#However that is a big stretch since I doubt I'll find that info
artheresy · 11 months
This is for science, if one were to one to observe what was present in each individual version of Honkai Star Rail so far, like isolating what was added each addition, does anyone know a good place for looking at that kind of thing?
Even if it's just like a wiki format where it mentions what version it was added
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undertaleartistshit · 5 years
A Little Big Dance
As Ink searched the AUs of his Multiverse for trouble, he came across a little rumor. Well, actually it was a HUGE rumor, one that exploded in the millions of AUs seemingly overnight. Ink was interested, not only because the rumor was of a concert, but because of the person hosting it. Some strange being from another Multiverse, and that was where the rumor seemed to get unstable. No name, no description, no age, no nothing. Just someone.
He entered the Omega Timeline, despite his hatred for white, but instead of focusing on that accursed color, he couldn't help but listen to the gossip and pause, amazed at how consistent the information was. He shook his head, continuing his search for the one being who could help him figure out maybe a sliver of information that was 100% true, not just the unreliable gossip he would have to sift through without them. He passed Sans after Frisk after Papyrus after King and Queen, but he just could not find that damned-
Oh. There they were. The gray and black child was standing in a crowd of shouting and... angry, Ink decided, monsters and humans. They didn't chant any mantras as one would expect, but they all were shouting something. Ink took his time winding through the aggressive group, taking care not to hurt anyone despite having to shove his way into the center. "O-oh, thank the HEAVENS you're here Ink!" Core gasped, their hollow eyes creasing in utter relief as Ink popped into the small circle Core was trapped in. Ink smiled, happy to see Core.
"Yeah, well I'm glad I found you, because as life has it I've got a question." Some people where daring to try to yank Ink away from Core, to which Ink slapped their hands and claws away, glaring threateningly at them, to which they sourly shouted and yelled in response. "Ok, nevermind, three questions. Three." Ink raised his voice a little, doubting Core could hear him if he were to speak normally.
Core smiled patiently. "Alright. Could you take care of my little, um, predicament first?" Ink chuckled, unsheathing his handy dandy brush, making a portal in front of them. Core jumped in first, Ink following them, closing the portal before any ticked people managed to stampede on over in the AU. Speaking of which, it was the beloved OuterTale, one of the more popular AUs among the Multiverse. Ink could understand as to why though, since OuterTale was beautiful and calming. Core sighed, sitting down on the small floating island rock. Ink sat down beside them, his eye lights flickering with relief and curiosity.
"First question, what the heck was their problem?" Ink asked, genuinely sounding frustrated for once, albeit mildly. Core sighed yet again, cupping their forehead in their small hands, looking and sounding defeated. "Because of a rumor that I have been looking into, that group is particularly angry with the fact that we are just letting someone in our Multiverse that we don't even know for a concert we can't be sure even exists. I'm feeling... impatient, and I hate it," Core explained.
Ink was surprised yet again. Core, one of the most patient people Ink has ever met, was getting impatient now. All because of some concert. Ink couldn't lie, he wanted to go to that concert if it really existed, but he didn't know if it was dangerous, and he knew nothing about the other Multiverse that this proclaimed person is said to have originated.
Ink took a deep breath, looked over at Core, and asked sternly, almost barking out an order. "Can you get me all information about this concert and deliver it to the HQ tomorrow?" Core nodded, sensing the order. "I'll get it done in a giffy."
"Core. Since when did you not get a panic attack after being in a crowd for so long?"
Dream heard about the rumor from DanceTale. As far as music and culture went, DanceTale was Dream's favorite place to be if he wanted to escape the stresses of being a "Star Sans". However it seemed that this time there was a new pressure, one huge thing taking the place by storm. What caught Dream's attention at first and even now was the sheer volume of people talking about the concert. Dream had to ask, what was the big deal? Why in the stars were to many people wanting to go?
He jogged over to this universe's Sans, who was stretching for what seemed like training. "heya dream," he greeted, smiling at the positive aura. Dream grinned, "Nice to see you Dance. I have a question, if that's not too much to ask." Dance chuckled at the most likely unintentional and stupid pun, but replied, "shoot for it dude."
"What can you tell me about this multiversal concert? I'm afraid I'm terribly uninformed, haha." Dream smiled patiently, awaiting an answer as Dance took a moment to think. Dance tapped his jaw in thought. "the only thing that i can say for sure is that whatever this is is hosted by someone not from this multiverse. no idea who though. maybe ink can tell you more?" Dream thought for a moment, dumbfounded in a way. How could Dream forget? Ink was probably all over it by now! "Oh my stars Dance, I can't believe I never thought of that before! I'll ask him right away! Thanks for the pointer, I owe ya one." Dance chuckled as Dream jumped away into another AU. Dance blushed mildly. Dream was so amazing, so positive. He'd never remember a copy like Dance for long, never in a milennia.
Dance went back to stretching, turning on the radio. People talking about the concert left and right, gossip and rumors running rampant. Dance wanted nothing more than a solid time and place, but no one talked about that. No one.
Dream landed in OuterTale, of course. Either Ink was here or in the Doodle Sphere. He never went into the Omega Timeline unless there was an emergency, and if there was an emergency he would have called Dream and Blue. But the was no call, not a word from Ink. He wouldn't risk panicking in public, right..?
Well, whatever the case, Dream found Ink talking to... Core Frisk... on a remote island in the middle of nowhere. Dream didn't like Core all that much, although he'd never admit it. It unnerves Dream that he can never sense any emotion coming from the little human, which both annoys him and worries him. Were they bottling it up or could they even feel? Why do they look like they should feel hollow? Do they feel hollow? So many questions ran through Dream's skull every time he saw Core.
Nonetheless, Dream ushered over to them, in hearing range as he heard a sentence come from Ink, who was facing away from Dream. "Since when did you not get a panic attack after being in a crowd for so long?" Dream froze, ducking behind a large boulder. What? Panic attack? Did Core have claustrophobia or haphephobia or something? Why would they-
"And why didn't you freak out after being in a place that's practically only white?" Core shot back, sounding uncharacteristic. Dream flinched. Did they go in the AntiVoid? No, there are no crowds there. The Omega Timeline? But Ink didn't call the others... didn't call Dream.
"Well in my defense I was a little preoccupied with that rumor. It's interesting but I'm worried and I don't want anyone to go just in case it's a trap plus I don't know when or where it's supposed to be-" "You're rambling." "Sorry, but you get me right?" Core nodded. "The Protector's job, I know. I think the consert will be a good idea though, you need to unwind with people, not just drawing." Ink flustered at that, feeling embarrassed about drawing, plus Core mentioning it. "Yeah yeah..."
"But it's not just about me," Ink sighed. "If the Dark Sanses go there and start a riot..." Dream blinked, suddenly feeling guilty. How could he have forgotten that? Dream suddenly became aware of the strong negative emotions coming from not only himself, but from the two in front of him. It hurt, and he couldn't just ignore it like normal. Ink was stressed and worried out of his mind, Core was... Dream paused in realization. He could sense Core! His demeanor immediately improved, reducing the pain.
"Funny how someone's pain could make the God of Positivity feel so good," a baritone voice chuckled in the space. Ink and Core froze, Dream brandished his bow and arrow, ready for an attack, still hidden from Ink's view. Damn you Nightmare! Dream growled in his mind.
"God of... DREAM WHAT THE FREAK." Ink's voice went from mildly confused to surprisingly ticked real fast. Dream jumped out from his cover, sliding over to Ink, who was now standing protectively over Core with his brush in hand. Dream scowled. "I'll explain later," he mumbled. "You'd better."
Nightmare materialized right before their eyes, from a shadow of course. The tall goopy skeleton walked leisurely over to the small group. His eye was devoid of emotion as always, his posture relaxed and nonthreatening if it weren't for the long powerful tentacles twitching on his back. The King of Negativity stood about two meters away, showing no signs of aggression, but no sign of backing down. His grin was as sharp and as cruel as ever.
"Go back to where you came, Nightmare," Ink hissed, his eye lights flaring in a dangerous maroon. Nightmare put his clawed phalanges up, as if he were caught by the nonexistent police force. "Hey, hey, chill. Just need to ask a favor." Dream glared, but Ink had to hold in a fit of laughter. "Why would we help?" Nightmare shrugged, putting his hands back in his pockets. "I heard a little rumor, and I want more info."
Ink rolled his eyes, not buying the story. "Why does this even concern you?" Ink jabbed, getting angry and hoping to make Nightmare uncomfortable. It... didn't work. Nightmare fed off of the negative energy, cocking a brow. "Uh... rude? I just wanna know." Dream sighed, letting in. Why oh why was he so weak when it came to his brother?
"We don't know much, just about the concert and nothing much else," Dream answered truthfully. Ink stared daggers at Dream, as he growled, "Dream.." Dream put his bow and arrow away, looking back at Ink, and replied with a sassy monotone nod, "Ink."
Nightmare rolled his eye light at the display. It was familiar, but he'd never admit it. His gang made similar interactions, quite often. But it was a confirmation that Dream released some true information, at least. Nightmare opened a portal, to which Killer and Cross came out, carrying...
"BLUE!" Ink and Dream shouted simultaneously. Killer glanced at the two, stating, "Attack us and we won't hesitate to kill Blue." Ink huffed, as Core whispered something to Ink. Ink nodded, making a portal and then sticking his brush back on his back. Core jumped in the portal and disappeared.
Killer and Cross untied Blue quickly, starting to get uncomfortable being around all three Star Sanses at once. Blue gasped as they undid the rope around his mouth. "You could have made it a bit looser!" Killer smirked, chuckling. "And risk you getting out? Fat fucking chance." Killer took out his knife, to which Ink had to resist the urge to smash Killer's skull in the ground, and Killer cut the rest of the rope off. Blue stood up, brushing himself off. He walked cautiously back over to Ink and Dream, to which Ink just stared open mouthed at the three Dark Sanses. "Why did you kidnap Blue if you didn't even threaten us?!" Ink screeched.
Nightmare grinned. "Backup plan." All six went back to their respective HQs. And Core? They were scribbling every rumor down, in every timeline, trying to find a constant or a source, and it would take a long time before either side would find much else out about this concert and it's host. Or, as the constant says, the hostess.
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