#Huaisang later when Xichen disarms the Wen: WOW HE'S SO COMPETENT AND GREAT ISN'T HE MENG YAO?
guqin-and-flute · 3 years
The Most Public Private Meet-Cute [Episode 4]
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NHS: hello everyone my name is nie huaisang
Background Person: hiii huaisaaang
NHS: and fun fact about me is that i grew up around lan xichen and i know exactly what his type is
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NHS: ON A COMPLETELY UNRELATED NOTE here is my dear and very single friend who desperately needs love and affection and probably a hug meng yao
MY: oh hey that’s me
NHS: say hi meng yao
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MY: uh ok how weirdly specific sure thing
NHS: the stage is set i give it 2 minutes
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MY: hello my name is meng yao and i’ve brought you a box hope u like it there’s a pot in it
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MY: uhhh ok some things about me i’m adorable i get bullied frequently i eat dry bread and my dimples are deep enough to hold all my war crimes see? *ping*
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Asshole 1: did someone order some loud and publicly cruel narration about your tragic and slightly damning backstory??
MY: no?? ?
Asshole 1:  too late
MY:  ugh do you allow returns
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Asshole 2: yeah totally and his dad fuckin hates him rolled him down the steps of jinlintai like a fuckin slinky
MY: well this feels a bit unwarranted
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Asshole 1: naaah his dad would have to actually CARE to hate him
WWX:  damn this is brutal hope this doesn’t foreshadow any major plot component that might outline the problem with the idea of reputation vs honor in our society and the place hearsay and gossip plays in the perception of the value of a person that would suck
Random Background person: sure would especially if it greatly impacted you as a person
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Asshole 1:  i love shitting on people with u bro
Asshole 2: awww bro
JYL: rude
JC: wow
WWX: jfc
MY:  this is fun so glad i came
LXC:  .......hm.
NHS: 10...9...8...
LWJ: xichen  n  o
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LWJ: u need to stop and not for the reason u think
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LQR:  CAN U READ THE ROOM PLEASE AND SHUT THE ACTUAL HELL UP what do you think this is? some kind of high school?? who do you think you are?? children? ? nONSENSE
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Asshole 1:  oh shit i thought talking at regular volume in plain sight of a silent room gave me anonymity
Asshole 2: oh no me too what an unforeseen outcome
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LQR: anyway, now for-- oh god oh no what are u doing r e s i s t, boy
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LXC: [i_need_a_hero.mp3]
Random Lan: love this song
LWJ:  jfc here we go
JC: is this a kissing book?
MY:  sure could use a hug
WWX:  ur gonna get more than that dude
JYL: aww good for him
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LXC: why hello.
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MY: ho- (where is the saxaphone music coming from)
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MY: -ly- am i in slow motion ur very tall did u know ur very tall
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MY: shit hey.
LXC: hey :)
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LXC:  o h .
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LXC:  good god i have gravely miscalculated my investment in the situation what did i come down here for again
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MY: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh u have a mouth i have a mouth what a strange coincidence
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MY: i humbly present my body BOX my box this box right here it’s really cool it has a red thing in it it’s for u or maybe the grandmaster i can’t really remember anymore  or feel my legs fuck
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LXC: oh yeah the reason i came down here theoretically i should at least pretend to care about what’s in the box
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Ambience: [Careless_Whisper_on_Flute.mp3]
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WWX: HOLD THE PHONE that’s allowed?? i don’t have to sword fight the gay feelings? he’s beating me at public homoerotic subtext chicken this cannot stand i have to up my game
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Pot: I’m a metaphor or something it’s not really relevant at this point is it?
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LXC: nope so anyway i could probably fit you into my pocket and cherish you forever thoughts? i’m thinking gentians for the wedding
MY: i can’t feel my face currently but yes to all
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MY: ur touching my hands again
LXC: oh trust me i am VERY aware
NHS:  :)))
LWJ: can i go?
Random Lan: probably not
LWJ: ugh i have my own gay shit to deal with
Random background Guy: taking notes for my fanfic
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MY: message very fucking received
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MY: we are bowing now because we are very polite and definitely not experiencing a life changing sexual awakening in a crowded room
Random Background Person: u guys know people can hear u, right?
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LXC: yes very polite definitely nothing gay and certainly no lifelong connection that could potentially end in horrific tragedy for the both of us thank goodness
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NHS: guys i didn’t mean elope right fucking now
MY: did u like my box?
LXC: it’s the best box the most adorable box I’ll keep this box forever in my heart
NHS: dude it’s not for u it’s for ur uncle
WWX: i cannot BELILEVE i’m losing public gay chicken i’m gonna get lan zhan a box
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Random Asshole 2:
yeah technically he’s zixuan’s brother but jgs treated him like shit what’s ur raction to that zixuan?
JZX: think i’m gonna stick with haughty silence, if i’m honest
Random Asshole 2: that seems on brand
[more brief summaries because yeah]
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