tomeandtarot · 3 years
Hey guys! It’s April again, I’ve finally gone and done it and made a multimuse because I wanted to add more muses! I was formerly at @tomeandtarot and @theloveridol but I figured this was a good place to go with things as I wanted to take up more muses and manage to be more active on more than just one girl! Until 6/10 I’ll still be transitioning over here, but you can send things here or to one of the other blogs. This blog is still a WIP, but feel free to drop by and say hi!
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
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Hiya, been awhile but I wanna make this blog more active again! So here I am!
I go by Ghost on most sites and I have tons of years of RP experience! Friendly yet incredibly shy mun, you can ask for discord and all that jazz! I just really like Ann!
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
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Hang on, hold the phone, this woman didn’t know what a video game was? Okay that was just adding to the strangeness of them. Who didn’t know what a video game was? There was a difference between someone not really playing them because of whatever reason but not knowing? That was another thing altogether. They must’ve lived under a rock or something. And also velvet room? Master? That seemed vaguely familar but she didn’t really put two and two together. “Oh, I see. Um, I could show you video games if you want then.”
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“I believe that sounds like it could be a rather enjoyable endeavor. There are many things out there in this world that I do not yet understand. Learning and getting to experience such activities brings me closer to learning who I am.” It was a life long journey, Elizabeth wasn’t entirely sure just who she was or for what she searched, but she did know that the world outside the velvet room was quite vast and held many opportunities for growth in knowledge. Of course she’d share /some/ of the things she learned with her brother.
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
The Battle for Everyone’s Souls (T.Komine Remix) - Persona 3 Dancing in Moonlight Original Soundtrack
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
Kotone wasn’t a stranger to new schools. Ever since she lost her parents, she had passed between family members and hot many schools. She was happier to be living in a dorm this year. Less drama as whatever family member that would have gotten her would complain every single day no matter what she did. She did know however it was hard to fit in. She’d be welcoming Elizabeth with open arms.
“You have a cool unique name. Sounds foreign. I was the new gal at the beginning of the year, so I get if you feel a bit lost. If you need help, be sure to ask me. I’d be more than happy to help.” She looked to Rio with an inquisitive look. “Is she taking part or just watching today? I can teach her the drills we do here. it will be a good chance to get to know one another.”
Rio looked between the two girls and grinned. “Well, she mentioned that she had some experience with volleyball before, so I figured she should join in and that way we could see where she’s at.”
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Elizabeth nodded, “I was quite relieved when I heard that there was a volleyball team- and that you were still accepting members.” It was a small comfort in moving, while she hadn’t done it much she hoped for the best here. “I appreciate your welcoming, I hope that we can be friends.” 
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
A brief note to my rp partners
I am probably one of the worst rp partners in the history of the activity. - I drop threads. - I lose threads. - I take my threads in odd directions that should probably never be explored. - I go through phases where I’ll only respond to two or three of my partners. - I go through phases where I’ll only respond to a single thread, and you’re left wondering why I’m not responding to you.
Sometimes I can be a really great partner - - I might be really on top of replies. - I might have everything in my ask box answered. - I might be perfectly in synch with where you’re trying to take the thread.
Sometimes I’m not.
But the great thing is that it’s okay! - When I drop a thread you like just tell me! Chances are it’s in drafts or I’ve lost it. - Even if we try a dozen different things and nothing sticks, don’t be afraid to start a new thread with me or come to me with an idea. - Sometimes I’ll be overwhelmed by everything I have going on, and I’ll have to put you on the list of rp’s to start. - Sometimes I’ll jump right on the thread and then drop it after a few days. - Sometimes we’ll carry the thread out all the way to the end, and have a grand old time getting there.
But please, remember that each of my rp partner’s is valuable to me. - Even the ones my muse doesn’t like. - Even the ones I’ve only done a thread or two with. - Even the at I used to rp with and don’t any more.
You are significant.
You matter.
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
“Hehe, thanks. You too!” He loves compliments and it showed.
The kiss was something he gladly returned, smiling into it a bit at the end.
“Well…” The idea of doing more was very tempting but… “I guess we should probably eat. Gotta replenish all the energy spent last night!” Though maybe only he needed to replenish his energy… but that’s okay, he still wanted her to have a nice breakfast with him!
“True, true, we were busy for quite a while last night.” She carefully wrapped a sheet around her waist, her body effortlessly beginning to float, the sheet almost appearing as if she wore a long skirt.
“How’re you feeling yourself? Are you worn out?”
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
Reblog if you’re alright with creating new verses or AU’s to interact with other RPer’s!
While your muses might not be from the same universe or be able to interact easily, things can always be worked out if the muns collaborate and talk with each other!
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
Which Flower Are You?
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Cherry Blossom
You are soft but you are not quiet. Bright and loud and excited about life, you are likely the first to ask to pet someone's dog. You have always had a large group of acquaintances but struggle to maintain close relationships, always afraid they will leave, taking some of you with them. Those that have met you, could never forget you if they tried. You wear your heart on your sleeve and while you will never apologize for it, sometimes wish you could grow some thorns. Despite your unequivocal beauty, you are humble and kind, never demanding, always willing to shed your petals to keep others warm. Don't forget to take care of yourself love, don't be afraid to let someone stay and grow alongside them, instead of for them
Stolen from @electricea​
Tagging @orphemiss @bluescarfvivi​ @blxndingin​ @fatumsolutus​ and @quietwildcard​
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
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Elibelly :3c
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
((So, slowly makin my way through P3P and??????? This man???????????? is an ass???????? My fiancé called it >.>))
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
((Just a small reminder that I have a Rise blog that I may have forgotten about for a while, so like. If you wanna hit me up there and do some things with Rise the blog is @theloveridol ))
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
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found out today that aigis is considered elizabeth’s guest and i had to stop what i was doing to make this
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
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Velvet family bonding :>
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
She chuckled at his flirting, smiling up at the man who towered before her. “You certainly have a way with words, alas, a goddess I am not. I am merely an attendant to the fate of others.” She’d let him take that as he would, it wasn’t of the utmost importance that he understood. “My name is Elizabeth, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” 
Fate of others? What could that mean? He bottled up that question to ask later abs bowed to her politely. “I am Dio Brando, the pleasure is all mine miss Elizabeth, after all it’s not every day that I meet someone like you. Tell me just what where you doing when you ran into me?” He asked curiously, his crimson eyes gazing into her golden irises. She was captivating, completely out of this world, this allure was something he could not resist but he knew she wasn’t like any other girl, his usual tactics wouldn’t work. He had to treat her like a proper lady.
“I am on the hunt for a most precious herb that I’ve heard grows in the area. Of course, my impatience got the best of me and before I knew it the fog had gotten so thick that I could barely see my nose at the end of my face.” She didn’t see telling him her motive as of any risk, she wanted to do more research for herself, she could be of better assistance to her guest if she had more knowledge of medical remedies. There was still much about the world for Elizabeth to learn that she hadn’t been exposed to within the Velvet Room. “What do you search for in such fog?”
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tomeandtarot · 3 years
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Well that was good thing at least, not having to worry about how old the bread was since it was just freshly baked. Maybe she could give some of it to Inari since that poor young man often forgot to eat and rarely had the funds to get food because of his artist obsession.
“Futaba Sakura, nice to meet you.” She replied to the admittedly very odd woman. Then again, with how much oddities were in her life she barely blinked an eye at that stuff anymore. Mostly anyways. “What’s with the get up anyways? You look like someone ripped right out of a video game.”
“The pleasure is mine.” She grinned, pushing hair behind her ear as she studied Futaba’s appearance, although her attention was quickly drawn as her own clothing had been called into question.  “A video game?” Elizabeth cocked an eyebrow at the orange haired woman in front of her, confusion clear on her face. “I am afraid I am unfamiliar with the term, but these are the uniform for the velvet room, of which I assist my master.”
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