#Humans: Post-Apocalyptic Monsters Alien Invaders Invasive Species
Humans: Unnatural To Earth (Masterpost)
Humans: Post-Apocalyptic Monsters, Alien Invaders, Invasive Species
Aliens, The Moon, and Evolution: Part 1: The Moon and Human Evolution: Humans are Unnatural to Earth ~ Theory ~
Aliens, The Moon, and Evolution: Part 1: The Moon and Human Evolution: The Moon and Human Evolution: Parasitic Pregnancy: Humans are Hybrids ~ Theory ~
Aliens, The Moon, and Evolution: Part 2: Scientific Research and Contact with Aliens:  Humans are the Aliens to Earth  ~ Theory ~
Humans: Post-Apocalyptic Monsters, Alien Invaders, Invasive Species
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Dinosaurs reigned as the dominant creatures on Earth for around 170 million years. In the time that they lived there was a balance between different species, between predator and prey. There was a natural progression of adaptation and evolution. Every species had its niche and its own special qualities, characteristics, and adaptations that made it capable of surviving. No one species was astronomically advanced or had a huge advantage over every single other species it lived with. During the time that dinosaurs lived, they didn't destroy the planet. They lived on Earth, predators killed when they needed to eat, and natural resources were not heavily depleted. The only destruction was from natural causes - droughts, volcanic activity, changes in climate, shifting of continents, and natural extinction events. After each extinction event within the Mesozoic era, dinosaurs remained the dominant creatures and kept coming back, more advanced and better evolved than before. Individual species were averaging a few million years on Earth before going extinct or evolving into a different species. 
Humans have only lived on Earth for about 200,00 years. Our earliest ancestors only lived a few million years ago. Civilization and industrialization have existed for about 6,000 years and 200 years respectively. In the 200,000 years that humans have existed, we have nearly destroyed everything else on planet Earth. We have caused the complete extinction of nearly 700 species, destroyed entire ecosystems, and have brought Earth dangerously close to irreversible environmental damage. No other singular species in existence has created this kind of destruction and devastation. No other species has been able to. No other species has ever had this much of an advantage over every other living thing on the planet. Humans are so much more intelligent, and so much more advanced than every other living thing on planet Earth, that everything else on this planet is at the mercy of our species. Humans can cause the total extinction of probably any species we want to and completely destroy any habitat or environment if we wanted to. This is not how nature is supposed to work, and it's never worked like this before on Earth. Not only is the amount of damage done by humans astonishing, but the speed at which we have caused this damage is as well. Civilization has only existed for 6,000 years and industrialization has only existed for around 200 years. The fact that the majority of environmental damage done by humans has occurred in the past 200 years is alarming, and the fact that the most destruction of planet Earth has occurred during the past 200 years out of the 3.7 billion years that life has existed on Earth is almost unfathomable. No other single species in natural history has ever caused this level of destruction. No other single species has ever even come close to the level of destruction humans bring to this planet. 
The way humans are impacting the planet resembles the way an invasive species can impact an environment. Invasive species with more advanced adaptational advantages wreak havoc on habitats that are not equipped to deal with such species. These invasive species have real advantages and cause real damage. If humans are acting like an invasive species, then we had to have come from somewhere else. 
Without humans, this kind of total environmental and climate destruction wouldn't be happening. No other species is destroying and uprooting entire forests to create farms and homes, no other species is hunting other animals for sport, nearly to extinction in some cases, no other species is depleting natural resources, scarring the land, or polluting the air, land, and water with toxic fumes and chemicals. Without humans, all the other species on Earth would be living with a natural balance, adapting and evolving at a natural pace, going extinct only when natural disasters and natural extinction events occur.
We always think about alien invaders coming to Earth and destroying our planet, causing our species to fight for survival or go extinct. We always imagine a mass extinction event or apocalypse that will either end our species or bring us to the brink of extinction. We imagine what kind of post-apocalyptic monsters or futuristic beings will inhabit or overtake our planet. We always think it will be in the future, because we never consider that it's already happened. We always imagine something different, something else out there, because we never considered that it's us. 
Humans are the post-apocalyptic creatures on Earth. Humans are the alien invaders on this planet. Humans are the destructive invasive species on Earth. 
No other species on Earth thinks about apocalypses or alien invasions. No other species thinks about mass extinction events and post-apocalyptic monsters, or alien invaders. Perhaps this way of thinking is some form of evolutionary memory, some reminder. Maybe we think, well, it's been done before, it could happen again. Maybe we think, we did this to this planet, somebody else could do the same thing to us. Maybe our fascination with aliens and worries of apocalypses comes as an instinctual alertness, an evolutionary memory, a warning for us to stay vigil, stay aware because we already know that it's possible. 
Aliens, The Moon, and Evolution: Part 1 
The Moon and Human Evolution: 
Humans are Unnatural to Earth ~ Theory ~
Simply put, the human race is not believable. 
Humans are so much more advanced than any other species on Earth. We have buildings and technology and law and religion. We have medicine and school and different languages and different cultures. We have cars and planes and the internet. We’ve been to space; we’ve been on the moon. We question our own existence and wonder why we are alive. Our mental complexity and technological advancements prove just how advanced and complex the human species is… and it makes no sense at all. 
The best the next most advanced species can do is use a rock and a stick to open a nut and use a few sign language words. And we think that is extraordinary. We think it’s amazing that an animal could do such things. We think that level of intelligence in a living thing is incredible. So, basically, any level of heightened intelligence in a living thing is impressive and relatively rare. So where did our complexity come from? The advanced complexity and heightened intelligence of the human race is extremely impressive, unchallenged by any animal on Earth, incredibly rare, and, honestly, not really believable at all. And yet, we know this level of intelligence is real because we know humans are real.
Many people can agree that there most likely is life elsewhere in this universe, but anything close to the complexity of humans is unlikely and frankly quite unbelievable. But that kind of thinking, in turn, makes the human species itself unbelievable and unrealistic and completely absurd. However, we know that the human race indeed does exist. 
The existence of the human race raises two questions:
1- why can’t there be complex, advanced, and intelligent life in other places in the universe?
2- where did the human race come from / how did the human race become so complex, whereas in contrast, every other species on Earth is so simple and unadvanced? 
If you take the human race out of the picture - if Earth had no humans - Earth would make a lot more sense. There would be a breathtaking variety of life forms and amazing diversity of life on Earth, but everything would be relatively on the same playing field. Everything would have its niche and ecosystems and food chains would all be balanced and cohesive. There would be no outliers, no oddities, no extraordinarily advanced species outshining all others on the planet. 
What I believe this indicates is that the evolution of the human species was interfered with by an outside force. That outside force being extraterrestrials. 
Humans are Unnatural to Earth: Sea Turtles ~ Theory ~
It’s just like sea turtles. Sea turtles (and other species) return to the same exact place they were born to lay their eggs. Humans are so compelled, so driven to explore space, to explore the rest of the universe, to go to other planets, to find extraterrestrial life, to travel through space. And it’s just like sea turtles. 
Aliens, The Moon, and Evolution: Part 1 
The Moon and Human Evolution: 
Parasitic Pregnancy: Humans are Hybrids ~ Theory ~
There are three main types of ecological relationships. Mutualism, which describes a relationship where both organisms benefit from the relationship; commensalism, where one organism benefits, and the other is neither harmed nor benefited; and parasitism, where one organism benefits, and the other is harmed. The parasite lives on or inside the host, and derives benefits from the relationship, whereas the host is harmed, and sometimes killed by the parasite. A parasite is defined as an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species, and benefits from deriving nutrients at the host’s expense. A host is defined as an organism on or in which a parasite or commensal organism lives.
Human, and most mammalian, pregnancies act extremely similar to a parasitic relationship. The fetus acts as the parasite, and the pregnant individual is the host. 
From morning sickness to being rendered bedridden, to pregnancy and labor complications including blindness, stroke, and death, human pregnancy and birth is extremely dangerous and harmful for the pregnant individual. Humans specifically have one of the largest skull to birth canal ratio, having an abnormally large head and an abnormally narrow birth canal and hip alignment. Pregnancy and childbirth can leave severe long term or permanent damage to the parent. The fetus derives all benefits from the relationship with the pregnant parent, taking nutrients from the parent and redirecting and affecting the parent’s blood flow and immune system. The pregnant parent derives no benefit from the relationship with the fetus, and instead, only experiences harmful effects from the relationship. A person’s placenta even uses the same methods as some other parasites - excreting a specific protein to act as a cloaking device and hide from the host/pregnant parent’s immune system. 
The only reason a fetus is not considered a parasite is because the pregnant individual and the fetus are of the same species. But, what if they weren’t?
Considering the other points in my theory - that humans are the result of an alien species interbreeding with early hominids, this would make humans a hybrid species. If aliens were interbreeding with early hominids, their implanted fetus would be a different species from the pregnant hominid. Their fetus would have to hide from the pregnant hominid’s immune system so as to not be rejected from the body. To do so it would have had to deploy a protein in order to hide itself, as similarly seen by modern human’s placentas. Interbreeding between an alien species and early hominids to create the hybrid species that is humans may explain the seemingly strange evolution of human pregnancy and childbirth, and the overtly parasitic nature of human fetuses.  
Some references/links: 
Parasitic Pregnancy
Strange Evolution of Human Pregnancy & Prenatal Process 
Strange Evolution of Human Childbirth - Skulls and Hips
Aliens, The Moon, and Evolution: Part 2
Scientific Research and Contact with Aliens: 
Humans are the Aliens to Earth  ~ Theory ~
Humans are likely genetically descended from aliens. Humans are so much more advanced than any other species on Earth. 
Any time we imagine what our contact with an alien species might be, we come up with ideas like
1- we’d be eaten, enslaved, our planet would be destroyed, and our natural resources would be taken
2- we would be scientifically studied and experimented on
3- it may be peaceful
Given these predictions, you could make an argument that humans are the aliens to Earth.
1- We eat the animals of Earth. We enslave the animals of Earth, making them produce milk, herd sheep, help in hunts, work in the military and police force, carry us long distances, work on our farms, and make them entertain us. We keep them in cages and strap them to leashes and whip them and do with them as we please. We take all the natural resources on this planet that we want without any regard to the species that live within those resources. We destroy our own planet for our own gain.
2- We study the animals and environments of Earth. We film and observe animals in the wild, and we even capture, study, and release animals, once we have gained enough knowledge about them. We even keep colonies of lab animals to experiment on and use them to learn whatever information we chose to. 
3- We keep animals as companions. They are our friends and we care about them. They care about us back. It is friendly, peaceful and diplomatic. We even have animal rights organizations and we are trying to do better to have peaceful relationships with the other species on Earth.
Human interactions with the other species on Earth does seem quite similar to the way we imagine our interactions with aliens would be, if you really think about it. 
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Humans: Post-Apocalyptic Monsters, Alien Invaders, Invasive Species
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Dinosaurs reigned as the dominant creatures on Earth for around 170 million years. In the time that they lived there was a balance between different species, between predator and prey. There was a natural progression of adaptation and evolution. Every species had its niche and its own special qualities, characteristics, and adaptations that made it capable of surviving. No one species was astronomically advanced or had a huge advantage over every single other species it lived with. During the time that dinosaurs lived, they didn't destroy the planet. They lived on Earth, predators killed when they needed to eat, and natural resources were not heavily depleted. The only destruction was from natural causes - droughts, volcanic activity, changes in climate, shifting of continents, and natural extinction events. After each extinction event within the Mesozoic era, dinosaurs remained the dominant creatures and kept coming back, more advanced and better evolved than before. Individual species were averaging a few million years on Earth before going extinct or evolving into a different species. 
Humans have only lived on Earth for about 200,00 years. Our earliest ancestors only lived a few million years ago. Civilization and industrialization have existed for about 6,000 years and 200 years respectively. In the 200,000 years that humans have existed, we have nearly destroyed everything else on planet Earth. We have caused the complete extinction of nearly 700 species, destroyed entire ecosystems, and have brought Earth dangerously close to irreversible environmental damage. No other singular species in existence has created this kind of destruction and devastation. No other species has been able to. No other species has ever had this much of an advantage over every other living thing on the planet. Humans are so much more intelligent, and so much more advanced than every other living thing on planet Earth, that everything else on this planet is at the mercy of our species. Humans can cause the total extinction of probably any species we want to and completely destroy any habitat or environment if we wanted to. This is not how nature is supposed to work, and it's never worked like this before on Earth. Not only is the amount of damage done by humans astonishing, but the speed at which we have caused this damage is as well. Civilization has only existed for 6,000 years and industrialization has only existed for around 200 years. The fact that the majority of environmental damage done by humans has occurred in the past 200 years is alarming, and the fact that the most destruction of planet Earth has occurred during the past 200 years out of the 3.7 billion years that life has existed on Earth is almost unfathomable. No other single species in natural history has ever caused this level of destruction. No other single species has ever even come close to the level of destruction humans bring to this planet. 
The way humans are impacting the planet resembles the way an invasive species can impact an environment. Invasive species with more advanced adaptational advantages wreak havoc on habitats that are not equipped to deal with such species. These invasive species have real advantages and cause real damage. If humans are acting like an invasive species, then we had to have come from somewhere else. 
Without humans, this kind of total environmental and climate destruction wouldn't be happening. No other species is destroying and uprooting entire forests to create farms and homes, no other species is hunting other animals for sport, nearly to extinction in some cases, no other species is depleting natural resources, scarring the land, or polluting the air, land, and water with toxic fumes and chemicals. Without humans, all the other species on Earth would be living with a natural balance, adapting and evolving at a natural pace, going extinct only when natural disasters and natural extinction events occur.
We always think about alien invaders coming to Earth and destroying our planet, causing our species to fight for survival or go extinct. We always imagine a mass extinction event or apocalypse that will either end our species or bring us to the brink of extinction. We imagine what kind of post-apocalyptic monsters or futuristic beings will inhabit or overtake our planet. We always think it will be in the future, because we never consider that it's already happened. We always imagine something different, something else out there, because we never considered that it's us. 
Humans are the post-apocalyptic creatures on Earth. Humans are the alien invaders on this planet. Humans are the destructive invasive species on Earth. 
No other species on Earth thinks about apocalypses or alien invasions. No other species thinks about mass extinction events and post-apocalyptic monsters, or alien invaders. Perhaps this way of thinking is some form of evolutionary memory, some reminder. Maybe we think, well, it's been done before, it could happen again. Maybe we think, we did this to this planet, somebody else could do the same thing to us. Maybe our fascination with aliens and worries of apocalypses comes as an instinctual alertness, an evolutionary memory, a warning for us to stay vigil, stay aware because we already know that it's possible. 
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