” Damian softly said, Dick watching the girl softly come to a stop, a blush across her face. Dick smiled when he watched the girl play with her- are those rabbit ears?
“Metamorphie Faciesse.” Dick whispered, watching as the girl quickly took out her wand when she felt her ears return to normal. Wait… did she think-
“Foraen Mugrowna! Turuto Tarumare!” The girl yelled, putting herself in front of Damian, determination filling her eyes.
“Wait! I’m-” But it was too late. 
Vines crept around Dick’s body, quickly apprehending him, making him fall to the ground, his face meeting the dirt and sharp rocks beneath him. 
As the dirt cleared up from his vision, Dick saw Damian come to view, though  he was standing behind the midnight haired girl who glared at him, her wand at his forehead.
“You know him?” The girl asked, not letting her eye off him.
“Brother of mine. Adopted.” Damian filled in, Dick frowning.
“Mon Dieu! He’s a Wayne!” Dick was then promptly helped up, the spirits the girl had summoned now healing him. He watched as she frantically started to patch him up. “I am so sorry.”
“I should be apologizing.” Dick started, looking over at Damian who sported a grin. “I shouldn’t have-”
“Holy shit. It really was Demon Spawn.” A new voice said, Damian scowling when he saw Jason, not noticing that Marinette had the same reaction. 
“Todd.” Damian gritted, his scowl worsening when he saw that Tim was right behind him.
“We’ve been looking all over the place for you brat!”
“And whose fault do you-”
“And who are you?” Jason asked, Damian realizing that he was now beside Marinette. He was about to go and pull him away, but chose not to. After all, she just proved that she can defend herself. 
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Marinette spoke sternly, her glare never lifting. 
“Well Marinette, thank you for-”
“Foraen Mugrowna!” Marinette yelled, grabbing Damian’s hand as yells and curses filled the cool night air.
Damian looked back, watching as large vines wrapped themselves around his siblings, feeling a smile make its way onto his face.
Turning back, he watched as a grin was on Marinette’s face, the moonlight highlighting her pale features.
“Are you free this weekend?” Damian asked, making sure to still watch his footing as they kept running, listening as the voice of his angered siblings grew louder.
“I’m free, why?”
“I want to thank you for tonight. Maybe grab some-”
“I’d be happy to join you.” Marinette said, returning her focus on the path ahead, guiding Damian back onto the campus grounds. “Saturday at 10? By the school entrance?” She asked, letting go of his hand. 
”Sounds like a date then.” Damian promised, smirking as Marinette’s face turned bright pink. “I’ll see you Saturday then, Miss Marinette.”
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angellissy · 4 years
tours & surprises
This is based on a request from @babygirlmil , hope it is okay!
Nick Mara x Reader
“And you’re completely sure that he has no idea?” The boy whose face covered my entire phone screen just shook his head so violently that his glasses almost fell off. The black-haired girl sitting beside him let a laugh slip past her pink lips, causing Brandon to give her the most annoyed look he could muster. “B, you better practice your poker face if you and Maggie are the only ones keeping this secret.” His facade slipped at that, and now all three of us were giggling, I don’t know if it was from nerves or from just having bad humor. Nevertheless, it didn’t seem to matter since giggles kept slipping past my lips whenever I tried to say something serious.
“Okay for real, he doesn’t even suspect anything right?” Maggie and Brandon sighed in union and just shook their heads. “Not right now, but if you ask one more time I will go and fucking tell Nick.” I narrowed my eyes at the black-haired girl that somehow had managed to become my best friend. “Sorry, I just really want it to be a good surprise.” Her harsh expression melted a little at my words and she gave me a cheeky grin. “Well it will be, and listen you didn’t hear this from me but he has been pretty annoying talking about you all the time, so you better give him a good fuck.” Both I and Brandon looked at her with our mouths wide open and he leaned back into the sofa they were occupying and just mouthed oh my god. “Well yeah why do you think I am taking a four-hour plane ride to see him?” She snickered at that while Brandon just got up and left, muttering something about now wanting to be a part of our freaky conversations. “However Mags, you shouldn’t be the one talking when your man can’t even handle talking about it.” I stuck my tongue out at the camera, while she just laughed and shook her head. 
After we hung up, I held my phone in a death grip trying to ease the anxiety that rose whenever I glanced at the plane. The fear of flying had plagued me since before I could even form a sentence, but now it was mixed with the nerves that came from not seeing my boyfriend for almost four weeks. Usually, it would be his hand that my fingers were digging into whenever my nerves got the best of me, but today my phone had to suffice. 
The only time my fingers let go of my phone was when I got off the plane and finally could feel some sort of calm enter my body. I survived a four-hour plane ride by myself, surely I would be able to get to their venue without fucking this up? But before I could get going, there was a need to change out of the sweatpants and hoodie that had been on my body for way too long. A couple of minutes later, a pair of light blue jeans and a white shirt adorned my body. It wasn’t much, but it did take away the feeling of being disgusting. 
To Maggie L
I’m taking a uber now to the venue now, care to open the door for me?:)
From Maggie L Duh
After an awkward uber ride and a lot of banging on the door for Maggie to let me in, I felt drained. But the knowledge of being in the same building as the person that held my heart, made energy burst through my veins.Their show was starting soon and I was hiding in the bathroom, waiting for Maggie to tell me that the coast was clear so that we finally could go out. When she had opened the door for me to get in the building, we had to run and hide. Apparently Brandon had forgotten about me and decided that the boys were to take that exact route through the venue. Maggie and I had been sending several curses his way when we finally were able to catch our breaths.
A light knock on the door woke me up from my trance, and I quickly opened the door and walked out. I had barely gotten out of the door before Maggie linked our arms together and started dragging me towards the barricade, where we would be spending our night. “So what’s the plan, are you going to like surprise him after the show?” I turned my face up to look at her and nodded. “Yeah, that’s the plan.” She gave me a small smile and then started walking faster as she heard the opening music.
Wait a fucking minute
“Maggie Lindemann! Please don’t tell me what I think you are implying.” I yelled after her and started running after her. She turned around and just gave me a cheeky grin, causing me to put my face in my hands and sigh loudly. “Girl what is your problem, I haven’t said anything.” I gave her an annoyed look as she continued to giggle, but all my thoughts melted away the second that the boys ran out on stage. Fuck he looked so good, I shivered at the thought of lying in his arms tonight. As a child the thought of loving someone so much you that you couldn’t take your eyes off them seemed silly and impossible. But when Nick was dancing and singing his heart out, how was I supposed to look at anything else? So during the first thirty minutes of the show, I watched with tears in my eyes while my mouth hung open in astonishment. In the corner of my eye, I could see Maggie filming me but my mind was elsewhere. “Guys guys, there is actually someone special in the audience today.-” Brandon paused and looked at the other boys with a small grin, three of the boys looked equally happy while the fourth one looked at all of them in confusion. I turned to look at Maggie, my heart beating faster and faster for every second that ticked by. 
“So you’re telling me that your boyfriend forgot that I was coming, but he could fucking remember to drag me up on stage? He knows I have stage fright.” Although what I was saying was indeed true, a big part of me was becoming ecstatic over the fact that I would be able to hug Nick and bury my head in his chest in just a couple of minutes. “Shh, He is talking again.” I shook my head at her but couldn’t help the way my whole face lit up when Brandon said my name. “So y/n, you care to come up here?” The second Brandon said my name, Nick furrowed his brows and looked at all the boys while asking them something that I couldn’t possibly hear over the screams. Maggie’s hands were on my back as she started pushing me towards the little staircase that led up to the stage. Nick was still looking around with a confused expression, he didn’t really seem to know what was going on. He was looking for me in all the wrong places, making Zion turn him around and push him in my direction. 
He stumbled over his feet when his eyes caught mine and I brought my hand up to my mouth if it was to stop myself from laughing or crying, I did not know. People were screaming our names, it felt surreal because I did not even think people knew who I was. But they knew Nick, and that was enough for them. Nick said something, but yet again I couldn’t hear. Therefore I started running towards him because I never wanted to miss another word that came out of his mouth. 
His arms engulfed me in a body crushing hug, and now I couldn’t stop the tears from escaping my eyes. He spun me around and laughed, the other boys were saying something in their microphone but I couldn’t focus on anything but Nick’s laugh.
“I wasn’t supposed to cry, you were.” I laughed when he set me down on the stage and he grabbed my face between his hands, wiping away any tear that had managed to find it’s way down my cheeks. “Fuck, you’re really here mamas.” I smiled at him, mimicking the toothy grin that was lighting his face, and I placed his face between my hands. Before I went in for the kiss I had been longing after for four weeks, my lips brushed past his ear, whispering
I’m really here. 
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malethirsty · 4 years
Californication: Reloaded [Hank Moody]
Summary: Following your one night stand with Hank, you attempt to keep your distance to minimize the impact. However a run in with the ex could cause the biggest of impacts
Warnings: M/M smut (21+), Bareback (Wrap Before You Tap!), Daddy Kink
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You & Hank sat at the same table at Reublique, trying to work out the predicament you had gotten yourselves into. “At least there aren’t any press around chasing authors tonight” Hank said lightly, trying to attain a positive mood, it didn’t work. “That was a massive gamble!” You said back “I thought you were rich and could bribe the CCTV off, but the press? Hank you know they don’t care, they’d publish pics with ‘Hank Moody Seen Getting Cozy With Daughter’s Best Friend: Scandal, Shock, Intrigue!’” “I know that! If it got out, my divorce settlement would be on the rocks!” “Then why did you arrange it?” You asked “Because I don’t do things lightly in life, you need to live a little.”
You both steadied your breathing. “So what do we do now?” Hank asked “I guess we wait for a bit, step back & re evaluate our situation, see if we want to move forward.” He swallowed at your statement. “I guess so” he begrudgingly said, you partly wanted to ask ‘Well what do you think?!’ But didn’t want to run after him, so you kept it down. “So what is with your Writer’s Block that you & Becca were talking about?” Hank turned the coversation to his struggles and the matter was dropped. Two hours in and you’d only gotten a bit more forwards with his writing, however you planned to have him go from there as you decided to give him space, so he and you could relax.
A week into this and things instead of getting better, had only gotten worse. You became withdrawn from everything, not even your own songwriting could be fixed, it was as if Hank’s writers block was contagious. Hank, it had been a while since you shared as much as a conversation, yet you ached for him so much. “What’s up Y/N?” Becca’s voice asked from nowhere “The damn ceiling” you responded sardonically “Woah! What’s with the tone?” Becca responded, a bit taken aback. ‘How can I broach this with her?’ You thought ‘“I fucked your dad who could have gotten his sexcapade with me caught by the paps, his divorce pushed back, his property and cash swindled & my friendship with you broken.” How the hell could you say that?’ Luckily you didn’t have to “Did your hookup not go so well.” She inquired “Something along those lines yes.” “What happened? He had B.O.? Bad breath? No respect for you?” “What? No!” “Then what?” Becca said, crossing her arms, you knew you had to phrase this properly so to spare Hank “He’s famous Becca” her eyes widened “And?! Can you not handle someone having all the attention?” You looked scandalised “No!” “Well then, what’s so bad about being famous?” This coversation had you trapped in a whirl, but inthe face of it, you breathed in heavily & continued. “He has a reputation, a reputation he put on the line by buying out Republique. If someone had caught us, everything would have exploded.” “And that’s why you have been distant.” “Yeah, we talked and wanted time to work things out, but that’s the general gist.”
Becca thought about it for a moment and then responded “I think you’ve overreacted a bit” “ME!” You spluttered “You’re meant to be my friend, take my side!” “I am, and I would be amiss if I were to let you let a good man like that slip through your grasp. If he was prepared to do that, he must really give a shit about you. I know you want to look out for people, but I think it’s going to be a detriment in this case. You should call him and explain everything.” “Alright, I’ll do it later.” You said, desperate to avoid her staying with you & finding out the ‘Good Man’ was her dad. “Good. I’m heading out to practice with my band, if I get back & find you haven’t, I’ll call him myself.” Not wanting Becca to set you & her father up, you gulped & pleased her message sunk in, she left.
The only issue was what to say to Hank ‘I’ve changed my mind about it, please dick me down in public’ did not seem the right way to go about it. You were wondering what you could possibly say, when your phone made noise, a notification. Opening it, you grinned at seeing it from Hank, his blog had been updated for the first time in ages, he was getting over or already over his writers block. So you read from his latest post
Hank Hates You All (Blog #1):
A few things I’ve learnt in my travels, through this thing we call life are
#1: A morning of awkwardness is far better than a night of loneliness. #2: While I may not go down in history, I’ll definitely go down on your friend. #3: If you are famous and are going to fuck someone, make sure cameras aren’t going to follow you.
The last point begs the question: Why is society so quick to demonise sex?
As you read through his points, you grinned. It seemed like he had both understood what you were trying to say and was reaching out with his own words. You had bolstered confidence by the end and knew what you had to do. You raced downstairs “Hank, I need to talk to you!” Before getting an eyefull of a naked woman downstairs who was coated with black diamonds all over her breasts “Oh My God!” You yelled, covering your eyes “What? Who the hell are you!” The women equally shouted back “Y/N, Becca asked me over!” “Oh shit, I remembered her telling me, I thought you went out with her for music stuff.” “I passed, wasn’t up for it. With all these questions, can I ask why there are black diamonds on your tits?” “A Hell-In-One, the beauty parlour vajazzles diamonds onto peoples beeasts, there is a option if getting black diamonds all applied at once, all black, like a spooky theme.” “Well who are you trying to impress? Tim Burton?” You exasperatedly said “No, I asked my new boyfriend here in advance so I could fuck in my ex husband’s house, like a free living thing.” Husband? Oh no, so this must be “Karen? Y/N?” came Hank’s voice. Your vision started to blur and darken.
You woke sometime later, a familiar face above you “Hey there babe.” Came Hank’s voice “You gave us a scare then.” You groaned “That was your ex wife?” “Yeah.” Hank responded “She’s seeing a man called Bill, she’s all set to move on.” “That’s twice I’ve seen a Moody nude. If I see Becca naked, I’m gonna become Amish.” Hank laughed “I might go with you. We’d be away from the press then“ Ouch, that was a sting “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about before I ran into the ‘Hell-In-One’” you shuddered “It’s good I know you’re into men, cause otherwise that shudder could be taken for something worse.” “Well, I read your blog Hank. And I got advice about what to do. And I think that by trying to protect us from ruining things, I might actually be causing problems, cause I’ve been miserable since I wanted space. I’m not sure what it’s like for you, but I would like to give things another chance.”
Hank leant over, kissing you. “You have no fucking idea how happy I am now. I’ve tried to write, drink & watch my Cinemax porn, but I always get brought back to you.” “I shudder to ask but what was it about?” “This time it was a scientology themed one called Pussy Impossible? Talking about how difficult it could be to get laid in that place.” “Was it from David Miscaviage’s POV cause after he offed his wife, no reasonable women would go near him.” “I think you’re giving the women of that place credit they don’t have.” You both grinned and laughed at this point, the good emotions finally came flooding back, like when the power comes back on after a blackout.
“Well I guess I should let you sleep.” Hank began “No!” You said, startling him “It’s that, I really have missed you Hank, like really have, Can you fuck me?” Hank grinned at you “Well Karen’s gone & Becca is still out practicing, we have the house to ourselves and we can make all the damn noise we want.” You began to rid yourself of all the clothing you had on, Hank yanking his pants down to his feet, his cock flopping out “I usually go commando.” He explained “With a sex presence like yours, you shouldn’t even wear clothes.” You flirted. His cock hardened, it’s pink head becoming visible “God, suck daddy’s cock.” Hank groaned, you obeying almost immediately.
You spent a while sucking Hank off, making the man moan and groan as you paid attention to his head & rolled his balls, making him moan in appreciation “Keep that up & I’ll cum.” An idea forming in your head, you kept going, Hank attempted to pull you off but you stayed “Y/N, don’t you want me to fuck you? I’ll blow in a moment and it takes a-ah- a while for me to get hard again.” You nodded on his cock, humming a bit which caused Hank to throw his head back and let multiple curses and your name flow from his mouth as he shot his load down your throat. You pulled away “Taste’s like cherries daddy, must be all the alcohol.” Hank’s legs shook causing him to fall on the bed “Fuck, that’s the best head I’ve had in years!” You grinned making sure he was paying attention, you slid your finger down your face as if to clean it off which made Hank grin. “What a fucking slut you are for daddy.” He grinned, kissing you again. After a while, Hank’s cock got hard again, he sat up & pulled his shirt partly over his neck, tasing your hole “Could you picture the press snapping pics at what we’re doing right now?” “Oh fuck me already.” You groaned “You got a gag order on the writers?” “I’ll be getting a gag order on you for the rest of the week if you don’t start fucking me!” You snapped back “You are one kinky bitch” Hank groaned in lust as he finally began to fuck you. His pace was sharp & reverberated around the room, you moaning out as Hank made love to you.
“Yeah that’s it! Move back onto Daddy’s cock & take it all balls deep!” Hank moaned & you obeyed him wholeheartedly. You arched your back which allowed him to fuck more, making him groan at all the tightness he was slamming into. “Fuck, I know I’ve said it before, but FUCKING HELL you are tighter than Karen, holy shit! How are you still so tight?” “I haven’t fucked anyone since you, so I’ve had time to heal I guess.” “Well, I’ll be taking that tightness away soon, cause I’m not going that long between fucking you again!” You enthusiastically threw yourself back, causing you both to groan “Oh yeah! You’re daddy’s good boy! Fuck yourself on my cock!” The filth spewing from Hank’s mouth was never ending & you were gonna keep it that way.
Somehow stretching your legs wider, Hank got deeper, his moans becoming breathier, you could tell he wouldn’t last much longer. “Fuck, Y/N, I’m gonna come!” You nodded, breathless to say anything else. Hank wanked your cock, making you moan, eyes rolling back into your head as you shot your load “So fuckin’ good babe! You’re clenching around me so tight, I’m gonna fucking blow, OH YES!” Hank roared out as he shot his load deep into your ass. Moaning out, Hank fell right onto you, you were strong enough to toss him aside back first “Don’t crush me! Death by daddy is not how I wanna go down.” Hank laughed “Well I now know you don’t wanna go down, but I like it.” You rolled your eyes “Well I know you like-Oh!” You groaned out as Hank began to eat you out, tasting his shot load. “It really does taste like cherry, except muskier.” You laughed as Hank fell back first, needing some time before a much needed next round. You both happily groaned out a “Fuck!”
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Murder 1 Reveal
“And it appears, ladies and gentlemen, that our investigation has come to its natural conclusion.” Shelly de Killer announces to all, cutting through multiple thick layers of tension, blissfully unaware (or perhaps unconcerned) with the feelings of those in this unnatural group. He had removed his headset, so his voice was no longer the distorted cacophony of false voices, but the raspy, whispery tone of his real voice was not much better. Once everyone had returned from their respective investigations, they were all left standing in the foyer once again.
It was rather unsettling how Shelly always seemed to be cloaked in the long shadows of the estate, his appearance a grostege visage of some kind of calculated beast. That, and there was something chilling about investigating what looked to be an abandoned mansion with a dozen con artists, creeps, and killers.
Morgan Fey was sure that she could not be defined as any of those slanderous terms, and figured herself to be far above the rest.
“How dreadful,” Morgan simpers as the twelve so-called guests follow their host to the large dining room, faces carefully blank to conceal the nature of their investigations.
Morgan herself knew that the only way to survive such a drastic night would be to hold her head up high and pretend to be a dainty little thing, perhaps even a mother figure in order to deflect off any suspicion that could be thrown maliciously her way. She cursed her lousy genes, and wished that she had been more inclined to inherit the Fey Clan’s psychic abilities. In a bizzare night like tonight, she was going to need all the help she could get. Not only was she forced to share a space with eleven other individuals, but once again she was surrounded by murderers and fiends.
(She, of course, had never considered herself accountable for any crime, so to find herself so cruelly locked away had broken her poor maiden's heart.)
Resisting the urge to grimace in an un-ladylike fashion, Morgan could feel a pair of eyes glaring at her back. Turning around, she smiled sweetly at Mimi Miney, a familiar face from a past endeavour that had ended in failure. Miserable wretch.
“Try not to appear so cold,” Shelly's voice crackled with amusement. “I am sure you will have much time to share your findings and introduce yourselves to your peers… if you have not already been acquainted.”
Morgan nearly laughed. What a shrewd fellow, mocking her quite bluntly. She had no real interest in getting to know these people. In prison she was told that she did not play well with others. And yet, socialization was an obligation in this place, wasn't it? Not only did she have to think about the body that had become the centerpiece of the foyer, but there were other questions that now came to mind. Where they supposed to sit around in a circle and share sweet stories of the good old days as they waited to be slaughtered one after the other? Perhaps they were to feed off of the dust and the memories of their past as they starved to death?
“The hell is that supposed to mean!” The spiky fellow growls with rage, his voice a loud and awful thing. Furio Tigre had quickly made himself an annoyance.
“Clearly you lack understanding. Zvarri!” Luke says smugly, earning himself glares. “I will solve this in a fortnight!”
“You can't expect us to stay here and actually take part in this madness!” the prim woman with the shrill voice pouts angrily. Alita Tiala would have been another nuisance even if she hadn’t won the ridiculous riddle challenge.
Lana, Yanni, Cammi, and Daryan all stayed close to the wall, watching with their beady little eyes. Did they think they were above this? Morgan found herself more annoyed with the silent ones then those who were outspoken.
“Now, now!” The boastful voice of a man who should not speak fills the room. “This is no time to be cowardly, my good fellows. No one ever got ahead in life by sitting idle!” Redd offers a thumbs up to the room.
Matt was one minute away from having a conniption. “We're all going to die, he’s going to kill us all...” he mutters, managing to sound as pathetic as he looks. Utterly disgraceful.
Morgan smooths her hair behind her ear, holding her hands up in a placating manner “Children, children, please don't bicker. We should make the best of this, don't you think?”
Mimi snorts in disgust at her maternal act.
“This bores me. I would like to skip the commercial break and move towards the next segment.” Dee drawls, with her usual lack of tact. If this wasn't a game of life and death, Morgan would have been inclined to befriend such a woman. It was no secret that she had well made connections within prison; there were no lack of funds or cigarettes in her presence. If only…
Shelly motions towards the dining room. “For now, sit and appreciate the meal I have prepared tonight. It is the first of many meals we will have together, and I assure you it is edible.”
“Could you imagine if it was poisoned?” Cammy folds her arms across her chest. “That would be, like, totally wild.”
Daryan throws himself into a seat at the head of the table, eyeing the others suspiciously. “I wouldn't doubt it.”
Shelly chuckles lowly. “That would be far too easy. Regardless, by now you all have submitted your theories as to how this crime happened. My client and I have looked over your work and judged you accordingly. You should all have received a letter in your bed prior to being seated, yes?” He waits for a few nods before proceeding. “It is a warning from my client- if you did well on your case, you will be spared from elimination in the next round. But those of you who did poorly… should be very scared indeed. Now, it is time for me to reveal what really took place.”
He clears his voice and pulls a piece of parchment from his jacket pocket.
“This murder happened before any of you had stepped foot inside of this mansion. I prefer to work on my own when possible, but Mr. Shelly has the best reputation in the business and I trust him to make sure our game runs smoothly. Our prelude began with the arrival of our victim Kristoph Gavin, a man with quite the reputation both inside and outside the courtroom. He woke up in this place a few days prior, much in the same way that you found yourself. I watched on my hidden cameras as he scrambled around the mansion, such a delightful wreck as he desperately tried to escape… but of course, he never did.
I killed Kristoph on the night that I had you all brought here, in a manner that you may find surprising. I had already confiscated all the possible weapons and escape tools, except for a single kitchen knife that I kept for myself. Equipped with this knife, a rope, and some gloves, I broke the lock on Kristoph’s bedroom door, where he had barricaded himself thinking he was safe. Poor Kristoph was exhausted by this point from stress and lack of sleep, giving me the advantage. Just to play it safe, however, I took a taser with me when I visited him. He was too slow to dodge the electric shock, which left him perfectly posed for my clean stab to his left thigh. The poor man did try his best to scream, but the soundproof room assured that none of you would hear it. The femoral artery is a large one, so he bled out rather quickly, getting the sheets bloody as a result. Once I checked his pulse, leaving a smear of blood as my only trace, I hid the taser and placed the knife on the bed to keep my hands free. I changed his one soiled sock, pink with blood, and disposed of it in the trash can.
I had ample time to drag Kristoph to the foyer, as you were all still sleeping soundly from the drugs we used to make the transport from prison easier. His body was stiff and the blood was mostly dried, leaving no trails to follow. I tied the rope around his neck, not bothering with a hangman’s knot. Moving up the stairs to the balcony, I took the rope and pulled his body upwards. It seems that some blood was smeared on the statue in the process, not that it was any concern to me. As for the rest, the gloves were disposed of at the end after I replaced the bedsheets. Before I left to rejoin the group, I stabbed my bloodied knife into the wall- first because it would be an amusing diversion, and second to reiterate how seriously you should be taking this game.
For those who were able to discover this much, I am impressed. Especially of you, case winner. It was if you had read my mind completely. Congratulations. As for the rest, I fear you may not all be so lucky. Now, you may open the cards I have sent to see your fate. Best of luck, my dear guests.”
Everyone falls silent when Shelly finishes reading the killer’s message. “Mr. Engarde had the most accurate case, and will be receiving a special gift from myself as his reward. On the other hand…”
Furio pales when he opens his letter, and further down the table Luke is wearing a similar expression of shock.
“One of you two will be paid a visit from my client tonight. This is the punishment for failing to take this game seriously.”
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dylanowhy · 7 years
My Type of Guy - Stiles Stilinski Imagine [Smut]
Author: dylanowhy
Summary: Scott McCall invites you to the schools senior prom, as friends of course, but there is this certain dark haired boy who has been pushing your buttons lately. Who would have thought that later on he’d be pushing you into a pile of gym mats.
Pairings: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Warnings: Language. Smut. Unprotected Sex.
Word Count: 2957
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Some said he had dark hair, perfect to match his light-hearted eyes. However, you had never seen him up close before, always admiring him from a distance. You had known about Stile for years, ever since 5th grade when all he ever did was talk about baseball and Lydia Martin, but you’ve never approached him, always too afraid to speak, thinking that you would make a fool of yourself. Most people looked over the mole blessed boy, and you never quite understood how. There was so much more to him than anyone gave him credit for. The loud whistle sounding from Coach is what snapped you back to reality, bringing your attention back to the point, his hair. From the distance you sat it seemed light, a deep honey brown color that shined in the sunlight, complementing his soft pale skin that was being slightly washed out by the deep red covering his body. He was doing some type of dance, it almost made you snort, apparently he made a shot, something that was rare coming from him. It’s not like he was a bad lacrosse player, he was just never given the chance to show what he was really made of.
“What do you think Scott is going to do since Kira is not here anymore?” One of the many gossiping girls of Beacon Hills asked another, watching as Scott and Stiles high fived each other, bright smiles on their faces. “I am hoping he is open for trying new things, being with different people.” The other replied, it made you roll your eyes. You weren’t sure what happened to Kira, no one really was. Her father had given light detail and acted like it was no big deal his daughter went off in the middle of the school year, it had always made you curious, but you never were one to push any buttons. You actually cringed when you thought about what the girls across from you were talking about. There was a dance coming up at the end of the week, something about being seniors and how it was important to have one last dance. It was also known as prom, but you didn’t like to use the term. The theme was masquerade, and almost everyone had a date. Of course, you did not fall in the line of people who were going with a significant other, but that didn’t bother you. You had better things to do then to dance in a pool of sweat with some guy who only asked you because he wants to get lucky. No, you did not need to go to ---.
“Prom?” You were standing at your locker, trading out books from your next class when Scott McCall came up to you randomly asking you to prom. You figured that it was more of a last resort type of deal. Closing your locker, you were met with uneven jaw and a bright smile. “Don’t you have a girlfriend?” You questioned, moving around him to begin walking to your next class, you could hear scuffing behind you as he followed. “Technically, yes, but it’s senior year. It can be a strict friend only thing.” He tried to plea his case, which only made you laugh. “So, you want me to go so you don’t look lonely going by yourself and since it’s just as friends, you’re telling me that all you are going to do is sit and talk with your other friends the whole night while I drown myself with poorly flavored punch?” You cocked an eyebrow as you studied the baffled looked on his face. “Told you she’d say no.” Your eyes traveled to the voice, holding onto his bag tightly in front of you was Stiles, his other hand was placed lightly on Scott’s shoulder and there was something about his voice that showed some form of happiness. “Actually, I haven’t given an answer yet.” Smugly, your crossed your arms over your chest causing a sarcastic surprised look on Stiles face. You took the time to study his features, the way his nose curved and how his eyebrows never seemed to be able to stay still. “I’ll go with you.” You smiled at Scott before shooting Stiles a look, turning and walking off before anything else could be said.
The rest of the week passed by too slow, and the sad part was you were asked to prom on Wednesday. You were not excited to go, not even close, you were excited for it to be over, and the fact you had to wear white to this particular event is what was causing you to almost have a mental break down in the mall. “If you don’t care, just pick one.” That was the annoying sound of your mother who worked at the currently clothing store you were in. if you were going to have to buy a dress, why not get it at a discount. “They don’t fit right. There is no way I am going to run around and have to hold up my dress the entire night. If I am going, I will be comfortable.” You sighed, reaching for the sixth dress for you to try on, waving for your mother to go away as you continued to browse. “I don’t think that suits you.” There was that voice again, filled with yet more sarcasm than before. “Stiles. What are you doing here?” You didn’t even have to look up, you could feel his eyes burn into you. “I was just enjoying my day out, saw this horrible struggle happening in here, thought I’d offer my services.” The grin was practically painted on his face as you finally brought your eyes up to him. “I’m sorry? Is this some new show called Say Yes to the Prom Dress? Because no offense but I really don’t think I need your help.” Something about this boy lit a fire underneath you. You started to wonder if he was always like this or if he just changed whenever he got a girlfriend. No wondered you admired him from a distance, getting too close shows the truth.
“I think this one would look best.” It was like he completely ignored everything you said as he held up a classic white dress. It was completed with a dipped neckline and lace, you wanted to smile at it, but you tried to hold yourself back from it. He walked until he was behind you, holding the dress up to the front of you as he pulled you back into him. You tried to dismiss the thumping of your heart, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do that. You looked at yourself in the mirror ahead of you, picturing yourself in the dress. “Just think of how good you would look, hugging all the right places.” His hand gripped onto your hip. “That neckline, finally putting those beautiful breasts on display like they deserve.” Your eyes were closed now, your breathing heavy. This is not what you expected, you never thought Stiles would be this way, but to say it wasn’t turning you on would be the biggest lie you’ve ever told. You could feel the light brush of his lips on your neck, causing small goosebumps to arise on your skin. He hummed, and it vibrated your entire body. “I’ll leave you to it.” You could feel the smirk as he placed the dress back on the rack, disappearing and leaving you in a puddle of ache and want.
To say you bought the dress would be an understatement, you had never taken a garment off the rack so fast, and part of you hated yourself for it. However, there was no turning back now, it was Friday and prom was here. You placed the mask that you had made yourself upon your face, it was pure diamonds, or well, diamond look-a-likes, but still. It looked expensive and fit the part perfectly. You opened the door to an eager Scott, even with a black mask on his face you could tell he was excited for this, but possibly for all the wrong reasons. “I see you traded in the mopad.” You made reference to the car that was parked outside instead of his two-wheeled excuse for a motor bike. “I did, just for the night.” He smiled, it was nice to have playful banter with someone for once. “Okay, let’s get out of here before my mom realizes what is actually happening and brings out her camera with too many settings.” You rushed out, closing the door behind you, already making your way to his car before he could even speak. You were ready for this night to get started.
The music was loud and you couldn’t tell who was who and part of that was somewhat exciting. You walked in, arms linked with Scott as he leads you through the crowd. “I know I didn’t say this earlier, but you look really beautiful tonight.” Scott tried to say above the music, it was something that made you genuinely smile, because for once a guy was not saying that to get something, he actually meant it. “Thank you, Scott.” You pulled him into, “Now let’s dance.” You said as you began to move your body to the music and along with Scott’s. It was time to make this night something you would remember. No, you didn’t want to be there, but you were and you were going to make the best of it. You had a very nice and great guy in front of you dancing the night away, not to meant you were wearing the most beautiful dress you had ever laid your eyes on. You didn’t see how anything could go wrong, that until you felt someone behind you, dancing on you in ways that were not okay for a school dance, not even prom. That smirk radiating heat waves, you knew exactly who it was.
“Stiles!” Scott yelled out, dancing around not noticing what was happening in front of him, and if he did, he was not about to address it. “Sup man! You two look hot tonight.” Stiles directed all of his conversation to Scott, yet his hips were swaying with you, taking you off into world of wonder as his hands roamed down your sides. You shouldn’t like this so much, cursing yourself as your eyes slipped closed letting the sensual feeling take over you. Before you could comprehend anything, the warmth was gone and so was Stiles. You turned to see where he went, watching him as he joined his girlfriend at a table. You watched the way he interacted with her, how different it truly was. There was no glint in his eye, no smirk placed on his face. He didn’t look too happy to be in her presence. “They are on the rocks.” Scott’s voice chimed in. “He’s been acting a little weird lately, I think it’s been a while since they have – well, you know.” Scott’s laughter filled the air, but your eyes squinted at the thought. “Want some punch?” You slightly questioned how he could be so calm about the whole situation, you wondered if he even knew what was going on around him. “Yeah, punch would be great, thank you.” You smiled at him and he scurried off to find the possibly spiked punch bowl.
That’s when eyes met from across the room, his looked so small with the black mask surrounding them, but that smirk came out to play again. He used his head to signal, tilting back towards the door that lead to the school hallway. You contemplated, eyes darting from his to the door. A part of you was saying to stay there, that going out in that hallway was going to be the biggest mistake, but then there was the other part of you, the curious part that would do anything to have this chance. Eventually, that part won. You gave him a small nod, watching as he quickly began to walk his way to the door as you started to follow. You could feel your heart beating out of your chest, the sound completely feeling your ears as thoughts ran through your mind of what was about to happen. Walking outside of the dance, it was like immediate silence, yours eyes adjusted to the darken hallway as Stiles was nowhere in sight. “Stiles?” You hissed, slight confusion in your voice. You heard a hum of approval behind you, turning around you were face-to-face with that smirk. “I like that. When you say my name.” his hand reached up, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Would like it more if you were screaming it.” That low rumble of his voice sent your body in a frenzy, before you could say anything his lips were captured with yours. He was eager and it showed, lips pressing hard against yours as hands roamed as if he had never touched a female before.
“Did you not think I noticed?” He kissed down your neck, sucking on the skin enough to make you want more but not enough to leave his mark. “The way you look at me across the room, the way you’ve always looked at me?” His lips were not stopping, making their way down your dangerously plunging neckline and you were starting to wonder if this was all part of his plan. You couldn’t reply, couldn’t find word to speak, just soft whimpers and moans fell from your lips. The boy holding onto you so tightly becoming so intoxicating you felt like you had drunk the entire punch bowl before coming out here. “I’ve been dreaming of this for a while now.” And with those words, you found your back pressed upon a door, the coolness of it reminding you how hot your body really was. You reached behind you, turning the knob hurriedly as you fell back as you entered the room. Luckily, you landed on the semi-plush feeling of gym mats and part of it made you laugh. Your giggles didn’t stop the boy who landed perfectly on top of you, his hands were slowly trailing, making their way up the bottom of your dress. He was mummering, talking about how beautiful you were and how much he wanted this, but you could barely hear him. Your mind was still buzzing, hands roaming the now shirtless boy and you wondered when that happened. “I want you” You found yourself saying, “Need you.” And you couldn’t wait any longer, realizing the buzz in your head was from the lack of friction that your body needed. Stiles pulled you down, closer to him as he pushed your dress up. He wasn’t about to take his time, not when you were as eager as you were, when he knew how much you wanted it. “No panties?” He said breathlessly over the sound of the jingle of his belt. “Who would have thought that you were so naughty?” You started to giggle at his words, your giggling turning into a hitch pitched intake of breath.
His body was flesh against yours now, you could feel every inch of his inside of you and all you wanted to do was roll your hips down against his but the way he was holding your hips prevented you from doing so. You whimpered, “Fuck, you’re so tight.” His lips pressed against your neck as his hips finally began to roll, colliding with yours in such a slow pace it had you seeing stars. “Stiles.” You breathed out, fingers reaching up and tangling in his hair, tugging at the short strands. “Faster.” You moaned, his hips complying with your demand. The noises that were emitting from him were something from an X-rated movie, hot breaths and groans along with muddled curse words and still proceeding to send shivers down your spine. The mats beneath you began to squeak, his hips rapid, your head leaning back as screams filled the room. “Stiles! Don’t stop.” There had to be scratches down his back by now, sure to leave marks for weeks. “You like that baby? Huh? Like it when I fuck you like that?” Those words were enough, feeling that hot coil within you spring loose, you had an orgasm you’ll never forget.
Movements become uneven, frantic as he nears his release, “That’s it baby, cum for me.” You whispered in his ear. His eyes squeezed shut, teeth digging into his bottom lip as he came, you could feel him filling inside of you, his body collapsing on top of you as heavy breaths filled the air. “Fuck.” He moaned, letting a chuckled follow after. Before you could say or do anything, he rose up, quickly pulling his pants back up and straighten himself up. He looked down at you, look of lust still in his eyes as he smiled. “We should do this more often, you know.” He said as he rolled his cuffs back to their original position. You found yourself smiling but you couldn’t find the words to speak, watching as he gave you one last look over, “See you later.” His words were confident and strong as he walked out, leaving you alone with a spinning head. You couldn’t put together what just happened, but you also didn’t regret a thing. You sat there for a moment, cursing yourself for not having a condom, your thighs slick with him as you raised up. You wondered how exactly you were going to go back to the dance and continue your night. One thing you did notice about him though, his hair was kind of dark.
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lumiolivier · 8 years
Chapter Seventeen:  A Dark World Without Light
Word Count:  3862
Chapter No. 17/37
Notes:  I got nothing.  However, there’s going to be a part that I imagined some of my fan fiction babes being if we were to ever meet in person.  
Chapter Sixteen:  Ohayo, Misa Misa
“Alright, children,” I called out to Julian and Paul still in the house, “Into the minivan.”
 “I don’t have a minivan,” Julian wrapped his arm around my waist, “And last I checked, you don’t either.”
 “You know what I meant,” I rolled my eyes.  I was in love with this moron.  How will forever baffle me, but I was.
 “Sorry,” Paul finally came out of the house, “I had to put her back in her case.”
 “Hey, Julian,” I spoke meekly from the passenger seat, “You think we could do these somewhere that’s not in town?  I’d hate for someone local to see this.”
 “Ok,” he allowed, understanding my apprehension, “You want to do this in Kansas City instead?  The cityscapes would make for a better backdrop than Lenexa.”
 “Oh, hell yeah!” Paul chirped, “Cityscapes always make a good backdrop.”
 “And besides,” I added, “I’m pretty sure Death Note takes place in Tokyo.  The closest we’re going to get is Kansas City.”
 “That’s perfect,” Julian approved, “Look at you being all smart.  Why do you have to be so smart?”
 “Because I was cursed with a borderline genius IQ,” I giggled, “Yet, here I am, being Misa Amane.”
 “Be nice to Misa,” he scolded, “She tries, dammit.  Light never loves her back.  He just uses her.”
 “And look who’s being the Light to my Misa,” I worried, “Are you using me?”
 “Not to wipe out the criminal underworld,” Julian promised, “Or at all, for that matter.  I swear to you on my own Death Note…Which I’m hoping you brought one.  Because I didn’t.”
 “How are you supposed to be Kira without a Death Note?” I gasped, digging in my bag for a black, leather bound notebook, “Look at that!  Misa not being useless for a change.”
 “Again,” he slapped my wrists, “Be nice to Misa.”
 “Fine,” I pouted, “But when we get home tonight, I’m losing Misa completely.”
 “Will you still tell me you don’t want to live in a world without Light?” he requested.
 “How many times am I going to have to say that?” I wondered.
 “Until I stop laughing about L making dad jokes,” Julian grinned.
 “So, never,” I cringed, “They don’t make enough whiskey to get me through that.”
 “L making dad jokes will never get old,” he laughed, then bit his tongue, “Much like L himself…”
 “Julian!” my heart stopped, “That was dark!”
 “I know,” he cringed, “I hated myself for even saying it.”
 “L was my son!” I squealed, “He was my baby and he was killed!  L deserved better!  My little angel deserved the world!  How dare you?”
 “I’m sorry!” Julian apologized all over himself, “I’d bring him back if I could, too!”
 “We can trade L for Misa!” I snapped, “She can burn in Hell right next to Light.”
 “She can’t!” he reminded me, “Once you write a name in the Death Note, you can’t go to Heaven or Hell!”
 “Forgive me for not being religiously up to date on the rules of the Death Note!”
 “For the love of God!” Paul cut in, “You two fight like a married couple!  We’re in a closed and confined space and I’m still here!”
 Both Julian and I broke into hysterical laughter.  Paul made a good point.  Julian and I did fight like a married couple.  It blew my mind that our first couple would be Light and Misa over Edward and Winry, if we’re not counting Sebastian and Ciel.  That’s not necessarily a couple.  They’re a pair, don’t get me wrong, but not a couple. Maybe one day, though.  In fact, I knew it was going to happen one day.  It couldn’t not happen.  If we were doing Royai, we had to do Edwin, too.  At least once.
 “Sorry, Paul,” I came down first, “It’s a part of the life.  We get a little heated about our favorite characters.”
 “I see that,” he recovered from our shrill argument, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone call a character their child before.”
 “And the thing is,” I went on, “L is older than me.  But I still love him like my son.  I want to love him and take care of him and give him all the love in the world.  Therefore, L is my son and no one can tell me otherwise.”
 “You two were definitely meant for each other,” Paul gave us his blessing, “You’re both on that same level of weird.  Julian, if you two ever break up, I’m beating you with Punchline.”
 “Punchline?” I looked to Julian for clarification.
 “Harley Quinn’s hammer,” Julian explained, “Paul’s got a thing about superheroes, especially Harley. She’s a little nuts.”
 “Excuse me?” Paul squeaked, sounding just as offended as I was with L, “Harley’s not a little nuts. She’s got an extreme case of Stockholm Syndrome!  Never would’ve guessed you went to college for psychology.”
 “I know what extreme Stockholm Syndrome looks like,” Julian snapped, “I’ve seen it firsthand.”
 All of a sudden, the car fell totally silent.  And only one other person in the car knew why.  I saw a vein rise in Julian’s hand as his grip around the steering wheel tightened a little.  Paul spoke in quick stutters, “Julian…I’m…”
 “No,” Julian stopped him, “Not going to bring it up anymore.  Going to pretend this never happened.  We’re going to move on from it.  Agreed?”
 “Agreed,” Paul and I harmonized.  No little kid should have to see what Julian’s seen.  As much as I thought L deserved a little better, Julian deserved a lot better.
 “Alright then,” he nodded, “Now, someone say something before this turns into uncomfortable silence.”
 “Julian,” I asked, “Would you ever be my stalker?”
 “I don’t have to stalk you,” Julian assured me, “You’re my girlfriend.  What you do when I’m not around is your own business.  I trust you.  Why?”
 “Well,” I went on, “What if other girls were hitting on you?”
 “What are you talking about?” he gave me a look, “You know better.  Hell, you covered me in liquid latex, so other women wouldn’t hit on me.”
 “Yeah, I did,” I smiled, putting my annoying Misa voice on again.  The things I do for you, Julian, “But I never said you could date other girls.”
 “I thought you said it was ok if I used you,” he caught me, “A minute ago, you swore you’d do anything I asked.”
 “But those are two totally different things,” I whined.
 “Mimi,” Julian took my hand, “Have I told you today how much I love you?”
 “No,” I dangled my feet over the edge of the seat, “But please.  Do go on.”
 “I love you,” he smiled again, “I love you so much.”
 “You’re welcome,” I squeezed him back.
 “What the hell just happened?” Paul wondered, questioning our sanity.
 “I had to do a quick Misa line,” I explained, “If I didn’t, Julian would’ve drove into oncoming traffic.”
 “And I appreciate that,” Julian kissed my cheek as we pulled into Kansas City, “This is why I keep her.”
 “Hold onto her and never let her go,” Paul demanded.
 “We’ll see how this goes,��� Julian shot me a wink, “Where to first?”
 “I don’t know,” I thought it over, “Date with Light and Misa?”
 “Misa got pissy about a piece of cake,” he reminded me.
 “Cake makes you fat,” I quoted her, “I’m not eating any.”
 “Actually,” Julian went from Light to L at the drop of a hat, “I found that you don’t gain any weight as long as you burn calories by using your brain.”
 “Hold on there, tiger,” I called him out, “You’re Light, not L.”
 “L did say he might end up falling for Misa,” he defended.
 “Otakus are weird,” Paul attached a new lens on his camera.
 “Yes, we are,” Julian wasn’t denying that.  And I couldn’t blame him.  I wouldn’t either.  The three of us finally pulled into one of the parks in Kansas City, “We start simple. We’ll get some Light and Misa holding hands in the park, being adorable action.  Good?”
 “I’ve never done this before,” I confessed, “I have no clue what to do.”
 “That’s why you’re lucky your boyfriend’s a seasoned pro,” he grabbed my car door for me, “The best way to do this is to completely drown yourself in Misa’s mindset.  All you need is a blinding obsession for me.  The more Misa you are in your head, the more it’ll show on camera.  I’ll be Light.  You be Misa.”
 “That simple?”
 “It’s that simple,” Julian assured, sitting with me on the edge of a massive fountain, “Here.  How about I put it in terms you’ll understand better?  Think about it like you’re writing fan fiction.  How would Misa react to Light?  He’s brought her on a date to this beautiful park.  She’s so disgustingly in love with him.  Show me what that looks like.”
 Of course, in true Misa fashion, I lit up like a Christmas tree.  She was so head over heels in love with Light.  Sort of like me with Julian.  Only difference was I wasn’t going to help him become the god of a new world order and kill anyone that got in his way.  For the next ten minutes, it was Light and me.  His Misa Misa.  And all while Paul’s shutter snapped away.  When we were all done, Julian finished us off with a soft, gentle kiss. One like Light would give Misa. Enough to keep her happy and keep up appearances.  
 “You’re a natural, Misa Misa,” he praised, “And you were worried about this.  You are a model after all.”
 “That’s right,” I chirped, “Last I checked!”
 “There she is,” Julian beamed, cradling my cheek in the palm of his hand, “There’s my girl.”
 “Shut up,” I came back to being me, blushing and all.  For it being my first time, it wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be.  Coming up with poses came naturally and thinking of it the way Julian told me to was a big help.
 “Oh my god!” some random girl squealed in the middle of our shoot.  She couldn’t have been more than fourteen, “You’re back!  You’re coming back!”
 “Excuse me?” I gave her a look.
 “I’m sorry,” she settled down, “Are you Julian Cooke?”
 “I am,” Julian confirmed, “Do I know you?”
 “I’m a big fan!” the girl freaked, “And I figured since you were taking pictures that you were maybe coming back to the cosplay world?”
 “That’s entirely up to her,” he nodded toward me, “If she says it’s ok, I’ll be coming back with her on my hip.  She’s never done this before, so you guys are going to have to go easy on her, ok?”
 “That’s fine!” she nodded, damn near giving herself whiplash, “I don’t mean to gush, but you are my senpai.”
 “That’s so sweet,” Julian awed, “Thank you.”
 “Do you think I could get a picture?”
 “Ordinarily, I’d say yes,” he shot her down, “But I’m kind of in the middle of a shoot with my girlfriend, so…”
 “Of course,” the girl turned bright red, “I’m sorry.  I don’t mean to break this up.”
 “Don’t worry about it,” Julian settled her, “What’s your name?”
 “Karina,” she chirped.
 “Karina,” Julian repeated, nearly making her faint, “She and I have to be at the day job tomorrow morning, so we won’t be sticking around much longer, but I tell you what.  If it’s alright with you, Mimi, I’d like for us to come back next weekend.”
 “Sure,” I allowed, “That’s fine with me.  We can come back.  It is for a fan.  I know what that’s like.”
 “Do you read a lot of fan fiction, Karina?” Julian asked.
 “Tons!” Karina sang, “Why?”
 “Who’s your favorite?”
 “My favorite fic writer?” she thought it over, “Easily, this girl named SenshiTenshi.  She writes some of the best fic on the internet.  And so often!  Although, we were supposed to get something this past week, but she never posted.”
 “I bet I can make it up to you,” Julian smirked at me.
 “Julian,” I glared through him, “What are you trying to get at?”
 “Go on,” he nudged, “She did say the whole internet.”
 “I’m so writing your name in my Death Note.”
 “You know you love me.”
 “I don’t understand,” Karina was thoroughly confused, “How can you make up for SenshiTenshi not posting this week?”
 “Because,” I sighed out, mentally preparing myself for what was about to happen, “I’m SenshiTenshi.”
 “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” she let out a shrill squeal that was soon squelched, “Wait.  How do I know you’re really SenshiTenshi?”
 “I announced a Free! fic for this week, didn’t I?”
 “I can tell you what it’s about,” I explained, “It’s not done yet because I’ve been super busy this week between work and Julian, but I can give you spoilers.”
 “No!” Karina looked mortified, “I want to experience it all at once!  Besides, that doesn’t prove anything.”
 “Hold on,” I grabbed my phone from my bag, “What’s your Twitter handle?”
 “HiImKarina,” she told me as I punched it into my search bar.  Sure enough, there she was.
 I tapped the follow button, “There you go.  I just followed you from my verified account.  I’m pretty sure that should give some validation.”
 Karina’s phone chimed shortly after with a notification.  And she went back to being all squealy, “You’re a god to me!  I love you!”
 “I love you, too, sweetie,” I smiled.  This was cool!  I’ve never met one of my fans before!  I didn’t know there’d be one so close to me.
 “I can’t believe my favorite cosplayer and my favorite fic writer are dating!” Karina couldn’t keep the smile off her face if she wanted to, “This is making my little fangirl heart go pitter patter.  This is better than watching the OTP become canon!”
 “Whoa there,” I slowed her down, “That’s crazy talk.”
 “Are you kidding?” she squeaked, “I’m sorry for going against you here because you’re my queen, but this is real.  Actually real.  This is more than just the stories and the characters we’ve come to know and love.  You guys mean so much to me.”
 “And you mean the world to us,” Julian gave her a hug.  I thought she was going to melt in his arms, “Without you, there’d be no us.  I wouldn’t be getting back in the game if it weren’t for her. She’s a cosplayer, too.”
 “I see that!” Karina freaked some more, “You make a really good Misa!”
 “Thank you,” I awed, starting to fall in love with her a little.  I wasn’t sure who was more excited to meet who!
“Does this mean you two are going to cosplay together?” she hoped.
 “That’s the plan,” Julian confirmed, “As hard as this is going to be, I want you to keep my comeback a secret.  You can say you met us today, but other than that, I need you to keep a tight lip. Can you do that for me, Karina?”
 “Uh-huh,” Karina nodded slowly, unable to form sentences.
 “Good,” he praised her, “Will we be seeing you next weekend?”
 “Uh-huh,” she came back into her head, “What will it be next weekend, if this weekend was Death Note?”
“I don’t know,” Julian looked over at me, “We’d have to talk that over.”
 “Is there anything you’d want to see us do?” I asked.
 “Well,” Karina thought it over for a minute or two, “You guys make such an adorable Light and Misa together.  Maybe another one of my anime OTPs.”
 “Do tell,” I listened intently.
 “Do you think…” she suggested, “Maybe you could do Haruhi Fujioka and-”
 “Absolutely!” I agreed, knowing exactly how she was going to finish that.  Haruhi and Tamaki have been how Julian and I have been comparing our relationship almost since the beginning.  I’d be more than happy to do that.
 “Awesome!” Karina smiled, “I’d love to see you and Julian as Haruhi and Hikaru.”
 “What?” Good feeling gone.
 “Yeah,” she reiterated, “Haruhi and Hikaru are so obviously meant for each other.  Much more than her and Tamaki.  She got Hikaru to open up to more than just Kaoru.  And Hikaru’s more in love with her than Tamaki.  I don’t understand why people say yes to TamaHaru more than HikaHaru.”
 I did my best to keep my rage under wraps.  Keep your cool, Mimi.  Don’t lose it on a fan.  Don’t go batshit on a fan.  She loves you.  You love her. That’s the way the fans work. They’re more to you than fans. They’re family.  They’re your babies and you love them.  You don’t want to punch them because their ship would make your ship sink.  In the end, the SS TamaHaru sailed.  People are entitled to their opinion, no matter how wrong you make think it is.  
 “Mimi?” Julian looked over at me, “You look like you’re about to burst a blood vessel.  You ok?”
 “Ok,” I settled down, “We can do HikaHaru next weekend.  That’s fine.”
 “Yay!” Karina chimed.
 “But until then,” Julian took over, “We have a Death Note shoot to finish.  I’m sure my photographer’s got other things to do today.”
 “He really doesn’t,” Paul yelled over to us.
 “Well, I’d like to spend some uninterrupted time with my waifu,” Julian clarified, “Before we have to get up at the ass crack of dawn to go to work.”
 “My god,” Karina gasped, “What do you two do that makes you get up so early?”
 “We work in a café where we live,” he told, “We have to be there by six.”
 “In the morning?” she cringed, “I couldn’t do it.”
 “It’s simple once you get used to it,” Julian brushed her off, “Now, if you’ll excuse us.”
 “Yeah,” Karina let us go, “Go ahead.  It was awesome meeting you guys today!”
 “You, too,” he shot her a wink, making her nose erupt, “See you next weekend.”
 “Bye…” she swooned, leaving us alone.
 “Sorry about that,” Julian apologized, “Not the first time a fan has come up to me during a shoot.”
 “Probably not the last either,” Paul scoffed, fiddling with the settings on his camera.
 “Now, you,” Julian sat me down, “Are you alright?  For a minute there, I thought you were going to punch her.”
 “I’m a TamaHaru girl, Julian,” I explained, “We’re a TamaHaru.  As much as I adore Hikaru Hitachiin, I don’t want a Hikaru coming between us.”
 “And there won’t be a Hikaru coming between us,” he held me against his chest, “I promise.  I don’t know any ginger twins.  How about you?”
 “No,” I giggled.
 “There you go,” Julian chimed, “We’re good.  Now, can we go back to snapping some pictures of the two of us being someone we’re not?”
 “Of course,” I laid my head in his chest, “I really don’t know what I’d do in a world without my Light.”
 “Yes,” he agreed, “That would be dark.”
 “Goddammit, Julian,” I laughed, “I knew that was going to happen.  I fucking knew it.”
 “I couldn’t help myself,” he giggled a bit.
 “You’re a dork,” I shook my head, “And I love you.”
 “I love you, too,” Julian kissed the top of my head, “Paul, are you getting any of this?”
 “I’m getting all of this,” Paul assured, capturing our adorable moments on film.
 “Good,” he sat me on his lap, “Now, Mimi, I need the Death Note.  It’s been a while since I’ve done any solo shots.  I should probably update the portfolio a bit.”
 “That’s fine,” I allowed, digging in my bag.
 “But,” he stopped me, “I want you to kind of hide the Death Note.  Somewhere in the grass, so the pictures look more organic.”
 “Ok,” I got up and looked around for somewhere to put the notebook.  Looks like someone was trying to recreate the moment where innocent high school student Light Yagami became the vicious serial killer Kira.  And it all started with him finding the shinigami’s Death Note.  It was really too bad we didn’t have someone to be Ryuk.  That would’ve made these pictures perfect, “Alright, Julian!  It’s hidden!”
 Paul got down in the grass, getting his perfect angle while I sat off to the side and watched idly by. It was amazing to see Julian get so into it.  I’ve never seen him so focused.  In a split second, he had gone from Julian to Light and it almost gave me chills.  I wonder if he could go from Light to Kira the same way.  That would’ve been a more terrifying transformation.
 Julian and I finished our shoot and left Paul in Kansas City.  It had gotten late and I could hardly keep my eyes open.  I loved being someone else for the day, but it was time for me to go back to being me, for Julian to go back to being Julian, and for us to go back to being us.  Taking off Misa’s knee high leather boots was the current highlight of my day.  Sure, they made me feel like a badass, but after wearing them all day, they were killing me.
 “Julian,” I threw myself on the couch in my living room, “My feet hurt like hell.”
 “My poor baby,” he threw his keys on the coffee table, “What did we learn?”
 “Platform boots were created by Satan himself?” I assumed.
 “Probably,” Julian giggled, taking my aching feet.  This angel. He started popping my toes for me.
 “Mother of God,” I had half an orgasm, “Julian, I love you.”
 “I love you, too,” he continued, “Is it because I’m popping your toes.”
 “That’s exactly why I love you,” I moaned as he dug his thumbs into my heels, “And if you keep this up, you may be getting me pregnant tonight.”
 “Maybe not pregnant,” Julian slowed me down, “I wouldn’t mind getting some tonight, but let’s wait on the babies, yeah?”
 “Ok,” I sighed out.
 “So, this is happening?” he wondered, “You and I are having sex tonight?”
 “If I don’t fall asleep first,” my eyelids grew heavier and heavier by the second as my entire body loosened up.
 “If you’re that exhausted, baby,” Julian kept rubbing my feet, “I’m not having sex with you.  If we’re going to make the proverbial beast with two backs, I want you wide awake.  It’d be a bit of a wound to my pride if you were to clock out in the middle.”
 “Heaven forbid if we have that,” I teased, sticking my toes in his face.  In retaliation, he bit them, “Ouch.  What the fuck?”
 “That’s what you get for putting your foot in my face,” he fought, “Next time, I’m biting more.”
 “Is that a promise?” I smirked.
 “You are delirious,” Julian chuckled.
 And after that, I was out. It had been a long day.  It was almost eleven o'clock when we got home. I was done.  I had enough of the day and I was going to have to wake up bright and early in the morning.  But at least when I did, his arms would be around me.  His body keeping me warm.  And the world was a little less shitty.
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