#Hugo Lloris
mythwfc · 5 months
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thanks for 11 years, captain 🤍
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timoswerner · 5 months
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thank you for everything captain 🫡🤍
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hugollorizz · 9 months
reminder that this image exists
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myehhhh · 1 year
Tottenham's upcoming season be like :
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happyhotspur · 5 months
Do you know how many times I have exclaimed ‘thank god for Hugo!’ in our darkest moments????Because it’s a lot 🥹
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We knew it was coming but now it’s official, thanks for everything Hugo 🤍🤍🤍
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teamroscoes · 1 year
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@.raphaelvarane Merci beaucoup pour cet accueil incroyable !!! Quel honneur de pouvoir fermer ce merveilleux chapitre de ma carrière de cette façon. Même dans mes rêves les plus fous, je n’aurais pas imaginé vivre tout ça 😍. Il n’y a pas de mots assez fort pour décrire mon amour pour l’équipe de France. J’ai toujours été fier de représenter mon pays. Je sais la chance que j’ai eue de porter ce beau maillot pendant 10 ans. J’ai donné mon maximum, du premier match jusqu’au dernier. Je suis passé par toutes les émotions. Des hauts et des bas, avec bien sûr comme point culminant, la coupe du monde ! A travers tous ces moments, j’ai toujours senti votre soutient et vos encouragements. Aujourd’hui, je suis simplement heureux et fier d’avoir participé à cette aventure. Je me suis engagé à poursuivre ce bel héritage que nous avons construit, ensemble, à travers @.generation.2018 . Je serais toujours derrière notre équipe de France 🇫🇷❤️. Merci ❤️
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vertonghen · 5 months
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captains 😭🤍
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Jealous - Antoine Griezmann x reader (Part II & End)
Requested: Yes ("antoine griezmann angst plz! u guys have an argument about something, and ignore each other but then make up" - Anon)
Pairing: Antoine Griezmann x Female!Reader
Summary: Antoine realizes his mistake thanks to a few people.
Word Count:  2.5k
Warnings: Angst, mention of cheating, false accusation, bad words ig?
A/N: Here comes the second and last part! I really enjoyed writing it. I had to include Adri a bit because he's my hubby (alongside Antoine lol). Hope you'll like it. I corrected the many typos on the first part, sorry about that. By the way discussions between Antoine and two people are mentionned, if you want me to write them as a bonus let me know, I'm down for it :) GIF isn't mine (again I found the perfect one but Tumblr is messing with me so this one will do). ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE!
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You spent the rest the rest of the day in your room – which was close to the one the Coach and the other members of the staff had – and you planned on staying in there crying until Hugo knocked on your door and convinced you to get downstairs for dinner. Before entering the dining room you ran into the Coach, who smiled at you.
“Hello there, young lady.”
He suddenly noticed your red eyes and his face became worried. He walked towards you and put a hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N? Are you okay? What is it?”
“Nothing, coach.”
“Nonsense," he said, "you’ve obviously been crying. I may be old but I’m not blind. Tell me. Is it Antoine?”
You felt tears coming again, and nodded slowly.
“You guys had a fight, didn’t you?”
You nodded again, your throat hurting keeping you from talking.
“It’s alright, kiddo, I’m sure it’s nothing. Couples fight all the time.”
You stopped crying, and finally managed to talk.
“He saw me with Kylian after the photoshoot…And he thought there was something between us.”
“Goodness. Well, I’m sure he’ll come to his senses and realize that he’s wrong. Just give it a little time.”
He squeezed your shoulders in the manner of a father and you followed him into the dining room, where the players were sitting down around the long table. You usually sat there with them, laughing and talking alongside them, but today you felt like you couldn’t. When they saw you, several of the boys greeted you, and Paul gestured to you to come sit next to him but you softly shook your head. You went to sit down on the much smaller table next to the Coach, who had the kindness not to mention what was happening of in front of the others. From where you were you only saw Antoine’s back, and that was for the best. You tried to only focus on your plate and the much calmer discussion between the staff but your eyes kept looking in Antoine’s direction. While the others were loudly talking and laughing, you noticed Antoine didn’t talk and remained still. You forced yourself to eat a little bit, mostly to avoid questions, but everything felt like ashes in your mouth and your stomach hurt. Dessert was served and fatigue was starting to get to everyone. You refused your dessert, pretending to be full, and after a few minutes you rose from your chair.
“I’m actually feeling a bit tired, I think I’ll go to sleep. Goodnight, gentlemen.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Sleep well.”
You left the room in a hurry so the players wouldn’t notice you but as you walked to the stairs someone called up your name.
You turned to find Kylian almost running to you.
“Are you okay?” he clearly sounded – and looked –worried.
“I’ve been better, I guess.”
“Man, I feel so bad about all of this. I tried to talk to Antoine but he told me to go to hell.”
“At least you tried.”
“I’m so confused, we were just playing a video game. You're like a sister to me, there isn’t any ambiguity between us.”
“I know. A shame he doesn’t see like that," you said with sarcasm.
Kylian nodded, a sad small smile on his face.
“Do the others…”
“No, they don’t know. Some of them asked why you didn’t sit with us but Paul and I said you weren’t feeling well and that you could eat wherever you wanted anyway.”
“Thank you.” You said, feeling grateful.
“That’s the least I could do. I’ll try to talk to him again tomorrow, I don’t want you to face all this crap alone. Hopefully by then he’ll realize what he dickhead he’s been.”
“Fingers crossed.”
You said goodbye to Kylian and asked him to bid the boys goodnight on your behalf, which he accepted. You went to your room, the silence of the castle being louder than ever, and realized that if Antoine kept thinking you cheating on him, it might just be the end of your relationship. You felt so hurt at the moment that if he happened to come and apologize to you, you weren’t even sure that you would accept his apologies and forget about all of this. Antoine didn’t seem to have any trust in you, and you couldn’t date a man like that. You laid in your bed and cried until sleep came to you.
You woke up the next morning, feeling more tired than ever but a bit hungrier than the night before. It was early and the players would wake up and go down for breakfast soon. You quickly prepared and went down, and as you excepted the dining room was empty but breakfast was ready. You sat down at the same place as last night, took a croissant and poured yourself a cup of coffee, enjoying the silence. You really loved your job, the Bleus, the staff and the castle, and breaking up with Antoine meant leaving that job. You knew deep down that even though you didn’t do anything, you wouldn’t be able to stand to have Antoine hate you and ignore you. You heard noise coming from upstairs and raised from your chair. You had no problem talking with any other player than Antoine but you still preferred to only see them during training. You grabbed a paper to write notes and went to the pitches where they would train this morning. You waited and after an hour your heard them coming. They instantly noticed you as they arrived on the pitch, and greeted you.
“Hey, Y/N! Already here?”
“You weren’t at breakfast,” Adrien asked, “are you okay?”
“Yes,” you smiled. “I just got up early.”
None of them asked you about last night, probably thanks to Paul and Kylian. The Coach came to you, still looking worried, and your heart dropped as you saw Antoine behind him. He was the only one who didn’t speak to you, but he gave you a look that made you confused. Kylian then came towards you.
“Hey, there. You good?” he said as he kissed you on the cheek like all of the others did. “Hugo and I spoke to him separately,” he whispered in your ear. “Antoine was way calmer than yesterday; I was the one who got angry. I may or may not called him names, I’ll admit. I don’t think he completely believed me when I told him he was completely wrong, he still looked suspicious but I think he’ll come back to you soon.”
You nodded and he joined his teammates on the pitch. During training, you wrote any note the Coach asked you, and you couldn’t help but notice that he, Hugo and Paul acted very coldly towards Antoine, which was very unusual. During a break, you were too embarrassed not to talk to him about it.
“Coach, please, I don’t want you to act differently with Antoine, I-”
“It’s only a little lesson, Y/N. I actually talked to him this morning to let him know what I thought about his behavior.”
Must have been a heck of an early morning for Antoine, you thought. A little voice in your head said he deserved it for how he treated you the day before, and you couldn’t help but agreeing at least a bit. After training was done you handed them bottles of water. Most of them said thank you, and you had no problem reminding the others to say it too.
“Hey, Presnel, who do you think I am? Your maid?”
“Sorry, Y/N, thank you.”
You handed bottle after bottle, focused and looking only at the bottles. You handed the last one and rose up your eyes only to meet Antoine’s. You could feel your face becoming paler and your heart almost missing a bit.
“Thank you,” he said softly.
You turned your back on him and focused on the list of the things you had to do, and after a while you realized that Antoine was still here – and that everyone had left. You turned around, surprised by the feeling of annoyance you had.
“Can I help you?” you said coldly.
Antoine was obviously uncomfortable, and for a moment it felt like he was the one who cheated.
“Can we talk?” he said nervously.
“I don’t know, do you plan on insulting me like you did yesterday?”
He was taken aback by your coldness and put a nervous hand on his neck.
“No, I...”
“Because,” you cut him off, “you were this close of calling me a slut.”
“I know I went too far,” he said. “I should have never gotten angry like that.”
“Well, that’s a start,” you crossed your arms.
If you listened to yourself at this moment, you would just break up with him.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, if you only knew. I was a real dick yesterday, I don’t know what happened. I know you’d never cheat on me. I- I’m so, so sorry.”
“What if it’s too late?” you asked after a moment of silence.
“What?” he exclaimed, shock and confusion replacing nervousness on his face.
“You proved to me yesterday that you don’t trust me at all. I can accept you being a little bit jealous, but not like that. I can’t date a man wondering whether he’ll accuse me of cheating every time I talk to another man.”
“Y/N, I know I messed up really bad, I swear it won’t happen again. Please, we can’t- We can’t just break up like that, it can’t end like that.”
He reached his arm out to grab your hand, and for a second the warmness of his hand brushing yours made you want to forgive him and be in his arms again. But you couldn’t.
“I need time to think, Antoine.”
Panic came to his face in less than a second.
“Y/N, please. I love you-”
You fought the tears coming to your eyes as you stepped back.
“It didn’t look like that yesterday. I think we should just…I need time.”
He opened his mouth but you turned around and went back to the castle.
The next few days at the castle were weird and a bit lonely. The whole team seemed to be aware there was a big fight between you and Antoine, but they had the kindness not to ever mention it in your presence. They apparently thought it was Antoine’s fault, as they acted a bit coldly with him. Not that Antoine seemed to mind or even realize, as he spent most of his free time in his room and during training he only did what the Coach asked, not laughing or even talking with the others. The boys had also apparently decided to be at your side most of the time, constantly asking you to play games with them or just discussing literally everything and anything with you. You felt a bit weird about it and usually tried to refuse, but they insisted so much every time so much that you often ended up accepting. The days of training at the castle went by slowly, and you didn’t even speak a word to Antoine. The day of the match, you went with the team and the staff to the stadium, speaking with Lucas about his young child. Once you arrived at the stadium you made sure nothing was missing and let the guys change while you waited outside, the noise from the fans growing as they arrived. Once the players were all ready, you came back into the locker-room, listened to the Coach and Hugo’s speeches and as the players left for the entrance tunnel you wished all of them good luck alongside the Coach and the staff.
“Good luck, Capi.”
“Thanks,” Hugo smiled.
“Good luck, Adri.”
“Thank you!”
Antoine’s turn came. You hesitated an instant but decided to be professional.
“Good luck.”
“Thank you.”
You sat next to the staff in the stands during the match, which the Bleus won rather easily. You were scared Antoine wouldn’t be focused but he played really well, and even scored during the second half. The fans rose from the seats to celebrate and you couldn’t believe your eyes when Antoine turned to your direction, seemingly looking at you, and made a heart with his hands, his mouth saying “I love you”. That damn-
“Isn’t that cute,” Alphonse teased, sitting next to you.
After the match you went back to the locker-room to congratulate them.
“Well done, boys!”
You got a few “Thank you” back, and went to get some food and some water for them while they showered and changed. When you came back, the Coach had just finished his second speech. You put the pizzas on the table in the center of the room and everyone ate and drank. After a while, you felt a hand on your back.
“You liked what I did?” said Antoine behind you, a shy yet happy smile full of hope on his face.
“Let’s just say it was a surprise.”
“That was meant to be one. Can we talk in private?”
During the few days where you kept your distance you’ve been thinking long and hard, and eventually made up your mind. You followed Antoine into a corridor where you would have some privacy, still hearing the noise from the fans leaving the stadium.
“Listen, Antoine, I’ve thought about it and-”
You were interrupted by Antoine’s lips crashing on yours. He waited for you to push him away but you didn’t, and he put his hands on your hips. Your own hands placed themselves around his neck and as his lips danced on yours you felt like floating and as if all the sadness and hurt you had in the last few days simply flied away.
“I know I’ve been an asshole but those last few days were the hardest in my life,” he said after breaking the kiss. “I love you, Y/N, and I don’t ever want to be apart from you. You mean the world to me and I’m willing to do what it takes for you to take me back and forgive me.”
You could feel his sincerity and your heart melted.
“I love you too, Antoine. And I’m willing to forgive you.”
He had a huge smile and kissed you again. His hands had never left your hips and yours didn’t move from his neck, and you only separated when you heard a “Ew!” by a familiar voice. You turned your head only to find Paul, Presnel and Hugo looking at you.
“Y’all are disgusting,” Paul teased with a false disgusted face, and Presnel nodded.
“Shut up, man.” Antoine laughed, and you couldn’t help but laugh too.
“Glad you two finally made up,” Hugo said with a smile. “Was about damn time. We’re leaving now, though, so if Mr. and Mrs. lovebirds are done kissing, we better hurry.”
“Of course,” you said.
You followed the boys towards the locker-room, your hand in Antoine’s, but right before entering, you stopped him.
“Is it true that Kylian called you names when he came to talk to you?”
“God, you have no idea. Kylian, boy, get your ass here for a sec.”
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kevjrr · 1 year
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For @anytimebitches🫶🏽
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avenirdelight · 1 year
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Tottenham Hotspur — Dressing room access after the win against Manchester City
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delstroyer · 2 years
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Tottenham vs. Marseille | September 7th |  2-0 
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lovesomehate · 2 years
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timoswerner · 5 months
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georgia-stanway · 2 months
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Between this and Sonny's video it really does feel like we're being primed for an absolutely awful loss this afternoon.
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7kylian · 1 year
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lydiamaya · 1 year
PL Teams as baby : Tottenham Hotspur
Hugo Lloris 🤍💙
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Pierre Emile Højbjerg 🤍💙
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Son Heung-Min 🤍💙 (please tell me if this child is actually Sonny and not some random child again 😭)
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Harry Kane 🤍💙
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Richarlison 🤍💙 (side note but I would die for Richarlison but especially baby Richarlison)
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Matt Doherty 🤍💙
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Oliver Skipp 🤍💙
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Davinson Sánchez 🤍💙
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Bryan Gil 🤍💙
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Emerson Royal 🤍💙
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Eric Dier 🤍💙
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Cristian Romero 🤍💙 (I tried okay, I tried very hard 😭😭)
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Ryan Sessegnon 🤍💙
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Fraser Forster 🤍💙 (Furthest I could find, from 2007)
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Dejan Kulusevski 🤍💙 (loan from Juve)
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Djed Spence 🤍💙 (The 1st circled child is him, the other is ESR)
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Japhet Tanganga 🤍💙
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Papa Matar Sarr 🤍💙 (He's 20 now, the 1st pic is from 2020)
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Rodrigo Bentacur 🤍💙
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Ben Davies 🤍💙
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Clément Lenglet 🤍💙 (loan from Barca)
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Yves Bissouma 🤍💙
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Brandon Austin 🤍💙 (I am sorry this is the furthest I could find 😭, 1st pic from 2017)
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Harvey White 🤍💙
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Bonus —: Antonio Conte 🤍💙
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