#Huntington N.Y
Concrete vs Pavers
Concrete vs Pavers When designing a residential landscape, cost is always a factor that must be considered, especially if you have a fixed budget. Installing pavers for your outdoor living area is an inexpensive way to beautify your landscape. There are many cost benefits of using pavers compared to other materials including the purchasing of materials, the installation costs and of course the…
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Merry Christmas by Stone Creations of Long Island Pavers & Masonry Via Flickr: Merry Christmas from all of us @ Stone Creations of Long Island - (631) 678-6896
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d-criss-news · 2 years
How Darren Criss Spends His Sundays
The performer enjoys rituals that are both old-school (park bench workouts) and New Age (cryotherapy treatments).
One would think, given his holiday album, “A Very Darren Crissmas,” that Darren Criss would be kind of obsessed with Christmas. This is not quite accurate, he said. “However, aside from the convenient, yet eye-rolling pun that is the title, it is a very me collection of songs.”
For example, the actor, singer and songwriter updated the second track of the recording, “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas,” a 1953 novelty hit originally performed by a 10-year-old, with an almost hip-hop feel. “I don’t take myself too seriously,” he said.
He did, however, take home an Emmy for his visceral 2018 portrayal of Gianni Versace’s killer in Ryan Murphy’s “American Crime Story” series. (The actor humbly described it as a “participation trophy.”)
But back to the music. Mr. Criss has developed and is starring in a cabaret version of “Crissmas,” currently running at Café Carlyle in Manhattan through Dec. 10. Afterward, he’ll take the show on the road, with stops in Morristown, N.J., on Dec. 11, Huntington, N.Y., on Dec. 15 and Ridgefield, Conn., on Dec. 16.
Mr. Criss, 35, along with his wife, Mia Criss, 37, a producer, and their 8-month-old daughter, Bluesy Belle, split their time between Los Angeles and Hell’s Kitchen in Manhattan.
MATCHA, THEN FRISSON Never really drank coffee. Grew up in an Asian household drinking real, bitter Japanese matcha you’d be ill-advised to consume on an empty stomach. Not that sugary Starbucks stuff.
These days, however, being a new parent in my 30s, I have gotten into espresso. It’s helpful. Only a very specific type, though. Terrified of sounding pretentious here, but, yes, I only drink ristretto (“restricted” in Italian). This is just a shorter, more condensed shot of espresso. When we downsized to Hell’s Kitchen in October, we stumbled upon this cute, 47th Street coffee shop called Frisson. Felt pretentious asking, “Do you guys do a proper ristretto?” But these guys were like, “Of course!” Been going there ever since.
PRACTICALITIES First off, never in a million years did I think I’d live in Hell’s Kitchen. Mia and I have lived mainly downtown: Chelsea, the Village, Lower East Side. But, when she became pregnant, I started thinking, you know, since I’m doing Broadway shows roughly every other year, it’d make sense to be close to the theater.
BROADWAY ZONE Upon leaving my apartment, I encounter one of two genres of person: tourists or theater people. And they’re easy to tell apart. I run into colleagues: musicians, stage hands, directors. This sort of busybody theater world contained within a few block radius. Radii?
CRACKS You have to have a certain constitution for Hell’s Kitchen. Yes, there’s the crazies and the commercial hoo-ha, things many Manhattanites hate most. And yes, the neighborhood is dirty and smells a little weird. But I’m kind of invigorated by it. And I know where the cracks are.
COSMIC Plus, Mia and I love being able to walk to Cosmic Diner. Just your typical, no-frills greasy spoon. Don’t know if the pandemic changed it, or if I changed, but before this year, most of my memories at Cosmic were definitely between the hours of 3 and 7 a.m. Don’t think I’d ever been there during daylight. Eat some grease, to try to put a dent in your hangover, that’s my line. Not to say we’re hung over. We’re responsible parents. Obviously.
KEEP IT SIMPLE Big fitness guy. This is my first time living in a building with a gym; we’d always lived in older buildings. But my routine’s still: Give me an hour and a park bench, and I’m good. Run down Hudson River Park, maybe down near Little Island, which is so cute and gorgeous. Then I’ll box jump onto a bench. A box jump is a jump squat, except you’re leaping onto a higher surface. I love it.
FROZEN Of all the eye roll-y, New Age-y things you could make fun of a guy who works in Hollywood for, I’ve gotten really into cryotherapy. They’re often booked on Sundays, but I try to get in after the workout, feels like a full-body ice pack. Helps with inflammation. During our “American Buffalo” run on Broadway this year, Laurence Fishburne, Sam Rockwell and I would go and get some cryo done in between the matinee and evening shows. We were very much like theater homies. There’s a spot right on Central Park South called the Fuel Stop. You’re essentially standing in a fridge, inducing a sort of fight-or-flight response.
THE COLD CHAMBER When I first tried it, I was like, “Well, what do you do in there for those three or four minutes?” And the cryo guy was like, “Oh, we play music and dance around.” And I was like, “Oh, awesome. What would you recommend?” And, I’ll never forget this, the cryo guy said, “Daft Punk.” Of course! So, now I blast dance music and kind of two-step in the cold chamber. I like being in the chamber. When you walk out, all these endorphins are released. Though maybe it’s all a wild placebo, and in a few years scientists and bloggers will say everybody who did cryo back in the 2020s were suckers.
BEWITCHING HOUR But, let’s not forget the placebo effect is, nonetheless, an effect. And yes, being New Age-y again: I find blue light very destructive for sleep. So, if I really want to watch something, I have blue-light-blocking glasses. But, in general, I do less consuming at night, as it seems the next song or musical can only be written in the wee hours. Though my wife and I did just finish watching the new season of “Derry Girls.” Once Mia falls asleep, I’m out here in the living room with my guitar and piano. My brain is most active when everyone’s asleep.
THE TANK But, truth is you’re always writing, whether you like it or not. Input via sonic cues, always on. Ideas haunt you constantly. So, at night, it’s often less about coming up with lyrics and melodies than it is about organizing what’s already in the tank.
For example, my wacky Hippo riff was actually the result of walking around department stores for years, Christmas after Christmas, hearing that ’50s novelty song and saying to myself, “You know what’d be funny?” Then finally sitting up one night and doing it.
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antonio-velardo · 1 year
Antonio Velardo shares: Homes for Sale in New York and New Jersey by BY JILL P. CAPUZZO AND CLAUDIA GRYVATZ COPQUIN
By BY JILL P. CAPUZZO AND CLAUDIA GRYVATZ COPQUIN This week’s properties are five-bedroom homes in Huntington, N.Y., and Glen Ridge, N.J. Published: May 18, 2023 at 09:00AM from NYT Real Estate https://ift.tt/sLGiwUc via IFTTT
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keekee-things · 1 year
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Do you have the same “Love” that “Adele” has for “Saturn”? #saturn ,#saturnearrings ,#adele Find these earrings and more @devoshion.shop in the Walt Whitman Shops in Huntington N.y https://www.instagram.com/p/CplgQkGvIqj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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metalshockfinland · 2 years
W.A.S.P. Blackie Lawless Interview - Fans Q & A @ Nov 18 2022- The Paramount N.Y.
W.A.S.P. Blackie Lawless Interview – Fans Q & A @ Nov 18 2022- The Paramount N.Y.
For The Metal Voice Kenny Kessel reporting at W.A.S.P. Blackie Lawless fan Q and A on Nov 18, 2022 at The Paramount Theater in Huntington, New York. Check out the fan Q and A and the answers from Blackie Lawless. Blackie talks about death threats and getting shot at after the 80’s PRMC hearings and how it changed his life; the changing music industry with technology; if he would ever do another…
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mithashu-blog · 2 years
Does Your Outer Child Ever Act Like a Borderline? — Healing Abandonment with Susan Anderson
Does Your Outer Child Ever Act Like a Borderline? — Healing Abandonment with Susan Anderson
Are you suffering from hemorrhoids? Try – Chinese full version of Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment Does Your Outer Child Ever Act Like a Borderline? 10 Ways To Curb Outer Child from Sabotaging your Life.     HUNTINGTON, N.Y. – Sept. 27, 2022 – Senmer — Do people ever call you borderline? Did you ever ask yourself if you have borderline personality disorder? We’re all a little borderline from…
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rocklandhistoryblog · 2 years
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Thomas Smith House, Undated lithograph by Edwin Whitefield (1816-1892), active in the Hudson Valley in the 1840s and 1850s. Collection of Richard J. Koke. (Huntington Digital Library)
The White House on Treason Hill Benedict Arnold, John André, Joshua Hett Smith and a House of Mistaken Identity by Richard J. Koke
For more than a century and a half, until 1929, a square, box­like red sandstone building, two stories high and stuccoed white, stood on a wind-swept hill in West Haverstraw on ground now occupied by the main building of the Helen Hayes Hospital. It was known by the sinister name Treason House and the high ground on which it stood was Treason Hill. During the American Revolution it was owned by a New York lawyer, Thomas Smith (1734-1795). In 1780, history has long averred, the house was occupied by Thomas’s brother, Joshua, and within its walls Benedict Arnold and Major John André completed their negotiations for the betrayal of the American fortress of West Point to the British.
The association of the house with the treason was such that even one of the windows was known as the “André Window,” from which the plotters watched the distant cannonade of the British sloop-of-war Vulture on the Hudson River. This set in motion the fateful sequence of events that ended with André’s execution, Arnold’s escape, and Joshua Smith’s trial for complicity in the treason.
There is no question that on September 22, 1780, Benedict Arnold brought John André from the river shore at the Long Clove to Joshua Smith’s house to complete their secret transaction. It is, however, the con­tention of the present writer and premise of this article that the name “Treason House,” affixed to Thomas Smith’s house for more than a century, was a misnomer given to a misidentified building. It is my belief that the house occupied by Joshua Hett Smith (1749-1818) and the scene of the Arnold-André conference was in fact the neighboring residence of his brother William Smith, Jr. (1728-1793), known in its day as the White House. Long gone, it stood several hundred feet distant from Thomas’s house on property where the house of Fitz Gerald Frazer, now owned by the Hoyer family, was located in the mid-19th century.
This point of view, no doubt, will arouse the ire of aficionados of the treason story, who will judge this suggestion contrary to all accepted fact, unquestioned for generations, that the conference took place in Thomas Smith’s house...
To continue reading this article, visit "South of The Mountains" Vol. 47, No. 4 (October-December 2003) here:
For Further Reading:
1980 Gleanings from Rockland History, excerpts from South of the Mountains, relating to the Arnold-André affair. The Historical Society of Rockland County, New City, N.Y., 1980.
Accomplice in Treason: Joshua Hett Smith and the Arnold Conspiracy, by Richard J. Koke. The New-York Historical Society, New York, 1973.
A Chronicle of Major André at Tappan, compiled by Claire K. Tholl, assisted by Joan M. Winkelhoff. André Memorial Committee, Tappantown Historical Society, Tappan, N.Y., 1980.
The Crisis of the Revolution: Being the Story of Arnold and André, by William Abbatt. William Abbatt, New York, 1899, with supplements 1909 and 1915; reprinted in re-arranged form, Harbor Hill Books, Harrison, N.Y., 1976.
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recentlyheardcom · 8 months
You have actually Got One More Point Comin’ if you assumed Judas Clergyman would certainly ever before in fact dedicate to retiring. Accompanying their 50 th wedding anniversary, the leader British hefty steel attire will certainly start a 33- day trip throughout The United States and Canada in the summer season. The scenic tour will certainly begin in Hollywood on May 3 as well as wrap up in Las vega on July 29. Judas Clergyman get on the roadway to advertise their most recent offering, Firepower (2018)– their seriously well-known 18 th workshop cd. In the process, the five-piece band will certainly strike Western Canada for 7 eruptive efficiencies throughout 3 districts. ( L-R) K.K. Downing, Glenn Tipton, Rob Halford as well as Ian Hillside of Judas Clergyman do onstage–‘ Let loose In The East’ cd cover session handled July 1,1979 The Firepower scenic tour was revealed on Monday night. Clergyman welcomed fellow Brit rock professionals, Uriah Heep, as the primary assistance band to open all 33 reveals. Clergyman were readied to decrease on exploring after their impressive Nostradamus globe scenic tour, which finished in2012 Schedule modifications, brand-new songs as well as the reignited globally need to see the Steel Gods “ required” them back when driving. Although Clergyman have actually currently explored the UNITED STATE as well as Canada throughout this cd cycle, they determined to transform points up this moment around as well as go to several of the cities they have not been to in a while. Canadian headbangers will certainly enjoy to recognize they have actually consisted of Lethbridge, Royal prince George as well as Abbotsford in their scenic tour days, to name a few cities. Richie Faulkner of Judas Clergyman at Solid Rock Event at Tecnópolis Park on Nov. 4, 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Although traditional schedule lead guitar player Glenn Tipton has actually been included on the Firepower scenic tour poster, it is uncertain whether he will certainly be taking part in any one of the upcoming programs. Tipton revealed his retired life from exploring in February 2018 after exposing his unfavorable medical diagnosis of Parkinson’s condition. He handed down the lantern to the manufacturer of the Firepower cd, Andy Sneap. Tipton has actually shown up onstage just when with Clergyman following his retired life, in which he played follower favourites Steel Gods, Damaging the Regulation as well as Livin’ After Twelve o’clock at night. The existing schedule contains frontman Rob Halford, guitar players Sneap as well as Richie Faulkner, drummer Scott Travis as well as establishing participant as well as bassist Ian Hillside. Considering that its beginning, Judas Clergyman has actually offered greater than 50 million documents, been chosen for the Rock-and-roll Hall of Popularity as well as won a variety of respected honors in the rock area. They are currently commonly considered among the most effective hefty steel bands of perpetuity. Rob Halford of Judas Clergyman executes on phase at Bed mattress Company Arena on Sept. 26,2018 in Chula View, Calif. Tickets can be acquired with the main Judas Clergyman internet site. Follower club presale starts at 10 a.m. ET on Dec. 4. All tickets will certainly be offered to the public on Dec. 7 at 1 a.m. North American Firepower scenic tour days 2019 May 3– Hollywood, Fla. @ Seminole Acid Rock Resort & & Casino Site May 6– Nashville, Tenn. @ Nashville Municipal Amphitheater May 8– Atlanta, Ga. @ Fox Theater May 9– Biloxi, Miss. @ Beloved Rivage Hotel & & Casino Site May 12– Washington, D.C. @ The Anthem May 14– Huntington, N.Y. @ The Paramount May 15– Huntington, N.Y. @ The Paramount May 16– Uncasville, Conn. @ Mohegan Sunlight Sector May 18– Albany, N.Y. @ Royal Residence Theater May 19– Albany, N.Y. @ Royal Residence Theater May 22– Milwaukee, Wis. @ Waterfront Movie Theater May 23– Milwaukee, Wis. @ Waterfront Movie Theater May 25– Rosemont, Ill. @ Rosemont Theater
May 28– Austin, Tex. @ ACL Live at The Moody Movie Theater May 29– Austin, Tex. @ ACL Live at The Moody Movie Theater May 31– Dallas, Tex. @ The Bomb Manufacturing Facility June 1– Little Rock, Ark. @ First Safety Amphitheater June 3– St. Louis, Mo. @ Stifel Theater June 5– Colorado Springs, Colo. @ Broadmoor Globe Sector June 8– Saskatoon, Sask. @ SaskTel Centre June 10– Lethbridge, Alta. @ ENMAX Centre June 11– Edmonton, Alta. @ Rogers Location June 13– Dawson Creek, B.C. @ Encana Occasions Centre June 14– Royal Prince George, B.C. @ CN Centre June 16– Kelowna, B.C. @ Prospera Location June 17– Abbotsford, B.C. @ Abbotsford Centre June 19– Respiratory Tract Levels, Wash. @ Northern Mission Hotel as well as Casino Site June 21– Kent, Wash. @ Accesso Showare Facility June 22– Rose City, Ore. @ Moda Theater of the Clouds June 24– San Francisco, Calif. @ Warfield Theater June 25– San Francisco, Calif. @ Warfield Theater June 27– Los Angeles, Calif. @ Microsoft Movie Theater June 29– Las Las Vega, Nev. @ The Joint at Acid Rock Resort
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chic-a-gigot · 3 years
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E. Butterick & Co's. quarterly report of New York fashions, for summer 1872. Principal office. 555 Broadway, New-York. Branch Offices, 316 W. Madison St. Chicago, Ill. 265 Notre Dame St, Montreal, Canada.
(New York, NY, 1872) priJLC_FASH_001598 The Huntington Library, San Marion, California
Steampress of the Hatch Lithographic Co. 32 & 34 Vesey St. N.Y. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by E. Butterick & Co, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.
Image of an outdoor vignette featuring Butterick women's fashions, including a lake with swans and boating; fashion details for women and girls include tiered, bustled skirts with ruffles, bows, lace, and fringe, wide sleeves, fitted bodices with basques, jacket bodices, and draped or looped-up overskirts; accessories include floral and ribbon hats and bonnets, mantles, fans, boots, parasols, and gloves; reference key for figures numbered 1-20.
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Pool Patio with Spa - Deer Park, NY 11729
Pool Patio with Spa – Deer Park, NY 11729
http://www.instagram.com/stonecreationsoflongislandinc  Stone Creations of Long Island Pavers and Masonry specializes in masonry design and outdoor living, serving communities all across Long Island, Queens and Brooklyn in all aspects of home improvement and repair. From custom brickwork and pavers to asphalt and concrete, Stone Creations of Long Island provides free estimates at your home or…
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Cambridge Ledgestone Paver Patio - Huntington, NY 11743 by Dana Saladino @ Stone Creations of Long Island Via Flickr: Cambridge Ledgestone Paver Patio, Designed, Built and Maintained by Stone Creations of Long Island, Deer Park, NY 11729 - (631) 678-6896 stonecreationsoflongisland.net
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misfitwashere · 3 years
51 Facts about Arlo Guthrie and Alice’s Restaurant
By Doug Most, Boston Globe Staff
The song is 18 minutes 34 seconds long, give or take a minute depending on his pace.
The length of the song is the exact same length as the gap in the Nixon Watergate tapes, and Guthrie has often quipped that the song may explain that silence in the infamous tapes.
The song was too long to be released on one side of a 45 rpm single.
Guthrie had just started classes at Rocky Mountain College in Billings, Mont., in September 1965 when the incident happened over Thanksgiving break.
He planned on studying forestry, but never finished his first year.
He was born in Coney Island, N.Y., in 1947.
He is one of four children born to Marjorie (Greenblatt) Mazia and folk legend Woody Guthrie.
He was 13 when he gave his first public performance.
In Boston, he was a regular performer at Club 47 in Harvard Square along with Joan Baez.
Today Club 47 is Club Passim.
In 1991, Guthrie purchased the Stockbridge Trinity Church where Alice and Ray Brock lived and where many of the events that inspired “Alice’s Restaurant” took place.
Guthrie and his friend Ricky Robbins dumped the trash on that fateful day in Stockbridge because the Great Barrington dump was closed for the holiday.
They were fined. And ordered to pick up their trash. The exact amount of the fine has varied in stories over the years from $20 to $25 to $50.
The church is now The Guthrie Center, a nonprofit devoted to helping people with HIV and other afflictions, including Huntington’s disease, the illness that most contributed to Woody Guthrie’s death.
One of Arlo Guthrie’s first lessons on the harmonica came from Bob Dylan, who visited his house looking for Woody.
In the 1969 movie, “Alice’s Restaurant,” the cop is played by the real Officer Obie, William Obanhein, from the story.
The blind judge in the movie “Alice’s Restaurant” is played by the real-life blind judge in Guthrie’s case, James Hannon.
One of his inspirations for believing that such a long story could succeed as a song was Bill Cosby, whom he had seen tell long rambling tales on stage that kept audiences riveted.
He has to relearn the song anytime he’s going to perform it. “It’s not like riding a bike,” he told Rolling Stone magazine.
Guthrie’s biggest hit was “City of New Orleans.” “Alice’s Restaurant” never cracked the Billboard Hot 100. The album peaked at 17.
Theresa’s Stockbridge Café is now in the space where Alice and Ray ran their restaurant.
Alice and Ray Brock are divorced.
Alice Brock owns an art studio in Provincetown, where she paints.
Albert DeSalvo, the Boston Strangler, once wrote Alice Brock, she has said, asking if her restaurant would consider selling the choker necklaces he was making in prison. She declined.
A version called “Alice’s Rock & Roll Restaurant” he released in 1969 lasts 4 minutes long and reached 97 on the Billboard singles chart.
He does not listen to “Alice’s Restaurant” when it’s on the radio during Thanksgiving. And neither does his family.
All of his children play instruments and sing, and some of his grandkids, too.
Guthrie first performed live on a New York radio station in 1967.
He rides a 2001 Indian motorcycle.
The original lyrics contain a slur against homosexuals that today might bring a fine from the FCC to any radio station that plays a song containing it. But the song is played uncut and no fines are incurred.
“Music will be your best friend.” This was a line his father told him when he was very young.
One of Guthrie’s daughters, Sarah Lee Guthrie, is married to Johnny Irion, whose great uncle is John Steinbeck.
His son, Abe, will play the keyboards on the upcoming tour with him.
More than 75,000 photographs from Guthrie’s life have been collected for the tour and many of them will be projected on a screen throughout his concerts.
When Guthrie was 18, he did his first concert with Pete Seeger at Carnegie Hall, a tradition they continued almost every year until Seeger died in 2014.
One of Guthrie’s sisters, Cathy, died in a home fire when she was 4.
The red VW microbus Guthrie talks about in “Alice’s Restaurant” has officially been “relegated to history,” according to a post on his Facebook page this summer.
Woody Guthrie died in October 1967, only one month before his son released the song that would make him famous.
His song “Massachusetts” was adopted by the state Legislature in 1981 as the state’s official folk song.
The inscription on the guitar of Woody Guthrie, a notorious peace activist, read: “This Machine Kills Fascists.”
Arlo Guthrie’s music lineage goes beyond his father Woody. His grandfather Charlie was a court clerk in Oklahoma, a painter and a singer.
Around 2005, Guthrie became a registered Republican voter. He told The New York Times, “to have a successful democracy you have to have at least two parties, and one of them was failing miserably. We had enough good Democrats. We needed a few more good Republicans. We needed a loyal opposition.”
In that same Times interview, he said: “I thought I would be governor of Massachusetts. I stood on a pile of my old albums and said, I’m the only one with a record to stand on.”He says it took him about a year to write “Alice’s Restaurant” because he had to live through the experiences “one at a time and add them to the little song.”
His mother was a dance teacher at Indian Hill camp in Stockbridge.
His father was Protestant, his mother was Jewish, and he was raised Orthodox. In 1977 he converted to Catholicism.
His grandmother was a Yiddish poet named Aliza Greenblatt.
He was taught Hebrew for his bar mitzvah by Meir Kahane, the controversial American-Israeli rabbi who later founded the Jewish Defense League and was assassinated in New York City in 1990.
His full name has an unusual story. His mother read to him from a series of children’s books called “Arlo Books” about a Swiss boy named Arlo. But because she and Woody were concerned their son would hate the strange name growing up, they tacked on the middle name Davy, in case he preferred to use that. Davy was a nod to Davy Crockett.
When he was in sixth grade, he walked into school and heard kids singing his father’s hit, “This Land Is Your Land,” and he realized he didn’t know the words. He quickly learned them.
When he was asked about the divisive 2016 election year, he responded: “There’s certainly a wide variety of opinions out there, but I think the overwhelming feeling is that as a nation we have moved from a government of, for and by the people to one that is of, for and by outside interests. People react differently to that common feeling in all the ways we see reflected in the opinions expressed. My own feeling is, we will get our country back, but it’s going to take a little longer than one election cycle.”
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antonio-velardo · 1 year
Antonio Velardo shares: Homes for Sale in New York and New Jersey by BY JILL P. CAPUZZO AND CLAUDIA GRYVATZ COPQUIN
By BY JILL P. CAPUZZO AND CLAUDIA GRYVATZ COPQUIN This week’s homes are a five-bedroom in Huntington Bay, N.Y., and a four-bedroom in Princeton, N.J. Published: February 16, 2023 at 09:00AM from NYT Real Estate https://ift.tt/jB4zQ6P via IFTTT
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keekee-things · 2 years
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Something for that Special Man in your Life. #mensfashion #menwithstyle , #menstyle ,#mens ……Find these and so much more @devoshion.shop in Huntington, N.y at the Walt Whitman Shops. (at Long Island, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl7Ig79P2Pj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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africasiaeuro · 3 years
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